Southern Child Magazine Holiday 2011

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Holiday 2011

of Central Alabama

Give a gift that doesn’t fade away... When you give a gift to Agape “in honor” or “in memory” of a friend or loved one, Agape sends an elegant announcement to the recipient or the recipient’s family based on the information you provide us. We also send a notification to the donor of the Memorial/Honorarium to confirm receipt of the donation. We appreciate each and every gift. Please print out the Memorial/Honorarium Form, complete the information, and mail it with your donation to: Agape of Central Alabama PO Box 230472 Montgomery, AL 36123

6th Annual Golf for Kids Tournament


At Agape, we are about one thing: SERVICE. We serve mothers-to-be who are questioning their next step; neglected and abused children who need someone to protect them; and families who want to share their love with a child. We offer these services - adoption, foster care and unplanned pregnancy assistance – with the unconditional love that our namesake promises. Thank you for helping us serve the women, children and families that need us. For more information about how you can contribute to Agape please contact: Jimmy Dobbs - Phone: 334-272-9466 | Fax: 334-272-0378 | Email:

helping find christian homes for foster children and orphans

features 147 Million Orphans 16 photo by Lillian B Photography

Holiday Gift Guide 20 Holiday Traditions 40 Eco Village 42

departments Mom Time 11 My Adoption Story, Super Southern Child, Super Southern Moms

Family Travel Guide 71 Tennessee Aquarium, Birmingham Children’s Theatre

P is for Party 92 Moodylicious Children’s Spa Party

Food 106 The Cooking Photographer

Cover photo: Lori Gordon, | For advertising info, contact 3

Choose holiday cards that inspire hope for children who need it most.

Benefiting The 2011 Give Kids The World Holiday Card Collection features whimsical designs from former GKTW Wish Children. Sold in packets of 15, these cards help you share the spirit of the season. GKTW will even imprint a personal message or your company’s logo on the cards and your return address on the envelopes. Ordering is easy; visit or call 407-396-1114 ext. 4504.

GKTW Holiday Card Pricing: $14.95 per pack • $9.95 additional per pack for card imprinting • $14.95 additional per pack for card and envelope imprinting Holiday Card Order Deadline: Packs without imprinting December 14 Packs with imprinting December 1

Give Kids The World Village is a 70-acre, nonprofit “storybook” resort, located near Central Florida’s most beloved attractions, where children with life-threatening illnesses and their families are treated to weeklong, cost-free fantasy vacations. For more information, please visit

From the Publisher God’s Gifts v/s Santa’s Gifts Children are a gift from God; they are His reward. - Psalms 127:3 I will repeat this scripture ten times the next time my child defies me. Perhaps it would help if I tied him up in ribbon and put a bow on his head as a reminder. Remember that euphorical feeling you felt when the gift of your child was placed in your arms, it was better than all birthday and Christmas presents combined! Then you brought your gift home and realized that gift didn’t have an on/off switch and you searched up and down and still couldn’t find the place to take the batteries out when it went off for the fifth time in the middle of the night! No matter how prepared I think I am, my sons are always one up on me. I will admit, I have looked up to Heaven more than once and apologized to God for whatever I may have done to deserve the fits and temper tantrums! Ah, then the peaceful feeling I experience at the end of a long day when I see my angels sleeping so sweetly can be so rewarding. I peacefully drift off, shortly to be awoken by, “Mommy, I have a tummy ache….” Followed by projectile vomit going all over me, him, the bed, the cat, the carpet…. Baby Burps A Lot never did anything like this, she ate when I felt like feeding her, she only wet her diaper when I wanted to change her, she let me sleep all night and I never remember her making anything in her diaper that smelled worse than the city land fill. I am starting to see that God’s gifts and Santa’s gifts differ slightly. Baby Burps a Lot also never gave me bear hugs, told me how beautiful I was when I was feeling down, she never made me a bouquet of papier mashea flowers on Mother’s Day or smiled and waved to me in the middle of the preschool play and made me feel so proud. Father, forgive me for feeling ungrateful for my children, instead help me to remember to thank You for Your gifts, even when I can’t take their batteries out. Wishing you and your family peace on Earth this Christmas season. Warmest,

Amy *(Photo) My little gifts from God and I are snuggled in our matching polar bear pajamas from the Company Store as we settled in to our suite at The Caribe Royale in Orlando.


Children in Waiting Cody Cody is a loving and affectionate child who tries very hard to succeed in everything he does. Shy at first, he warms up quickly and is very friendly and sweet. Cody loves cats and playing video games, and wants to be a veterinarian when he grows up. His favorite subject is science. He will need a family who will be able to assist him educationally as well as be an advocate for him in school. Cody would do best in a two-parent home able to provide lots of attention, love and structure. Cody’s ideal family is affectionate and caring and, perhaps has a cat!

James James is a fun-loving young man who is quickly becoming very independent. He unabashadly expresses his opinion and is quick to apologize if he feels he is in the wrong. James has a good heart and genuinely cares about the feelings of others. When James is older, he hopes to write movie scripts. His ultimate dream is to be able to watch one of his own movies on the big screen. In the meantime, James turns his focus to video gaming and martial arts.

Sean Sean pretty much loves every type of food but if he had to pick just one it would be tacos. His favorite color is black. In fact, Black Tigers are his favorite animal. Considering that Dragon Ball-Z is one of his favorite television shows, it’s no wonder that Sean wants to be an artist when he grows up. His perfect day would include playing video games, playing basketball, hanging with friends and trying to fit in some time for shopping or the beach. You won’t be surprised by his athleticism or that Physical Education is his favorite class. He especially enjoys playing basketball. His Hopes for a Forever Family: Someone who enjoys being active, has pets, loves sports and is nice to me.



Meet Timothy! Age 14 Missouri, Child ID 8832

A thinker by nature, Timothy contemplates becoming a world traveler! His dream is to take a vacation to Africa or China, an interest which was sparked by a recent fun trip to Michigan. Any small outing will suffice though, such as going to the movies or bowling. A fun center is his number one amusement destination, and swimming, skating and riding go-carts are tops on his list. Reading is a great pastime for Timothy, and his favorite series is Twilight. Living in the city is preferable to the country, and he doesn't really care for pets, although a dog would be okay. Mac and Cheese ranks right up there as a top meal, but if he could choose any food at all, it would be steak. Although Timothy can be shy and quiet at first, it's just because his mind is racing with ideas of what he can do in his life; the idea of a forever family is tops on his list. In the seventh grade, Timothy is partial to math and PE at school. He particularly likes playing football, baseball and basketball at recess and during gym class. This teen aims to please and appreciates hearing that he has done a good job. Timothy benefits from counseling, which will need to continue after placement. This great kid deserves a loving forever family! Timothy would like to keep in contact with his siblings and a mentor. His caseworker prefers a family who will participate in a transitional plan; however, all family types will be considered. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services. For Missouri children, both homestudied and non-homestudied families from all states are encouraged to inquire.

For more information about Timothy or other waiting children like him, please contact The Adoption Exchange at 800-451-5246 or visit


Meet Shala! Age 16 New Mexico, Child ID 7978 Shala is a bright and active teen who is a member of the Navajo tribe and is proud of her Native American culture. This young woman enjoys spending her weekends reading books, especially the Twilight series. Shala's idea of a good afternoon might be going to a movie, going to the park, or visiting the library. She is happy when drawing pictures or trying out make-up. Shala hopes her forever family enjoys outings together. Her favorite colors are purple, pink and red, and her favorite food is spaghetti. A ninth grader, she does well and enjoys school; her most fun subjects are reading and art. She is gifted in reading comprehension. This young woman's caseworker prefers a Native American family; however, all family types will be considered. Shala has relationships with extended family which she hopes to maintain. She would benefit from a family with structure and consistency. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services. For New Mexico children, both homestudied and non-homestudied New Mexico families are encouraged to inquire; only homestudied families from other states should do so. For more information about Shala or other waiting children like her, please contact The Adoption Exchange at 800-451-5246 or visit





Six years ago God began impressing upon us the frugality of trying to live the “American Dream”. We had built a large home and filled it with nice furniture. We were a two income family with two children and a dog. While I was pregnant with our second child we began to think about our future and what that would look like. Honestly, we did not like what we saw. I never wanted to work full time but I would need to work to pay for our comfortable lifestyle. So we began to make drastic changes in our lifestyles. We sold our large home and bought a smaller one that we could afford on one income. After our son was born I did not return to work but stayed home to raise our family. A few months after our son was born we began the adoption process in China. God began working in our hearts and what began as “us” saving one child from a life of poverty became a love affair with our Father God. We mailed our dossier to China in February 2006. At that time, the estimated wait to be matched with a child was between six and nine months. In March 2006 I was standing in the kitchen, I think fixing lunch. I got cold chills and felt God saying, “Your daughter was born today”. As the wait got longer and longer I began to think that day in March was just wishful thinking. If she was born in March she 14 10

would be two or older before we finally got her and we had specifically requested a child younger than nine months old. Now fast forward to September 2007. We had decided several months before that we felt God leading us to apply for a child with a special medical need. We had already applied for two children but were not matched with them. Of course we were very discouraged because we really felt we were following God’s lead. A new list of waiting children was released on September 11, 2007. I immediately scanned the list and found two children that fit into our age range and the type of medical need we were approved for. I printed their information out to review it with Darren but I still wasn’t content. I kept going back and looking at the picture of a child they called “Angela”. She was much older than what were had originally said we would adopt, but she kept tugging at my heart. I had to print her papers out. We did apply for three girls, including “Angela”. I couldn’t sleep at night without dreaming about her. Finally, on October 4, 2007 we got THE CALL from our adoption agency. We had been matched with “Angela”. I just fell to my knees and cried like a baby. At the time I did not make the connection back to that day in March 2006. A few days later we were on our way home from church and suddenly it all clicked. “Angela” was born on March 20, 2006. She was the little

MY ADOPTION STORY girl God told me was born in China that day in March 2006. WOW!!! I was humbled beyond words. We traveled to China in December 2007 to pick up our sweet daughter Faith Fu Xiang Maas. On the plane ride home from China I leaned over and told my husband, “you know you have a son in Africa”. Of course, my husband looked at me like I was crazy. However, two months after being home with our beautiful Faith I began looking for Gabriel. We knew that we wanted to adopt a child from a waiting child list so I began searching. I looked for about 2-3 weeks when I saw Gabriel. We immediately knew it was him and began the adoption process. On that same list was a little boy named Jacob. Jacob was 6 months old and his medical report said that he had Hepatitis B. I inquired as to what my husband would think about adopting two boys. His response was that we had just adopted a child that was considered to have special needs and that was enough for us right now. A month or two passed and I continued to watch the children on the waiting list. As I was reviewing the list one day I was horrified when I saw a picture of Jacob. Jacob at nine months old had dwindled away to 10 pounds and looked very weak. I told my husband that we had to do something or he was going to die. So I contacted the adoption agency to inquire about Jacob. Neither of us had any doubt that we would adopt Jacob. The agency took Jacob in for a medical evaluation to try to figure out why he had gotten so weak. Our adoption agency would not allow us to officially accept Jacob’s referral until a medical report was received. We sat and waited, while Jacob’s health was not improving. We begged and pleaded with our agency to please let us go ahead and adopt Jacob. We did not care about his diagnosis and would adopt him regardless of what his medical needs turned out to be. Finally, they allowed us to officially accept his referral but not before we signed a waiver stating that we knew his medical information was unknown and that there was a possibility that he would pass away before the adoption was completed. Well, our God works miracles and we slowly began to see Jacob get stronger as we waited to bring him home. We brought Gabriel and Jacob home on July 31, 2008 on Jacob’s 1st birthday. Jacob has been diagnosed with

Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy. He had an MRI shortly after arriving home which uncovered the reason he has Cerebral Palsy. Jacob has several Congenital Brain Malformations. In fact, he has a large cleft where part of his brain is missing. Turned out he was not Hepatitis B+. It is funny to think back to the day I saw a little boy that was positive for Hepatitis and we thought we could not handle another child with a health issue. I am so glad that God knows what we can handle and what is best for us. Jacob is such a joy and I cannot imagine not having him as a part of our family. Our journeys to China and Africa changed our lives forever. We could no longer turn our backs and say, “we did not know”. Proverbs 24:12 says “Don’t excuse yourself by saying, ‘Look, we didn’t know.’ For God understands all hearts, and he sees you. He who guards your soul knows you knew. He will repay all people as their actions deserve.” So, after being home with the boys for six months we felt that our family had adjusted and bonded very well, we made the decision to begin another adoption. Our third adoption journey was full of ups and downs and took much longer than we had anticipated. Through the process we clung to the promise that God was in control and knew what was best for our family and these beautiful children. After several lost referrals we were finally matched with two amazing girls. In January 2010, I traveled to Ethiopia to pick up our new daughters, Grace and Sera. Grace is a stunning 10 year old full of beauty inside and out. She has a serving heart and has really taken to the role of the big sister. We are honored to call her our daughter. Sera is a miracle, full of laughter and spunk. Sera was born with several birth defects affecting her eyes, brain, hands and feet. Since coming home Sera has been diagnosed with a very rare genetic disorder called Bardet-Biedl Syndrome. Sera is loosing her vision and is already legally blind. She also has a Medulary Cystic Kidney disease which will eventually lead to kidney failure. She has made unbelievable progress since she came home. God is truly faithful to those who answer His call. I had felt certain that one of the girls whose referral we had lost during our previous adoption was our daughter. I did not understand why her adoption did not go through but I knew that my God was in control so we felt at peace. In fact, after we lost her referral I remember saying to my husband, 15 11

MY ADOPTION STORY “she will be back. I know she is our daughter”. I had been home from picking up Grace and Sera for about two months when we received an email. The little girl we had previously tried to adopt was available again. It had been almost a year since we had lost her referral. They wanted to know if we were still willing to adopt her. Talk about a step of faith. We had just completed the adoption of our two newest daughters so financially it seemed impossible. There was also the fear of loosing her again. What if the adoption did not go through again, could we handle that? We began the process to adopt Elshaday a few months later. She finally joined our family in August 2011. Her adoption has been a test of faith and obedience; however the reward has been great. While in Ethiopia we had the unique opportunity to travel to the village where Elshaday’s mother lives and spend some special time with her moth-

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er. Elshaday’s mother has AIDS and has been frequently sick. She could no longer care for her daughter. Her mother had to make a heartbreaking decision but she felt she had no other choice. Elsahday is nine years old and HIV+. Her mother made the ultimate sacrifice to give her daughter life. If Elshaday had remained in her birth country, where medical care is a privilege many cannot afford, she would have died at a young age. Elshaday has been a part of our family for three months now. We are excited to watch our new daughter grow and flourish. She is an amazingly strong girl. Our story is not finished, with each adoption our hearts grow a little more. Our relationship as husband and wife and our relationship with our Heavenly Father become more and more intimate. It is exciting to see how God will bless our family next.

Photos: Nina Mullins Photography


Ricky Springer: Racing For A Cause

Ten year old Ricky Springer is not your typical kid. On the outside he is the picture of perfect health, however on the inside his immune system wages war on one of the most basic necessities for life: FOOD! Ricky lives with an Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorder (EGID), a distinct disease which renders his body unable to tolerate most food proteins.

Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC) in Cincinnati, Ohio who specialized in EGID and was willing to see Ricky to determine if he was suffering from this disease. The only way to diagnosis an EGID is by endoscopy and/or colonoscopy and taking biopsies which are then checked to determine if there are a high number of eosinophil blood cells present.

Although Ricky appeared healthy at birth, within four days he began showing signs of some type of Gastrointestinal Disorder. For the next 21 months he would suffer with non-stop abdominal pain and diarrhea. 14 Pediatricians, 2 Gastroenterologists and 2 Allergists were unable to determine what was wrong. I finally turned to the internet to try to find a cause for Ricky’s suffering. Through an online support group for parents of children with food allergies, I was directed to the American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders (APFED) and found that the symptoms Ricky was having were like those of an EGID. With APFED’s help, I was able to find a physician, Dr. Philip Putnam, at Cincinnati

After 21 months of suffering, Ricky was diagnosed with EGID, specifically Eosinophilic Colitis (EC) in which only the colon is affected. The treatment plan for Ricky was to remove ALL foods from his diet in order to allow the inflammation caused the EC in his colon to calm. For the next 1 ½ years, Ricky received all of his nutrition from a specialized elemental formula, which he could drink or receive through a feeding tube in his stomach. During this time he was also tested via allergy tests and patch testing to try to determine what foods may be triggering his immune system to cause the inflammation in his colon. Sadly, these tests did not yield any results. 13

SUPER SOUTHERN CHILD Once the inflammation caused by the EC in Ricky’s colon was gone, he was allowed to begin food trails. One new food, every three months, followed by an Endoscopy and Colonoscopy to be sure his body was not reacting to the food. At age ten, Ricky is doing better than doctors originally expected. He can eat a wide variety of foods, although he still drinks the elemental formula to supplement his diet. We believe that God handed us these challenges with Ricky, because He knows our hearts and knows that we will use what we learned to do everything we can to help other families going through the same thing we did. Racing for a Cause Because of Ricky’s battle to obtain an accurate diagnosis, find appropriate treatment, and learn to live with this disorder, he decided to take his experiences and make a difference for others who are suffering. Since Ricky’s diagnosis, I have been a volunteer for APFED, overseeing fundraising, development and media relations. At least twice a week, Ricky will hear my side of conversations with other parents, whose children have been suffering, trying to get the right diagnosis and treatment. In 2009, Ricky initiated Racing for a Cause in partnership with APFED, to create awareness of Eosinophilic Disorders and support APFED in the education of physicians and the general public about these disorders. He is using his racing platform to not only educate everyone he meets at the race track, but to educate everyone he can around the world. He started the campaign by putting APFED and Racing for a Cause on his dirt track to-kart and asking family, friends, neighbors, and local businesses to donate to APFED based on his racing performance each week. In 2010, during National Eosinophil Awareness Week (NEAW), annually the third week of May, Ricky took his go-kart each day of the week to one or two local businesses, to hand out educational materials to people in our community. He started to do newspaper and radio interviews. He campaign was featured in National Karting Magazines, and more and more requests continued to come in for interviews about Racing for a Cause. During this time he also became a “hero” with the Kids are Heroes organization. Through them, he was selected to attend the Electronics & Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angles to demo a new product for CTA Digital (an inflatable go-kart) as well as promote his campaign to a worldwide market. 14

In the summer of 2010, after meeting several other racers online who were interested in what he was doing, Ricky started the Racing for a Cause Team. Today there are 15 drivers, representing three countries, as part of the team, including NASCAR Nationwide Series driver Jeremy Clements. All the drivers help to create awareness of Eosinophilic disorders in their own communities, racing with the Racing for a Cause logo on their cars / karts, passing out educational materials and even hosting awareness events at their own tracks. Ricky hosted his first large fundraiser in January 2011 near Atlanta. The Racing for a Cause, Racin’ with the Big Dogs event, co-hosted by Jeremy Clements, drew a large amount of media attention both locally and across the internet. Jeremy, as well as other members of the RFAC Team, all champion racers, came out to race with the public and raise funds to support APFED. Estimated numbers show that in four days, leading to and including the day of the event, the campaign reached over 1.2 Million people. Ricky was honored as APFED’s 2011-2012 Education Ambassador in May of 2011, for his efforts in creating education and awareness of Eosinophilic Disorders. During NEAW 2011, Ricky hand delivered educational materials about the disease to 76 physicians and nurse practitioners in the county where he lives. He also hosted an educational booth at the ALIVE expo at the Georgia World Congress Center. In an effort to reach an even bigger audience this year, Ricky decided to sponsor RFAC Team member Jeremy Clements’ No. 51 Nationwide car at the race in September at Atlanta Motor Speedway. Ricky asked family and friends, went door to door to neighbors and local businesses and used his social media to raise the money to sponsor Jeremy to race the APFED / Racing for a Cause Chevrolet. Ricky was honored in September as the grand prize winner of the Kids Who Give contest (ages 7-10), sponsored by Farm Rich. His goal in entering the contest was not to get recognition for himself, but as another means to support Racing for a Cause. Due to the struggling economy, finding sponsors for Racing for a Cause has been difficult. His goal was to win the grand prize so that he would have the funds to continue to expand the campaign.


Ricky continues to find creative ways to reach more people about these diseases. With this help of his mom, he is very active on social media, educating one person at a time, and gaining support from people around the world for Racing for a Cause. Ricky was recently asked during an interview how long he planned on hosting Racing for a Cause. He responded “I plan on hosting the Racing for a Cause campaign until every person knows what an Eosinophil associated disorder is, and every doctor knows how to recognize the symptoms and treat these diseases. If that takes forever, then I will do this forever.”

Eosinophil Associated Disorders and APFED Eosinophil Associated Disorders occur when eosinophils, a type of white blood cell, accumulate in high numbers in body tissue cause inflammation and damage. These diseases are becoming more common, although it is not know if the rate of incidence is increasing or if the medical community is more aware of diseases and diagnosing them correctly. APFED, American Partnership for Eosinophilic Disorders, is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to patients and their families coping with eosinophilic disorders. APFED strives to expand education, create awareness and fund research while promoting advocacy among its members.

It is Ricky’s dream that “NO ONE should suffer and live in pain like I did.” 15


147 Million Orphans We are two moms who love orphans! We met six years ago as we were both going through our first adoptions (one domestic and one international) … Thirteen kids and seven adoptions later, we are bound together through faith and mission. We love “doing life together” and accepting the call to speak up for orphans everywhere. We want to help as many people as possible to see the 147 million orphans as scripture calls them, “… those who have no voice.” We want you to see YOUR PART in helping change the life of an orphan. Could it be adoption, sponsoring a child, volunteering for orphan care ministry, rocking babies at an orphanage, financially supporting someone adopting, or buying these products from sites such as

I think you would agree with us when we say Nashville, Tennessee moms Gwen and Suzanne are two pretty super southern moms! Southern Child receives questions daily about adoption. We would like to share how Gwen and Suzanne have answered similar questions.

Suzanne: Why did you adopt domestically? I was sitting in church one day, when the Lord spoke to me and said He had a child for me. There was an AfricanAmerican little boy sitting in front of me that day with the biggest smile. While I looked into his eyes the Lord was speaking to my heart. After a little research, we found that African-American boys are the last children to be chosen in the domestic adoptive community. My husband and I soon became of one heart in the decision to bring home our first son and after the blessing of him joining our family, we gave him a brother. Domestic adoption is an emotional journey and one we would encourage anyone to take who has heard the call.


Are you afraid the birth parents will come back one day? Legally, my sons are mine. Using a reputable agency and understanding the legal paperwork for domestic adoption is a must. Ultimately, God is in control of all of our futures

and there might come a day when my sons ask to meet their biological parents and I am already praying about that day. If this day arrives, the Lord will walk us through that moment just as He does each day. How does it feel to live as a multicultural family? The blessings far out weigh any challenges we might face. Adoption has changed all of our hearts, not just our boy’s lives. We have changed our community, our school, church, and our extended family with our adoption journeys. We wouldn’t have it any other way. Gwen: Why did you adopt from China and Africa? It is a simple answer really. God directed our hearts first to China because of some very close friends. We began to educate ourselves on the plight of little girls in China and knew God was calling us to adopt from there. It forever

SUPER SOUTHERN MOMS changed our life! Standing in that governmental room in China was a turning point in our life, our family, and our purpose here on earth. God is now directing our family to Africa. The Father has once again opened our hearts and eyes to His children and how we are to grow our family and welcome in THE LEAST OF THESE.


My favorite comment is … I would adopt if I only had the money. We are here to say it can be done if you are willing to work. We are a family who has not had any extra money for the adoption fees, but my husband always says, “God will fund what He favors.” It has taken a lot of work, a lot of sharing our story, and a lot of time to raise the funds, but at the end of the day the JOY of being one step closer to our child is so worth it. We hope our site can help you in your fundraising efforts. How do you handle the wait for your child? Waiting is never an easy process. We begin to dream about our child and fall in love with a person, whom we have never met. I will say that with each wait God has done some amazing work in our lives. He has taught us how to submit to His will, how to trust in His perfect plan for our life, and how to reach for His word during the hills and the valleys. Always remember that others are watching you wait and you want to WAIT well by shining a light for the glory of the Father. James 1:27 “Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for the orphans and widows in their troubles and refuse to let the world corrupt us.”

Did you know there are hundreds of millions of children worldwide who have lost one or both parents.

Every 14 seconds an AIDS death leaves another child orphaned.

Approximately 88 million orphans live in Asia.

Approximately 45 million orphans live in Africa.

Approximately 14 million orphans live in Latin America & the Caribbean.

Approximately 1 million children live in public care in Central & Eastern Europe

More than 800,000 children pass through America’s foster care system each year.

These statistics do not even include the UNKNOWN children living orphaned both here and abroad that go uncounted, unnoticed and unloved. Where We Give Two Families “Doing Our Part” Helping FEED children in Uganda, Haiti, Honduras, China and Ethiopia with each product purchased (Donating 50%+) Educating and encouraging families about the HIV+/ Aids crisis along with financially supporting several ministries that care for these children. Offering Adoptive Families wholesale products to sell (100% profit from fundraising for families) Helping Local African Refugees earn a sustainable income from handmade products Working with Ugandan women in Africa on sustainable income from their handmade necklaces Encouraging other adoptive families on their journey Partnering with churches to help grow their Orphan/Adoption Ministry Speaking Up For Those Who Do Not Have a Voice 17

European Inspired Children's Boutique

Holiday Gift Guide 2 1



1 RFX with Custom Clipz from Radio Flyer. Trick out your scooter with 10 Custom Clipz and 50+ decals, then get outside and show off your stuff! The scooter is designed for durability, speed and a no-rattle ride. | 2 Radio Flyer Lights and Sounds Racer offers fun, fast riding with lights and sounds at a great price! | 3 Woody Rocking Horse by Prince Lionheart. Helps children develop balance, muscle strength, and coordination while having fun. | 4 chop balance BIKE by Prince Lionheart teaches balance, coordination and confidence. | 5 Radio Flyer’s Style N Ride Scooter. With 10 interchangeable fashion bands in 5 fresh colors and over 70 stickers to choose from, you can create a custom look to match your personal style. | 6 Bumper Car from Radio Flyer. Bumping action triggers 7 fun sounds.





Holiday Gift Guide 1


1 Wee Believers Nativity Fridge Magnets tell the story of Christmas on your own refrigerator. | 2 Wee Believers Nativity 2-in-1 Floor Puzzle Celebrate the Christmas season with this oversized, double-sided puzzle. This sturdy and glossy puzzle features the nativity scene with Jesus, Mary and Joseph on one side and a snowy landscape on the other side. | 3 Tea Set from Pixie Kids Toys, made our of eco-felt and manufactured from re-cycled plastic bottles. | 4 Hoot Owl Hoot! from Peaceable Kingdom encourages kids to play with each other instead of against each other. | 5 ‘An Armadillo in Albuquerque for Aunt Alice!’ Take the whole family on a fun-filled aventure with the Road Trip Game. It’s an alliterative cross-country trip where kids are “challenged” to name 3 towns that begin with ‘P’ or fast foods that begin with ‘B”! Great game where wacky words keep kids laughing and learning as they advance to the east coast! Includes station wagon game pieces.






Holiday Gift Guide Gifts from




1 Candy Cane Handle Mugs Assorted holiday ceramic coffee mugs come in festive designs with beaded rim. These make a great gift paired with a Christmas coffee, cocoa or wassail. | 2 Filigree Monogram Necklaces Celebrate her with a treasured gift that’s personally hers. | 3 Monogram Cell Phone Cases by Lipstick Shades. Add some “style while you dial” with our monogrammed cell phone cases personalized with your name or monogram. Many fabulous pattern and color options are available.


3 Tips for Making Memorable Holiday Photographs By Lori Gordon of Click Workshops |

1 Get a keepsake picture of the kids by the tree: Turn off all the lights in the room except the lights on the tree. Put your camera on a tripod. Set it to Manual mode, set your ISO up to 1600, set the aperture to the lowest number available for your lens, and play around with the shutter speed until you get the proper exposure you are looking for. The range you should experiment with is somewhere between 1/15th to 1/80th of a second. Have the kids “freeze” by asking them to put a finger on one ornament so that there is no motion blur in your photograph. Make sure to read your camera manual to know how to change those settings on your camera! 2 Get a great family picture: Take pictures outside about an hour before sunset. The light is lovely and the temperatures are warmer than in the morning. Have everyone get really close to each other. Use your tripod and a self timer to get the whole family in the shot. Set your camera to take multiple exposures at a time so that you capture a few chances for each try with the timer. 3 Capture their Christmas morning expressions: Don’t forget to get a picture of the kids’ faces when they get a first look at what Santa left for them. Zoom in and get the new toy in their hands. Capture the smile on their faces or the lights twinkling in their eyes as they open gifts. Zoom out and get the whole picture of the room covered in wrapping paper after the last gift has been unwrapped.



Can You Hear Me Now ? by Monika Hawkins |

This morning I was watching cartoons with my favorite 4 year old. It has become a morning ritual that I cherish and savor. He wakes up, comes to the couch and says “Mommy, can we cuddle and watch cartoons?” This is my last year to enjoy these special moments since he starts kindergarten in the fall. For that reason my answer is always “Yes!” There is so much to be learned and so much to be taught if we keep our eyes and ears open and look for learning opportunities. This morning I heard a cartoon character say “They can’t hear me over the sound of their own voices.” WOW! It hit me like a ton of bricks. It was as though Jesus himself was speaking those very words to my soul as an answer to a series of repetitive questions. Why Lord? Why don’t they follow you? Why are marriages falling apart? Why are your children living in disobedience? Why? And the whys continue...And the answer...”They can’t hear me over the sound of their own voices.” The answer makes me sit in silence as I digest what might very well be our demise. Our own voices. Not only the words spoken aloud, but the words that run through our minds. We talk and even when we aren’t talking we are!! When was the last time you found a place of silence and solitude for your soul? When do we listen? We spend so much time entertained by music, movies, television, ipods, ipads, facebook, texts, facetime, skype and anything else that can fill the silence with word and thought. And yet “We can’t hear Him over the sound of our own voices.” Yes, we read His letter of love to us, but has it become Caleb’s definition of reading, “Just looking at words on a page.” His word is living and active. It is alive and meets us


at our point of need, but we must first be silent. We must listen for His voice. For His voice to be found ours must be silent. Are you seeking an answer from your Savior? Are their questions and concerns that plaque your soul? Do you cry out and wonder if your voice is being heard? Silence! He speaks...”Be still and know that I am God.”

You can continue to be inspired by visiting Monica Hawkins is available for inspirational speaking engagements.

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Sufficient Grace By Stephanie Warren

I am not sure how or when it happened, but I am now the mom of a preschooler. Blaine has started preschool, and he loves it! My husband took the day off from work so we could both bring him on his first day, I was so nervous. We proudly walked him into his class, took pictures and then let our baby walk away into his class taking our hearts with him. It took a good three weeks for him to adjust to his new surroundings and schedule. The preschool that we found is more than happy to work with Blaine’s speech and Occupational therapist. Preschool is not an easy adjustment for a child with sensory processing disorder. But through the power of prayer we are watching the impossible become possible. We have watched Blaine’s social language and attention span grow at a rapid pace these past two months. The most exciting change for me to see in him has been to watch him make friends. We went on a field trip to the pumpkin patch this past month. I felt like I was able to jump into his world of preschool and see how he interacts with his friends. He was running around, chasing and playing WITH friends. Friends… My Blaine has friends! God did not design us to walk through this life alone. Although some friendships are only for a season, I am thrilled that God has blessed Blaine with friends to walk through preschool with him. For to me there is no greater joy then to watch my children experience joy.

Stephanie lives in Washington State with her husband and two small boys. She is also the owner of Munchkin N’ Ruu, an online baby boutique.

33 14




Photography: Wild Heart Photography

Moodylicious P IS FOR PARTY

Holiday Spa Party

Oh how delicious this desert table looks with Southern Pink Lemonade & holiday cookies... the teal frosting on the cupcakes matches our “Salt Water Taffy” facial mask. Yummy!


The girls wore lovely ruffled story book night gowns from Lavender Avenue. The beautiful shabby chic headbands are from Bella Blooms Boutique. Vintage french shabby chic accessories are from Fleur Bloom. The Elegant Hand-Dyed Doily Banner is from Pig Castle


Photography: Leigh Barnes, Kerrigan Studios

What a fun filled day these ladies had with our Moodylicious Spa Party in a Box party ...each girl received a Spa Party Favor Purse filled with our Wicked Chocolate Face Frosting skincare line.


Clothing by Swanky Baby Vintage

8 Holiday Traditions for Everyone By Kerrie McLoughlin | Almost as soon as the Thanksgiving leftovers were put away when I was a kid, you could find me riding in the back of my parent’s car while we sought out holiday lights. These days you’ll see me in my mommyvan with husband and kids in tow making SEVERAL treks to look at lights, only we add the extra touch of snacks and hot chocolate. I also love to make fudge and sugar cookies with my kids to give as gifts like my mom did with me. Check out these traditions, designed to make the holidays fun for EVERYONE! Traditions With Your Family 1. Drive around your city looking at holiday lights. Do something crazy like grab an ice cream cone to eat in the car while you look at lights. Play Christmas music or winter songs on the radio to get in the spirit or go just the opposite and play silly kid songs or rock-and- roll! Jot down your favorite places to go so you won’t forget to see them again next year. 2. Have a special meal. Kids love having company over for a special meal and some playtime. Plan a fun brunch with an egg casserole, monkey bread and juice. If this idea doesn’t thrill you, consider going out to a special kid-friendly restaurant you’ve never been to before (no cooking or clean-up for you … love it!). 3. Enjoy a movie night or three! Pop up some popcorn, grab those Twizzlers and drag every pillow and blanket in the house to the TV room. My movie picks for you, depending on the ages of your kids, include: Elf, A Christmas Story, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, The Polar Express, Scrooged, How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Home Alone. Don’t forget the classics for the little ones like: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, A Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman and how about The SpongeBob SquarePants Christmas Special?! 4. Relax. Sounds simple, but it’s one tradition your kids will absolutely love. Something happens in my house around December 1 called Full-on Stress Freak-out. It’s often hard for me to stay in the moment and do things


like play new games with the kids, sit down and color, be silly, and just let the dishes and laundry go. I think we spend too much time trying to make our home look perfect for the holidays when we should focus more on what we can do for and with our children. I try to make December the month that is dedicated to the kids.

Traditions With Your Family … For Others 5. Take food and treats to a fire station for the firefighters who live there 24 hours at a time. Consider a frozen lasagna with some French bread, a bagged salad and some cookies to make their lives easier for just one night. Don’t forget about nursing home residents who might not get many visitors … how they LOVE to see little kids, whether they bring treats or not! 6. Bake cookies for friends, family, teachers, neighbors and absolute strangers. You can make them in any shapes you want: bells, dreidels, Christmas trees, stars of David or plain old circles, animals and candy canes. Then frost them in different colors with either store bought or homemade frosting (just add food coloring!). Add sprinkles and crushed-up candy canes as a finishing touch. 7. Help someone in need. Head to to check out opportunities like being a bell-ringer for The Salvation Army for a couple of hours. Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse lets you pack a shoebox with gifts for a child somewhere in the world. You can even track your box online to see which country it ends up in! 8. Adopt a family that can’t afford to celebrate this year. The Salvation Army will give you a list of needs for each member of a local family. You could also contact a local battered women’s shelter, homeless shelter or church to learn about needy families. Take your kids out for a shopping trip for someone else, and I promise you they will never forget it. My kids love buying “need” items like clothes, coats and books, then picking out “extras” like small electronics, Barbies, candy and stuffed animals.

Holiday resources for everyone The Jewish Family Fun Book: Holiday Projects, Everyday Activities and Travel Ideas with Jewish Themes by Danielle Dardashti and Roni Sarig Holidays Around The World: Celebrate Christmas: With Carols, Presents, and Peace by Deborah Heiligman The Children’s Book of Kwanzaa: A Guide to Celebrating the Holiday by Dolores Johnson

Jewish Holiday Style by Rita Milos Brownstein, Donna Wolf Koplowitz Christmas Cookbook; Simple Recipes for Kids (First Facts: First Cookbooks) by Sarah L. Schuette Kids in the Holiday Kitchen: Making, Baking, Giving by Jessica Strand and Tammy Massman-Johnson Kerrie McLoughlin shares her adventures raising 5 kids at



A Day of Celebrating the Children in an EcoVillage by Niann Emerson Chase

This year’s annual Celebration of Education was a delightful event for the 105 adults and children in the spiritually-based intentional community of Global Community Communications Alliance and our 50 guests. On that balmy, bright September day we first gathered in one of our landscaped vignettes tucked between the community dining area and pool yard for a scrumptious picnic lunch of organic vegetables, grains, and goat cheese from our Avalon Organic Gardens. Through seasonal community-immersion activities, the children had participated in providing that lunch by being part of the animal husbandry team and being part of the team that planted, cared for, and harvested the edible plants in the gardens. After a lively conversation-filled lunch, we all moved to the outdoor stage area and enjoyed an hour of our community children performing song, dance, drama, and poetry reading with the backdrop of ducks and other water birds landing on the pond behind the open-air stage. We parents (and all of us adults feel parental towards our community children) proudly 42 4

witnessed the performances, with moments when every adult eye was teary as well as moments of hearty laughter. Then we moved indoors to a large atrium where we walked among the varied displays of several months’ accumulation of work done by the children in our community school, interacting with each child who hosted his or her own display table. We viewed science and math projects, illustrated books, short stories, plays and poetry, jewelry, clothing, games, sculptures, masks, drawings, and social studies presentations that were created by the children, ranging in ages 3 to 16. Small groups of individuals took breaks to have herbal tea and desserts prepared by some of the older children, visiting with each other before continuing to peruse the colorful and interesting children’s displays. As the late afternoon moved into the soft colors of dusk, many of the community members and several of the guests wandered outside to take walks or cluster in various sitting areas to visit and watch the gentle


onset of evening, with, of course, children present. The whole long afternoon encircled the children of our intentional community, dedicated to honoring and recognizing their many accomplishments and simply enjoying their company. No one needed to rush off anywhere, except a few of the guests. No football games were being watched that Sunday afternoon. The adults’ hearts were full of love and pride for the children, and the children’s hearts were full with a sense of security and belonging as they experienced this circle of love. Though this day may have seemed extraordinary to most people in the dominant culture of scattered, hurried, and harried lifestyles, it was a day very similar to many of our days here in Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage in the borderlands of southern Arizona. By deliberate choice and in contrast to the mainstream of technology-pulsed Western civilization—pumping behind the drive for “more” and “faster”—our agrarian days usually are rich

and round, filled with purposeful work, meaningful relationships, and conversations of substance. Every aspect of our living is interconnected with our spiritual foundation, thus we do not feel as if our lives are compartmentalized. There is a sense of harmony and sychronicity in our daily, moment-to-moment living—allowing room to flow within divine pattern. And our children grow up with that.

Niann Emerson Chase is a parent, grandparent, pastor, teacher, counselor, writer, and co-founder of Global Community Communications Alliance, located in southern Arizona, which is a church supporting a religious order and EcoVillage of 100+ international members living in community (with additional local and international supporters). She is also the Director of the Global Community Communications Schools for Adults, Teens, and Children.














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Aquarium Fun! Chattanooga, Tennessee

Tropical Holiday Adventure A whole new cast of friendly animals will be waiting to greet visitors at Ranger Rick’s Backyard Safari during the Tennessee Aquarium’s “Tropical Holiday Adventure.” Brightly colored birds will make everyone smile as they free-fly through the gallery or entertain from the main stage. The Caribbean vibe continues in Ocean Journey where guests can feed stingrays and guitarfish, bask in the warmth of the Butterfly Garden and talk to tropically clad divers as they float among colorful reef fish several times each day. New this year will be weekend appearances by Santa Claus who will be SCUBA diving in the Aquarium’s Lake Nickajack exhibit. Look for the jolly old elf among the paddlefish, sturgeon and catfish at 11:00 am on November 19th & 20th, 26th & 27th and on December 3rd & 4th, 10th & 11th, 17th & 18th. He will wrap up a season of special appearances with a quick dive on Saturday, Dec 24th. River Gorge Explorer Winter wonders abound aboard the River Gorge Explorer. Aquarium naturalists report more sightings of bald eagles in the Gorge as well as seasonal birds that only visit the area when it’s chilly outside. Fear not, fair-weather fans. The River Gorge Explorer is climate-controlled, so the weather inside is always comfortable. Escape the seasonal hustle and bustle with a relaxing trip into Tennessee’s Grand Canyon. Excursions depart daily except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Click for cruise times and to purchase tickets online. Polar Express at the IMAX Climb aboard the Polar Express for an extraordinary 3D train ride to the North Pole. During this magical journey, audiences grasp at snowflakes as a young boy discovers the wonder of life never fades for those who believe. Experiencing this giant-screen classic at the Tennessee Aquarium IMAX 3D Theater has become a tradition for

many families. Catch The Polar Express 3D November 25th through December 22nd. Click for showtimes and to purchase tickets online.

NYE Sleep in the Deep Usher in 2012 at the Tennessee Aquarium by registering for the New Year’s Eve Sleep in the Deep. Celebrate New Year’s Eve visiting animals and habitats from around the world and then raise a “midnight” toast with a sparkling non-alcoholic beverage. This night of adventure includes activities in both Aquarium buildings. Explore behind the scenes, get up-close with our critters, and at lights out, bed down in the Undersea Cavern of Ocean Journey. Includes overnight, guided tours, special activities, pizza and continental breakfast. Families with children AGE 6 AND OLDER, accompanied by an adult. $45/Member, per person; $55/Non-Member, per person. Register online here.

The Tennessee Aquarium inspires wonder, appreciation and protection of water and all life that it sustains. Admission is $24.95 per adult and $14.95 per child, ages 3-12. Each ticket purchased helps support Aquarium conservation programs. The IMAX® 3D Theater is next door to the Aquarium. Ticket prices are $8.50 per adult and $7.00 per child. Aquarium/IMAX combo tickets are $30.95 for adults and $20.95 for children. Excursions aboard the new River Gorge Explorer depart daily into “Tennessee’s Grand Canyon.” Cruise tickets are $29.00 per adult and $21.50 per child (3-12). Advance tickets may be purchased online at or by phone at 1-800-2620695. The Aquarium, located on the banks of the Tennessee River in Chattanooga, is a non-profit organization. Open every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas, the Aquarium and IMAX are accessible to people with disabilities.


2010 production of The Wizard of Oz on the Mainstage.


BCT’s 2009 production of Scrooge the Musical on the Mainstage.


Birmingham Children’s Theatre Birmingham,Alabama

One of the nation’s oldest and largest professional theatre companies for young audiences, Birmingham Children’s Theatre (BCT) produces high-quality, professional theatrical entertainment and curriculum-relevant arts education experiences for children and families. BCT is the largest employer of professional theatre artists in North Alabama, and is Alabama’s only professional touring theatre company. As the resident professional theatre of the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC), BCT operates the 150-seat Dominick Studio Theatre, the 250-seat Wee Folks Theatre for students ages 3-6 and the 950-seat Mainstage Theatre for students ages 6-up. How long has the BCT been around, and how did it begin? Birmingham Children’s Theatre was founded in 1947 as an initiative under the Birmingham Junior Programs, an arts enrichment organization sponsored by the Junior League of Birmingham. Over the next decade Junior Programs expanded and received encouragement from the Birmingham Board of Education, which excused children from school to attend productions on school days. In 1965, nearly 20 years after the theatre’s initiation, the Junior Programs Board voted to designate a separate organization – Birmingham Children’s Theatre – with responsibility for producing plays staged by local adult professional talents for local audiences. Birmingham Children’s Theatre has a long history in Birmingham and the company is looking forward to celebrating their 65th Anniversary during the 2012-2013 season. What is your mission? Birmingham Children’s Theatre exists to educate, entertain and enrich the lives of children through the magic of professional theater.

How do you find your cast members? For each of the 10 productions in a given season at BCT, open auditions are held for professional performers throughout the Birmingham area and sometimes even further. Depending on the show, these auditions may include dancing and singing callbacks in addition to the standard performance of a memorized monologue. How do you decide what shows to do each season? Many factors are given consideration in choosing a season. BCT aims to present productions that are educational and entertaining at the same time. We like to have a well-rounded season that will excite both boys and girls. Fairy tales, fun Holiday spectaculars, historical and literary based themes are very popular. Additionally, we keep in mind how often we present a title over the years, if there is a script that we know our audience will like and, of course, budgetary concerns.



Do you have an in-house team that builds your sets and costumes? Birmingham Children’s Theatre is extremely fortunate to have a small, but extremely talented group of people working in the scene shop and costume shop to build the sets, paint set pieces and backdrops, construct amazing props, and make all the beautiful costume pieces one by one. Many of our sets and costumes are designed by local and out-of-state designers, but both BCT’s Technical Director, Master Carpenter and Costume Shop Manager have been known to put together some great in-house designs and then get to work on building them. Do you offer acting classes for children? Birmingham Children’s Theatre offers performance classes for children through The BCT Academy of Performing Arts. Academy classes are designed to inspire creativity, confidence and a sense of community through the exploration and practice of theatre skills. Professional teaching artists lead students through engaging, interactive sessions in BCT’s rehearsal and performance spaces at the BJCC in downtown Birmingham. At BCT, we believe that, through theatre, every child can become more comfortable and confident with their own voices, bodies and ideas as well as become better equipped to work as a part of a team. National studies have indicated that students who actively participate in the performing arts have higher levels of self-confidence and greater comfort speaking, making presentations, and reading aloud. What volunteer opportunities do you offer? Volunteers are able to contribute at Birmingham Children’s Theatre in a variety of ways. We have had individuals with sewing skills who have volunteered in the costume shop, builders and painters who offer their assistance in the scene shop, and those who love direct contact with the children in our audiences who help as volunteer ushers at our school and Family Day performances. As a nonprofit, BCT also depends largely on the members of the Executive Board, who volunteer their time to guide and direct the theatre, and our Jr. Board members who play a large role in the fundraising efforts of BCT. More information regarding our volunteer opportunities can be found at


BCT’s 2011 production of Cinderella as part of the Wee Folks series. In addition to producing 10 in-house performances a year, Birmingham Children’s Theatre also takes four shows on the road each season as part of BCT On Tour. By the end of the 2011-2012 season, more than 100 tours will have played to more than 2 million children since BCT On Tour was established in 1965. BCT travels anywhere outside of the Greater Birmingham Area where there is an audience seeking the best in theatre for young audiences, from the largest performing arts center to the smallest school. This year BCT On Tour will take Cinderella, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Sacagawea, and The Little Engine That Could to performances in 40 Alabama counties and 15 states between September 2011 and May 2012.

Be sure to check out ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas, and Willy Wonka - playing in December. Visit for showtimes and ticket information.

photography by Tammy Hayes




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Good For You Honey Banana Flax Muffins Oven Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts

I wrote the recipe for 2 lbs of Brussels sprouts, as that’s the size of the Costco bag. You can easily reduce or increase the amount, just use appropriately sized baking dish. by Laura Flowers | an 2 lb Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved (quartered if large) 5 cloves garlic, minced fine or pressed through a garlic press 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper Move oven rack to the upper third and preheat to 425 degrees. In a 9x13 inch baking dish, toss together Brussels sprouts, garlic, water, oil, salt and pepper and spread out in a single layer. Bake for 40-50 minutes until caramelized to taste, tossing once about 25 minutes into cooking time. Remove from oven and toss Brussels sprouts in the pan scraping up brown bits into the sprouts.

Honey Banana Flax Muffins Muffins really don’t need the huge amounts of oil or butter they usually call for. These ones contain about a 1/2 teaspoon of butter per muffin, giving them plenty of buttery taste without all the excess calories. Instead, it’s fruit that provides moisture and sweetness. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a muffin pan with cooking spray. In a large bowl combine: • 1/2 cup ground flaxseed • 1/2 cup whole wheat flour • 1/2 cup wheat germ • 1 tablespoon baking powder • 1 teaspoon baking soda • 1/2 teaspoon salt 66

In another large bowl combine: • 4 very ripe medium sized bananas, mashed well • 1/2 cup juice sweetened cinnamon applesauce • 1/4 cup slightly warm honey • 2 tablespoons vegan butter or butter, melted • 1 egg (leave it out if you want vegan muffins) 1. Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients. With an icecream scoop, scoop and scrap off excess batter and release into each muffin cup. You may need a second muffin tin for 2 or 3 extra muffins. 2. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until done. Makes 12 to 15 standard size muffins.


Oven Roasted Garlic Brussels Sprouts I wrote the recipe for 2 lbs of Brussels sprouts, as that’s the size of the Costco bag. You can easily reduce or increase the amount, just use an appropriately sized baking dish.

Laura Flowers has been a few things in her life, a newspaper and magazine photographer, food blogger, restaurant worker, Army soldier, wife and mom. “I’m not sure where this is all going, but I hope my future involves more food work in all forms, more photography, more writing and as always, more fun. What I do know is food blogging has opened a new world of friends, opportunity, travel, knowledge and culture for me.”

2 lb Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved (quartered if large) 5 cloves garlic, minced fine or pressed through a garlic press 1/2 cup water 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper Move oven rack to the upper third and preheat to 425 degrees. In a 9x13 inch baking dish, toss together Brussels sprouts, garlic, water, oil, salt and pepper and spread out in a single layer. Bake for 40-50 minutes until caramelized to taste, tossing once about 25 minutes into cooking time. Remove from oven and toss Brussels sprouts in the pan scraping up brown bits into the sprouts.


Why only certain children learn from their mistakes by Natacha V. Beim |

An excited three-year-old grabs a bottle of milk from the table and joyfully shakes it until its contents spill all over the kitchen floor. The child’s mother rushes towards the pool of white liquid spreading across the tiles, looks up at her child and grins. “What happens now?” she asks enthusiastically. They explore the consequences together. No scolding or words of disapproval are muttered. Sound unlikely? In most North American households this scenario would play out very differently. That’s because too often parents are quick to scorn their children for making mistakes. In reality, however, there are great advantages to teaching your children to learn from their mistakes. A new study from Michigan State University, shows people who think they can learn from their mistakes have a different brain reaction to errors than those who don’t. The study demonstrates that people who think they can learn from their mistakes bounce back faster after making one. Furthermore, their brains are more alert to the fact they’ve made a mistake, and subsequently are quicker to correct it. This way of thinking is a pattern that can be developed in childhood. Children who expect to make mistakes are much more willing to try new things and take on difficult tasks. As a result they’re open to learning more both at school and in other environments. Parents who feel aversion to making mistakes themselves often pass this burden on to their children. However, once aware, there is a great opportunity to break the cycle. Parents can assure their children mistakes are normal, in 12 68

fact even grown-ups make them. What matters is what we do to correct them. How to turn mistakes into learning opportunities: The first step is to acknowledge when your child has made a mistake and explore the outcome. Ask what he learned from the experience, and how he thinks he can improve the next time around. Reiterate as often as you can that making mistakes means learning something new. Consistency is key. When you are the one making a mistake, make sure you react the same way. For example, if you break a glass you can say, “I made the mistake of leaving it too close to the edge of the table. Next time, I’ll be careful to leave it in the center instead so it won’t fall when I move my arms.” If your it is your child who breaks a glass, respond calmly. Telling your child something along the lines of “I told you so” does not help. Instead, ask questions like, “how did your glass fall?” or “what can you do next time so you don’t make that same mistake?” This allows your child to determine where she went wrong and think of a solution for next time. The second step is to instill the habit of taking responsibility for one’s mistakes. Many parents rush to fix their children’s mistakes. In doing so they rob their children of the opportunity to shoulder responsibility. Going back to the broken glass scenario. Once your child has determined why the glass broke and how he can prevent it from falling next time, ask how he plans to fix the problem, and let him clean the mess without assistance. Figuring out how to solve the problem provides an opportunity for your child to learn responsibility and gain confidence in knowing mistakes can be made right, or at least better. Children can gain much pride from knowing they can be trusted to find an adequate solution to a problem they themselves create. When children learn from their mistakes and are encouraged to find creative solutions, they develop problemsolving skills that last long into the future.

Natacha V. Beim is a writer, speaker, teacher, and the founder or Core Education & Fine Arts Junior Kindergarten schools ( You can reach her at


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