Domestic pork supply in China this year may fall at least 4 million metric tons below demand, according to Ma Chuang, deputy secretary general with Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine. He estimates the total hog population may drop by as much as 30 percent in the “year of the pig” from 2018 -- a loss of about 128 million head. “The global market won’t have enough pork to supply China,” Ma said Tuesday in an interview in Beijing. “The deficit won’t be filled even with poultry or other meats.” African swine fever may prompt a dietary shift to alternative protein-rich foods, such as eggs and dairy, Ma said. Meat prices, including chicken, beef
and seafood, are likely to rise because of a global shortage caused by China’s outbreaks, according to Rabobank. China made its biggest-ever purchase of American pork in the week to April 4, pushing up Chicago hog futures. In some areas, weekly pork sales have fallen by half because restaurants are buying less, said Xie Yifang at Xinfadi market, the largest wholesale market south of Beijing. Even after culling diseased and potentially infected pigs, restricting the movement of hogs, and closing live-animal markets in outbreak areas, African swine fever has continued to spread, albeit at a slower pace than at the end of 2018.
2019-2020 State FFA officers:
o wrap up the 91st South Dakota State FFA Convention on April 9 in Brookings, six members were elected to serve as the 20192020 South Dakota State FFA officer team. Ten candidates interviewed for the six South Dakota FFA leadership roles. The individuals elected to the South Dakota State FFA officer team will travel across the state throughout the next year presenting speeches, facilitating workshops, hosting camps, holding conferences and conducting business for the South Dakota FFA Association. They will also represent the state of South Dakota at the National FFA Convention. • President- S helby Ruland, Wall • Vice President- Blake Pulse, McCook Central • Secretary- Tori Rasmussen, Alcestor-Hudson • Treasurer- N athan Linke, Sanborn Central/Woonsocket • Reporter- S adie VanderWal, Northwestern • Sentinel- S ami Wiseman, Tri-Valley These individuals will assist State Officers in hosting events throughout the year and are a crucial part of the South Dakota FFA Association. 2019-2020 State FFA Ambassadors • Anna Schwader, Howard • Randi Tivis, Sturgis
The 2019-2020 State FFA Officers are President Shelby Ruland, Wall; Vice President B lake Pulse, McCook Central; Secretary T ori Rasmussen, Alcestor-Hudson; Treasurer- Nathan Linke, Sanborn Central/Woonsocket; Reporter- S adie VanderWal, Northwestern; Sentinel- Sami Wiseman, Tri-Valley. (Submitted photo)