4 How to add a new event / offer / blog to the members area
If your organisation does not yet have an account on our members area, you can create one by following these steps:
Only ‘website administrators’ can add new content to the members area. To check if you are a website administrator, check your profile page. If you would like to become a website administrator, please contact dominic.hibbert@sccci.co.uk or jake.kennerley@sccci.co.uk
– Click ‘Register’ and enter your email address – On the next page, enter your organisation’s name and select ‘My Organisation Is Not Listed’
3 How to set up a new organisation account
Click to upload new profile image
– Enter your Organisation Details followed by your Personal Details and click ‘Register’. Required fields are denoted with a red box – You will be prompted to select your account type:
Website Administrator – On your profile page, open the appropriate tab (member events / offers / news) – Select ‘Add New’ and fill in the relevant information. Required fields are denoted with a red box – To edit an existing item, select that rather than ‘Add New’ from the dropdown options – If you would like to add an image, copy it and paste it into the ‘Details’ box with Ctrl + V. To resize it, double click the image and update the height and width boxes – If you would like to set up a non-member account, select ‘Register as a user only’ although you will not have access to many of the features on the members area – If you would like to become a South Cheshire Chamber member, select your preferred package type. More information can be found on our website – Select ‘Agree And Continue’. You will receive a verification email. Follow the link and you will then be able to log into your new account
5 How to update your organisation’s profile As above, only website administrators can update an organisation’s profile. This information is reflected in the Members Directory on the South Cheshire Chamber website. Here’s how to update it: – Log into your account and on your profile page, select ‘My Company/Organisation’
– Click ‘Submit For Review’ and a South Cheshire Chamber staff member will approve your item. If we have any amends, we will contact you – You may need to log out and back in to see any changes
JOIN THE CONVERSATION We have created a discussion group on LinkedIn for all South Cheshire Chamber members. Here, you can discuss all matters concerning local business, share your successes, seek advice, promote your brand and discuss local news. Feel free to also promote any Events, News or Offers that you have also added to the members area in order to generate more interest. To ensure that the group is for South Cheshire Chamber members only, you will need to request access. You can find the group by searching ‘South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce Members Group’.
– Enter the information you would like to display in the Members Directory and click ‘Update’. All required fields are denoted with a red box. – The updates may not be immediately reflected on the Members Directory. Please be patient whilst it syncs with the members area.
WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU We like to hear how being a South Cheshire Chamber member has impacted upon your organisation. We include member testimonials on our website, social media accounts and this very magazine! If you would like to leave a testimonial, please do so by visiting www.sccci.co.uk/ testimonials/ and scrolling to the bottom of the page.