3 minute read

What Ways Can I Earn My Degree?

In Person

The majority of courses are held in person and on campus.


Typical 3 credit-hour courses pushed into 1-2 weeks of meeting time. These classes are typically only offered during Fall Break, Spring Break and in January.


Jerry Lassetter

Assistant Professor of Old Testament and the History of Ideas, Director of Distance Learning

Stephen Eccher

Associate Professor of Church History and Reformation Studies

Steven Wade

Professor of Pastoral Theology

Fully Online

These courses are offered for those who are unable to make it to campus. Engagement is fully online with pre-recorded lectures and online discussion forums.


Classes meet primarily online using recorded lectures. They meet in-person over the course of a single weekend (Friday and Saturday).


Weekend courses meet in-person over the course of two weekends.

Conference Classes

We offer course credit through certain conference attendance in conjunction with online coursework.

Don’t let distance or time keep you from earning your degree.

Whether you’re on campus or far away, we offer 12 different formats that offer flexibility for your busy schedule.


Live sections meet synchronously online and on campus, via either Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Interactive Online

Classes meet both online and synchronously. Students will meet once a week for a mandatory, pre-determined synchronous event while also using recorded lectures.


Extension courses meet at official extension centers of Southeastern.

GO Certificates

Certificates allow you to get equipped with affordable and quality theological education that is self-paced and completed fully online in 6 weeks.


Las materias de Español se ofrecen como parte de uno de los programas de las cohortes hispanas de Southeastern.

Mentored Internships

The EQUIP Network provides opportunities for students to gain ministry experience while in seminary. Through EQUIP, churches can partner with Southeastern by offering accredited and accessible courses to students at the highest level of theological training.

Distance Learning

You can study at Southeastern from anywhere in the world. We offer online, hybrid and extension class options so you can study fully online or learn through a mix of in-person and virtual formats. Check out our distance learning webpage today to find degrees that are fully online and to learn which class formats work best with your schedule.


Fully Online

Pre-recorded lectures and online discussion forums.


Pre-recorded lectures and one in-person meeting per semester.


Classes meet at official extension centers of Southeastern.



Fully Online Degrees

▶ Master of Divinity

Tracks in Christian Ministry, Missiology and

Preaching and Pastoral Ministry

▶ Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

Mentored portion to be completed through a certified EQUIP center

▶ Master of Arts in Christian Studies ▶ Master of Arts in Church Planting ▶ Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies

Due to the sensitivity of international missions, the MAIS is offered through

The College at Southeastern.

Graduate Certificates

Our graduate certificates are tailor-made for students looking for seminary training in a flexible and easily accessible format.

▶ Continue serving the church while getting the preparation for effective ministry around the world ▶ Get equipped for further graduate studies ▶ Receive specialized training in addition to a current degree track ▶ Take courses that continue to equip you in ministry after you graduate


The EQUIP Network provides opportunities for students to gain ministry experience while in seminary. Through EQUIP, churches can partner with Southeastern by offering students class credit through ministry in the local church.

▶ Gain personal and practical mentorship and discipleship experience ▶ Take courses that are offered every Spring, Summer and Fall semester for both undergraduate and graduate students ▶ Receive hands-on training for any degree program


Brittany Hall

MDiv in Christian Studies and MA in Intercultural Studies, Distance Learning Student Studying online has enabled me to continue in the ministry God has called me to here in NYC rather than feeling the need to put it on pause. Also, seeing a campus with leadership who intentionally seeks and welcomes voices of diversity in both gender and ethnicity was refreshing. Between the obvious heart for missions and the clear commitment to diversity, Southeastern was the obvious first choice for me!

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