Southeast Christian NEXT Magazine | April 2018

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April 2018 2016 NOVEMBER ISSUE ISSUE 20 06











All Southeast Christian Church Campuses PICK UP A BAG: April 14/15 • After Worship Services COLLECTION WEEKENDS: April 21/22 & 28/29

Help families in our community by donating essential, nonperishable food items to those in need. Please fill one of our provided bags and return it to your campus during a collection weekend. Additional information and a list of recommended items are available at


NEXT /// APRIL 2018


K N OW I N G J E S US • A PR I L 2 018 • I S S U E 2 0



The Savior


6 | 8 |


Our Campuses

Jesus’ parables reveal our hearts, challenge our behaviors, and connect us to God.


First Things First

The Servant


Life @ Southeast

The Storyteller

Without Christ’s example, we would have no understanding of what true servanthood looks like.

10 |

The Friend

12 |

The Healer

14 |

The Savior

16 |

The King of Kings

Jesus doesn’t disqualify anyone from His love. Do we?

18 Your Turn 20 What’s Happening

Who can bring peace, hope, and awakening to the Church in America?

Jesus sets us free to surrender our flaws, sins, and imperfections— finding rest in His sufficiency.

In a world where people put down others to elevate themselves, our Lord offers a better way.

WE ALL HAVE A NEXT STEP TO TAKE IN OUR WALK WITH JESUS. WHAT’S YOURS? In this magazine, hear the heart of Southeast Christian Church through articles and stories, stay informed about upcoming groups and events, and find where you belong in our mission of connecting people to Jesus and one another.

OUR CAMPUSES B L A N K E N B A K E R C A MP U S 920 Blankenbaker Parkway • Louisville, KY 40243 • 502.253.8000

I N D I A N A C A MP U S 1309 Charlestown New Albany Road • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • 812.704.1951

C R E S T WO O D C A MP U S 6201 Crestwood Station • Crestwood, KY 40014 • 502.873.1100

S O U T H W E S T C A MP U S 8301 Saint Andrews Church Road • Louisville, KY 40258 • 502.614.1500

L A G R A N G E C A MP U S 410 South 1st Street • La Grange, KY 40031 • 502.614.1200

E L IZ A B E T H T OW N C A MP U S 600 North Dixie Avenue • Elizabethtown, KY 42701 • 270.506.4630

Visit for more information.


NEXT /// APRIL 2018


Do You Know Him? By Dave Stone

Jesus Christ means many things to many people. Some see Him as a friend to the lost and lonely. Others think of Jesus as a brilliant speaker who used vivid stories to move the hearts of crowds. Many consider Him a religious leader and moral guide who made a monumental impact on world history. The Bible reveals that Jesus is all of these things—and so much more! He is the “Lord of lords and King of kings” (Revelation 17:14 NIV®), the “Son of God” (Matthew 14:33 NIV®), and “Savior of the world” (1 John 4:14 NIV®). He is the Healer and Redeemer who came to “set the oppressed free” (Luke 4:18 NIV®), and whoever believes in Him “shall not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 NIV®). Surely this is a Man we can’t ignore! One of the things I love about Jesus is that He wants to know us and wants us to know Him. If you have ever wondered for a minute whether God sees you as someone worth knowing, just look at the cross where Jesus laid down His life. The cross of Christ reveals God’s heart for you and His hope for you. His heart is to be in a relationship with you, and His hope is that you would live in relationship with Him. The cross was Jesus’ most powerful message to us, because in His death He covered our sin and connected us to God. Here at Southeast Christian Church, we believe that the covering and connecting work of the cross is the best news in the world, and because of that we are united across all of our campuses in our mission of Connecting people to Jesus and one another. This monthly NEXT magazine is just one of the ways we want to help you and the ones you love make connections and take your next step in knowing Jesus and being known by Him. Whether Jesus is new to you, or you’ve been walking with Him for a long time, we hope this magazine will bless you, encourage you, and provide you with numerous opportunities to live connected to the love of Jesus and join with others in Christ-centered community.

DAVE STONE Senior Pastor



Girls’ Night | Next Gen Ministry




We want to connect with you—it’s what we’re all about! One way you can share in day-to-day life at Southeast is by following our social media channels. And be sure to check out our website to watch sermons, register for events, and connect with our ministries—all at


NEXT /// APRIL 2018

S.A.A.P.G.O.N. | 3rd & 4th Grades

Guys’ Night | Next Gen Ministry

S.A.A.P.G.O.N. | 3rd & 4th Grades

Senior Pastor Dave Stone FIXED Sermon Series

Guest Speaker Megan Fate Marshman Next Gen Girls’ Night





NEXT /// APRIL 2018

“Jesus spoke all these things to the crowd in parables; he did not say anything to them without using a parable. So was fulfilled what was spoken through the prophet: ‘I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world.’” (Matthew 13:34-35 NIV®) A good story can change our lives. When we were children, stories were a gateway to understanding the world. We learned bravery, kindness, consequences, and an unending hope in the “ever after” through the tales we heard. Because story is so vital to how we navigate the world, it’s no surprise that God is the ultimate storyteller. Not only is every facet of creation, history, science, and eternity all part of His elaborate narrative, but He also frequently uses the elements of storytelling to communicate with His people. For example, the book of Hosea is a living allegory. God asked the unfortunate prophet to choose and marry an adulterous woman. She would leave him repeatedly, bear unloved and unclaimed children, and cost him everything—all so God could reveal His heartbreak and unbending faithfulness toward His stubborn and straying people. Or, read the captivating book of Ezekiel, where God artistically likened His relationship with Israel to one of the most enthralling romances of all time—full of devotion, conflict, and a gloriously faithful Hero. The Old Testament is full of God’s creativity, poetry, metaphors, character development, allegories, and recurring themes. God is a storyteller.



God’s storytelling nature is fully evident in the life and teachings of His Son Jesus. During His ministry on Earth, Jesus consistently drew crowds in with stories that challenged their beliefs and revealed the heart of God to them. Jesus walked this earth in the complicated balance of being fully man and fully God. His ability to tell

engaging and compelling stories was one of the traits that most united His humanity and holiness. When Jesus would tell stories, there was a new level of connection for those who listened. Suddenly, He was not just a mysterious prophet who could heal people and speak with authority. He was an accomplished storyteller who could challenge them with simple and profound truths.


Consider the story Jesus told of the good Samaritan in Luke 10. An expert in the law, trying to convince himself of his own righteousness, asked Jesus what he had to do to inherit eternal life. He assured Jesus that he’d kept the commands to love God and love his neighbor as himself. But then, in a moment of uncertainty, he asked Jesus an important question: “And who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10:29 NIV®) Jesus launched into a pivotal parable. The story of the good Samaritan—a man who stopped to sacrificially help his enemy in distress even though others who should have helped him passed on by—is a story that challenged everything good Hebrews believed to be true. Before this story, they would have felt vindicated in their disdain and avoidance of the Samaritan people. They believed the Jewish people alone were the true and faultless children of God, and everyone else was unwelcome, unloved, and untouchable. But Jesus used a simple story about a man who had mercy to reveal their biases and challenge their actions. It’s a story that resonates even today. Jesus used a carefully worded parable to connect with the emotions, experiences, and compassion of His audience, and His stories still reach us in those same ways.


Jesus also used parables to reveal the nature and glory of God. This is especially clear in one of the most well-known parables Jesus shared: the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15. This was the third in a series of parables Jesus told in response to the Pharisees’ complaint that He was spending too much time with “those sinners.” In the first story, a shepherd can’t find one of his 100 sheep. He leaves the 99 and searches for the lost one until it’s found. Then he joyfully calls everyone to celebrate with him. Then Jesus told a story where a woman with ten silver coins loses one. She

meticulously goes through her house until she finds it. And then she, too, rejoices with neighbors. And that leads to the third, most powerful story. A loving father. An errant son. A jealous brother. A long-awaited reconciliation and a bring-out-the-fattenedcalf welcome home party. Instead of responding to the Pharisees with, “I spend time with sinners because God celebrates when they come home,” Jesus helped them evaluate their stance and address their own sinfulness. And as His followers began to understand their own hearts, they suddenly had a very clear picture of God Himself. This is the Shepherd who searches tirelessly for those who are lost. He’s the Creator who celebrates extravagantly when His people return to Him. And He’s the Father who generously invites others to rejoice with Him. As Jesus told these stories, He was introducing them to the heart of God. Each parable explained God more closely, more personally, and more tangibly to those who had long been burdened with rules and laws they could never carry. And Jesus’ stories still reveal our hearts. They still challenge our behaviors. And they still connect us to the Author and Perfecter of our faith, our Holy God.

CARLA WILLIAMS Story Curator/Writer Communications

SHARE YOUR STORY We want to hear how the story of your life fits into God’s great story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Have you had any “God sightings” lately—those powerful or challenging moments when the Lord met you right where you are? Are you willing to share your testimony to encourage others in their walk with Christ? Has God seen you through a hard time, taught you a valuable lesson, or called you to serve others in an unexpected way? Tell us all about it! If you have a story you’d like to share with our church family, if you have any Southeast-related photos to submit for public use, or if you are interested in appearing in one of our upcoming videos, please contact us at 7


NEXT /// APRIL 2018


remember the first time I read Mark 10:45. As someone who was new to the faith, I didn’t understand why Jesus, the King of Kings, set aside the majesty of Heaven to give his life “as a ransom for many.” Previously, I had understood servanthood as being the tangible way we, as followers of Jesus, lend a helping hand to those in need. And if we’re being transparent, I expected the people we served to receive our gifts gratefully. Little did I understand my heart for serving and Christ’s heart for serving were entirely different. Jesus came into this world knowing He would be rejected, and yet, He still followed through in the steps that were set before Him by the Father. The Son of God, the One through whom all things in the universe were created, came to die for people like you and me— people who are sinful, imperfect, and broken.

He Paid the Highest Price

The Apostle Paul perfectly outlined the ultimate form of self-sacrifice in Romans 5:7-8 (ESV): “For one will scarcely die for a righteous person—though perhaps for a good person one would dare to even die—but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” As a father, it’s easy to say I would die for my son. I was there the moment he was born, the moment he was transported to the NICU, and even when he began to breathe on his own. Not only have I held him, but I’ve fed him, cared for him, and loved him. For my son, I would absolutely give up my life. I believe that many of us have people in our lives who we would put before ourselves in this way. Yet, Christ hung on a cross, giving up His own life, so the broken and fallen people of this world would have the opportunity to receive God’s grace. Yes, even the soldiers who nailed His hands and feet to the cross.

MARK 10:45 (ESV)

The concept of being a servant is something that’s tremendously foreign to my nature. I see Jesus washing His disciples’ feet and feeding the hungry, but most of the time, I don’t make the simple attempt to seek out my neighbors’ needs. If I were being honest, putting someone above myself is something I continually have to remind myself to do. Nevertheless, Scripture calls us to walk in the ways of a humble servant, just like Jesus— giving our lives to the Lord and people around us. Whether we serve with our time, money, or gifts, God is asking each of us to devote our lives to becoming Christ-like servants.

A Picture of True Devotion

As Christians, when we look for encouragement and motivation to serve, our gaze should be directed toward the perfect life of Jesus. Even as the most holy and righteous Lamb of God, Jesus humbly submitted to the will of His Father, blamelessly accepting a sinner’s death on the cross. While the Lord will never call us to die for the sin of mankind, He does expect us to devote our whole self to serving others—submitting to His perfect will for our lives. We may never find out how one act of compassion fully changes someone’s present circumstances, but we can trust the Holy Spirit to use our small, feeble efforts to lead that person toward the Kingdom of God. At the end of the day, loving God and loving others is something God demands of our lives (Matthew 22:36-40)—it’s not a choice. If this command was vitally important to Jesus, then how much more should we focus on devoting our lives to humility, love, and generosity? Without the example of Christ, we would have no understanding of what true servanthood looks like. In the most self-sacrificial act of history, the King of Heaven left his throne, walked with mankind, and hung on a cross. Ultimately submitting Himself to the Father and taking the punishment we deserved, Jesus was treated as a sinner so we could become the adopted children of God.

DEREK SNYDER Project Coordinator, Communications

SERVE WITH US At Southeast, we’re blessed with almost endless opportunities to serve the Lord and one another in love. Whether it’s welcoming visitors with First Impressions, spending time with kids in the Children’s Ministry, praying with someone as part of the Care Team, and much more, we have many ways that you can get involved on the weekends and throughout the week. Find the perfect place for you at








NEXT /// APRIL 2018

ost of us know the Golden Rule, and we know what it means to be a good friend to someone. We like our friends, so it is easy to be kind and compassionate toward them. But how often do we ask ourselves the question, “Am I the kind of friend that Jesus is?” Jesus shows us two sides of the same coin when it comes to being a friend. Most of us know what it takes. However, we often overlook the who. Who exactly does God call us to be a friend to?

A FRIEND TO ALL Reading through the Gospels, we get to witness Jesus having some pretty amazing encounters with people. We see Him healing those who have been crippled their entire lives. He brings the spiritual realm to light and casts demons out of people. We even witness Him raising others from the dead! However, it can be easy to overlook one of the most prominent characteristics of Jesus’ ministry: the relationships He facilitates among all humanity. As we look at the time Jesus spent here on Earth, we see Christ straight up being a friend to people. Perhaps the most intriguing part of His relationship development is the unlikely cast of characters that we see Him bring together. Even the twelve disciples were a ragtag bunch of dudes who Jesus picked to be His traveling companions and closest friends. It’s easy to find examples of friendship Jesus had with the twelve. I mean, these were His bros, His #squadgoals, #demjesusboyz—but who else was Jesus friends with? As we continue along the journey of Christ’s ministry, we see many more encounters Jesus had as a friend. It is important to know what it means to be a friend, but it’s equally important to know who to be a friend to: people of every kind.

BREAKING DOWN BARRIERS Back when I first started as a Student Minister, I quickly realized one of my biggest obstacles would be eliminating cliques. The only way that was going to happen was by teaching my students to understand the value in their differences. So I began having weekly lunches and dinners with different students. I would intentionally invite kids who didn’t hang out with each other, just to put them in a space where they could learn from one another. Over time, relationships started to form and barriers began to fall.

relationships with them. Because—news flash—none of us are worthy of God’s love! Thankfully, we may receive it freely because of His grace!

LOVE THAT DOESN’T DISCRIMINATE Jesus’ entire ministry was about sharing hope and loving anyone who would listen. Because everyone has the chance to be loved by the Father. No one is disqualified for being a man or woman, Democrat or Republican, gay or straight, single or married, rich or poor—God wants to share His redeeming love with us all. How are people going to know about the love of Christ if we don’t form meaningful relationships with the lost and broken? Just imagine if our Neighborhood Groups and Bible studies reflected what our communities look like—the hope and love we could spread could be endless! (I also need this reminder!) Jesus’ relationships display the exact qualities we should possess in order to be true friends. These are qualities that most of us have heard before. Things like this: “…Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:12-13 NIV®) Or again, the Golden Rule: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” (Luke 6:31 NIV®) However, knowing what it takes to be a good friend is only half the battle. We must practically apply these examples from Jesus by opening our arms, our homes, and our church in order to love those who are different, sharing with them the hope of Jesus, our ultimate Friend.

JUSTIN TIMMINS Graphic Design Intern, Communications

At Southeast, we like to call ourselves a church family. Because this isn’t just a place to come visit on the weekends. We want to be brothers

I remember my second Summer of ministry when several guys would come to my house and stay for days at a time. During the day, we would do different ministry projects, hang out in the evening, crash at my house, and do it all again in the morning. Eventually I had to kick them out, mainly because my house smelled like a mixture of sweaty feet and Axe body spray. It was amazing, and ultimately worth it! (Not the smells—but rather the relationships they had built.) These were guys who were bullying and fighting with one another just months before. Now these jocks, nerds, athletes, punks, preps, and homeschoolers became a band of brothers. Most importantly, I saw them begin to love and care for one another.

and sisters in Christ who share life together,

To the very core, I believe this is what Jesus wants from us: to love even “the least of these” authentically. We must seek out the people some may label as “unfit” or “unworthy” and form

visit to find

growing in community as we grow closer to God. One of the ways we make connections is through ongoing groups and events at our campuses and out in the community. Whether you’re a student or a senior, single or married, we have just the right place for you, your family, and your friends. Check out this magazine’s What’s Happening pages or groups near you.





NEXT /// APRIL 2018

Who can heal this culture, a culture of circling vultures? Preying on the hurt and a culture protecting gropers. Our women are to be prized, they deserve a better portion; Lost without conviction, distortion is its only focus.

To see lives changed and strongholds slain, To operate in grace and constantly seek His face. It’s hard to seek when our pride keeps us blind. Be Thou our vision, Lord; open our eyes!

Who can heal a generation, a generation of isolation? So focused on themselves that they forgot the destination. Life and death are in the tongue but they refuse to have a voice. Their secular is their sacred now the enemy carries the torch.

Preach the Gospel! That’s what some would say. But the Gospel is not just a message, it’s a walk, it’s a way! The Gospel is justice, peace, hope, unblinded eyes; The Gospel is grace, unity, passion, and restoration of mind.

Who can heal this people, a people with no conscience? Ready to divide and chide. With words, they throw punches. Fear, ignorance, and intolerance—yeah, that’s the calling card. You can’t hurt me on social media, so I post with no regard.

So we ask, who can heal this culture, people, and generation? Jesus, of course—the healer of the nations. He broke hostility so hope could be revealed. It’s through the Lord alone that the world will be healed.

No regard to human decency, I let my bitterness bleed All over your smartphone and CPU screens. I don’t care who I hurt, I just want my opinions seen. Fake news or real news, it doesn’t really matter to me.

So I Say

My fingers type and tingle as I fight to disagree I have a right to be heard; freedom of speech gives me speed: Speed to say what I feel, but neglect what I say Because what I say doesn’t matter—don’t forget this is my space! Our culture is deceptive, Our people, disrespectful; Generations clash with no one hearing perspective. Outside is a people that need compassion, not conjecture. See, this poem is about America—not the country, but the Church. The very same Church that Jesus redeemed with hurts. Hurts and pains. On the cross, He was slain. Whipped on His back, open wounds reveal the veins. See Jesus became humanity, to save for God a family, A family full of people, if left alone, live in vanity. He did this out of love—not one deserved opportunity. Our sin. In our place. One death destroyed our depravity. One day in eternity, this family will be together. In the meantime, this family is supposed to love, clothe, and feed each other. That would be the difference and that difference would draw the world. Growing this heavenly family, delivering people from their peril. Yet, our peril has been blinders that close our vision, The vision to see hurt people when we see division. Division is a symptom and not the problem; Sin is what we will see if we dig to the bottom.

Jesus can heal this culture and restore moral honesty By fathers being home, raising men and leading valiantly, Teaching boys to love, respect, and value God’s creation. Treat her like your sister in Christ—not deserving degradation. Jesus can heal this generation by bringing a great awakening Through pastors preaching the Gospel and leaving all passivity, By members seeking the lost again and not political affinity, By building bridges with our enemies to bring them into eternity. Jesus can heal this people and illuminate our faults, Leading us to repentance, in submission we carry our cross, Building with our brothers, counting the cost of our actions. Lord, please give us unity; may we stop the holy theatrics! You called us to better, and with Your help, we can get there. Lord, sanctify Your people! Wash us clean and make us bare. Let us live as the standard, in accordance with Your purpose: Trading compromise for commission, remembering our blood purchase. Lead us into a new season. May Your Kingdom be revealed. May our freedoms and amendments be subjected to Your will. Create in us a clean heart—hearts who redeem hearts. Holy Spirit, do Your work and may the Church do our part! Jesus, Jesus, we cry out to You. Jesus, Jesus, we cry out to You. Jesus, Jesus, we cry out to You. Emmanuel*—please heal us! *Lyrics from Emmanuel, written by Daniel Dabney. ©2017 HW Worship (ASCAP). Used by permission.

Sin is a sickness: it steals and it kills. It makes us seek comfort instead of doing His will. Go and make disciples. The Church has an assignment. Yes, get them to the water but walk with them after it. TERRENCE TURMAN

Teach them love, kindness, peace, and compassion. Teach them to pray, and not spit out their first reaction. This is not a complaint, this is a call to action. Churches around the world: Unite with a new passion!

Single Adults Pastor





Jesus Sets Us Free from the Weight of Perfection By Sarah Boles

esus was perfect; be like Jesus.” I grew up believing this was what made a good Christian. Jesus was perfect, so strive to be like Him. The Gospel broken down to its simplest form—at least, that is what I thought. Obedience, submission, perfection. This set me down a path, beginning at a very young age, that would lead me into self-loathing and doubt. Always pushing and trying, but never arriving. Always failing. My dad was proud of me—most of the time. Life was not without its disappointments; but all in all, I made him proud. Especially in moments of success: small victories that would be


NEXT /// APRIL 2018

accompanied by, “That’s my girl!” It was a prodding to keep driving, to keep raising the standard, to surpass, to attain perfection. And never quite making it there. No matter how well I did, there was a voice behind me saying, “Yes, but this could have been better. You messed up here. You thought no one noticed. I noticed! It wasn’t perfect. Jesus was perfect; be like Jesus.” I found myself wearing a costume of false confidence, hiding the insecurities and desperately trying to keep my sins and my flaws under wraps. No one can ever find out.

The Price of Glory In those days, I was under the misconception that because Jesus was perfect, He never struggled. Sure, I was taught that He was tempted in every way (Hebrews 4:15)—but, it must have been easy for Him to avoid the pitfalls, to resist the inner voices of doubt, to let little things go, to overcome the judgment and hurtful things said in passing. Wasn’t it? Isn’t that what it means to be perfect—being free from struggle, pain, and disappointment? Isn’t that kind of perfect life the American dream? Isn’t that the mark of a good Christian?

It has taken decades of challenging faith moments for me to learn that, while Jesus was perfect—that is to say, He was without sin—His life was not perfect by our hopeful standards of peace and comfort. Did Jesus’ pain and suffering only begin on the cross? Or was it when He was flogged in Pilate’s court? Did it start when Peter denied Him, when Judas betrayed Him? What about when He was driven out of the synagogue in His hometown and threatened with death? No, Jesus faced pain, suffering, and struggle from the very beginning. Although He never sinned, Jesus suffered just like us. And He responded to His suffering by seeking out His Heavenly Father in prayer. Even in His darkest times—picture Him sweating blood in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:44)—Jesus sought to bring God glory. While I can’t be without sin—it’s too late for that—I don’t have to be. That is not God’s expectation for my life. I know this because of who Jesus is. He is the Bread of Life (John 6:35). He is the Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16). By faith, He is my Savior (Luke 2:11). In our place, Jesus was perfectly obedient to His Father, so the requirement of our own sinless perfection is fulfilled in Him. Jesus shows us just how much it cost to glorify God. He came from perfect glory, the presence of His Heavenly Father, to seek us out. He came to find the broken places of our hearts and the hidden recesses of our souls, to strip away our costumes and bring light into the darkness, to nourish our hunger and quench our thirst, and all for the glory of God. Jesus’ pursuit of us, His suffering for us, His sacrifice for our sins on the cross, was not only for our healing

and salvation. It was not just a demonstration of His mercy and grace, but a lifeline for our rest with Him in Heaven. Jesus’ sinless life, atoning death, and victorious resurrection are an invitation for imperfect people to join the eternal celebration of the glory of God.

“Jesus’ sinless life, atoning death, and victorious

him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of God.” The perfection of Jesus is more than enough to cover my imperfections. I would much rather be clothed in His righteousness than continue to wear my costume of false confidence. Through His salvation, I can boldly approach the presence of God and surrender my flaws, my sins, and my imperfections, finding rest in the embrace of the Savior who loves me. Turning to Him in faith, He can be your Savior, too. In this life, failure is inevitable. Earthly perfection is unattainable. But true love is sustainable. And because of Jesus, our salvation is perfect.

resurrection are an invitation for imperfect people to join the eternal celebration of the glory of God.”

More Than Enough

SARAH BOLES Hope Alive Initiatives Director, U.S. Office

Hope Alive Initiatives (HAI) was established to empower evangelical churches within poor and vulnerable regions to share the Gospel more effectively, demonstrate the love of God, and disciple their communities.

Jesus is perfect and He is my Savior, so God does not call me to be perfect in order to please Him. Instead, He calls me to honor Him in light of who He is and what He has done for me. So I no longer need to chase perfection; I simply need to seek Him in love. To surrender to His perfect and pleasing will to satisfy the longings of my heart. To rest in the fulfillment that comes with glorifying Him. Hebrews 12:2 (NIV®) says, “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before



JESUS CHRIST CHALLENGES OUR NOTIONS OF GREATNESS BY TIM GIOVANET TO live in a world where people have a remarkable influence on one another. Think back to a time when the kind words of a friend turned your whole day around, or a mentor took the time to teach you a needed lesson, or a personal hero inspired you to make a life-changing decision you never would have chosen on your own. It’s stunning what an effect our words and actions can have on others! This is no accident. Part of what it means to be made “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27 NIV®) is that we have the built-in ability to impact other people. As our Creator and Lord, God designed us to serve Him by modeling His perfect love, justice, and goodness toward one another, holding up a mirror to His character from many different angles in order to uniquely reflect His glory in the world. That’s what God’s Kingdom was designed to be: all God’s people living in God’s appointed place, thriving under God’s reign. Only, there’s a problem. The mirror in all of us is broken, shattered by sin. Instead of using our God-given influence to serve the Lord and love others, we often turn our gaze inward, forgetting the Lord and building our own kingdoms on the backs of others.


NEXT /// APRIL 2018

A GLORIOUS REVERSAL The people of God have seen many good examples of bad kingdoms. Throughout history, the ancient Hebrews were never far from oppression and opposition. They endured centuries of slavery in Egypt, faced generations of war with the Philistines, entered into exile under the Assyrians and Babylonians, and underwent occupation by the imperial Greeks and Romans. Much of the Bible is marked by a heartfelt, aching cry: “How long, LORD?” (Psalm 13:1 NIV®) How long will the nations oppress Your people? How long until the promised Deliverer comes? Through this longexpected Savior, the Kingdom of God would be seen again. Finally, God’s people would live together again in God’s appointed place, thriving under God’s reign. When Jesus began His ministry with a repeated exhortation—“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17 NIV®)—Israel took notice. As Jesus went around feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and teaching with unmatched authority, people began to wonder if this no-name carpenter from Galilee might be the Christ who would set them free. More than once, entire crowds desperately sought to crown Jesus as their king.

As His closest disciples saw Jesus’ influence rising, they began to dream of what His Kingdom might mean for their own lives. They would often argue about which of them would get to be Jesus’ marshal, or His treasurer, or His right-hand man. When they couldn’t stand it any longer, they sought the answer from Jesus Himself. “Who then,” the disciples asked, “is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (Matthew 18:1 NIV®) Jesus’ answer astonished them. “He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.’” (Matthew 18:2-5 NIV®) The disciples were dumbfounded. Their expectations were turned upside down. All they had ever known was the abuse of influence and authority; this was their chance to turn the tables and seize their own wealth, power, and prestige! But Christ knew better. In a world where people use their influence to put others down to elevate themselves, Jesus invited His disciples—and He invites us today—to embrace a glorious reversal of priorities.

A KING LIKE NO OTHER Ultimately, Christ’s disciples were shocked and disappointed because they weren’t looking for God’s Kingdom. They were looking for their own. They yearned after power, accolades, and respect, not childlike dependence and humble servanthood! Instead of throwing off the yoke of Rome, Jesus taught them to continue paying taxes (Mark 12:17). Rather than rising up against their unjust oppressors, He told them to turn the other cheek (Matthew 5:38). His Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36), and so it turns the values of this world on their head.

Christ dignified prostitutes and tax collectors with His friendship, even when it caused Him to lose the respect of upstanding citizens. And in the most selfless use of His infinite authority, the incarnate Son of God traded His righteousness for our sin, receiving God’s just wrath in our place so that we may enjoy God’s eternal acceptance through Him. With His broken body, He repaired our shattered mirrors and enabled us to reflect God’s glory once again. He crucified our self-centered desires in order to make us the people we were born to be: heirs and ambassadors of the living God.

See, the people of God had gotten themselves stuck on this idea that the problem is out there somewhere. They came to believe—as we all often do—that their ultimate need was salvation from outside circumstances and deliverance into personal freedom. But what God’s people needed most of all was salvation from themselves, from their own sin, from their tendency to forget God and to manipulate others for their own personal gain. Jesus didn’t come to help us build our little empires of comfort and self-exaltation. He came to tear down our glory-stealing ways and turn our devotion back to Heaven. When the eternal Son of God took on flesh and walked among us, He devoted His influence to the glory of His Father, exhibiting the character of God in His selfless love for us all. The King of kings came into the world in order to give Himself away and show us what true greatness is made of. Jesus relentlessly taught about God’s mercy and grace, even when it cost Him popularity among the people in power. He served the hungry, healed the broken, and touched the unclean, even when it put Him at odds with the religious elite.

A CALL TO EVERLASTING GREATNESS How, then, do we live as ambassadors in Christ’s Kingdom today? By turning the values of this world upside down and pursuing true greatness. By using our influence to honor God and love others, even at great cost to ourselves. This means repenting of our sin and bringing our addictions to light, even if our reputation is obliterated. It means carrying our integrity into work and sacrificing our own agenda, even our own advancement, for the betterment of others. It means seeing chores like folding the laundry, changing diapers, and scrubbing the toilet as the good works God has prepared for us to do (Ephesians 2:9), even if we’re never

acknowledged. It means having a burden and an urgency to tell others about the redemption that can be found in Jesus alone, even if it costs us friendships and networking opportunities and political clout. It means giving up our selfish pursuits and embracing the dream of making Him known, building up others in their own pursuit of His glory, and reaching people from every culture, language, ethnicity, and background, even if it costs us our lives. Jesus commands us to make His Kingdom and His righteousness the highest priorities of our lives (Matthew 6:33). He promises that we will face opposition in this task (John 16:33). But the King who bought our lives with His blood has ensured our success with every promise in His Word. So let us give His calling everything we’ve got, living as Christ’s ambassadors in a world turned upside down, certain that every loss we incur is a greater gain for God’s glory (Philippians 3:8). Let us go forth boldly as ambassadors of the Kingdom, driven by the dream of its fulfillment, as people from every culture, language, and background gather around the throne of Christ, lifting up their medley of mirrors to reflect His infinite greatness (Philippians 2:10). In that day, all the sacrifices of this life will be seen as royal diadems to anoint the Savior’s crown. Every knee will bow in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ as all of God’s people, ransomed by God from every place, thrive forever under God’s glorious, eternal reign.

TIM GIOVANETTO Copywriter, Communications


17 17




attended a state university in rural Illinois. During my time there, the president of the university retired, making way for the search for a new university president. Within the student body, this process became intriguing to a lot of us, and gossip abounded about who would be chosen. Ultimately, the university hired an outsider—an alumnus of the university, but not a current employee. Rumor had it that when the new president was interviewing for the position, he arrived to campus days before his interview. Once on campus, he kept a low profile so as to not be noticed. He met with the facilities staff, support staff, and students. He learned names and learned the culture and listened to stories. When asked by those he met, he just told them he would be interviewing for an open position at the university without alluding that he was interviewing for the position at the university. The soon-to-be president impressed in his interview and received the job. From there, he set the tone as a servant leader—willing to assist students, staff, and faculty. He literally led by helping others. This had an impression on me as a senior in college. It was my last year studying mathematics before I graduated, and the new president of the university just happened to have done his doctoral work in mathematics. One day, I was studying in the hallway of the Math Department when the new president walked by. He paused, leaned over to me, and asked if I needed help. With several thousand students and hundreds of faculty under his leadership, he took the time to focus on just me. That’s the image of leadership that the Bible gives us: self-sacrifice. In Jesus, we have the ultimate servant leader. He came into the world by being born in a barn, not a palace. His birth was announced by shepherds, not a royal messenger. His earthly family was poor, not rich. Not only did Jesus start His earthly life in humble beginnings, but Jesus consistently took the route of self-sacrifice. He identified with the lowly and the outcasts. Jesus was always willing to give His reputation away for the sake of serving those around Him. Often the social outsiders were trapped by their culture and society, but Jesus humbly offered a new way. Jesus was never consumed with obtaining earthly stature or reputation. It’s not like He didn’t have the opportunity, because He did. Instead, Jesus remained obedient on earth to the heavenly purpose He was called to. He gave away abundant, never-ending love to all. Even Jesus’ final days here on earth hardly looked like those of a king. He was killed as a criminal in a torturous, humiliating manner. Jesus entered the world humbly and exited the world humiliated. Yet, God exalted Him. As a church, our calling is to follow in the footsteps of our Teacher, Savior, and Lord—Jesus Christ. May we choose to lead the way by sacrificially serving others in love. 18

NEXT /// APRIL 2018

5 DAYS of Sacrificial Love JESUS GAVE HIMSELF AWAY READ | MARK 10:32-45

Imagine what this must have been like for Jesus. He had just told the twelve that He would be mocked, flogged, and killed. Jesus, I’m sure, was distressed about what would come, and was probably in need of comfort, encouragement, and strength. Instead, James and John were too busy asking Him to grant them a special favor.


Most were expecting the Messiah to be an earthly king, but Jesus modeled a better way through service. When you think of what it means to be a leader, a king, or a master, what’s the first word that comes to mind? How does Jesus change your view?


In the First Century, the job of washing feet was reserved for the lowest of slaves. A dusty-road, sandal-walking culture made it difficult to keep feet clean. But Jesus—as Lord, King, and Messiah—took the posture of a slave! This is not the image that people had in mind for the coming Messiah!


What was Jesus teaching His disciples as He washed their feet? What is Jesus teaching you through this story?


Dead to sin. Alive in Christ. Our history of sinful rebellion is one of self-destruction. But, to those who have true faith in Jesus our Savior, we have a destiny of everlasting life!


Most relationship issues (with family, coworkers, neighbors, etc.) center around selfish ambitions and desires. But, as this passage highlights, the relational issues are often resolved when our mindset shifts from self to sacrifice. When we prioritize serving others, it’s amazing how much less complicated our relationships become!


This passage details how, through Christ, we’ve been saved after being dead in our sin. Then this passage concludes with an action statement. According to verse 10, what comes after salvation? What are we to do as a worshipful response to our salvation?


In verse 5, Paul tells us that we should have the same mindset as Christ Himself. As you read the remaining verses in this passage, list out the aspects of Jesus’ heart that are emphasized here. How do these attributes of Jesus demonstrate self-sacrifice?


The final step in living a life of Christ-centered service is ultimately seeing your life as a sacrifice unto God. Jesus served others and ultimately served people from every tongue, tribe, and nation with His death and resurrection. His service was that of complete sacrifice.


In Romans 12:1 NIV®, it says “…in view of God’s mercy…” How does God’s mercy toward us offer motivation to live sacrificially?

STEPHEN PURICELLI Volunteer Engagement Leader



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Caregivers’ Support Group

Starting Point

Young Adult Lawn Party

Thursdays • Through May 10 7:15-8:30 p.m. • ED 250 A weekly Bible study for parents and caregivers of chronically or critically ill children. No registration required.

Wednesdays • Beginning April 11 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come to this 3-week class to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Childcare available.

Sunday, June 10 • 12:30-4:00 p.m. Southeast Ballfields Young adults in their 20s and 30s are welcome to join us for a fun afternoon to hang out and meet new people. Whether you’re married, engaged, or single, come out and bring some friends! We’ll have games, music, food, Steel City Pops, and more! Register online.


Looking for someone to walk with you through a personal struggle? Southeast’s Care Ministry has mentors available for men, women, and married couples. For more information, please call 502.253.8400.


Kidway Saturday, April 7 • 6:30 p.m. • FH 2 Sunday, April 8 • 10:30 p.m. or 12:45 p.m. FH 2 This wildly fun, amazingly energetic, and wonderfully wholesome family worship service starts right after church. You are absolutely guaranteed to love it—and your kids will have fun too! No registration required.

Forever Treasure Saturday, April 14 • 6:30 p.m. • ED 212 Sunday, April 15 • 9:00 a.m. • ED 212 A class for upper elementary students who are considering their commitment to follow Jesus through baptism and beyond. Parents are expected to attend with their child. Please contact for pre-class homework. Register online.

SE!Kids Volunteer Basics Saturday, April 14 • 6:30 p.m. • ED 150 Sunday, April 15 • 10:45 a.m. • ED 150 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on one of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required.

Fifth Grade Block-In (F.B.I.) May 11/12 • Beginning Friday at 7:30 p.m. The Block Don’t miss the F.B.I. overnighter at The Block! We’ll have pizza, games, a midnight concert, and tons of other fun! Register online.

Blended Families & Friends Weekend Group

Sundays • 10:45-11:45 a.m. • WC 473 The Cord is a fun, discussion-based Weekend Group for young married couples at Southeast to meet together to talk about the joys and challenges of married life. For more information, contact Aaron at ajohnson@marcusmillichap. com. No registration required.

Bridges Weekend Group

Young Couples’ Class

Sundays • 10:45-11:45 a.m. • FH 122 Looking to get plugged into a group? Try Bridges! We’re starting a new series studying Israel’s national holidays in the Old Testament. Learn more about our Weekend Groups by visiting the Connection Center in the Atrium. Children’s programming available. No registration required.


Disabilities Ministry Training Tuesday, April 10 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Fireside Room Are you a current volunteer or have an interest to serve in the Disabilities Ministry? Come learn about serving opportunities and how we help families and guests feel included at Southeast. To sign up, please contact

Miracles Saturdays • 5:00 p.m. • WC 246 Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • WC 246 Older teens and young adults with special needs are invited to gather with us for worship, fellowship, crafts, and a lesson. No registration required.

Silent Fellowship Weekend Group Sundays • 9:30 a.m. • ATLR 202 Connect with people who are Deaf or otherwise proficient in ASL for a weekly time of Bible study and fellowship. Teaching and discussion are led in American Sign Language. No registration required.

Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • ATLR 201 A Bible study for adults with special needs who are able to attend the group independently. No registration required.


NEXT /// APRIL 2018

The Cord Weekend Group

Sundays • 10:45-11:45 a.m. • WC 367 You’re invited to join us as we start a new series—Cherish: The One Word that Changes Everything for Your Marriage. Learn more about our Weekend Groups by visiting the Connection Center in the Atrium. Children’s programming available. No registration required.

HOPE Bible Study

Register online at


Sundays • 10:45-11:45 a.m. • WC 365 This class is for couples in their 20s and early 30s who are looking to grow in their walk with Jesus and each other. This is a great place to meet other people in the same stage of life as you! For more information, please contact Matt at No registration required.

Premarital Class

Newly married or planning on getting married soon? We’ll equip you with the tools your marriage needs not only to survive, but thrive! All couples planning to be married by one of our ministers are required to complete the Premarital Class. To register, contact


Considering Foster Care or Adoption? Tuesday, April 17 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • ATCR 207 If you are considering foster care, domestic adoption, or international adoption, please join us to learn more about how to get started! We’ll provide you with a basic overview of your options and help you take the next step. For childcare, please call 502.253.8805. No registration required.

5th Sunday Foster & Adoption Fellowship Group Sunday, April 29 • 10:45-11:45 a.m. • FH 120 If you’re a foster or adoptive parent or you’re just getting started in the process, come get connected with other families like yours! Children’s programming available. No registration required.

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Career Transitions: Discover Your Strengths

Men’s Golf Trip

Tuesdays • April 10-17 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. ATCR 209 Identify your God-given strengths and learn how to put them to work. This 2-week class will help bring focus to your career by aligning it with your purpose, talents, and passions. Childcare available. Register online.

Budget Bootcamp Wednesday, April 18 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. ATCR 207 This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted to you. Childcare available. Register online.

Career Transitions Workshop Series Tuesdays • April 24-May 8 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. ATCR 209 This series of workshops focuses on the spiritual and practical challenges of job transition and will equip you for what lies ahead. Whether you’re unemployed or anticipating a career transition, get the tools you need to find meaningful work that utilizes your God-given gifts. Childcare available. Register online.

Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money LIVE Tour Wednesday, April 25 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Want to learn how to take control of your personal finances? In this special, one-night event, Dave Ramsey and Chris Hogan will walk you through the basics of budgeting, eliminating debt, and planning for retirement. Save $10 using promo code SOUTHEAST. Tickets available online.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Thursdays • May 3-June 28 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. ATCR 200 Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Requires an $85 membership fee. Childcare available. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Thursdays • 4:00-6:30 p.m. Next Step Room Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit

Career Transitions Group Thursdays • 7:15-8:30 p.m. • FH 109 Encouragement and support for those experiencing or considering a career transition. Come receive spiritual and professional assistance in a Christ-centered environment. No registration required.

June 3-6 • Morristown, TN Invite your buddies out to a Summer golf retreat in the Smoky Mountains! Ben Cross, Southeast’s Pastor of Residency & Theology, will join us as a speaker. Register online before May 15.

Man Challenge Mondays • 6:00-7:30 p.m. The Block Auditorium Thursdays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. The Block Auditorium Men: You NEED this! We want to equip every man with the confidence and competence in knowing who Jesus is and the pursuit and development of authentic relationships. Simply show up and visit the I’m New table! Questions? Email Mason at No registration required.

Man Challenge: Shelbyville Group Wednesdays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. The Brick Room on Main Street Man Challenge strives to show men how to follow Jesus completely. Beginning April 11, we’re starting a new study in the Gospel of John. Invite a friend and join us! For any questions, please email Max at No registration required.

Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study Saturdays • 7:00-8:30 a.m. • FH 1 This large gathering of men meets each week to study the Bible in community. This is a great place to get started in Bible study, and you’re welcome to join us anytime! No registration required.


Grandparent Conference April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Dennis Swanberg and Bob Russell will be speaking. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Significance Lunch Series Thursday, May 10 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and older who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before May 2.

Onward Tuesdays • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • AT 109 This weekly class offers teaching and support for widows and widowers seeking a time of study, teaching, and fellowship after a loss. No registration required.

Classic Worship Thursdays • 10:00-11:00 a.m. • ATCR 200/202 This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Pickle Ball


Fridays • 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Sports & Fitness Center Gym Games for experienced players begin at 9:30 a.m. Beginners’ games start at 12:30 p.m. No registration required.

Basic Needs Drive

Next Chapter

Pick up a Bag: April 14/15 • After Worship Services Collection Weekends: April 21/22 & 28/29 Help families in our community by donating essential, nonperishable food items to those in need. Fill a bag and leave donations behind your car on a collection weekend. More information online.

House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Parking Lot Whether you’re a professional architect or you’ve never held a hammer before, come lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! Together, we’ll construct wall frames in order to provide homes for people who will share the love of Christ in greater Louisville. Register online.

First Fridays • 10:00-11:30 a.m. • AT 106 This monthly class is specifically designed for senior adult women and features a new guest speaker each month. No registration required.

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, please contact us to discuss the upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required. BLANKENBAKER CAMPUS continued next page



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continued from page 21


Gather and Go: Community Service Initiative Saturday, April 28 Gather and Go is an amazing opportunity to impact the city of Louisville for the glory of God. If you are interested in serving with a team of other like-minded singles, we encourage you to join us. Please email Terrence at to be added to our service list.

The Waiting Room Tuesdays • May 15-29 6:30 p.m. • The Block Our Single Life Ministry would like to invite all Southeast single adults to our Spring series. If you are eager to be equipped as a follower of Jesus and you’re looking for healthy, Christcentered community, come out and join us! Limited childcare available. Register online.

Young Adult Lawn Party Sunday, June 10 • 12:30-4:00 p.m. Southeast Ballfields Young adults in their 20s and 30s are welcome to join us for a fun afternoon to hang out and meet new people. Whether you’re married, engaged, or single, come out and bring some friends! We’ll have games, music, food, Steel City Pops, and more! Register online.



REFIT Live Class


Friday, April 20 • 7:00-8:30 p.m. • The Block Forget the YouTube playlists and ditch the DVD. It’s time to experience the full-throttle energy of the REFIT founders up close and personal! Grab your friends—beginners and experts alike—and get ready to sweat! Register at

Sunday, April 15 • 6:30 p.m. • The Block Join us for a fun night of food, games, and time to hang out with old friends and new. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get connected with women of all ages and life stages. Limited childcare available. Register online.

REFIT Certification Training

Single Moms’ Community Group

Saturday, April 21 • 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. The Block Become a REFIT instructor and begin a revolution in your community! This training program will empower you with a renewed sense of purpose, passion, and confidence to lead classes, even if you come in with little to no experience. Register at

Sundays • 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. • AT 109 This group fosters real community as we seek to glorify God through difficult circumstances and parenting challenges. Children’s programming available. No registration required.

Register online at






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NEXT /// APRIL 2018


Children’s programming available during all services.

DORON JONE S Connections Pastor 502.253.8477

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




Starting Point

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University

Basic Needs Drive

Sundays • April 29 or May 27 5:00-7:00 p.m. • Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or just want to learn more about who we are and what we believe, join us for Starting Point! No matter your previous church experience, this class is the best place to begin. You’ll learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Register online.

Bible Basics Tuesdays • April 10-17 • 7:00-8:30 p.m. Elementary Chapel What is the Bible? How do I study it? Can I actually understand a book 2,000 years old? If you’ve ever asked one of these questions, this 2-week class is for you! Register online.

Get Connected and Join a Group

Looking for a place to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus? Interested in building new friendships? A group can be a great way to get connected with others! To learn more about our groups, please contact Justin Fluhr at jfluhr@secc. org or Chris Garrett at


Budget Bootcamp Tuesday, April 17 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fireside Room This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted you. Register online.

Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money LIVE Tour Wednesday, April 25 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Want to learn how to take control of your personal finances? In this special, one-night event, Dave Ramsey and Chris Hogan will walk you through the basics of budgeting, eliminating debt, and planning for retirement. Save $10 using promo code SOUTHEAST. Tickets available online. GENEROUS LIVING continued next column

Tuesdays • May 1-June 26 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Fireside Room Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Requires an $85 membership fee. Register online.


Bible & Beach June 23-29 • Daytona Beach, FL High school students—you won’t want to miss out on this awesome week of worship, games, and small groups on the beach! Sign up now and save your spot with an early deposit. B&B leader registration is available also! $499 per student. Register at

Pick up a Bag: April 15 • After Worship Services Collection Sundays: April 22 & 29 Help families in our community by donating essential, nonperishable food items to those in need. Fill a bag and leave donations in the Atrium on a collection Sunday. More information online.

House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Elizabethtown Campus Parking Lot Whether you’re a professional architect or you’ve never held a hammer before, come lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! Together, we’ll construct wall frames in order to provide homes for people who will share the love of Christ in Radcliffe. Register online.


Grandparent Conference


Man Challenge Wednesdays • 6:30-7:30 a.m. Student Ministry Building All men need encouragement and accountability to grow. At Man Challenge, you’ll get both as you dive into Scripture with other men and grow in Christlike character together. No registration required.

Men’s Golf Trip June 3-6 • Morristown, TN Invite your buddies out to a Summer golf retreat in the Smoky Mountains! Ben Cross, Southeast’s Pastor of Residency & Theology, will join us as a speaker. Register online before May 15.


CIY MIX June 15-19 • Country Lake Christian Retreat An awesome 5-day experience designed for students entering into grades 6-8! Engage in fun, interactive activities that tie into Bible-based teaching and small group interaction! Register at

April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Dennis Swanberg and Bob Russell will be speaking. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Senior Adult Lunch Wednesday, April 25 • 11:30-1:30 p.m. Fireside Room Come join other senior adults for food and fellowship as we gather together to launch our Elizabethtown Campus Senior Adult Ministry. We look forward to meeting you. To register, please contact Stephanie Dowell at 502.253.8045 or

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, please contact us to discuss the upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Register online at


SERVICE TIME S SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.





9:30 a.m.

6:30 p.m.



600 NORTH DIXIE AVENUE ELIZABETHTOWN, KY 42701 | 270.506.4630 Children’s programming available during all services.

JUSTIN FLUHR Connections Pastor 502.614.1408



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Overcoming Adversity Mondays • 7:00-8:30 p.m. • Living Room 2 This group is for individuals who are dealing with major struggles and difficulties in life. No registration required.

Alzheimer’s Support Group Last Wednesdays • 2:00-3:30 p.m. Living Room 5 A monthly time of support and encouragement for those who care for Alzheimer’s patients. No registration required.

Post-Abortion Support Group

A safe place for women who have undergone an abortion. No one has to walk alone—find support in community. Additional information is available online, or contact


Bible Basics Sundays • April 8-22 • 9:30-10:30 a.m. SW Classroom What is the Bible? How do I study it? Can I actually understand a book 2,000 years old? If you’ve ever asked one of these questions, this 3-week class is for you! Children’s programming available. Register online.

Starting Point



Budget Bootcamp

Men’s Small Group Launch

Sunday, April 15 • 6:00-8:30 p.m. • Café If you’re new to Southeast or have been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Get connected with Southwest Campus staff members, hear our heart for ministry, and learn about ways to get involved. Childcare available. Register online.

Monday, April 16 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. SW Classroom This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted to you. Register online.


Wednesday, April 25 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Want to learn how to take control of your personal finances? In this special, one-night event, Dave Ramsey and Chris Hogan will walk you through the basics of budgeting, eliminating debt, and planning for retirement. Save $10 using promo code SOUTHEAST. Tickets available online.

5th Sunday Foster & Adoption Fellowship Group Sunday, April 29 • 9:45-11:00 a.m. SW Classroom If you’re a foster or adoptive parent or you’re just getting started in the process, come get connected with other families like yours! Children’s programming available. No registration required.

D ave Ramsey’s Smart Money LIVE Tour

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Mondays • April 30-July 2 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. SW Classroom Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Requires an $85 membership fee. Childcare available. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. South Louisville Christian Church Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


NEXT /// APRIL 2018

Thursday, April 12 • 6:00-7:00 p.m. • Café In this meeting, we’ll gather together before separating into groups of men that will be meeting together throughout the months of April and May. Come and get to know other men on a personal level as we learn how to follow Jesus completely. No registration required.

Men’s Golf Trip June 3-6 • Morristown, TN Invite your buddies out to a Summer golf retreat in the Smoky Mountains! Ben Cross, Southeast’s Pastor of Residency & Theology, will join us as a speaker. Register online before May 15.


MSM Hangout Friday, April 27 • 7:00-9:00 p.m CAL Gymnasium Bring your friends and make some new ones on this fun Friday night! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required.

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G


Basic Needs Drive Pick up a Bag: April 15, After Worship Services Collection Sundays: April 22 & 29 Help families in our community by donating essential, nonperishable food items to those in need. Fill a bag and leave donations in the Atrium on a collection Sunday. More information online.

House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Southwest Campus Parking Lot Whether you’re a professional architect or you’ve never held a hammer before, lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! Together, we’ll construct wall frames in order to provide homes for people who will share the love of Christ in greater Louisville. Register online.



Grandparent Conference

Ladies’ REFIT

April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Dennis Swanberg and Bob Russell will be speaking. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Saturdays • Beginning April 14 10:00-11:00 a.m. • CAL Gymnasium REFIT is a community-centered approach to fitness that impacts your body, mind, and soul. Join us for a fun hour of easy-to-learn exercises and inspiring music in a family-friendly environment! For ages 11 and up. $2 per class, and the first is free! For more information, contact Christi at or 502.253.8624. Register for class sessions at

Significance Lunch Series

required. WOMEN

Thursday, May 10 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and older who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before May 2.

Ladies’ Book Club Tuesday, April 24 10:00-11:00 a.m. or 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Café Join the Ladies of the Southwest Campus as we read Deadline by Randy Alcorn. No registration required.

Ladies’ Bible Study

Senior Adult Travel Group

Wednesdays • Through April 25 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. Sanctuary Get in the Word with our Southwest Campus Women’s Ministry. We’re working our way through Finding I AM by Lysa TerKeurst, a study in the Gospel of John. For childcare, contact Teresa at Register online.

Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, please contact us to discuss the upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.

Register online at







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9:30 & 11:15 a.m. 8301 SAINT ANDREWS CHURCH ROAD LOUISVILLE, KY 40258 | 502.614.1500 Children’s programming available during all services.

Campus Pastor 502.614.1500



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Addictions Support & Recovery

Galatians | Am I Saved?

Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money LIVE Tour

Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus A Christ-centered 12-step program for individuals wanting to overcome addictions and compulsions. No registration required.

Tuesdays • April 17-May 15 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 202 It’s the most important question in the world: How can a person be saved? The book of Galatians was written to answer this question. Join Mark Berggen for this 5-week study as we explore Paul’s letter together. Childcare available. Register online.

Wednesday, April 25 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Want to learn how to take control of your personal finances? In this special, one-night event, Dave Ramsey and Chris Hogan will walk you through the basics of budgeting, eliminating debt, and planning for retirement. Save $10 using promo code SOUTHEAST. Tickets available online.

Families of Addicts Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus For families who have a loved one struggling with an addiction. Practical, emotional, and spiritual support. No registration required.

Miscarriage, Pregnancy, and Infant Loss Support First Mondays • 7:00-8:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus This group is for women walking through the sorrows of child loss. Come together with others to grieve, encourage one another, and encounter the hope that Jesus offers. No registration required.

Women’s Abuse Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus For women struggling with emotional, physical, or sexual abuse issues. We offer support and prayer. No registration required.


SE!Kids Volunteer Basics Tuesday, April 17 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Room 184 Sunday, April 29 • 12:00-1:00 p.m. • Room 184 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on either of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required.


Starting Point Sundays • April 15 or May 20 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Room 190 A If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

So, What’s the Difference? Catholics and Protestants Tuesdays • April 17-May 1 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 190 B Join Campus Pastor Greg Allen as he teaches the Biblical perspective on the similarities and differences between Catholic and Protestant churches. You will learn how to have a healthy dialogue with people of both spiritual heritages. Childcare available. Register online. CONNECTION continued next column


NEXT /// APRIL 2018


Beginner’s Guide: God, the Church, the Bible Wednesdays • April 18-May 16 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 190 B When you’re new to the Bible and Christianity, it can be intimidating to know where to start! Join Mark Berggren for this 5-week overview of what our faith is all about. Childcare available. Register online.


iMarriage Wednesdays • April 18-May 16 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 190 A When we turn our desires into expectations, our marriage shifts from a covenant relationship to a contractual relationship. Dave and Penny Hudson lead this 5-week study on how to chase after God’s expectations for your marriage instead of your own. Childcare available. Register online.


Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Mondays • April 30-July 2 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Room 190 A Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Requires an $85 membership fee. Childcare available. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


Bible & Beach

Sundays • 10:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C In the middle of a busy life with young children, take time as a couple to connect with others in your stage of life and study God’s Word together. Children’s programming available. No registration required.

June 23-29 • Daytona Beach, Florida Bible & Beach is a life-changing week of highenergy worship, challenging teaching, small groups, and, of course, time at the beach! This week is open to upcoming freshmen through graduating seniors. Do not miss this opportunity to grow in community and, more importantly, in your relationship with Christ! Register at

Young Married Group


Couples Connection

Sundays • 10:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 B Make the most of the first years of your marriage by connecting with other young couples and studying God’s Word together! No registration required.


OCA Connect Tuesday, April 17 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 261 A support group for families in all stages of the adoption and foster care journey. Childcare available. No registration required.

5th Sunday Foster & Adoption Fellowship Group Sunday, April 29 • 10:30-11:30 a.m. Room 190 A If you’re a foster or adoptive parent or you’re just getting started in the process, come get connected with other families like yours! Children’s programming available. No registration required.

Man Challenge Saturdays • April 14-May 19 7:00-8:00 a.m. • The 514 Man Challenge is a place for men to connect in a study of the Bible to help us keep our focus on Jesus. Whether you’ve known Christ for decades or you’re getting to know Him for the first time, Man Challenge is for you! Register online.

Men’s Golf Trip June 3-6 • Morristown, TN Invite your buddies out to a Summer golf retreat in the Smoky Mountains! Ben Cross, Southeast’s Pastor of Residency & Theology, will join us as a speaker. Register online before May 15.

Men’s Sexual Accountability Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Sexual sin can be spiritually dangerous. Join this group to get accountability, Biblical counsel, and brothers to walk with. Led by Carl Kroboth and Mark McDaniel. Childcare available. Register online.

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




MSM Roots - Girls Retreat

Significance Lunch Series

April 20/21 • Beginning Friday at 6:00 p.m. Camp Kavanaugh in Crestwood, KY MSM Roots is a girls-only, one-night retreat you won’t want to miss! Come get away, spend time with friends, and grow in your walk with the Lord. Spots are limited, so make sure you lock yours in soon! Contact Anna at for more information.

Thursday, May 10 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and over who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before May 2.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups


Road to 6th Grade Launch Party

Grandparent Conference

Friday, June 1 • 5:00-8:30 p.m. Renaissance Fun Park A night for 5th graders and their parents to connect with the Middle School Ministry Staff with outdoor games, food, and fun! Register online.

April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Dennis Swanberg and Bob Russell will be speaking. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Women’s Prayer Meeting

MIX June 11-15 • Country Lake Christian Retreat MIX is a summer camp experience of a lifetime for upcoming 6th through 8th graders. Come be a part of high-energy worship, teaching, small groups, and lots of summer camp fun! Register online.


Basic Needs Drive Pick up a Bag: April 14/15 After Worship Services Collection Weekends: April 21/22 & 28/29 Help families in our community by donating essential, nonperishable food items to those in need. Fill a bag and leave donations with the LifeBridge truck in the parking lot on a collection weekend. More information online.

House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Parking Lot Whether you’re a professional architect or you’ve never held a hammer before, come lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! Together, we’ll construct wall frames in order to provide homes for people who will share the love of Christ in greater Louisville. Register online.

Senior Potluck Luncheon Second Tuesdays • 12:00-1:30 p.m. Room 190 C Join with other seniors for a time of fellowship as we share a potluck-style meal. Each month’s gathering features a guest speaker or special event. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. No registration required.

Empty Nesters' Dinner Second Saturdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 190 C Join us for a monthly time of celebration and great conversation as we talk about everyday life as empty nesters. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share for a potluck-style dinner. No registration required.


Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.

Tuesdays • April 3-24 • 9:30-10:30 a.m. Room 202 Join other women for a time of prayer. No registration required.

We Saved You a Seat Tuesdays • April 10-May 22 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 190 C Wednesdays • April 11-May 23 9:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C In this 7-session Bible study, join with other ladies to learn what Jesus meant when He invited us to love others. We have a chair with your name on it! Childcare available. Register online.

Single Moms’ Study Sundays • 9:00-10:00 a.m. • Room 190 C Single moms of all ages and life stages—come join us as we learn from God’s Word and encourage one another with the hope we have in Christ. Childcare available. No registration required.

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, please contact us to discuss the upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045. SENIORS continued next column

Register online at







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SUNDAY 9:00, 10:30 a.m., & 12:00 p.m.

MARK BERGGREN 6201 CRESTWOOD STATION CRESTWOOD, KY 40014 | 502.873.1100 Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 502.873.1096



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High School Groups Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. La Grange Campus High schoolers, we want to help you find your place in a small group where you can dive into the Bible, form lasting relationships, and get involved in the community. That’s what HSM Groups are all about: helping you to grow and challenging you to live like Jesus in the here and now. Come find the right group for you! No registration required.


Man Challenge Tuesdays • Through May 1 6:30-8:00 p.m. • The Station Man Challenge is an opportunity for men to be equipped and encouraged as we study God’s Word together. Join us on Tuesday nights! No registration required.


Starting Point

Budget Bootcamp

Sunday, April 8 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. This is an opportunity to learn what our church believes, hear our heart for ministry, and find ways to get connected at the La Grange Campus. Childcare available. Register online.

Thursday, April 19 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Next Step Room This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted you. Register online.

Get in a Group!

Wednesday, April 25 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Want to learn how to take control of your personal finances? In this special, one-night event, Dave Ramsey and Chris Hogan will walk you through the basics of budgeting, eliminating debt, and planning for retirement. Save $10 using promo code SOUTHEAST. Tickets available online.

Groups can be a lifeline in your walk with Jesus. When you join a group, you gain new opportunities to grow in your faith, develop Christ-centered friendships, and become equipped to live on mission in your neighborhood. Find Connections Pastor Brent Dennison after worship services or reach out to him at, or contact Community Pastor Mike Berry at


In the Ring: A Marriage Event Sundays • April 15 & 22 • 6:00-7:30 p.m. Worship Center Join us for two fun-filled nights as we invest in our marriages together! This is a great opportunity for you to connect with other couples at the La Grange Campus. Childcare available. Register online.



NEXT /// APRIL 2018

Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money LIVE Tour

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Thursdays • May 3-June 28 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. Next Step Room Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Requires an $85 membership fee. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit

Men’s Golf Trip June 3-6 • Morristown, TN Invite your buddies out to a Summer golf retreat in the Smoky Mountains! Ben Cross, Southeast’s Pastor of Residency & Theology, will join us as a speaker. Register online before May 15.


MSM After Hours Wednesday, April 25 • 4:00-5:30 p.m. La Grange Campus All middle schoolers are invited to come hang out with us after school to play games, meet new friends, and even get some help with your homework. We will have indoor soccer, gaga ball, video games, board games, and more! Be sure to bring your friends! No registration required.

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G


Basic Needs Drive Pick up a Bag: April 15 • After Worship Services Collection Sundays: April 22 & 29 Help families in our community by donating essential, nonperishable food items to those in need. Fill a bag and leave donations in the Atrium on a collection Sunday. More information online.

House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. La Grange Campus Parking Lot Whether you’re a professional architect or you’ve never held a hammer before, come lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! Together, we’ll construct wall frames in order to provide homes for people who will share the love of Christ in greater Louisville. Register online.



Grandparent Conference

Senior Adult Travel Group

Real Women’s Groups

Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, please contact us to discuss the upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Worship Center Wednesdays • 9:30-11:30 a.m. Worship Center We want you to be part of our encouraging culture of women as we grow together in our love for God and one another. We would really like to get to know you! For childcare contact Cherie Erskine at For other questions, contact Karissa Sites at

April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Dennis Swanberg and Bob Russell will be speaking. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Significance Lunch Series Thursday, May 10 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and over who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before May 2



Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.

SENIORS continued next column

Register online at


SERVICE TIME S SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.





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410 SOUTH 1ST STREET LA GRANGE, KY 40031 | 502.614.1200 Children’s programming available during all services.

BRENT DENNISON Connections Pastor 502.614.1209



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Grief Support Group (Men & Women)

College Age / Young Adult Group (Ages 19-24)

Tuesdays • Beginning April 10 6:30 p.m. • Room 121 Healing from your grief is not easy. It can be a long and painful process—one you don’t need to experience alone. Come and share some time with others who can offer you hope, encouragement, and prayer after the loss of a loved one. Childcare available. No registration required.

THRIVE Men’s Recovery Groups Tuesdays • 1:00-2:30 p.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 225 & Room 229 These Christ-centered support groups are for men seeking healing from sexual temptation and substance abuse. Childcare available. No registration required.

Women’s Recovery Support Groups Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Next Step Room A weekly group for women struggling with the hurts and hang-ups of addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Every Man’s Battle Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 225 & Room 229 Meeting as part of Thrive, Every Man’s Battle is designed to equip men to stand together and offer a practical battle plan to overcome sexual temptation and sin. Come and see what has empowered many men to overcome sexual sin and experience true freedom in Christ. Childcare available. No registration required.

Empower Women’s Group Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 230 Join us in coming alongside victims of abuse and learn how to better understand, encourage, and empower them where they are. Childcare available. No registration required.

Sundays • April 8-May 27 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Schansbergs’ Home College-age men and women—Gather with us for dinner and to discuss C. S. Lewis’ classic, Mere Christianity. For more information, contact


Starting Point Sundays • April 8 or June 10 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. • The Attic (Room 214) Whether you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Starting Well Sundays • April 15-May 6 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. • The Attic (Room 214) This group is for anyone interested in starting their faith journey or deepening their relationship with Jesus. We’ll walk through the Gospel of John together and focus on some fundamental questions. Children’s programming available. Register online.

IN Community 20s-30s Various Times and Locations If you’re a young adult seeking community at our campus, these groups are for you! Experience a relaxed atmosphere with opportunities to develop relationships with others in your stage of life. For more information, contact

Women’s Friends and Family of Addicts Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room A weekly group for women struggling with the challenges of loving someone with an addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Hope After Abortion Scheduled as Needed We want to walk with you through the emotional journey in the wake of a past abortion. In this group, we invite you to draw near to other women to experience God’s grace and process through the different emotions of healing: anger, denial, forgiveness, grief, and more. For more information, please contact


NEXT /// APRIL 2018


Just a Phase: The Early Years Sundays • April 8-May 27 9:30-10:45 a.m. • Room 132 We hope our children will grow up with a faith that will transform their lives and lead to a brighter future. But in spite of our hopes and intentions, many kids still grow up without experiencing the truth of God’s love and forgiveness. This class allows parents to come together, encourage each other, and learn how to navigate their children’s phases of life well. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Marriage Built to Last Sundays • April 8-May 27 9:30-10:45 a.m. • Room 225 This isn’t your typical marriage study. Whether you’re newly married, remarried, or wanting to improve your relationship, Chip Ingram will provide you with practical teaching to give you tools to live intentionally and love Biblically. Children’s programming available. Register online.

HSM Parents Sundays • 12:45-2:00 p.m. • Room 225 Parents of high school students: Come to these weekly meetings to share lunch, study Scripture, encourage one another, and pray together. Children’s programming available. Register online.


5th Sunday Foster & Adoption Fellowship Group Sunday, April 29 • 9:30-10:45 a.m. The Attic (Room 214) If you’re a foster or adoptive parent or you’re just getting started in the process, come get connected with other families like yours! Children’s programming available. No registration required.

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Budget Bootcamp

Man Challenge: Man Up

Tuesday, April 17 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Attic This fast-paced class is designed to help you live on a budget, establish an emergency fund, and live frugally while honoring God with all He has entrusted to you. Childcare available. Register online.

Thursdays • April 12-May 3 5:30 p.m. • The Hub Man Challenge is an opportunity for men to be encouraged, equipped, and grow in their relationship with Jesus together. Bring a friend and join us as we look into the life of David. $5 dinner at 5:30 p.m. Teaching and discussion begin at 6:00 p.m. Register online.

Dave Ramsey’s Smart Money LIVE Tour Wednesday, April 25 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus Want to learn how to take control of your personal finances? In this special, one-night event, Dave Ramsey and Chris Hogan will walk you through the basics of budgeting, eliminating debt, and planning for retirement. Save $10 using promo code SOUTHEAST. Tickets available online.

Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University Tuesdays • May 1-June 26 • 6:30-8:30 p.m. The Attic Learn how to manage money, spend and save wisely, and eliminate debt during this 9-week class. Childcare available. Requires an $85 membership fee. Register online.

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Third Mondays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Indiana Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


HSM Parents Sundays • April 8-May27 12:45-2:00 p.m. • Room 225 We invite parents of high school students to share lunch, study Scripture, encourage one another, and pray together. Childcare available. Register online.

HSM Blue vs. Pink Night Sunday, April 22 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. • The Hub It’s a guys-versus-girls showdown as we battle our way through fun games to crown a champion! Come decked out in blue or pink and bring your friends! No registration required.

IN Men’s Golf Scramble Saturday, April 21 • 8:00 a.m. Hidden Creek Golf Club, Sellersburg, IN Get the guys together and join us for a great day of golf! It’s only $44 per person, and that includes carts and lunch! Questions? Contact Greg at 812.786.1918 or Register online.

Wednesday Evening Group Wednesdays • April 11-May 30 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 225 Looking to grow in your Christian walk? Want to understand the marks of a mature Christian man? Join us on Wednesday evenings as we walk through the book of James together. Childcare available. Register online.

Men’s Golf Trip June 3-6 • Morristown, TN Invite your buddies out to a Summer golf retreat in the Smoky Mountains! Ben Cross, Southeast’s Pastor of Residency & Theology, will join us as a speaker. Register online before May 15.

IN Cross Country Riders Saturdays • As Scheduled Various Times and Locations Ride the backroads, share lunch, and connect with fellow riders (weather permitting). Register online. For more information, contact Zach Stotts at

Men’s Mentoring Ongoing Whether you’re struggling through a particular life issue or you need help in your relationship with God, we have a team of men who are willing and ready to walk beside you. For more information, contact


MSM Hangout Friday, April 27 • 8:00-10:00 p.m. • The Hub Bring your friends and make some new ones on this fun Friday night! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required.


Basic Needs Drive Pick up a Bag: April 14/15 • After Worship Services Collection Weekends: April 21/22 & 28/29 Help families in our community by donating essential, nonperishable food items to those in need. Fill a bag and leave donations in the Atrium on a collection weekend. More information online.

House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Indiana Campus Parking Lot Whether you’re a professional architect or you’ve never held a hammer before, come lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! Together, we’ll construct wall frames in order to provide homes for people who will share the love of Christ in New Albany. Register online. INDIANA CAMPUS continued next page

Register online at



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G


continued from page 31



Grandparent Conference

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Dennis Swansburg and Bob Russell will be speaking. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Significance Lunch Series Thursday, May 10 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and over who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before May 2.

Classic Worship Thursdays • 1:00-2:30 p.m. • The Hub This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Daughters Like Ruth Third Thursdays Various Times and Locations This group is an opportunity for widows and other single women to meet on a regular basis to build each other up in their walk with Christ. For more information, please contact Nancy Johnson at 812.786.3138. No registration required.

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, please contact us to discuss the upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.




Wives After God

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.


Wednesdays • April 11-May 23 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Wives After God is for women who desire community and comfort, need advice and accountability, and are looking to grow closer to God and their husbands. Childcare available. Register online.

Women of the Bible: Part 2

Single Mom’s Support Group Tuesdays • Beginning April 10 6:00-8:30 p.m. • Café & Living Room There are many unique joys and challenges to being a single mom. Why not come together with others like you for encouragement and support? For additional information, please email

Moms Group: Just A Phase Wednesdays • April 11-May 30 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub This class allows moms to come together and pray for their kids, their school settings, and their changing phases of life. Childcare available. Register online.

The Quest Wednesdays • April 11-May 16 6:00-7:30 a.m. • Panera on Veteran’s Parkway 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-7:15 p.m. • The Hub The Quest uses questions from Scripture to lead you into intimacy with the One who knows you best. Learn how to dig into the Word, find God’s questions, and bring your own questions before Him. Childcare available. Register online.

We Saved You A Seat

Wednesdays • April 11-May 23 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Thursdays • April 12-May 24 7:00-8:30 a.m. • Next Step Room Each timeless Biblical story mirrors the challenges and changes women face today. By understanding the lives of women like Ruth, Esther, Mary, and others, our time together will help us discover the God behind their stories and ours. Childcare available on Wednesdays only. Register online.

Infertility/Miscarriage Support Group Sundays • April 15 & May 20 12:30 p.m. • Room 229 Come connect with other ladies facing similar, challenging circumstances to form an ongoing foundation of support. Light lunch will be provided. No registration required.

REAL Women | Connect Last Sundays • 10:45-11:15 a.m. • Café Ladies, if you’re new to our Indiana Campus, we would LOVE to meet you and help you get connected! On the last Sunday of every month, look for us between worship services in the Café! Hope to see you there! No registration required.

Wednesdays • April 11-May 23 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Pull up a chair! In today’s world, we hide in the shadows of our busyness to escape intimate friendships with the women God places in our lives. In this study, learn what Jesus meant when He invited us to love others, and what it takes to be a true friend. Childcare available. Register online. WOMEN continued next column

SENIORS continued next column

Register online at







9:30 & 1 1:15 a.m.

1 2:30 p.m.





5:30 p.m.




9:30 & 11:15 a.m.

Children’s programming available during all services.

NEXT /// APRIL 2018

Connections Pastor 812.704.1983



In tandem with our 2­–part sermon series, On Edge, Southeast’s team of licensed professional counselors is hosting one-night anxiety workshops at a campus near you. Learn the basics of what anxiety is, common ways to manage it, and approaches to helping others.

Crestwood Campus & Southwest Campus Monday, April 16 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Indiana Campus Tuesday , April 17 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Elizabethtown Campus Wednesday, April 18 7:00-8:30 p.m.

Blankenbaker Campus Thursday, April 19 6:30-8:30 p.m.

No registration required.




SATURDAY, MAY 19 • 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. ALL SOUTHEAST CAMPUS PARKING LOTS Whether you’re a professional architect or you’ve never held a hammer before, come lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! Together, we’ll construct wall frames in order to provide local homes for people who will share the love of Christ in their neighborhoods.




NEXT /// APRIL 2018

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