ENTERS A NEW CHAPTER The SEU Missions department underwent some exciting changes during the 2021 to 2022 school year. Under the leadership of new Missions Director Stephanie Bernotas, the department officially became an associate member of the Standards in Excellence in Short Term Mission (SOE) and launched a fresh vision for the new season.
Stephanie Bernotas
Bernotas is originally from Manasquan, N.J., and joined the SEU community in the fall of 2021. Previously, she served as the Student Ministry Coordinator at Cairn University in Langhorne, Pa., where she directed chapels and missions for four years. Her experience in the mission field spans 36 countries — a journey that first began when Bernotas was in eighth grade. Since then, she has taken part in a variety of international trips, including the World Race, an 11-month mission trip that stops in 11 different countries. As the accrediting organization for short-term mission trips, SOE employs measures that ensure healthy and effective engagement through a code
of seven standards. The standards are God-centeredness, empowering partnerships, mutual design, comprehensive administration, qualified leaders,
appropriate training and thorough follow-through. The certification consists of a two-step process that includes a training period and peer review.