Southeast Christian NEXT Magazine | August 2018

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MINISTRY CONCENTRATION SPIRITUAL FORMATION BIBLICAL FOUNDATION “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 215 is a two-year residency program designed for future leaders who are called and committed to full-time ministry. Residents pair up with a Ministry Mentor and gain valuable, hands-on experience while working with one of Southeast’s ministry teams. Visit to hear from Ben Cross, Pastor of Residency and Theology, as he shares his vision and prayer for the program.
























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W H AT ’ S Y O U R S ?




In this magazine, hear the hear tbeat of Southeast Christian Church and discover where you belong in our mission of c o n n e c t i n g p e o p l e t o J e s u s a n d o n e a n o t h e r.




D a v e S t o n e l o o k s b a c k o n a 7-year challenge and shares his prayer f or Southeast’s future.





We have a power ful oppor tunit y to invest in hur ting students through local schools.

T his chapter of your lif e is God ’s gif t to you. How will you receive it?

What can a refugee settlement in Uganda teach us about loving our neighbors in Kentuckiana? Even in the heaviest trials of your life, God is present , He has a purpose, and He invites you to ex per ience His joy.

Jesus calls men to faithfully lean on His strength, not their own. See what your kids are learning at church this month and learn how to bring the conversation home.

M I S S I O N S I N M I N D S c a r l e t H o p e i s r e a c h i n g l o c a l w o m e n i n t h e a d u l t enter tainment industr y with the love of Christ , and we can be involved!

What if your worries, troubles, and fears are oppor tunities to make someone else’s jour ney a little less lonely ?

A ll S cr ip tur e quo t a t ions in t his public a t ion , unle s s o t her w ise indic a t ed , ar e f r om t he HOLY B IB L E , NE W IN T E R N AT ION A L V E R SION ® NI V® Copyright © 197 3, 1978, 198 4 , 201 1 by Biblica, Inc.™. Used by permission. A ll rights reser ved worldwide.



920 Blankenbaker Parkway Louisville, KY 40243 • 502.253.8000


1309 Charlestown New Albany Road Jeffersonville, IN 47 130 • 812.704.1951


6201 Crestwood Station Crestwood, KY 40014 • 502.873.1100


8301 Saint Andrews Church Road Louisville, KY 40258 • 502.614.1500

ENTRUSTED WITH THE GOSPEL “EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON.” You’ve probably heard that saying before. Maybe you heard it in a movie at some point, or maybe a friend shared it with you during a hard season of life. In a world as wild and unpredictable as ours, this statement sounds too good to be true. But it is true. There is a reason why everything happens for a reason. God, our Heavenly Father, has a plan for all things, from the blazing sun in the sky to the tiniest speck of dust in the furthest reaches of space. His purpose is to make Himself known, to put His beautiful greatness on full display, and to share His spectacular love with every creature formed by His own hands. We all have a part to play in God’s master plan for the universe. He made each person to experience


410 South 1st Street La Grange, KY 40031 • 502.614.1200

W H AT I S T H E G O S P E L ?


600 North Dixie Avenue Elizabethtown, KY 42701 • 270.506.4630

God is the only sovereign, wise, and good Creator of all things, who reigns as King over all creation for His own glory.

Visit for more information. 2


ROMANS 11:33-36

Him, to cherish His love, and to bask in the light of His smile. From the beginning, human beings were made to be God’s stewards over the rest of creation, and every gift He gives us is designed for the purpose of reflecting His glory to the world. Even as we went astray and became corrupted by sin, delighting more in ourselves and in God’s gifts than in the Giver Himself, nevertheless the Lord’s purpose prevailed. All of world history is the story of our Father’s redeeming love in bringing us back to Himself. In the fullness of time, God sent His Son to fulfill the role in His plan which all of us have failed to serve. Jesus perfectly embodied His Father’s love to the world, perfectly kept God’s commandments, and perfectly atoned for our sin by bearing on the cross the just judgment reserved for us. He accomplished what we could never do and gave us what we don’t deserve, clothing

Human beings were made in God’s image to love and worship Him forever. But ever since Adam first rebelled against God, we have all been lost in sin, under God’s judgment, and unable to save ourselves.

us in His spotless righteousness and securing eternal life for us as God’s children. Though creation was marred by sin, Jesus is making all things new. This Gospel, the message of salvation, plays a central role in God’s glorious plan for the ages. Nowhere else are His power, love, and mercy more wonderfully shown than in this, the greatest of His gifts. Now, everyone who has received Jesus as Lord and Savior has the unspeakable privilege of sharing this gift with others. Just as Paul was “entrusted with the gospel” (1 Thessalonians 2:4), and just as Timothy was told to “Guard the good deposit that was entrusted” to him (2 Timothy 1:14), every follower of Christ is entrusted with the awesome task of sharing God’s grace with the world.

today. Each of your relationships, each of your talents and skills, and each moment of every day is a gift that was set aside for you by the hand of God to make His love known. Your neighborhood is your mission field; your experience and finances are your tools for ministry. This chapter of your life is filled to the brim with opportunities to lean on Jesus, cry out to Jesus, respond in ways that honor Jesus, and show the world that He is your greatest treasure. Everything happens for a reason. Everything your Heavenly Father gives you in love, and even the struggles He wisely permits, can be harnessed to proclaim the glory of God, the grace of Jesus Christ, and the gift of new life in the Gospel. How will you steward all that’s been entrusted to you?

You were made to receive the Gospel and to give the Gospel. It’s the reason you’re alive

Out of undeserved love and grace, God sent His only Son to save us from sin and reconcile us to Himself through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

God offers us His gift of salvation by grace, which we receive through faith in Jesus. He makes us new, calls us to leave sin behind, and invites us to join His work in the world.

JOHN 3:16





Dozens of middle school students embraced baptism at MIX in June.

“Jesus stresses that it’s worth paying any price to go on a search-and-rescue mission, even if it’s for one

lost person.” @DaveStone920

Southeast had a great time At the Movies in July. 4


/southeastchrist @southeastchrist @southeastchrist

Together, some 4,000 volunteers from all six campuses built 1,350 walls for 27 homes!

High school students experienced a convicting and life-changing week at Bible & Beach in Daytona, FL.

Thousands gathered at the Blankenbaker Campus for a Night of Worship on May 30.

“May we never tie up the Holy Spirit with our traditions. May we never limit the Holy Spirit with our preferences. #windandfire� @KyleIdleman SOUTHEASTCHRISTIAN.ORG


QUICK QUESTION B rief c o n ve r s ati o n s w i th our lea der s





WHAT IS 8/18?


Seven years ago, in August of 2011, I preached a message on debt. In the Old Testament, the Jewish people never took on a debt that they couldn’t pay back in seven years. To express the burden of debt, I wore a backpack and had more weights added into my backpack every few minutes, until there were about 70 pounds in there. Then I started talking about how to get out of debt, and I had people start taking away weights. We used the verse Deuteronomy 8:18 (“But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth..”), and challenged our congregation to be debt-free in seven years—by August of 2018.

First, we want to celebrate with the people who prayerfully took on this challenge and became debt-free. There is story after story of, “I didn’t know how we could do it until we did it.” It’s a great feeling when we aren’t carrying that debt anymore!

After the message, we handed out cards that we asked people to bring back the next week. Of the cards we received back:

• Around 20 percent said with the Lord’s help, they’d strive to be totally debt-free in seven years. • Around 20 percent said they’d be debt-free except for their house. • About 6 or 7 percent said they were already debt-free, but would be more generous. • Some said they would begin tithing.

HOW DID THE 8/18 CHALLENGE AFFECT YOU? When I wrote and delivered that sermon, I had a lot of debt on my home and a lot of investment debt. We were under the stress that accompanies debt. We had a family meeting and I laid out that some things were going to look different for a while and that we were going to aggressively go after our debt. Spiritually, it became an incredible prayer journey for my wife and me. I don’t know if we really believed it could happen until we were three or four years into it. We made a concerted effort that we wouldn’t reduce our giving and that we would continue to increase it each year. It took us six years, but we did it—or I should say God did it, because there was no other explanation. When we got out of debt, it gave us more freedom to give toward things that were not tax-deductible. If you don’t have a payment you’re making, it allows you to see a need and fill it rather than relying on church channels to meet that need. Another family just got debt-free earlier this year, and the money they were pouring into a house payment they’re now pouring into single moms—and that’s huge. Until you become debt-free, it’s hard to understand that you always have something hanging over your head. It’s tough to describe that relief of not having to make that payment anymore.

My second hope is that this will inspire thousands of people who perhaps weren’t in debt seven years ago, or never heard that message, or have never really made the decision to go for it. I’m preaching again on getting out of debt on August 18/19, 2018. Even if they feel like they missed the race, here’s another starting line. I hope that through this celebration and challenge, people would swallow their pride, single people would talk to others who could keep them accountable, couples would be united and know they can do it, and that many people will take the financial classes that Southeast offers. Some people will say, “That’s crazy. We just bought a house. Now I’m hearing this message. We did a 30-year loan on it, and now you’re telling me I can be debt free in seven years?” Well, yeah. I am. It will take some work, discipline, and a great deal of effort and prayer, but just think of the freedom you’ll have to generously give to the needs of those around you!

WHAT’S NEXT? You don’t have to figure out this process on your own! Southeast’s Generous Living ministry has many opportunities this Fall for you to learn, plan, and move forward confidently as you walk toward becoming debt-free. • Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University • Budget Bootcamp • Money and Marriage • Estate Planning Seminar • Raising Financially Healthy Kids • The Generosity Experience You can learn more and register at



SERVE WITH US Use y o u r g i ft s t o b l e s s o t h ers



a church, one of the greatest

begun a new initiative to serve our schools.

this program is to target students who are at risk

opportunities we have to engage our

Hope Collaborative is a ministry that builds

of leaving school early, are socially isolated, or

communities is by serving our local schools.

relationships with students in the context of

are failing to achieve their potential.

God has not only entrusted us to care for our

friendship, moral character development, social

church family, but also for every part of our

development, family involvement, and academic

In our call to serve others in Jesus’ name, we

local community. This includes our schools,

achievement through mentorship programs.

have been entrusted to go beyond the walls of our church campuses. Please consider serving

the students, and the teachers. Every day, our neighborhood schools are encountering

We need members of our church family to

students and families in need of direction,

become mentors! A mentor is assigned up to

guidance, and mentorship. And we can help!

four students in order to meet with them for an

with us this school year!

hour each week. Mentoring takes place at the In both Jefferson County and Oldham County,

schools themselves, either during regular school

one of Southeast’s Mission Partners has

hours or immediately afterward. The purpose of

QUESTIONS & INFORMATION » L earn more at » F or Jefferson County Public Schools, contact » F or Oldham County Public Schools, contact


“Serving and mentoring young men through Hope Collaborative has strengthened my ability to listen, shaped my understanding of how to share a message of hope, and taught me how to trust the Lord’s plans for my life and theirs. These kids need men and women in their lives who will model integrity, empathy, and love. Why not you, and why not now?”



STEPHEN PURICELLI Volunteer Engagement Leader













ACADEMICALLY » C hildren in single-parent or

» 5 8% achieve higher grades in social

» T hose who have recently


5 6% have improved relationships with adults and peers

» Shy and withdrawn students


5 5% are better able to express their feelings

dysfunctional homes

studies, languages, and math

changed schools

» Kids with low self-esteem

» 6 4% develop higher levels of self-confidence



Attend an


MEETING » F ill out a mentor application » C omplete a one-on-one interview and mentor training





Steward Your Season This chapter of your life is God ’s gift to you. How will you receive it? By Trey Brunson

Have you ever thought about what season of life you’re in? Not seasons of the year, like Fall or Summer, but your life season. It’s a significant question, because if you’re not aware of where you are in life right now, you might be living out of season. What does it mean to live out of season? Look at 2 Samuel 11 with me: “In the spring, at the time when kings go off to war, David sent Joab out with the king’s men and the whole Israelite army. They destroyed the Ammonites and besieged Rabbah. But David remained in Jerusalem.” 2 Samuel 11:1 I don’t know if you caught it or not, but that verse gives us a pretty interesting assessment of King David at this point in his life and leadership: David was out of season. What did living out of season do in his life? Look at the next passage: “One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, ‘She is Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite.’ Then David sent messengers to get her. She came to him, and he slept with her…The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying, ‘I am pregnant.’” 2 Samuel 11:2-5 Continued on page 12




STEWARD YOUR SEASON // continued from page 11

David’s being out of season led to one of the lowest points in his life and in the life of Israel as a nation. Kings have responsibilities, and late Spring was the time David was responsible to defend his kingdom against the Ammonites. That was the ideal time for him to clear the Promised Land of Israel’s enemies, because he could feed his armies during the campaign with the wheat and barley ripening in the Ammonite fields. David ignored the responsibilities of his season, and it cost him dearly.

More than a Passing Moment This month, as we consider all that we have been entrusted with, there may be no greater question than this: “What season of life am I in right now, and how can I honor God with it?” Maybe you are a parent of young children, and between diapers, tantrums, and a scary lack of sleep, you wish you could just get through this season. Maybe you’re in the last quarter of your life and you find yourself chasing the illusion of youth. Maybe you’re a teenager who can’t wait to get out of the house and be on your own. Or maybe you’re in a season of suffering and you are doing anything possible to get beyond the pain. We’re all tempted to see our current season as a difficulty to escape and make an idol out of what we hope the next season will be. All of us are tempted to live out of season. But here’s the truth we all need to embrace: God has us where we are for a reason. You’re not where you are in life simply by chance, and avoiding this season or pushing it off won’t solve your problems. David was where he was in 2 Samuel 11, home alone while his army battled the Ammonites without him,



because he hadn’t fully dealt with them in chapter 10. We’re all tempted to do whatever it takes to escape the pain in our lives. But the Bible calls us not to avoid pain or difficulty, but to pursue God through it to find that His power and presence are enough. God, in turn, uses those difficult seasons and situations to grow us, to teach us about Himself, and to make us more like Him. Knowing that should help us face our life season by asking God, “Why do You have me here?” and, “How can I grow through what I am going through?”

A Season to Grow What season of life are you in right now? Take some time to sit down and write out some descriptions of your current season. It could be based around

responsibilities you have, experiences you’re going through, or opportunities you’re facing— good or bad. It could be defined by stressors or encouragers. Write out names, situations, and whatever else comes to mind in order to gain clarity about what kind of season you’re in. Next, write down what it would look like to learn in this season and to pursue God while you’re here. Like Esther, will you be courageous and step out? Like Daniel, will you be faithful and grow in discipline and communion with God? Like Rahab, will you risk something for a greater reward? Instead of avoiding the difficulty, weight, or pain, how can you step up and grow in this season? Try writing out Romans 12:12 on a piece of paper and put it on your mirror to keep your focus not on just getting through, but growing through this season.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Romans 12:12 Keep this in mind: God is good and God is sovereign; your spiritual growth is His promise and your purpose. Keep in mind, too: God doesn’t save us out of the difficulty and pain in our lives, but, He saves us through them. Noah was saved through the flood, Moses and Israel through the wilderness, and Ruth through loss and struggle. God was with them and for them, and all their seasons of life were given to prove that to them. This season of your life has been entrusted to you for a reason. You can steward this season faithfully by growing through it and glorifying God in it. Or you can live out of season by avoiding it and escaping it, only to experience the pain of living life outside of God’s will like David did. Spare yourself some unnecessary trouble and trust God with the season you’ve been entrusted with. He is with you, He is for you, and He has graciously given you this moment of your life to know Him more deeply and trust Christ more dearly through it.

Find a group or Bible study at any of our campuses to help you thrive in this season. TREY BRUNSON Director of Communications



entrusted with community BY CARLA WILLIAMS

How men and women in Uganda are intentionally transforming lives through relationships

of the families who benefited from the million

food from the Famine Relief project, had

meals we packed in November of 2017.

entrusted a local church in Uganda with the distribution of some of the meals. Representatives from the church had walked

war-torn regions of South Sudan with little

through the settlement, going from hut to

to nothing, and most of them were women

The young men and women in Adjumani,

hut to determine the 100 most vulnerable

raising their children, nieces and nephews,

Uganda walked through the refugee

families. In an entire settlement full of

and/or grandchildren. There were barely any

broken and impoverished people, they

men, as most had died in the war, abandoned

identified those most desperate for help.

settlement with their visitors from Southeast Christian Church. They had been through the camp countless times, engaging with the

their families, or remained in South Sudan entangled in the ongoing conflict.

As those men and women made their

community solutions. This time, they were

Life In Abundance (LIA), Southeast’s Mission

interactions with the residents revealed a

introducing the team from Southeast to a few

Partner who stewarded the donated

depth of relationship. There was a clear trust,

families, assessing the needs, and providing


The families in the settlement had fled the


way through the refugee settlement, their

forged through consistency and openness.

This approach is not limited to impoverished

when we apply the same effort in the areas in

They had obviously talked about physical

villages in Africa, but we can certainly learn

which God has entrusted us.

needs like hunger, but also mental health,

from their example. The concept is simple.

and relational needs. With all of those

Those men and women spend a few evenings

conversations, they had also talked about

a week walking around to their neighbors,

spiritual things. They’re interconnected.

getting to know them, asking about their

Talking about Jesus was not something they

lives, and praying for them. Inevitably, they

got to once they solved those other problems.

stumble across things like the need for

Jesus was a part of every conversation.

mosquito nets, or how okra could be a more

This story is written in collaboration with Steven Walker (Communications Director, LIA, and Jay Schroder (Missions Project Manager, Southeast Christian Church).

profitable crop than corn.


We probably won’t run into those specific

These men and women from the local church

issues with our neighbors and co-workers

were officially called Community Health

in the U.S. Our neighbors’ needs may

Evangelists (CHEs).

CARLA WILLIAMS Story Curator/Writer Southeast Christian Church

Life In Abundance trained them to wholistically assess the health of families and individuals in need—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. But what made them special was that they were just ordinary believers who were willing to engage with their neighbors, identify the greatest needs, and work together to create a sustainable solution. Jesus came to restore the physical, emotional, and spiritual brokenness of the world. He built relationships centered on trust and walked with ones He called friends. He lived life

seem more complicated than the needs of

Want to engage your neighborhood and

with people and He has entrusted us to do

impoverished Africa, but at their core, they

workplace? Connect with your Community Pastor

the same.

really aren’t. What we all need is community,

today to find resources for living intentionally,

authenticity, and a willingness to listen

opportunities to serve, and ways to get involved

and work together. We need to know and

with others.

The men and women serving their communities in Uganda and other parts of the world through LIA are agents of love for the church, showing its concern for the community. They are also advocates for

acknowledge that our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are often interwoven. We

You can participate in Southeast’s missions

can’t meet one while ignoring the others.

efforts in many ways! To learn more about Southeast’s missions involvement, including our

the community, expressing its needs to the

In Uganda, because the local church

church. As ambassadors for Christ, agents of

identified people who had a heart for their

love for the church, and advocates of hope for

neighbors and then empowered them to love

the community, these men and women are a

their community the way Christ loved His,

To engage more deeply, let us know what you

clear example of what it looks like to be the

lives were transformed. Imagine what God

are interested in by filling out the survey at

hands and feet of Jesus.

can do in our neighborhoods and workplaces

partners, giving opportunities, and ways to pray, visit



Each of you sh whatever gift y received to ser faithful stewar grace in its var 16


hould use you have rve others, as rds of God’s rious forms. 1 Peter 4:10




By Jenny Smith


NEXT /// AUGUST 2018


uffering. It’s a word with many

globe. Did I mention walking (or “rolling”) the

faces. Poverty. Illness. War.

catwalk during Fashion Week in New York, or

Financial hardship. Death.

working with immigrants and refugees, or being

According to the book of Job, God allows

involved in rowing, tennis, and rugby? All from a wheelchair.

suffering. Job is described as a man who was “blameless and upright; he feared God and

None of my “accomplishments” are due to me

shunned evil” (Job 1:1). But God suggested

being strong or an inspiration. What I have

that Satan rob Job of his family, finances, and

done is solely due to God’s power being made

eventually his health.

perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Honestly, I don’t love the book of Job. God allows suffering.


And yet …

Along with the blessings come hardships. Pressure sores. Surgeries. UTIs. Medical

After my spinal cord injury at age 16 when I

expenses. Being dependent on others for

became a quadriplegic, God was present. When

my personal care. But God has been present

everything around me was changing, God was

through it all. I can’t claim that I consider all

the one on whom I could trust. As Hebrews 6:19

this “pure joy whenever I face trials of many

says, “We have this hope as an anchor for the

kinds,” as James encourages us to in James

soul, firm and secure.” God was my anchor, my

1:2. The question of “why” often rears its ugly

firm foundation.

head rather than an overflow of joy in my circumstances. But I’m learning.

Just as Job was blessed with a double portion of what he had prior to Satan robbing him

I recently had a surgery. After much prayer and

of life as he knew it (Job 42:10), I believe God

experiencing circumstances that could only be

has allowed me to do twice as much from a

arranged by God, I felt 100% sure that I was to

wheelchair than I ever could have without

have this surgery. Despite that confidence, it

it. I never imagined traveling the world to

didn’t go smoothly. Within the weeks following

distribute wheelchairs in developing countries

my initial surgery, I had to have two more

or working with missionaries around the

surgeries. And I got sepsis. // continued on page 20



SUFFERING WELL // continued from page 19

Why did I have so many complications? I don’t know. What I do know is this: God knows and is present in our suffering even when we do not understand. I clung to Bible verses as I spent week after week

Jenny in the mountains of Italy

“What have I

in the hospital. Yes, I have been

learned during

And yet the support and prayers of

the most difficult

this entire experience.

times in life?

During my nine-week hospital

I’ve learned that

path who prayed for me when I

God is present.”

discouraged. Yes, I have been afraid. many people carried me through

stay, I saw God place nurses in my was in tears. I experienced God’s provision in ways I never expected. An exceptionally caring nurse

watched over me and my family to ensure my surgery could be as successful as possible. Through it all, God was able to shine through me and impact the lives of others. What have I learned during the most difficult times in life? I’ve learned that God is present. I’ve learned that we can trust Him. I’ve learned that although I may not understand my present sufferings, He can be glorified through them. If you are struggling right now, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). We have no promise that life will be easier, but relying on His strength and ability to use our circumstances for His good allows us to persevere through the hardest of times. Jenny in Afghanistan JENN Y SMITH S o uth e ast M e m b e r



Southeast has a long history of helping the hurting among us. As

The next step for someone who is hurting is to simply let us know

our church has grown and has expanded to multiple sites, we have

you need help by calling 502.253.8400. A person from our team

had to change how we deliver pastoral care. We want to offer care

of Pastors and Ministry Leaders will connect with you and journey

right where it is needed, on each campus and in each community.

with you as God brings healing to you.

NEXT /// AUGUST 2018

Sometimes during our seasons of difficulty, we need to remind ourselves what is true about God and His presence in our suffering. The Bible is full of encouragement, praise, and promises of God. These are the verses Jenny clung to during her nine-week hospital stay.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;” (Proverbs 3:5) “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” (Deuteronomy 31:8) “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him.” (Nahum 1:7) “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” (Jeremiah 29:11) “… And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1) “The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father’s God, and I will exalt him.” (Exodus 15:2) “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10) “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13) “You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.” (Psalm 59:17)



I’VE NEVER KILLED GIANTS God calls men to faithfully lean on His strength, not our own By Justin Fluhr



you had asked me in college to make a list of men who embody true manhood, I would have answered with characters from the movies Rudy, Rocky, and Saving Private Ryan. If you had asked me the same question on a Sunday, I would have given a churchy answer and pointed to the story of David and Goliath. My problem was, by the age of 29 I had never fought a battle on the gridiron, never fought in a professional boxing match, and certainly never fought in a war overseas. I began to ask myself, “How can I truly be a man if I’ve never killed a giant?” It’s the question every boy asks: “How do I become a man?” MORE THAN GRIT

Unfortunately, the best solution this world has to offer is found in quarterbacks and war heroes. Even when we look to our own lives, we face the challenge of living up to the legends of men whose accomplishments seem to quickly outweigh our own. How can working a 40-hour office job compare to those men who have explored and invented and discovered? How can my fight with traffic compete with my great-grandfather who fought in World War II? For some of us, holding up to the image of our own father seems like an unattainable task. It must have felt that way for Solomon. His dad was the giant killer. Talk about an intimidating standard to live up to! However, when David was on his deathbed and the time came to name Solomon his successor, David’s manhood challenge didn’t involve common sayings like “Never back down!” or “Pick yourself up by your bootstraps!” Instead, David said: “Be strong, and show yourself a man, and keep the charge of the LORD your God, walking in his ways and keeping his statutes, his commandments, his rules, and his testimonies…” (1 Kings 2:2-3 ESV)

David didn’t suggest Solomon should forge his own path; he told his son to walk in God’s ways. Biblical manhood is less about mustering your own strength to conquer an enemy and more about harnessing the Godgiven strength to fight for faithfulness. Paul makes the same argument to the Christians in Corinth: “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13–14 ESV) THE MEASURE OF A MAN

One of the traps guys fall into is belief in the lie that real manhood is about how strong we are compared to other men. In truth, it’s about how strongly we cling to God. David knew that it wasn’t his physical strength that defeated Goliath, but the strength of his faith in the God who can defeat every giant. If you asked me today to make a list of men who embody manhood, I wouldn’t mention Rudy or Rocky. I would tell you the story of the E-Town dad who quit his job and started working the night shift so he could care for his daughter during the day as she battles epilepsy. I would tell you the story of the dad who serves in the Middle School Ministry so he can invest deeper into the spiritual life of his son. Or I would tell you about the mailman who leaned into God’s presence in the midst of his daughter’s life-threatening illness. True manhood isn’t measured in medals and championships. It’s measured in faithfulness, dependence, and love in the stewardship of our everyday influence.

JUSTIN FLUHR Connections Pastor Elizabethtown Campus

WHAT’S NEXT? MAIN EVENT Sunday, August 19 • 6:00-8:30 p.m. • Blankenbaker Campus • The Block It’s a men’s night out that will go down in the history books, featuring Flying Axes and Bluegrass Indoor Karting. Invite the guys—especially those who aren’t connected to a church. Tickets are available at Get involved in other Men’s Ministry groups and events at your campus by visiting Upcoming Sermon Series:

RISE UP: Messages to Men Every Woman Wants to Hear Beginning August 25/26




Equipping Parents for Spiritual Leadership

outheast Christian Church takes great care to provide our children with valuable, engaging Bible stories and lessons each week through our children’s ministries and youth programming. But we firmly believe that your child’s spiritual journey begins at home. We want to equip you to engage your child in discussion, application, and growth of their faith. Our AT HOME feature includes practical insight about what your preschool and elementary children are learning at church, plus suggestions for ways to engage your kids in deeper discussions at home. There’s also a devotion specifically written for your middle and high school students. Working together, we will raise up the next generation of Christ’s followers!



Early Childhood (Birth-Preschool)

“Anchor’s Away!”

August’s Challenge: Our kids are going to grow up with more choices than ever. Every day, they will have to decide if they are going to go this way or that way. Which is right? That’s where we come in! We have the opportunity to begin teaching our children that God’s way is perfect. Memory Verse: “God’s way is perfect.” (2 Samuel 22:31 NIrVR) August 4/5: “I should go God’s way.” The story of Jonah, found in Jonah 1:1-3:10 August 11/12: “I can do what God says even when it’s hard.” The story of Naaman, found in 2 Kings 5:1-14 August 18/19: “I can help others go God’s way.” The story of Josiah, from 2 Chronicles 34 August 25/26: “God’s way is always perfect.” The story of Gideon’s army, from Judges 7:1-8

Engage Your Child: Baby: As you’re snuggling your baby, pray, “Dear God, You are perfect. Your way is perfect. Please help me follow Your way so I can lead this baby to follow Your way. When Your way is hard, or I am afraid, or when I don’t understand, just help me to remember Your way is perfect.” Toddler: As you drive, encourage your child to pretend to drive his or her own imaginary car. Each time you make a turn, say, “We’re going this way!” When you get where you’re going, say, “We go God’s way because God’s way is perfect!” Preschool: Add a swimming bath toy to bath time this month. Each time you make it go, ask your child which way he or she thinks it will go. Talk about how we should always go God’s way because His way is perfect. © 2018 reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

Elementary (K-5)

“The Hunt: Wisdom Is Worth Searching For”

August’s Challenge: When Jesus was a boy, He grew in wisdom. God wants us to discover wisdom, too. When we make a wise choice, we reflect the character of Jesus to people around us. That’s why giving kids a strong foundation of wisdom is important. We want them to be equipped to face whatever choices they may need to make in the future. Life application: Wisdom is finding out what you should do and doing it. Memory Verse: “If any of you needs wisdom, you should ask God for it. He will give it to you.” (James 1:5a, NIrV®) August 4/5: Jesus Grows in Wisdom, Luke 2:41-52 If you want to be wise, search for wisdom. August 11/12: Wise People See Danger, Proverbs 22:3 If you want to be wise, look before you leap. August 18/19: Rehoboam Listens to Fools, 2 Chronicles 10 If you want to be wise, hang out with wise people. August 25/26: Trust in the Lord, Proverbs 3:5-6 If you want to be wise, trust God to give you wisdom.

Engage Your Child: In the morning, tell your child, “Wisdom is something you search for. Be on the lookout for wisdom today!” As you’re driving for an extended time, ask “Have you seen someone this week make a wise choice? Have you found wisdom this week from a friend, the Bible, or church?” While you are enjoying meal times together, ask your child to tell you about the wisest person they know. Tell your kids about the best advice you ever received. At bedtime, read Luke 2:41-52. Share about a choice you’ve made recently, and how you did (or didn’t) choose wisely. Ask your child to tell you about a decision they’ll need to make soon, like what activity to do or how to treat another child. Together, pray that God will help you make wise choices every day. © 2018 The reThink Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

For Crestwood Campus Parents of Crestwood Campus elementary kids, your child will be

August 4/5: God Is Love, 1 Corinthians 13

continuing through the Bible in August. Engage your student in

August 11/12: God Is Wisdom, James 3:13-18

discussions around these Scriptures BEFORE CHURCH throughout

August 18/19: Jesus Is Invincible, Revelation 1:12-18

the month.

August 25/26: Festival of Jubilee, Psalm 96

Did you know? You can text ATHOMECW to 40650 to get a short “At Home Weekly” texted to you! Continued on page 26 SOUTHEASTCHRISTIAN.ORG


AT HOME Continued from page 25



NextGen—Devotion for Teens “Continuing the Contrast” By Taylor Starr, HSM Girls Ministry & Connections On June 23, HSM students, leaders, and staff from all of our campuses loaded buses and headed to Daytona Beach for Bible & Beach 2018. Southeast partners with an organization, Christ In Youth, for the programming piece of this event and the theme of this year was rooted out of 1 John: Contrast. Contrast is defined as “the state of being strikingly different from something else.” The world is constantly screaming for all of us to live one way, but living a life that is in sync to walking with Jesus looks different; it requires a life of contrast. At Bible & Beach this summer, we unpacked four contrast areas for students. Each area requires the response of saying no to one and stepping into and walking freely in the other: 1. Light OR Dark Read: 1 John 1:5-10 Life with Jesus means a life of no darkness because, Jesus is light and He came to be light. When we begin walking with Him, we begin walking in light. In order to walk in light, we must step out of our darkness. 2. Believe OR Deny Read: 1 John 2:21-25 Abiding in Jesus is everyday believing. We must remove and step out of anything in our life that may deny who Jesus is. When we abide daily in who Jesus is, we allow every facet of our life to speak to who Jesus is.

3. Obey OR Rebel Read: 1 John 2:1-6 When we follow Jesus, we are still going to mess up. We are still going to sin, but that does not mean we have to give up and call it quits or walk in rebellion. There is freedom in who Jesus is, and walking in obedience allows us to experience that freedom. 4. Love OR Fear Read: 1 John 3:16-18 Fear has a way of holding us back if we allow it to be what we live in. When we step out of fear, our perspective shifts so that we can see Jesus clearly and we can see others the way Jesus sees them. When we see others the way Jesus sees them, we are able to love like Jesus loves. Following Jesus­— living a life of contrast—is going to cost you something, but like Paul says in Philippians 3:8, the payoff of knowing who Jesus is compares to nothing else; it is worth anything and everything. Living a life of contrast is the gateway for others to see a difference, desire a difference, and provide an opportunity for others to meet Jesus—maybe for the very first time. Are you willing to step out of darkness, denial, rebellion, and fear and step into light, belief, obedience, and love? IDENTIFY what is holding you back. UNDERSTAND that the cost of contrast is always worth it. STEP INTO a life of contrast, a life of following Jesus.



MISSIONS IN MIND M e e t So ut he a s t ’ s Mi s s i o n Part n ers



ight down the street from where I live, dozens of ladies are trapped in the adult entertainment industry. I have

always thought that sex trafficking was something that happened in a distant land or in some other city, and that Liam Neeson is using his skills to stop sex trafficking out there. But exploitation and trafficking are destroying lives right here in Kentuckiana. Nearly all of us drive by the problem every day, either in ignorance or apathy. In this way, we might have more in common than we care to admit with the priest and the Levite in Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan. But Christ commands us to do more than walk on by. For this reason, Scarlet Hope strives together with church partners like Southeast to reach women in the adult entertainment industry with the hope and the love of Jesus. For 10 years now, Scarlet Hope has been serving exploited and trafficked



women through club and street outreach, disciple-making programs, and alternative employment opportunities. As one of the newest members of the Scarlet Hope team, I am only beginning to understand the various ways God is using this ministry to reach people for the cause of Christ. Although the primary ministry of Scarlet Hope is to the ladies in the adult industry, I’m realizing that one of our greatest needs is for more men to get involved. Street outreach on Thursday afternoons is one of the best ways for a man to join the mission of Scarlet Hope. I find that as I ride along in our bus and pray for the ladies we meet on the streets, the Lord begins to remove the shiny façade of glitz and glamour that the enemy has placed on the adult entertainment industry. I look into the eyes of women who have had their dignity and honor stripped from them, and I will never forget the utter hopelessness I see. Actually, it isn’t just hopelessness. It’s

hopelessness that is chained to turmoil, addiction, hurt, and despair. But the Gospel changes things because Jesus changes things. Jesus is in the business of remaking broken people. He came to restore, redeem, reconcile, and give His life as a ransom for everyone who is enslaved by sin. Jesus gives hope and freedom by taking the shame and punishment we all deserve, bearing it in our place on the cross. He restores dignity and honor to the ladies on the screen, on the stage, and on the streets, and He remakes them into the princesses of the Kingdom they were made to be. In return, all Christ asks of us is our trust. Jesus invites us to trust Him with our past as He transforms us in the present and prepares glorious things for our future. And as people who have been set free from sin, we have been entrusted by our Savior to bring this same message of freedom into the darkest places of our world.

So, how can you join us in reaching the ladies in our region with the hope and love of Christ? Partner. Volunteering is not exclusive

to women. I encourage every man, especially pastors and church leaders, to join us on street outreach on Thursday afternoons, or to help prepare meals that are carried into the clubs at night. Pray. This is the most important work

that you can do to help! Would you commit to fall on your knees for 10 minutes each day and ask God to set women free through Scarlet Hope?

ladies through our Career Development Program, and we currently have 11 women in the program. Because we are one of Southeast’s Mission Partners, part of your giving to the church directly supports Scarlet Hope’s ministry. In what way would God have you help? If you would like to learn more about our ministry and how you can get involved, contact me at or check out Scarlet Hope’s website at

Proclaim. Will you tell your friends,

business partners, and family members about us? We are always praying for new partnerships and volunteers.

AARON SCOTT Development Director Scarlet Hope

Provide. All of us have been entrusted

with financial resources to use for the cause of Christ. It costs $35,000 each year to support one of these special



ON MY HEART R e f l e ct i o n s fr o m o u r Mi n ist ry L eaders


ow many of us have been advised at one time or another that we can’t live in a world of “what ifs”? But, what if (pun intended!) we let ourselves go there for a moment? For every glass that’s half empty, there is an equal amount filled. The next time you find yourself in a hard place, try bringing it before the Lord in prayer and ask Him to broaden your perspective by asking, “What if?” “My marriage is falling apart and my spouse seems so self-focused.” What if God is allowing me an opportunity to work on my own shortcomings and weaknesses? “I’m not getting pregnant!” What if I am being protected from a life-or-death situation? “The chemo did not work.” What if God is using my story to exemplify trust in Him to give Him glory regardless of the circumstances? “I prayed for my baby to be healed, but he passed away.” What if the gift of life, no matter how short, was to remind me to live each day as if it were my last, because I am not promised tomorrow? “I want to stay in one place and put down roots, but my job keeps moving me around!” What if God is using me and the relationships I build with others in these locations to draw them closer to Him?



“I’ve worked so hard to build up my savings, just to have it zeroed out because of unexpected expenses.” What if God is trying to remind me not to get ahead of Him, that He will always provide, and that I will have just enough when I need it? “I don’t want to yell at my kids, but I feel like I can’t control my outbursts.” What if this is an opportunity for me to set my pride aside, pray earnestly, learn humility, and reach out to other parents for help and counsel?

These life-giving lyrics from Laura Story’s song, Blessings, push me to think: “’Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops? What if Your healing comes through tears? What if a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to know You’re near? What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise?” Are we really prideful enough to think we know best? What if we traded our worries, 10-year plans, and hopeless thoughts for prayers that ask God to give us the peace only He can give? What if we focused on the “glass half-full” and sought out opportunities to use our own trials to come alongside someone else in a similar situation to make their journey a little less lonely? We must remember that we live in a fallen and broken world, a world that is not how God intended. But, despite this brokenness, He is constantly working to bring each of us back to a personal relationship with Him

through His Son. Because of Jesus, we have hope beyond everything that can be seen in this world! Author and speaker Lysa TerKeurst recently shared, “Our present troubles produce lasting glory. And until then, I am learning to let glory and troubles coexist. Very rarely do we only get one or the other on this side of eternity.” Most of us would look at our own lives and assess them by saying, “This is not what I pictured my life to be.” But, what if we started intentionally working toward daily refocusing on what we know to be true and leave the unknowns and worries in God’s hands? “Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand; but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand.” -Ira F. Stanphill, I Know Who Holds Tomorrow

JODI SEEVERS Women’s Ministry Leader Indiana Campus




GET EQUIPPED Resources to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus

Now available at The Living Word


Growing in Gratitude by Mary Mohler

Women are often encouraged to “count our blessings.” But true, Biblical thankfulness is so much more than this! Discover what it looks like to grow in gracious gratitude—thanking God for who He is, and natural gratitude—thanking Him for His blessings, to rediscover the joy of a thankful heart.

WATCH I Can Only Imagine City on a Hill Studio

Running from a troubled home life and a broken relationship, Bart Millard found escape in music. Hitting the road in a decrepit tour bus, Bart and his band MercyMe set out on an extraordinary journey to experience the power of forgiveness and God’s love.

STREAM on RightNow Media

The Book of Galatians 6-Part Series All Christians are entrusted with the Gospel. So, if someone asked you to explain it, what would you say? In this series, Kyle Idleman dives into the book of Galatians to show that true freedom is found in surrender, not self-dependence. The good news of salvation is not based on our works, but faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ.



Redeeming Money

Visit to get free access to the biggest video Bible study library in the world!

Paul David Tripp

Pleasing God 6-Part Series There is no higher satisfaction than living a life that is pleasing to God Himself. But how can we, as imperfect Christians, ever hope to please a perfect God? R. C. Sproul identifies the struggles we all share in trying to steward our lives for God’s glory, and he offers insights on how to overcome them.

Our world constantly promises us that money will provide everything we want—success, comfort, peace, and happiness—but these are things money was never intended to give. In this practical and helpful book, learn how to see and use money in a God-honoring way.


Church-wide events at Southeast

Find out what’s happening at each of our campuses and register for events at

Resources to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus

Tuesdays • August 14-November 20 • 6:00-9:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • ATCR 207-209 Discover God’s heart for the unreached peoples of the world and find your place in Jesus’ mission to bring the Gospel to every nation. Childcare available. Register online.

8/18 Celebration Dinner Friday, August 17 • 6:30-8:00 p.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 120

Did you accept Dave Stone’s 7-year challenge and reach your goal to become debt-free, begin tithing, or increase your generosity? We want to celebrate all that God has done on your journey to financial freedom! Free dinner included. Register online.

Saturday, September 29 • 9:30 a.m. Blankenbaker Campus • FH 2 Interested in adopting a child who is currently in foster care? Are you a foster parent thinking about taking the next step of adoption? Join us in September to learn more about adoption. Register online.






ighbors to our family-frien s and ne dly ca d n e i rniv fr r u al e o y e ven t i t! Inv

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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 11:00 A.M.3:00 P.M.




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