Southern Child Magazine - February/March 2011

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February/March 2011



features 2011 Spring Fashion Feature 9 My Adoption Story 43 Sufficient Grace 53

departments Mommy Magic 8 Books & DVDs 35 Homegrown Scholar : Mom You’ve Swallowed A Lie 41 Hoof & Paw : Training Fur Keeps 49 Seeing the South : Mobile, Alabama 58 Zoos, Aquariums& Museums 64 Craft : Popcorn Treat Bags 69 Food : Tasty, Healthy New Year 75 Going Green : Warning-Not Recommended for Children

89 Super Southern Child : Charlie’s Lunches 99 Moment By Moment : Moments That Change Our Lives


For advertising info, contact Media kit available at graphic designer: Aimee Roberts

web design: Kelly Keefe

cover photo by: Kimbery V Photography 3


editor’s letter

If you live in the South, regardless of what college football team you support, most likely your eyes were glued to the television on the night of Monday, January 10. By half time, I thought I was witnessing a pretty strong fight. Then, I witnessed the most touching half time show, the real fighters, soldiers from our country who had been fighting for me, were united with their families. First time I have EVER cried during a half time show! It reminded me of an email I received recently. Mind you, I receive tons upon tons of emails daily and will admit, if I see it is a forwarded email, I typically delete it. Yet on this particular day I decided to open a message forwarded, in the subject line read: A Recon Marine in Afghanistan...this it what it said.

From the Sand Pit it’s freezing here. I’m sitting on hard, cold dirt between rocks and shrubs at the base of the Hindu Kush Mountains , along the Dar ‘yoi Pomir River , watching a hole that leads to a tunnel that leads to a cave. Stake out, my friend, and no pizza delivery for thousands of miles. I also glance at the area around my a** every ten to fifteen seconds to avoid another scorpion sting. I’ve actually given up battling the chiggers and sand fleas, but the scorpions give a jolt like a cattle prod. Hurts like a b******.. The antidote tastes like transmission fluid, but God bless the Marine Corps for the five vials of it in my pack. The one truth the Taliban cannot escape is that, believe it or not, they are human beings, which means they have to eat food and drink water. That requires couriers and that’s where an old bounty hunter like me comes in handy. I track the couriers, locate the tunnel entrances and storage facilities, type the info into the handheld, shoot the coordinates up to the satellite link that tells the air commanders where to drop the hardware. We bash some heads for a while, then I track and record the new movement. It’s all about intelligence. We haven’t even brought in the snipers yet. These scurrying rats have no idea what they’re in for. We are but days away from cutting off supply lines and allowing the eradication to begin. I dream of bin Laden waking up to find me standing over him with my boot on his throat as I spit into his face and plunge my nickel-plated Bowie knife through his frontal lobe. But you know me, I’m a romantic. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: This country blows, man. It’s not even a country. There are no roads, there’s no infrastructure, there’s no government. This is an inhospitable, rock pit sh** hole ruled by eleventh century warring tribes. There are no jobs here like we know jobs. Afghanistan offers two ways for a man to support his family: join the opium trade or join the army. That’s it. Those are your options. Oh, I forgot, you can also live in a refugee camp and eat plum-sweetened, crushed beetle paste and squirt mud like a goose with stomach flu, if that’s your idea of a party. But the smell alone of those ‘tent cities of the


walking dead’ is enough to hurl you into the poppy fields to cheerfully scrape bulbs for eighteen hours a day. I’ve been living with these Tajiks and Uzbeks, and Turkmen and even a couple of Pushtuns, for over a month-and-a-half now, and this much I can say for sure: These guys, all of ‘em, are Huns... Actual, living Huns.. They LIVE to fight. It’s what they do. It’s ALL they do.. They have no respect for anything, not for their families, nor for each other, nor for themselves. They claw at one another as a way of life. They play polo with dead calves and force their five-year-old sons into human cockfights to defend the family honor. Huns, roaming packs of savage, heartless beasts who feed on each other’s barbarism. Cavemen with AK-47’s. Then again, maybe I’m just cranky. I’m freezing my a** off on this stupid hill because my lap warmer is running out of juice, and I can’t recharge it until the sun comes up in a few hours. Oh yeah! You like to write letters, right? Do me a favor, Bizarre. Write a letter to CNN and tell Wolf and Anderson and that awful, sneering, pompous Aaron Brown to stop calling the Taliban ‘smart.’ They are not smart. I suggest CNN invest in a dictionary because the word they are looking for is ‘cunning.’ The Taliban are cunning, like jackals and hyenas and wolverines. They are sneaky and ruthless, and when confronted, cowardly. They are hateful, malevolent parasites who create nothing and destroy everything else. Smart. Pfft. Yeah, they’re real smart. They’ve spent their entire lives reading only one book (and not a very good one, as books go) and consider hygiene and indoor plumbing to be products of the devil. They’re still figuring out how to work a Bic lighter. Talking to a Taliban warrior about improving his quality of life is like trying to teach an ape how to hold a pen; eventually he just gets frustrated and sticks you in the eye with it. OK, enough. Snuffle will be up soon, so I have to get back to my hole. Covering my tracks in the snow takes a lot of practice, but I’m good at it. Please, I tell you and my fellow Americans to turn off the TV sets and move on with your lives. The story line you are getting from CNN and other news agencies is utter bull**** and designed not to deliver truth but rather to keep you glued to the screen through the commercials. We’ve got this one under control. The worst thing you guys can do right now is sit around analyzing what we’re doing over here, because you have no idea what we’re doing, and really, you don’t want to know. We are your military, and we are doing what you sent us here to do. Saucy Jack Recon Marine in Afghanistan Semper Fi Honestly, I see so much the wars on television these days, I will admit, I have almost become immune to it. These chilling words struck a cord in my heart. I want to encourage each of you to really share some love this Valentine’s Day, send a thank you card to a soldier with some hand warmers, there has to be so much we can do, set up support groups in your community to help maybe set up a mother’s morning out for soldier’s wives. This past fall while my friend’s Girl Scout troop was selling cookies, she and I encouraged buyers to purchase an extra box for the troops and we sent over a care package, it was a great way to support two causes! At Christmas, my son’s homeschool group collected items such as ramen noodles, books and magazines, warm socks, ect to send over. Joining together, we can do so much. During this season of love, I challenge you to show some love for those are selflessly showing their love for us. Happy New Year, WAR EAGLE and as always, we thank you for your continued support! Southernly yours, Amy 6


mommy magic Tricks for Staying Sane in the Midst of Insanity By Mary Susan Buhner

I used to get my feelings hurt when people (i.e., my kids and husband) did not appreciate the fact that I spent, like, 200 hours getting each child’s scrapbook perfectly, well, perfect. Why didn’t they care that on top of pulling carpool duty, baking goodies for Field Day at school, helping sell Girl Scout cookies, and the long laundry list of everything else I do, I make each kid’s scrapbook—each containing all 500 photos I took of my girls at Disney World (and by the way, I’m in none of these photos, seeing as how I was the one taking all the pictures to capture the magic). It was beyond me why they didn’t stand on their chairs and applaud when I glue-sticked the last magical memory in place! After all, with three kids…that is a lot of magic to cut and paste. Why was there no party in my honor, celebrating this accomplishment? Why did they smirk—indeed, act downright ungrateful—when presented a perfectly perfect scrapbook from our family vacation? Why? Why?! WHY?! Feeling empty and hollow, I did some soul searching about all this perfectionism, and here’s what I realized: Sometimes I am ridiculous. I also realized that it comes with the territory of being a mom. But the fact is, perfecting something that is already pretty perfect is kind of silly. Plus, kids—my kids, anyway— don’t care about having everything perfect all the time. So why do we as mothers kill ourselves trying to make the perfect scrapbook, the perfect Easter basket, the perfect birthday cake? Trying to maintain that standard of perfection is not only hard, exhausting and ridiculous, but it makes us sometimes feel like we are going crazy as well. Letting go of perfection is hard—especially as a mom, well, I like perfection. But the fact is, 8

being perfect all the time is impossible! And besides, perfection is a standard we put on ourselves. Our kids just want to be loved, feel safe, and have fun. Would I like to think that someday they will appreciate my efforts and flip through their Disney scrapbook with fondness? Sure. What mother wouldn’t want that? Do I think they will nit-pick it to death? No. Do I think they will care what color marker I wrote in or what glue stick I used? No! Do I think they will remember all the great fun we had as a family? Yes! Kids don’t care about perfecting perfection. In fact, it kind of bums them

out. And what I found is that it was bumming me out too. So with that, my name is Mary Susan Buhner, and I am a recovering perfectionist. I have my moments when I slip, but when I do, I try to stop and laugh at myself. Because it’s not just ridiculous—it’s also kind of funny. So with that, I ask all moms reading this column to learn from my mistakes. First thing, don’t be so hard on yourself! Providing a loving, safe, and nurturing home counts big time! Secondly, give up on the notion that everything has to be just perfect for your kids. Each child is built differently and as parent, we have to honor that chaos sometimes. After all, perfecting perfection only stresses us out and makes us seem ridiculous to our children. Instead, take a few minutes each day and make a list (a mental one in your head or you can actually put pen to paper). Either way, count all the wonderful things you did today to make your child happy, feel safe and loved! It

may not have been perfect to you, but to them it is magic! A writer at heart, Mary Susan has contributed to the book, Bye-Bye Boardroom: “Confessions from a New Breed of Stay-At-Home Mom’s” twice featured on the Today Show and a new book Mom’s Night Out: Even Inmates Get Time Off for Good Behavior being released in 2008. Writing and publishing her own book, “Mommy Magic: Tricks for Staying Sane in the Midst of Insanity” has been her passion and a dream come true. As one of the Midwest’s premier parenting experts Buhner writes a column for Indy’s Child Parenting Magazine, Cinci’s Child, Southern Child and she is the TV Host of FOX 59’s weekly “Mommy Magic” segment. Furthermore, Mary Susan is a certified Life Coach for Moms. Mary Susan’s way with words has helped many women redefine themselves outside their role of motherhood. She has created a community that encourages women and gives them permission to forgo the need to be the “perfect mom.” She is a mother of three children and a dedicated civic volunteer.


Label Lovey Cuddle Dolls Because so many babies love those silky tags as much as the blanket and cuddle buddies, Label Loveys introduces their Cuddle Dolls with suprise tags and other trinkets that are entertaining and stimulating.

boxes & briefs


I was determined my children would keep their grey matter active over the Christmas holidays, hence the perfect time to introduce Brainetics, I thought! “You just have to sit and watch, “ I told them, “you don’t have to do any of the activities, just watch.” They mumbled under their breath about doing school work during the holidays, and then I pressed play. My seven year old was engrossed, but my ten year old was excited! He was screaming for paper and pencil and totally had a blast! In just 20 fun-filled minutes a day, Brainetics offers your child (and you!) the opportunity to develop a mega-memory, master amazing math feats, develop confidence to succeed, while unlocking boundless learning potential!

Spiffies are safe enough to use on the gums and teeth of babies 4 months and older. Spiffies contain Xylitol, a natural sweetener found in many plants and fruits. Clinical studies conducted over the last 30 years have proven that Xylitol prevents tooth decay and plaque formation. Easy to use and taste great, too!

Label Lovey Blanket Because so many babies love those silky tags as much as the blanket and cuddle buddies, Label Loveys introduces their 12” Blanket with suprise tags and other trinkets that are entertaining and stimulating.

So,what exactly is a Sqwishlander, you ask? It’s a squishie little character thatlives in Sqwishland – of course! Each Sqwishlander is a 3/4” rubberyanimal in a plastic capsule that can be found in more than 300,000 vending machines around the world. At just 25 to 50 cents per Sqwishlander, starting a collection is easy! Now 6,12 and 24 multi-packs of Sqwishlanders are available at toy stores nationwide. Each one comes with a code for access to a new kid-friendly virtual world, www.Sqwishland. com,where kids and adults alike will enjoy playing games and feeding and taking care of their adorable virtual Sqwishlanders. 11


YOU Create with Carousel Designs Easy to Use Application Allows for Design and Visualization of Virtual Nursery in Minutes

Carousel Designs, a contemporary and trendsetting leader in the baby bedding industry for more than 22 years, announces the launch of “Version 3.0” of its popular Nursery Designer®, the company’s unique interactive design tool. The new version will offer expectant parents more options than ever before for designing and decorating their nursery. Carousel Designs is the only baby bedding company that allows parents to design their own crib bedding, see it online, and choose other elements of the nursery to preview the room before making a purchase. With the Carousel Designs Nursery Designer®, customers can mix and match fabrics and component styles, change the color of the nursery walls, choose a crib finish and pick flooring to design a virtual nursery. An expanded range of crib colors and flooring options are offered with Nursery Designer® Version 3.0, allowing for customers to experience a more accurate visualization of their nursery. “For more than two decades, Carousel Designs has been committed to providing expectant

parents with products that create a stylish and nurturing environment for their babies,” said Allan Sicat, President, Carousel Designs. “No matter what their style or skill level, Nursery Designer® will give parents endless possibilities to make their dream nursery a reality at an affordable price.” Highlights of Nursery Designer® and Carousel Designs Custom Baby Bedding Collection include: • A new feature that allows customers to visualize nursery wall and trim colors online using actual Benjamin Moore® paint colors. • No more guesswork in matching and coordinating baby bedding. Nursery Designer® offers a blissfully simple way for anyone to begin designing their own baby bedding. If a customer has fallen in love with one particular fabric, they can start there. Pre-selected coordinating fabrics will be automatically loaded into Nursery Designer® to make the design process simple, easy and fun. • Through the company’s baby registry, friends


and family can view a loved one’s bedding designs to share input or to purchase items as gifts. • Carousel Designs offers a selection of more than 300+ high quality fabrics. • The company offers quick turnaround times with orders fulfilled in days, not weeks. • Incredible pricing starting as low as $79 for the bumper, skirt, and comforter; and as low as $19 for a custom sheet. • Fabric swatches can be ordered for 50 cents each, with the cost fully refunded when the order is placed. In celebration of the Nursery Designer 3.0 launch, Carousel Designs will soon announce a Design-Your-Own-Baby Bedding (DYOBB) contest. Contest entrants will have the opportunity to use the new Nursery Designer tool, choose from the company’s 300+ fabrics and design their “dream” crib bedding set. The designer with the most votes will win their “dream” baby bedding. In addition to offering custom baby bedding, Carousel Designs offers more than 100 predesigned crib bedding collections. These designs range from classic themes to more modern, sophisticated designs and meet a variety of individual tastes and styles. Mini/portable crib, cradle, toddler, twin and full/queen bedding is also available along with coordinating nursery décor including lighting, furniture, rugs, musical mobiles, pillows, diaper stackers, wall art, draperies, rocking chair pads and valances. From its start as a small family business in 1988, Carousel Designs has grown to become an award-winning national online retailer and trusted brand of premium baby bedding, twin bedding and home décor. Jonathan Hartley continues the family tradition of ownership as CEO with his business partner Allan Sicat, President. The two dads of young children are both graduates of the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY and are U.S. Army veterans. Hartley and Sicat take special pride that 14

all Carousel Designs baby bedding products are proudly made in the USA. As they anticipated fatherhood, both Hartley and Sicat were inspired by how their wives enjoyed spending time in the design studio, playing with fabrics and creating custom bedding for their nursery. They knew if they could create the same experience online, not only the ability to design the perfect bedding but also to visualize a nursery before making a purchase, they could offer real value to their customers and more importantly, make sure that every mom gets exactly what she wants. With combined experience in technology, ecommerce, business operations and finance, Hartley and Sicat set out to make sure that Carousel Designs provided expectant moms with the absolute best experience in decorating baby’s first room. Carousel Designs products can be purchased online at

About Carousel Designs Georgia-based Carousel Designs, a contemporary and trend setting leader in the baby bedding industry was founded in 1988. For more than 22 years, Carousel Designs has manufactured high quality baby bedding, toddler, twin and full/queen size bedding and nursery décor. Carousel Designs is the only baby bedding company that allows parents to design and create their own virtual nursery online with their Nursery Designer®, a unique, interactive design tool. The company also offers more than 100 pre-designed ready to ship crib bedding collections and more than 300 fabrics to choose from in a range of versatile styles. For more information visit



spring fashion FEATURE

New season collections from your favorite designers including Just Ducky, Silly Ilis, Classic Kids, Sundae Afternoon, Castles and Crowns, Lollipop Laundry and Sweet Funky Vintage.


ABOVE This classy periwinkle pattern is great for dressing up this summer! Accessorize with ribbon bows, matching fabric headbands and Sunsand sandals (available in five different colors). (Left) Peasant dress with scallop applique and white ribbon with bow $61 (Right) Ruffle tank with scallop applique $40, Circle Skort with ricrac $49

just ducky

LEFT Spring polkadots are perfect for parties and everyday fun! Mix our pink, aqua and kiwi dot fabrics to create the perfect outfit. (Left) Butterfly sleeve knit top with ribbon & polkadot applique $52, Polkadot ruffle shorts $30 (Center) Polkadot halter dress with monogram $58 (Right) Ruffle tank with polkadot icecream applique $40, Ruffled polkadot skirt $53 18

LEFT Anchors Aweigh! Sophisticated looks for summer vacations, beach portraits and everyday fun. (Left) Sashed halter dress $48 (Center) Navy polo with Anchor logo $34, Pocket shorts $33 (Right) Straight yoked romper with double anchor logos & letter $59 white ribbon with bow $61 (Right) Ruffle tank with scallop applique $40, Circle Skort with ricrac $49

RIGHT Perfect for spring - this precious look features butterflies and flowers for girls and a handsome shirt for boys. (Left) Butterfly sleeve shirt with applique $47, Ruffled shorts $30 (Right) White pique button down shirt $45, Red Junior Cord short $29

LEFT Fun transportation theme for boys of all ages! (Left) Brown sleeve baseball tee with Car applique $35, Brown Transportation shorts $25 (Right) REVERSIBLE Transportation shortall Car applique $70

RIGHT Sweet sunsuits and one-alls are just what your baby boy or girl needs this summer. (Left) Boys’ sunsuit with baby sheep applique $45 (Center) Boys’ yoked one-all with monogrammed tab $55 (Right) Girls’ sunsuit with baby sheep applique $49


lollipop laundry

ABOVE Boy’s Golf Shirt in Lt. Blue w/ Jock Block Monogram (Lt. Blue/White) $28 Layered with our softest plain, yellow , boy’s T $15 (plain) Sizes 2-12 Boy’s Cargo Shorts Shorts, Giraffe Zoo $31 Sizes 12mo-8 LEFT Piper Top, in Lilac Garden, $36 Sizes 2-12 Mollie Skirt, in Lilac Lattice w/ ricrac $36 Sizes 2-12 Lilac Tunic $24 (6 colors available) Sizes 2-12 Leggins, shown in gray, $16 (6 colors available) Sizes 12mo-12 TOP RIGHT Janie Dress $46 Sizes 2-12 Spring 2011 BOTTOM LEFT Lt. Pink Scallop Tank w/ Embroidery Curlz Letter $29 Sizes 2-12 Ruffle Capris in Spring Circles $32 Sizes 2-12 Layered Strappy Tanks in Blue & Brown, $14 each (plain) sizes 2-12 Gril’s Pocket Shorts in Peace Signs,$26 Sizes 2-12 BOTTOM RIGHT Lt. Pink Scallop Tank w/ Lt. Pink Monogram $27.50 Ruffle Skirt w/ RicRac $34 Sizes 2-12 Janie Dress $46 Sizes 2-12

photographer: 20



Castles & Crowns Fine Children’s Clothing

Ours Trunk dates are Feb 12th-March 6th HOSTESSESS GET 10% of their total party sales in Free clothes and a chance to buy during the 50% off sale at the end of the season!!

Kim McNeill 334-797-2241

Call or email for more info or to book your party!!!

Tracey Smith 334-790-5036

Castles and Crowns Wiregrass Reps Barbour Co., Coffee Co., Covington Co., Dale Co., GenevaCo., Henry Co.,Houston Co., and Early Co. GA. 23

silly ilis and Facebook Silly Ilis Tutus & more


ABOVE Outfit on the left: Yellow rose of Texas Vest 100 % Cotton $20.00 Paired With Floral and Cow print Ruffled Bloomers 100% cotton $23.99 Roses and Rodeo tutu 3 beautiful red roses over 100 yards of tulle of yellows, browns and pinks. Mixed with assorted ribbons $55.00 Beautiful feather hair accessory with mini cow boy hat $10.00 Can be made from 0-6t

RIGHT PAGE - TOP LEFT Rodeo Romantic Rose Star Dress Beautiful lace ruffle cuffs Velcro closure with button for detail perfect accessory for any rodeo outfit $7.50 A SHOW STOPPER!!! gorgeous ruffles everywhere...and a sweetheart of the rodeo Star applique. $62.50 Beautiful lace leggings perfect touch for this Rodeo dress $22.50 Round Up Rodeo Hair accessory $10.00 all items can be made from 0-6t

Outfit on the Right: Floral and cream Flowered Rodeo shirt with Satin Ribbon $20.00 Red Rose Denim Rodeo vest $20.00 3 layered Denim Rodeo tutu over 100 yard of tulle, of pinks , maroons, blues, and white tied of with strips of denim for that perfect touch. $55.00 Large pink Rose hair accessory $8.50 All items can be made from 0-6t

RIGHT PAGE - BOTTOM LEFT Beautiful, peasant dress, with sewn-in apron and tuxedo neckline. Perfect match for riding her favorite pony. Made of Robert Kaufman and Donna Wilder fabrics. $39.99 Wild long Cowgirls Tutu Over 200 yards of tulle in yellows , reds , whites, browns , Tied with red and yellow bandannas and mixed colors of Denim Perfect match to any cow girls day of fun at the rodeo! $60.00 Red rhinestone flower hair accessory $8.50 can be made from 0-6t

RIGHT PAGE - TOP RIGHT Floral and cream Flowered Rodeo shirt with Satin Ribbon $20.00 Red Rose Denim Rodeo vest $20.00 3 layered Denim Rodeo tutu over 100 yard of tulle, of pinks , maroons, blues, and white tied of with strips of denim for that perfect touch. $55.00 Large pink Rose hair accessory $8.50 All items can be made from 0-6t RIGHT PAGE - BOTTOM RIGHT Beautiful patch work all cotton skirt in Romantic Rodeo colors

photography by 25


TOP LEFT Azalea Trail Halter Bikini, sizes available 12 mo - 8 TOP MIDDLE Cocoa Beach Longboards button-back sundress TOP RIGHT Mobile Bay Crab jon-jon, size available 3 mo - 3 BOTTOM LEFT Key West Flamingo cross-back sundress with bloomers, sizes available 3 mo - 24 mo BOTTOM RIGHT Outer Banks Beauty button-back capri set, sizes available 2 - 8

sundae afternoon




Always a double scoop of


Sold in fine boutiques throughout the Southeast!

Find us on Facebook! 29

castles and crowns


LEFT PAGE TOP LEFT Bird Appliqued Short Set 12m to 7/8 BOTTOM LEFT Big Fish Smocked Bloomer Set 1m/24

12m to

RIGHT PAGE TOP LEFT Big Fish Smocked Jon Jon 12m- 4t BOTTOM LEFT Ice Cream Smocked Bishop 12m - 7/8 TOP RIGHT Big Fish Appliqued Two piece Swimsuit 12m to 7/8 BOTTOM RIGHT Shark Appliqued Tee 12m to 7/8 with Gigham Pocket Shorts 12m to 7/8 31

TOP LEFT The McClain in Crabby Seersucker. This halter dress is fully lined, has a ruffle at the top and ties at the neck. Sizes 12mo-6Y $45 TOP MIDDLE The Lexie Skirt in Spring Polka Dot with coordinating tee. This fun skirt has an elastic waist band and a double ruffle. The tee is personalized to complete the outfit. It coordinates with our Spring Madras. Skirt sizes 12mo-4T $25, 5Y-12 $30. Coordinating tee sizes 12mo- 12 $18. TOP RIGHT The Comfy Shorts and Coordinating tee. Our comfy shorts have an elastic waist line that are easy for all little boys to manage. The monogram tee is perfect to coordinate with our Paisley Pink designs for girls and adds that personalized touch. Comfy Shorts sizes 12mo-6y $20. Coordinating tee 12mo-8 $22. BOTTOM LEFT The Emily is seen here in Paisley Pink. It is a fully lined dress with covered buttons on top. Sizes 3mo-4T $45, Sizes 5, 6 $55. Monogramming $7. BOTTOM MIDDLE The Shortall in Navy Whales. Our shortalls are fully lined, with snaps at the bottom and covered buttons at the top. Coordinates with our Spring Madras and Spring Polka Dot designs. Sizes 3mo4T $45. BOTTOM RIGHT The Lina in Pink Petals. This romper snaps at the bottom, closes at the top with covered buttons and is finished off with a sash in the back. Coordinates with the Punky Dots for the boys. Sizes 3mo-3T $45 RIGHT PAGE The Corabell dress in Pink Petals. This dress has an elastic neckline and an empire waist with coordinating sash. Coordinates with our Punky Dots for boys. Sizes 12mo- 4T $40, 5-8 $45.


classic kids


TOP LEFT Perfect for early spring, the Riley coat of super soft pink minkee fabric is pretty as a picture. Available in sizes ≤ - 14/16. $62-$70 TOP RIGHT One of our most popular styles is the Phoebe dress, shown here in our Tweet Hearts fabric. Available in sizes 3-6m – 6. $54-$62. BOTTOM LEFT Part of our Easter collection is our new Molly tee, embellished with the fabric of your choice and a variety of lace, ribbons, and buttons, paired with our Camille twirly skirt. Molly is available as short and long sleeve in sizes 6-12m through 12. $28 short sleeve $32 long sleeve. Camille skirt is available in sizes 2 – 12. $32-$36. BOTTOM RIGHT Our Morgan tee can be made funky with a wide selection of embroidery options, here it is paired with our brand new Jordyn stripwork skirt, especially for the tween set. Morgan is available in short or long sleeve, sizes 6-12m – 12. $28 short sleeve $32 long sleeve. Jordyn skirt is available in sizes 10 – 16. $40-$45.

sweet funky vintage





Who’s in the Garden? In this delightful peek-a-boo book, children are invited to look through the holes on every other page to answer the repeating refrain, “Who’s coming to see how my garden grows?” The energetic, rhyming text introduces all sorts of creatures that are busy in the garden.

Dora the Explorer in World School Day Adventure with Shakira Follow Dora, Boots and Shakira as they celebrate ‘World School Day’ with students from all corners of the earth. When some schools are missing supplies, it’s up to Dora and Boots to make some very special deliveries. “I’m a big fan of Dora because she inspires kids all over the world,” said Shakira. “It was such an honor working with Nickelodeon to write this story with its message of helping others and education, which is very close to my heart.”

Kids’ Kitchen: 40 Fun and Healthy Recipes to Make and Share Step into the kitchen for some child-friendly fun with food. The forty recipes in this colorful deck are based around the five main food groups, and offer a healthy and exciting way to learn about cooking.



Letter Sounds Cool music and fun games build excitement about learning to read. Letter Sounds covers the most common sound that each letter makes. Letter Sounds CD comes with a full-color illustrated book. Letter Sounds DVD with its “on-screen mouth” shows how to form each sound. By the end of these programs, students are combining letters to read words and even simple sentences.

Duke Ellington…and More Stories to Celebrate Great Figures In African American History Just in time for Black History Month, celebrate African American history with DUKE ELLINGTON…AND MORE STORIES TO CELEBRATE GREAT FIGURES IN AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY, a historic and musical collection of four unforgettable stories lovingly adapted for the small screen from best-selling picture books. Featuring captivating narration by Forest Whitaker, Phylicia Rashad, Samuel L. Jackson and Billy Dee Williams, bonus features on the DVD include Read Along captioning and discussion questions.

Fireman Sam: Ready for Action The local hero of a quaint Welsh village, Fireman Sam (along with his trusty crew) is fired up for five blazing adventures dousing flames, performing water rescues and keeping the citizens of Pontypandy safe from harm.


Bob the Builder: Legends of the Golden Hammer As Bob the Builder tackles projects around the team’s new home of Fixham Harbor, Spud and Scrambler scour the entire town to track down hidden treasure -- Pirate Brickbeard’s Golden Hammer! Children will love to join in this fun, computer-animated adventure as the gang follows Brickbeard’s clues and meets new friends such as Scratch, a rookie digger.

Thomas and Friends: Lions of Sodor Join Thomas as he roars down the tracks with the most special delivery yet, the Lion of Sodor. Thomas’ special delivery is not what he thinks it is – a real lion. When the other trains try to tell him that it’s actually a statue, he is too excited to listen. Hop on board with Thomas as he learns the importance of listening to others in this lionhearted collection of tales from the tracks.

Lincoln and Douglass: An American Friendship…and More Stories to Celebrate U.S. History Timed to release for the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, Black History Month, and President’s Day, LINCOLN AND DOUGLASS: AN AMERICAN FRIENDSHIP…AND MORE STORIES TO CELEBRATE U.S. HISTORY features four animated stories features celebrity narration by James Earl Jones, Jeff Brooks, and Danny Glover and includes an interview with acclaimed author Nikki Giovanni. 39


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Easter and Valentine Gifts Available • 318.773.2925



Baby’s Silkie specializes in per sonalized baby silkies, blankets and pillows.


homegrown scholar

Mom, You’ve Swallowed a Lie

Todd Wilson

For the last several years, I’ve conducted an informal poll asking homeschooling moms a simple question: Do you feel as though you’re doing a good job homeschooling your children? Would you care to wager a guess as to what percentage of moms feel as though they are succeeding? Let me just tell you - 0%. So far, not a single homeschooling mom has told me that she thinks she’s doing a great job. The problem is they (you) believe the same lies that ALL homeschooling moms believe. You believe that ‘their’ kids are smarter, their houses are cleaner, their meals are fancier/ healthier/organic-ier, their marriages are better, and that they love homeschooling their children. You, on the other hand, are convinced that you’re ruining your children and your family would be better off without you in the picture. Here’s the truth, the lie-shattering, freedom-giving truth: you are doing a great job and are exactly what your children need. You’re not perfect and yes, you have shortcomings and failures...but your children are still better off having YOU as their mom, not someone else. I know you don’t believe me, but God knew your children needed you. They need your shortcomings as well as your strengths. Just think about it for a moment. God could have given your children any mom in the world, but He chose YOU. He looked into the future and thought (my words), “Boy, those kids are going to need ________ (fill in your name) as their mom. If you want to find someone smarter to teach your children, you can. Experts are a dime a dozen. But if you want to find someone better to teach your children, you can’t. You are the best. And that’s the truth! Dad, can I talk with you for just a moment? Truth is that I’m not the one that can best encourage your wife. After all, she can only read this short article so many times. The real job of encouragement falls squarely on your shoulders. You need to be the one who reminds your wife of this truth, buys her the incredible book, Lies Homeschooling Moms Believe (great author), and cheers her on when she’s feeling down…which, if she’s anything like my wife, is about every third day. In fact, I’ll give a FREE copy of the book to the first three moms (or dads) who email and write, “I believe the lies!” …and mention this magazine. Now, go out and live the truth…the whole truth and nothing but the truth!


Meet Monasia! Age 13 Oklahoma Child ID 9226

Is the morning your favorite part of the day? It is for Monasia. Monasia is described as a self-confident, happy, compassionate, friendly, social, easygoing, outgoing and curious young woman. Listening to music of any kind makes her smile. She also enjoys drawing and is known for being a very talented artist. Monasia will eat a good variety of foods, currently preferring Chinese food. Her goals include learning to play the guitar and becoming an artist. Currently in the eighth grade, she relates very well with all current household members. Monasia is described by her caregivers as an intelligent, artistic person with excellent communication skills. She benefits from counseling, which will need to continue after placement. A two-parent or single-mother family would be a great fit for Monasia; however, all family types will be considered. Monasia has siblings with whom she would like to stay in contact in the future. For Oklahoma children, both homestudied and non-homestudied Oklahoma families are encouraged to inquire; only homestudied families from other states should do so. To learn more about Monasia or other waiting children like her, please contact The Adoption Exchange at 800-451-5246 or visit


My Adoption Story Jaime Urig

Two 15 year olds, just children, thinking they could stay together and raise a baby.…That is thankfully how my story begins. As long as I can remember I knew I was adopted. My parents always made it seem like something special for them as well as for me. My father and mother had been married for several years and had a son of their own in 1968 and were able to adopt another boy in 1973. They were surprised to receive a call in 1976 saying that they were able to get another infant, this time a baby girl. An Irish daughter, my mother always said that was her dream and since she is Italian she never thought it was possible until March of 1976. I was raised in a loving home with my 2 brothers. I feel lucky to have grown up in such an amazing way. We had every opportunity and were able to enjoy being children. My mother stayed home with us for many years before returning to work. Although I always knew how lucky I was, I also felt like something inside of me was missing. I remember talking to my mom about finding out “who I am”.

I think that was always my biggest issue. I always wanted to know all about myself and even though in my head I knew I would make myself who I am, in my heart I knew there was more. I never had anger about my adoption, my mother was told that my birth parents were very young so I knew that it must have been the right decision for everyone. I felt blessed to be given to parents that wanted me and took care of me as well as mine did. I also know that my feelings may not be the same as others who are adopted. My own brother never spoke about being adopted, he never inquired about information from our parents, he was always angry about being given away. Although my parents were open about the adoption I am sure they were also hurt but my curiosity for my birth family. I know they were also very worried that I would be hurt in the future if I chose to pursue the search for information as well as 45

themselves getting hurt by my wanting to do so. I ALWAYS knew that I would search when I was old enough to do so. During my young teen years my parents divorced and my sense of family kind of fell apart. I felt an even stronger yearning at that time to see where I fit into the world. Who was I? Where did I come from? Where did I belong? Did I have another family out there that might feel the same way about me? Did someone want to know me? When I turned 18 I asked my mother for all of the information she had on my adoption and she gave it to me willingly but she was under the impression that if I inquired myself at the agency that I would be given the birth information. So I along with my now husband took my information, got on a bus, and headed to NYC to go directly to the adoption agency. Unfortunately I received no information at that time except to be told that nothing works that way. The nun that I spoke with that day did show me a stunned reaction to a name that my mother had hand written on an envelope that she believed was my mother’s name. It was all I had to go on. It is completely sealed information and my only hope was to apply for non identifying information about my parents and register with New York state and hope that BOTH of my birth parents also registered. That was the only way to make a legitimate connection. After months I received the non identifying info which is exactly that. Over the next several years my husband and I registered on at least 50 adoption websites and searched for information using the name I had and whatever other little information I had. We made trips into the city to check the library and made other calls to the agency and the hospital where I was born and the lawyer who handled the adoption. I never gave up trying but my life continued. I got married in 1998 and had my first son in 2003. Although it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me I was having a hard time dealing with the fact of how I could give my husband and son all of myself when I wasn’t sure of what that was. We were trying to have another baby and I was having numerous health issues which was another reason I felt desperate for infor46

mation. I was going through a very hard time and my husband finally decided that it was time to hire an investigator and within hours of giving the little knowledge we had they provided him with my birth mother’s name, address and phone number. It was crazy to me that it took minutes when I took years. I remember it like it was yesterday. January 2005. My husband brought home the information from work and layed it on my pillow . It was an immediate answer to years of searching. Yet after all of this time it was a huge fear for the first time really that I could be rejected again. Maybe she had a family that didn’t know about me. Maybe she didn’t want to know me. Maybe she wasn’t someone that I should want to know. My husband and I sat down and had a serious discussion about the information and what the knowledge could mean. We decided for myself as well as her that the best decision would be to write a letter explaining who I am and what I was looking for and although I was looking for something amazing from her I simply said I would leave the ball in her court. I wouldn’t push her or pursue her if she wasn’t interested. I wrote the letter but was completely impatient. I was also very curious about where she lived and did it appear that she was doing ok. We decided in completely stalker style to check out her house. It was amazing to me that she had only been about an hour away from me for all of this time. We got in our car and drove by her house several times even parked for a little while and I walked up to her house and put my letter in her mailbox. It is crazy the things that go through your mind while you wait for a letter or a call. I know that I told her she didn’t have to call or write but in my heart I needed a response. I waited a week and then I called her number. I spoke to a man who seemed to know who I was but simply told me she wasn’t there. A few days later I received a letter. I don’t know what I was expecting it to feel like but it didn’t make me all warm and fuzzy. She basically stated the facts that yes she had a child the day I was born and yes at that hospital. She told me some things about herself and that she was interested how I had received her information. She didn’t want to

Meet Stephen! Age 15 Colorado Child ID 9167

Want to meet a guy with an astounding array of interests? Stephen fills the bill! He loves basketball, baseball, soccer, swimming, animals, match box cars, video games, movies and board games. He participated in a 4H Program and enjoyed working in the equine division. He likes to help with chores at home and reports that he is especially fond of cooking and yard work. Being outdoors refreshes his soul and he hopes to go to the mountains and go hiking. Stephen's teamwork and athleticism are two of his strengths, and he also is happy helping others. A great sense of humor is a characteristic that will always win Stephen the one-on-one attention he favors. In the ninth grade, this young man tries hard and benefits from an IEP (Individualized Education Plan). He has an excellent sense of direction and is excited to start learning how to drive. His CASA and he have a great relationship, and they enjoy community outings together. Stephen gravitates toward younger friends. His school reports that he is encouraging to peers and gives appropriate feedback to the other children. He has been elected by his peers several times as a peer leader. Stephen participates in counseling, which will need to continue after placement. The caseworker prefers a two-parent or single-female family; however, all family types will be considered. Stephen will need a home that can provide him with a great deal of structure. He has a strong desire to be a part of a family and needs unconditional love and lots of attention. He would like to maintain contact with his CASA and his siblings. Financial assistance may be available for adoption-related services. For Colorado children, both homestudied and non-homestudied Colorado families are encouraged to inquire; only homestudied families from other states should do so.

To learn more about Stephen or other waiting children like him, please contact The Adoption Exchange at 800-451-5246 or visit



see each other at that time or speak on the phone but she did say we could email. My relationship with my mother was a slow go. I emailed her a picture of me as a child and as an adult and when she emailed me back it was like looking in the mirror. I emailed her picture to my mother and my brother and they both though it was a picture of me until I told them. There was no mistaking that I was her daughter. After 2 months of emails she decided we could meet the week before my birthday. I invited her to my home to meet us and we spoke for the first time while she was on her way to my house and had gotten lost. We had a nice time together but it wasn’t emotional as I was expecting. She still seemed unsure of me. We continued to email and I asked her about my father. She told me his name and where he used to live and some of his friends and she said she was ok with me finding him but didn’t want to get involved in any of that. He was much easier to find. Within two weeks and a little leg work and an old friend of his, my father and I were speaking on the phone. It was amazing. We spoke for hours that day and everyday. He was open and warm and was excited to meet us. He came a few days later and that’s it. We are connected. I am not sure why but I knew right away that he would be in my life from that moment on. This is where my story gets good. And believe me I know that every adoption story doesn’t end as well as mine but I feel completely blessed to have all of the parents that I do and that my story is so amazing I feel like I should share it with you. My birth parents never had any other children. My birth mother never married. They didn’t stay together long after I was born because it wasn’t the same and there was too much pain to be together without me. They had been 15 at the time I was born and

they didn’t tell anyone she was pregnant. They believed they could stay together and raise a baby. Unfortunately for them when their secret was discovered. things changed. I was given up for adoption which seemed like the best decision for everyone at the time. They separated and saw each other over the years once or twice. They were never able to be together. Until our family was complete again that is. After a month or so of spending time with my father and seeing him every week he wanted to speak to my mother and she agreed and since that time they have not been apart. I started seeing them both every week and my mother and I became close. At the end of that year I became pregnant with my twins and they moved to be closer to us and they got MARRIED the following July right before I gave birth!! My birth parents and my parents are friendly with each other and appreciate each other and know that without the other I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. I am lucky to have such an understanding family and I feel completely whole with the knowledge and love that all of my family gives me . My children are blessed to have so many grandparents and family members to love them and although sometimes trying to figure out which ‘grandma or grandpa’ we are talking about is difficult I wouldn’t change a thing. I have 4 amazing parents.

Jaime Urig is a wife, mom and owner of



hoof & paw

Training Fur Keeps Did you know 84% of shelters and rescue groups see pets relinquished because of issues that could have been resolved with the proper training and resources? Here are some training tips from top Certified Pet Dog Trainer Andrea Arden, who launched Train FurKeeps, a program designed to teach families easy training techniques and result in fewer pets surrendered to shelters. House Training Successful housetraining is really pretty simple: 1 First, create an environment designed to prevent accidents. 2 Next, set up a consistent schedule. 3 Finally, reward your dog every time she goes to the bathroom in the right place.

Times your dog will likely need to go potty: • First thing in the morning • Last thing at night • Immediately after being confined in her crate or doggie-safe area • After naps • Five to 10 minutes after drinking water or eating • After playtime or chewing on toys or a bone • After long walks (because she may be so distracted that she forgets to go) • With a regular feeding schedule, you’ll be better able to predict when your dog will need to go out. So put your dog’s food bowl down for 10 minutes and if she doesn’t finish, don’t worry: She’ll get a chance to eat it at her next mealtime.


Barking If your dog barks when left home alone, you may be able to ease his anxiety by making some changes to his environment: • Keep the dog in the quietest part of the house. • Keep curtains and/or shades drawn. A darker environment has a calming effect on most dogs. • Leave a radio or TV on as white noise. • As you leave, give the dog an “only-whenI’m-gone” chew toy – something spectacular, such as a beef-basted rawhide or a stuffed Kong, that you’ve rubbed between your palms to instill with your scent. If those don’t work, you must desensitize the dog to your departures with “barking set-ups.” Set-ups take time; be prepared to use a long weekend or vacation. 1 First, act out your daily departure routine. 2 While giving him his special goodbye toy, tell him in a firm and matter-of-fact manner to be quiet until you return. 3 Leave for a brief period of time – one to two minutes to start.

4 If the dog has not barked, return and gently praise. If you hear him begin to bark, mark the behavior by a sharp rap on the door and set the timer back to zero. 5 It may take a half hour to get one to two minutes of silence. When you do, go in and praise. 6 Leave 15-30 minutes later and repeat. 7 Set goals (five, 10, 15 minutes) and praise the dog if he remains quiet for the set amount of time. The goal is to be able to stay away for longer and longer periods without having to correct the dog for barking. Destructive Chewing For most dogs, chewing on something can be a way to release stress. If your dog is chewing on your possessions, do two things: 1 Provide acceptable chewing options 2 Eliminate as many chewing misadventures as possible If your dog is chewing on small portable items such as shoes, the remote control, or kids’ toys, the first part of the solution should be obvious: Keep those things out of her reach. The other part of the equation is supervision. If you see your dog chewing on something she shouldn’t, take the object away, or, if it’s something large, like furniture, move the dog away from the object. Then be sure to give her an appropriate chew object instead, and keep a closer eye on her. Your dog should always have a selection of good, safe chew toys such as Kongs or Busy Buddies (both meant to be stuffed with food to make them more enticing), Nylabones, Orbees, and Bullie sticks. Try several types to see what appeals most to your dog. Visit for more tips on training your furry family member. Also, recently my son asked if he could learn some basic dog training skills. We are signing him up for the junior dog-training program. He hopes to be able to teach a few dogs some manners so that when they are adopted, they will stay in their new homes fur-ever.



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Sufficient Grace

Stephanie Warren

5:45 AM baby crying talking mix, I silently say to myself “you can do this, you can do this” as if the more times I say it the closer it becomes reality... Monday mornings seem so daunting to me…a full five days with them and a full five days on my own until 5:30 pm. The clock begins its quiet tick tock tick tock but to me it seems almost deafening. Feed baby, come downstairs and try to prevent the inevitable tantrums that are about to occur because I will not let my 14 month old climb into the cupboard.

More on today later… My husband and I met almost nine years ago. I had just graduated from high school and he, the year before. We were young, impulsive and crazy about each other. We knew instantly we were meant for each other. We married when we were 20. Kids were always a welcomed topic of conversation. We knew we wanted them but how many? Well, that is still an open topic. I remember where we were and what we were doing the moment that I found out that I was pregnant. Almost four years into our marriage, there we were and oh, we were so excited! I immediately found a doctor and made sure to make that eight week appointment. I then called everyone I knew to tell them the good news. I experienced the normal pregnancy symptoms even until “that” day one week later. In the evening we went to a friend’s house and on our way home I started to feel something was not right. That night I miscarried. My husband and I were heartbroken. I have never felt so empty. 55

Not too much time had passed before we were pregnant again with Blaine. We waited a while to tell people. I was so nervous for the first and for much of the second trimester. The pregnancy progressed beautifully and by the end I was ready for Blaine to be born. I was placed on bed rest for the last couple weeks of my pregnancy due to some minor complications. This made me even more anxious to be done with the pregnancy. After a very long thirty-one hour natural labor with Blaine, he made his entrance into the world. He was perfect. We counted his finger and toes and watched his chest rise and fall with every breath he effortlessly took. We were in love. Blaine was not an easy newborn. Sure, he slept well in the beginning but that was shortly lived. Blaine had colic. I did not realize how bad it was until I had Connor my youngest and saw how little he cried. Blaine lifted his head and reached all the beginning miles stones right on time. It was not until sometime later that we realized he was not reaching gross motor milestones the way that he should. Eventually verbal milestones would be added to the list. He was in physical therapy by age one and progressed beautifully with that. This is when God decided to throw us another curve ball‌ We found out we were expecting our second child. Blaine was about 12 months and two weeks when we found out we were expecting our second. It took a little time but we were thrilled. It took Blaine a long time to learn how to walk. There is something so perfect and beautiful about a child that has struggled over and over to do something and then they finally succeed at it. Blaine took his first steps when he was about 17 months. My eyes filled with tears the day that he really walked for the first time. Connor was welcomed to the world in October. We had two weeks before life as we knew it would be turned upside down. I was not in denial. I knew Blaine might have some sort of disability or delay. I knew right from the start that something was not right. I am someone who will exhaust every resource and outlet before I settle for news that could change our lives. We prayed a lot about what we should do. Blaine was almost two and not talking. It seemed that he struggled with everything 56

that all the other kids had been doing for quite some time. We knew there had to be an answer. We decided to set up a series of appointments to have him evaluated. First speech, then occupational therapy followed by an appointment with an ear nose and throat specialist to check his hearing. These appointments were all leading to the big one with the top pediatric neurologist in the area. We were so discouraged. We knew that there had to be something we were missing. We found it! When we had his hearing checked we found out that his ears were filled up with clear fluid meaning that it would make it almost impossible to be detected with the naked eye. You have to have a special instrument to detect clear fluid. The clear fluid had been in his ears since birth. This impaired Blaine’s hearing and his equilibrium making it hard to sit, stand, crawl and walk. Blaine immediately had tubes put in. Within one hour of our arrival at home from the surgery, Blaine was TALKING! I could not believe my ears! What a precious voice he had. There was still a very long road ahead of us. We got him into weekly speech therapy as well as occupational therapy. The pediatric neurologist said that he was comfortable stating that Blaine was developmentally delayed and still a possibility of being on the autistic spectrum, but at this point he wanted to call it a developmental delay. We had a follow up a year later and still the same report. Blaine was talking up a storm, but still was testing lower than normal so we will have another follow up in about six months from now to see where he is. Now back to today. 6:00 AM: Connor crying, throwing himself on the floor causing him to hit his head and now he is screaming. I think to myself how is it possible for someone so small to make this much noise? I wait a few minutes for the noise to stop and then I hear a thump thump thump from upstairs. I know in an instant what the noise is. I look at the clock and let out a deep breath‌ Blaine is up too early. I try to let him stay up there as long as I can. He has books in his crib and enjoys playing by

himself. I know that he has hit his limit when I hear him throwing things out of his crib. 6:45 AM: Go upstairs and grab Blaine. He is so sweet! He greets me with “Hi Blaine” (he uses his name because that is what we have modeled to him… children are so literal) “I stinky all over” he says. He always knows how to make me laugh even though I do not want to be awake this early. “Les go see brofer” (let’s go see brother) he tells me. I go to reach for him and I forget to unplug the heater so he starts to get mad “eh eh eh eh eh” and starts his wind-up before the swing. I know this could turn into a fit so I calmly tell him “okay I will get the plug.” Blaine runs on a routine he has to have to feel safe. This means that EVERYTHING has to be done the same every day, even making sure the outlet plugs are plugged in and cords that normally are not used when he is up are put away. “God give me grace today” I silently pray. Did I mention that I am or at least once was a spontaneous person? A person that really could not care less about routine and frankly found routine to be boring and monotonous? I remind myself that today is C.T.U. (children’s therapy unit) We finish breakfast, battle with taking Connor upstairs for a nap and then more battles with Blaine unplugging and plugging everything in that needs or does not need to be. I know what you are thinking, “Get outlet covers.” My son is smarter than those. He can remove those and safety covers on doors. 10: 00 AM: In the doors of the C.T.U. I silently pray to myself “Lord please do not let there be a wait”. “You know how hard it is for him to wait.” The elevators open and we are on our way!! Speech or Occupational therapy is what we are here for. Blaine has made a lot of progress. I find it so encouraging being at the C.T.U. It is the one place that I do not have to give excuses for why we are the way we are…the one place on

this planet that “gets it.” The one place that truly does not judge your kids by how they look, act or sound but loves them and embraces them for who they are in that moment, tantrums and all. So, for two hours out of the week, I do not have to tell people “oh he has a developmental delay, sorry he is throwing a tantrum, sorry he did this, sorry he did that” For two hours out of the week I am amongst people who understand me and understand my kid. I could go on with the rest of the day, but honestly you will find it to be the same thing. When you become a parent you know that you will make sacrifices. When your child has special needs you are required to make these sacrifices but they are specific to that need in that moment. God is teaching me how to be content with my life and working within what he has blessed me with. There are days when I lose it. There are days when I am angry. There are days when I think I want to take my kids to the zoo with all the other mommies and their children. I want to take my kids to the little gym and not have a full scale melt down. We do not go to play groups. They are just too over- whelming for Blaine, and I am so sick of the judgment from other moms towards Blaine and myself so we usually end up being at home, or going to the grocery store every day. Blaine is familiar and comfortable with that. Our friends don’t invite us places like they used to because either we make them uncomfortable or they know that we won’t go. When we go to a park it has to be a quiet park because Blaine is a wonderer and large crowds cause him anxiety. I want what every other parent wants. I want to provide a stable and exciting life for my children. Blaine has taught me so much about life. He has taught me that if I wait to celebrate the out of the ordinary and extraordinary then I will miss out on the ordinary everyday moments. It is in those moments that we learn how to breath, how to laugh, how to heal and how to live. The Lord has blessed me beyond anything that I could have ever imagined. My husband is


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someone who selflessly devotes himself to his family. He is the hardest worker that I know and has the most beautiful servant’s heart. It is an honor, privilege and a gift to be married to this wonderful man. So you see, life did not happen the way that I thought it would have. We have had some detours. I have faith though, that we are staying the course. God is faithful and he loves our family. He shows us his love everyday through the giant hearts of my children. The prayer that I have for my children is that they learn how to be individuals and never lack the courage to try something new and the light that I see every day in their eyes never goes out. No matter how rough and how stressful, at the end of the day Blaine jumps into my arms, gives me a kiss and with the voice of an angel he says to me “I love you mommy.” Instantly, the worries of life melt away and I have once again fallen in love.

Stephanie Warren lives with her husband and two sons in Washington state. She is a stay at home mom and owner of Munchkin N’ Ruu.


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seeing the south




Mobile Bay is the place many come to visit and regret having to leave. From the sandy white beaches on Dauphin Island to the historic, antebellum homes of the Oakleigh District, there is something for everyone to admire and enjoy. Mobile Bay has a unique history of its own that tells the story of heroes past and present. People who visit the museums walk away with a new appreciation of how 61

Mobile came to be and are excited about the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Once they step onto the grounds of the USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park, they relive the triumphs of our nation’s veterans of war. People of all ages choose Mobile Bay as a year-round destination to get a true experience of what Southern Hospitality is all about. There is never a dull moment in Mobile Bay. Families trying to decide how to keep their children’s attention will have a hard time choosing which attraction to visit first. Here are just a few: Hank Aaron Childhood Home and Museum Baseball is America’s favorite pastime and one of the nation’s greatest baseball players is from Mobile. Henry Louis “Hank” Aaron Major League Baseball career spanned from 1954 – 1976. Children can learn about the baseball Hall of famer by taking a walk through his childhood home. It sits at the Hank Aaron Stadium (which was named after him). It was relocated from the Toulminville community to the stadium in 2008 and had its grand opening in April 2010. Children can see how Hank Aaron and his family lived in a 700 square foot home and learn more about how Hank Aaron became a shining example of how to become successful without cutting corners. Information: 251-476-1147 Gulf Coast Exploreum and Science Center Learning can actually be fun! The Gulf Coast Exploreum is a science center that promotes science learning through a variety of inquiry-based educational and entertaining activities, including exhibits, IMAX films, demonstrations, workshops and teacher 62

professional development. Located in downtown Mobile, Exploreum visitors can experience more than 150 hands-on science adventures in four galleries: Minds On Hall, Hands On Hall, the Wharf of Wonder and the all-new My BodyWorks, the most advanced health exhibit in the nation. Guests can also enjoy live demonstrations in the Chem Lab and BioLab daily and see a film in the J.L. Bedsole IMAX Dome Theater or the state-of-the-art Virtual Journeys Digital Theater. Voted one of the top 15 science centers in the country and Mobile’s #1 family attraction, the Exploreum is the only science technology center serving south Alabama, south Mississippi and northwest Florida. Information: 251-208-6873 Estuariuam and Dauphin Island Sea Lab The Estuarium is an exciting aquatic facility highlighting the four key habitats of coastal Alabama: the Mobile Tensaw River Delta, Mobile Bay, the Barrier Islands and the Northern Gulf of Mexico. It includes the 10,000 square foot Exhibit Hall with large aquariums, interactive exhibits and Touch Tanks. Outdoors there is the Living Marsh Boardwalk. This facility is a showcase of the plants, animals, and other natural resources found in the Estuary and its surrounding marine habitats. Information: 251-861-2141 USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park Tour two National Historic Landmarks, Battleship USS ALABAMA and Submarine USS DRUIM, see over 20 rare historic aircraft. At Battleship Memorial Park you’ll walk the decks of a mighty battleship. Go below in a World War II submarine. View cockpits of combat aircraft. You’ll also see tanks, a Vietnam River Patrol Boat, and a plane like the one flown by

the Tuskegee Airmen. Stop and shop in the Ship’s Store for unique clothing, mementos and much more! An unforgettable adventure. Battleship Memorial Park stretches across 175 acres. Information: 251-433-2703


Hank Aaron Childhood Home and Museum: Photo Courtesy: Hank Aaron Stadium Gulf Coast Exploreum and Science Center: (2 Photo Courtesy: Gulf Coast Exploreum & Science Center


Estuariuam and Dauphin Island Sea Lab Photo Courtesy: Jeff Greenberg USS ALABAMA Battleship Memorial Park Photo Courtesy: Tad Denson –

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zoos, aquariums & museums

Center for Puppetry Arts | Atlanta A Mystery’s A Foot…An internal investigation is going on at the Center for Puppetry Arts in Atlanta, and Sam Flat Foot is on the case! Artistic Director Jon Ludwig reprises his anatomical hit, The Body Detective, from January 20 – March 13, 2011. This musical adventure through the systems of the human body is part of the Center for Puppetry Arts’ Healthy Children Initiative, which aims to educate children about the inner workings of the human body and encourage them to make healthy choices. Featuring rod, shadow, Czech Black and body puppets, this production stirs the senses and tickles the funny bone. Someone has discovered a living, breathing body in Bodytown, and Detective Sam Flat Foot is hired to find out who is responsible. On this mission, Sam hustles with the local muscle, bones up on the skeletal system and rides the bloodstream into the heart of the city in order to assemble his “body” of evidence. The Body Detective developed out of Center for Puppetry Arts Artistic Director and show creator Jon Ludwig’s fascination with the mysteries of the human body and how they would lend themselves to a film noir-esque puppet who-dunnit. “When I looked at detective movies and books, I was always aware of the city as a character in the stories. Then I thought, ‘Hey, the body is a city!’” The result is a toe-tapping mystery, beginning at The Five Senses Nightclub, before traveling through the dark alleys and side streets of the skeletal system, the bloodstream, all the way up to the “brains” of the operation! Super Sleuthing Detective Days will take place during the first weekend of The Body Detective, Saturday, January 22 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, January 23 from 12 – 5 p.m.. Little flatfoots are invited to take part in three special activities designed to teach about the systems of the body. Visitors can play the “I Spy Museum Stake Out” game, crack open a case file and discover their very own detective identity in the “Detective Name Game”, or see how they measure up in the “Spine Up, Line Up” photo op. There will also be a Healthy Children Initiative resource table onsite, where guests can pick up some helpful handouts about healthy eating and living from community health partners. Costumes are encouraged. The Center for Puppetry Arts is committed to creating awareness of issues affecting the world’s children. Combining the art of puppetry with useful information and specific curriculum on a wide range of subject matter, the Center skillfully uses performances, workshops and exhibits to help impart important information in a manner which children find both fun and understandable. Create-A-Puppet Workshop and Museum Tour Included in the ticket cost is admission to the Create-A-Puppet Workshop, where visitors can experience the thrill of puppetry by creating their own Singing Skull Rod Puppet or pick up a Create-A-Puppet To-Go Kit to continue the fun at home! Investigate all kinds of puppets in the Center’s permanent museum PUPPETS: The Power of Wonder, which includes three exclusive exhibits featuring the work of Jim Henson. Please visit for more information on the Museum and Special Exhibits.


LEGOland | Winter Haven, FL Due to popular demand, LEGOLAND® Florida has extended its discount on general admission tickets and Standard Annual Passes through April 2011. Central Florida’s newest full-day, family theme park, scheduled to open in October 2011, announced the extension after a hugely successful December sales period. Formerly expected to end on December 31, 2010 – guests will now be able to get the special rate through April 30, 2011. Available only at, general admission tickets are $65 for adults and $55 for children and seniors. Standard Annual Passes are offered at the children’s prices of $99 with no Blackout Dates! Plus Annual Passes and Ambassador lifetime passes are also available at the non-discounted rates of $159/$129 and $2,500 respectively. These passes includes unlimited admission, discounts on preferred parking, special events, plus discounts on food and merchandise. (Prices do not include sales tax.) LEGOLAND® Florida opens in October 2011 and will be a 150-acre interactive theme park dedicated to families with children between the ages of 2 and 12. With more than 50 rides, shows and attractions, LEGOLAND is geared towards family fun! For the most current information, log on to

Children’s Museum of Memphis | Memphis, TN Follow the Yellow Brick Road to “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” ... Follow the yellow brick road and step into the pages of the book, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” with the artwork of W.W. Denslow, at The Children’s Museum of Memphis January 15-June 12, 2011. Perfect for children and adults of any age, visitors feel like they’re walking through a storybook as they learn about science, art and history against the backdrop of the first American fairy tale. The integrated learning in the exhibit incorporates storytelling with art, science, math and history stimulating learning through creativity, play and exploration. The character building exhibit asks children and their accompanying adults to ponder and discuss questions. In addition, there is a full complement of educational programs that celebrate the integrated learning across the curriculum both for the public and schools. The exhibit is included with museum admission. For more information, visit CMOM.COM.



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zoo, aquarium & musuem listings Central Florida Zoo | Sanford, Florida February 12 February 12 March 1 March 8 March 12 March 12 March 19 March 22 March 25

Wild Market at the Zoo Sex and the ZOO Summer Camps, Classes and Cub Club Registration Begins Snake Awareness Class Wild Market at the Zoo Hope and Help Center’s Seminole Stroll Spotlight on Broadway Alligator Awareness Class Tiger Tee-Off Golf Tournament

Tennessee Aquarium | Chattanooga, Tennessee

Throughout February Fintastic Folklore Forecasters February 2 Chattanooga Chuck’s Groundhog Day Forecast February 5 Girl Scout Day at the Tennessee Aquarium February 12 Breakfast with the penguins at the Tennessee Aquarium February 13 Valentine Sunset Cruise Aboard the River Gorge Explorer February 19 Cub Scout Day at the Tennessee Aquarium MOSI: Museum of Science and Industry | Tampa, Florida February 11 Cupid the Scientist February 12 SkyWatch Telescope Viewing February 12 Fossil Fieldwork February 14 Total Eclipse of the Heart February 19 – May 31 MOSI is Bugging Out February 19 Bugg Club with Grow Financial February 24 Homeschool Science Fair March 11 Living with Insects March 14 Pi Day March 19 Illustrating Insects, SkyWatch Telescope Viewing, Bugg Club with Grow Financial March 20 Telescope Time Machines March 26 The Amazing You Health & Wellness Expo Newport Aquarium | Newport, Kentucky January 3 through February 28

Winter Family Days at Newport Aquarium




Popcorn Treat Bags contributed by

materials Kettle corn recipe (next page) parchment paper Wilton candy melts Ziploc bags printer white paper scissors or a paper cutter brown lunch bags stapler

First, make your kettle corn or your regular popcorn and spread it out on the parchment paper. Try to resist eating too much of it at this point; you will need it to fill those bags later! Trust me, I had to make two batches to have enough to show you. Next, dump your candy melts into a Ziploc bag. I used red melts and pink melts. I started with the red ones. Microwave the melts and knead the bag until all the lumps are gone. Twist your bag and snip a small hole in the corner. Then, proceed to make a beautiful red candy mess by squeezing the melted candy out all over the top of the popcorn. Doesn’t this look yummy already? You could stop here but why would you? It needs more! Wait for the melted candy to harden and then toss the popcorn to break it up again. Spread it back out onto your parchment paper to get it ready for the next layer! I melted my pink candy melts the 71

same way as before and squeezed the pink candy all over the popcorn again. Look at how pretty it is! I felt the popcorn needed one last little punch so I got out some red decor sugar and sprinkled it onto the still-melted pink chocolate. Now THAT looks done! Allow it all to dry and then break it up one final time. Then, eat some. Eat a little more and finally, tell yourself that you will have just one more bite. To prevent all of the popcorn from disappearing, remove yourself from the kitchen and head to the craft room for this next part.

Fold the tag in half and place it in front of your lunch sack lining it up with the top so you can see where you will need to fold your sack down. As you can see, I folded just enough of the sack over so that the tag will cover the open top in back. Now, staple the tag to the bag in each corner. Now you have a delicious Valentine treat. My husband says he would like a batch with melted dark chocolate over it instead of the pink and red. I might just have to do that for him for his special Valentine’s Day treat.

Get your printer ready and download our free template.

St. Patrick’s Day For St. Patrick’s Day Popcorn & Bags, just follow the same directions, changing the color of the candy melts. Download the St. Patrick’s Day bag tags here: Each template has two “My Heart Pops for You!” tags on it. Use a paper cutter or scissors to cut the tags apart.


Next, fill out the to and from that is on the back of the tag. This is a little bit easier before you put the tag on the bag. Now, you have to go back up to the yummy popcorn. Fill your bags about half full.

For more great craft and holiday ideas visit, including: Make a custom Kindle cover Valentine’s Day Stamp iron on t-shirt Decorative glass etching on apothecary jar

Kettle Corn I remember the first time I tasted kettle corn. It was at a local art fair in the park and I saw the booth where they were using the giant copper kettle to make popcorn and I thought they were crazy… that is, until I tasted a free sample. I was instantly hooked and bought the largest bag they had. Since then, I simply can not pass a kettle corn booth without buying some. Fairs don’t happen every day, though, and sometimes I need some perfectly sweet and salty popcorn at home, so I learned how to make my own, and for mere pennies a batch!

1 Measure out 1/4 cup of popcorn kernels and dump it into the popper (don’t put it on the burner yet!) 2 Add 3 tbsp of vegetable oil to the kernels. 3 Measure out 1/4 cup of sugar and have it ready next to the stove. 4 Have a large bowl ready nearby.

ingredients stovetop hand-crank popcorn popper (like a Whirley-Pop) salt to taste 1/4 cup white sugar 3 tbsp vegetable oil 1/4 cup popcorn kernels

7 Dump the popcorn into a bowl. 8 Immediately sprinkle the popcorn with salt. 9 You’ll see that the popcorn is sticking together and may be one giant clump. Turn it over and over in your hands and add more salt, as desired. You don’t want to put too much salt on, but you want to get it on all the kernels.

5 Get the salt shaker and have it ready.

10 As the popcorn cools, the clump will break apart easily with a quick stir.

All set and ready? Let’s make some kettle corn: 1 Put the popper on the burner on mediumhigh heat.

Now you’ve got yourself a yummy, sweet and salty snack to enjoy, and it’s low-calorie and inexpensive to boot. And it was so easy!

2 Start turning the crank on the popper somewhat slowly (take about 1-2 seconds per rotation) and wait while the oil and popcorn heat up. 3 As soon as you hear one or two kernels pop, QUICKLY open the lid, dump in the sugar, and close the lid back up. Do this fast so you don’t end up with popcorn all over your kitchen! 4 Continue to turn the crank on the popper, at the same rate. You’ll notice that the popping slows down, because the sugar has cooled the oil slightly. Keep turning the crank and soon you’ll hear the popping start up again. 5 As soon as the popping starts again, increase your speed on the crank to about 3 turns per second. You’ve got to keep it all moving so that the sugar doesn’t burn and the popcorn is evenly coated. 6 When the popping reaches its peak, remove the popper from the burner but KEEP turning the crank! Do not stop until the popping has almost stopped.

Right about now is when you’ll look at the popper and wonder how you’ll ever get it clean. It’s easy — just put it in the sink and fill it with hot water. Come back an hour later and all the sugar will have dissolved and it will rinse clean. Some final tips: 1 If you want to make more popcorn in a single batch, you can try increasing your quantities of kernels and sugar to 1/2 cup of each, but be careful not to do too much at once, or it won’t fit in the popper! I prefer smaller batches, which gives me control over the sugar and prevents burning. 2 If you want to make a second batch after the first one, you can do so without cleaning the popper in between uses. Anything more than twice, though, and you’ll have too much sugar build-up in the popper and it’ll burn. 3 Kettle corn will stay fresh and crispy in an air-tight container for several days. If you set it out for a party or outdoor event, keep in mind that humidity will cause the popcorn to lose its crunch and stick together (I learned that lesson the hard way!) 73





Tasty, Healthy New Year These wonderful recipes were submitted by Julie Morris, Look for Julie’s new book coming out in the spring of 2011 called Superfood Cuisine. Sign up on her website and receive a free copy of her recipe e-book, A Day of Superfoods.


These plant-based patties are a little softer than a traditional burger, but their flavor and versatility is hard-core amazing. I love the satisfying element they provide to a meal, without being overloaded with fat or nuts. Plus, they look like “real” burgers too! They are ideal as “raw” dish (see method below), but feel free to use the cooked method if you are short on time — they are delicious and health-giving either way.

Portobello “Burger” Patties Ingredients 1/2 cup ground flax seed 1/4 cup hemp seeds 2 Tbsp fresh-chopped parsley 1/2 tsp fresh chopped thyme 1 Tbsp flax oil or olive oil 1 1/2 Tbsp nama shoyu (or soy sauce) 1 tsp pressed garlic 1/2 tsp black pepper 2 Tbsp nutritional yeast 1 tsp mustard (stone-ground brown mustard preferable) 1/4 cup chopped walnut pieces 2 medium portobello mushrooms, broken into large pieces

Directions Mix: In a food processor, combine all ingredients except walnuts and mushrooms, and process until well combined. Turn off the processor and add in the walnuts and mushrooms. Pulse just 3 or 4 times until the mushrooms are diced, but do not blend. Remove mixture from the processor and transfer to a medium bowl.


Raw method (best): On a texflex sheet, squeeze the mixture into 8 balls and flatten into patties on a sheet. Dehydrate for 10 – 12 hours at 115 degrees, then flip and transfer to a mesh sheet and “cook” for 2 more hours. These keep for several days wrapped and refrigerated, and can be reheated as needed. *Cooked method: Saute the chopped mushrooms in a dry pan for 2 or 3 minutes to cook out some of the moisture. Follow the rest of the recipe to form burgers. To cook, squeeze the mixture into 8 balls (press firmly to compact) and form into patties. Over very low heat, oil the pan with 1 or 2 Tbsp coconut oil. Add the patties, and cook approximately 10 minutes on each side. Patties will remain soft on the inside, but utterly enjoyable. Serving suggestions: try “protein style” on a salad with a mustard vinaigrette, in a collard green with avocado and vegetables, or in a wrap or bun of choice with all the trimmings. Makes 8 patties

Healthy benefits: plant-based, gluten-free, cholesterol-free, high protein, healhty omega fats

Parsnip Fries Ingredients 2 pounds of parsnips (about 2-3 large roots) 2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted salt and pepper to taste

Directions Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Peel the parsnips and trim the ends. Cut in half lengthwise, then slice into sticks – about 1/2 inch thick. Spread out onto a large baking pan and toss with oil, salt and pepper. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until golden brown, tossing parsnips once or twice during baking to ensure even cooking.

I grew up on broccoli with cheese – my mother made it once a week. Such a delicious combo! Over the years I’ve turned her family classic into an even more eco-friendly and healthy modern dish . . . without sacrificing any of the flavor. This dairy-free and cholesterol-free version brims with calcium, iron and protein, while also complimented by all the wonderful antioxidants and polyphenols from the broccoli. I like to serve this recipe “as is” (uncooked), enjoying the maximum nutritional potential of these great superfoods. If you’re craving a warm dish though, no worries — simply steam the florets lightly for a few minutes, then combine with the sauce. Either way, the delicious cheesy flavor and addictive broccoli crunch will have you coming back for a healthy second round every time.

Broccoli Cheese Bowl Ingredients 1 tsp Braggs Liquid Aminos 2 Tbsp raw tahini 1 Tbsp coconut oil, melted 1 Tbsp nutritional yeast 1/4 tsp paprika 1/8 tsp garlic powder 1 1/2 tsp lemon juice 3 cups finely chopped fresh broccoli florets 1 or 2 Tbsp hemp seeds water, if desired

>> 79

Broccoli Cheese Bowl... Directions

Stir: In a small bowl, mix the nutritional yeast, paprika, and garlic powder together. Stir in the tahini. Pour in the Braggs, lemon juice, and coconut oil and whisk thoroughly. If a thinner sauce is desired, add a little water, a tablespoon at a time. Combine: Put the broccoli into a larger bowl and pour sauce on top. Toss until evenly coated (for best results, use your hands!) Sprinkle top with hemp seeds and serve. Keeps refrigerated for several days. Serves 2

Lemon Coconut Breakfast Bars Ingredients 1 1/2 Tbsp chia seeds 3 Tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 cup oat flour 1/2 tsp baking powder pinch sea salt 3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp shredded dried coconut, divided 2 Tbsp lemon zest 2 Tbsp coconut oil, melted 2 Tbsp applesauce 1/4 cup maple syrup or agave nectar 1/2 cup packed soft medjool or honey dates, pitted (about 8-9) Not too sweet, these one-layer moist lemon bars are an excellent grab-and-go energy snack at any time of the day.



Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Grease a 8×8” baking pan. In a small bowl, combine the lemon juice and chia seeds. Set aside for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl mix together the oat flour, baking powder, salt, and 3/4 cup coconut flakes. Sprinkle in the lemon zest and mix again until distributed. In a separate bowl, combine the coconut oil, apple sauce, and agave nectar. Mix in the soaked chia seeds. Chop the pitted medjool dates finely, and mix in with the other wet ingredients. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry, and stir until blended. Spread the mixture into the prepared baking pan, and use a spatula to flatten out the surface. Sprinkle remaining 2 Tbsp coconut on top, patting them down lightly into the mixture. Bake for 25-28 minutes, until edges begin to turn golden brown. Cut while warm into squares. Makes 16 2”x2” squares.

Double Chocolate Hazelnut Candies Ingredients For the filling: 1/2 cup hazelnuts 3/4 cup medjool dates (about 6-7 large), pits removed 1/3 cup cacao powder 1/2 tsp maca powder (optional) 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1 Tbsp melted cacao butter (use a double boiler to melt) 2 tsp vanilla extract 2 Tbsp water


For the chocolate:

To make the filling, use a small food processor to blend the filling ingredients into a smooth paste. Stop the machine and scrape down the sides, if needed, to ensure proper blending. This may take a few minutes to get as smooth as possible.

1/2 cup melted cacao butter (use a double boiler to melt) 1/4 cup cacao powder 1 Tbsp + 1 tsp mesquite powder 1 tsp agave nectar These candies are an all-around “yes.� The exterior chocolate coating will remain solid at room temperature, and the inside pocket is a soft, sweet blend of cacao and hazelnuts. You can use ice cube trays for as molds for these, or get fancified and use real-deal candy molds with deep vessels to properly contain the filling. If using candy molds, double the amount of chocolate coating that the recipe calls for (the filling will remain the same). Short on time? Simply melt down a dark chocolate bar and use as the exterior coating instead of the raw chocolate recipe. Raw cacao powder lends its copious antioxidant content and abundant minerals, and the chocolate coating utilizes the natural sweetness of mesquite powder (the milled mesquite pods from a low-lying South American shrub) making

To make the chocolate, whisk the powders and agave into the cacao butter until thoroughly combined. Using ice cube trays or candy molds* pour a small amount of chocolate into each vessel, then gently rotate the tray on an angle and in a circle to coax the chocolate into covering the sides of the vessels in a thin layer (alternately, use a small brush to paint the sides with chocolate). Place in the freezer for 5 minutes to form a hard shell. Remove the trays from the freezer and place a small ball of the filling into the center of each cavity. Gently flatten so that the filling remains below the level of the tray and does not stick out. Pour the remaining chocolate** on top of the filling to fill each vessel, and return the trays to the freezer for 10 more minutes, or until solid. Pop out of trays and serve. *Recipe yields about 4 full candy trays or 1 ice cube tray‌ though exact number of candies depends entirely on size of tray used. **If remaining chocolate has begun to solidify too soon (which can happen in colder climates), float the vessel holding the chocolate in a small bowl of boiling water to slowly re-melt it into a liquid.

the exterior especially low in sugars. 81


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KID-FIT is a preschool physical education program designed to instill healthy lifestyle habits in children ages 2-5. Offering kid’s fitness classes will teach small children all about their bodies and how they work. Topics such as the heart, lungs, muscles, bones, brain, mouth and nutrition are a regular part of the preschool p.e. classes. The KID-FIT physical education curriculum can be integrated into public schools, gyms and childcare centers or run as a profitable preschool business opportunity comparable to a children’s fitness franchise. Children workout, learn and have so much fun. The KID-FIT preschool physical education curriculum incorporates preschool exercises and preschool fitness activities such as aerobics, dance, stretching, gymnastics, sports, strengthening, gross motor skills and balance. Children workout and learn about overall health, anatomy, nutrition, healthy food choices and exercise. Early childhood teachers can help prevent childhood obesity and provide preschool fitness for toddlers to kindergartners. KID-FIT Preschool exercise classes help develop self esteem and positive associations with exercise, healthy eating and rest.

The licensed KID-FIT physical education curriculum offers adults a sound preschool business opportunity and can prevent childhood obesity. Similar to a children’s fitness franchise, this complete preschool p.e. class curriculum is popular with schools, teachers, parents, the press and media. In today’s news kid’s fitness and building healthy lifestyle habits is an important topic. Starting children out on the right foot with a kid’s fitness program proven to work can prevent childhood obesity, diabetes, heart disease risk factors and other diseases. Explore a number of preschool p.e. class curriculum packages depending on whether you want to teach preschool exercise classes at a daycare center, offer preschool exercise in a health club or run a children’s fitness franchise type operation. Start educating little ones today through fun fitness for preschoolers. Whether you run a gym, are a teacher looking for new preschool fitness ideas or are just interested in a preschool business opportunity that’s more affordable than a children’s fitness franchise, KID-FIT can help. We’re dedicated to instilling healthy habits into the future lives of all children. We hope we can help you promote fitness for preschoolers as well.


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Show Me Those Pearly Whites! My girlfriend got some shocking news, her daughter had eight cavities! “Did you know children were supposed to floss?” She asked me. Ironically, I grew up the child of an avid flosser, so yes, I was aware that children were supposed to floss. However, shocking to me is the fact that only 12% of Americans floss. My own husband is not in that 12% and he says it is because he never learned how…I am attempting to teach an old dog new tricks! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood. Tooth decay is almost always completely preventable. Our friends at have shared very valuable information with us. Children’s teeth begin forming before birth. As early as four months, the first primary or “baby” teeth to erupt through the gums are the lower central incisors, followed closely by the upper central incisors. Although all 20 primary teeth usually appear by age three, the pace and order of their eruption varies. Permanent teeth begin appearing around age six, starting with the first molars and lower central incisors. This process continues until approximately age 21.

As Dr. Wagner saw the efficacy of Spiffies, he was became passionate about sharing the information to academics in all fields of medicine and dentistry. DR Products have now had 3 independent clinical studies completed with Spiffies and each of them has shown how effective Spiffies can be in reducing plaque and ultimately preventing early childhood tooth decay. I Don’t Want To Brush! AAPD President Dr. William C. Berlocher (2009-2010), shares his insight on those hard-tobrush preschoolers: “A pediatric dentist’s average day in the office includes a number of encounters with children who are initially not cooperative. Sometimes this uncooperative behavior is a result of a child being anxious in a new and foreign environment. Other times it is simply a child manifesting some recently appreciated control in their lives.”

Tooth decay is a chronic infection and once it is established in the baby teeth, it almost always transfers to the permanent as they erupt into the child’s mouth and are exposed to the cavity causing bacteria. As a practicing pediatrician and assistant professor of pediatrics, Dr. Ray Wagner saw the effects of baby bottle tooth decay first hand. He was especially concerned about early childhood tooth decay because it is completely preventable. He knew that parents needed something easy to use to promote oral health. After 2 years of research, Dr. Wagner created a convenient, disposable wipe called Spiffies, that parents could use anytime or anywhere to clean their babies teeth and gums. They are available in great flavors and are very easy to use.


Fear of the unknown is usually handled quite easily using several basic behavior guidance tools. These are: Tell/Show/Do - a technique that involves explanation of procedures in age-appropriate levels (Tell), demonstration of the procedure in a carefully defined, non-threatening setting (Show) and then without deviating from the explanation and demonstration, completion of the procedure (Do). Positive Reinforcement - positive feedback is used to reward desired behavior and strengthen the recurrence of these behaviors. Modeling - a technique that involves allowing children to observe activities that are new to them by watching other more experienced children engage in these activities. “Children who have discovered they have some control in their lives and are resistive to their parent’s direction and instruction can be a more challenging issue. A term that I’ve found to be extremely useful in these situations is “cheerful persistence.” First of all, parents need to be positive and keep a smile on their face when working with their child. Parents give many nonverbal cues to their children. If you go into a tooth-brushing session looking like you’re going to war, more than likely it will be just that! Secondly, oral hygiene is something that works only if it is undertaken on a regular basis. Therefore, daily brushing is a must. Avoiding tooth brushing because of the potential for a clash between a child and parent dramatically increases the potential for development of dental cavities.” Whitening Toothpaste Whitening toothpastes have polishing agents in addition to the mild abrasives that help remove surface stains from teeth. Teeth that have surface stains are cleaned and whitened by whitening toothpastes; however, deeper stains won’t be touched. If your teeth have deeper, darker stains due to injury or certain medications, a more thorough brightening treatment, such as bleaching or microabrasion, will be required. If you choose to use a whitening toothpaste, make sure the toothpaste contains fluoride as well as whitening agents.


Teens Just because your teenager isn’t a child anymore, doesn’t mean she should stop seeing her pediatric dentist. Dentistry to meet the special needs of teens and adolescents is an important part of the specialized training for pediatric dentists. Growing doesn’t stop at childhood – teens experience important growth in their faces and jaws. Teens are also getting the last of their permanent teeth, and teeth that have just come through the gums are especially vulnerable to decay. Additionally, teenagers start becoming responsible for their own diet and nutrition choices, and it’s important that those choices are come from a solid foundation of dental health. AND DON”T FORGET TO FLOSS!! Gums are loaded with bacteria. Some are good, some are bad. Flossing between each tooth everyday keeps plaque from forming and the harmful bacteria at a safe level. If teeth are not flossed, these bacteria multiply and can wreak havoc on your gum tissues, causing gingivitis which left untreated, can lead to periodontitis. Because periodontitis is an inflammatory disease, it can easily spread throughout the body, having a devastating affect on the heart, lungs and premature births.

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going green

Warning: Not Recommended for Children

by: Caryn Stockwell, Mother & Owner of Second Star Designs Some of the most dangerous things to be found upon this planet do not come equipped with warning labels. While this statement can be applied to animals, plants, and the environment; it also applies to governmental regulations inherently designed to protect the people. We are told that what we don’t know won’t hurt us. Sometimes, that statement is correct. More often than not, that statement is grossly incorrect. I am a mother to four beautiful girls, ranging in ages from 15 down to five. I have spent my entire parenting life doing what I am able to both protect my children and impart to them the abilities to protect themselves from things in this world which may bring harm to them. As a parent, it is my job to ensure that the things with which they come in to contact are safe for their use or enjoyment. I am also an owner of a small, home-based business which specializes in hand-crafted clothing and accessories for children. It is my job as a business owner to ensure that the supplies which go into my treasures are safe for their intended recipients. Countless hours are spent researching supplies and manufacturers to ensure that nothing which becomes a part of a finished product will ever harm a child. If something is not safe enough for use by my own children, then how can that same item be safe for another parent’s child? It is with this core value in mind that I write to you about my concerns regarding the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 [CPSIA]; regulations created by the Consumer Product Safety Commission [CPSC]. This Act was originally written in response to the massive toy recalls by Mattel in 2007 due to the lead found in children’s toys imported into the United States from China. Frustrated parents insisted that our governmental agencies do something to better protect our children. Our govern-

ment responded quickly and in a sweeping motion of legislation, former President Bush signed the initial set of regulations without considering the long-term ramifications such regulations would impose upon American businesses large and small. Instead of specifying children’s products which were manufactured offshore, under looser, international consumer guidelines, the CPSIA created these regulations to encompass any and all products that could be used by anyone under the age of 13. The original list included such things as books, clothing, toys, furniture, and baby products. And while the all-inclusive list has been modified somewhat over the course of the last year, under the current stay of execution, the product listings are still too vague to determine what does and does not qualify as a children’s product [Commissioner Anne Northup, Final Interpretive Rule, September 29, 2010. pdf]. These same regulations specifically require all manufacturers of children’s products to provide testing and certification that their items’ lead and phthalate levels are below a certain Parts Per Million [PPM]. This testing is required on every type of product created by a company that creates products for children. These regulations are strict. They are also very expensive to the average small business person like me, who creates beautiful clothing in small batches, by hand. In the case of my business, it would cost $1500 to test a single infant bodysuit in a specific size. If I make one in a differ91

ent size or use a different applique’, the product needs to be retested. Another $1500. I carry over 100 different products and do limited production runs of 5-10 garments using a specific fabric/embellishment combination in only 2 of each size produced. That is my niche. While my fabrics/thread/embellishments have been tested by the manufacturers, there is the chance that my sewing needle may contaminate the fabric thus requiring the certifications. I cannot use component certifications to validate the safety of my products. The price of a single onesie that I create would increase from $10/each to over $200/each. That is the problem. As a small business, I cannot afford the cost of a testing unit, nor will my customers be willing to pay $200 for an infant’s bodysuit. My doors will close... just like thousands of other small businesses around the country. But, you are the consumer. So, how do these regulations affect you? For starters, that baby blanket you may have picked up at a local Christmas Bazaar for your new niece would be considered illegal under the guidelines because it has not been tested and therefore should be destroyed. Your son’s clothing you drop off at a local resale shop will not be accepted because you cannot provide the certificates necessary to show that there is no lead in that garment. The books your child reads in school may be destroyed because they have not been tested for traces of lead or other contaminates upon the pages. After the questionable products have been destroyed and the manufacturers or retail stores fined up to $10K for each violation, whatever is left in the marketplace will carry an increased price tag because of the high costs associated with the product testing requirements. Now, you will still be able to buy toys and kid’s products at your average store because the big toy manufacturers actually sat down with the writers of the new legislation and paid them big money to exclude their companies from the test92

ing requirements [http://washingtonexaminer. com/op-eds/2009/09/timothy-p-carney-mattel-exempted-toy-safety-law-it-helped-write]. The end result? Small businesses [the competition] gone and contaminated children’s products still coming into this country from China and other developing countries. As but one of thousands of small businesses that produce children’s products, we are not asking for a repeal of the regulations, for the protection of our Nation’s children is our #1 priority. What we are asking for is more time. Time for the CPSIA to review the regulations; to better outline what specifically is considered a children’s product; to revise the guidelines to include ALL manufacturers of children’s products; to create a testing device that is affordable to small and big businesses alike. Without this time, this extension, on 2/10/2011 the regulations as they stand will go into effect and thousands of small businesses that have already earned and kept the public’s trust, will go out of business. It’s our duty as parents first and businesses second, to demand that these regulations be more defined so that we may continue to provide our children with quality products. That’s why we’re asking people to sign the petitions and write the letters - to protect our children and keep the fabric of America intact. To find out more or to become involved, please visit the Handmade Toy Alliance at . Adorable handmade bear image courtesy of Bumblebird – -an artist worth saving! Button design by Laurie Smithwick of LEAP Design

Is your family buried in kid’s stuff?

too expensive? too much clutter? 93

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pediped®, one of the leading children’s footwear brands, has always had the mission of giving back to children in need. pediped® will take this goal to a new level this new year with the launch of the pediped foundation™. The foundation is the work of pediped® footwear’s founders and co-owners Brian and Angela Edgeworth and co-owner Rudy Glocker. As the giving arm of pediped®, the mission of the pediped foundation™ is to enhance the lives of children and provide financial support to charities and organizations that are aligned with that goal. The pediped foundation™ works with charities that are dedicated to the health, education, basic necessities and the personal fulfillment of children around the world. The management and employees of pediped® will donate the resources necessary to fund the pediped foundation™ so that 100 percent of the funds raised will go directly to these life changing charities.

Edgeworth, President of pediped® footwear. “With the start of the pediped foundation™ we can help even more organizations and make an even larger impact in the lives of children. I cannot think of a better way to start 2011 then with the creation of the pediped foundation™.” pediped® footwear will host a fundraiser to benefit the pediped foundation™ starting Jan. 5 through Feb. 6. During the Purchases with Purpose fundraiser, select styles available on will be marked down as much as 50 percent and half of the sales from the promotion will be donated to the pediped foundation™. The funds will be used to provide monetary support to organizations including Make-A-Wish foundation and other worthy children’s charities. For more information on the pediped foundation™ visit

Since the company’s inception 5 years ago, pediped® has been committed to bettering the lives of children and has donated nearly $700,000 in monetary and product donations to children’s charities. These donations include over $445,000 to the Make-A-Wish foundation, which has helped to grant 60 wishes for children and 2,000 pairs of shoes to the children of Haiti. The establishment of the pediped foundation™ will help foster even more ways for pediped® to enhance the lives of children. “pediped® has always been committed to supporting causes that help children,” said Angela 97

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super southern child

Order Up! 53,040 Charlie’s Lunches… now being served!

With 100% of the profits from the sale of 5005 embroidered Charlie’s Lunchboxes sold by Initial Outfitters home party consultants are sponsoring hot lunches for needy children across Latin America! Over 420 children are fed several times a week through this program. How is that possible? Because of a ministry inspired by the loss of a child. Charlie Stewart was born to Sam and Janey Stewart, who were missionaries in Guatemala. He was born with serious heart defects, and endured many grueling surgeries early in life. He was a very happy child with a big heart and giving spirit. One of Janey’s favorite stories is of his first day of kindergarten. She had packed him a lunch and taken him to school. When lunchtime came, Charlie noticed that his new friend Micah didn’t have lunch, and Charlie gave his lunch to Micah. His teacher, fortunately, had brought cupcakes that day, and a cupcake became Charlie’s lunch. This was just one vivid example of his desire to give of what he had. Years and surgeries later, Charlie was out playing with his dog when he collapsed. He never made it to the hospital. As the Stewarts were still grieving their loss, there was a knock at the door. It was a couple of kids who lived in the street asking for a piece of bread. Janey felt the Lord telling her “Give them what would have been Charlie’s Lunch.” So she went to the kitchen and made a lunch like she would have made for Charlie. The kids took the lunch and left, only to return the next day with a few friends. This continued until the

Stewarts realized that the children would not stay and eat because they, too, were taking the lunches and sharing them with their friends. And Charlie’s Lunch ministry was born. Charlie Stewart was 12 years old when his heart failed him. But the legacy of giving that he left inspired he Charlie’s Lunch ministry. Today there are over 30 lunchrooms across Latin America, India, and Africa! Through a partnership with Charlie’s Lunch, Initial Outfitters, a direct sales company specializing in personalized jewelry and gifts, has sponsored 7 Charlie’s Lunchrooms across Latin America since January, 2008. “When we first partnered with Charlie’s Lunch, we corporately sponsored a new lunchroom in San Pedro Sula, Honduras and began looking for a way to involve our consultants in the partnership. We created Charlie’s Lunchboxes, and believed that we would be able to sponsor one lunchroom in a year’s time by donating 100% of our profits from the sale of these lunchboxes to the ministry” says Alicia Storbeck, president and founder of Initial Outfitters. “We were blown away by the response by our consultants and their customers, and 3 months into the partnership had already raised enough funds to open a new lunchroom and support it for a year!” Initial Outfitters consultants did it again, and again, and in January 2009, four new lunchrooms were inaugurated in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Upon returning from the lunchroom inaugurations in Mexico, Initial Outfitters was able to give the good news that funds had been raised to adopt two existing lunchrooms in Guatemala. 101

Across the 7 lunchrooms, over 53,000 hot, well balanced, nutritious lunches will be served in 2011 to children who might otherwise receive a small helping of beans and coffee, or nothing at all. In addition to their meal, children receive training in basic hygiene, manners, and structure, and participate in a bible study/activity time that feeds their souls and builds their self esteem. “The Charlie’s Lunch program is an answer to prayer for us” says Jacinto Bahena, area director of Charlie’s Lunch in Cuernavaca. “We have been working in some of these communities for years, and in the past year have seen 2 new children come to our church. Now that Charlie’s Lunch has come, we have immediately seen 120+ children anxious to participate as an example in just one of the four neighborhoods that we now serve! We know that these children, their families, and the community as a whole will be blessed through this program!” In the Las Flores community, the Charlie’s Lunch program has transformed the community. What was a church plant in its infancy is now a thriving community church filled with the families of the children in the lunchroom. This church is thriving to the point that it has now sponsored a new lunchroom in another impoverished area of Temixco Viejo, and plans to sponsor two more in the near future. Thriving is a relative term, however. In this poverty stricken area, thriving means families in regular attendance, growing in their faith, and willing to reach out to others with the little that they have. This is still an area where there is no running water, no electricity, and no paved roads. In the Zapata community, the stories of the children whose lives are being transformed are both heartbreaking and heartwarming. A little girl who had to prepare and sell horchata, a 102

hot morning beverage, in order to feed herself and her 4 younger siblings breakfast and then go door to door looking for dishes to wash or clothes to iron in order to provide lunch each day is now free from that responsibility. They were invited to join the Charlie’s Lunch program. A little boy who learned to be abusive, aggressive, and sexist from his alcoholic father is now a sensitive caregiver and big brother to his 3 younger siblings, and a role model for others in the lunchroom. A little girl whose mother tried to abort her, who was told all of her life that she was the reason that her parent’s lives were a disaster, and who saw her father murder her mother now believes that God has a purpose for her life and is determined to find it and live it out. These are the changes that are being seen through the Charlie’s Lunch program! There is not a price tag that can be placed on that. But 50 cents buys a lunch! $100 sponsors a child for a year! $19 buys a personalized Charlie’s Lunchbox! All Charlie’s Lunchrooms are operated by volunteers, and are run through a local church. “This is so that people understand that the blessings that they are receiving come from God.” says Sam Stewart, founder of Charlie’s Lunch ministries. The church provides the facility and the volunteers, and Charlie’s Lunch provides the kitchen equipment, food, and the basics necessary for a meal – plates, utensils, glasses, etc. Children come to the church to receive their meal, do a little bible study and activities, and simply be loved! That is really what they are hungriest for. “We are thrilled with the excitement that we have seen here at Initial Outfitters for this program!” says Alicia Storbeck. “Our consultants and their customers love the idea that they can do something to help other people, and know-

ing that it is little children that we are feeding through the sale of the lunchboxes makes it that much sweeter. We can see that there is really a purpose to our business, and that makes going to work easy!” One of the new lunchrooms was sponsored in full by a single Initial Outfitters team of direct sellers. Amy Padgett of Virginia Beach, VA challenged her team to sell 1137 lunchboxes – enough to sponsor a new lunchroom for a year. In about 8 months’ time, her team of about 100 ladies met the goal! As a result, 60 children in the Las Flores area of Cuernavaca are eating hot lunches 3 days a week, and being loved by their team pastors and volunteers! “It is amazing to know that we can make a difference in these little lives.” says Amy Padgett. “Now I know why I joined Initial Outfitters – so that God could use me and my business to bless these children! My business has a pur-

pose now!” Initial Outfitters goal for 2011 is to raise funds for these 7 lunchrooms for 2012, and open at least one more new lunchroom in Honduras. It will take about 6500 lunchboxes and cookbooks to reach this goal, but these ladies believe that they can do it! Initial Outfitters is a new direct sales company based in Auburn, AL. Launched in the fall of 2006, Initial Outfitters specializes in personalized jewelry and gifts, and has independent consultants building their own businesses by conducting home parties in 25 states. For more information about Charlie’s Lunch, Initial Outfitters, or how you can purchase a Charlie’s Lunchbox or Charlie’s Lunch Cookbook, call 334-887-1856 or visit


104 Š 2010 C.B. Fleet Company, Inc.


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moment by moment The Moments That Change Our Lives by Monica Hawkins Our lives can forever be changed in the twinkling of an eye. I can think of many moments in my life that have forever changed me. On March 16, 1996 when I said the words “I Do” my life was forever changed. In 1998 when in a groggy state I heard the doctor speak the words, “It’s cancer” and I have never been the same. On four different occasions I have been blessed to have my life changed by a precious cry that broke through the silence of a delivery room and this heart has never been the same. On December 17 my life was forever changed when I heard the words “your son has a brain tumor.” It doesn’t take long. The words only have to be few, but forever you are changed. The course of your life, the way you live and the activities surrounding you are all changed in the twinkling of an eye. Around the dinner table in 1978 my life was FOREVER changed as I acknowledged Jesus Christ as my Savior. That decision, made at that moment has changed me and the way I have responded to all the rest of these moments forever. Without the peace of Jesus, without His love, without His eternal perspective and without His spirit reigning in my heart, my marriage, my cancer, my parenting skills and the nightmare of being told your son has a brain tumor would all have resulted in different attitudes and would have caused my life to look very different. But that moment at the age of 5 when I said yes to Jesus, I said yes to a change for the better. I gave up control. I acknowledged that He was now in control of my life and now all things were possible through Him. He takes the things that we think would be impossible for us to handle and He makes it possible, because we do not walk alone and now He handles those things. It is amazing how quickly life as we know it can change. Things that just weeks before we could do without a second thought can now cause us great difficulty. Matthew is learning this lesson right now as he adjusts to his life changing circumstances, but what he knows and WHO he knows is truth. Matthew understands that all of this is being filtered through his father’s loving hands and he doesn’t have to handle it because Easter sunday 2004 Matthew’s life was forever changed when he asked Jesus into his heart and life. I will never forget the prayer that precious 5 year old prayed that day.”Dear Jesus, I have sin in my life. Please forgive me. 106

Come live in my heart and you be in control instead of me. Amen.” Then those big brown eyes looked up at me and his daddy and said, “Now I’m not just your son, I’m your brother... in Christ.” In that moment Matthew’s life was forever changed. God began preparing him that day for what was to come. There is another moment that we long for that will forever change our lives. I Corinthians 15:52 says “in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound and the dead in Christ will be raised imperishable and WE WILL BE CHANGED.” The changes in this life may change how we live and how we view things on earth, but they are not permanent. One day my cancer will be gone, one day Matthew will no longer have a brain tumor, but we have the promise that in the twinkling of an eye WE WILL BE CHANGED. Why? Because we are in Christ. The very moment we called on Him, He not only changed our lives

here on earth forever, but our eternity was forever changed. That hope is what makes the rest of this possible. That hope is what washes all of our fear and sorrow away. In the twinkling of an eye, in a sheer moment your life can forever be changed. JESUS can change your life for all of eternity. Call on His name. Say yes to Him. JESUS!

About Monica: “I answer to many names, mommy, baby, honey, crazy friend, dork, pastor’s wife, daughter, granddaughter. Of all the names I am honored to have “My Child” is my favorite one. I became “His Child” 31 years ago and without that name the rest would not matter. I love my Jesus, I love my wonderful husband of 13 years and I love my 4 little boys. God uses all of these things to change and conform me Moment by Moment and I look forward to sharing these moments with you.” She is available for speaking engagements and can be contacted through


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