Fall 2012 Corporate and Community Education Schedule

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corporate and community education

fall 2012

you might notice that the content in this catalog is organized a little differently. no need to fear! it’s easy. we have broken down the classes into five main categories: 1) personal skills development 2) noon symposia 3) recreational 4) business and industry and 5) professional development. in each section, classes are listed according to the date they will be held. however, you will also find an index of classes in the back of the book if that is easier for you. enjoy. . .

contents personal skills development . . . . . . . . .p 3


noon symposia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p 6 recreational . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p 7 noon symposia . . .and . . . industry . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ..p. .4 . . . p 10 business parent and child classes . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. p professional development . . 5. . . . p 14 dance . . registration . . . . . . . . . . . form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. .6 . . . . p 15 ACT Prepindex . . . . . of . . classes . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. p . . . . . . p 16 noon symposia . . . . . . . . . . p 4 noon symposia . . . . . . . . . . p 4 noon symposia . . . . . . . . . . p 4 noon symposia The . . .SouthArk . . . . . .office . p 4of Corporate and Community Education is housed in the Workforce Development Community Education noon symposia center . . . . on . . the . . East . . pcampus. 4 classes, seminars, workshops, and camps offer a variety of opportunities for cultural, educational, and noon symposia . . . . activities . . . . . .for p all 4 ages. Classes are organized life-enriching on demand and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome. New schedules are released three times per year. Office Administration: Jamie McConathy, Dean of Continuing Education Sherri Whitehead, Senior Coordinator Tara Anglin, Community Education Coordinator Sherry Briggs, Administrative Assistant 870.864.7192 ce@southark.edu 3698 East Main Rd. E l D o r a d o, A R


personal skills development Photography Basics Instructor: Bill Ward, Bill Ward Photography Saturday, September 1 10 am - 1 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $99.00

Fundraising Instructor: Beth Weldon, VP of Marketing at First Financial Bank Thursday, September 20 11:30 am - 1 pm SouthArk Library Auditorium Fee: $10.00

In this beginner-level class, students will primarily spend time exploring features on their camera and learning what unique things to look for when taking photographs. Bill Ward is the owner of Bill Ward Photography in Conway, Arkansas and has an archive of over a half million photographs. Featured in numerous city establishments, including the Conway Police Station and the Conway Chamber of Commerce, Ward is the primary source of city photography in Conway. He has also published two photographic history books, Conway As It Was...As It Is and Beyond the River...Stories of Life Near the Arkansas. Class size limited to 15 students. Outdoor Photography Instructor: Bill Ward, Bill Ward Photography Saturday, September 1 2 pm - 5 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $99.00 This intermediate-level class will consist primarily of outdoor shooting alongside instructional experimentation. Class size limited to 15 students. Photography for iPad Instructor: Larry Powell Mondays, September 10 - September 24 6 pm - 8 pm 9.10 SouthArk CFWD East Campus 9.17 Elm Street Bakery 9.24 SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $45.00

Computer Basics Instructor: Bobbie Smith Monday, October 15 5 pm - 7 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $15.00 Learn the basics of successfully operating a computer in this hands-on class. Students will learn the basic components of the computer, how to browse the web, and establish an e-mail account. No prior experience necessarry. Class size limited to 10 students. Facebook for Grandparents Instructor: Bobbie Smith Mondays, October 22 5 pm - 7 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $15.00

Accomodating all levels of smart-device familiarity, this class will investigate the great tool your smart device can be in the world of photography. The first class will cover the different apps available for photo editing, the second class will consist of outdoor shooting in historical downtown El Dorado, and the third class will demonstrate how to upload photos onto the computer. Instruction is geared for the Apple iPad and iPhone, but all devices are welcome.

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Having spent years as a professional fundraiser, Beth knows both the challenges and importance of getting corporate sponsorship and donations. In the past five years, as VP of Marketing for First Financial Bank, she’s sat on the “other side” of the desk. She has the unique perspective of being both the “giver” and the “receiver” of corporate donations and will share those things she wishes she had known - from the “other side” of the desk.


Wonder what this ‘Facebook’ thing is all about? Scared of checking it out for yourself in fear that it’s too complicated? Well this class is for you. Come learn all about the social media phenomenon that you hear so much about in this brief instructional class. Students will learn how to create their own profile and will be connecting with friends and family, all over the world, in no time. Class is limited to 10 students.

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4 Growing Up WILD Instructor: Laura Rogers, AGFC Monday, October 22 - Tuesday, October 23 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: FREE

Hunter’s Education Instructor: Johnny Knighten Tuesday/Thursday, September 4-13 6 pm - 9 pm SouthArk Library Auditorium Fee: FREE

Growing Up WILD is an activities-based curriculum for teachers of preschool through 2nd grade. This is a hands-on workshop that provides modeling of lessons and learning centers. Book lists and other teaching tools will be available. This class is correlated to NAEYC standards and Head Start domain. Six hours of professional development is available. Activity guide is included. Class is limited to 20. To register, call Laura Rogers at 870.818.6378, the office of continuing education at 864.7192, or e-mail ce@southark.edu.

Hunter’s Education Instructor: Johnny Knighten Tuesday/Thursday, October 2-11 6 pm - 9 pm SouthArk Library Auditorium Fee: FREE

Writing for Children Instructor: Ramona Wood, author Tuesdays, October 23 - November 20 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $95.00

By Arkansas law, anyone born after Jan. 1, 1969 will be required to take Hunter Education and carry a certification card. The cerfication is mandatory in most western and mid-western states. Young hunters and adults who will be hunting out-of-state are urged to attend the class. You must attend all four classes. There is no fee for this course. Advance registration required.

Ramona Wood, author and illustrator of The Goat Woman of Smackover and some children’s publications will present “Why Children’s Books Are Here to Stay.” She will also reveal three ways children’s picture book writing differs from other writing and how to become savvy in this competitive field.

To register, call 864.7192 or e-mail ce@southark.edu

Sew Simple 1 Instructor: Bobbie Smith Mondays, November 5 - December 3 6 pm - 8 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $54 + Supplies

Boating Education Instructor: Laura Rogers Tuesday/Thursday, October 30 - November 1 6 pm - 9 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: FREE Anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 1986, and of legal age to operate a moterboat, must have successfully completed an approved Arkansas Game and FIsh Commission Boating Education Course and carry proof while operating a motorboat on Arkansas water. The law also affects operators of sailboats. The Arkansas Boating Education Course teaches the fundamentals of safe and responsible boating.

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This is a beginner level class for anyone interested in learning how to sew. You’ll learn the parts of a machine, basic stitching and technique, necessary equipment, and key terms. No sewing experience necessary. Open to anyone over the age of 14. Students should bring a portable sewing machine, scrap fabric, and a basic sewing kit to class the first night. Additional supplies will be discussed

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personal skills development personal skills development Beginning Upholstery Beginning Upholstery Instructor: Bullock’s Upholstery Instructor: Bullock’s Upholstry Saturday, November 3 November 3 Saturday, 10 am - 12 Noon 10 am - 12 Noon SouthArk CFWD East Campus SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $10.00 Fee: $

ACT Prep Class ACT Prep Class Instructor: Jeff Ulmer & Jeff Janice Attebery Instructor: Ulmer & Janice Attebery Tuesday/Thursday, October 2 - October Tuesday/Thursday, October25 2 - October 25 5:30 pm - 7:30 pmpm - 7:30 pm 5:30 SouthArk CFWD East Campus SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $75.00 Fee: $75.00 Ever wanted to change the to worn-out, Ever wanted change outdated the worn-out, outdated fabric on yourfabric grandpa’s old grandpa’s chair? Thisold class will ThisOpen on your chair? class to willALL Open area students sophomore and to ALL area students level sophomore level and teach the basic methods professional teach the of basic methods of professional above. Students willStudents receive focused preperation above. will receive focused preperation upholstery forupholstery furniture. Students will provide for furniture. Student willin provide the areas in of the English, Comprehension, areasReading of English, Reading Comprehension, preferred furniture and furniture fabric. Due to fabric. short time preferred and Due to short time Science Reasoning, Math. A and practice test in a Scienceand Reasoning, Math. A practice test in a frame of class, please sureplease to choose a fairly frame ofbe class, be sure to choose a fairly simulated test environment followed by followed scoring by scoring simulated test environment basic piece ofbasic furniture. 864-8456 or e-mail piece Call of furniture. and additionaland one-on-one will be held on additionaltutoring one-on-one tutoring will be held on tanglin@southark.edu for details regarding class the last session. limitedSpace to 25limited participants. the Space last session. to 25 participants. supplies. ClassIntroduction size is limited 15 students. to to Excel Advance registration Advancerequired. registration required. Instructor: Catherine Harrell Introduction Mondays, to Excel November 5 - November 12 Basic Guitar Basic Guitar Instructor: Catherine 6 pm - 8 Harrell pm Instructor: Osman LatinoOsman Latino Instructor: Mondays, November - November 12 SouthArk5CFWD East Campus Tuesdays/Thursdays, November 6 -November November615 Tuesdays/Thursdays, - November 15 6 pm - 8 pm Fee: $ 6 pm 8 pm 6 pm 8 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus SouthArk East Campus SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $30.00 It is easy to shy away from using Microsoft ExcelCFWD Fee: $45.00/student Fee: $45.00/student because of how complicated it initially seems. This It is easy to shy away from using class is designed toMicrosoft break thatExcel preconcieved level MabeExcel you’ve Mabe alwaysyou’ve wantedalways to learn guitar, to butlearn guitar, but wanted because of how complicated it initially seems. of difficulty by walking through steps of basic have been a bit shybeen abouta itbit or shy thought classes have about it or thought classes This class is designed to break that preconcieved functions. would be too costly. This class will offer you the would be too costly. This class will offer you the level of difficulty by walking through steps of basic opportunity to learn guitar in a small group (no opportunity to learn guitar in a small group (no Excel functions. Self Defense for Women more than 10)more for anthan affordable Popular price. Popular 5) for price. an affordable Instructor: Jimmy Bennett instructor Osman Latino makes learning guitar fun guitar fun instructor Osman Latino makes learning Self Defense Tuesdays, for WomenNovember 6 - November 20 and unintimidating. Students need to bring their and unintimidating. Students need to bring their Instructor: Jimmy 6 pm Bennett - 7 pm own acoustic own guitar. acoustic guitar. Tuesdays, November - November 20 SouthArk6 GYM 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Fee: $ 30 Day Cooking 30 Day Cooking SouthArk GYM Instructor: Bobbie SmithBobbie Smith Fee: $20.00 With increasing crime rates, it is imperative that Instructor: Thursday, 6 December 6 Thursday, women be proactive in educating themselves on December 5:30 pm 7:30 pm 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm With increasing crime rates, it isan imperative that how to overcome attack. A criminal lawyer and SouthArk CFWD East Campus SouthArk CFWD East Campus women be proactive educating themselves onwill be teaching a karatein black belt, Jimmy Bennett Fee: $15.00 how to overcome attack. A criminal andto handle ladiesanthe down and dirtylawyer of how the Fee: a karate blackunthinkable. belt, Jimmy Don’t Bennett be bewill a statistic. Is your fast-paced lifefast-paced making it hard to prepare Is your life making it hard to prepare teaching ladies the down and dirty of how to dinner for your family? youfamily? wish you dinner forDo your Dohad youthe wish you had the handle the unthinkable. Don’t be a statistic. extra time to extra spendtime withto those youwith love?those Dinner spend you love? Dinner doesn’t have doesn’t to be a chore, with do ahead have to beeasy a chore, with easy do ahead ideas you canideas service hot meal using youyour canfamily servceayour family a hot meal using dishes you have prepared and frozen. Thisand class dishes you have prepared frozen. This class will provide tips, and recipes make life a to make life a will ideas, provide tips, ideas,toand recipes little easier. little easier.

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noon noon symposia


Water Conservation in the Lawn and Landscape Birds of Prey Birds of Prey Water Conservation in the Lawn and Landscape Instructor: Robin Bridges Instructor: Arkansas Game andRepresentative Fish Commission Instructor: Robin Bridges Instructor: AGFC from Gov. Mike Wednesday, September Wednesday, November 7 Wednesday,12 September 12 Huckabee Delta River’s Nature Center 12 Noon - 1 pm Wednesday, November 7 Learn lawn and landscape tips for the average Owls, hawks,12eagles falcons are all birds of Noonand - 1 pm home owner with on for water prey, or raptors. In this noon symposium, we will Learn lawnanandemphasis landscape tips the average conservation home techniques such as mulching, use their andall birds of owner with an emphasis on waterlearn how these Owls,animals hawks, eagles and physical falcons are composting, conservation rain barrels, techniques rain gardens, and drip behavioral specializations to In catch prey. symposium, We will such as mulching, prey, or raptors. this noon we will irrigation. Thiscomposting, lecture will rain be led by Robin alsodriplearn learn the how physical and use behavioral barrels, rainBridges, gardens, and these animals their physical and University of Arkansas Extension Agent andRobin characteristicsbehavioral of raptors, understand irrigation.County This lecture will be led by specializations to catchthe prey. We will Staff Chair forBridges, Union County. Bridges has 28County years Extension importance ofalso raptors thephysical ecosystem, and study University of Arkansas learntothe and behavioral experience working with producers raptor characteristics using offeathers, and, the Agent and Staffagriculture Chair for Union County. Bridges characteristics raptors, skulls, understand and homeowners the experience area of agriculture and agriculture you guessed it...LIVE raptors. has 28inyears working with importance of raptors to the ecosystem, and natural resource development and maintenance. producers and homeowners in the area of study raptor characteristics using feathers, skulls, Holidayand Bingoand, you guessed it...LIVE raptors. agriculture and natural resource development Crazy Couponing PLACE: TBA*** maintenance. Instructor: Bobby Smith Wednesday, December 5 Signs: Early Detection Matters Know The 10 Wednesday, September 26 Crazy Couponing Instructor: Amber Holland Grab a friend Wednesday, - or meet some there - and Instructor: Bobbie Smith November 21 join us for Coupons save you $ $ $...it’s just that ofNoon fun! During Wednesday, September 26 simple! a lunch hour12 - 1 pm this symposium, we What’s not so12 simple Noonis- learning 1 pm how and where to will sit back, relax in good company, and enjoy a find the great deals. Mix up your lunch break and fun game of Holiday Bingo. willthe be no charge between a It may be hardThere to know difference come learn aCoupons few tips,save tactics, resources for simple! for this friendly game. Location you $and $ $...it’s just that typical age-related change is andto the be first sign of couponing. What’s not so simple is learning how andannounced. where Alzheimer’s disease. To help identify problems to find the great deals. Mix up your lunch break early, the Alzheimer’s Association created a list of Why Children’s Here to Stay andBooks comeAre learn a few tips, tactics, and resources warning signs for Alzheimer’s. Individuals may Instructor: Ramona Wood for couponing. experience one or more of these signs in different Tuesday, October 16 degrees. Hopefully, after listening to this Why Children’s Books Are Here to Stay presentation, you are able to help identify the 10 Ramona Wood, author and illustrator Instructor: Ramona Woodof The Goat signs and increase the changes of early dianosis in Woman of Tuesday, Smackover and 16other children’s October a loved one. publications 12 willNoon present “Why Children’s Books Noon Symposia are FREE and open to the public. - 1 pm Are Here to Stay.” She will also reveal three ways Unless otherwise stated, Holiday Bingothey will be held in the children’s picture book writing differs from other SouthArk Library Auditorium. Ramona Wood, author and illustrator of The Goat PLACE: TBA*** Doors will open at writing and Woman how to become savvy in children’s this Noon and theWednesday, class will begin at 12:15. of Smackover and other December 5 Students competitive publications field. See her “Why booksChildren’s at are encourage to - bring will present Books 12 Noon 1 pm their lunch, but RamonaWoodBoks.com Amazon.com. refreshments will be provided compliments of Are Here toand Stay.” She will also reveal three ways SouthArk. children’s picture book writing differs from other During this symposium, we will sit back, relax in Lunch and Politics writing and how to become savvy in this good company, and enjoy a fun game of Holiday Panel: Dr. John Sutherlin,field. Dr. Paul Babbitt, Dr. Ken Space is limited for There these will events. to friendly competitive Bingo. be noPlease chargeRSVP for this Bridges ce@southark.edu by calling game.orLocation is 870.864.7192. to be announced. Wednesday, October 17Politics Lunch and Panel: Dr. John Sutherlin, Dr. Paul Babbitt, Dr. Noon Symposia are FREE and open to the public. In honor of Ken the Bridges upcoming presidential election, Unless otherwise stated, they will be held in the this Symposium will not only be educational, but Wednesday, October 17 SouthArk Library Auditorium. Doors will open at it’s sure to 12 beNoon full -of1 pm a lively debate. Panel Noon and the class will begin at 12:15. Students members include Dr. John Sutherlin of ULM, Dr. are encouraged to bring their lunch, but Paul Babbitt of SAU, and SouthArk’s very own Dr. election, In honor of the upcoming presidential refreshments will be provided compliments of Ken Bridges. this Symposium will not only be educational, but SouthArk. it’s sure to be full of a lively debate. Panel members include Dr. John Sutherlin of ULM, Dr. Space is limited for these events. Please RSVP to Paul Babbitt of SAU, and SouthArk’s very own Dr. ce@southark.edu or by calling 870.864.7192. Ken Bridges.

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recreational Beginning Crochet Instructor: Jill Pickett Tuesdays, September 4 - October 9 6 pm - 8 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $59.00 + supplies

Bread Making Instructor: Laura Woolhiser Wednesday, September 12 6 pm - 8 pm SouthArk GYM Kitchen Fee: $20.00

Come join the fun in learning to crochet. Most of us think of crocheting as outdated, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In this class you will learn the basic stitches needed in most crochet patterns, as well as how to read a crochet pattern. By learning a few stitches you will be well on your way to creating a simple but beautiful dishcloth or even a hat for that special little one. Don’t miss out on the fun!

Get ready to plunge your hands in some dough during this bread making for the home baker class. In this one night class, you will be able to do the preparation for a loaf of bread, sample a few already made, and take home a recipe of your own!

Line Dance Series III Instructor: Mary Meadows Tuesday/Thursdays, September 18 - October 4 5:30 pm - 6 pm SouthArk GYM Fee: $29.00/student

Come have a taste of New Orleans folklore during this five-class series. Each class will include two recipes, one with seafood and one without. The students will learn how each entree is made. Samples will be provided. Class size limited to 12.

Line dances to be learned in series III include Carolyn’s Waltz, Ridin’, Swamp Thang, Lynda’s Night Club Two Step, Rumba Line Dance, Shake Rattle and Roll... and more as time allows.

9.27: Stuffed Artichokes, Crab stuffed mushrooms 10.04: Redfish Court-bullion, Ratatouille 10.11: Bread Pudding, Pralines 10.18: Red Beans and Rice, Shrimp Creole 10.25: Chicken and Sausage Gumbo, and Crawfish Etoufee.

Line Dance Series I Instructor: Mary Meadows Tuesday/Thursdays, October 9 - October 25 5:30 pm - 6 pm SouthArk GYM Fee: $29.00/student

That’s So Pinteresting: Pinterest 101 Instructor: Bobbie Smith Monday, October 8 5:30 pm - 7 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $15.00

Line dances to be learned in Series I include the Four Corners, Electric Slide, Simarron Stroll, Mustang Sally, Arknasas Cowgirl Twist, and More! No partner needed. **The line dance classes are part of an ongoing series. Once Line Dance I, II, and III are completed, students can join the SouthArk Line Dancers for $10 per month. PLUS, repeat Line Dance Series I, II, and III for FREE.

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Cookin’ Cajun Instructor: Catherine Harrell Thursdays, September 27 - October 25 6 pm - 8 pm SouthArk GYM Kitchen Fee: $19.00/class

Pinterest is making it‘s way to becoming a very promenant part of society today. Have you heard all the hype but haven’t jumped on the bandwagon? Maybe the thought seems overwhelming or maybe you simply haven‘t had the time. This class will cover the basics of this virtual ideabook. Students will leave having their own account, feeling comfortable with navigating the site, a few pinboards, and hopefully some helpful ideas already pinned!

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Guitar for Kids Instructor: Osman Latino Saturdays, October 13 - November 3 10 am - 12 Noon SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $45.00/student

Holiday Bird Feeding Instructor: Laura Rogers Saturday, December 1 10 am - 11:30 am SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: FREE

Instructor Osman Latino makes learning guitar fun and truly enjoys helping students reach their full musical potential. Open to children ages 6 & up. Students need to bring their own acoustic guitar.

This hands-on class will consist of making edible ornaments that can be hung outside for Arkansas birds to enjoy over the winter months. Mommy & Me: Gingerbread House Making Instructor: The Olde Towne Store Tuesday, October 4 5 pm - 6 pm The Olde Towne Store Fee: TBA

Holiday Tree Decorating Instructor: Rexayn Tribble, All About Flowers Saturday, October 20 2 pm - 3 pm All About Flowers Fee: $10.00

Grab your daughter and get in the Holiday spirit with gingerbread houses and the lovely environment at the Olde Towne Store. All materials for this class are included, all you need is yourself!

Christmas tree decorating is becoming more creative by the year. Join Rexayn Tribble with All About Flowers as she explains how she does her beautiful tree. Participants will learn how to use decomesh as well as other trendy decorating items.

Holiday Spa Instructor: Bobbie Smith Saturday, December 8 10 am - 12 Noon SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $15.00

Gluten-Free Living Instructor: The Olde Towne Store Tuesday, November 6 5 pm - 6 pm The Olde Towne Store Fee: FREE For the health-conscious or the health-curious. From gluten-free bread to gluten-free make-up, there’s no way to deny that gluten-free products are making their way into the marketplace. Come learn all about these products and how they can benefit you. Dine on a Dime: Recipe Exchange Instructor: Bobbie Smith Thursday, November 15 5 pm - 6:30 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $10.00 This class will cover money-saving recipes and tips, menus, snack ideas, and more. Make sure to bring a recipe to share with the class.

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A holiday version of the Summer Spa favorite, students in this class will learn how to make inexpensive beauty products using simple ingredients. Students will create a facial mask, lotion, exfoliator, soap petals, mani-pedi products, and more. Holiday Tea Instructor: Elaine Strickland Saturday, December 15 12 Noon - 2:00 pm El Dorado Country Club $25.00 This event is designed to give ladies an afternoon out of the house to spend with their girlfriends, daughters, and/or granddaughters. It will include a New England-style tea, light hors d’oeuvres, fun music, and a fun, festive time.

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recreational recreational Geocaching Instructor: Mike Roberts Saturday, October 6 Wreath Making Wreath Making 10:00 am - 12 Noon Instructor: Rexayn Tribble, All About Flowers Instructor: Rexayn Tribble, All About Flowers SouthArk CFWD East Campus Date: TBA**Date: TBA** Fee: $10.00 All About Flowers All About Flowers Be WatchingBe For... Watching For...

Beginning Cake Decorating Beginning Cake Decorating Instructor: Julie Fite, The Cake Ladi Instructor: Julie Fite, The Cake Ladii Date: TBA**Date: TBA** SouthArk CFWD East Campus SouthArk CFWD East Campus Mommy & Me Cupcake Decorating Mommy & Me Cupcake Decorating Instructor: Julie Fite, The Cake Ladi Instructor: Julie Fite, The Cake Ladii Date: TBA**Date: TBA** SouthArk CFWD East Campus SouthArk CFWD East Campus Cookie Decorating Cookie Decorating Instructor: Julie Fite, The Cake Ladi Instructor: Julie Fite, The Cake Ladii Date: TBA**Date: TBA** SouthArk CFWD East Campus SouthArk CFWD East Campus Tin TreasuresTin Treasures Instructor: Marta Jinks Marta Jinks Instructor: Date: TBA**Date: TBA** SouthArk CFWD East Campus SouthArk CFWD East Campus

Frugal Living Instructor: Bobbie Smith Monday, October 1 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $10.00

A friendly reminder: Classes are organized on demand and suggestions are ALWAYS welcome - we want to hear from you!

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and businessbusiness and industry


Small Time Budget, Microsoft BigExcel/Access Time Marketing: Hybrid introduced Microsoft to theOffice concepts Access Boot related Camp to The BenefitsInstructor: of Social Media Rhonda Williams Byrd programming Instructor: VBA, suchRhonda as Objects Williams and the Byrd Object Instructor: Megan Thursday, Whitehead, September SAU 6 SBTDC library, Methods Thursday-Friday, and Properties, October proper 25-October method of26 Friday, September 8:30 am14- 4:30 pm Declaring Variables Thurs: 8:30 and amrunning - 4:30 pmother macros Simmons First SouthArk Bank Community CFWD East Room, Campus from withinFri: a macro. 8:30 am This - 4:30 classpm is designed for the 100 W. Grove Fee: St.$129.00/student - $99 for SAWTEC members beginner student SouthArk to Excel/Access CFWD East Campus macros and VBA, 9:00 am - 11:00 am but a thorough Fee: grasp $399/student of Excel -or $350 Access for SAWTEC featuresmembers Fee: FREE If you are looking to automate repetitive tasks in at least an intermediate level is necessary through Excel or Access, then this class will get youfor up and attending Beyond thisthe class. basics...here The class are some primarily of the things Not sure where running. to begin Students with will social getmedia an overview or why onconcentrates creating that onwill Excel, be included: but all questions table field will properties be with you should bother? Macros Businesses with the recorder, of all sizes editare and using debugentertained. macros LookUp Student values, files from Yes/No work values, thatValidation can be Rules, with the Visual tools Basic Editor, capture user input, online social networking to connect with used in classdefault are encouraged. values, pick-date calendars, and Input customers. And and why workwouldn’t with datathey? tables. It’sStudents an easy to wil be Masks; advanced querying with user defined use, free marketing introduced medium to thethat concepts nearlyrelated everyone to Microsoft Excel parameters, 2007: Level Update 1 and Make Table queries; form is already engaged programming in. We’llVBA, show such youasfive Objects low-cost and the Object Rhonda Instructor: controls,Williams layout and Byrd design; report controls with ways sociallibrary, media Methods can bolster and Properties, your current proper method Thursday, September calculated 20 fields; and labels. Also included in this marketing efforts, of Declaring and you’ll Variables leaveand with running your own other macros 8:30 am - 4:30 course pm are designing and implementing subforms social mediafrom marketing within aplan. macro. Learn This which class issocial designedSouthArk for the CFWD and split Eastforms; Campus indexes; importing and exporting media are abeginner good fitstudent for you,towhere Excel/Access your target macros Fee: and $109.00/student data; hyperlinks; - $99 for database SAWTEC security; members and customers are VBA,looking but a thorough online, and grasp what of Excel it could or Access customizing the Navigation Pane. Students: 1)will mean for your features business through if you at least aren’t aninvolved intermediate in You levelhave is basic complete computer the course skills by such designing as using anda social networking. necessary for attending this class. The class moush, navigating implemeneting throughawindows, fully-functional and surfing database from primarily concentrates on Excel, but all questions the net. Youthe have ground also up; used 2)are paper-based encouraged systems to submit Ideas To Assets: will be A entertained. Practical Guide Studenttofiles Patents, from work that dataproblems to store that you and run calculations questions they on.have you now experienced Copyrights & can Trademarks be used in class are encouraged. want to migrate with their that data own to data, an electronic bring Excelformat. data for Instructor: Mr. ------ Calhoun In this course, importing; you will3)will use Microsoft learn howOffice to useExcel Access as an Tuesday, October Microsoft 9 Excel 2007: Level 1 2007 to manage, additional edit, tool and to Excel. print data. You will 9:00 am - 12:30 Instructor: pm Rhonda Williams Byrd create and edit basic worksheets and workbooks. Fee: $45.00 Thursday, September 20 Students should be familiar with using personal 8:30 am - 4:30 pm SouthArk offersa customized computers and have used mouse and programs keyboard, and In collaboration with the Arkansas Small Business you shouldpre-employment SouthArk CFWD East Campus to help your business be comfortabletraining in the Windows and Technology Development - $99 Center, this members Fee: $129.00/student for SAWTEC today’s competitive environmentexcel andin be able highly to sue Windows economy. to workshop provides legal fundamentals for the manage information Training can be delivered at SouthArk or your on your computer. acquisition You of patents, have basic copyrihts computer and skills trademark such as using a business. Corporate headquarters and rights. It will mouse, also provide navigating thethrough basics windows, of how to and surfing manufacturers located in El Dorado can benefit protect those theintellectual net. You have property also used rights paper-based and how systems Microsoft Office from Access EWTP grants Boot Camp where part of your training to avoid to (orstore react data to) that you other’s run calculations claims ofon.Instructor: You Rhonda dollars will Williams be reimbursed. Byrd We will write the infringement. now **Approved want to migrate for 3 hours that data of CLE to an electronic Thursday-Friday, grant October for you and 25th-26th take care of all the paperwork format. In this course, you will use Microsoft 8:30 am - 4:30 making pm your training budget stretch further. Let Microsoft Excel/Access Office Excel Hybrid 2007 to manage, edit, and print data. CFWD SouthArk us know Eastyour Campus needs so we can help with training Instructor: Rhonda Byrd You will Williams create and edit basic worksheets Fee: and $399.00/student solutions. We - $350 arefor often SAWTEC able to find other Thursday, September 6 Students should be familiar with workbooks. companies with similar needs to help share 8:30 am - 4:30 pmpersonal computers and have used a mouse training costs. Contact us for a free consultation. using SouthArk CFWD East Campus and keyboard, you should be comfortable in the Call 864-7192 or e-mail ce@southark.edu. Fee: $109.00/student - $99 for SAWTEC members Windows environment and be able to use Windows to manage information on your If you are looking to automate repetitive tasks in computer. Excel or Access, then this class will get you up and running. Students will get an overview on creating Macros with the recorder, edit and debug macros with the Visual Basic Editor, capture user input, and work with data tables. Students wil be

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business and industry Microsoft Excel 2007: Level 2 Instructor: Rhonda Williams Byrd Thursday, November 15 8:30 am - 4:30 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $129.00/student - $99 for SAWTEC members In Microsoft Office Excel 2007: Level 1, you created, edited, formatted, and printed basic spreadsheets. You now have a need to streamline repetitive tasks and display spreadsheet data in more visually effective ways. In this course, you will use Microsoft Office Excel 2007 to streamline and enhance your spreadsheets with templates, charts, graphics, and formulas. You will apply visual elements and advanced formulas to a worksheet to display data in various formats. The target students for this course are students who desire to gain the skills necessary to create templates, sort and filter data, import and export data, analyze data, and work with Excel on the web. Students should already have knowledge of the basics of Excel, including how to create, edit, format, and print basic worksheets. Microsoft Powerpoint Instructor: Rhonda Williams Byrd Thursday, December 6 8:30 am - 4:30 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $129.00/student - $99 for SAWTEC members Audiences not only expect that your presentations are in an electronic format, but they also demand that your presentations be unique and sophisticated in their use of such formats. In this course, you will work with Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 to create electronic presentations. You will explore the PowerPoint environment and create a new presentation. You will format text on slides to enhance clarity. In order to enhance visual appeal, you will add graphical objects to a presentation and modify them. You will also add tables and charts to a presentation to present data in a structured form. You will then finalize a presentation to deliver it.

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Excel VBA Instructor: William Byrd Wednesday - Friday, December 12-14 Wed: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Thurs: 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Fri: 8:00 am - 12 Noon SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $129.00/student - $99 for SAWTEC members This VBA course is designed to give experienced Microsoft Office users proficiency in creating procedures that run in response to specific events, creating user forms to accept or display data, validating the data entry in user forms, and debugging and handling errors in code. Students are expected to have completed either Excel Level 3, Word Level 3, Access Level 3, or Macros class(es) or have equivalent experience prior to attending this class. Please call 864-7192 or e-mail ce@southark.edu to obtain complete course details. Instructor William Byrd has over 25 years experience as a Programmer and holds a variety of certifications. Considered an expert in the field, Byrd has conducted trainings and led courses for various companies and educational institutions across the state including Pulaski Tech and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Space limited to 10 students. Desktop Publishing/Word Interactive Instructor: Rhonda Williams Byrd Thursday, December 19 8:30 am - 4:30 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $129.00/student - $99 for SAWTEC members

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C-STOP (Contractor Safety Training Orientation Program) SouthArk CFWD East Campus Fee: $50.00/student

8-Hour HazWoper/C-Stop Combos 8:00 am - 5:00 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus $50.00/student

The C-Stop program meets a significant portion of the OSHA mandated contractor requirements. This increases safety-training efficiency for the contract employee due to a reduction in redundant information being presented. However, the C-Stop program is not meant to relieve contract companies of all training responsibilities. There are elements of the standards that require the contractor to provide employer specific information regarding policy and procedures as well as some hands on training on specific equipment. All subjects are covered at the orientation level. Contractors are required to take this training to receive a C-STOP badge to enter the plants of Lion Oil, Chemtura, El Dorado Chemical, DuPont, Albemarle, Entegra, Clean Harbors and Tetra. These companies also accept similar contractor safety orientation programs such as Basic Orientation Plus recognized by the Association of Reciprocal Safety Council within the past 12 months. The site-specific training for some of these plants is also offered. Two day advance registration is required or a late registration fee is charged. Call 864-8453 or e-mail ce@southark.edu for more information and registration instructions. All classes meet in SouthArk’s Center for Workforce Development, 3698 East Main in El Dorado. Various instructors are used. Check-in and photos are taken starting at 8:30 a.m. and classes begin at 9:00 a.m. Registration deadline is 2 business days prior to the class date. This is a ONE DAY course offered on the following days:

This one-day course meets the requirements in OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 for eight hours of annual refresher training for workers at hazardous waste sites and allows contractor employees to earn their C-STOP badges for entrance into participating company gates. A 24-hour Hazwoper initial training is a required prerequisite for taking the 8 hour Hazwoper Refresher. If someone has gone two years without refresher training, they need to retake the initial Hazwoper course. This course is offered on the following days: September 20, October 11, and December 6.

September: 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20 24, 25, 26, 27 October: 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31 November: 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 29 December: 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19 20

This course covers broad issues pertaining to the hazard recognition at work sites. OSHA has developed the HAZWOPER program to protect the workers at hazardous sites and devised extensive regulations to ensure their safety and health. This course, while identifying different types of hazards, also suggests possible precautions and protective measure to reduce or eliminate hazards at the work place. This course also allows contractors to earn their C-STOP badges for entrance into participating company gates. This course is offered on the following days: October 30-November 1 and December 18-20.

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24-Hour HazWoper - $180 per person 8:00 am - 5:00 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus $180.00/student This course covers broad issues pertaining to hazard recognition at work sites. OSHA developed the HAZWOPER program to protect workers at hazardous sites and devised extensive regulations to ensure their safety and health. This course, while identifying different types of hazards, also suggests possible precautions and protective measure to reduce or eliminate hazards at the work place. This course is offered on the following days: September 25-27 and November 27-29. 24-Hour HazWoper/C-Stop Combos 8:00 am - 5:00 pm SouthArk CFWD East Campus $180.00/student

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business and industry 40- Hour HazWoper SouthArk CFWD East Campus $297 per person October 15 - 19 8:00 am - 6:00 pm Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Friday This course is specifically designed for workers who are involved in clean-up operations, emergency response operations, and storage, disposal, or treatment of hazardous substances or uncontrolled waste sites. Topics include protection against hazardous chemicals, elimination of hazardous chemicals, safety of workers and the environment, and OSHA regulations. This course covers topics included in 29 CFR. Companies need to call and register ahead at least two days before class. Seats are limited. Classes must meet minimum attendance requirements. Attendants do not have to come from the same company as long as minimum attendance requirements are met. *Classes may be offered on demand other than what is scheduled as an open enrollment. Just let us know what you need. 10 hr. and 30 hr. OSHA Construction Outreach courses are available on demand. Please contact us for scheduling.

SouthArk offers customized programs and pre-employment training to help your business excel in today’s highly competitive economy! Training can be delivered at SouthArk or your business. Corporate headquarters and manufacturers located in El Dorado can benefit from EWTP grants where part of your training dollars will be reimbursed. We will write the grant for you and take care of all the paperwork making your training budget stretch further. Let us know your needs so we can help with training solutions. We are often able to find other companies with similar needs to help share training costs. Contact us for a free consultation. Call 864-7192 or e-mail ce@southark.edu.

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Mail-In Complete a non-credit registration form and mail form and payment at least one week prior to the start of class to: SouthArk, Attn: Corporate and Community Education, P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, AR 71731. Do not send cash through the mail. Phone-In If paying with a credit or debit card – 1.800.955.2289 ext. 163, ask for the bookstore. You can also call locally (870) 864-7163. Walk-In: You may register between 9a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Bookstore on the West Campus located in the Whitefield Classroom Building at 300 South West Avenue or in the Suite 146 of the Center for Workforce Development on East Campus. Please have correct change or check. It will save time, if you have the non-credit registration form (located on back of this page) already filled out. Fax-In Complete a non-credit registration form and fax it to 870.864.8495 and mail form and payment to: SouthArk, Attn: Corporate and Community Education, P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, AR 71731. E-mail Complete a non-credit registration form, found at www.southark.edu under “Community Classes” and e-mail it to ce@southark.edu. Mail payment to: SouthArk, Attn: Corporate and Community Education, P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, AR 71730

Note: This information is complete and accurate at the time of posting; however, it is subject to change.

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professional business and industry


Registration Form


Small Time Budget, Big Time Marketing: Fundraising 40- Hour HazWoper The Benefits of Social Media Instructor: Beth Weldon, VP of Marketing at FFB SouthArk CFWD East Campus Instructor: Megan Whitehead, SAU ASBTDC Thursday, September 20 $297 per person Friday, September 14 11:30 am - 1 pm October 15 - 19 Simmons First Bank Room, 8:00 Community am - 6:00 pm Monday-ThursdaySouthArk Library Auditorium 100 W. Grove St.8:00 am - 12:00 pm Friday Fee: $10.00 9:00 am - 11:00 am Community Education Coporate Education Fee: FREE spent years as a professional fundraiser, This course is specifically designedHaving for workers Mail-In Beth knows challenges and importance who are involved in clean-up operations,both the Complete a non-credit registration form and mail Not sure where emergency to begin withresponse social media or why of getting corporate sponsorship and donations. Student must complete all information in Section A. operations, and storage, form and payment at least one week prior to the you should bother? Businesses of all sizes are In the past five years, as VP of Marketing for First disposal, or treatment of hazardous substances or start of class to: SouthArk, Attn: Corporate and using online social networkingwaste toolssites. to connect Financial Bank, she’s sat on the “other side” of the uncontrolled Topics include protection Section A Community Education, P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, with customers.against And why hazardous wouldn’t they? It’s an desk. She unique perspective of being chemicals, elimination has of the AR 71731. Do not send cash through the mail. easy to use, freehazardous marketing chemicals, medium that nearly both the “giver” and “receiver” of corporate safety of 6workers theSecurity the Name: __________________________________________ Last digits ofand Social No. __________ everyone is already engaged in.and We’ll showregulations. you donations and will share those things she wishes environment, OSHA This course Phone: (H)____________________ (W)____________________ (C)____________________ Phone-In five low-cost ways social media can bolster your she had known - from the “other side” of the covers topics included in 29 CFR. E-mail: __________________________________________ If paying with a credit or debit card – current marketing efforts, and you’ll leave with desk. Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________ 1.800.955.2289 ext. 163, ask for the bookstore. your own social media marketing plan. Learn City: ____________________ State: ____________________ Zip: ____________________ You can also call locally (870) 864-7163. which social media are a good fit for you, where Effective Communication in the Workplace Course Title: ____________________ Fee: ___________ Qty: ___________ Total: _________________ Walk-In: You may register between 9a.m. and 4 your target customers are looking online, and Instructor: Robyn Jardine-Randel Companies need to call and register ahead at least ____________________ Fee: ___________ Qty: ___________ Total: _________________ p.m. in the Bookstore on the West Campus located what it could mean your business aren’t Friday,Classes November 9 twofor days before class.if you Seats are___________ limited. ____________________ Fee: ___________ Qty: Total: _________________ in the Whitefield Classroom Building at 300 South involved in socialmust networking. 9:00 am - 11:00 am meet minimum attendance requirements. Total Fees Due: ____________________ West Avenue or in the Suite 146 of the Center for Simmons First Bank Community Room, Attendants do not have to come from the same Workforce Development on East Campus. Please Ideas To Assets:company A Practical as Guide to Patents, W. Grove St long as minimum 100 attendance Section B have correct change or check. It will save time, if Copyrights & Trademarks Fee: FREE on are met. *Classes may be offered Method of Payment: Cash requirements Check Money Order Purchase Order you have the#non-credit registration form (located Instructor: Calhoun Law Firm demand otherDate: than____________________ what is scheduled as an open VISA # ____________________ Exp. on back of this page) already filled out. Tuesday, October 9 you ever wonder if your message is being enrollment. Just let us know what youDo need. 9:00 am - 12:30 pm received as it was intended? This course will MasterCard # ____________________ Exp. Date: ____________________ Fax-In Fee: $45.00 teach, or serve as a refresher, on proper 10 hr. and 30 hr. OSHA Construction Outreach Complete a non-credit registration form and fax it communication in the workplace. courses are available on demand. Please contact Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ to 870.864.8495 and mail form and payment to: In collaboration us with Arkansas Small Business forthe scheduling. SouthArk, Attn: Corporate and Community and Technology Development Center, this Retail Operations and Management Series Make checks payable to: Education, P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, AR 71731. FORfor BUSINESS USE ONLY: Receipt #___________ workshop provides legal fundamentals the SouthArk CFWD East Campus South Arkansas Community College Received: ______________ BY: ___________ acquisition of patents, copyrihts andDate trademark Fee: $60.00 one-time workbook fee P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, AR 71731-7010 E-mail rights. It will also provide the basics of how to $35.00 single session Complete a non-credit registration form, found at protect those intellectual property rights and how $150.00 entire series www.southark.edu under “Community Classes” customized programs and to avoid (or reactSouthArk to) other’soffers claims of and e-mail it to ce@southark.edu. Mail payment pre-employment training to help your infringement. **Approved for 3 hours of CLE This business program, presented by the Arkansas to: SouthArk, Attn: Corporate and Community excel in today’s highly competitive economy! Women’s Business Center, will provide Education, P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, AR 71730 or youran invaluable overview of the retail Money Matters Training can be delivered at SouthArk participants business. Corporate Monday and Tuesday, October 15 and 16 headquarters industry, and learn best practices in operational When we cancel manufacturers located in El Dorado can benefit pm - 8:00 concepts, and processes, and understand Classes will be6:00 cancelled if a pm minimum number of full-paying students. from EWTP grants where part your traininghelps SouthArk CFWD Eastregistration Campus accountability in a Retail Management role. have not registered by the deadline. Earlyof registration eliminate the dollars will Full be reimbursed. willforwrite the grant Fee:of$49.00 book disappointment courseincludes cancellations. refunds are We given any classes that we cancel. for you and take care of all the paperwork making Session 1: Selling and Service When you cancel your training budget will stretch further. Let us know In this course by the Arkansas Women’s andfee Tuesday, October The Office of Corporate andcreated Community Education refund yourMonday registration ifNote: you cancel up 22 to and 23is complete and accurate at This information your needs socancel we canaless help withone training Business students will create household 8:30solutions. am - 5:00 one week before the Center, class begins. If you than week before thepm class, you will be the time of posting: however it is subject to change. Weclass. areand often ableperson to financial find other companies with budget, set for short-term long-term SouthArk CFWD East Campusis not charged the full amount the Another may attend in your place when a refund similar needs to help training costs. Contact goals, create aworkshops, Personal Financial Statement, learn allowed. Some seminars, camps, etc.share will have separate cancellation policies. Please us business for a freefinances consultation. Call 864-7192 or e-mail personal interrelate. Session 2: Human Resources inquire abouthow these before and registering. ce@southark.edu. They will also learn the fundamentals of business Monday, November 5 Senior Discount Policy andto develop Action to addresscourses 8:30 am - otherwise 5:00 pm indicated. Senior citizensborrowing are required pay fullanprice for Plan all non-credit unless personal money management issues. SouthArk CFWD East Campus

Non-Credit Classes

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Registration Form Non-Credit Classes

Community Education

Coporate Education

Student must complete all information in Section A. Section A Name: __________________________________________ Last 6 digits of Social Security No. __________ Phone: (H)____________________ (W)____________________ (C)____________________ E-mail: __________________________________________ Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: ____________________ Zip: ____________________ Course Title: ____________________ Fee: ___________ Qty: ___________ Total: _________________ ____________________ Fee: ___________ Qty: ___________ Total: _________________ ____________________ Fee: ___________ Qty: ___________ Total: _________________ Total Fees Due: ____________________ Section B Method of Payment: Cash VISA # ____________________ MasterCard #

Check Money Order Exp. Date: ____________________


Purchase Order #

Exp. Date: ____________________

Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ____________________ Make checks payable to: South Arkansas Community College P.O. Box 7010, El Dorado, AR 71731-7010

FOR BUSINESS USE ONLY: Receipt #___________ Date Received: ______________ BY: ___________

When we cancel Classes will be cancelled if a minimum number of full-paying students have not registered by the registration deadline. Early registration helps eliminate the disappointment of course cancellations. Full refunds are given for any classes that we cancel. When you cancel The OďŹƒce of Corporate and Community Education will refund your registration fee if you cancel up to one week before the class begins. If you cancel less than one week before the class, you will be charged the full amount for the class. Another person may attend in your place when a refund is not allowed. Some seminars, workshops, camps, etc. will have separate cancellation policies. Please inquire about these before registering. Senior Discount Policy Senior citizens are required to pay full price for all non-credit courses unless otherwise indicated.

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index 24-Hour HazWoper 24-Hour HazWoper/C-Stop Combos 30 Day Cooking 40- Hour HazWoper 8-Hour HazWoper/C-Stop Combos Access Bootcamp ACT Prep Basic Guitar Beginning Cake Decorating Beginning Crochet Beginning Upholstry Boating Education Bread Making Computer Basics Cookie Decorating Cookin' Cajun C-Stop Desktop Publishing/Word Interactive Dine on a Dime: Recipe Exchange Excel VBA Facebook for Grandparents Frugal Living Fundraising Gluten-free Living Growing Up WILD Guitar for Kids Holiday Bingo Holiday Bird Feeding Holiday Spa

p12 p12 p5 p13 p12 p10 p5 p5 p9 p7 p5 p4 p7 p3 p9 p7 p12 p11 p8 p11 p3 p9 p3 p8 p4 p8 p6 p8 p8

p8 Holiday Tree Decorating p4 Hunter's Education p5 Intro. To Excel p8 Ladies Holiday Tea p7 Line Dance 1 p7 Line Dance 3 p10 Microsoft Exce/Access Hybrid p10 Microsoft Excel 2007: Level 1 p11 Microsoft Excel 2007: Level 2 p11 Microsoft PowerPoint p8 Mommy & Me Gingerbread House p9 Mommy and Me Cupcake Decorating p6 Noon Symposium: Crazy Couponing Noon Symposium: Water Conservation p6 p6 Noon Symposium: Birds of Prey p6 Noon Symposium: Birds of Prey p6 Noon Symposium: Lunch and Politics Noon Symposium: Writing for Children p6 p3 Outdoor Photography p14 Patents p3 Photography Basics p3 Photography for iPad p5 Self-Defense for Women p4 Sew Simple 1 "Small Time Budget, Big Time Marketing: p14 The BeneďŹ ts of Social Media" p7 That’s So Pinteresting: Pinterest 101 p9 Tin Treasures p4 Writing for Children

corporate and community education

fall 2012 870.864.7192 ce@southark.edu 3698 East Main Rd. E l D o r a d o, A R

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