Southern Child Magazine Oct/Nov 2011

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August/September 2011

of Central Alabama

6th Annual Golf for Kids Tournament


At Agape, we are about one thing: SERVICE. We serve mothers-to-be who are questioning their next step; neglected and abused children who need someone to protect them; and families who want to share their love with a child. We offer these services - adoption, foster care and unplanned pregnancy assistance – with the unconditional love that our namesake promises. Thank you for helping us serve the women, children and families that need us. For more information about how you can contribute to Agape please contact: Jimmy Dobbs - Phone: 334-272-9466 | Fax: 334-272-0378 | Email:

helping find christian homes for foster children and orphans

features photo: Erin, submitted by Candy Turner

High Chair Reviews 40 Dreamfield Farms 72 Go Team! Collegiate Wear 53 Happy Halloween 117

departments Mom Time 11 My Adoption Story, Mommy Magic, Moment-byMoment, Stuff We Love, Amazing Southern Mom

Dixie Land Design 33 Make A Wish Fairy Room

Family Travel Guide 71 Dreamfield Farms, Lookout Mountain Parkway, Georgia Fitness Challenge, Jim Gary’s Twentieth Century Dinorsaurs, Texas Hill Country, LEGOLAND® Florida

Southern Style 45 Chez Ami, Gooseberry Lane, Collegiate Cool

P is for Party 92 Kate Landers Events Woodland Fairy Party, Sugarsticks Fancy Camping Party

Food 106 Vegan Football Party Treats

Reading and Learning 109 Do Something!, Beautiful Treasures: The Core of Fine Arts, Media Reviews

Cover photo: Amye King | For advertising info, contact


From the Publisher

Read it again, read it again! I just read one of our favorite children’s books, again...and again...and again! Extra Special by Ashley Clement Frey (whom you will meet in our Adoption Story this issue!) is a touching story about Boomer, the kangaroo, who’s big feet make him make him the bully’s best target. Boomer remainded on the sidelines, his safty zone, during soccer games until one day his mom lovingly nudged him in to the game. To his surprise and the surprise of the other players, he became the star of the show! Boomer learned that through God, all things are possible. He learned that the one thing that made him different from the other animals was actually his gift! This story hits home for me as recently my 8-year old son was bullied on the little playground in Chic-Fil-A by two pre-teen girls. Ironically they were teasing him about something that truly is his gift. I was sickened and saddened and then thankful for Extra Special and how we could relate to Boomer. I encourage each parent to read this story to your child, again and again and again! I encourage you to help your children recogonize his or her gift and consistently discuss how he or she can use that gift to glorify God. And most important, discuss how he or she can handle adversity when others may not understand or even be jealous of that gift

Warmest wishes for a festive fall season!



Editor’s Letter Hello Friends , My three year old daughter loves to play fairies. She told me yesterday in the car that when she grew up she wanted to be a fairy and grow wings. I think I would like to be that when I “grow up� too- HA! Think how much I could get done around this house :) Childhood is a magical time full of imagination - sparkles, rainbows, and glitter fill the air. It is amazing what children bring to the world in words, thoughts and play. As a parent you know children make what was once old new again - I write this as we are watching the smurfs! I love celebrating the spirit of the southern child in each issue with all of you. I am thankful that you join us as we strive to find loving,forever homes that foster imagination and dreams for children in foster care. I pray each child in waiting knows that they can dream, explore, imagine and strive to be anything that they want in this world. All children have a voice and it is our hope to share and celebrate it through our magazine. Our fall edition offers a fabulous fairy room for make a wish foundation, a magical woodland fairy party, halloween printables, and more. So when you are looking for a little childhood fun to spark your imagination and memories to make I hope you will grab your glass of apple cider and open southern child magazine- a little down home read ! Hugs and Southern Love,



Children in Waiting

Ronika Ronika is very outspoken, outgoing and energetic. She also takes pride in her appearance and is very trendy and fashionable. Ronika loves being exposd to new things, like stores and restaurants and loves shopping. She also loves to dance and is on a praise dance team at church. Ronika is very sociable and even though she struggles academically and has an assigned tutor she states that she likes attending school. Ronika loves to eat but does not like chinese food, she likes to be treated with respect and does not like being talked down to. Ronika would like to have very close knit family with both a mother and father, she does want to be in the same home as her brother, Kordel. Kordel Kordel is quiet, well spoken and very intelligent. He communicates well and is very easy going. Kordel likes to play video games and is into technology. At school, Kordel is very sociable and has many friends. He does well academically and his favorite subjects are math and science. Kordel likes to go swimming. He loves to eat, especially desserts, and likes to watch television and play on the computer. Kordel would love to have a family with a mother, a father and children his age. Kordel has a sister, Ronika, he is very close to and he wants them to be adopted together.


Children in Waiting

Jarrett “Bet I Can Make You Smile” Upon first meeting Jarrett, what you notice immediately is his “great big smile” and joy for life. He’s very sweet and funny, and can brighten almost any situation with his irresistible happiness. Jarrett loves listening to music, and will often start to sing and dance right along with it! His good nature and positive outlook help you to see the beauty in everyday life, and the joy he brings is tangible. Jarrett needs a patient two-parent home that has experience with his special needs; a family willing to be consistent and to nurture Jarrett’s potential in life.

Owen, 16 & Matt, 13 Brothers who have a very strong and loving relationship, they were born in the Bahamas and are very proud of their island culture. They enjoy eating seafood and Caribbean foods, and do very well in school, making mostly A’s and B’s. Owen enjoys sports more than his little brother and is in the track team at his high school. Owen additionally likes playing video games and loves buying and wearing different sneakers. Matt enjoys listening to music such as Hip/Hop and Rap. Like his brother he also enjoys playing video games. Owen is very protective of his little brother and does not want to be separated from him. Matt looks up to his older brother and would be devastated if he were separated from him. Owen and Matt are friendly and have a good sense of humor. Both boys are very shy and quiet when you first meet them, however they warm up after getting to know them. They would benefit from a family who will be supportive of their goals and help them continue to achieve good grades in school. They would like to be able to remain near the Gainesville, FL area. They are good hearted boys who deserve a forever family who will provide them with unconditional love and support.


Introducing Davon, Donsha, and Donesha, a terrific teen trio desiring to grow up together in the same home! Older brother Davon, age 18, is a polite young man. This athletic teen plays basketball and football and enjoys spending time with his friends. When he's not on the court or with his pals, you might find him challenging the latest video games, playing with action figures, swimming or going to the boys and girls club. Davon is in twelfth grade and his favorite subject is science since it allows him to create and explore. He participates in speech therapy at school. It is expected that Davon may need some assistance as an adult.

Donsha, age 15, the middle child, is an outgoing young woman who loves to show off her

beautiful smile. She is full of life and energy and enjoys talking with almost anyone; she is often found laughing out loud at something! Donsha enjoys playing computer games involving dressing up, nails and hairstyles; she reads books about reptiles and is a fan of jumping rope, reading mystery books and playing with her sister. Donsha is shy at first until she feels comfortable, and then will begin to open up and share things. She's a very bright girl and has a funny personality. She is polite and respectful of her elders and peers, and follows directions well. Donsha is in ninth grade where she gets fine grades and maintains good relationships with adults and peers.

The youngest of this trio is Donesha, age 13, a talkative, outgoing and friendly preteen. She is always smiling and laughing. Fun-loving and polite, Donesha will be the one singing along with every song that comes on to the car radio, knowing every single word! Donesha's favorite radio station is the Disney channel. She also enjoys watching Disney shows on TV, especially when Hannah Montana is on. She prides herself on her collection of Hannah Montana shirts, shoes and watches. Donesha says that she is a girlie girl and her favorite color is pink. She is in the eighth grade and benefits from an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). She maintains good relationships with adults and peers. Their caseworker prefers a two-parent or single-father home; however, all family types will be considered. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services. This is a LEGAL RISK ADOPTIVE PLACEMENT. In a legal risk placement, it is expected that the family will eventually adopt the children, even though the birth parents' rights have not been fully terminated at the time of placement. For Missouri children, both homestudied and nonhomestudied families from all states are encouraged to inquire. We only accept inquiries on the entire sibling group, who will be placed together.

Child ID 7233

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A Journey of Hope by Ashley Frey

Several years into our marriage, Ryan and I decided it was time to start “trying” to have a family. The struggle was that we did not know if the definition of “trying” for our family meant trying to conceive or if it meant adoption.

and to understand. It was a very difficult time and we were in such a tough place. Looking back now, however, we can see that a much bigger plan was in place. The problem was simple: Ryan and I had tried to do it our way, not God’s way.

As we began our journey to start our family, we prayed deeply that God would open the right doors and close the others. He started closing doors everywhere! The doctors did not know why we weren’t getting pregnant, and the door to domestic adoption was literally closed in our faces. We only knew of one plan left, so we went to an informational meeting on overseas adoptions. We were going to Russia! After many months, many non-refundable checks, and many piles of paperwork, we finally felt like we were getting somewhere. Then the call came from our social worker - another closed door.

In June of 2008, Ryan and I walked into our local Social Services office. I am not sure why we had never thought to go there before, but for whatever reason, we decided to give them a try. It was here that we realized the need for familes to be open to fostering children. How could there be 5 inch binders filled to the brim with pictures of children, in our own country, longing for a family? We knew this was what we were missing all along. We had thought so much about the perfect scenerio that we failed to see the need in our own community!

I have to admit that I hosted my own pity party after that call. Some things in life are really hard to grasp 12

After the New Year, Ryan and I came home from church one night. As we were rummaging through the fridge, Ryan told me that Social Services had called

MY ADOPTION STORY about a young lady who was 6 1/2 months pregnant and needed to find a home for her son. Although I can’t explain it, there was just something about this particular night that felt different from all the previous times. I had a peace within me that this baby was the one whom God has set aside especially for us. The following Wednesday, we had our official meeting with the birth parents and a social worker. I can truly say that this was the hardest part of the process so far; and nothing could have prepared us for this. Although it was difficult, I am very glad we had those moments to learn some medical details, interests, and to get aquainted. We knew that everything we could know about them would help us to answer possible questions by our child in the future. Exactly a week after our initial meeting with the birth family, another suprise came. This time, though, it wasn’t a closed door but the blessing of a lifetime. Tristan decided to enter the world eight weeks early. Each moment and emotion of that day will forever be impressed on my heart. We were blessed to be able to see the birth parents immediately after Tristan’s birth. We were so thrilled that Tristan was so healthy, but yet our hearts ached for two remarkable people, who were trusting us to raise their son. As we sat in the birth mother’s room, struggling to find the right words, we glanced up and saw that the nurses were crying with us! One of them then stepped over to Ryan and me and led us to the little one who would change our lives forever. Meeting Tristan brought everything back into perspective for me. For three years I had focused on the desire to be a mother, and at some point lost sight of the fact that this was not about me. Adoption is about children finding “forever families” to love them, to teach them, and to support them through the good and the bad. The whole adoption process may not be easy, but what part of parenting is? Because we chose the Foster-to-Adopt program, Tristan became our foster child until the adoption could be completed. In October of 2009, we opened the door to see our social worker bringing Tristan’s adoption paperwork. The waiting and worrying had come to an end - Tristan was legally now our son.

Ryan and I finally had security in knowing that our family was complete. Those ten months of waiting, at times were lengthy, but never once did we doubt the love we had for our little boy or the decision we had made. Two years later, and life has never been crazier! As we focus on potty training and learning shapes and the ABC song, I sometimes sit back and am thankful that we get to enjoy and celebrate all of the “firsts” in Tristan’s life. As a mom, I often feel like I have my hands full. It is then I am reminded myself, how grateful I am to have my hands full, rather than empty. Ryan and I will forever be grateful for the two amazing people who chose the most selfless act ever - to give our son life. We could never put our gratitude into words, and we live everyday to honor the difficult decision these two special people made that brought inexpressible joy to our lives. We also thank God daily, for choosing us for this journey - Perhaps one day, we can do it all again!


Beth Ann & Austin by Amy Shepherd

This month we are honoring two super Southern children. Two young athletes I am proud to know personally. Right now I am starstruck as I just watched fourteen-year old dancing super star, Beth Ann Robinson from Dothan, Alabama, earn a spot on the semi finals of America’s Got Talent!!! Not even Pierce could come up with a negative comment to make about her performance!! It was breath-takingly beautiful. Flawless. I met the Robinson family almost twenty years ago (gosh, that made me feel old!). Most girls stopped babysitting after highschool, then there was me. I adored children so babysitting through college and even beyond worked well for me. I’ll never forget the time Beth Ann talked the little girl next door in to giving her a little hair cut while her parents were away for the weekend...and I was babysitting. If you look at the About Me section of Beth Ann’s Facebook page, you will read “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7

Next, I told you his story a little over a year ago. Seems like yesterday Austin was going to his first gymnastics competition. At that point in time, it was hit or miss, one day he loved gymnastics, the next day he didn’t want to go to practice because he was in the middle of a Playstation game. His first competition, well, he finished in absolute last place. Yet after the meet he came running off the floor and said, “Mommy, I had the best day of my life!” He was hooked and we accepted that he may never be a great gymnast, but were thrilled that he was having fun. We encouraged him to challenge himself and not let competition with others be a factor on his self six-year old terms. This past Spring Austin took the Florida state title for his level and age group. I am not gonna lie, I was one proud momma! Beth Ann and Austin, I am so proud of the hard work both of you have put in to your passion. It is my prayer that you will use use your talent to do what we are all on this Earth to do, glorify God. Your child has a talent, it is my hope and prayer that you are able to help your child recognize his or her God given talent, be it dance, gymnastics or burping the alphabet, and encourage them to work hard to perfect that talent so that he or she also will be able to share God’s love with others.


Halloween - I’m a Fan by Mary Susan Buhner, Life Coach for Moms |

Halloween is now ranked as the second most popular holiday over the year. Of course, Christmas is ranked first, but Halloween is closing in on it. Halloween is not actually a technical “holiday.” Rather, it has become more of a tradition for many to celebrate autumn and have some family fun. Families are partaking in many of the annual Halloween festivities – the prepping for the costume, carving pumpkins, hay rides, bonfires. I have to admit, all these traditions make me feel like a kid again which makes me a big fan of Halloween. As moms, we know a BIG part of Halloween for our kids is the actual costume. Especially now, when catalogues start arriving in July featuring the year’s most awesome costumes. My kids carry around these catalogues for weeks. They circle their most favorite costume, discuss it over with one another, then cross it out only to contemplate it some more and eventually re-circling their original favorite. I am convinced that my kids don’t really even care about the candy at Halloween. Instead, they have more fun planning and talking about their costume. They have so much fun in fact, that they started a tradition of picking out my husband’s costume for Halloween. We celebrate two family birthdays in October so we always have a family Halloween costume party. This serves as the perfect excuse for my kids to dress their dad up in what else, the perfect costume! Each year my girls surprise my husband with their carefully selected Halloween costume to transform “Daddy” into whatever costume they have selected. In past years, he has been a a cowboy, a race car driver, a pirate (the Pirates of the Caribbean version, of course), Elvis (jumpsuit, wig and all) and my personal favorite, a sumo wrestler (you know the zip up costume). It has become a tradition in our family and it is loads of fun.

With everyone squared away with their festive and fun Halloween costumes, that leaves me - the mom. I didn’t always used to be “the mom.” There was in fact a time when I was young (hard for my kids to believe, I know) and I could dress up as anything and not think about it. As a mom of three now, costumes fit differently. Furthermore, somewhere between 1990 and 2011 Halloween costumes got kinda trashy for us moms. Want to make a million bucks? Come up with a great costume line for moms who would rather not dress up as a “dirty” nurse to “Dr. Feelgood” or as the “Bad Cop.” Yes, I do feel compelled to set an example to my three girls and not wear a costume that warrants a “R” rating. Call me conservative, but a garder and red lace bra popping out from a costume does not spell appropriate family fun. With that, I am still on the search for the perfect Halloween costume. Regardless, I know it is not what I wear that my kids remember, but the fact that as a family, we had fun. I have learned, in fact, that the process of planning, talking, and laughing about our Halloween costumes beforehand, have become just as much fun as wearing them on Halloween. To all moms, working like crazy to make all the magic happen as we enter into the second biggest “holiday” - Halloween. Just remember that it all does not have to be perfect. In fact, some of the most fun and funny memories come from those moments that are not perfect. Happy Halloween!

Mary Susan Buhner is the author of “Mommy Magic: Tricks for Staying Sane in the Midst of Insanity”.


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Stuff we Love 2





1 This personalized painting can hang on the wall of your little garden fairy girl, | 2 Bundleme hat is made from the same soft shearling as the original bundleme from JJ Cole Collections. | 3 Scrubble by Boon Inc. Kids can fill each bulb with water, squeeze it out or slide it all around like a soapy loofa. | 4 The Baby Dipper bowl is now available in PINK!!! Love this brilliant new bright pink bowl with its matching spoon and fork. | 5 For all the years when those little legs don’t reach the floor. The Little Looster,™ a booster for the Loo is about to change the way we potty train. The perfect potty stool. 18





6 The EXTREME by Go Green Lunch Box is packed full of lots of surprises! From the re-usable food container to the erasable white board for love notes! | 7 Navitas Power Snacks are chewy, bite-sized nuggets that provide robust flavor. It is a healthy bonus that they contain no refined sugar, and are gluten-free and dairy-free. | 8 Melamine plates from Magnolia Creative Co. Choose your team colors, mascot illustration, cheerleader and football player (choose hair and skin color) or logo. | 9 The system 180 bag from JJ Cole Collections boasts the same great features of the best selling system bag – plus an additional main compartment and larger opening. Being organized on-the-go has never been easier! 19

Custom Children's Boutique


They Need Jesus by Monika Hawkins |

Caleb can be counted on daily to provide a laugh. He keeps the mood light and he keeps us on our toes. His new daily phrase is “They need Jesus.” I’m pretty sure he arrived at this phrase due to the fact that every time he complained about a classmate, a teammate or any person doing something that crossed him we would reply, “Caleb, keep in mind they might not know Jesus and you need to be a testimony and a witness to them.” So now the kid that beats him in soccer “needs Jesus.” The muslim classmate that puts her fingers in her ears every time Caleb talks, “needs Jesus.” The brother who speaks in less than kind words “needs Jesus.” Everyone needs Jesus. Caleb sometimes says it very jokingly and other times very seriously, but he recognizes that everyone needs Jesus. It has become a “catch phrase” but it is a truth that resinates deep in all of our hearts. I NEED JESUS! I can’t do it without Him. Jesus doesn’t just make it better or even tolerable. Jesus makes this life possible. There are many days that I would not make it through without the assurance that Jesus loves me, He died for me and He was raised from the dead and now intercedes for me at the right hand of the Father. Jesus intercedes for me. Oh what comfort that brings to my soul. I will be honest with you, I have days when I struggle. I mean truly struggle. I struggle to trust. I struggle to remain joyful in all circumstances. I struggle to see God’s hand of blessing all around me. I just struggle. On those days Caleb would say, “You need Jesus.” The good news for me is that I have Jesus and He has me.

flesh. It is in those times that I recognize even more that my total dependency must be on Jesus. That is where I am today. I am in the middle of a struggle of knowing that it must be placed at His feet, but battling carrying the burden on my own for fear of what I might be asked to walk through and for fear of giving up complete control. I”m having some pretty rough days right now and I need my Aarons and Hurs to come along side of my and encourage me to keep lifting my hands in praise as we are victorious in the fight. I know Jesus, but oh how I want to KNOW Him more and more and more. Every time I hear my precious Caleb say the words “he needs Jesus.” I am reminded that we ALL need Jesus and we need more and more of Him. That ball is in our courts. We must desire that intimate relationship and we must seek it. When we seek Him...we find Him. Monica Hawkins is available for inspirational speaking engagements.

But it is not enough for me to simply “have” Jesus. I want to know Him fully. I don’t want some of Jesus...I want ALL of Jesus. I want all that He has for me and I want to live my life in complete and total dependency on Him. I struggle there too. So often the things which I lay at His feet, I quickly pick up again and try to carry and sort in the weary power of my 21

Printed & Printable Parties I Ceramics I Stationery I Melamine

Happy Holidays! Love, Michael, Sarah, Al lison and Ben



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Merry Ch





Do you believe in Second Chances? Meet Ruth. Found in a trashcan protecting her two puppies, Ruth is just one of the thousands of abused, homeless or neglected animals that have found a second chance at life at Alaqua Animal Refuge. Located down a winding road, lined by mosscovered trees, Alaqua Animal Refuge is nestled on the banks of a tranquil Northwest Florida bayou. This peaceful location in Freeport is actually just minutes from the nationally known beach haven of Destin, but it is figuratively far removed from the concept of a traditional shelter. It is a true refuge. Founded in 2007 due to the lack of a no-kill shelter/adoption organization in the area, Alaqua Animal Refuge has helped find homes

for more than 7,000 animals - from dogs to cats to rabbits to horses, to pigs, and even a monitor lizard and a sugar glider. Up to 100 animals are adopted each month from this unique refuge, which serves as a shelter for more than 250 animals at any given time. To continue to save the lives of animals like Ruth, Alaqua Animal Refuge needs your help. Please join us in our mission by adopting a rescued pet or making a tax-deductible donation, today. If you believe in second chances, visit our refuge or go to to learn how you can support Alaqua Animal Refuge or to find out about the hundreds of animals that are looking for a forever home.

914 Whit)ield Road | Freeport, Fla. 32439 | (850) 880-­‐6399 | Photo by


Bow WOW, Laurie Hood Alaqua Animal Refuge | Currently, it costs $38,000 per month to run the refuge, which is entirely dependent upon private donations. Fund raising is a continual effort, with a focus on special events, memberships, planned giving and grants. Moving forward, Alaqua Animal Refuge is positioned to further increase its services to include additional educational and community services through strategic and innovative outreach programs. The refuge will also continue to expand its role as a regional leader in animal-welfare advocacy. For the furry Southern children who do not have a voice, Laurie, we say thank you!

This month’s Super Southern Mom is a friend who is near and dear to my heart. Laurie Hood grew up in Alexandria, Louisiana. She graduated from LSU with a degree in Marketing. Eventually she made her way to Freeport, Florida where she now resides with her husband, two boys and countless animals....and I do mean COUNTLESS animals! Laurie discovered that thousands of animals were being euthanized due to the lack of a no-kill shelter/adoption organization in Freeport. Freeport is a small town not far from Destin and Panama City Beach. Something had to be done and she felt like she was the one to get it started. In 2007, Alaqua Animal Refuge was born. Located down a winding gravel road on a picturesque, 10-acre farm, once homeless, lost and abused animals run and play in sun-soaked pastures, swim in cool, clean ponds, relax on breezy screened porches and graze in lush, green fields. Alaqua Animal Refuge has helped find homes for more than 5,000 animals. Currently, up to 100 animals are adopted per month from this unique shelter and adoption center, which serves as a true refuge for more than 250 animals at any given time.

Sweet Southern







Emily Claire



Maddy & Mariah

Madie Grace

Bethany Grace







Fairy Garden Playroom For Make-A-Wish Foundation by Sherri Blum | Jack and Jill Interiors Three year old Avery was diagnosed with inoperable brain cancer at age two. Her wish through Make a Wish Foundation was to receive a Fairy Garden Playroom for her sister, Maddy and herself. Avery has gone through so very much in her young life and is such a strong, brave little girl. When Make a Wish coordinator, Jenny Hauser contacted celebrity nursery designer, Sherri Blum to design this very special room for Avery, she jumped on it. After all, Sherri chose to focus her design company, Jack and Jill Interiors, on children’s spaces because she absolutely adores children and enjoys the opportunity to work (and play!) with kids each day. Sherri and her assistant, Lisa O’Brien worked for weeks in their Pennsylvania design studio, meticulously planning the space which included a life-like tree, a custom designed reading nook that is now referred to as the “Fairy Fountain”, a dress up corner complete with fairy wings and princess dresses, a play house, tea table complete with tea set, an art station (not seen in the images, as it was back ordered) and a comfy spot for movie viewing. When time grew near to install the garden room in Avery’s home, Sherri and Lisa knew they must be a part of it. Sherri asked Jenny if they could do the installation themselves, rather than local volunteers who typically do such installations. Jenny and Make a Wish granted yet another wish in flying Sherri and Lisa to Wisconsin where they could see this special project through themselves, as well as meet Avery and her family in person. The team worked for two entire days drilling, hammering, assembling, painting, and creating – as well as falling in love with the Evans family.

Sherri solicited the extremely talented Patrice Hoban to paint the fairy mural and Patrice really knocked our socks off with the details! She added glitter and gems to the already beautiful mural, and the room really came to life with her vision! Cheryl McConnell of Sweet Lullaby designed and donated the sweet curtains and valances, Chris Jones of Kidtropolis designed the Fairy Fountain reading perch, Levels of Discovery donated the tea table and toybox, New Arrivals, Inc. donated the peg hooks on which the wings and dresses are hung, and Creative Carpet Design donated the adorable monogrammed pink and green rug. Avery and her family have a long road ahead of them. Avery will continue treatments at St. Jude Children’s Hospital (to whom Jack and Jill Interiors has donated monthly for about 7 years now) and we will continue to love and pray for this wonderful and inspiring family.






When Young Women Get Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is seen as a disease of older women, but young women CAN and DO get breast cancer. Just ask Nicole Syre, who was diagnosed at 17! Many women assume they are too young to get breast cancer so when they feel a lump, they blow it off as a harmless cyst or other growth. Some health care providers dismiss breast lumps in young women as cysts and adopt a “wait and see” approach. Thankfully for Nicole, she was smart enough to tell her mom and her doctor refused to wait and see. Her doctor did a needle aspiration on the lump, and the biopsy that followed revealed that Nicole had a malignant tumor. In the blink of an eye, Nicole’s thoughts went from planning prom, powder-puff football and a spring break trip to Mexico, to scheduling a lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation, and the reality that she was probably going to lose her hair. “Now things were beginning to get difficult. I began to realize something was really wrong and I was about to have a tough road ahead of me. Imagine going to school everyday and having to deal with a million other high school kids acting as if you were dying!” The surgery went well and showed the cancer hadn’t spread so after a few months Nicole’s life went back to normal, but it didn’t stay that way for long. At 26, test results on a small lump found in her left breast revealed that Nicole had atypical lobular Hyperplasia, a lesion that put her risk of reoccurrence a bit higher. “I was kind of scared at this point, but mostly I was angry! I came to the realization that this is what it is going to be like for the rest of my life...doctors, hospitals, surgery, tests, etc. and that made me upset. I was tired of that and tired of worrying all the time.” Nicole was planning a wedding and motherhood with her boyfriend of seven years, and was mortified at the thought of another battle with cancer. “I was so confused, but at the same time so sure of some things. I was sure that I wanted this to end and I was sure that I was going to beat 38

this first. I knew that the cancer had not come back at this time, but it could, which made me think of my future.” She opted to have a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy. A surgeon removed all of her breast tissue in an attempt to prevent the disease from re-occurring. Nicole has never looked back. “I know that I made the best choice for me and I don’t regret it at all.” Nicole isn’t the first to take such drastic measures. Actress Christina Applegate had both breasts removed in 2008 in an effort to prevent her breast cancer from returning. Prior to her double mastectomy, Applegate had two lumpectomies which revealed cancer in one breast. She also took a gene test that showed she had the BRCA1 gene mutation which makes breast cancer and ovarian cancer more likely. The Scary Facts • Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women ages 15 to 54. • More than 250,000 women living in the U.S. were diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 40 or under. • Approximately 10,000 young women will be diagnosed in the next year. Despite These Realities... • The mammogram, a breast screening tool for women over 40, isn’t an effective screening exam for younger women. • Diagnosing breast cancer in younger women (under 40 years old) is more difficult because their breast tissue is generally more dense than the breast tissue in older women. • By the time a lump in a younger woman’s breast can be felt, the cancer often is advanced. • In addition, breast cancer in younger women may be aggressive and less likely to respond to treatment. • These factors combine to cause higher mortality rates in young women diagnosed with breast cancer. • Because the incidence of young women with breast cancer is much lower than in older women, young women are underrepresented in most research studies.

What can you do? • Encourage young women to become advocates for their own health and be come educated about breast cancer. • Learn how to perform a self breast exam! Feel a lump in your breast? Don’t ignore it and don’t let your doctor ignore it either!


High Chairs

Astro Perfect for today’s urban lifestyle, the chic Astro high chair from Valco Baby simply does what a compact high chair should to do...with style! And is has a fold...that is out of this world! With it`s large and super soft easycare leatherette seat and deep adjustable/removable tray, the Astro sits on a stable yet compact base.

TATAMIA TATAMIA by Peg Perego will simplify your home by replacing three pieces of gear to meet every phase of a child’s life, from newborn to toddler. This unit transforms into a baby recliner, baby swing or high chair and can be rolled through out the house.

Flair Boon Inc knows you have a Flair for good taste. No cracks. No crevices. Therefore, no abyss full of crumbs. This one-piece seat is sleek,smooth and it makes cleanup unbelievably easy. Featuring a dishwasher-safe tray cover and the continuous height positioning with pneumatic lift is just a fancy way of saying you can pick the exact height you want to fit your table.

BABYBJĂ–RN This chair by BABYBJĂ–RN offers a ergonomic design that facilitates feeding and eating. The curved backrest and the rounded, adjustable safety table hug your baby for a snug fit.

High Chairs

Svan The Svan High Chair has more to give than what first meets the eye. It’s artwork that is good enough to eat on with a host of functional features that come in handy in for everyday use. Several finishes and cushion colors available.

Musty This innovative new child seat by Mutsy brings life to your interior and gives your child a safe and comfortable place at the table. Both the seat and foot rest can be easily adjusted to perfectly fit your child as he grows. Eating tray and bumper bar are included, even a flexible seat reducer and a 5-point harness. New is the pivoting eating tray and bumper bar which makes is very easy to place your child in the seat.

Go Eat The Go Eat Highchair by Mamas & Papas is ideal for parents who love design but are short on space. The compact folding highchair has a simple flip, fold and store action so that it can be neatly tidied away, a 5 point safety harness for added safety during mealtimes and a footrest and removable chest pad to keep your little one nice and comfortable.

Loop The Loop Highchair by Mamas & Papas is sophisticated to suit your kitchen, yet practical to suit your little one. The gliding lift mechanism effortlessly adjusts from chair to table to breakfast bar level with a simple action and the seat reclines to three positions for after dinner naps. The Loop highchair has an ultra comfortable, ergonomically designed seat which rotates 360°, making it easy to lift your baby in and out, and allowing you to move around the kitchen and turn your baby so they can watch and learn.

Joovy Hook The Joovy Hook has a deep seat with an adjustable 3 point harness. Adjustable for different tabletop widths from 1” to 2”. Folding and unfolding this portable seat is easy; just push the buttons and fold the arms. Comes complete with its own “to go” bag!

Joovy Nook The Joovy Nook features a fabulous swing tray that opens with one hand.Tray has a dishwasher safe tray insert.The tray is also removable.Contemporary, clean design.

Patsy Aiken Designs - Halloween happiness! Striped Dress with Dot Leggings or Dot Velour Pant and Raglan Tee will get everyone in the spirit. Complimentary embroidery options include black cat, pumpkin, monograms and more!



Chez Ami

Sisterly love! Raglan Tee and Skirt for big, Jumper and Fitted Tee for little. Our famous cozy tights are perfect for both!

Big bold flowers on soft corduroy; adorable Jumper has swingy a-line shape and layers perfectly with our tees. Our famous Tights and Hair Bow complete her look.

Something to twirl about! Cotton Dress and custom shaped-to-fit Tights will send her twirling!

Always coordinated! Jumper and footless Ruffle Tights for her and a timeless Cotton Rollneck Sweater with corduroy Cargo Pants for him.

Big score for the boys! Corduroy Overall in two colors and classic Rollneck Sweater. Choose from 5 complimentary embroidery/ monogram options. Whimsical owl embroidery is just one option for corduroy Overall and Crew Neck Tee for him.


Gooseberry Lane Originals

Autumn Fields Patchwork Dress reminds us of a sunset on a fall day. This dress is bursting with colors from olive greens to rich reds and pumpkin oranges. Limited, can be purchased online.


Stella, for the cute witch. This dress is just stunning, her colors are rich and the extra tulle just gives it a flair that she is sure to love. This dress was designed to be worn to those school parties, where costumes are not allowed and on Halloween with added accessories she will be a perfect witch. All of GBL designs are created to be worn with layers for all climates. Limited, can be purchased online.

Retro Betty Boo pants set is a customer Favorite on the “Lane�.

Persia Pumpkin, created to be festive throughout both of our Fall Holidays. This dress is perfect for the little Goosies and those Tween Gooosies as well. Created to be worn with layers for all climates.

Nadias Nest is a design that will quickly become a staple in her wardrobe all year round. Created to be worn with layers for all climates.

Limited, can be purchased online.

Ginger Sky is a soft collection of fabrics that will just warm your heart on those chilly nights. This dress is very full and features a full under layer for additional warmth. All of GBL designs are created to be worn with layers for all climates. Limited,

can be purchased online.

JK Photography

Proudly Introduces


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Layla, outfit by Frills ‘n Fluff

Bulldog dress $29 sizes 12 mo, 18mo, 2, 3, 4

Tiger dress $29 sizes 6mo, 12 mo, 2, 3, 4

We create all of our tutus with love using only the finest lead-free, non-flammable tulle that is made in the USA. | Twitter: @atutudes

top: Atutudes Auburn University Tutu Our Auburn University Tutu is made from Blue and Orange Tulle with a free coordinating Auburn Ribbon. bottom: Atutudes University of Alabama Tutu Our University of Alabama Tutu is made from Red and White Tulle with a free coordinating University of Alabama Ribbon. Atutudes Bama Babe Tutu Dress Our Bama Babe Tutu Dress is made from Burgundy Tulle featuring a houndstooth ribbon tie and sash and coordinating removable black and white feather clip.

Team Spirit WITH AN EDGE

Ruffled Polo

I want style and team spirit What’s your game?

Get your style with free shipping for orders over $100 Visit and enter code “SCFREESHIP” offer expires 11.30.11 Officially licensed apparel - 50 schools and growing!

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60 Universities and growing. Visit for all styles and schools.

Truly one of the most wearable silhouettes on the market, This Faux Wrap Top is flattering, effortless and will take you from day to night at any event. You’ll finally be able to show your school pride as it was meant to be‌in style.

Top row, L-R: Rib Panel Blouse comes in black or white. The Twist Front Dress available in school colors. The University Spirit Biker Jacket in fashion black. The Faux Wrap Top available in school colors. Bottom row, L-R: The Winning Fit Turtleneck available in school colors. The Denim Pocket Dress comes in black, dark denim and white. The Tie-back Finale Top comes in school colors. Finally, the triple threat: fun, flirty and flattering, the Denim Mini Skirt comes in black, dark denim, or white.

You’ll be ready for any event in this school spirited Twist Front Dress.

The Ruffle Front Sleeveless Top is woven to perfection… with its flowing ruffles on the front it’s a unique addition to your fan fashion gear, able to be dressed down for game day, and up for work day this is sure to be your new “favorite blouse.”

Simply sophisticated. The Rib Panel Blouse is the kind of blouse you’ll want to live in! With ultra flattering cotton side paneling and a woven to perfection body you’ll find yourself wanting to show your school pride everywhere you go.

Take your tailgate to a whole new level this year with the Denim Pocket Dress. A soft, stretch denim makes it comfortable and effortless with a silhouette that will make you stand out in the crowd! Like us on facebook












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Visit Clearwater Beach, FL

This fall, white sand beaches, emerald waters and warm sunny days are all waiting for you in Panama City Beach.

Jim Gary’s Twentieth Century Dinosaurs return to Tallahassee Museum. Don’t miss this one-ofa-kind exhibit! Opens October 15. 850.575.8684 3945 Museum Dr., Tallahassee, FL

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AL • GA • TN

A lazy current.

The seductive howl of an accordion.

A splash too loud to be a fish.


Southern Child is looking for fun family vacation ideas. Send yours to:




Dreamfield Farms Hector, Alabama

Come out to central Alabama’s pumpkin patch for another spectacular fall festival. A great outdoor activity packed with family fun. All of the area’s favorites are back. The hogs are hurdling, the bees are buzzing, the pumpkins are growing and the corn maze promises to be taller than ever. 100 acres of farm means there is room for everyone. We have expanded the lineup in the kitchen so come hungry. The gift shop is decked out with something for everyone. With our all inclusive pricing, you can spend the day and not break the bank. So come on down. Just 25 minutes east of Montgomery, 60 minutes from Auburn, or 30 minutes north of Troy, we are central Alabama’s most convenient pumpkin patch. A perfect family outdoor event each Saturday this fall.


Hiking to the top of the Southeast’s tallest waterfall isn’t good just for your soul; it’s good for your health as well. That’s the basic message of the Georgia State Park system’s new “Tons of Fun Fitness Challenge”. To help combat the growing obesity epidemic, officials are reminding citizens that nature holds the key to healthy lifestyles through exercise and nutrition, and that outdoor recreation can be a lot more fun than traditional exercise routines. Georgia Governor and Mrs. Deal announced the new statewide initiative at the Governor’s Mansion. Celebrity Chef Cat Cora joined the Mansion’s Executive Chef Holly Chute to celebrate and emphasize the link between healthy eating and active lifestyles. All across Georgia, state parks and historic sites offer activities to help burn calories and build muscles. Hiking, biking and walking are guaranteed to get hearts racing. Many trails feature kid-friendly signage encouraging children to hop like a frog or sprint like a deer. At Etowah Indian Mounds in Cartersville, visitors can catch their breath after climbing to the top of an ancient earthen platform. Most people would agree that hiking in a canyon is far more fun than running on a treadmill, making it easier to stick with an exercise program. At Amicalola Falls State Park in Dawsonville, volunteer Jack Fussell lost more than 100 pounds by climbing the 604-step staircase multiple times each week. Today, he’s a trim park supporter in great health. The new Tons of Fun Fitness Challenge features a website – - where Georgians can create 74

an online profile to plan activities, track calories burned and document weight lost. The state’s goal is for citizens to lose one million pounds, and the website even suggests ways to get the family dog involved. Trainers and nutritionists will be available to answer questions online and attend public programs. The website also includes an event calendar with activities such as healthy cooking demonstrations, outdoor yoga classes and guided hikes. George T. Bagby State Park in Fort Gaines will host a day of outdoor activities and evening dance on Grandparents Day weekend. General Coffee State Park in Douglas is offering classes on organic gardening and a “Taste of the Farm” to enjoy summer and fall harvests. In November, Roosevelt’s Little White House in Warm Springs will host “The Roosevelt Games” with competitions for wheelchair athletes. According to State Park Director Becky Kelley, “The Tons of Fun program is designed to target, engage and educate Georgians about making better choices about health and fitness. The program is unlike any other because the focus is on making exercise and nutrition fun. Events, activities and dedicated resources will be made available at more than 60 Georgia State Parks and Historic Sites. Exercise doesn’t have to be a chore it’s literally a walk in the park.” Tons of Fun is funded in part by a grant from the Georgia Department of Community Health and supported by Coca-Cola’s Live Positively initiative. To learn more about Tons of Fun and ways to get fit in Georgia’s great outdoors, visit or


LEGOLAND Florida ®

Winter Haven,Florida

What does 50 million LEGO® bricks plus an exciting educational curriculum equal? An educational field trip to LEGOLAND® Florida! When LEGOLAND Florida opens its gates on October 15, the fun is just beginning with 50 rides, shows and attractions. From learning about how structures are made and what makes them strong in Tall Towers to Amazing Machines where students build their own amazing machine equipped with gears, levers, pulleys and motors, teachers can find just the right program to match what they’re learning about in the classroom.

subjects,” said Kim Isemann, Director of Sales and Marketing. “LEGOLAND Florida is a hands-on, interactive theme park and we think education should be no different.”

With seven educational programs incorporating STEM and the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards, LEGOLAND Florida is dedicated to affordable extracurricular education. Each of the seven programs is seasonally priced and starts at $5 per student and includes a 45-minute educational session and a full-day at the park. Field trips start in November. Programs can be booked now by appropriate school officials by calling “By showcasing math and science in a fun and interactive 1.877.350.LEGO. way at LEGOLAND Florida, we are aiming to change the way our students view these sometimes difficult




Lookout Mountain Parkway The Lookout Mountain Parkway spans three states as it stretches across Lookout Mountain from Gadsden, Alabama to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Within it’s 93-miles, one will find waterfalls, canyons, scenic brow vistas, unique towns and villages, state and national parks and preserves and many more natural wonders. Lookout Mountain is beautiful year-round. The four seasons bring flowering Rhododendrons and Mountain Laurel, children enjoying summer camp, majestic fall foliage and light snows that gently cover the landscape. It is also home to the extravaganza, The World’s Longest Yard Sale that takes place in the month of August where over 5,000 yard sale vendors line the Lookout Mountain Parkway and the US 127 Corridor for some 650-miles of bargains. Plan a day, plan a week. There is so much to see and do along the Lookout Mountain Parkway and you won’t want to miss a thing. Come See...Just for the Fun of It!

Attractions along the Lookout Mountain Parkway Alabama

City of Gadsden - Gadsden is a beautiful city in the foothills of the Appalachians. With mountains, lakes, the Coosa River and Noccalula Falls, Gadsden is the perfect place to live, raise a family and retire, while you enjoy relaxation, historical and scenic sites, cultural events and all sorts of entertainment and activities. P.O. Box 267, Gadsden, Alabama 35902. 256-549-4500 City of Fort Payne - Fort Payne offers the finest in small town lifestyles. Our quality of life is not a secret. We have been voted into “The 100 Best Small Towns in America” twice, “The 50 Best Small Southern Towns,” and designated a “Golden Eagle” by “Boom Town USA - The 7 1/2 Keys to Big Success in Small Towns.” Excellent transportation, schools, recreation, healthcare facilities, cultural events, and scenic beauty are readily available. Yet, we still maintain our small town character with good neighbors and a strong work ethic. We are proud to be so honored! Please visit with us and see what the “fuss” is all about. 256-845-1524 Cloudmont Ski Resort - Snow Ski at America’s southernmost ski resort. Great place for beginners and intermediate skiiers and a wonderful place to hone up on those skiing skills. Located on County Road #614, just off the Lookout Mountain Parkway. P.O. Box 435,

Mentone, Alabama 35984. 256-634-4344 Little River Canyon National Preserve Little River Canyon Center Saddle Rock Golf Course - Part of the one thousand acre Cloudmont Resort Complex. The course is open seven days a week, year round. Play is on nine holes from 18 tees and the first tee is uniquely lofted above a fairway on a 30 foot rock. Our par 63 executive course offers a challenge for the amateur or professional with water hazards and sand traps. 256-634-4344 Sequoyah Caverns - The property is nestled in Will’s Valley surrounded by rolling hills and pastureland. Fallow deer and peacock roam the pastures, with the cave extending into the base of Sand Mountain. Known for it’s reflecting pools, this cave is named for the Cherokee Indian Chief Sequoyah. Guided tours of the cave are available with special group rates. Looking for a more adventurous tour? Try a wild cave tour, rock climbing or rappelling! Located off Highway 11 in Valley Head, Alabama. 256-635-0024 Shady Grove Dude Ranch - Guided mountain (hourly) trail rides, hourly rates or combination packages with a meal cooked out on the trail. Hay rides and more! Bunk in the “Roundup” or one of our rustic cabins. Located in Mentone, Alabama, just off County Road 165. 256-634-4344 77

True Adventure Sports - Your enthusiastic guides to outdoor activities on Lookout Mountain and Fort Payne. We provide outdoor gear, rock climbing, rappelling, camping, canoes, kayaks, shoes, clothing, snacks, guided trips, lessons & team building. We also now have scooters for rent to travel around the Lookout Mountain attractions. 13102 Alabama Hwy. 176, Fort Payne. 256-997-9577 Town of Mentone - Nestled atop Lookout Mountain, rests a quaint little hamlet that beckons the weary and those seeking solitude from big city life. Mentone, it is called, penned for a French town whose name means ‘musical mountain spring.’ Once a thriving health resort, people came from all over the world to partake of the mineral springs that were believed to have healing powers. The springs are no more but the magic and appeal of Mentone remains. Accommodations in Mentone are as unique as the town itself. Cozy country cottages sit nestled among the pines along the west fork of Little River and the innkeepers of Mentone’s many Bed & Breakfasts Inns await your arrival. Enjoy the mountain’s gentle night sounds as they lull you to sleep. Then awaken to the melody of nature as it lures you to the breakfast table. One visit to Mentone and you too will feel the warmth and charm that has attracted tourists for over a century. Make plans today for an experience of a lifetime. We can’t wait to see you! 256-634-4444


Cloudland Canyon State Park - One of the region’s finest preserves, its 2,200 or so acres embrace a cluster of ravines and waterfalls. With elevations that range from 800 to 1,900 feet, this is rugged terrain but well worth exploring. Exhilarating panoramas of the hills and hollows will prepare sightseers for the grandeur that awaits at Cloudland Canyon itself, a deep cleft slashed into shale and sandstone by Sitton Gulch Creek. For a front-row seat, stop at the park’s main picnic area. (800) 864-7275 or (706) 657-4050. Lookout Mountain Hang Gliding - This is the world’s largest hang gliding resort and training center. Five times more certified mountain hang glider pilots are trained here than the next largest school in the USA. They cater to the flying needs of folks from one flight with an instructor at your side, to multi-day lessons to have you fully trained up to expert skills. Open Thursday thru Monday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Located at 7201 Scenic Hwy. in Rising Fawn, Georgia. Call for reservations at 703-398-3541 or 877-426-4543. 78

Valley View Ranch Equestrian Camp for Girls Since 1954, the purpose of Valley view Ranch has been to help each rancher have the full opportunity of horsemanship through instruction, time in the saddle on trails, and the care and responsibility of having her own horse, all a’top beautiful Lookout Mountain. We offer several riding programs and encourage each camper to participate in all of them: English and Hunt Seat; Western Stock Seat and Barrels (Gymkhana); and Vaulting. Each girl can spend as much time as she likes with her favorite horse during her stay. Located at 606 Valley View Ranch Road in Cloudland, Georgia. 706-862-2231 Rock City - Located atop Lookout Mountain, just 6 miles from downtown Chattanooga, Rock City is a true marvel of nature featuring massive ancient rock formations, gardens with over 400 native plant species, and breathtaking “See 7 States” panoramic views. Take an unforgettable journey along the Enchanted Trail where each step reveals natural beauty and wonders along the woodland path. Experience the magic of Fairyland Caverns and Mother Goose Village, visit one of our regional gift shops and dine at the Big Rock Grill or in the new Rock City Pavilion. Rock City is splendid year-round; “Each season there’s a new reason to visit!” 800-854-0675 Wilderness Outdoor Movie Theater - World’s largest drive-in movie theatre backdropped by the beautiful foothills of Lookout Mountain. Two screens four movies! Watch curent hit movies from the comfort of your vehicle or spread a blanket on the grassy sloped area in the rear. There is ‘surround sound’, a large concession area, convenient restroom facilities and a 22-table picnic area for patrons. 217 Old Hales Gap Road Trenton, GA 30752. 678-567-8411


Battles for Chattanooga Electric Map & Museum Spectacular three-dimensional electronic battle map presentation of Chattanooga’s Civil War history features 5,000 miniature soldiers, 650 lights, sound effects and exceptional details of the major battles which were fought here in November of 1863. 423-821-2812 Lookout Mountian Incline Railway - Referred to as “America’s Most Amazing Mile”, the trolley-style railcars climb a breattaking 72.7% grade fo the track near the tip, giving the Incline Railway the unique distinction of being the steepest passenger railway in the world. Designated as both a National Historic Site and National Historic Mechanical Engineering Landmark. 423-821-4224

Ruby Falls - discover a world of wonder at Ruby Falls! Guided tour to sparkling 145’ natural underground waterfall. Fascinating cavern with unique formations and paved level walk way. Panoramic view from Lookout Mountain Tower. 423-821-2544


It’s Like

Summer Camp for the Entire Family!

Bring the family and pack your vacation with fun. The kids are thrilled with RedBeard the Pirate, sharktooth necklaces and their very own supervised programs. For you, sway in a beachside hammock … soar on a parasail … enjoy fresh seafood and tropical coolers. For everyone, discover the new Splash Island Water Park. We’ve got what you need to “just let go” for your best family vacation ever. | Call: 866.JustLetGo Summer Special: 5TH NIGHT FREE 80

Relive some of America’s most patriotic steps in space exploration. Live out your dream with family and friends.

For more information on flying to the moon and other super cool experiences visit us online or call 800.843.0468.

Huntsville/Madison County Alabama Convention & Visitors Bureau 81


Texas Hill Country by Lee Scott

The Texas Hill Country is calling you!!!! The Wild West meets southern hospitality in this beautiful, unspoiled land. For the city seekers, San Antonio opens its doors. The Riverwalk is a must do and absolutely enchanting. San Antonio offers the traveler the Alamo, a mysterious wax museum, Ripley’s Believe It or Not Museum, Sea World, Six Flags and much more. San Marcos will entice you into Balcones Fault Line Cave at Wonder World. While visiting San Marcos, tubing the San Marcos River is a must. Your next stop should be Schlitterbahn, located in New Braunfels, Texas. This is a 65 acre waterpark filled with 3 miles of tubing adventures, 7 water playgrounds, and 17 water slides. Enjoy! The star of the hill country lies in Bandera, the Cowboy Capital, located just 45 minutes northwest of San Antonio. Found in Bandera, the Mayan Ranch and its family will capture your heart. This family vacation spot will quickly become a favorite. The 348 acre ranch manages to maintain certain amenities without loosing the “real ranch appeal”. Attention to small details is what seems to make this ranch work so well. A daily list of activities and entertainment is provided every morning by a wrangler that visits your cabin with a cup of coffee and juice for all guests. Breakfast is served cowboy style on the “range”. With horses neighing in the background, the cool morning breeze and the smell of fresh coffee is magical. The food at the ranch is the best!!!! Chef Shawna is the family chef!!!! She has a special talent for putting out just the right combination of food that seems to appeal to everyone’s tastes!!!! Lunch is served in the pavilion. Dinner varies according to the particular evening. Sometimes it is a cookout at Hicksville, sometimes a cookout at the gazebo on the river, sometimes its a couples only fancy affair in the dining, and sometimes it is a mexican fiesta on the pavilion. Meals consist of texas style steaks, fajitas, burritos, brisket, chicken fried chicken, sausages, various salads, pizza, hamburgers, fried catfish, BBQ, fries, and always a great dessert!!!! You will not go hungry at this ranch!!! Tea, lemonade, water and sodas are available all day. Oh yeah, when they say all inclusive the Hicks mean all inclusive. Adult beverages are also available as part of your package during certain times of the day. Don’t worry about the children on the couples only nights, they are entertained by the Princess of Power and her side kick Tracy at the Pavilion with dinner, a safari hayride, games and dessert. The ranch supports a wide assortment of

wildlife including deer, ram, foxes, sheep, peacocks, turkeys, squirrels, armadillo, and, of course, lots of horses. Speaking of the Princess of Power, don’t miss her hike to the dinosaur tracks! It is very entertaining and educational!!!!! The ranch sets up for activities or no activities. You will be left to do your own thing or you will be constantly entertained. There are activities for little ones in the morning to give the parents some free time. There are horseback rides in the morning and in the afternoon except on Sunday, the day of rest. The horseback rides, led by real life wranglers, are great for the novice and the professional! The ranch maintains multiple trails so the riders do not get bored! There are ropers, whippers, longhorns, wranglers, magicians, singing cowboys, can can girls, and, of course, the Hicks Family providing nightly entertainment! Kowgirl Kel leads this pack of entertainment with her homespun cowboy games including “Stage” bingo, Hat on the Bedpost, and Musical Hats entertaining all ages with her Buckaroo Bucks and “store”. The Saturday night special at the ranch is a treat! The Hicks family led by the singing Kowgirl Kel will knock your socks off! Watch out though, you may be part of the entertainment!!!!!! For those more into just relaxing, the ranch has many trails to walk and a large pool with a waterfall for swimming. They have a library full of books and games to check out!!! The ranch is also strategically located on the Medina River. Fishing trips, led by the famous Deputy Doug, are planned and spontaneous! Deputy Doug, the head ice cream man, will also give you an archery lesson. In addition to the fishing, the river provides another venue for swimming and photography. The ranch is also equipped with tennis courts, basketball courts and volleyball courts. The accommodations vary from a western style motel room to themed cabins like the Jailhouse and the Gold Mine. Families have been known to book their special cabin for the same time next year upon checkout!!!! This is a great location for a family reunion, because of the multigenerational entertainment style and the fantastic “Horsepitality!” For rates and more information, checkout their website at When you get there, tell Shea, Lindsey and Tracy that Lee and her crazy family from Florida sent you!





Exhibit Includes Over $1 million of World-Renowned art Created from Antique Automobiles

In 1993, a unique, widely-acclaimed large-scale traveling exhibit made its Southeastern U.S. debut amid fanfare and the amazement of families, children, scores of dinosaur fanatics and auto enthusiasts at the Tallahassee Museum -- a living museum offering engaging experiences focused on North Florida’s natural environment, native wildlife and cultural history. 18 Years later, Jim Gary’s Twentieth Century Dinosaurs is returning to the Tallahassee Museum in October as a long-term attraction after traveling the world for years. Some of the 21 exhibit pieces span as much as 43 feet in length and weigh up to 4,000 pounds. Gary, a renowned artist and creator, crafted hundreds of other abstract metal works for more than three decades before passing away in 2006. Gary himself, who fashioned each work using thousands of parts reclaimed from junked automobiles of the 1950’s, 60’s and 70’s, created every piece featured in the exhibit. A completely self-taught artist, he scoured junkyards across the country and welded each piece by hand with painstaking precision and accuracy before painting his creations in shockingly bright and beautiful colors. Often noted as saying, “Old Chryslers make the finest dinosaurs,” his remarkable intricate creations continue to inspire and entertain audiences. Jim Gary’s Twentieth Century Dinosaurs has garnered innumerable attention from national broadcast media throughout the years including features on the Discovery Channel, The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNN News and Ripley’s Believe it or Not in addition to print feature articles in The New York Times, The Boston Herald, The New Yorker, Smithsonian and The Los Angeles Times. International acclaim has come from sources such as the Tokyo Asahi, Paris Herald Tribune and German Lebens Art, and the exhibit has also graced the covers of publications such as National Geographic World. When arranged in a large outdoor pre-historic trail at the Tallahassee Museum, the long84

term exhibit will create a perfect model for blending history, creativity, art and recycling in a unique, educational and entertaining way, which is easilyaccessible to Tallahassee residents and visitors. Notably, exhibitions of his works have taken place in every region of the United States in prestigious collections such as the National Academy of Design in New York City, Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, Field Museum in Chicago as well as the Smithsonian Institution and National Museum of Natural History. Major museums in locations such as Boston, Denver, Los Angeles and others have displayed his sculpture stateside, while museums in Australia, China and Japan have spread his influence across the world. On a more personal level, Gary’s sculptures have made an impact upon thousands of young people throughout the years, as he routinely made guest appearances on popular children’s television shows, gave lectures in schools throughout the country and inspired young minds at scores of children’s museums and other events. Gary felt that it was very important for him to work with young people, especially children, to stimulate their creativity and to help them recognize that they can achieve great things regardless of their backgrounds as long as they put their mind to it and worked hard. Following an extensive refurbishment, Jim Gary’s Twentieth Century Dinosaurs will make its Tallahassee return debut at the 19th annual Zoobilee, a fundraising event held at the Tallahassee Museum on Friday, Oct. 14, 2011. The exhibit will open to the public the following day on Saturday, Oct. 15, 2011 and will be included in the regular admission price to the museum. For more information on the exhibit and Zoobilee, visit, or call {850} 575-8684.

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Halloween Bucket By Chica and Jo |

Cute, simple bucket for Halloween! I put orange duct tape on my cutting mat and let my Cricut do all the work. I put the letters on a plain, black pail and created a really easy and cute candy bucket for trick-or-treating! As an extra touch to not only decorate the bucket but to make it more comfortable for little hands to hold, I cut some orange felt into strips and wrapped it around the handle.

Brighten your day with kids’ stationery Introduce your kids to stationery and handwritten notes, and you will create lasting memories with them – not to mention smiles on the faces of the recipients. But maybe it’s been awhile since you wrote a note by hand, and you’re not sure where to start. Before you give up on the idea, think of the last time you received a letter or a card in the mail. Somehow, seeing a handwritten envelope in a stack of ads and bills is more special than receiving a Facebook post. It’s a pleasant surprise that gets you excited: you know that someone took the time to select just the right stationery and send a special message just for you. It’s even more special when you see a child’s handwriting on that note. Teaching your kids to write heartwarming notes doesn’t have to be a chore. You just need a plan. Before you get started, decide what kind of notes you’d like to help your kids write. Is there a special teacher they can send a thank-you note to? Do your kids have friends who live far away, who might like to receive a letter? Once you know what type of note you’re going to help them send, sit down with your kids and pick out some fun stationery together. One good place to start is a website called – take a look at their Paper People line, which offers hundreds of adorable, hand-drawn characters from artist Laura Kelly. The right stationery will lend that extra special touch and get your creativity flowing. Choose a notecard or a flat card and pair it with a whimsical address label. Your kids will get excited about the project when they get to help pick the stationery, and they’ll get a big kick out of personalizing their stationery with any of the hundreds of Paper People that fit their own interests and personalities. Once your stationery arrives, grab some colored pens – maybe even embellishments like glitter or ribbon if you’re feeling extra crafty. Bake a fresh batch of cookies, grab a couple of glasses of ice-cold milk, and let your imagination take you away. Show your kids how to write long-hand. Forget the LOL’s and TTYL’s – just write from the heart. Even a short message is sure to bring a smile to the recipients, just because you took the time to help your kids write a simple note. Paula Jamison




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Kate Landers Events, LLC

Extraordinary Parties For Children


Woodland Fairy

Party by Kate Landers

Some helpful hints to re-create the look of this charming party: 1 Use lots of Eco-friendly felt for everything from toadstool seat covers and tablecloths to bunting and fairy wings.

It often goes on sale at local chain fabric shops and you can always wash and recycle (donate or save for a future party). 2 Costumes can create a truly enchanting experience for children.

Offering hair garlands, fairy wings, wands and tutus ( or even just one of these items) is an excellent way to create an extraordinary experience and celebration. The costume pieces can double as party favors, too! 3 Create a dessert table with a moss table runner, natural wood “platters” and then have fun making the food fairy-friendly.

I suggest chocolate birds nests (melted chocolate chips and shredded wheat!) to display a createyour-own trail mix station. You can also decorate cupcakes with red frosting and upside down white chocolate chips to resemble toadstools (allow children to do this as an activity at the party!)


Credits: Henry & Grace Designs custom created fairy frocks, hair garlands and wands. The invitations were from Kori’s and Lindsey’s darling new line, Paper & Pigtails. The most precious trio of toad stools was created by the lovely Miss Jane, which served as the centerpiece.





Clothing by Swanky Baby Vintage

Photography: Leigh Barnes, Kerrigan Studios


Sugarsticks Fancy Camping Party By Ivona Foster |

Fall is on the doorstep and, although we don’t have much of a color change here in Florida, the moment the weather turns I get giddy with the smell of spice and all the richness of color. Fall is also a fabulous time to surround yourself with good company and get your s’more on! I love that s’mores are so versatile, loved by both young and old. You can throw a completely s’mores centered celebration or just add a s’mores bar to another fall celebration.


A s’mores bar offers a lot of opportunity to play with the three basic s’more ingredients and uplift the evening you are planning. At the same time, they can also be more informal than the oh-so-popular dessert table and still tie in all the party elements you want to include. Pair an old coffee table with several stools from the kids room to provide a fun layered set up for a s’mores ‘bar’. Covering all the surfaces with the same fabric will unify the look of your bar while still allowing for a playful look. Play with the beautiful fall colors: there are so many gorgeous shades of brown, add the burnt oranges and the bright reds and you have all of fall on display. To add more height to the main area of the bar use wicker baskets, a staple in many kids rooms, to display all the s’mores ingredients. There are so many yummy variations to the basic s’more. In this Fancy Camping s’mores bar I ended up using honey and cinnamon graham crackers, milk chocolate, Reese’s peanut butter cups, white vanilla and raspberry filled chocolate as well as white, coconut, strawberry and caramel swirl marshmallows. Add a twist! This s’mores bar also offered a choice of toppings as well as the jumbo marshmallow pops. S’mores are as much fun for adults as they are for the kids and adding a fun topping adds another layer of flavor to the treat.

I cannot help myself and must add scrumptious spice cupcakes, they just scream fall to me, with a marshmallow twist. I used a friend’s family recipe that was perfected over the years and every bite is an absolute pleasure. The cupcakes were baked without liners, placed into small mason jars. For a s’more twist pipe a liberal amount of marshmallow fluff in between the two cupcakes instead of icing. Finish off with a marshmallow icing, drizzle of chocolate and graham cracker sprinkle... or if you are like me and cannot resist a bit of sparkle, gold disco dust :) 98

- Spice Cupcake Recipe on page 84

Photography: Leigh Barnes, Kerrigan Studios

For those who like a little less mess with their s’mores the marshmallow pops are a great combination. To make marshmallow pops: Place jumbo marshmallows on 8’’ lollipop sticks and dip them in melted dark chocolate. Don’t be afraid to gently shake off all the excess chocolate for a less messy look. Finally, dip the marshmallows into the smooshed graham crackers.


Clothing by Swanky Baby Vintage

Spice Cupcakes Recipe by Rachel of Figurative Pie 2 cups flour 1tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 3/4 tsp baking soda 3/4 tsp cloves 3/4 tsp cinnamon 3/4 cup canola oil 3/4 cup packed brown sugar 1 cup sugar 3 eggs 1 cup milk 1 tsp vanilla extract Combine the dry ingredients together and slowly mix in eggs and other liquids. Scoop into cups and bake at 350 Fahrenheit for 25 minutes. Ivona Foster is the creative mind behind Sugarsticks Parties, a locally owned, momrun stationery business. She designs and creates personalized party decors, wedding suites and other stationery items that make life lovelier. You can find her online at where she shares the giggle and whimsy of her creations.


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Vegan Football Party Treats by Laura Flowers |

Garlic Tomato Hummus with Grilled Pita Wedges Ingredients: • 1 (15.5 ounce) can garbanzo beans • 3 tablespoons roasted sesame tahini (typically found near the peanut butter) • 3 tablespoons water • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice • 1 to 2 cloves garlic (use one if large) • 1 tablespoon good quality tomato paste from a tube • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/4 teaspoon onion powder • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper Directions: Rinse garbanzo beans until the foam is gone; strain well. Place beans into a food processor bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and puree until smooth, scraping the bowl as needed.

For better flavor, please give this hummus some time to meld together by covering and refrigerating for an hour or more before serving. Makes about 1 1/2 cups. Grilled Pita Wedges • 1 package whole wheat or regular pitas Heat the grill to medium and warm the pitas directly on the grill until light grill marks form, about a minute or less. Turn over and repeat. Remove the pitas from the grill and cut into wedges. Serve with hummus. Other Dippers Pita chips, sliced sweet pepper strips, baby carrots celery sticks, broccoli, cucumber sticks, zucchini rounds sun dried tomatoes, olives

FOOD Spicy Smoky Red Beans and Garlic Brown Rice Ingredients: • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 1 onion, diced • 4 to 5 ribs celery, diced • 1 large green bell pepper, diced • 4 cloves garlic, minced • 1 tablespoon adobo sauce from a small can of chipotle peppers in adobo sauce • 1 to 2 canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, chopped very fine (two will be spicy) • 2 teaspoons thyme • 1 teaspoon oregano • 1/4 teaspoon cumin • 1 teaspoon liquid smoke (found in the spice aisle) • 12 ounce Corona Beer (Or other similar style beer) • 2 teaspoons Tabasco sauce • 2 to 3 bay leaves (3 if small) • 4 (15.25 ounce) cans red kidney beans, strained and rinsed • 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper • 1 to 1 1/2 teaspoons salt, to taste • Cooked rice, recipe below Note - You can use canned beans. Or, if you prefer, soak 1 pound of dry red kidney beans over night in a large pot of water. Strain and rinse before using. At the end of cooking time, you’ll need a food processor or blender to puree part of the beans.

Directions: In a large pot, heat the oil over medium high heat. Add the onion, celery, and bell pepper. Cook until vegetables are softened. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute until fragrant. Add the adobo sauce, chopped chipotle peppers, thyme, oregano, cumin and liquid smoke. Cook for 2 minutes. Add the beer, Tabasco sauce, bay leaves and kidney beans. Bring to a simmer, lower heat to continue to simmer and cook for 45 minutes. Add the pepper and salt. Puree 1 heaping cup of the bean mixture and return it to the pot. Stir and serve beans over rice.

Garlic Brown Rice Ingredients: • 1 ½ cups brown rice (or 2 rice cooker cups) • 1 tablespoon unsalted butter or soy butter for Vegan • Scant 1 teaspoon coarse sea salt • ½ teaspoon garlic powder • ½ teaspoon onion powder • Water Note - This recipe is written for a rice cooker. A fuzzy logic type makes the best brown rice ever. You’ll only get about four servings out of this, so feel free to double the recipe if you need.

Directions: Place the rice in a rice cooker bowl and cover with water and stir. Pour off most of the water into the sink leaving the rice in the bowl. Repeat two more times. This cleans the rice. Fill bowl with water to the two cup brown rice mark. Add the butter, salt, garlic powder and onion powder. Place the bowl in the slow cooker and select brown rice if you have the option. Set aside for the casserole.

FOOD Tapenade Scooping Devices • Any good quality French type bread, sliced • Olive oil

Directions: Mince garlic in a food processor. Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse until olives are finely chopped. Taste and adjust seasonings if needed.

Laura Flowers has been a few things in her life, a newspaper and magazine photographer, food blogger, restaurant worker, Army soldier, wife and mom. “I’m not sure where this is all going, but I hope my future involves more food work in all forms, more photography, more writing and as always, more fun. What I do know is food blogging has opened a new world of friends, opportunity, travel, knowledge and culture for me.”

Recipes and photos compliments of


Tapenade Ingredients: • 2 to 3 cloves garlic, peeled • 1 ½ cups pitted kalamata olives • 1 tablespoon dried parsley • 2 tablespoons capers, rinsed and drained • 1 to 2 tablespoons lemon juice, to taste • 2 tablespoons olive oil from the kalamata olive jar or extra virgin olive oil • Salt and pepper, to taste

Directions: Turn grill to high. Lightly brush sliced bread on one side with olive oil. Place oil side down and grill until toasted. Move to a serving plate and top with luscious tapenade. Shovel into mouth before someone insists you share.




lassical onversations


You taught him to talk and walk. You’ll teach him what’s right and what’s wrong, and many other things about life (like where the big fish lurk). Why not teach him how to learn?

We believe that each child is uniquely and wonderfully made, and the people who know and love a child best (the parents) are the ones most motivated to help that child succeed. We connect families with other families who homeschool using the classical model. They become communities who share the journey. We also connect families with experienced and

trained mentors—parents who have homeschooled their children—who offer leadership. Communities meet weekly to review, encourage, and take the next step together, from K4 all the way through high school. For more information, or to find a community near you, please visit our website.

Beautiful Treasures The Core of Fine Arts by Jennifer Courtney

“Why should my children learn about painting and music when they are really not interested?” You may have had a friend ask you this question about homeschooling, or perhaps you have even asked it yourself. Studying the fine arts enriches the souls of our children and may spark an interest or talent in something unexpected. More importantly, the arts were created and established by God. If we encourage our children to pursue the arts, perhaps some of them will reclaim the arts for the glory of God. Maybe they will be part of the next Renaissance. In his book The Creators: a History of the Heroes of the Imagination, Daniel Boorstin proposes that Western Civilization has been prolifically creative in the arts because of the underlying Christian belief that we are created in the image of God. Therefore, since God is creative and a creator, so are people. In State of the Arts, Gene Edward Veith further demonstrates that God ordained the fine arts when he commissioned Bezalel, the world’s first artist, to oversee the construction and decoration of the tabernacle. (For further study, see Exodus 35). My family came to a much deeper appreciation of the arts when we studied the tabernacle, with its intricate gold and bronze statuary, its final woven curtains of purple and gold, and the jeweled breastplate of the high priest. As I have told my family and Challenge students repeatedly, God did not say, “Throw together some goat skins over a wood pole and gather ‘round to talk to me.” On the contrary, He gave the Israelites precise instructions for each minute detail of building the tabernacle and decorating it. Knowing that the arts are important to God and an integral part of worship inspires me to learn more about all of the fine arts. Most instructors in fine arts performance-piano, orchestra, drama, and dance-still emphasize the classical model. Teachers instruct their students in the technical

vocabulary of their particular discipline. For example, my young daughter’s ballet instructor knows that she must start with the grammar of ballet by showing six-year-olds the five ballet positions and by teaching them technical dance terms such as plié, jeté, and chassé. When I look for instructors for my children, I seek out those that are passionate about passing along the fine technical points of their art. If you participate in a Classical Conversations program, your children have completed fine arts units on drawing, tin whistle and music theory, painting and art history, and orchestra and composers. We can continue to build on these experiences at home, especially in areas that are of particular interest to your child or your family as a whole. Most of you live in areas with a wide range of instruction in the fine arts and plenty of opportunities to attend performances and tour museums. Here are a few suggestions and personal stories to get you started. • Drawing - A well-rounded education used to include instruction in realistic drawing. If you have access to art classes, look for an instructor who teaches drawing and shading principles and who encourages students to draw from life (still life, etc.) If you prefer to pursue drawing lessons at home, read Mona Brookes’ Drawing with Children. In The Core, Leigh also recommends Ed Emberley’s series of drawing books. • Painting - Find an instructor who appreciates the value of learning from the masters by copying their works. I have been fortunate to find an art instructor for my daughter who has had her copy paintings by Van Gogh and Jasper Johns, among others. At home, I can support her efforts by finding children’s biographies of these artists and catalogs of their paintings. • Music Performance - Look for a teacher who is committed to teaching solid music theory as well as exposing children to classical composers such as Mozart, Haydn, Chopin, Debussy, Beethoven, etc. Children who enjoy playing are often proficient at teaching themselves popular music, but it takes a good teacher to expose them to a wider array of music. I am grateful to my own piano teacher who recognized an


Beautiful Treasures, continued affinity between my playing style and Chopin, whose pieces I still enjoy today.

the Getty Museum in Los Angeles, the children’s headset was more informative and interesting than the adult tour!

• Poetry- Perhaps the most important key to appreciating poetry is not to be intimidated by it! Start when children are very young by exposing them to nursery rhymes. Memorizing a poem is great for Foundations presentations. Copying and illustrating a poetry notebook over the course of a year is an excellent handwriting activity. My two personal favorite poetry collections for young children are Eloise Wilkin’s Poems to Read to the Very Young and Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends (for days when you need silliness and humor).

• Performances- Keep in mind again that children are much more receptive to familiar experiences. If you are going to attend a performance of Shakespeare, read a prose summary of the play before you go. (We use Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb). If you are going to an opera, ballet, or concert, read a children’s biography of the composer and listen to selections of the music before you go. There are many excellent picture books that retell the story. Try to choose performances that are more accessible to young children such as Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker” or the “1812 Overture.”

• Museum Trips- A trip to an art museum can be informative and enjoyable if you do two simple things. The first is to acquaint your children with the artists whose work you will see before you arrive. Check out a simple children’s biography which contains reprints of their work and discuss the artist before you go. Children are much more receptive to familiar experiences than to strange ones. Then, if it is available at your museum, pay the extra money for the children’s audio headset tour. When my family toured

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Experiencing the fine arts nourishes the soul. Our children need to contemplate and appreciate beautiful words, music, movement, and paintings. In the words of Paul, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things” (Philippians 4:8).

Do Something!

Kids CAN change the world! Southern Child Magazine is thrilled to join forces with Each issue, our new Do Something! section will give you and your family ideas to help enrich the lives of others. We hope you will be as excited about this as we are! Know a kid who wants to make a difference but doesn’t know where to start? Do Something! debuts a new book (for ages 9 and up) that will show them the way. Includes: • Quizzes to help kids find the issues that matter most to them • 280 pages of projects, checklists, worksheets, time lines - everything a world-changer needs to turn a big idea into real action • 32 Action Plans that take kids every step of the way • Inspiring profiles of regular kids who are making a difference in a big way What is a Do Something Club? Do Something Clubs are your chance to take action in your community with your friends. Clubs do projects on any issue that matters to them. We give you ideas and resources, you decide what projects your Club takes on. Do Something Clubs must post at least 2 projects a year, but the more the better! Start a Club today and you’ll be eligible for a Clubs Grant and tons of prizes. You’ll also get newsletters and three packages a year full of project resources, upcoming opportunities, and Do Something SWAG and it’s all free! How do I start one? 1. Recruit 4 other committed members. 2. Brainstorm 2 projects. Your projects can be original ideas or your club can join Do Something campaigns. 3. Tell us what you have planned and why you want to start a Do Something Club in your school or community. 4. We’ll let you know if your club has been approved within a few days. 5. Do Something!

Got a question about Do Something Clubs or taking action in your school or community? Contact our resident pro through the helpline at or call (212) 254-2390 ext 232.


The Secret Mountain Stories and Songs for All Eyes and Ears !


LullabyBerceuse : A Warm Prairie Night

Chicken Joe Forgets Something Important Trout Fishing in America / Stéphane Jorisch 9782923163741

Connie Kaldor / Brian Deines 9782923163222

My Name is Chicken Joe Trout Fishing in America / Stéphane Jorisch 9782923163499

Songs from the Baobab NEW

Chantal Grosléziat / Élodie Nouhen African Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes 9782923163796

Down at the Sea Hotel Greg Brown / Mireille Levert 9782923163345


Un pato en Nueva York (Spanish) Connie Kaldor / Fil & Julie 9782923163765

Dream Songs Night Songs From Mali to Louisiana Patrick Lacoursière / Sylvie Bourbonnière 9782923163062

Dream Songs Night Songs From China to Senegal Patrick Lacoursière / Sylvie Bourbonnière 9782923163246

A Duck in New York City Connie Kaldor / Fil & Julie 9782923163024

Dream Songs Night Songs From Belgium to Brazil Patrick Lacoursière / Sylvie Bourbonnière 9782923163321

A Poodle in Paris Connie Kaldor / Fil & Julie 9782923163123

The Little Blue Doggy Lionel Daunais / Marie Lafrance 9782923163642

The Fabulous Song Don Gillmor / Marie-Louise Gay 9782923163178

Swing Café Carl Norac / Rebecca Dautremer 9782923163628

Songs from the Garden of Eden (Jewish Lullabies and Nursery Rhymes) Nathalie Soussana / Beatrice Alemagna 9782923163468

Sunday in Kyoto Gilles Vigneault / Stéphane Jorisch 9782923163567

A Treasure in My Garden Gilles Vigneault / Stéphane Jorisch 9782923163147

Storybook-Music CD format for all titles listed (36-48 page hardcover illustrated book with an appended music CD containing 10-14 songs).


Sight Words Sight words are the most frequently used words in the English language, and this DVD from Rock N Learn helps students read them automatically.

Dora’s Halloween Parade It’s Halloween, and while trick-or-treating Dora and Boots are surprised by a cute little monster who they help home before the clock strikes midnight.

What Planet Are You From “Sometimes I think gravity is a pity,” says Clarice Bean in her book What Planet Are You From. A school project on the environment has her brain leaping in to the holes in the sky from her sister’s hairspray and the nature safari in her brother’s bedroom.

Chicken Joe From a humble studio in Northwest Arkansas, a cat named “Chicken Joe” comes to life. This book combined with CD is sure to stir excitement in your child!




Anna and Blue Paperie

Halloween Tablescape

With Fall in the air, I wanted to create a Halloween-themed party table that was fun and one that included DIY projects – like chocolate-dipped marshmallow pops with colorful Halloween sprinkles, glitter pumpkins, and popcorn-filled paper cones displayed on a “bed” of candy corn! Color palette: traditional Halloween colors of orange and black Patterns: polka dot and stripes My goal was to create a party that was affordable and was versatile enough to work for both children and adults. Many items were found in the dollar section at Target, and most of the items were hand made including the popcorn cones.” Speaking of the popcorn cones – if you like this display, here’s what you need to recreate it: craft Styrofoam sheets, lollipop sticks, candy corn, paper, tape/glue stick, and an edged tray or other similar shaped vessel – like the bottom part of a shirt box or an acrylic shadow box frame. Directions: Roll the paper into cones and secure with tape/glue. Leave a hole at the bottom of each cone just big enough to fit over a lollipop stick. Cut the Styrofoam sheet to fit snugly within the tray/vessel and place it inside. Insert lollipop sticks into the Styrofoam in rows, and then cover the foam completely with candy corn. Fill cones with flavored popcorn or kettle corn (or a similar treat), then slip the filled cones over the lollipop sticks, which will give them the illusion of standing up on their own on top of the candy corn! Additional Vendor Credits: Candy Stickers: Kristy of Posh Pixels Design Studio Cookies: Jodie of How Sweet Austin

Happy HalloGREEN! by Kerrie McLoughlin |

Between costumes, candy holders, treat wrappers and plastic decorations, Halloween can quickly become a landfill’s worst nightmare. Multiply that by the number of kids you have and you have quite a bit of wasted junk on your conscience. Fortunately, just about anything you do can be done in a more ecologically responsible way, and it’s easy! Check out my tips to green your Halloween - and save some serious cash (paper green!) in the process. Costumes has started National Costume Swap Day, which is October 8, 2011. Their great idea is that your kids trade costumes with friends instead of buying new ones. Other ideas to go green and save green: recycle among your own family members; use an old karate or ballet outfit; break out the princess dress-up clothes. Google “Halloween costumes you can make at home for cheap” and start surfing. And don’t forget to check thrift stores and garage sales all year. Trick or Treating Grab that rechargeable or LED shake flashlight and head out the door. Wait! Don’t forget the decorated cloth bag you can reuse next year. An even cheaper route (and it’s still space- and eco-friendly) is to go retro and use a pillowcase or go modern and use a cloth shopping bag. Pick up trash as you follow your trick-or-treaters and keep it in a separate bag or in the bottom of the stroller if you’re taking littles along, too. Treats Just so we’re clear, I’m not of the camp that lumps ecofriendly with sugar-free. And even if you’re handing out healthy Halloween treats, chances are you’re still sending individually wrapped stuff into the world (oh, the trash all over my neighborhood!). Instead of doing that, consider handing out something that can be either useful or recycled. Ideas include pencils, erasers, quarters, crayons, juice boxes (recyclable cardboard), cool bandages, bookmarks or seed packets (edible flowers, herbs, etc.). Decorations Instead of buying decorations made in China that eat up batteries, consider strategically placing some hay bales in your yard or on your deck or front porch.

Chrysanthemums, gourds, colorful corn, ghosts made of sheets stuffed with batting and scarecrows stuffed with hay (use some old clothes) are cheap and green choices. Nontoxic window paints are fun for kids to use on windows and doors. There are all kinds of Halloween crafts you can make out of materials you have around the house that can be saved for next year or recycled later. Crafts like bottle cap pumpkin magnets, tin can bat treat holders and an egg carton animal nose mask can also be a great activity at your Halloween party. Check out this site for instructions and more craft ideas. Pumpkins Speaking of decorations, pumpkins are the best decoration out there, and you can even grow your own if you have the space. Just toss a bunch of seeds in a large garden area and you’ll have freebies for next year. Otherwise, take an educational trip to a local pumpkin patch so you support local farmers. Make sure you toast some pumpkin seeds (cinnamon sugar seeds rock!) and make a pie with the rest. Parties After you send out an Evite to the parents, start planning your green Halloween party. Instead of setting out individually wrapped treats, put carrots, orange slices and pretzels in bowls. Make sugar cookies in advance in cool Halloween shapes (bats, pumpkins, ghosts) and have the kids frost and decorate them with orange and black frosting. Throw some newspaper on the table, break out the nontoxic paints and decorate some pumpkins.

Kerrie McLoughlin dresses up like a referee on Halloween because it’s not a stretch, what with having 5 kids and all. Check her out at


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Kirbie Pearl

Halloween Photos from our readers!

Thomas & Christopher





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O u r g o a l i s t o p r o v i d e q u a l i t y c h i l d r e n’s c l o t h i n g a t t h e v e r y b e s t p r i c e s . We s p e c i a l i z e i n s m o c k e d a n d a p p l i q u é c h i l d r e n’s a p p a r e l .

Peaches ‘n Cream | Anavini | Claire & Charlie

Handcrafted clothes for curious kids.

w w w. p i n k b e r r y k i d s . c o m

PersonaliTy Children’s Clothes

We ship nationwide!

Stuff we Love for Halloween 2






1 These Playful Pumpkin tennis shoes are available at | 2 This sweet little ensemble from makes us put dainty and Halloween in the same sentence. | 3 Spooky spider web cupcake wrappers from Paper Orchid Stationery. | 4 Made of black fabric and topped with ruffles of black and orange prints, these ruffle diaper covers add girliness to that witch costume or pumpkin patch outing. Sizes newborn to 3T. RaeGun on etsy.| 5 This metal 5 quart bucket is the perfect size for trick or treating. It can also hold chips or snacks at your Halloween party. From DottedDesigns, etsy. | 6 Sweetly pretty and simply stunning. Our black and orange pom poms make ideal party decorations, | 7 Cute hats from Sweet Pea Toad Tots make Halloween adorable for little ones. 8 This Halloween Party Pack from Make it Mine Parties will make any Halloween gathering more delightful! | 9 Adorable black & white striped straws from Make it Mine Parties. These are included in the Halloween party pack and sold seperately as well. | 10 Spooky stencil cards and spooky sticker books from Usborne Books are sure to be a hit with your crafty goblins!





European Inspired Children's Boutique Featuring:

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European-Inspired Children's Clothing

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Keep your loved ones with you wherever you go...

Handcrafted clothing for curious kids. Baby’s Silkie specializes in per sonalized baby silkies, blankets and pillows.

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European-Inspired Children's Clothing

Curious Georgia LTD.

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