Project areas in Russia Vyborg District of the Leningrad Reggion, rivers Selezn nevka, Busllovka, Gusiinaya, Malin novkka (Chernayaa) and their tributaries
Kurortnyi District of St. Petersburg and d Vyborg Disttrict of the Leningrad Reggion, zakaznik «Gladyshevsky», rivers Gladyshevka and Roshchinka.Vyborg
Contacts: Matti Vaittinen Project manager Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Southeast Finland phone: +358 40 775 4966 e-mail:
Rivers and fish – our common interest
Sergey Titov Project coordinator State Research Institute On Lake and River Fisheries, St. Petersburg Charitable Public Organization “Biologists for Nature Conservation” phone: +7 812 323 7724 e-mail: Elmira Zaynagutdinova Project secretary St.Petersburg Charitable Public Organization “Biologists for Nature Conservation” phone: +7 812 328 9620 e-mail: Project website:
This project is co-funded by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Finland
Progra Prog ram: m: 200 0077-20 2013 13 Sou outh th-E -Eas asst Fi F nllan a dd-Ru Russ ssia ia ENPI EN PI CBC Proj Pr ojec ectt ti time meli line ne:: 28 28.003.20 20011 – 28. 8 033.2201 0 4 Thee ob Th o jective of the pro oje ject ject c is to o imp mpro r ve the ro ecological state of rivers in ec n th the he Vy V bo orgg Dissttrric ict of the Leni Le ningrad region, ensu su uri ring n exi ng x stten nce ce and d viiaability of valuable speciess of of o salmo almo al mon on fi fish shess. Th sh shes Thee pr proj ojec oj e t also prrom p o ottes envirron onme meental m ntal tou nt o ri r sm m, deevelo veelo lopm lopm ment of rec ecre r at re a io on aan nd en nd envi vviiro on nm menta men taal eed duccat atio i n.
• Sci cien enti t fi ficc re r seear arch ch aim i ing at recoveryy off salmo m n and trou outt po populations (annua ual monitoringg of fish fauna, st stud udyy of gen enetic structure off sal almon n po popu p laati tion ons).
• En Ensuri ring ng fre reee mi migr grat atio ion n of fi fissh in tar arge gett ri rive vers rs ((removing ob o stac acle les, s, int ntro rodu duci cing ng tec echn hnol olog ogical changes g to the dams)).
• Protec ection n of fo f re r stts in n river ivver er’s’ss bas a in ins ns area arreaas. s
Projjec P ectt pa p rt rtne neers rs: • Ba Balt ltic ic Fun nd fo f r Na N tu ture r (St St.. Pe Pete teers rsbu burg bu rgg cha hari riitabl taabl be publ pu bllicc org rgan rg an nis isat atio at io on ‘‘‘Bi B ol o og ogis ists ts for o Nat atur uree ur C ns Co n er erva vati va tiion n’’’) • St Stat atee Re Rese sseearrch h Ins n ti titu tute tee on La Lake kee and Rivver e F sh Fi sher erie riiees (G GossNI NIOR NIOR RKh h) • Co Comm mmit mm ittte teee fo forr Naatu tura raal Re R so s ur urce cess of thee ce Leni Le ning ni ngra ng rad ra d Re Regi gion gi o on • Co Comm mmit mm i te it t e fo f r En nvi viro ro onm nmen e t Pr en Prot otec ot ecti ec tion on and n Natu Na tura tu rall Reeso ra sour urce cees of o the Adm dmin inis in istr is t attio tr on off the h Muni Mu nici ni ciipa pall Au Auth thor th orit or ityy of Vyb it ybor orgg Di or D st stri rict ri ct of th the Leni Le ning ni ngra ng rad ra d Re Regi gion gi on • Ce C nt ntre re of Ec Econ onom on omic om i Dev ic e el elop opme op ment me nt,, Tr nt Tran ansp an sportt and an d th thee En Envi viro vi ronm ro nm men entt fo forr So Sout uthe ut heas he astt Fi as F nl nlan and an d (Kou (K o vo ou vola laa) • Fi Finn nnis ish is h Ga Game me and Fis ishe h ri he ries es Res e earch Institut utee ut • Fo Forest sttry Cen e te terr fo forr So S ut uthe h as he a t Finland • South Kare reeli liaa Fi F sh sher e y Ce er C nt n re
Pearl mussel, an endangered species, is in the focus of protection.
• Re Rest stor orin i g majorr rapi rapids dss dur urin ingg ec in ecol olog ol oggiiccal al camp ca m s. mp s
• De D velopment off sus usta tain inab able le eco co-t -tou ouri rism sm and fish fi s ing in project sh c area, ecologicall ed educ ucattio ion n fo f r lo loca c l ca peop pe ople op l .