O F F - RO A D F RO N T WHEELING If you like spending a lot of time outdoors, this off-road front wheel is ideal as it is attached to the frame of your manual wheelchair and enables greater stability and speed on pavement, sand, grass and even mud! POA. emedical.com.au
T H E M AT R X C U S H I O N This cushion is designed to provide superior positioning, stability and comfort. The design features an anatomically contoured shape together with a high resilient foam base to provide optimal positioning and skin protection. POA, mogowheelchairs.com.au
Accessories From functional to FUN – we’ve found some great accessories that will be the perfect addition for your child’s wheelchair.
WHEEL COVERS Individualise and personalise your wheelchair, just like you! Choose or create your own spoke guards with whatever style your heart desires. POA. wheelchairsandstuff.com.au
ACTIV LIFE 2 TIRE PA C K L E D L I G H T S FOR WHEELS To brighten up your ride – these super cool LED rim lights will get you noticed! Originally designed for bicycle wheels, they are very popular and accessible for wheelchair
users. RRP $36, amazon.com.au
The Quokka Smart Phone Case features an easy to open ring pull and a hard case to protect your phone – easy to install and access, it is made from high quality materials for durability and safety. RRP $65. activemobility.com.au
V E RT I C A L B A G The Quokka Vertical Bag features a quick release clamp system that
BACKREST – WHEELCHAIR CUSHION The JAY J3 HV Back’s is designed to help with
both fastens and secures onto
regulating body temperature. Evaporative
mobility aids such as walkers,
cooling helps to dissipate moisture, while
scooters and wheelchairs. RRP
the heating system warms throughout the back!
From $1444, sunrisemedical.com.au