Lessons on Success

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Whet her it’s our r elat ionships, wor k life, or per sonal habit s, ever ybody has an ar ea t hey can impr ove. For mor e t han a centur y, Napoleon Hill’s seventeen pr inciples of per sonal achievement have ser ved as an illuminat ing guide for t hose of us looking to make change happen in our lives. An inter nat ionally bes t selling aut hor and ent r epr eneur, Hill wanted to see what made succes s f ul people succes s f ul. And

Les sons on Succes s is t he key to Hill’s acclaim— t his is t he complete and unabr idged guide for achieving your goals.


make the impossible possible

Af ter inter viewing dozens of indus t r ialist s, diplomat s, and lear ned into t hese seventeen acces sible cor e les sons t hat will set you up to achieve succes s in your life.

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t hought leader s fr om all walks of life, Hill dist illed what he

Based on the International Bestseller

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SUCCESS 17 Principles of Personal Achievement Through Action & Attitude

$16.99 U.S.

Small books. BIG IMPACT.


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ISBN-13: 978-1-7282-1777-2

6/19/20 4:17 PM

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