You don’t become a brand with expertise in preventive security technology overnight . But when August Bremicker und Söhne KG (ABUS for short) started making traditional padlocks in 1924, they were already setting standards. The founders’ strategy was simple and timeless: ‘Security calls for quality!’ It is that principle that successive generations have carried on and developed.
ABUS stands for security tried and tested a million times that you can trust.
A family-owned firm for over 80 years, ABUS has grown with its skilled, friendly staff and consistent customer orientation into a strong, independent, globally operating group of companies. Characterised by a Christian corporate structure, its image today is one of modernity and innovation – ‘Spirit of ABUS’ a good basis for a secure future.
EMNID confirms that the brand familiarity and high levels of brand satisfaction attest to the high regard in which consumers hold the ABUS brand. It’s good to know that brand quality is held in such high esteem.
WORLDWIDE The world over, people trust in ABUS security, tried and tested a million times. From its ‘Home Market’ base in Germany, ABUS operates on an international level and is the market leader and trend-setter in most of the countries of Europe. In North and Central America, in parts of Africa, in Australia and in many other countries, ‘ABUS – Security Tech Germany’ stands for exemplary quality and has become a byword for security. International branches and strategic joint ventures for production and development illustrate the course of expansion and underpin the global orientation of ABUS.
That’s a name we feel obliged to live up to – and we monitor it on a regular basis. That’s why we commissioned EMNID, one of the leading market research institutes in Germany, to carry out a study on ABUS’s brand familiarity and brand satisfaction in relation to the competition.