2022 Golf Oklahoma June/July

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“The world is what you make of it, friend. If it doesn’t fit, you make alterations.” – Stella the saloonkeep,

Linda Hunt’s character in Silverado. by ken vanvechten


ave some nefarious cloning experiment from a post-apocalyptical sci-fi thriller, we’re all unique. “Standard” abounds across consumer products, of course, including golf: standard length, standard lie, stock shaft, stock grip. Yet there are kajillions of permutations in the clubhead/shaft/grip/ length/lie matrix so standard can’t be all that normal. And everyone knows normal is boring. “Why do this?” asks Brandon Dickinson, rhetorically. “Why adjust the seat when buying a new car? Why not just buy W W W.GOLFOKL AHOMA.ORG

a suit off the rack? for a skosh more forgiveness and Rogue Golfers are mak- ST Pro through gap wedge, Project X LS ing an investment 6.0, standard length and lie. The specified in golf clubs and clubs have less offset than my sticks and for a small invest- the shafts are swing-specific upgrades to ment of time and a the stock offerings. moderate fee (typically waived with Callaway (Swing Speed/Ball Speed/Spin Rate/Carry Yardage/Total Yardage – 7i) purchase) you get Current Apex: clubs built for you 81/112/7000/150/155 and massive perRouge ST Pro: formance gains.” 81/112/6400/159/168 Dickinson is a fitter and researchCobra (Swing Speed/Ball Speed/Spin and-development Rate/Carry Yardage/Total Yardage – 7i) technician with Current Apex: Cobra Puma Golf. 79.1/106.1/6000/147.5/152.8 (And he let me Forged Tec: hit a mockup of 83.9/112/5100/157.6/169.4 Bryson DeChambeau’s driver. I actually got it THREE KEY TAKEAWAYS: • Based on ball speed, which is a funcairborne with a draw. Its shaft is tion of swing speed and efficiency of a stave. The grip strike, the Rogue Pro ST outperformed seems as thick as the Forged Tec – more ball speed out of a freakin’ rolling less swing speed. Interesting but not critipin. Don’t try this cal other than there might be more gas left in the tank with the Cobra irons; faster at home.) I had the chance speed with improved strike capability this spring to visit equals greater yield. Interestingly, equal Cobra and Calla- club and ball speed with the Callaway way Golf at their clubs yielded significantly different yardproprietary fit- ages … shaft, can you dig it? • My spin rates with my clubs were far ting facilities in north San Diego higher when testing at Callaway than County. It was time to again at Cobra. Could that be a function kick the tires on new offerof time of day – 9a vs. 3p? Balls ings and look under the hood of – Chrome Soft X vs. Srixon what I’ve been playing for the Z-Star XV, respectively? past six years. A fitting session Calibration of the respecis straightforward, hitting my tive monitors and algocurrent irons – Callaway Apex rithms? Turf conditions? CF16, 4i-gap wedge, with (nonDespite disparate condistock) Project X PXi 6.0 shafts, tions, end results were standard length and lie angle – to Callaway similar, which goes to the establish a baseline and then goRouge ST Pro fact that a swing is a coning through various model and tract between clubhead, shaft combinations, varying lengths shaft and humans. and lie angles, until finding the op• Improved distance is obtimal match. If it’s been a few vious. What’s not highlightmodel cycles – and as our ed above is significant imbodies and swings change provement in dispersion. over time – odds are the In one testing session, new combination will distance from target line outperform what’s curwas on average 31 yards left rently in the bag. with my clubs – excessive Based on the numbers, draw spin – and that came Cobra directed me to its Callaway down to a miss-on-the-green, new Forged Tec irons, 4i-gap Apex CF16 maybe-the-fringe, not-in-thewedge, Dynamic Gold 120 S300, lake range of 7 yards for the standard length and 1° flat. Callaway sugRogue Pro ST and 12 yards for gested a mixed set: Apex 21 in 4i and 5i JUNE/JULY 2022 • GOLF OKL AHOMA


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Articles inside

The Final Word: Pat Wheeler

pages 46-48

Instruction: Maggie Roller

page 45


pages 40-43

Instruction: Ryan Rody

page 44

Girls High School roundup

page 39

Boys High School roundup

page 38

Big improvements at John Conrad in Midwest City and Page Belcher in Tulsa

pages 30-33

Huge renovation under way at Kickingbird

pages 28-29

OGA Junior Boys and Girls Championship

pages 36-37

Lincoln Park is the first public course in

page 24

Tom Doak good to his word at Dornick Hills in Ardmore

pages 34-35

A hallmark of longevity, Lincoln Park had just three men at the helm for 99 of

pages 25-27

Mark Felder announces his pending retirement from the OGA

pages 22-23

The fitting process and what's important

pages 13-14

Ed Travis rates the latest golf gizmos

page 12

OGA ED Mark Felder

page 8

A magnificent PGA Championship at Southern

pages 16-19

WOGA ED Laurie Campbell

page 9

Chip Shots; Play Southern Hills, Andy Dillard reemerges with new book, Golf Trail seeks Commissioners

page 15

OU, OSU, OCU miss on national championship bids, but next year looms

pages 20-21

The Ryder Cup and how we finally got it right

pages 10-11
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