Finnish-Russian forest academy preparation

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Concept of CONIFER - Connecting Finnish-Russian Forest Sector Expertise Formerly called the Finnish-Russian Forest Academy



CONCEPT CONIFER - Connecting Finnish-Russian Forest Sector Expertise (Formerly the Finnish-Russian Forest Academy)

Contents 1. Introduction of CONIFER ................................................................................................ 3 2. Added value of CONIFER ................................................................................................ 4 3. Main functions ............................................................................................................... 4 4. Legal structure ............................................................................................................... 4 5. Management of the CONIFER ........................................................................................ 5 6. Financing ....................................................................................................................... 6 7. Members of the CONIFER .............................................................................................. 7 8. Promotion of the CONIFER ............................................................................................. 7 ANNEX 1 Tentative plan for the annual event of CONIFER. ............................................................... 9


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland


1. Introduction of CONIFER


The importance of vital forest sector to the economies of Finland and Russia, especially North-West Russia, is an acknowledged fact. The forest sector is currently facing great challenges, partly for different reasons in Finland and in Russia. Supporting the competitiveness of the forest sector in the region by education, research and innovations will sustain existing and create new business and employment opportunities. Higher education and research institutions are centres for producing new knowledge, innovations and educating skilled professionals, which are the key factors also for the regeneration capacity of the forest industry. The development of cross-border cooperation will benefit both Finnish and Russian forest sectors in handling their shared and individual challenges. The establishment of CONIFER has been prepared within the project called “Finnish-Russian Forest Academy Preparation” funded by South-East Finland – Russia ENPI CBC programme. During the project, the needs and wishes regarding Finnish-Russian forest sector cooperation were surveyed with a questionnaire and interviews in different companies and organisations. Based on the survey, the needs and support for cross-border cooperation are quite different in Finland and in Russia, but support and coordination are expected on both sides of the border. Due to the demands raised by the stakeholders during the project, the CONIFER network will be established to support the competitiveness of and to enhance cooperation in the forest sector. The CONIFER network is meant to work as a link between educational and research institutions, industry, companies, public organisations and authorities of the forest sector by connecting experts and professionals from different fields of the forest sector from both Finland and Russia. Through the network of professionals and experts, CONIFER can arrange e.g. professional education for the staff of forest sector organisations. CONIFER acts as an information platform and coordinating body in Finnish-Russian events, education, training, and research and development projects in the forest sector. Fundamentally, CONIFER


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland



is an open format and, if required, parties interested in can continually develop the ideas further also in other relevant areas of interest. 2. Added value of CONIFER

CONIFER creates added value to its members and stakeholders by developing and enhancing mutual trust between Finnish and Russian stakeholders from the forest and forest-related sectors. This will result in mutually beneficial and more efficient cooperation and knowledge transfer both nationally and internationally.

3. Main functions

The main functions and activities of CONIFER can include, but are not limited to: 1. Organising an annual, thematic networking event bringing together researchers of forest and technical sciences as well as experts from industry and public organisations. The tentative plan of the annual event is described in more detail in Annex 1. 2. Coordinating and organising professional, continuous training events. 3. Creating new research and development partnerships for crossborder cooperation and regional development. 4. Initiating, organising and coordinating joint research and development projects. 5. Acting as a link and a contact point between educational and research institutions and forest related industry in the FinnishRussian operating environment.

4. Legal structure

Initially, CONIFER will operate as an open network, but the structure can be changed later, if circumstances and members of the network so require. The network will be coordinated by one of the founding members, which will act as the host of the network. The hosting member will


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland



also be the legal representative of CONIFER. The hosting of CONIFER can be rotated. The activities are funded by the members of the network and by other external support from Finland and Russia (companies, ministries, other stakeholders). In addition, CONIFER can obtain income from event sales. CONIFER is open for all interested parties to join. The activeness of CONIFER will depend much on its members; the motivated and active members will help in concretising the functions of CONIFER.

5. Management of The management and administration of CONIFER is intended to be CONIFER kept rather simple. CONIFER will have an advisory board to secure the correct course of actions of CONIFER and at least one coordinator, but preferably two – one in Finland one in Russia – to organise the activities in practice. The advisory board will consist of representatives of the participating universities, industry and companies of the forest sector as well as public organisations. The advisory board will be elected for a two-year period and will meet twice a year. The members of the new advisory board will be recommended by the “old”, existing advisory board. (The first advisory board will be elected in a meeting of the founding members of CONIFER.) In addition, emails and internet meetings are recommended. The chairman of the advisory board will act as a spokesperson for CONIFER, giving a face to CONIFER and representing it in different events and situations. The tasks of the advisory board include: To elect the chairman of the advisory board To decide on the vision and strategy of CONIFER To determine the key development trends of CONIFER To approve the action plan of CONIFER


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland



To ensure that the objectives set for CONIFER are met and the agreed activities are carried out as planned To help in establishing and maintaining relationships with relevant stakeholders and sponsors To develop and monitor the activities of CONIFER To choose the coordinator(s) or a coordinating organisation The tasks of the coordinator(s) are: To prepare the annual plans and reports of CONIFER To plan the activities and tasks in the fields for which they are responsible To organise and coordinate the events and other activities To carry out the daily activities of CONIFER To promote visibility of events and activities of CONIFER To recruit new members and maintain the network To organise the fund raising, negotiate with potential sponsors

6. Financing

Basic funding is needed to cover the operational costs of coordinating and organising the activities of CONIFER. Operational costs mainly include the salaries of the coordinator(s), office costs, visibility costs and travel expenses. Costs related to organising events or training sessions will be covered by fees and sponsorship income. Funding requirements for the following year will be determined annually in a budget to be agreed upon, in due time during the preceding year by the CONIFER advisory board. Basic funding for CONIFER will be gathered from various sources in Finland and Russia: e.g. membership fees, event sales, industry grants, public funding, EU grants, project funding, donations, etc.


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland



As a non-profit body, CONIFER is not, however, aiming at making a profit. Estimated annual budget (euros) for CONIFER: Salaries (salaries of coordinators, fees of the chairman) Office costs (rent, ICT, office supplies)

4 500

Travel expenses

25 000


10 000

Other costs Total â‚Ź

7. Members of CONIFER

87 500

5 000 132 000

A minimum of three founding members are needed to establish CONIFER. The founding members and members who will join CONIFER afterwards can be organisations, not private persons or employees of different organisations. All types of organisations can join CONIFER: educational institutions, research institutions, private and public companies of all sizes and public organisations. Member organisations can be from both Finland and Russia. To become a member, the organisations need to apply for membership. Membership is granted by recommendation of one of the founding members.

8. Promotion of CONIFER

In order to gain visibility and recruit members to CONIFER, information about CONIFER and its activities requires visibility and promotion. The coordinator(s) are responsible for the visibility and promotion. CONIFER will have its own web-site for delivering information about its activities, events and results.


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland



In addition, CONIFER may have an electronic newsletter that will be sent to its members and other interest groups at frequent intervals. Furthermore, CONIFER will offer articles to be published in professional journals and newspapers and may organise discussion events. Events arranged by CONIFER will be advertised in printed and electronic media. Some printed marketing material with CONIFER’s own visual image will be produced to support promotion and visibility.


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland




Tentative plan for the annual event of CONIFER Introduction

The most important activity of CONIFER, and a very concrete one, is an annual, thematic networking event which brings together young scientists and researchers of forest and technical sciences, and professionals and experts from industry and public organisations. The annual event will serve as a forum for generating ideas for other events and projects and information exchange in the framework of forest sector cooperation between Finland and Russia. The annual thematic event will bring visibility for CONIFER and create a platform where other collaboration can be developed and carried out.


The theme of the event will be different each year and chosen by a board of experts. The yearly theme is to be as topical as possible and serve the interests of industry and the forest sector as a whole. The idea is to bring together experts interested in the same topic, but from different perspectives. The event will provide an opportunity for young scientists to introduce their research, innovations and possible business ideas to their peers, but also to more experienced professionals. Researchers may introduce, discuss and develop project ideas in special workshops. Students, researchers and industry representatives may work on solving special problems which are of current interest to a certain company or companies. The expert lectures from company representatives will be part of the annual programme, as well. The event may also include special training sessions or workshops for young scientists on skills needed in the world of work, project management, project funding, research and innovation commercialisation, etc. In addition, special training sessions can be organised for industry representatives in conjunction with the event.


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland


Target groups


The event is targeted for doctoral students, researchers, and representatives of business, industry and public organisations of the forest sector. One of the key aims of the event is to draw attention to the forest sector: create a positive image for the sector and publicise it. Forests ensure a comfortable and healthy environment, but also the forest industry and forest-based industry provide advantages – jobs, new business opportunities and well-being – for the future generations.

Place and time of the event

The location of the event is planned to be rotated: every other year in Finland and every other year in Russia, giving an opportunity for students and young scientists to participate without being concerned about excessively high registration fees and travel expenses. The venue of the event will be either the premises of a university or a conference venue. The annual event will most probably be held in autumn, but scheduled in a way that is suitable for each target group.

Funding the event

Organising such an event requires a substantial amount of human resources, but also money. The registration fees will partly cover the arrangement costs of the event, which means that external money will also be required. Companies will be offered a chance to sponsor the event. They will be offered visibility, such as logos in the event materials, booth space in the exhibition area, a possibility for company presentations, expert lectures, etc. Financial support will also be requested from ministries of the sector in Finland and Russia and from different foundations. Individual students may receive grants from different organisations to cover their registration fee and travel expenses.


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland


Organiser of the event


The main organiser of the event will be one of the network members together with other universities. Alternatively, if there is a separate legal structure/body behind CONIFER, it will be the organiser of the event.


The project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland

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