Why Love
M a de Sp e c i a l For :
M a de Sp e c i a l B y:
Gregory E. Lang wit h m e agan l ang
To the best grandpa in the whole, wide world!
O t h e r b ook s by Gr e g ory E . L a ng: w h y i l ov e gr a n dm a w h y a s on n e e d s a mom w h y a s on n e e d s a da d w h y a daugh t e r n e e d s a mom w h y a daugh t e r n e e d s a da d w h y i c ho s e you w h y i l ov e you w h y m y h e a rt s t i l l s k i p s a b e at w h y i n e e d you w h y w e a r e a fa m i ly why we are friends g ood lu c k , gr a duat e b ro t h e r s a n d si s t e r s si m pl e ac t s l ov e sign s life maps t h a n k you, mom t h a n k you, da d b e c au s e you a r e m y daugh t e r b e c au s e you a r e m y s on
wit h m e agan l ang
M a de Sp e c i a l For :
M a de Sp e c i a l B y:
Dedicated with love to Jacobs Eugene Lang and in memory of Obie Lee “O. L.” Brown Charles Miller Lang Howard Eugene “Gene” Hord —Gregory
To Gramps—for many fond memories of love, laughs, and good times. You mean the world to me. —Meagan
Copyright © 2013 by Gregory E. Lang and Meagan Lang Cover and internal design © 2013 by Sourcebooks, Inc. Cover and internal placeholder photographs by Gregory E. Lang Sourcebooks and the colophon are registered trademarks of Sourcebooks, Inc. Put Me In the Story is a trademark of Sourcebooks, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems—except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews—without permission in writing from its publisher, Sourcebooks, Inc. Published by Put Me In the Story, a publication of Sourcebooks, Inc. P.O. Box 4410, Naperville, Illinois 60567–4410 (630) 961–3900 Fax: (630) 961–2168 www.putmeinthestory.com First published by Cumberland House, an imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Printed and bound in the United States of America LSI 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
y grandfather was a
major figure in my early years, and although he died before I became a teenager, I carry his beloved memory with me still. Along with my parents, he is credited with shaping the man I have become and, along with my father, is the model for the grandfather I hope to be one day. It was my grandfather who first impressed upon me the importance of family, of tradition, and of loving one’s work. These are values that remain with me today that I try now to impress upon my child. I have placed several photographs of my grandfather around my home and have enjoyed telling my daughter about him when the occasion arises. Like me when I was a young boy, my daughter has only one grandfather to enjoy. I make sure that they have ample time to spend together, so that she is left with as many memories of growing up with him as I have of growing up with my grandfather, Obie Lee.
he makes each grandchild feel uniquely special.
he doesn’t forget I’m just a kid.
he lets me get away with something now and then.
he teaches me how to play well with others.
he doesn’t sweat the small stuff.
he keeps me laughing.
he encourages me every day.
he lets me drive in the yard.
he treats others with dignity.
he always makes time for me.
he never loses his patience with me.
he helps me see what I cannot yet see for myself.
he likes to drive with the windows down.
he teaches me about strength of character.
he gives me straight answers.
he listens with interest to everything I say.
he gives me courage to face what frightens me.
he teaches me to keep my promises.
he helps me accept what I cannot understand.
he lets me tease him.
he is a safe spot for me to return to.
he shows me the meaning of loyalty.
he challenges me to be the best I can be.
he is supportive of all that I do.
Nobody can possibly take Grandpa’s place. Grandpa is such fun, what child couldn’t love him? After all, he dotes on us. He challenges us. He jokes with us. We’ll never forget how he makes us feel like the most important person in the world.