“Venetia had no guile, and no affections; she knew the world only by the books she had read; experience had never taught her to doubt the sincerity of anyone who did her a kindness. So when Damerel, seeing the approach of a carriage around the bend of the avenue, strolled out to meet his guest it was neither a wrathful goddess nor a young lady on her dignity who sprang down from the vehicle and gave him both her hands, but a beautiful, ingenuous creature with no consciousness in her frank eyes, but only a glow of warm gratitude...”
One of the most beguiling, charming, intelligent, and humorous heroines to grace the Regency period, Venetia ranks among Georgette Heyer’s most unforgettable. Find out for yourself why legions of Heyer fans read the affair of Venetia and the rakis Lord Damerel again and again.