Southeast Christian NEXT Magazine | March 2018

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T H E G I F T O F C O N V I C T I O N | F O R G E T Y O U R S E L F | F I G H T T O F O R G I V E | T H E B L E S S E D A N D B R O K E N W AY



Jesus lifts us out of the dust and into glory.

MARCH 30-APRIL 1 All Southeast Campuses

We’re inviting hundreds of visitors, neighbors, and friends to join us as we celebrate Easter at Southeast. But we need your help to make sure everyone receives a warm welcome! Will you commit to serving at one or more of our Easter worship services? To learn more and sign up to serve, visit and click SERVE.


DUS T A N D A S H E S • M A RC H 2 018 • I S S U E 19



The Blessed and Broken Way


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The Gift of Conviction


Our Campuses

True intimacy with Christ is found in turning from our sin and giving ourselves entirely to the Lord, day after day.


First Things First

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Lent: An Invitation to Trust


Life @ Southeast

The season leading into Easter is a time to practice the discipline of giving control back to God.

18 Your Turn

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Forget Yourself

20 Trending

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Fight to Forgive

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The Blessed and Broken Way

We find our greatest satisfaction in focusing less on ourselves and more on God and His Word.

21 What’s Happening

The harder it is to forgive, the greater the opportunity is for Christ to mature us in the process.

Repentance is not merely an unpleasant detour on the road to a better life. It is our life.

WE ALL HAVE A NEXT STEP TO TAKE IN OUR WALK WITH JESUS. WHAT’S YOURS? In this magazine, hear the heart of Southeast Christian Church through articles and stories, stay informed about upcoming groups and events, and find where you belong in our mission of connecting people to Jesus and one another.

OUR CAMPUSES B L A N K E N B A K E R C A MP U S 920 Blankenbaker Parkway • Louisville, KY 40243 • 502.253.8000

I N D I A N A C A MP U S 1309 Charlestown New Albany Road • Jeffersonville, IN 47130 • 812.704.1951

C R E S T WO O D C A MP U S 6201 Crestwood Station • Crestwood, KY 40014 • 502.873.1100

S O U T H W E S T C A MP U S 8301 Saint Andrews Church Road • Louisville, KY 40258 • 502.614.1500

L A G R A N G E C A MP U S 410 South 1st Street • La Grange, KY 40031 • 502.614.1200

E L IZ A B E T H T OW N C A MP U S 600 North Dixie Avenue • Elizabethtown, KY 42701 • 270.506.4630

Visit for more information.


CALL IT LIKE IT IS MY EARS HAD HEARD OF YOU BUT NOW MY EYES HAVE SEEN YOU. THEREFORE I DESPISE MYSELF AND REPENT IN DUST AND ASHES. JOB 42:5-6 (NIV®) Admit it. You’ve dropped the ball, you’ve messed up, and you’ve fallen flat on your face. Sometimes your best efforts have gone belly up and your good intentions have withered on the vine. But hey, you’re only human, right? Nobody’s perfect! We use a lot of fun and interesting phrases to talk about our own failures. It lightens the mood, softens the blow. Faults, vices, and shortcomings get reduced to doozies and snafus. Because, honestly, they’re more comfortable that way. When we cushion our words, it’s easier to write off our wrongs and excuse our guilt. The Bible isn’t so playful when it addresses our screw-ups. Scripture’s brutal honesty is direct and to the point, using language as blunt and striking as a sledgehammer: sin, transgression, iniquity, evil. Sometimes it’s almost too much to take! In the world of the Bible, people acknowledged the weight of their wrongdoing in a way that’s practically lost on us today. Often, they expressed their remorse and contrition in colorful, dramatic ways. Men and women tore their robes, pulled out their own hair, and clothed themselves in rough sackcloth rags. They would cover their heads in dust and ashes, as if to say, “I’m no better than the dirt of the ground!” In the midst of this overt imagery, there was no room for write-offs or excuses. Beyond mere showmanship, this ancient practice was a public display of confession and accountability, a brokenhearted sorrow over the crushing weight of sin. The ancient Hebrews knew their failure grieved the heart of God, and so it grieved them too. They assented to King David’s words, penned in the wake of his life’s greatest failure: “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” (Psalm 51:17 ESV)

Against all our inclinations to minimize our selfish, comfortseeking ways, God commands us to call our sin what it is. When we do, we admit that He is holy and we’re not. But there’s real hope here. For all our failings, shortcomings, and outright rebellion, God’s redeeming love is greater still. When we finally admit just how bad we truly are, we come to recognize the true beauty of grace. Jesus didn’t have the time of day for anyone who believed they were good enough to deserve a warm welcome into Heaven. “I have not come to call the righteous,” He said, “but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:32 NIV®) This word, repentance, is plastered all over Christ’s ministry. Going from city to city, He taught that only those who admit their sin will meet the mercy of the Savior. The case is the same today. Only by turning from our unrighteous rebellion to the Righteous One do we find loving acceptance from God Himself. It’s true: God is holy, just, and good, and we’re not. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8 NIV®) Rather than coming into the world to condemn us, Jesus stood condemned in our place. That means we’re free to be honest with our failings when we bring them before the Lord in repentance, because their just penalty has already been paid in full. We’re free to stop focusing so much on ourselves and our own desires, so we can give our lives over to the glory of God. We’re free to forgive everyone who has wronged us, because all our wrongdoings have been washed with the blood of the Lamb. We’re free to embrace the promise of true change, shattering the chains of sin that once held us captive to fear and self-loathing. Jesus meets us in the midst of our sin, but He has no intention of leaving us there. In supreme, undeserved love, Christ lifts us up from the ash heap and carries us into glory. As we head into the Easter season as a church, let’s give ourselves to prayerful reflection, acknowledging the depth of our sin and embracing the infinite heights of God’s grace. The more we gaze upon the holiness of God, the more we come to hate our sin and cherish His gift of forgiveness, growing in gratitude for the place Christ has offered us in His great story of redemption.


Bible & Beach Worship Kickoff Night




We want to connect with you—it’s what we’re all about! One way you can share in day-to-day life at Southeast is by following our social media channels. And be sure to check out our website to watch sermons, register for events, and connect with our ministries—all at

Navy SEAL Chad Williams Wild Game Feed

8/18 Debt-Free Challenge

CIY Believe

Pregnancy Center Support Baby Bottle Collection

Guest Speaker Robert Morris

CIY Believe




fitting that I should share my

story in the weeks leading up to Easter. Around Easter of 1991, I was submerged into a very cold, galvanized water trough used for baptisms at the Kentucky State Reformatory. I came to faith in Christ in July 1989 while out on bond awaiting trial. As my thoughts of growing in Christ certainly included baptism, I committed the time and location to prayer.

In those first years of incarceration, I recall spending some of the more inquisitive days seeking answers to hard theological questions. I also recall a kindhearted, wise chaplain who turned me back time and time again to the simple things of God. While there is much to be gleaned in the study of theology, he reminded me, our most important paradigm is a close, intimate relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

WHAT REPENTANCE IS NOT In October 1990, I was tried and sentenced to prison for wanton murder after a drug deal gone bad. Later, I was sent to the Reformatory in La Grange where I was given that sweet privilege of baptism. I clearly recall the chaplain’s words. “Darryll,” he said, “I’m sorry to inform you of this, but the waters of Jordan are going to be very cold this morning. The heater for the baptismal trough isn’t working.” A very long-winded chaplain, who I came to love and respect highly, presided over the baptism as I sat in the coldest water I’ve ever purposely entered. The funny thing is, my excitement ran so high that it really didn’t matter that my heart was beating rapidly or that each breath was quick and shallow. What did matter was that, in the first days of my walk with Christ, I was obedient and excited to grasp a new life—a life filled with grace, forgiveness, and a new lens to view what many people would deem the worst possible situation in life: decades of prison. The prison that became my residence, however, paled in comparison to the prison I had been living in for many years prior. These cold metal bars posed much less of a threat to me than the sabotaging mindset that had held me in bondage before I was born again. This new prison offered me far more freedom than my former enslavement outside of Christ.


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Throughout the next several years, I sought earnestly to understand what a life of intimacy would look like with my Savior. The closer I seemed to get to Christ, the clearer I could see how short I fell short as I continued to sin against Him. The more I recognized my inability to walk circumspectly, the more I realized my continual need for repentance. With this in mind, I wanted to understand what true repentance is. As I read through the New Testament, I happened across something equally as important: what repentance is not. In Matthew 27:3, I was shocked that some older versions of the Bible say that Judas “repented himself” (KJV) when he returned his 30 pieces of blood money to the chief priests and elders after betraying Jesus. But upon further investigation, I discovered the Greek word used in this passage merely expresses a worldly sorrow or a simple regret. We see this same worldly sorrow in Hebrews 12:16-17 as Esau sought “repentance” with tears, but there was no true repentance to be found in him. This worldly kind of “repentance” was familiar to me. In the days shortly after my arrest and release after posting bond, I remember the regret I carried. Regret for not thinking such a heinous act through. Regret for hurting those close to me and possibly ruining everything I worked so hard to accumulate in my life. It was worldly sorrow indeed—mere regret for getting caught.

WHAT REPENTANCE IS To avoid the dreadful mistake of stopping short of true repentance for my sin, I continued to spend my early days of incarceration studying what true repentance looks like according to God’s Word. Different from worldly sorrow, the New Testament uses a unique Greek word—metanoia—to refer to the change of mind that comes about by God’s influence on our minds and hearts. This divinely-ordained changing of the mind influences our hearts to hate the sin we once clung to, allowing our hearts to redirect our love and affinity to Jesus. Finally I had discovered what it means to live a life of intimate relationship with Jesus. A life of intimacy with Christ is a life that is sensitive to the truth of God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit. It’s a sensitivity that confesses the wrongness of our sin and yields to the Godly sorrow the Spirit produces in our hearts and minds. Even more than that, an intimate relationship with Jesus involves a heart that aligns itself with the truth and behaves in a way that glorifies God—even through our own feeble and finite lives in the here and now! As we continue to sin and fall short in this life, each of us is called to a life of intimacy with Christ that walks hand-in-hand with a repentant heart. To repent is to give ourselves entirely to the Lord, day after day. It means turning from those dark paths we have walked for so many years and setting off on a journey toward a new horizon glowing with eternal light. It is so much deeper than worldly sorrow and outward behavior. Rather, God says, “…return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning. Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God…” (Joel 2:12-13 NIV®)

“A life of intimacy with Christ is a life that is sensitive to the truth of

This intimacy can be yours. Whether you have walked with Christ for a while and you’re desiring a deeper relationship, or you’ve never accepted Jesus as your Savior, I can’t think of a better time than this Easter season to seek the abundant life each of us is promised in and through Jesus. By faith and repentance, the gift of His sin-atoning death and life-giving resurrection become securely ours. He is risen! He is risen indeed.

God and the conviction of the Holy Spirit.”

DARRYLL DAVIS Executive Director of The Prisoner’s Hope

The Prisoner’s Hope is one of several ministries that join us each Thursday at Encounter, the Support & Recovery Ministry at Southeast’s Blankenbaker Campus. To learn more about the Support & Recovery groups available at each of our campuses, visit





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THIS IS THE LIFE GOD IS CALLING US INTO, WHERE WE TRUST HIM TO ACCOMPLISH THE MIRACULOUS EVEN IN THOSE PLACES THAT SEEM HOPELESS.” ent is a longstanding tradition within the Christian church that encompasses the 40 days leading up to Easter. For centuries, some Christians have observed this season to intentionally reflect on how Jesus denied Himself for us, and to focus on denying our own distracting desires in order to grow in dependence upon God’s strength. The term Lent stems from an old English word that means “lengthen,” and it references the lengthening sunny days that the season of Spring brings. Not only is Lent a physical season when the days grow longer, but it is also a spiritual season when we have the opportunity to invite God to lengthen our trust, lengthen our selflessness, and lengthen our faith in Him. Whether our lengthened Spring days are filled with goodness or with busyness, Lent slows us down to the reality that we are merely human. But while we all have our limits, God reminds us He is limitless. Lent is observed over a 40-day period, and all throughout Scripture we see the number 40 appear before God’s powerful acts of redemption. Whether it was 40 days (like the days of rain during Noah’s flood) or 40 years (like the years Moses and the Israelites wandered in the desert), several stories recorded in the Bible reveal God using this significant timeframe to prepare His people for a greater work to come: deliverance, restoration, and triumph over sin.

public ministry. It is in these 40 days of His life that we are faced with the reality of Jesus’ humanity. In His incarnation, He truly became one of us and faced the very things we battle in our own lives. He was tempted, He was tested, He was hungry, He was thirsty, His body felt weak and weary, and He was alone. The desert was a place of isolation and danger, a place that lacked resources, and ultimately a place of death. It wasn’t really a place someone would willingly send themselves, yet Jesus chose to go there. It would’ve been easy for Jesus to find a quick fix for the hunger pangs, the isolation, the thirst, and the lack of resources. Yet instead of seeking a quick fix to escape the battle, Jesus fixed His gaze on His Heavenly Father in the midst of His battle. This desert time paints a picture of what the Lent season is intended to be for us: a time to practice the discipline of giving control back to God.



During Lent, we go into the desert with Jesus. We sacrifice the things we’ve taken for granted, the things that give us comfort, and the things we rely on too heavily, so that we can gain a healthy understanding of what we need most in this life. When Jesus willingly went to the desert, He went to a place that was out of His human control—a place where His Father would have to show up. Imagine what would happen if you lived so radically in your everyday life that God would have to show up. This is the life God is calling us into, where we trust Him to accomplish the miraculous even in those places that seem hopeless.

As we look more specifically at the life of Jesus, we encounter the 40-day season of His life played out in the desert as Jesus prepared, prayed, and fasted before beginning His

In the dust and ashes of the desert, Jesus trusted His Father to bring Him the life He needed right in the midst of a place where

death was prevalent. When we accept our limitations, we begin to see the limitless God right before our eyes. This Lenten season is an invitation to sacrifice your comfort, your pride, your fears, your limits, and your control and watch how God fills the spaces that you once relied too heavily on. Jesus released control to His Father even when it wouldn’t seem logical. He willingly went to the place that others would not when He went to the desert, and then He willingly went to the place that others could not when He went to the cross. But because Jesus went, we are living with the greatest hope the world has ever known—forgiveness of sin and adoption as the children of God! In this season of Lent and Easter, invite the same power given to Jesus in the desert, and the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, to transform the places and spaces that seem dead in your world with new, resurrection life.

ASHLEY WEECE Preaching Ministry Assistant






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father and I used to take yearly Summer trips to the prairies of South Dakota. We would hunt, we would spend time with friends and family, but mostly we’d just enjoy terrain that was so different from what we had come to know living in central Kentucky. I’ve appreciated the trips more and more as I’ve gotten older, but even in my youth I knew these were treasured times. Like a river current that passes quickly by, those moments flew. They were gone before I could fully comprehend their importance and impact on my upbringing. It was a joy to simply get away from the routine of home and school, immersing ourselves in someplace new. New towns, new rolling grasslands, and new people. Something happens to us when we’re in new surroundings. We’re forced to observe what’s different here. When we do, we end up forgetting the things that occupied or worried us even only a few days prior. Who among us would go to the Grand Canyon and not look out? Who would stand at the top of the Alps and not look down? Who would camp beneath a starlit night and not look up? God’s creation has a way of demanding that we observe it, and when we do we receive the all-important blessing of forgetting ourselves. In 2015, a study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that people who simply looked at a photo of nature for only 40 seconds had improved focus and performance in their next task. Isn’t that amazing? Just seeing a picture of a beautiful place transports our mind to that location and, in turn, rests our attention on that image. Even without actually being there, the image causes us to stop what we’re doing and stand in awe.

WHAT HE WANTS, NOT WHAT WE WANT In Luke 9, Jesus is talking to a crowd of people. As He does so, He describes some of the most important aspects of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Basically, He’s telling them how to live out the Christian walk. Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Luke 9:23 ESV) The Greek word for “ deny” that Jesus uses in this verse is a very strong word. It’s so strong it almost means someone has to forget they exist! Ultimately Jesus is saying, in order to

truly follow Him, we have to forget about ourselves. We have to place the majority of our attention on Him. We have to fight our tendency to make life all about what we want and orient it around what He wants for our lives. The first step in being a follower of Christ is that we have to forget ourselves. In a way, forgetting is the first step to a life shaped by the cross. But, isn’t Jesus being harsh and impersonal when He tells us to deny ourselves? The truth is, He’s actually telling us the most loving thing someone could say. We find our greatest satisfaction in focusing less on ourselves and more on God and His Word. As John the Baptist said regarding Jesus, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30 ESV)

THERE’S FREEDOM HERE Adding to this, the second thing Jesus says in Luke 9:23 (ESV) is that a person must “take up his cross.” When He had spoken this to the crowd, they must have been startled. In the ancient world, the cross was an instrument of torture, shame, and death. For Jesus to tell these people to carry their own cross must have been the complete opposite of what they thought following Him would be like! What does Jesus mean here? To carry our cross is to make such a strong commitment to Christ that, even in the face of rejection or death itself, we will never stop following Him. It means every Christian should be willing to lose everything—even our own lives—to gain the better, fuller life Jesus has for us now and forever in His presence. May this be a year where we forget ourselves and follow the One who carried His cross to Calvary for our sakes. Jesus died that we might have life in Him, carrying our cross with His strength, for His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

MARK BERGGREN Connections Pastor, Crestwood Campus





a child, I was taught to say, “I’m sorry.” The apology was intended to mend feelings and claim responsibility for an incident. I was also expected to receive an apology and give forgiveness to whoever had offended me. Receiving and giving forgiveness was a part of growing up and learning how to relate to others, but I remember how difficult this process was for me. Thinking about it now, how often did I really feel sorry for what I did? Being stubborn, I often felt justified in my actions. I was angry, hurt, and defensive. The last thing I wanted to do was take responsibility for the things I had said and done, especially when I felt they were warranted. And what about the apology? The other child was usually coerced by their parents to utter their words of “remorse.” I often evaluated their sincerity and questioned whether they realized the full ramifications of their actions. I doubted motives and had a hard time forgiving someone when I thought their admission of guilt was less than genuine. Probably another indication of my stubbornness.


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Now that I have children of my own, I realize the character my parents were trying to instill in me through giving and receiving forgiveness. Regardless of my reasons, they wanted me to recognize the part I played in causing a situation to turn south. I was learning to give and receive grace. My parents were preparing me for life. They knew that as we live in this world, the wrongs against us increase. The wounds dig deeper and the healing takes longer. What can compare to a parent faced with forgiving someone who has harmed their child? What about the spouse forgiving the partner who broke their family apart? We are surrounded by stories of injustice. People being unfairly treated. Wounds that pierce our hearts, leaving lasting scars.

THIS ISN’T EASY The apostle Paul teaches us that followers of Jesus should forgive each other, just as Christ has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). Surely this doesn’t apply to severe injustice or instances of tremendous loss and heartbreak—right? Wrong. The Bible is talking about those times, not just the small situations in between: from a child forgiving an annoying sibling to a spouse forgiving their partner after a profound and devastating failure. How is this possible? Forgiveness can be difficult under the best of circumstances, when a person takes responsibility for the hurt they’ve inflicted. But what about the process of forgiving someone who doesn’t notice the damage they’ve done? Or worse yet, when they refuse to take responsibility for it? The more severe the hurt or the greater the loss, the harder it is to forgive.

NOT IN OUR STRENGTH God does not leave us alone as we struggle to forgive others. He comes alongside us as a patient Counselor, a loving Father, and a fierce Defender. He sees our hurt, and He understands it. Unforgiveness can feel like a backpack we carry around. Each time we choose to not forgive, we add more weight to the backpack. Bitterness and anger weigh us down and alter the way we live our life and see others. So, as we approach the Easter season, we must not forget the forgiveness our Heavenly Father has so graciously given us. He forgave my culpability in sending Jesus to the cross, my seasons of unbelief, my tendency to abandon ship at the least sign of trouble, all the times I doubted His goodness. He offers forgiveness for all my sins. He wants me, and every one of us, to put down the overloaded backpack of

THE HARDER IT IS TO FORGIVE, THE GREATER THE OPPORTUNITY IS FOR CHRIST TO MATURE US IN THE PROCESS. unforgiveness. He instructs us to forgive, because the act of forgiveness is a characteristic of Christ. It’s laying aside our self, our defenses, our own gain. It doesn’t come easily when the offense is severe. But the harder it is to forgive, the greater the opportunity is for Christ to mature us in the process.

HAND OVER YOUR HURT When we press into the hard areas of forgiveness, we see change begin to take place in our life. Forgiveness is not first a feeling; it’s an act of discipline. My parents didn’t make me say “I’m sorry” because it was how I was feeling. In the most difficult times of my life, when I’m presented with the decision of whether or not to forgive, it can’t just be based on how I feel in that moment! Forgiveness is not about the offender—it’s about our relationship with Christ. Forgiveness sees past the person who caused us pain and focuses on our Savior who can heal our pain. When we forgive, we aren’t minimizing the wrong someone has done to us; we’re telling God that we trust Him. We are turning over control and letting Him work in and through us. It begins with acknowledging Him as our loving Father and talking to Him about the pain. We dig into Scripture and see what the Bible tells us about forgiveness. Then the next step may be to talk to a close friend or seek counsel to process how to move forward. Forgiving the wounds inflicted on us is a daunting task, and one we cannot do alone. As we look ahead to Easter, let us remember the forgiveness that has been freely offered to us all. In light of everything Jesus has done for us, He asks us to follow His example and forgive. Make this Easter a season filled with hope, healing, and forgiveness. It isn’t too late to surrender your pain into the Redeemer’s hands.

LEANN SPRUELL Operations Associate, Church-Wide Initiatives




NEXT /// MARCH 2018

Christ has not saved us only to release us from sin’s punishment, but also to set us free from its enslaving power in our everyday lives.

BY TIM GIOVANETTO ears ago, I enjoyed the remarkable privilege of standing east of Jerusalem in the Judean wilderness. The landscape is one of rolling hills carved by dusty wadis, with cavern-scarred canyons and steep ravines stretching eastward to the Dead Sea. There is a sense of sorrowful reverence there, a haunting emptiness, open and barren as far as the eye can see. Standing in that place, I couldn’t help but wonder: Why here? Why was this the place God selected for His ancient people to dwell? Right in the middle of the “land flowing with milk and honey” (Exodus 3:8 ESV), the City of David and its temple to the Lord were perched atop a rocky hill on the edge of a desolate wasteland. God could have set the centerpiece of His Promised Land in the lush fields of the Jezreel Valley, or beside the picturesque waterfalls under the snowcapped peaks of Hermon, or the fishing and trade havens of the Mediterranean’s eastern shoreline. Instead, He chose a dry and dusty wilderness to be the heartland for His people. And He did so for their good. The wilderness is a place of

brokenhearted repentance, and that’s actually what makes it a sacred land of unparalleled joy.

From Dust to Dust

Our story is one of broken people who are desperate to return to God’s blessing, but are too weary and afraid to walk the costly road of deliverance.

Human beings have long had an affinity for the wildlands. The barren horizon serves as a perpetual reminder of how our story began. As creatures formed out of the dust of the ground, we were given the breath of life and made to enjoy communion with the living God. But we have not loved Him as we ought, not as His glory deserves. We have sung our own praises rather than His, choking out His breath from our lungs. Whereas we once cherished God’s voice of fatherly affection, we now hear the sound of condemnation in sin’s soul-destroying curse: “for you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:19 ESV)

God has a special place for the wilderness in His story of salvation. It is here that His people receive their identity. When the Lord called Abraham from his hometown of Ur, God sent him into a strange and faraway land to become the father of His chosen people. It was by wrestling with God beside the Jabbok’s stony banks that Jacob received the name of Israel. At the foot of Sinai, the redeemed slaves of Egypt became a holy nation and royal priesthood set apart for the one true God. It was not until after he fled from Saul in the Judean wilds that David was crowned king, launching a dynasty out of which the promised Savior would finally come.

Since the loss of paradise in Eden, the whole world has become a husk of what it once was, a wilderness chronicling our fall from grace and our desperate need for redemption. History is shaped by thousands of years of nomads, shepherds, and wanderers striving to get home but unable to find the way.

In this proving ground of faith, all their sins were exposed, laid bare in the barren waste before the all-seeing eye of God. Though Abraham trusted the Lord’s promises, he often feared the authority of kings even more. Jacob bravely followed God’s leading, but he tried to lie, cheat, and steal to secure the Continued on next page



THE BLESSED AND BROKEN WAY // continued from page 15

Lord’s blessings in his own timing. For all his zeal, Moses sometimes took credit for God’s accomplishments, attempting to carry the burden of his people on his own weary shoulders. David loved the Lord deeply, but his eyes were drawn to forbidden pleasures which caused his heart to drift. Try as they did, they could not hide or cover over their failure in the arid desert air. Every one of them drifted and strayed in their walk with God to seek out deliverance another way. But they could not carry themselves to the other side of sin’s wilderness. Neither can we.

He Paved the Way Only one Man entered the wasteland of this sin-stained world and emerged victorious. Jesus walked the landscape of human failure with an unwavering allegiance to His Father’s will. In our place, Christ lived the perfect, sinless life demanded of us all. Instead of compromising for comforts or elevating Himself in pride, the Son of God meditated on what was once penned in the desert: “Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.” (Psalm 63:3 ESV) Unlike the Israelites who gave themselves to complaining as God fed them every morning, Jesus had no manna to sustain Him. But He found strength in the declaration delivered to the ancient wanderers: “…man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.” (Deuteronomy 8:3 ESV) Whereas we went astray, seeking to escape the wilderness by our own craftiness and strength, Jesus lingered in the wasteland of this broken world to deepen His dependence on the


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Father, receiving every trial as the means of enjoying more of God and letting go of everything else. Whereas the rest of the world says, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die” (Isaiah 22:13 ESV), Christ’s ministry was characterized by one earnest exhortation: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17 ESV)

With our sins fastened securely to the cross of Jesus Christ, we are free to fail and free to change. Jesus came to break the chains of our suicidal self-satisfaction, swallowing up our sin with His righteousness and paying our just penalty with His atoning blood. Going to the cross of Calvary, Christ stripped sin of its power by putting it to death. In His own death, He carried it personally into the grave. And now, having been raised again to life, our triumphant King extends the offer to carry us home to God (1 Peter 3:18). All He asks of us is to acknowledge His reign, to humbly fall on our knees as we turn from our transgressions and cling to Christ in faith.

The Road Goes On

Repentance is a winding wilderness road. Here we stand naked before God, exposed to the blazing heat of His justice. If He will not clothe us with the perfect righteousness of

Jesus, we will surely burn. Without the life-sustaining manna of His Word to nourish us in our fight against sin, we will starve ourselves with self-pity or despair. Unless the living waters of His Gospel flow freely from Christ our rock, we will shrivel up under our own works of self-righteousness, never to taste true life. But “with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light.” (Psalm 36:9 ESV) Once we cling to Christ in faith, our journey of repentance has only just begun. Like the Judean wilderness in the midst of the Promised Land, repentance is not merely an unpleasant detour on the road to a better life. It is our life. It cannot be bypassed or circumvented, nor may we grit our teeth and rush through it by force. Repentance is our everyday flight from sin and its empty promises of pleasure, and our turning back to the Savior for our utmost satisfaction and joy. Christ has not saved us only to release us from sin’s punishment, but also to set us free from its enslaving power in our everyday lives. The truth is, we will continue to fail God. Before today is done, all of us will prove ourselves unworthy of His love. Repentance yields true joy not by hiding from this truth, but by embracing it. We will never deserve God’s acceptance, but He graciously gives it anyway because He has given us His Son. We will never measure up to His standard of perfection, but, by faith, He has credited us with the perfect righteousness of the only One who can. We will continue to waver, to fall, and to backslide along the road, but our right standing has been sealed with the same Spirit who empowers us to choose a different way. With our sins fastened securely to the cross of Jesus Christ, we are free to fail and free to change.

The wilderness of repentance is the most beautiful place of all. It is here that we must reckon with the reality that Jesus Christ is everything.

Truly Broken, Truly Blessed We can change, not by biting our lip and white-knuckling our way to obedience, but by experiencing renewal from the inside out as the Spirit washes over us the cleansing truth of God’s forgiveness. We were dead. We were guilty. We were naked and alone in the wild. We had no hope of redemption until the Son of God set us free. Now we can confess our sin without condemnation. Now our hearts truly break over our disobedience. We’ve come to hate it as God hates it, and increasingly so. We still bear the temptation to love lesser things as though they were ultimate: pleasures, freedoms, our very selves. But the wilderness turns them all to salt between our teeth; only the unearned love of our Lord will sate the thirst of our heaving souls. And so we begin to realize that the wilderness of repentance is the most beautiful place of all. It is here that

we must reckon with the reality that Jesus Christ is everything. But to see Him for who He is, we must be brought to the costly realization that apart from Him we are nothing at all: dust of the ground, a mere passing wind, a vapor outlived by the blink of an eye. With both the person of Christ and the waywardness of our hearts set clearly before our eyes, we see the call to follow Him with its full implications: death to our sin and life in His righteousness (Romans 6:11), brokenhearted contrition and liberated celebration (Psalm 51:8), Earth’s deepest sorrow and Heaven’s immeasurably deeper joy (2 Corinthians 6:10). The wilderness yields greater blessings than any momentary oasis can afford, as every competing idol is burnt to cinders in the desert sun. Our lifelong journey of repentance offers us a glimpse of paradise as we see the throne of Christ standing uncontested before our dust-dried eyes. Our parched lips tremble as He offers us

the fruit that has always been our life: His broken body and His streaming blood, poured out once for all from the cross, God’s tree of life. Jesus sojourns with us along the blessed and broken way. As our earthly pilgrimage stretches on, we realize the wilderness of repentance is not an obstacle to avoid; it’s the place where we are daily reminded that Christ is all in all. It’s here that He prepares our hearts for paradise, where we will finally see God face to face (1 John 3:2). As we humbly turn from our sin and gladly cling to our Savior in all His glory, His Spirit transforms us from one degree of glory to the next (2 Corinthians 3:18).

TIM GIOVANETTO Copywriter, Communications





a Christian, I’m tempted to think that my life should be smooth, easy, and simple. I remember thinking that when I married my wife over 11 years ago. I had been a Christian for as long as I could remember, and I married a girl who was a fearless believer as well. This, in my mind, should have been the start of a great marriage.


But, just a few short months into our perfect Christian marriage, my wife was diagnosed with cancer. This was hardly the start to the married life that we had envisioned. What would have been the honeymoon phase of our marriage was instead filled with treatments, doctor’s office visits, and testing. We had a foundation in faith. However, the first place God sent our marriage was not into wedded bliss, but into the trial of trusting Him when we couldn’t trust anything else. When Jesus was baptized at the start of His earthly ministry, God said the best thing any father could say of a child: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17 NIV®) God makes it abundantly clear that Jesus was living out what His Heavenly Father wanted Him to do. But what I find most interesting is where the Father takes His Son next. The very next sentence in Matthew’s account is this: “Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.” (Matthew 4:1 NIV®) So Jesus, moments after the Father has declared His identity as God’s Son, is sent by God to be tempted by Satan. There wasn’t a party. There was no honeymoon period. There was a desert with the devil himself. But how could this be? Why would God the Father send Jesus to such a difficult task after such a profound moment of trust? The start of my marriage was not fun and easy, but marked by hardship and difficulties. The interesting thing about having to walk that journey through cancer with my wife is that it deepened our relationship in ways nothing else could. When you walk through something so profoundly difficult where you have no one left to trust but God Himself, your faith is forever changed. Walking through trials is where faith deepens. Where faith grows. And, where faith can be matured. Sometimes, hope grows out of the most hopeless situations.


NEXT /// MARCH 2018


Most people don’t consider difficulties to be “pure joy” at the time. But, as many have discovered, the tough times can change us for the better. In fact, some of our most lifestretching experiences, which enable us to grow beyond ourselves, are birthed through terrible circumstances.


As you think about your faith story, or as you look over your life, what’s something you’ve learned only because of a difficult trial you’ve had to go through? How has this experience changed you in a way nothing else could?


Suffering allows us to experience how powerless we really are in this world. When things are going well, it’s tempting and easy to think that we have it all under control. But when we suffer, we recognize that there are many things out of our control. In His grace, God can use suffering to remind us to trust Him.


According to these verses, what does suffering produce? How does suffering allow us to see our own powerlessness?


When you live a faith-filled life in a faithless world, it begs for people to ask you about where you’re placing your hope. If you willingly suffer for doing what is right in God’s eyes, people will take notice.


An eternal perspective is a mindset that views everything through the lens of Heaven; not just through our earthly life. Viktor Frankl, a Holocaust survivor, writes in Man’s Search for Meaning, “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” As followers of Jesus, we are called to shift our everyday mindset based on our eternal hope in Christ.


Do you have an answer for why you have hope? Or, when someone asks, are you caught offguard? Are you gentle? Are you harsh? Are you truly hopeful? Does the Gospel you share truly sound like “good news” to others?


How does having an eternal perspective enable you to get through something painful? Does the hope of Heaven shape how you live here on Earth?


On the surface, Jesus’ statement hardly seems comforting. The promise of trouble is not something most of us want to hear. But the story doesn’t end there! Jesus redeems our trouble by filling it with His presence.


Why do you think Jesus said this? How does this statement bring you peace?

STEPHEN PURICELLI Volunteer Engagement Leader



NEW at



GRACE FROM THE CROSS by Kyle Idleman When we’re weighed down with burdens of guilt and shame, we’re carrying something that isn’t ours. Jesus carried our sins and shortcomings to the cross. In this book, hear the grace-filled words Christ spoke from the cross and discover what these seven sayings mean for your life today.

Watch The Easter Experience Sundays • 11:00 p.m. • WDRB

Most of us have heard the Easter story, but have you truly experienced it? Throughout the month of March and concluding on April 1 (Easter Sunday), tune in to Experiencing Truth, Southeast’s Sunday evening television ministry, as Kyle Idleman draws us into the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. This isn’t just a familiar tale about what happened long ago in a faraway land to people whose lives have no bearing on yours. Easter is precious because it’s God’s story for you! And if this story is true, then what happened back then changes everything now.

Easter Resources on


Once We Were Slaves: A Good Friday Story

The Power of the Resurrection

In first-century Jerusalem, two prisoners are sentenced to death under Roman occupation. As one is resigned to his punishment and the other refuses to accept his fate, they encounter a third prisoner. Both must decide: Is this the promised Messiah? Parental advisory: This short film contains dramatic depictions of crucifixion.

The resurrection of Jesus screams that this world matters to God. Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor of The Village Church in Highland Village, Texas, challenges us to leave behind our lives of boredom and go into a world that desperately needs a Savior.

Get free access to RightNow Media’s video streaming library by visiting


NEXT /// MARCH 2018

I CAN ONLY IMAGINE: A MEMOIR by Bart Millard with Robert Noland MercyMe’s crossover hit, I Can Only Imagine, has touched millions around the world. But few know about the pain and redemption that inspired this song. Encounter the captivating story behind the bestselling single in the history of Christian music— and the man who wrote it.

NOT GOD ENOUGH: WHY YOUR SMALL GOD LEADS TO BIG PROBLEMS by J. D. Greear We prefer to imagine that God is small, safe, and domesticated. That kind of convenient God is one we can manage and control. But that’s not the God of the Bible. Scripture reveals a God of infinite power, wisdom, and majesty, who alone can answer our deepest questions and meet our deepest longings.

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




The Marriage Project

Disabilities Ministry Training

The Cord Weekend Group

Thursdays • March 1-8 & April 12-May 17 7:15 p.m. • ATCR 202 Sundays • March 4-11 & April 15-May 20 10:45 a.m. • FH 111 Don Delafield, marriage and family counselor at Southeast, will be teaching on important topics to enhance your marriage. Connect with him and some of our mentors to get some assistance in your growth as a couple. Childcare available. No registration required.

Monday, March 5 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Fireside Room Are you a current volunteer or have an interest to serve in the Disabilities Ministry? Come learn about serving opportunities and how we help families and guests feel included at Southeast. Ryan Wolfe from Ability Ministry will lead us in a time of interactive teaching and development. To sign up, please contact

Sundays • 10:45-11:45 a.m. • WC 473 The Cord is a fun, discussion-based Weekend Group for young married couples at Southeast to meet together to talk about the joys and challenges of married life. For more information, contact Aaron at ajohnson@marcusmillichap. com. No registration required.

Easter Encounter Thursday, March 29 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • FH 1 Come celebrate our risen Savior with your Support & Recovery family! Dave Stone and Kyle Idleman will share a special Easter message. No registration required.


Kidway Saturday, March 3 • 6:30 p.m. • FH 2 Sunday, March 4 • 10:30 p.m. or 12:45 p.m. FH 2 This wildly fun, amazingly energetic, and wonderfully wholesome family worship service starts right after church. You are absolutely guaranteed to love it—and your kids will have fun too! No registration required.

SE!Kids Volunteer Basics Saturday, March 3 • 6:30 p.m. • ED 150 Sunday, March 4 • 10:45 a.m. • ED 150 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on one of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required.

Special Olympics Young Athletes Mondays • 6:30-7:45 p.m. • Preschool Chapel A time of exercise and fun for young athletes with special needs (ages 2-7) and their families. No registration required.

Miracles Saturdays • 5:00 p.m. • WC 246 Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • WC 246 Older teens and young adults with special needs are invited to gather with us for worship, fellowship, crafts, and a lesson. No registration required.

Silent Fellowship Weekend Group Sundays • 9:30 a.m. • ATLR 202 Connect with people who are Deaf or otherwise proficient in ASL for a weekly time of Bible study and fellowship. Teaching and discussion are led in American Sign Language. No registration required.

Young Couples' Class Sundays • 10:45-11:45 a.m. • WC 365 This class is for couples in their 20s and early 30s who are looking to grow in their walk with Jesus and each other. This is a great place to meet other people in the same stage of life as you! For more information, please contact Matt at No registration required.

Premarital Class

Newly married or planning on getting married soon? We'll equip you with the tools your marriage needs not only to survive, but thrive! All couples planning to be married by one of our ministers are required to complete the Premarital Class. To register, contact BLANKENBAKER CAMPUS continued next page

HOPE Bible Study Sundays • 10:45 a.m. • ATLR 201 A Bible study for adults with special needs who are able to attend the group independently. No registration required.

Register online at

Forever Treasure Saturday, March 10 • 6:30 p.m. • ED 212 Sunday, March 11 • 9:00 a.m. • ED 212 A class for upper elementary students who are considering their commitment to follow Jesus through baptism and beyond. Parents are expected to attend with their child. Please contact for pre-class homework. Register online.


Starting Point Saturdays • Beginning March 3 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Fireside Room Sundays • Beginning March 4 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. • Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come to this 3-week class to learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children's programming available.



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continued from page 21



Career Transitions Workshop Series

Girls' Night

Thursdays • March 1-15 6:30-8:30 p.m. • ATCR 207 This series of workshops focuses on the spiritual and practical challenges of job transition and will equip you for what lies ahead. Whether you're unemployed or anticipating a career transition, get the tools you need to find meaningful work that utilizes your God-given gifts. Childcare available. Register online.

Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 • The Block Let's face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls' Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being "Enough." We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Raising Financially Healthy Kids

CIY MIX June 7-11 or June 11-15 Country Lake Christian Retreat An awesome 5-day experience designed for students entering into grades 6-8! Engage in fun, interactive activities that tie into Biblebased teaching and small group interaction! Register at

Saturday, March 10 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. • FH 107 In this 1-day seminar, parents will learn proven principles and practical wisdom for raising God-honoring, financially healthy kids. Build your children up by giving them a solid understanding of how money works and how to make wise choices. $10 per person. Breakfast and lunch provided. Childcare available. Register online.


House Framing Project

Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Thursdays • 4:00-6:30 p.m. • Next Step Room Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


Career Transitions Group

Man Challenge

Thursdays • 7:15-8:30 p.m. • FH 109 Encouragement and support for those experiencing or considering a career transition. Come receive spiritual and professional assistance in a Christ-centered environment. No registration required.


Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Mondays • 6:00-7:30 p.m. The Block Auditorium Thursdays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. The Block Auditorium Men: You NEED this! We want to equip every man with two sets of skillful hands—the confidence and competence in knowing who Jesus is and the pursuit and development of authentic relationships. Simply show up and visit the I’m New table! Questions? Email Mason at No registration required.

Wednesdays • 6:00-7:30 a.m. The Brick Room on Main Street All men need two things to grow— encouragement and accountability. Man Challenge strives to show men how to follow Jesus completely. Invite a friend and join us! For any questions, please email Max at No registration required.

Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study Saturdays • 7:00-8:30 a.m. • FH 1 This large gathering of men meets each week to study the Bible in community. This is a great place to get started in Bible study, and you’re welcome to join us anytime! No registration required.

Register online at


NEXT /// MARCH 2018

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with West End churches, CrossRoads Missions, and the Fuller Center to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at

Man Challenge: Shelbyville Group

Bible & Beach June 23-29 • Daytona Beach, Florida High school students—you won't want to miss out on this awesome week of worship, games, and small groups on the beach! Sign up now and save your spot with an early deposit. B&B leader registration is now open too! $499 per student. Register at

Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. All Campus Parking Lots Whether you're a professional architect or you've never held a hammer before, lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! At each of our campuses, we will construct wall frames that will be used to restore local homes and improve our community. Sign up to lead a team by contacting Jay at All other registration opens in April.

Mission Trips

We have a wide range of short-term opportunities for you to serve with active ministries across the country and around the world. For a full list of upcoming mission trips, visit missions. For U.S. trips, please direct additional questions to Crystal at For more information about international trips, contact Kelly at

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G



Significance Lunch Series

Living Devoted: Winter Single Life Series

Wednesday, March 21 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and older who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before March 14.

Tuesdays • Through March 13 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Block • Room 21 Our Single Life Ministry would like to invite all Southeast single adults to our 4-week Winter series. If you are eager to be equipped as a follower of Jesus and you’re looking for healthy, Christ-centered community, come out and join us! Limited childcare available. Register online.

Grandparent Conference

20s & 30s Community Kickoff

April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Bob Russell will be speaking Saturday at 9:00 a.m. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Friday, March 23 • 6:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus The 20s & 30s Community is a new and exciting group for young, single adults who are actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus and His purpose for their lives. Grow together in community through social gatherings, small groups, and more! Light refreshments will be served. For more information, please contact Terrence at Register online.


Onward Tuesdays • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • AT 109 This weekly class offers teaching and support for widows and widowers seeking a time of study, teaching, and fellowship after a loss. No registration required.

Classic Worship Thursdays • 10:00-11:00 a.m. • ATCR 200/202 This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Pickle Ball Fridays • 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Sports & Fitness Center Gym Games for experienced players begin at 9:30 a.m. Beginners’ games start at 12:30 p.m. No registration required. SENIORS continued next column





Next Chapter First Fridays • 10:00-11:30 a.m. • AT 106 This monthly class is specifically designed for senior adult women and features a new guest speaker each month. No registration required.

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, then please join us for this potluck dinner to discuss upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Sunday, April 15 • 6:30 p.m. • The Block Join us for a fun night of food, games, a cool jazz band, and time to hang out with old friends and new. Don't miss this great opportunity to get connected with women of all ages and life stages. Register online. Childcare available.

Single Moms' Community Group Sundays • 10:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m. • AT 109 This group fosters real community as we seek to glorify God through difficult circumstances and parenting challenges. Children's programming available. No registration required.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.





5:0 0 p.m.

9:0 0 & 1 1:15 a.m.



9:0 0 & 1 1:15 a.m.

5:00 p.m.




9:00 & 11:15



Children’s programming available during all services.

DORON JONE S Connections Pastor 502.253.8477



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Overcoming Adversity Mondays • 7:00-8:30 p.m. • Living Room 2 This group is for individuals who are dealing with major struggles and difficulties in life. No registration required.

Alzheimer’s Support Group Last Wednesdays • 2:00-3:30 p.m. Living Room 5 A monthly time of support and encouragement for those who care for Alzheimer’s patients. No registration required.

Post-Abortion Support Group

A safe place for women who have undergone an abortion. No one has to walk alone—find support in community. Additional information is available online, or contact


College-Age Small Group

A weekly opportunity for the college-age community to get together and build Christcentered relationships. Contact for details.


Starting Point Sunday, March 11 • 6:00-8:30 p.m. • Café If you’re new to Southeast or have been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Get connected with Southwest Campus staff members, hear our heart for ministry, and learn about ways to get involved. Childcare available. Register online.



Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic

Wings & Basketball

Wednesdays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. South Louisville Christian Church Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit



Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

HSM Pre-Party Sunday, March 11 • 6:00-8:15 p.m. Southwest Campus Hey, high schoolers! Come hang out with us before HSM for some games and a free dinner. This is the perfect week to bring your friends and show them what the High School Ministry is all about! No registration required.

Bible & Beach June 23-29, • Daytona Beach, Florida High school students—you won't want to miss out on this awesome week of worship, games, and small groups on the beach! Sign up now and save your spot with an early deposit. B&B leader registration is now open too! $499 per student. Register at


NEXT /// MARCH 2018

Thursday, March 15 • 6:00-9:00 p.m. • Café Join with men from the Southwest Campus as we eat wings and watch the game together! No registration required

Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

MSM Hangout Friday, March 16 • 7:00-9:00 p.m CAL Gymnasium Bring your friends and make some new ones on this fun Friday night! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required.

CIY MIX June 15-19 Country Lake Christian Retreat An awesome 5-day experience designed for students entering into grades 6-8! Engage in fun, interactive activities that tie into Biblebased teaching and small group interaction! Register at

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




House Framing Project

Significance Lunch Series

Ladies’ Bible Study

Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. All Campus Parking Lots Whether you're a professional architect or you've never held a hammer before, lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! At each of our campuses, we will construct wall frames that will be used to restore local homes and improve our community. Sign up to lead a team by contacting Jay at All other registration opens in April.

Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and over who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before March 14.

Ladies’ Book Club

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with West End churches, CrossRoads Missions, and the Fuller Center to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at

Mission Trips

We have a wide range of short-term opportunities for you to serve with active ministries across the country and around the world. For a full list of upcoming mission trips, visit missions. For U.S. trips, please direct additional questions to Crystal at For more information about international trips, contact Kelly at

Grandparent Conference April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Bob Russell will be speaking Saturday at 9:00 a.m. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Wednesdays, March 7-April 25 10:00 a.m. or 6:30 p.m. • Sanctuary Get in the Word with our Southwest Campus Women’s Ministry. We'll work our way through Finding I AM by Lysa TerKeurst, a study in the Gospel of John. For childcare, contact Register online.

Tuesday, March 27 • 10:00-11:00 a.m. or 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Café In The Women of Easter by Liz Curtis Higgs, meet three women named Mary, each of whom had a life-changing encounter with Jesus. As these scenes unfold, your mind and emotions will be engaged to strengthen your faith and prepare your heart for a richer, deeper Easter experience. What a trio. What a Savior! No registration required.

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, then please join us for this potluck dinner to discuss upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.

Register online at







1 1:15 a.m.

6:30 p.m.





9:30 & 11:15 a.m. 8301 SAINT ANDREWS CHURCH ROAD LOUISVILLE, KY 40258 | 502.614.1500 Children’s programming available during all services.

Campus Pastor 502.614.1500



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THRIVE Men’s Recovery Groups

Just a Phase: The Early Years

Bible & Beach

Tuesdays • 1:00-2:30 p.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 225 & Room 229 These Christ-centered support groups are for men seeking healing from sexual temptation and substance abuse. Childcare available. No registration required.

Sundays • 9:30-10:45 a.m. • Room 229 We hope our children will grow up with a faith that will transform their lives and lead to a brighter future. But in spite of our hopes and intentions, many kids still grow up without experiencing the truth of God’s love and forgiveness. This class allows parents to come together, encourage each other, and learn how to navigate their children’s phases of life well. Children’s programming available. Register online.

June 23-29 • Daytona Beach, Florida High school students—you won't want to miss out on this awesome week of worship, games, and small groups on the beach! Sign up now and save your spot with an early deposit. B&B leader registration is now open too! $499 per student. Register at

Women’s Recovery Support Groups Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Next Step Room A weekly group for women struggling with the hurts and hang-ups of addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Every Man’s Battle Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 225 & Room 229 Meeting as part of Thrive, Every Man’s Battle is designed to equip men to stand together and offer a practical battle plan to overcome sexual temptation and sin. Come and see what has empowered many men to overcome sexual sin and experience true freedom in Christ. Childcare available. No registration required.

Empower Women’s Group Wednesdays • Through March 14 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 230 Join us in coming alongside victims of abuse and learn how to better understand, encourage, and empower them where they are. Childcare available. No registration required.

Women’s Friends and Family of Addicts

Marriage Built to Last Sundays • 9:30-10:45 a.m. • Room 225 This isn’t your typical marriage study. Whether you’re newly married, remarried, or wanting to improve your relationship, Chip Ingram will provide you with practical teaching to give you tools to live intentionally and love Biblically. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Twenties & Married Sundays • 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Room 225 Marriage comes with plenty of questions, especially in the early years. This class will help couples identify key areas to focus their time, attention, and energy in order to help their young marriages flourish. Children’s programming available. Register online.


Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic

Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room A weekly group for women struggling with the challenges of loving someone with an addiction. Childcare available. No registration required.

Third Mondays • Ongoing • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Indiana Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit

Hope After Abortion


Scheduled as Needed We want to walk with you through the emotional journey in the wake of a past abortion. In this group, we invite you to draw near to other women to experience God’s grace and process through the different emotions of healing: anger, denial, forgiveness, grief, and more. For more information, please contact


Starting Point Sundays • April 8 or June 10 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m. • The Attic (Room 214) Whether you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.


NEXT /// MARCH 2018

Man Challenge: The Old Testament Challenge Thursdays • Through March 8 5:30-7:30 p.m. • The Hub What if we told you that you could learn and memorize the big-picture storyline of the Old Testament in 7 short weeks? Interested? Join us this Winter for The Old Testament Challenge. You’ll have the opportunity to eat great food and discuss the material with some other likeminded men at your small group table. $5 dinner at 5:30 p.m. Study begins at 6:00. Register online.

Wednesday Evening Group Wednesdays • Through March 14 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Room 225 Looking to grow in your Christian walk? Want to understand the marks of a mature Christian man? Join us on Wednesday evenings as we walk through the book of James together. Childcare available. Register online.

Men’s Mentoring

Whether you’re struggling through a particular life issue or you need help in your relationship with God, we have a team of men who are willing and ready to walk beside you. For more information, contact


Girls’ Night

Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

HSM Blue vs. Pink Night Sunday, April 22 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. • The Hub It’s a guys-versus-girls showdown as we battle our way through fun games to crown a champion! Come decked out in blue or pink and bring your friends! No registration required. HIGH SCHOOL continued next column

Register online at


Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

MSM Hangout Friday, April 27 • 8:00-10:00 p.m. The Hub Bring your friends and make some new ones on this fun Friday night! All middle schoolers are welcome. No registration required. .

MIDDLE SCHOOL continued next column

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G





Significance Lunch Series

June 15-19 • Country Lake Christian Retreat An awesome 5-day experience designed for students entering into grades 6-8! Engage in fun, interactive activities that tie into Biblebased teaching and small group interaction! Register at

Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and over who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before March 14.

Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups



House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. All Campus Parking Lots Whether you're a professional architect or you've never held a hammer before, lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! At each of our campuses, we will construct wall frames that will be used to restore local homes and improve our community. Sign up to lead a team by contacting Jay at All other registration opens in April.

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with West End churches, CrossRoads Missions, and the Fuller Center to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at

Mission Trips

We have a wide range of short-term opportunities for you to serve with active ministries across the country and around the world. For a full list of upcoming mission trips, visit missions. For U.S. trips, please direct additional questions to Crystal at For more information about international trips, contact Kelly at


Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.


Moms Group Grandparent Conference April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Bob Russell will be speaking Saturday at 9:00 a.m. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Classic Worship Thursdays • 1:00-2:30 p.m. The Filling Station This weekly gathering enjoys a rotating schedule of teachers, traditional hymns, and the opportunity for regular fellowship. No registration required.

Wednesdays • Through March 14 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub This class allows moms to come together and pray for their kids, their school settings, and their changing phases of life. Childcare available. Register online.

Women of the Bible Wednesdays • Through March 14 9:30-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8:30 p.m. • The Hub Thursdays • Through March 15 7:00-8:30 a.m. • Next Step Room Each timeless Biblical story mirrors the challenges and changes women face today. By understanding the lives of women like Ruth, Esther, Mary, and others, our time together will help us discover the God behind their stories and ours. Childcare available on Wednesdays only. Register online.

REAL Women | Connect Daughters Like Ruth Third Thursdays Various Times and Locations This group is an opportunity for widows and other single women to meet on a regular basis to build each other up in their walk with Christ. For more information, please contact Nancy Johnson at 812.786.3138. No registration required.

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, then please join us for this potluck dinner to discuss upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Last Sundays • 10:45-11:15 a.m. • Café Ladies, if you’re new to our Indiana Campus, we would LOVE to meet you and help you get connected! On the last Sunday of every month, look for us between worship services in the Café! Hope to see you there! No registration required.

Single Mom's Support Group

There are many unique joys and challenges to being a single mom. Why not come together with others like you for encouragement and support? For additional information, please email

SENIORS continued next column







9:30 & 1 1:15 a.m.

1 2:30 p.m.





5:30 p.m.



9:30 & 11:15 a.m.

Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 812.704.1983



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




Addictions Support & Recovery

Couples Connection

Bible & Beach

Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus A Christ-centered 12-step program for individuals wanting to overcome addictions and compulsions. No registration required.

Sundays • 10:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 C In the middle of a busy life with young children, take time as a couple to connect with others in your stage of life and study God’s Word together. Children’s programming available. No registration required.

June 23-29 • Daytona Beach, Florida High school students—you won't want to miss out on this awesome week of worship, games, and small groups on the beach! Sign up now and save your spot with an early deposit. B&B leader registration is now open too! $499 per student. Register at camp.

Families of Addicts Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus For families who have a loved one struggling with an addiction. Practical, emotional, and spiritual support. No registration required.

Miscarriage, Pregnancy, and Infant Loss Support Mondays • 7:00-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus This group is for women walking through the sorrows of child loss. Come together with others to grieve, encourage one another, and encounter the hope that Jesus offers. No registration required.

Women’s Abuse Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Crestwood Campus For women struggling with emotional, physical, or sexual abuse issues. We offer support and prayer. No registration required.


SE!Kids Volunteer Basics Sundays • March 4 or 11 12:00-1:00 p.m. • Room 184 Wednesday, March 7 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Room 184 Is God calling you to serve children birth through 5th grade? Join us on either of the dates listed for a 1-hour training session that will introduce you to the Children’s Ministry and equip you to serve. No registration required.


Starting Point Sunday, March 18 • 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Room 190 A If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. Come learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Children’s programming available. Register online.

Young Married Group Sundays • 10:30-11:30 a.m. • Room 190 B Make the most of the first years of your marriage by connecting with other young couples and studying God’s Word together! No registration required.


OCA Connect Tuesday, March 6 • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Room 261 A support group for families in all stages of the adoption and foster care journey. Childcare available. No registration required.


Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • 4:00-6:00 p.m. Crestwood Campus Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Guys’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. The 514 Come prepared for a night of amazing food, extreme competition, and a powerful interview with a surprise college athlete! Dads of middle and high school students are invited! Register online.

Roots - HSM Girls Retreat March 16-18 • Red River Gorge Don’t miss this all-girl retreat to Red River Gorge! High school girls have the opportunity to get away, spend time with friends, and grow in their walk with the Lord. Sign up soon—spots are limited! Register online. HIGH SCHOOL continued next column



NEXT /// MARCH 2018


Man Challenge Saturdays • Through March 24 7:00-8:00 a.m. • The 514 Man Challenge is a great place to learn more about the Bible while connecting with other men. This Winter, Campus Pastor Greg Allen will teach on the Lord’s Prayer. Register online.

Men’s Sexual Accountability Mondays • 7:30-8:30 p.m. Sexual sin can be spiritually dangerous. Join this group to get accountability, Biblical counsel, and brothers to walk with. Led by Carl Kroboth and Mark McDaniel. Childcare available. Register online.


Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Guys’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. The 514 Come prepared for a night of amazing food, extreme competition, and a powerful interview with a surprise college athlete! Dads of middle and high school students are invited! Register online.

MSM Madness Friday, March 23 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. • The 514 Middle school students—come out to this awesome event! We'll have food, games, and lots of fun! It's gonna be EPIC! No registration required. MIDDLE SCHOOL continued next column

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




MSM Roots - Girls Retreat

Significance Lunch Series

Senior Adult Travel Group

April 20/21 • Beginning Friday at 6:00 p.m. Camp Kavanaugh in Crestwood, KY MSM Roots is a girls-only, one-night retreat you won't want to miss! Come get away, spend time with friends, and grow in your walk with the Lord. Spots are limited, so make sure you lock yours in soon! Contact Anna at for more information.

Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and over who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before March 14.

Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, then please join us for this potluck dinner to discuss upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.



Grandparent Conference

June 11-15 • Country Lake Christian Retreat An awesome 5-day experience designed for students entering into grades 6-8! Engage in fun, interactive activities that tie into Biblebased teaching and small group interaction! Register at

April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Bob Russell will be speaking Saturday at 9:00 a.m. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.


House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. All Campus Parking Lots Whether you're a professional architect or you've never held a hammer before, lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! At each of our campuses, we will construct wall frames that will be used to restore local homes and improve our community. Sign up to lead a team by contacting Jay at All other registration opens in April.

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with West End churches, CrossRoads Missions, and the Fuller Center to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at

Senior Potluck Luncheon Second Tuesdays • 12:00-1:30 p.m. Room 190 C Join with other seniors for a time of fellowship as we share a potluck-style meal. Each month’s gathering features a guest speaker or special event. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. No registration required.

Empty Nesters' Dinner Second Saturdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 190 C Join us for a monthly time of celebration and great conversation as we talk about everyday life as empty nesters. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share for a potluck-style dinner. No registration required.


Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.


Open House, Open Heart Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Room 190 A If you are new to Southeast, new to Kentucky, or you’d simply like to build friendships and find community here at the Crestwood Campus, please join us for this time of conversation, information, and coffee or tea. Childcare available. Register online.

Single Moms’ Study Sundays • 9:00-10:00 a.m. • Room 190 C Single moms of all ages and life stages—come join us as we learn from God’s Word and encourage one another with the hope we have in Christ. Childcare available. No registration required.

SENIORS continued next column

Mission Trips

We have a wide range of short-term opportunities for you to serve with active ministries across the country and around the world. For a full list of upcoming mission trips, visit missions. For U.S. trips, please direct additional questions to Crystal at For more information about international trips, contact Kelly at



Register online at





10:30 a.m.

1 2:0 0 p.m.

THE 51 4

THE 51 4

5:15 p.m.

SUNDAY 9:00, 10:30 a.m., & 12:00 p.m.

MARK BERGGREN 6201 CRESTWOOD STATION CRESTWOOD, KY 40014 | 502.873.1100 Children’s programming available during all services.

Connections Pastor 502.873.1096



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G


Family Movie Night Friday, March 23 • 6:30-9:00 p.m. Worship Center Our SE!Kids families and friends are invited to an evening of fun at our Family Movie Night. Join us for a free family-friendly movie, refreshments, and tons of fun! Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the movie starts at 6:30. No registration required.


Starting Point Sunday, March 18 • 6:00-8:00 p.m. Next Step Room If you’re new to Southeast or you’ve been here for years, Starting Point is where we all begin. This is an opportunity to learn what our church believes, hear our heart for ministry, and find ways to get connected at the La Grange Campus. Childcare available. Register online.

Get in a Group!

Groups can be a lifeline in your walk with Jesus. When you join a group, you gain new opportunities to grow in your faith, develop Christ-centered friendships, and become equipped to live on mission in your neighborhood. Find Connections Pastor Brent Dennison after worship services or reach out to him at, or contact Community Pastor Mike Berry at


Metro Christian Legal Aid Clinic Wednesdays • 4:00-6:00 p.m. • Crestwood Metro Christian Legal Aid provides Christcentered legal assistance to those in need. No appointment needed and walk-ins are welcome. For more information, visit


Girls’ Night

Man Challenge

Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Tuesdays • Through May 1 6:30-8:00 p.m. • The Station Man Challenge is an opportunity for men to be equipped and encouraged as we study God’s Word together. Join us on Tuesday nights! No registration required.

Bible & Beach June 23-29 • Daytona Beach, Florida High school students—you won't want to miss out on this awesome week of worship, games, and small groups on the beach! Sign up now and save your spot with an early deposit. B&B leader registration is now open too! $499 per student. Register at

HSM Groups Wednesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. • Student Room We invite all high school students to plug into this small group to study the Bible, serve the community, pray for one another, and have lots of fun! HSM Groups are for students to build relationships, grow in their understanding of God and His Word, and get challenged to live for Jesus daily. No registration required.


NEXT /// MARCH 2018



Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​ speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

CIY MIX June 11-15 • Country Lake Christian Retreat An awesome 5-day experience designed for students entering into grades 6-8! Engage in fun, interactive activities that tie into Biblebased teaching and small group interaction! Register at

W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G




House Framing Project

Significance Lunch Series

Senior Adult Travel Group

Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. All Campus Parking Lots Whether you're a professional architect or you've never held a hammer before, lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! At each of our campuses, we will construct wall frames that will be used to restore local homes and improve our community. Sign up to lead a team by contacting Jay at All other registration opens in April.

Wednesday, March 21 • 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 This luncheon is for active adults 65 and over who want to make a difference in their community. Come together with other thriving seniors for a time of fellowship and encouragement from a rotating schedule of guest speakers. Register online before March 14.

Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, then please join us for this potluck dinner to discuss upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with West End churches, CrossRoads Missions, and the Fuller Center to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at

Grandparent Conference April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Bob Russell will be speaking Saturday at 9:00 a.m. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Mission Trips

SENIORS continued next column

We have a wide range of short-term opportunities for you to serve with active ministries across the country and around the world. For a full list of upcoming mission trips, visit missions. For U.S. trips, please direct additional questions to Crystal at For more information about international trips, contact Kelly at


Women’s Fellowship and Service Groups

Groups meet monthly to support local and global missions. Contact for more information on how you can be involved. No registration required.


Real Women’s Groups Tuesdays • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Worship Center Wednesdays • 9:30-11:30 a.m. Worship Center We want you to be part of our encouraging culture of women as we grow together in our love for God and one another. We would really like to get to know you! For childcare contact Cherie Erskine at For other questions, contact Karissa Sites at

Register online at


SERVICE TIME S SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.





1 1:15 a.m.

1:0 0-2:0 0 p.m.



410 SOUTH 1ST STREET LA GRANGE, KY 40031 | 502.614.1200 Children’s programming available during all services.

BRENT DENNISON Connections Pastor 502.614.1209



W H AT ’ S H A P P E N I N G


Starting Point Sunday, March 25 • 5:00-7:00 p.m. Fireside Room If you’re new to Southeast or just want to learn more about who we are and what we believe, join us for Starting Point! No matter your previous church experience, this class is the best place to begin. You’ll learn more about Jesus, the Bible, and who we are as a church. Register online.

Get Connected and Join a Group

Looking for a place to grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus? Interested in building new friendships? A group can be a great way to get connected with others! To learn more about our groups, please contact Justin Fluhr at jfluhr@secc. org or Chris Garrett at


Girls’ Night Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

Bible & Beach June 23-29 • Daytona Beach, Florida High school students—you won't want to miss out on this awesome week of worship, games, and small groups on the beach! Sign up now and save your spot with an early deposit. B&B leader registration is now open too! $499 per student. Register at



Girls’ Night


Mission Trips

Wednesday, March 7 • 6:30-9:30 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • The Block Let’s face it: some things only girls understand! That’s why we created Girls’ Night, a night for NextGen girls and their moms to come together for dinner, worship, and discussion. This year we are excited to have Megan Fate Marshman​speak to us on being “Enough.” We would love for you to join us for this amazing evening! To RSVP, visit

We have a wide range of short-term opportunities for you to serve with active ministries across the country and around the world. For a full list of upcoming mission trips, visit southeastchristian. org/connect/missions. For U.S. trips, please direct additional questions to Crystal at cterry@ For more information about international trips, contact Kelly at


Grandparent Conference

CIY MIX June 15-19 Country Lake Christian Retreat An awesome 5-day experience designed for students entering into grades 6-8! Engage in fun, interactive activities that tie into Bible-based teaching and small group interaction! Register at


House Framing Project Saturday, May 19 • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. All Campus Parking Lots Whether you're a professional architect or you've never held a hammer before, lend your hands to a family-friendly building project! At each of our campuses, we will construct wall frames that will be used to restore local homes and improve our community. Sign up to lead a team by contacting Jay at All other registration opens in April.

April 13/14 • Beginning Friday at 7:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 As a grandparent, you play a role of significant influence in the lives and future of your grandchildren. During this special two-day event, allow us to empower you with the ideas, tools, and strategies to help you leave a spiritual legacy that will bless your family for generations to come. Bob Russell will be speaking Saturday at 9:00 a.m. $25 per person. $35 per couple. Register online or by calling 888.900.4588.

Senior Adult Travel Group Ongoing Do you have a longing to see the beautiful scenery of the United States? If you have a passion for sightseeing and fellowship, then please join us for this potluck dinner to discuss upcoming trips for 2018. For more information, call 502.253.8045.

Community Transformation Home Build Ongoing Partner with West End churches, CrossRoads Missions, and the Fuller Center to help rebuild homes in West Louisville, no matter your skill set or experience. Year-round volunteer opportunities available. Sign up to serve at southeast. MISSIONS continued next column

Register online at


SERVICE TIME S SUNDAY 9:30 & 11:15 a.m.





9:30 a.m.

6:30 p.m.



600 NORTH DIXIE AVENUE ELIZABETHTOWN, KY 42701 | 270.506.4630 Children’s programming available during all services.


NEXT /// MARCH 2018

JUSTIN FLUHR Connections Pastor 502.614.1408



WORSHIP SERVICE TIMES BLANKENBAKER CAMPUS Friday, March 30 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 31 3:00 p.m. , 5:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 1 7:15 a.m. (Greg Allen–traditional service), 9:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m. , 2:00 p.m.

ENCOUNTER AT BLANKENBAKER CAMPUS Thursday, March 29 • 6:30 p.m.

INDIANA CAMPUS Friday, March 30 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 31 3:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m. Sunday, April 1 8:00 a.m. (Greg Allen–traditional service), 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m.

CRESTWOOD CAMPUS Friday, March 30 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 31 3:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m., 6:00 p.m. Sunday, April 1 7:30 a.m. (Greg Allen–traditional service), 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m.

SOUTHWEST CAMPUS Friday, March 30 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 31 4:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 1 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 1:00 p.m.

COME OUT AND JOIN US! Dave Stone and Kyle Idleman will be speaking at all Easter services except for the traditional services on Sunday morning. For more details, visit


NEXT /// MARCH 2018

LA GRANGE CAMPUS Friday, March 30 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 31 4:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 1 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 1:00 p.m.

ELIZABETHTOWN CAMPUS Friday, March 30 7:00 p.m. Saturday, March 31 4:00 p.m., 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 1 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m.

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