2019 International Student Handbook
2019 International Student Handbook
Message from CEO
Haere mai, welcome Welcome to the Southern Institute of Technology. We are very pleased that you decided to make SIT the place to pursue your education and career goals. Studying in a new country can be challenging. SIT’s staff are committed to ensuring that you have every opportunity to learn and succeed. We provide a range of assistance for international students, from additional tutorial assistance to student activities to on campus support services. To make the most out of your time at SIT, make sure you utilise this support and services to the maximum. We also encourage you to get involved with local community and sporting groups and take time to explore our stunning environments. This handbook provides some useful information for your time at SIT. Read this in conjunction with the Arrivals Guide, your Programme Handbook and our website. Please don’t hesitate to seek further information from us. Best wishes for your study!
Penny Simmonds Chief Executive Officer
2019 International Student Handbook
Student ID Cards
My Course
Orientation Checklist
Enrolment & Transfers
International Student Basics
Insurance at SIT
Working in New Zealand
Campus Facilities, Shops & Services
38 41 44 45 47
SIT Computers & Printing
Your Study
Assignment Preparation Guide
General Rules
Student Charter
Student Code of Conduct
Code of Practice
Complaints & Appeals Procedure
0800 4 0 FEES (0800 4 0 3337) Ext 8826
Privacy & Confidentiality
03 208 9833
Sexual Harassment
0800 TO STUDY (0800 867 883)
Withdrawal & Refund Policies
0800 QT 4 SIT (0800 784 748)
Distance Learning
0800 SIT2LRN (0800 748 257)
Contact Details
Or visit our website at www.sit.ac.nz 3
2019 International Student Handbook
International Manager
Pastoral Care
Accommodation Homestay
CONTACT US Reception Phone
+64 3 211 2699 Ext. 8826
Free Phone
0800 40 3337 Ext. 8826
Office hours
8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday
24 hours urgent number 0800 SIT 111 (0800 748 111) 4
2019 International Student Handbook
ªOrientation Checklist ªInternational Student Basics
2019 International Student Handbook
You will receive info on:
There are quite a few important documents we need signed to comply with Immigration, the Code of Practice and to make sure that we can work on your behalf when we need to. The information EHORZ EULHÀ\ GHVFULEHV ZKDW LV UHTXLUHG
Banking information and how to open a bank account.
,QWHUQDWLRQDO 2ULHQWDWLRQ 7KLV ZLOO WDNH SODFH prior to the start date of your programme. The International Team cover the important items that you will need to know about Invercargill and living in New Zealand while you are studying at SIT. On orientation date come to the International Reception with your passport and visa Our staff will check your student visa, expiry date and keep a photocopy of your passport RQ ¿OH You will sign the SIT Enrolment Contract and complete the Emergency Contact details form. Keep a record of your student number. First day forms are completed and questions that you may have are answered. Please write your questions on paper before you arrive to remind yourself, if yo have any. If you are an English Language student, you will be introduced to the Language School.
Information about cultural, recreational and sporting activities. Transport arrangements and emergency numbers from hosts, parents, guardians etc. 0DQDJHPHQW RI ¿QDQFHV Acceptable behaviour and the laws of New Zealand. Issues relevant to student culture and living in New Zealand are discussed. At your orientation it will be explained how to get your student ID card and you will be shown how to access the on-site computers. You will be required to bring your Passport or ID number. 3DVVSRUW DQG 9LVD &RSLHG DQG 9HUL¿HG 2Q \RXU ¿UVW GD\ \RXU SDVVSRUW DQG YLVD ZLOO QHHG WR EH FRSLHG DQG YHUL¿HG VR WKDW WKH Administration staff are able to enter you into the SIT system. (QUROPHQW &RQWUDFW 6LJQHG )RU \RX WR KDYH access to the computer system, this will be UHTXLUHG RQ \RXU ¿UVW GD\ DV LW FDQ WDNH IURP 24 – 36 hours for the system to register your ID number. Emergency Contact Forms will need to be completed. -DFNHW DQG VDWHEHO <RX ZLOO EH DGYLVHG where to collect your SIT jacket.
Quick Start to Basics
2019 International Student Handbook
Â&#x2026; &HOO 3KRQH 1XPEHU 2QFH \RX KDYH D 1HZ Zealand cell phone number, you will need to complete the Emergency Contact Form. Â&#x2026; 3URJUDPPH 2ULHQWDWLRQ <RXU 3URJUDPPH Manager will give you your programme orientation. And provide your programme guideline and timetable. Â&#x2026; 6WXGHQW ,' &DUG <RXU 3URJUDPPH 0DQDJHU will have organised a time that is suitable for the class to get their Student ID completed. You will be required to bring your passport.
Â&#x2026; Access SIT computers and Blackboard, our online learning environment. Each paper you are enrolled in has its own Blackboard course page. Check the list on the Blackboard home page. Â&#x2026; Log on to your SIT student email (see page 13). Â&#x2026; Make a realistic study plan - consult the calendar in Blackboard to see when your assignments are due. Remember to consider other commitments you may have.
Â&#x2026; &RPSXWHU DQG %ODFNERDUG $FFHVV <RX ZLOO need to show that you have accessed the computer and Blackboard successfully. Â&#x2026; &KDQJH RI $GGUHVV 2QFH \RX KDYH RUJDQLVHG and moved, you are required to advise the International Department. Â&#x2026; +DQGERRN 'HFODUDWLRQ %\ WKH HQG RI \RXU ¿UVW ZHHN RQ VLWH \RX ZLOO KDYH ORRNHG RYHU the student handbook. You are required to sign the Declaration on page 4, remove this sheet and return to the International Department. Â&#x2026; Bank account opened. Â&#x2026; Accommodation Contract signed. Â&#x2026; NZ$300 Bond and 4-weeks rent paid.
Crossing the Finish line!
Â&#x2026; Insurance for your family members.
Â&#x2026; NZ Drivers license booked in.
Â&#x2026; <RX¶OO EH VHQW DQ RI¿FLDO 6,7 $FDGHPLF Transcript, typically 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8 weeks after the end of your period of study, for each programme. Alternatively, you will receive this at graduation. Please ensure you provide us an updated address to send this to.
Â&#x2026; NZ Road rules read & Car insurance. Â&#x2026; Registered with Doctor. Â&#x2026; Log on to MySIT. Â&#x2026; Registered with IRD.
Â&#x2026; For more information on what happens on FRPSOHWLRQ RI \RXU TXDOL¿FDWLRQ VHH WKH )$4 section on page 30 of this booklet.
Quick Start to Basics
2019 International Student Handbook
Immigration requires that you attend the course of study at all times (100% attendance), unless there are genuine reasons for absences. You may be required to provide a medical certificate if you were absent for an extended period of time or if you had numerous absences as a result of an illness. We recommend that you visit the doctor when you are ill as the medical certificate should provide a medical opinion at the time you were ill. If you do not visit the Doctor when you are ill, any Medical Certificate issued later might not be accepted. Other information such as the overall number of absences or information from your education provider may also be considered.
It is important in New Zealand to be on time for meetings and appointments as it is impolite if you are late. It is customary to be approximately 5 to 10 minutes early for appointments, particularly if you have a job interview. If you are unable to make the scheduled appointment time, please ensure that you contact the person concerned before the time of the appointment and either reschedule or advise of your intentions.
Warning process
Returning home
Unsatisfactory attendance or performance may lead to a warning. Initially you would receive a Verbal Warning. Thereafter if required, 2 written warnings may be given, indicating requirements that need to be attained. Any further concern would result in being withdrawn from SIT and subsequently your Student Visa would be terminated.
You must have the approval of SIT if you are planning to return to your home country. This is because your travels may affect your visa status and/or studies. Please talk to the administration team before you purchase your tickets and complete a Leave Of Absence Form available from International Reception. Please note, your request must be supported by evidence, medical documentation, letters from employers or other applicable documents.
Renewing your visa
Arriving in class after 10 minutes is considered as being absent for the class.
Visa renewal is your responsibility. Take a moment now to record your visa expiry date in the calendar of your phone. Book an appointment with the administration team to update your visa at least eight weeks before it expires or apply online for a new student visa.
Tell us your phone number
After hours only SIT Urgent Phone- 0800 SIT 111
SIT sends text messages about academic and administrative matters direct to your mobile phone. Make sure you advise us of your cellphone number so you receive this important information. You can update this at the MySIT App.
SIT operates a free 24/7 urgent phone for international students. You can call this phone at any time.
Appointments Please see the Receptionist at the International Department front desk to make all appointments and enquiries. We have an ‘Open door policy’ for first two weeks. Thereafter, please show respect for staff who have other obligations, by booking in advance.
Who you need to call?
For accommodation issues - 0800 SIT APT For all study issues - Faculty For Dentist - Dentist For a Doctor - call the Doctor (Register with a Doctor soon).
Please think ahead and make sure you know who to call in an emergency. To make your life easier, load these on your phone now: whitepages.co.nz and yellow.co.nz
In an emergency phone 111
Some staff may provide the option of booking Meetings/ Appointments on-line. This will be advertised by those who have this option available.
An emergency is when there is a:
Keep your contact details updated
• fire or serious accident.
It is important that you keep us up-to-date with your contact details as you may not get important information from us. You can complete a Change of Address form at any time at the International Reception or at https:// student.sit.ac.nz/MySIT/pages/MyStudy.aspx 8
If you are late, it may be seen as being poorly organised and impolite.
Quick Start to Basics
• death or a life-threatening situation • crime being committed The 111 phone call is free. The person answering will ask which service you need (Fire, Police or Ambulance). Be ready to tell them who you are, what has happened and where you are. If someone is injured and needs to go to hospital, an ambulance will come for them.
2019 International Student Handbook
Southern Institute of Technology offers the services of its ‘Learning Support Centre’ to both onsite and off-site students. Various printed resources are available to assist the learning process. Here is a list of some of these FREE resources. These are available online on the SIT2LRN page, under ‘Learner Toolbox‘ on Blackboard.
ª Note-taking Skills ª Reading Skills ª Exam Preparation and Techniques ª Writing Skills ª Concentration ª Improve Your Memory ª Additional S Study Tips
Anna Ellis
Lisa Stuart Jerry Hoffman
Tertiary Chaplain
Learning Assistance Unit
Jane Brown
Jerry Hoffman
Phone: 0800 40 3337 extn 8721 Email: chaplain@sit.ac.nz
Phone: 0800 40 3337 extn 8796 Email: jerry.hoffman@sit.ac.nz The Learning Assistance staff office is located in the foyer of the SIT library. Services are freely available to all students. The Learning Assistance Unit offers workshops and individual help with study skills, time management, exam preparation, memory strategies, academic writing, note taking, maths and academic reading.
Lisa Stuart
Carol Rodgers
Health Nurse Anna Ellis, Jane Brown & Carol Rodgers Available Monday to Friday Phone: 0800 40 3337 extn 8874 Email: anna.ellis@sit.ac.nz jane.brown@sit.ac.nz carol.rodgers@sit.ac.nz A registered nurse is on duty daily to help you with any health issues. Bookings are available.
Chaplaincy is offered to all students; it is accessible, impartial and confidential.Pastoral and spiritual care is offered without prejudice to culture or belief. Office: I-101, the glass office in the Information Technology building (Tay St campus). Stop and have a chat anytime or if you wish to have an appointment.
Student Services
2019 International Student Handbook
Liv Hall
Jenna Shepherd
Employment and Activities Officers Jenna Shepherd Phone: 0800 40 3337 extn 8670 / 8572 / 8573 /8841 Email:jenna.shepherd@sit.ac.nz SIT employment and activities support officers provide: ª Careers and employment advice to SIT students and graduates ª Job search skills including Curriculum Vitae (CV) preparation, interview skills, tailoring cover letters ª Coordination of extracurricular activities, helping SIT students to access sporting activities and opportunities. Offices located in the Student Services Centre, B Block, Invercargill.
Ken McDonald
Disability Liaison
Pastoral Care Manager
Liv Hall
Ken McDonald
Phone: 0800 40 3337 extn 8752 Email: liv.hall@sit.ac.nz
Phone: 0800 40 3337 extn 8762 03 211 2686 Mobile: 021 552 462 Email: ken.mcdonald@sit.ac.nz
SIT prides itself on being an equal opportunity educational provider. This means that if you have a verified disability or impairment of any nature, SIT will do all it can to ensure that you have access to quality learning opportunities. Disability Liaison provides a number of services, including:
Ken is the International Pastoral Care Manager, based in Invercargill. He will make sure you are supported in adjusting to your new environment; ensure your needs are recognised; help you participate in NZ culture developing relationships and networks and achieve your goals.
ª Advice ª Support - specialised equipment, parking, reader/ writers, alternative formats for course work. ª Exam support - time extensions, alternative presentation of exams, if curriculum allows. ª Ergonomic furniture and equipment
Amali Wanasinghe
Invercargill Campus Pastoral Care Assistant Amali Wanasinghe Phone: 0800 40 3337 extn 4071 Email: Amali.Wanasinghe@sit.ac.nz Lois McMurdo
Counselling Service Lois McMurdo Available Monday to Friday Phone: 0800 40 3337 extn 8781 Email: lois.mcmurdo@sit.ac.nz A counsellor is available to help with any problems which are affecting your personal wellbeing and/or ability to study. Bookings are required.
Student Services
Amali is the International Pastoral Care Assistant. She will welcome you to Invercargill and assists all English Language students to settle into SIT. Please contact her for any insurance questions.
2019 International Student Handbook
Lyn Cotterill
Fred Rohs
Toni Lubber
Student Pastoral Support
Student Learning Support
Student Counsellor
Lyn Cotterill
Fred Rohs
Toni Lubber
Phone: 349 3645 extn 3104 Email: lyn.cotterill@sit.ac.nz
Phone: 349 3645 extn 3105 Email: frederick.rohs@sit.ac.nz
Counselling service available by appointment only.
Lyn is available daily to assist students with
Fred is available daily from 8.00 am – 4.00 pm to assist students with learning or disability support including reader/writers and note taking.
Monday 10.30am – 12.00 noon
ª referrals for; health services, counselling, drug/alcohol issues, gambling issues ª accommodation issues ª studylink advice (student loans, student allowances) ª Youth Guarantee and CTC coordination
Another area Fred is able to assist is with study support (assessment study, catch-up support and exam support). These can be one-on-one or small group sessions.
Toni helps with issues affecting your well-being or ability to study.
For confidential appointments Call 0800 867 883 Email: sit@sit.ac.nz
ª Tauira Tautoko
See reception
Lyn also coordinates student activities.
Guna Baskaran
Wednesday 1.00pm – 2.30 pm
AUCKLAND CAMPUS Queenstown Apartments and International Pastoral Care
Auckland Student Pastoral Support/ Administrator
Guna Baskaran
Phone: 09 3087 558 extn 8258 Email: Jess. Crewebrown@sit.ac.nz
Phone:03 3493 645 extn 4511 Email: guna. baskaran@sit.ac.nz
Guna oversees our stunning Queenstown student apartments opposite our campus, assisting students to ensure their experience is a positive one. Guna also looks after the pastoral care of our International students here at our Queenstown campus. If you are an international student and have nonacademic questions or concerns, Guna is your first port of call.
Jess Crewe-Brown
Jess Crewe-Brown Jess resides in Auckland and helps our students settle into the busy main centre. As an international student should you have any pastoral care questions start with Jess and she will guide you.
Student Services
2019 International Student Handbook
ªSIT Computers & Printing ªYour Study ªAssignment Preparation Guide
2019 International Student Handbook
What if the printers run out of paper?
Computer Access
24 Hour Computer Access (Invercargill only)
Students have access to a range of computer suites. Two Rooms B2-09 and B2-10 are available after classes through the night. The Library also has computers and printers available.
How do I log onto the system? For your first log on: Your Login/User Name = is your student ID number Your Password = your date of birth in the following format: DDMonYYYY E.g. A student born on the 2nd of September in 1990 will have the password: 02Sep1990 You must not share your login details with anyone else. Your login is for your use only. Returning students can continue to login with the passwords they have already set up.
Phone 0800 SITHELP or see the main Reception if the computer room is out of paper.
24-hour computer lab access is automatically loaded on your student ID card (B2.09 & B2.10). After hours, entry is via the east B Block doors opposite the Chaplain’s office. No eating or drinking is permitted in computer labs. Equipment must not be moved or reconfigured. If there is an issue with any equipment, please phone Helpdesk on 0800 748 435 For full details on computer security and after hour policy, refer to the Policies section on the IT Services tab of MySIT. Please note, all labs are monitored by security cameras.
SIT IT Helpdesk For all SIT computer problems Phone: 0800 748 435 (24/7 Helpdesk) Email: helpdesk@sit.ac.nz
What is Blackboard?
When contacting the helpdesk, make sure you have:
Blackboard is SIT’s learning management system. Learning materials and resources for both onsite and distance learning students are all available on the Blackboard website. You can access Blackboard from the “MY SIT” website.
Student 1 Your ID Number
Refer to page 19 for more information on using Blackboard.
PC ID 2 Your Number PC-ITSDEV-1401
Internet usage You are expected to use the Internet for the purposes of programme related work. If you use the Internet for any other purpose, including visiting and/or downloading material deemed illegal or offensive, you will immediately be disconnected. SIT regularly check what sites have been visited.
The Helpdesk will give you a job reference number. Please keep that job number for future correspondence.
SIT printing credits/photocopying
Backing Up Your Work
When you start your course you will be given 250 printing credits. There is only ONE free allocation of 250! Extra print credits can be obtained at the Enrolment Counter, Tay St Reception - minimum of $8.00 top-up (for 100 credits). All public area copiers will be available for your use. Residual credits at the end of the course are not refunded to students.
It is your responsibility to make regular backup copies of your data to ensure your work is not lost in the event of a system error. This includes files saved to OneDrive. At the end of your study, all files saved to your H drive and OneDrive will be unavailable so please ensure they are removed before you finish. SIT will not be responsible for the loss of student data files. Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook
PRINTING SIT Printing Credits Print credits can be obtained at Administration or the library.
What if the laser printers run out of ink? Contact helpdesk (0800 748 435 or helpdesk@sit.ac.nz) and let them know the name of the printer (there should be a label starting with PRT-), a new ink toner will be installed as soon as possible.
Print via Email from laptop, phones & tablets You can send a job to the SIT photocopiers from any device that can send an email with an attachment. You do not need to install anything. You must send the email from your student (or staff) email address. Only the following file types are supported: ª Word documents (.docx, .doc) ª Powerpoint documents (.ppt, .pptx, .pps) ª Excel documents (.xls, .xlsx) ª PDF (.pdf) ª Text documents (.txt) If you need any further assistance please contact the IT Helpdesk 0800 748 435
How to print via Email
Login to your student webmail at student.sit.ac.nz
Address an email to one of the following addresses: ª Black & White: PrintBW@sit.ac.nz
3 Attach your PDF/ Word/Excel/ Powerpoint file(s) and send the email.
ª Colour: PrintColour@sit.ac.nz
Print as normal DONE!
Getting Started as a Student
4 Login at any Canon photocopier on campus
2019 International Student Handbook
INTERNET Note: New students will need to login to an SIT PC on campus or MySIT to change their default password before accessing the Wi-Fi.
you login. You must also login to a campus PC or use a method of connecting to the Internet (not SIT-WiFi) to visit https://my.sit.ac.nz and update your password to one of your choosing. If you use SIT-WiFi immediately after your password has been reset to a temporary one by Helpdesk, your account will lock and need to be reset again.
If your password has been reset by Helpdesk to a temporary password, it must be changed next time
To connect, follow the relevant steps for your device below:
How to log into SIT-WiFi SIT has free Wi-Fi for all current students on campus. The name of this wireless network is: SIT-WiFi
Android Select “SIT-WiFi”
Select “SIT-WiFi”
Enter SIT Student ID
Enter SIT Student ID
Select “SIT-WiFi” Select “SIT-WiFi”
Enter SIT Student ID
Enter SIT Student ID
Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook
MYSIT The MySIT portal is the central location for SIT students to access all the resources required when studying at Southern Institute of Technology.
LOGIN Open your internet browser and go to https://my.sit.ac.nz It is a good idea to bookmark this page in your web browser for quick access in the future.
New Students
Returning Students
When logging into an on-campus PC for the first time, click on the key icon. For all other first time logins, please visit https://reset.sit.ac.nz to setup your password.
Please note, your password will not have changed since the last time you were studying. If you cannot remember what it was, please use the password self-service link to reset it https://reset.sit.ac.nz
Please note: When you first log in you will be prompted to change your password and set your password reset details. Please do so right away to avoid any disruptions to your system access. You cannot connect to the SITWIFI without changing your password from the default one.
16 16
Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook
MY STUDY The 'My Study' tab is where you will find all the latest news , events and important notices from SIT. It will contain your study details and administrative information. This includes your library books, print credit balance, your current timetable and past results.
You have a SIT student email address, which you access on this icon. All communication between you and your facilitator must be via your SIT email address. You will also receive confirmation of assignment submissions and important notifications to this email address, so please ensure that you check it regularly.
because sharing is caring.
If you have problems logging onto Blackboard/Email please contact our IT Helpdesk - helpdesk@sit.ac.nz (0800 748 435). Remember to have your student ID number handy.
Office 365
You get 1TB of free data storage on the cloudbased OneDrive. Click on the OneDrive icon to access your storage area. More information about OneDrive can be found on the IT Services page.
This is where you will access all of your course materials, discussion boards, assignments and information on how to get started with Blackboard.
This will take you to the Office 365 portal. From here you will have access to the full Microsoft Office suite. You can also download and install the Office 365 suite free of charge for the duration of your study. You will need to use your SIT email to register.
Office 365
Now available to all students to install at home for FREE!
Collaborate with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote from your desktop, mobile device, and the web.
Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook
IT SERVICES Here you can find a list of frequently asked questions about the IT services available to you and where you can find further assistance if required. Browse through the topics here and refer back to this page if you are unsure. You may find the answer to your problem without needing to call the Helpdesk. When you do have technical issues you can log a job with the Helpdesk using the online form on this page or alternatively contact them via phone or email. Please ensure that you give them your student ID number, your name and a good description of your problem.
Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook
BLACKBOARD Once you have clicked on the Blackboard link you will be taken to your Activity Stream. Here you will find all the recent updates and upcoming events in your Blackboard courses. On the left hand navigation panel, you will see a link labelled “Courses” (highlighted in the graphic). Click on this to view your current courses. Within each of these courses you will find your course content, assignments and learning resources.
In the “Organisations” area, you will find links for Blackboard help and Library information. The Blackboard help area is a great place to look for Blackboard specific information and tutorials, such as, how to submit assignments and how to view feedback. Visit the Library area to learn more about the library services available to you, tips and tricks for your assignments, APA referencing and more.
March 2019
Stay organised, informed and connected with the Blackboard app just for students. Download the blackboard app for free today. Get Started with the Blackboard App Today
Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook 2018
YOUR STUDY Attendance and absences Getting to class on time You are expected to arrive on time for your class. Consistent late attendance will be a breach of the terms of study and could lead to action which may effect the conditions of your next visa. You must communicate with your Tutor/Head of Faculty if you are sick, or need time off. If you are absent for more than three days, you will need a medical certificate from your Doctor, or SIT Health Nurse. Ensure you know how to contact your tutors, should you be absent from classes.
Attendance requirements Immigration New Zealand requires that you maintain 100% attendance in your programme. If you do not keep to this requirement, your current student visa may be revoked and/or future visas put at risk. Read about the implications and warning process in your programme handbook.
Assessments Your tutor will outline all assessment details at the start of your programme.
What happens if I fail an assessment? If you do not succeed in an assessment(s), you may be permitted a resit. Each programme has its own rules for resits and reassessments. There may be a limited timeframe for resits, a limit on the number of resits, or no resit allowances, so please confirm the details with your Tutor. If you want to know how you are progressing academically, feel free to talk to your Tutors, or check your results online (www.sit.ac.nz)
Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook 2018
What happens if I can’t make it to the assessment or exam because of sickness or injury?
Points for success Plan to succeed! We hope these suggestions will help you achieve your study goals.
If this is your situation, you may be eligible to apply for an aegrotat pass. To apply you need to send your supporting evidence (E.g. medical certificate) to the Head of Faculty as soon as possible. If your Tutor can show that your work to date has been of an acceptable standard, then you may be granted an aegrotat pass. If your work was not of an acceptable standard you will not receive an aegrotat pass.
1. Take notes of all key points. Good note taking is a key to future success. 2. If you don’t understand something, ask for clarification. This is the time for you to learn! 3. Do your own work. Don’t copy others as this will not help you remember. It may also cause you to fail when work is being assessed. 4. Use information resources whenever possible. This is what future employers are going to expect you to do.
Assessments and exams are over... what if I think that I genuinely deserve a higher grade?
5. Complete theory during class/study time. And keep tutorial/workshop/workroom time for practical skills development and practical hands on experience.
In this instance you may want to apply for a reconsideration. You should take this matter up with either your Tutor, Programme Manager or Head of Faculty as quickly as possible.
6. Don’t waste class time talking with others. It not only holds up your progress, but theirs also.
It is so much better if you demonstrate your competency and knowledge the first time. Re-sits are time consuming, inconvenient to all parties, and may cost you money.
7. If any problems arise in your life please consult the student counsellor or your programme manager as soon as possible. Don’t leave it until your learning is being affected by the problem.
Satisfactory completion
8. Develop good time management skills. It is our experience at SIT that students who demonstrate good time management and attendance, also tend to achieve well.
The requirements for satisfactory completion of your course are available under each programme on our website www.sit.ac.nz and/or in your Programme Handbook. These requirements cover attendance of classes, completion of modules/credits, completion of assessments, and some programmes have additional requirements such as undertaking work placements. It is your responsibility to be aware of these requirements and fulfil them, in order to be eligible to graduate.
The six principles of time management: i.
Create a daily to do list
List goals and set priorities, A, B, C ...
Do ‘A’s first
Handle each piece of paper only once
Do it now!
Ask: What is the best use of my time right now?
Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook
ASSIGNMENT PREPARATION GUIDE Introduction Professional preparation of assignments is important at Southern Institute of Technology. Individual thought expressed in a grammatically correct manner and spell checked is required. Research to support your ideas is recommended. Appropriately acknowledged work of others is essential. This presentation guide covers four main areas: ª Plagiarism ª APA referencing ª Using ‘Safe Assign’ ª Presentation guidelines
1. Plagiarism The problem of plagiarism is of ongoing concern within the tertiary education sector. In recent years the increasing use of Internet by students has further fuelled the longstanding problem of students passing off the work of others as their own. Plagiarism occurs in a variety of forms, including; ª The use of an idea or direct quotation from another author, without acknowledgement through appropriate referencing ª Allowing one’s own work for an assignment to be copied by another student for their own purposes ª Using information from another source (textbook, periodical, Internet site, etc.), and using this either in its original form, or in a disguised form (through minor word changes or format alterations), without either acknowledgement or appropriate referencing ª Purchasing, or otherwise obtaining, the text of an assignment written by someone else, and then submitting it as one’s own work Any individual student assignment submitted for marking must represent the student’s own thoughts and conclusions; and where students use the work and ideas of others, then this should be acknowledged and/or referenced appropriately. In cases where plagiarism has occurred, faculty staff shall take remedial action. Subject to the severity of the offence, this may range from a reduction in marks allocated for an assignment, to removal of an offending student from their programme of study. (SIT QM4.3 4-1)
2. APA Referencing All work of others referred to in assignments must be referenced correctly using APA Referencing (within body text and in the reference list).
Getting Started as a Student
ª APA referencing guidelines are available from SIT’s library link on the SIT Homepage http:// www.sit.ac.nz/pages/library/APAweb.html SIT Library Services provides a 20 minutes lunchtime Microsoft based APA Referencing lesson. Bring your own devices.
3. SafeAssign SafeAssign is a plagiarism prevention service. It is designed to aid in educating students about plagiarism and the importance of properly referencing borrowed content. SafeAssign is integrated within SIT programmes in the Blackboard Learning System™, and prevents plagiarism by detecting unoriginal content in student papers. If your programme includes SafeAssign, instructions on how to use it are given in the ‘Assignment Help’ section of the ‘Blackboard Help’ page on Blackboard. SafeAssign identifies all matching blocks of text, and it is the responsibility of facilitators and students to investigate whether matching text is properly referenced or not (i.e. plagiarised).
4. Presentation Guidelines Please note: The following is a guide. Requirements for presenting assignments may vary according to the nature of the assignment or instructions given by individual facilitators. The SIT library has useful resources that assist with writing and specifically with writing essays and reports. Cover Page Some assignments require you to complete a cover page when submitting. If your assignment requires a cover page please ensure you include a page with your name, student ID, paper/unit standard code and submission date on it. Contents Page Assignments may include a “Contents” page detailing major material / information covered in the assignment with reference to the relevant page number. ª The “Contents” heading should be typed in a clear font style (such as Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma, etc.) font size 16 and centered ª The contents list should be typed in font size 12 ª Where the assignment has a list of questions, the heading could be “Question 1”, “Question 2”, etc. or the question could be typed in full (if not too long) ª The contents should include the following : Introduction Assignment Questions Question 1 Question 2, etc.
2019 International Student Handbook Conclusion References (using APA Referencing) Appendices (if any).
THe footer consists of a horizontal black line, the name of the Paper and Assignment number on the left and page number on the right.
Body Text
A clear, neat, regular font (such as Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma, etc.) in size 10 or 12 should be used.
If the assignment consists of more than one question, start each question on a new page.
Page Numbering
Font Colour Black. Font Style All body text to be typed in a clear, neat font (such as Times New Roman, Arial, Tahoma, etc.) All typing should be regular font, unless wanting to make a specific point or quote, in which case, italics or bold can be used. Font Size All body text to be typed in size 12 font. Text Alignment All body text to be aligned using left alignment. Spacing Single or 1.5 spacing is to be used within paragraphs and double spacing between paragraphs. Margins Margins should be set at: ª Top – 2.0cm ª Bottom – 2.0cm ª Left – 3.0 cm ª Right – 2.5cm ª Header – 1.0cm ª Footer – 1.0cm Paper Size A4 Portrait except where tables are too large, in which case landscape can be used for that section only. Page Borders Pages should not have borders. Printing, Photocopying, Binding, Collating If you are required to submit a printed assignment, you may print this one-sided or double sided, except for the cover page (if required) which should be one-sided. The assignment can be collated using a stapler, ringbinder, slide-binder, etc. as long as it is presented in a neat and tidy manner and is easy for the facilitator tutor to read and mark. Certificate in Interior Décor students’ work must be able to be photocopied. Please do not include fold-open flaps in presentations or attachments that exceed the edges of A3 paper. Headers and Footers Headers and footers should appear on each page.
All pages should be numbered (except the cover page). Headings and Sub-headings Main heading (question number and/or assignment question) – flush with left margin, size 14 font is to be used. Sub-heading (if applicable) – flush with left margin, size 12 font is to be used. Bullets (any style) may be used. Diagrams, Tables, Figures These should be labelled “Figure 1”, “Figure 2”, etc. throughout the assignment. These could be diagrams, tables, graphics etc. The label should be flush with the left margin in size 10 font in italics. Referencing SIT uses the APA referencing system. There are guides available on the SIT library page. Your list of references must appear on a new page, after the conclusion. A complete list of references should appear under “References” after the assignment questions (and before the Appendices). The heading “References” must be used. The word “Bibliography” is used when referring to other books or articles that may have been read when doing research for the assignment but these have not been cited. Appendices Appendices must appear at the end of your assignment. Appendices should only be included where relevant or if instructed to do so. The Appendices should start with a section page entitled “Appendices” using font size 16 and both horizontally and vertically centred. Each appendix should be numbered “Appendix 1’, “Appendix 2”, etc. on the top right hand corner in font size 12 or 14. Appendices do not have a header, footer or page number. References American Psychological Association. (1995) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) Washington D.C. Author. SIT Operations and Quality Management System, No QM 4.3 4-1 (2009)Blackboard Safe Assignment Student User Manual (2009)
The header should contain student ID, surname and first name (centred) and a horizontal black line.
Getting Started as a Student
2019 International Student Handbook
RULES & REGULATIONS GENERAL RULES Health and Safety If you are working in a lab/workshop, you must abide by the Health and Safety regulations (E.g. wear the required protective clothing). You must be familiar with the fire/ evacuation procedures. For full details refer to your Faculty Programme Handbook.
Smoking SIT is a smokefree campus, and smoking is prohibited anywhere on campus.
ªGeneral Rules ªDisclaimer ªStudent Charter ªStudent Code of Conduct ªCode of Practice ªComplaints & Appeals Procedure ªPrivacy & Confidentiality ªSexual Harassment ªWithdrawal ªWithdrawa & Refund Policies
Drug and Alcohol Testing All applicants/students may be required to undergo a drug and alcohol screening test before being accepted, or during the programme of study. If an applicant/ student fails the test, their programme of study may be terminated.
Lost Property If you find any property that is not your own, it should be handed into Administration.
Parking ª Invercargill Tay St campus: there is free student parking available on Forth St. Parks are also available for students with a disability. Offence notices and wheel clamps are used on campus for illegal parking including parking in staff car parks. A fee will be charged to remove clamps ª Invercargill Downtown campus: No parking available
Alcohol No alcohol may be consumed or carried on campus during class activities unless you have prior permission from the Chief Executive. Do not turn up to class intoxicated. You are able to consume alcohol in the Bungalow Restaurant and the Café within their licensing agreements.
Drugs The use or carrying of prohibited drugs on campus is illegal. If you carry or use drugs, or are suspected of doing so, you will be reported to the police immediately.
ª Gore: Free parking on campus ª Christchurch: Free parking on campus ª Queenstown: Parking in Remarkables Park Town Centre is limited to three hours and strictly enforced. Students are to park in the Remarkables Park Staff Parking at the top of Cherry Blossom Ave (the road behind the campus) where they can park all day for free. SIT are not responsible for any parking tickets received by students for parking in the Remarkables Park Town Centre ª All vehicles are parked at owners’ risk
Bikes The ONLY place you may park your bike on campus is in the bike stands provided. Failure do so may result in your bike being impounded. It is your responsibility to lock your bike up safely and SIT cannot be held responsible for any loss. 24
Rules & Regulations
2019 International Student Handbook
DISCLAIMER The information contained in this document is accurate at the time of printing. It is intended for guidance purposes only, and does not confer a contractual obligation on any Faculty or Section of Southern Institute of Technology. The Institute reserves the right to offer, withdraw or substitute any programme or part of a programme, make alterations to the structure, content, assessment or moderation processes, and implement any other such changes to a programme or element of a programme as it may deem desirable or necessary, without prior notice. These changes may result from internal recommendations or requirements, and also from external factors or compliance issues beyond SITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s control. SIT policies and procedures may also be amended without notice, to meet operational or compliance requirements.
STUDENT CHARTER Students may expect: 1. Accurate advice about programmes of study prior to commencement. 2. Clear information at orientation to a programme of study on the subject content, objectives, assessment procedures, assignment requirements, timetable, textbooks and learning mode(s). 3. Competent teaching in a safe and supportive learning environment. 4. Respect for personal dignity which includes sensitivity towards meeting cultural needs, and freedom from any form of harassment or coercion from others. 5. To be consulted as required on matters relating to programme operations that may affect students. 6. Reasonable access to appropriate members of staff to discuss course related matters and concerns. 7. Sufficient access to information, advice and other support services that may facilitate a student in the successful completion of their programme of study. 8. Assessments which are valid, reliable and timely. 9. Regular feedback on achievement, including the return of marked assessments within a reasonable timeframe. 10. Appropriate supervision and appraisal of staff. (Such records are not available to students.) 11. Complaints and appeals procedures that are accessible to all students.
12. Privacy of personal information held by SIT, and access to personal information held by SIT in accordance with regulations for such access. 13. Institutional quality assurance processes, including SITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Self Assessment process and External Evaluation and Review by external quality assurance agencies.
STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT Students enrolled at Southern Institute of Technology shall at all times behave with consideration towards fellow students and members of staff and other SIT stakeholders. In particular, students are required: 1. To complete enrolment procedures and make arrangements for the payment of any applicable fees, before attending classes. 2. To comply with the stated provisions of the Zero Fees Scheme in order to retain their eligibility (where applicable). 3. To attend all scheduled classes in which they are enrolled in. Any student who is unable to attend a class should contact the teaching staff member concerned, the Faculty Administrator, or other designated person. Any student missing a scheduled class without prior notice and/or a genuine reason, will be recorded as absent from that class. 4. Not to engage in any behaviour which disrupts the study or campus environment or affects the physical or emotional wellbeing of other students, staff or members of the community. 5. To observe all regulations governing the use and misuse of computing equipment, including software piracy, after-hours laboratory use, and e-mailing, accessing or downloading any prohibited or offensive material. 6. To abide by the health and safety procedures established by SIT, including the wearing of designated protective clothing (including footwear and safety glasses) for specified areas or activities. 7. To refrain from using cellular phones for any purpose during any timetabled class or assessment. 8. To comply with all expectations of conduct during assessments and examinations, and not to engage in any malpractice, which may misrepresent results or otherwise give one student an unfair advantage over others. 9. To respect the intellectual property of others and Rules & Regulations
2019 International Student Handbook
throughout the course of study avoid plagiarism through use of appropriate referencing and acknowledgements. 10. To conduct themselves appropriately during any field or study trip or participating in any off-site activity arranged by SIT. Alcohol is not to be consumed on any field trip or in any SIT vehicle. 11. To act responsibly and follow supervisors’ directions, whilst undertaking off-site practical or workplace activities, or participating in any off-site activity organised by SIT. 12. To return all SIT property in their possession – including library books – upon completing a course of study. 13. To respect the environment by refraining from littering, and by not damaging or defacing any SIT property. 14. To comply with the non-smoking regulations governing all SIT buildings and vehicles. 15. To obey all directives while driving on SIT property, including speed limits and parking restrictions. 16. To refrain from bringing alcohol onto SIT property, and not to attend any class under the influence of alcohol. 17. To observe current legislation which prohibits the use or possession of drugs. Any student suspected of carrying or using illegal drugs on SIT property, will be reported to the police.
CODE OF PRACTICE SIT is a signatory to the government’s Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students.
About the code of practice When you come to study in New Zealand, your New Zealand education provider has an important responsibility to ensure that you are well informed, safe and properly cared for. To support this, the New Zealand government has developed a Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students (the Code). The Code is a document that provides a framework for service delivery by education providers and their agents to international students. It sets out minimum standards of advice and care that you can expect and provides a procedure that you can follow if you have concerns about the treatment you receive from your education provider or agent of a provider. The Code does not apply to concerns about academic standards. If you want more information on this, please refer to information provided on the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) at www.nzqa.govt.nz
Who the code applies to The Code applies to all education providers in New Zealand with international students enrolled. The New Zealand Ministry of Education maintains a register of all education providers and exchange organisations that the Code applies to.
A summary of the code The Code sets standards for education providers to ensure that: High professional standards are maintained The recruitment of international students is undertaken in an ethical and responsible manner Information supplied to international students is comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date Students are provided with information prior to entering into any commitments Contractual dealings with international students are conducted in an ethical and responsible manner The particular needs of international students are recognised International students are in safe accommodation All providers have fair and equitable internal procedures for the resolution of international student grievances. The Code also has a process to go through if you wish to make a complaint.
Rules & Regulations
2019 International Student Handbook
How to get a copy of the code You can request a copy of the Code from your New Zealand education provider. You can also download a full copy of the Code of Practice at www.minedu.govt.nz. This can be downloaded in a number of different languages.
If your complaint is not resolved – contact NZQA If your education provider has not resolved your complaint, and you still wish to have it resolved, then you can contact NZQA. NZQA is a government organisation. They can provide an independent assessment of your complaint. 1. Download the Complaint Form (PDF, http://www. nzqa.govt.nz/assets/About-us/Complaints-Form. pdf) 2. Send your completed Complaint Form, along with any supporting evidence, to: The Complaints Officer Quality Assurance Division P O Box 160 Wellington 6140 or email a scan of your completed form, along with scans of any supporting evidence, to qadrisk@nzqa. govt.nz If you need more information on the complaints process, contact NZQA on 0800 697 296.
COMPLAINTS & APPEALS PROCEDURE If you have a programme-related concern: 1. Address the complaint(s) with your tutor. 2. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the meeting, or if you are uncomfortable talking to the tutor, take your complaint to the Programme Manager. 3. If resolution is not achieved there, the issue should then be referred in writing to the Head of Faculty. 4. The Head of Faculty will rule on the complaint. If you are unhappy with the outcome, you may appeal to the Chief Executive. The Head of Faculty will advise you how to go about this. If you have a non-academic concern: 1. Raise the matter with the individual involved. If the issue remains unresolved, or you are uncomfortable talking to the individual involved you may take the
concern to the student counsellor, Head of Faculty, Human Rights Officer or any other staff member, who will advise you on the best means to pursue the complaint. They will refer you to the appropriate person to consider and rule on your complaint. 2. If after you have received a written ruling on your complaint you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you will be advised by the person who ruled on your complaint on your rights to appeal to the Chief Executive. Remember that you are entitled to have a support person present at any meeting, and SIT has an appeals process available to you if your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved. Copies of the full complaints and appeals policies are in your Faculty Programme Handbook and available from faculty offices.
PRIVACY & CONFIDENTIALITY Personal information about your progress may be shared, monitored, reported on and (if necessary) supplied to departments within SIT, as well as to certain external agencies. These agencies may include: ª Ministry of Education/Tertiary Education Commission ª NZQA ª Studylink (for loans, allowances etc) ª Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ) ª Industry Training Organisations (ITO) ª New Zealand Immigration Service (NZIS) ª Audit NZ Depending on your course, there may be other agencies ( You will be advised by your tutor if this is the case). Information may also be forwarded to your employer if you are in an apprenticeship. SIT students have a right to enquire about: ª The information that is being collected ª Why it is being collected ª Who will receive and hold the information ª If applicable, the law under which the information is being collected, and whether providing the information is voluntary or mandatory under that law ª The consequences (if any) for you if all or part of the requested information is not provided ª Your right to have access to, and request correction of any personal information You may request correction of any information held about you.
Rules & Regulations
2019 International Student Handbook
SEXUAL WITHDRAWAL HARASSMENT & REFUND POLICIES It is SIT policy that sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment is any verbal or physical act of a sexual nature that is unsolicited, unwanted, unreciprocated, serious and/or persistent. Such behaviour includes: ª Unwelcome and deliberate physical conduct/ contact ª Verbal comments or abuse ª Contact or activities including text messages, of a sexual nature, either overt or subtle, which may be accompanied by threats ª The abuse of power to gain sexual advantage ª Open display of sexist material If you consider that you are being sexually harassed, you should let the harasser know immediately. If this is not possible and/or the unwelcome behaviour persists, then you should contact one of the contact people listed below. SIT Invercargill Campus and Queenstown - Student Services 0800 40 3337 Lois McMurdo
Ext. 8781
SIT Christchurch Campus - 0800 867 883 Peter Healey
Ext. 3015
SIT Gore Campus Margie Halford
03 208 9833
You have the right to learn in an environment that is safe and free from coercion and discrimination.
If you break any of the outlined rules: 1. Your tutor will generally talk to you about your unacceptable behaviour and this action will be recorded. 2. If misconduct occurs again, you will be given a final written warning. Your actions will be recorded and your Programme Manager/Head of Faculty notified. 3. If the misconduct occurs again, you are liable to be withdrawn from your programme of study. 4. If misconduct is deemed serious enough on the first occasion, you will be stood down from class, directed to leave the campus or (in serious cases) directed to withdraw from your programme of study immediately.
Rules & Regulations
Students should note that the Offer of Place is a contractual agreement for the full duration of their time at SIT. Payments indicate an acceptance of this contractual agreement. Each request for refund is decided on its individual merits. There is no automatic right to a refund of fees if a student changes their mind about studying at SIT.
Refund due to programme cancellation If SIT cancels the programme indicated on the student’s Offer of Place, an alternative may be made available to the student. If there is no suitable alternative, or if this alternative is not acceptable to the student, a full refund will be given.
Refund due to visa status A student who has paid fees for a programme, and is subsequently refused an initial visa by Immigration New Zealand, will be paid a full refund of fees. SIT will not be liable for any exchange rate loss upon repayment. A student who has paid fees for a programme and is subsequently refused a visa renewal by Immigration New Zealand on the basis of poor attendance, unsatisfactory academic performance and/or late visa application may apply for a partial refund.
2019 International Student Handbook
Withdrawal due to directive
Partial refund
No refund will be given if a student withdraws or is withdrawn due to a SIT, Immigration New Zealand or other legal directive.
SIT may, in its sole discretion, approve a partial refund on a pro-rata basis after consideration of the circumstances relevant to the case. A partial refund will be calculated after the resource fee and 40 per cent of the tuition fees are retained.
Withdrawal before programme commencement A student who withdraws 14 or more days prior to their programme’s commencement will be entitled to a refund of 80 percent of the tuition and resource fees. A student who withdraws less than 14 days prior to their programme’s commencement will not be entitled to a refund. Students facing exceptional circumstances may be eligible to apply for a partial refund. Please see conditions outlined under “Exceptional Circumstances”.
Withdrawal after programme commencement No fees are refundable for students withdrawing after their programme’s commencement.
Impact of permanent residency on international fees An international student who obtains New Zealand permanent residency or the rights to domestic student status while studying on a student visa, and provides evidence of such, is entitled to be treated as a domestic student. S/he will not receive a refund of fees for the semester during which the permanent residency is granted, however the student will be entitled to pay domestic fees for subsequent semesters, and will be refunded any international fees paid for those semesters. For non-semestered courses, international fees are payable for the full year or period of study. If permanent residency is granted during that time, no part of the international fee for that year or period of study is refundable.
Programme commencement The programme is considered to have commenced upon the student arriving onsite and signing their enrolment contract or the start of classes, whichever comes first.
Exceptional circumstances Where exceptional circumstances arise which are beyond the student’s control and which necessitate withdrawal from a programme of study, the student may apply to SIT for a partial refund. Information to support the claim for exceptional circumstances must be supplied in writing.
Bereavement or serious illness Where students suffer a serious illness or a bereavement or medical illness in the family, SIT will, instead of providing a partial refund, hold the student’s fees for a period of up to one year to be credited against possible re-enrolment. No refund will be available after that point.
Processing of refund applications All applications for refunds must be submitted in writing to SIT International. Students seeking a refund should complete a Withdrawal Form and attach any relevant written evidence. Refunds will take into consideration any outstanding accounts or unpaid fees for programmes the student was enrolled on. SIT reserves the right to withhold payment of all or part of a refund to recover any outstanding debts a student has incurred with SIT. All refunds will be paid in New Zealand dollars or the equivalent of the New Zealand dollar amount converted into foreign currency to: (a)The offshore account from which the fees were paid from, on receiving evidence that the student has returned home; (b)The agent who forwarded the fees, on receiving evidence that the student has returned home; or (c)To another institute from which SIT has directly received written evidence of an Offer of Place and a supporting letter written by the parents or the student.
Deferral of studies
Processing of refunds may take up to 4 weeks.
Students who wish to defer their programme to the next intake must notify SIT International a minimum of two weeks before the programme starts. Students who receive a deferment are not subsequently entitled to apply for a refund.
Please note that the refund of international fees as stated above abide by the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009.
Application date This policy, dated 01 November 2014 , overrides all previous course refund and withdrawal policies issued by the Southern Institute of Technology. Refer to the SIT website for any subsequent changes. Rules & Regulations
2019 International Student Handbook
ªStudent ID Cards ªMy Course ªEnrolment & Transfers ªInsurance at SIT ªHealth ªWorking in New Zealand ªCampus Facilities, Shops & Service Services
2019 International Student Handbook
4. If you damage or lose your ID, it will cost $25 for a replacement.
Can I get a student ID card?
7. Access levels for “Card Entry” into buildings/rooms is matched with the course you are doing.
The International Pastoral Care Team or your Programme Manager will organise a class timeslot to get these. Administration has alternative timeslots. Cards are only valid for the year printed on the card. Replacement cards are $25.
How to get your Student ID card?
To be a fully enrolled student you must haveJ
1 You must be a fully enrolled student and know your student ID number.
ª Submitted all required information on your enrolment form ª Supplied proof of identity (E.g. verified copy of your passport and visa) ª Signed your contract ª Handed your signed contract into the administration team as early as possible to give staff time to process your enrolment ª Handed in a completed Emergency Contact Form ª Handed in a completed Declaration Form found in this International handbook.
3 Your photo will be taken once you have started your classes and your ID will be processed accordingly.
About IDs 1. IDs are processed through class bookings. Check with your tutor for ID booking times and location. Check with International Administration for booking times if you miss the class booking. 2. You must bring your Student ID number with you when you get your Student ID card. 3. Once your contract is signed and processed by Administration it may take up to 24 hours before your email account and ID card are active.
5. Putting holes in IDs to place them on a key ring may result in destroying the ID and costing you $25. 6. IDs can be used in some local shops for student discounts.
8. If after 48 hours, your card does not work, you can drop into the Facilities Office or email, facilities_ team@sit.ac.nz with: your card number (see reverse side of card); your Student ID number; and your name; stating the exact times and places where your card did not work. 9. You do not need your ID card for computer access but you do need to be fully enrolled. 10. Late arrivals can obtain a Student ID Card from the Library . Please take identification.
MY COURSE Can I cross-credit previous study to my SIT study? If you have already completed some unit standards or papers in the programme that you are applying for, please complete the Cross Credit form. Send it to us with a copy of your NZQA Record of Achievement. If possible, please send this form in with your application form. Email applications@sit.ac.nz for the form.
RPL - “ What is it?” RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning. The aim of RPL is to avoid repetition and save time. RPL considers your: ª Previous programmes and qualifications ª Life experiences ª Work experiences ª Training programmes and workshops The RPL process recognises what you have learnt and measures this against the requirements of the programme that you are enrolling for. There will be a fee for using the RPL process. Please see RPL staff for these details.
There are three ways to prove your prior learning: ª Attestation: An authoritative person(s) confirms your prior learning, either through an interview or through a written statement ª Challenge: Your prior learning is tested by means of a practical, oral or written test, or a combination of these three ª Portfolio: You prepare a collection of materials and information containing all the details and evidence for your previous learning
Frequently Asked Questions
2019 International Student Handbook
How to apply...
Enrolling after your first year... If your programme lasts for more than one year you need to enrol again each year.
Get a detailed description of the unit standards/modules/ papers you want RPL for. Obtain from the SIT prospectus or the Programme Manager.
3 Email the above information, as well as an outline of your wishes, to the following RPL contacts:
The reason for this is that SIT needs to ensure that all the information held about you is correct, and government requires a new enrolment form for each year or each programme of study.
Produce evidence of how you have met the requirements for those elements E.g. unit standards done, modules done, papers done, outline experience.
Please note: ª RPL can only be gained for a complete unit standard/module/paper ª An indication of the cost for RPL is available from the RPL Facilitator ª An applicant MAY be awarded RPL where it can be demonstrated that prior learning reaches the required standard Credit Transfer or Cross Credit may be applicable. Check with your Programme Manager for details as appropriate. ª “Credit Transfer” refers to credit gained from a qualification awarded by another provider ª “Cross Credit” refers to credits that may be granted for more than one qualification within one institution
Are there assignment due dates? All assignments have due dates which need to be met. All of your assessment due dates can be found on Blackboard by going into any paper in which you are enrolled and clicking on ‘Calendar’ on the left of the page, or discuss with your tutor.
You will also require a valid student visa for your further study.
Your contact details... If your contact details change you need to inform us. This is important as all letters, exam results and correspondence will be sent to the address that appears on your file. Please update your details online (http://my.sit.ac.nz), or pop in and see our friendly Administration staff.
What sort of workload can I expect? As a guide, one credit equates to approximately 10 hours of study. For example, a 15 credit paper involves 150 hours of study. All papers selected within an intake must be completed within the intake unless a transfer or extension is requested.
Why do I have to complete a literacy and numeracy course assessment? It is a Tertiary Education Commission requirement that all learners enrolled in programmes at Levels 1, 2, or 3 must complete online literacy and numeracy assignments at the beginning of their studies. If you are required to complete these assignments you will receive information about the assignments, and how to complete them, during the first two weeks of your study.
What will I get when I complete my course? You will be sent an official SIT Academic Transcript for each programme of study that you complete. This shows the units / papers studied and the results for each one. If you have successfully completed a New Zealand Certificate or New Zealand Diploma you will receive an NZQA application form to apply for your certificate along with your final transcript from SIT. (Students have to pay a fee to NZQA to receive their certificate).
Who should I contact if I have questions about my course?
For all other qualifications, if successful, a certificate will be sent together with a final transcript directly from SIT or awarded at graduation.
You can contact your tutor(s) or programme manager for any questions about your course.
Students are invited to attend a graduation ceremony.
Frequently Asked Questions
2019 International Student Handbook
ENROLMENT HEALTH & TRANSFERS I’ve received my login details, now what? Familiarise yourself with the online environment. You will gain accesss to your papers in Blackboard on the first day of study.
I’m currently studying with SIT; will I automatically be enrolled in further study for my course and / or further intakes that I haven’t requested? No. Further enrolment is the responsibility of individual students. There is no automatic enrolment rollover. Application forms are completed on a year by year basis and you are welcome to apply for multiple alternate intakes on one application form.
SIT has nurses and a counsellor available during working hours of work days. For further support see your General Practitioner, the After Hours Urgent Doctors, or Accident and Emergency Facilities at Kew Hospital. Please locate and load these numbers and addresses on your phone. Healthpoint.co.nz (see below) is a great site to use to locate your local health services whenever you are in New Zealand. We recommend that you register for a General Practitioner soon especially if you have family As many of you enjoy travelling and may be doing so as part of your study you may like to utilise the services of our on line doctors. You can of course use your own doctor back in your country. Though a New Zealand Doctor is required to obtain a prescription here. We have two on line doctor services which can be contacted from anywhere in New Zealand. Each service is different, though they can either send your prescription to a nearby pharmacy, or courier your medications directly to you. Visit their websites by scanning their QR codes(Health Point, Dr Wellness and SwiftMed) at page 47 to find out more. You can inquire at Pastoral Care or look online for the fees.
Please note: applications must be submitted via the International Department.
In an emergency you need to phone 111 for Police, Fire or Ambulance.
Can I transfer to another semester or programme?
If you are ever unsure of what to do, please phone 0800 SIT 111(0800 748 111) to talk with your Pastoral Care Team. This service is available 24/7. Remember you already have Travel and Medical insurance as part of your Resource fees to study at SIT.
Yes. Transfers must be requested in writing on a Transfer Form (available at International Reception) prior to, or within, the first two weeks after the programme has started. A transfer of programme may incur loss of fees or further fees to the new programme of study. You will be required to attend your present classes to ensure you meet your visa requirements and apply for a new visa or variation of conditions.
INSURANCE AT SIT While you are studying at SIT you are automatically insured. We recommend you keep your Insurance Card details with you in case of an emergency.With each application to study, the Resource Fee covers the price for your personal health and medical insurance.
WORKING IN NEW ZEALAND The conditions of your Student Visa will explain details your working entitlement. Further information will be available from Immigration New Zealand(INZ) and your SIT Pastoral Care Team. SIT will provide opportunities to meet with INZ staff for further assistance. The 24 hour INZ contact centre number is 0508 558 855. During the orientation you will be guided through minimum employment rights in New Zealand and learn about the following: ª Interviews skills
Should you have family coming to visit you, please ensure you have adequate cover for them while they are in New Zealand.
ª The Treaty of Waitangi
Your SIT insurance will not cover any vehicle insurance, or anytime spent in Australia on holiday.
ª Human Rights Act
During Orientation you were provided with your insurance policy and a clain form. Please review these so you understand what you are coved for.
ª Privacy Act ª Equal Employment Act ª Developing a Curriculum Vitae to suite New Zealand Employers needs Having a good balance of work and study can greatly benefit your New Zealand experience. Frequently Asked Questions
2019 International Student Handbook
4. Invercargill SIT Gym
Situated in the Student Centre in B Block and includes:
Our modern gymnasium is equipped with quality fitness equipment. Various programmes can be provided including, rehabilitation, strength, health and high performance.
ª Sky TV ª Pool, Foosball and Table Tennis ª Computers Open Monday to Friday, closed at the weekends and public holidays. Great place to chill out between classes!
2. Theatres SIT Centrestage Theatre is a 300 seat theatre that is owned by SIT. Free lunchtime music concerts are held for the public here on Fridays from 12-1pm. SIT also has Upstage Theatre which is a more intimate venue with 60 seats.
3. Invercargill SIT Childcare Centre Our vision: We aim to work in partnership with children, parents/whanau to build strong, trusting, open relationships that will allow the children to become independant, confident, active explorers, contributing to their own learning in an environment that is filled with challenging experiences, laughter and fun. Where: Corner of Ness and Eye Streets, Invercargill
Located corner of Conon and Tay Streets. Open Monday to Friday, 11am-1pm and 3-7pm. Excluding Holidays. One Year
One semester
$90 (Feb to Jun or Jul to Nov)
10 Concession card $40 Casual
$5.00 (per session)
5. Invercargill Bungalow Restaurant and Vault Cafe The Bungalow Restaurant and Vault Cafe are SIT’s Hospitality training venues, offering great food and service at an even greater price! Enjoy memorable and delicious dining whilst participating in the training of our future chefs, kitchen hands, restaurant staff and managers. Only open during certain parts of the year see SIT’s website for dates and menus. Phone 03 214 3116 5 Bungalow Restaurant 2 for bookings.
Phone: 03 218 3604 Email:
Hours: 7.45am-5.15pm - Monday-Friday Fees: ª
$6.20 per hour
Set rate (over 35 hours per week) $195.00
Set rate for 3 and 4 year olds (over 35 hours per week) $102.00
Optional charge (3 and 4 year olds) for 20 ECE hours is $0.70 per hour
The Centre offers 20 hours ECE for all 3 and 4 year olds. WINZ subsidy available depending on income. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL.
Frequently Asked Questions
5 Vault Cafe
2019 International Student Handbook
IInvercargill Campus Map
SIT Main Campus 133 Tay Street, Invercargill Phone: 0800 4 0 FEES [0800 4 0 3337] Email: info@sit.ac.nz
SIT Downtown Campus
25 Don Street, Invercargill
3 SIT School of Audio Production Radio Network House Corner Don and Deveron Streets, Invercargill
GORE CAMPUS SITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Gore campus is situated in beautiful grounds and serves the education and training needs of the greater Eastern Southland area. The campus offers a variety of courses designed to provide wider employment opportunities, prepare you for further study or allow you to train while you work. It offers a range of part-time or full-time study options designed to ensure they fit with your lifestyle, with flexible learning times and modern facilities. Courses are based on local demand and include a range of programmes such as hospitality, computing, and art for leisure.
With small classes, tutor attention and class interaction, SIT brings together all the elements that will set you on the pathway to success. With its rich heritage and picture-perfect landscape, Eastern Southland has a wide range of recreational and cultural activities, including renowned brown trout fishing, mountain biking, vintage aircraft, the Eastern Southland Gallery and the Hokonui Moonshine Museum. Goreâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s multi-sport complex is one of the best, hosting an ice-skating rink, aquatic centre and stadium.
IGore Campus Map 70 Kakapo Street, Gore
Phone: [03] 208 9833 Email: gore@sit.ac.nz
Frequently Asked Questions
2019 International Student Handbook
CHRISTCHURCH CAMPUS SIT Christchurch is a small, friendly campus that offers you specialised training in accredited, recognised programmes. Class sizes are small, and enrolment numbers restricted so that you have greater learning opportunities and personal attention from the tutors. Our facilities include well equipped workshops and classrooms. We know that the decisions on what, where and when to study, aren’t the easiest to make, and we are here to help you identify a path that will lead to great employment opportunities and/or further training.
Support Services and Facilities ª Student café ª Common room ª Free parking The following can be arranged by Administration: ª Books and materials from the SIT Invercargill Library and SIT Bookshop can be delivered to the Christchurch campus ª Counsellor ª Learning support ª Disability support ª Employment/Training support ª Student Activities Officer
Cafe The student cafe is located beside the common room and is open at various times throughout the year.
IChristchurch Campus Map 60 Waterloo Road, Hornby, Christchurch Phone: 0800 TO STUDY [0800 86 78839] Email:
Frequently Asked Questions
2019 International Student Handbook
QUEENSTOWN CAMPUS SITâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s expanding Queenstown Campus (established 2009) is conveniently located in the Remarkables Park Town Centre at Frankton, with the spectacular backdrop of the Remarkables mountain range. Our modern facilities provide an exceptional teaching environment; new purpose built spaces, plenty of natural light, magnificent views, ample parking, and easy access by public transport. Studying at SIT Queenstown brings you the opportunity to enjoy the adventurous Queenstown lifestyle whilst taking advantage of the Zero Fees Scheme.
Parking / Buses Parking in Remarkables Park Town Centre is limited to three hours and strictly enforced. Students are to park in the Remarkables Park Staff Parking at the top of Cherry Blossom Ave (the road behind the campus) where they can park all day for free. SIT is not responsible for any parking tickets received by students for parking in the Remarkables Park Town Centre. Bus services run to/from Remarkables Park every 10-20 minutes by Connectabus. Timetables are available on campus.
LQueenstown Campus Map Level 2, Dart House, Remarkables Park Town Centre Hawthorne Drive, Queenstown Phone: 0800 QT 4 SIT [0800 784 748] or [03] 442 5375 Email: info@sit.ac.nz
Frequently Asked Questions
2019 International Student Handbook
UNDERSTANDING NEW ZEALAND CULTURE On arrival in New Zealand you will have observed many differences to what you are familiar with. The sights, sounds, colour, tastes and smells of every culture differ. The climate may be quite different and as difficult to understand as peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s behaviour. You may observe social exchanges in public that once would have offended you, though in New Zealand they are socially acceptable. The humour and unspoken rules may take some time to comprehend.
All of what you observe as being different is just that, it is not wrong, it is just different. Your ability to understand culture shock will help you accept New Zealand culture quicker and allow you to adjust and reduce homesickness. Kiwis are very laid back and follow a different status system to many countries. This may take some time to understand and adjust to. Your Pastoral Care Team will guide you through the model of culture shock and homesickness over the next few months. If you still find you have not adjusted to the New Zealand or reginal culture, please consider discussing this wit with the SIT Counsellor.
2019 International Student Handbook
Typical foods
New Zealand homes have bath tubs, showers or both. Most homes have hot water cylinders and this contains all the hot water for the house. Unlike many other countries this creates a limit to the amount of hot water available. Our floors do not have drains and will not dry quickly, so do not splash around too much. After bathing you should wipe the bath tub and mop up the water on the floor.
Cereal, toast, fruit, juice or a hot drink.
Morning tea: Tea or coffee and a biscuit. Lunch:
Sandwiches with a meat or salad filling, fruit and juice.
Afternoon tea:Tea or coffee and a biscuit. Dinner:
Meat and three vegetables (usually includes potatoes). Sometimes a dessert.
New Zealand toilets are used in the Western manner. This means that men either sit on the toilet seat or lift up the toilet seat and stand in front of the toilet bowl.
If you are living in a homestay you will learn that many New Zealand families have a pet, usually a dog or cat.
Women always sit on the toilet seat. Most people use toilet paper rather than ‘splashing’ themselves. Toilet paper is usually flushed down the toilet but women’s sanitary products are wrapped and placed in the receptacle provided. As most toilets are cleaned regularly, splashing them with water after being used is unusual or unacceptable. Always flush the toilet and leave the toilet clean and tidy after use.
Electricity You may want to bring electrical appliances to New Zealand with you. New Zealand’s electricity supply is 230 volts, single phase and 50 hertz. You will ruin your appliance if you plug it into the wrong supply. Please use a transformer. These are available in New Zealand.
Cell phone information SIT provides you with a New Zealand SIM Card on arrival.
Bank Information Student Packs are available from some of the banks in Invercargill. Some of these banks have an International Student Bank Account available. All of the banks are within walking distance of the Southern Institute of Technology. As most of the banks have a branch on Kelvin Street, with one bank on Esk Street and one bank on Don Street. Some banks will require you to make an appointment before visiting them. SIT Orientation will introduce the banking options to you. Complete the “Bank Form” and provide it to the bank of your choice.
Meal times Usually meals in New Zealand are eaten between the following times during the week: Breakfast:
7.00 am – 8.30 am
12.00 pm – 2.00 pm
5.50 pm – 7.30 pm
IRD number applications
New Zealanders also enjoy short snack breaks called morning tea (10.00 am), afternoon tea (3.00 pm) and supper (8.30 pm).
Living in New Zealand
2019 International Student Handbook
Working/IRD If you want to work while you are in New Zealand you will need to apply for a unique IRD number. ªPlease attend the IRD orientation workshop. Further information is available on the international information walls. ªTake the required form to the Inland Revenue Department. ªYou need to provide the following documents: • Photo ID (E.g. Passport) • Current address (E.g. Utility bill) • Overseas TIN (E.g. overseas jurisdiction letter or statement showing name and overseas TIN) • New Zealand bank statement showing both deposit and withdrawals You should then receive your IRD number in the post. At this stage you can enrol online with MyIR to follow your tax payments.
Bus timetables and concession tickets Bus timetables are available from the Information Wall in International House area. Students are able to buy bus concession card from Invercargill City Council.
Appointments Please ensure that you do not make appointments during your scheduled class times. If you make an appointment for anything, it is customary in New Zealand to be approximately 5 – 10 minutes early. Most New Zealand businesses are exceptionally busy and have other appointments to attend to. If you are unable to make the scheduled appointment time please ensure that you contact the person/business concerned before the time of the appointment and either re-schedule or advise of your intentions.
International student lounge You are welcome to use the International Student Lounge located in the G Block, Room G1-219. In the lounge for your use are microwaves, hot water, and a fridge for you to put your lunch in. Supplied for you are tea, coffee, milo, sugar and milk only. You are advised to supply your own cup. Please also remember that the food in the lounge fridge belongs to other students. Please remember to always wash, dry and put away all the dishes that you use.
Living in New Zealand
Getting Around Invercargill ICC WiFi Buses - Bus Smart-tickets and timetables are available from the Invercargill City Council. Text from bus stop for next available bus. Use the Track a Bus application on your phone to see where the bus is. TAXI - Blue Star taxi is located next to Countdown or phone them (03 217 7777) and ask them to come and get you. WALK - It’s easy to walk around Invercargill. CYCLING - Always wear an approved safety helmet. Use the cycle lanes when available. You must not bike on the footpath. Always go with the traffic. The traffic in NZ will not move for you.
Excursions and Trips The International Team organises regular day trips to different areas of Southland or excursions to interesting events or locations. A notice is placed on our SIT Facebook and also in the SIT Bookshop. The events normally have limited availability of seats. You are welcome to take your immediate family members. If you find that you are unable to attend please be courteous and advise the organiser as soon as possible so that others are able to attend. Please note that these events organised by the Southern Institute of Technology are alcohol and drug free. Booking are made from 8:30am from the SIT Bookshop in Invercargill. There is a $2 fee per person.
2019 International Student Handbook
Contacting the Library
Post: FREEPOST SIT2LRN, SIT Library, 133 Tay Street, Invercargill 9810 Phone: 0800 4 0 3337 extn 8836 Email: library@sit.ac.nz * If you wish to use the library at the Invercargill campus, please bring your Student ID card with you.
Library Regulations
Library Home Page Address
Library facilities are available to all students and staff of Southern Institute of Technology:
ª The student ID card is also the library card ª You may borrow up to 20 items at any one time ª Interloans Service (borrowing books/journal articles from another library on the students behalf) ª Two week loans may be renewed once unless requested by another student
The home page includes access to: ª Library catalogue ª Online databases ª Useful websites ª APA referencing
Online Databases
ª Items issued short term i.e. overnight or one week are not eligible for renewal
For access to online databases both on and off campus please login with the login details included in your acceptance letter.
ª Items returned through the after-hours slot will not be regarded as returned until they are cleared the next working day
Library Hours
ª Items not returned to the library desk by the due date may incur a fine
These may vary throughout the year. Check the library homepage and Blackboard for current opening hours. Term hours: Monday 8am to 6pm. Tuesday to Thursday 8am to 7pm, Friday 8am to 4pm, Saturday 10am to 1pm. THese times may change during vacation periods.
ª If items are lost or damaged you will be charged for the replacement cost
Loan Periods
ª We reserve the right not to issue any further items to you until overdue books are returned and/or replacement cost paid for
Loan periods do vary, but you are welcome to phone or email for an extension. SIT library does not send books to people living outside New Zealand.
ª Food may not be consumed in the library, drinks are allowed in sports bottles
Requested material will be couriered to you, if outside of Invercargill.
ª Mobile phones or other electronic devices must be on silent and not impact on other library users
Returning Borrowed Material
ª We reserve the right to recall any library items on loan
ª Photocopying and computing facilities are only available to SIT students and staff ª Consideration must be shown for other library users For details of library policies refer to the Library Guide which is available in the Library.
A courier bag or free post label will be provided for the return of library materials that have been sent outside of Invercargill.
Useful Tips If outside of Invercargill, make sure that the library has your current address and phone numbers so that your material arrives in the correct place. Phone 0800 40 3337 Ext. 8508 to update your contact details. Library Services
2019 International Student Handbook
REQUESTING BOOKS Via the Catalogue off Campus
1 2 3
To access the SIT Library type in the following address: http://www.sit.ac.nz/library. You should see a screenshot similar to this; click the Library Catalogue link.
Log in to the library homepage from the Login link at the top right hand corner.
You now have access to your personal details, current loans and other options by clicking the links across the top or click My Portal in the left hand column. Type your search term/s into the Search box
Plan ahead – material may not always be immediately available, so place your request as early as possible. Please contact library staff for assistance if necessary. Please provide the following information with your loan request: Books
ª Author ª Edition ª Publisher and publication date Journals or Magazines ª Title of the Journal ª Title of the article
ª Your name
ª Author of the article
ª Your Student ID number
ª Volume number and issue number
ª Your full postal address
ª Page number of the article
ª Title
ª Publication date of the journal
Library Services
2019 International Student Handbook
To request the titles that you require â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Tick the check box to the left of the title in the results list.
Click the My Catalogue icon to add the title/s you want to request. Continue searching for other titles, ticking the check box and adding them to My Catalogue as you proceed.
When searching is complete click the Send Request icon.
You will receive a confirmation notice from the library email system during business hours only. Books are issued to you for a period of three weeks. You can request one renewal if the book has not been requested by another student. Books are not issued for the duration of the course, if it is a required text book; you must purchase your own. A return courier bag is included so that you can return your items on time. If you require any assistance please ring the free phone number 0800 40 3337 extn 8836.
Library Services
2019 International Student Handbook
SIT BOOKSHOP How do I know if my papers require textbooks? Textbooks required for each paper are listed on the Courses page, under your programme. Look up under the text section. SIT website (www.sit.ac.nz). Make sure you check to see if you require a textbook for your studies. If your paper isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t listed, you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t require a textbook.
Where do I collect my Texbooks from Invercargill Campus International students will collect their books from the SIT Library on Tay Street.
Queenstown Campus International students will collect their books from Reception after being directed by their Programme Managers.
Christchurch SIT Campus International students will collect their books from their Programme Managers.
Christchurch MAINZ International students will collect their books from their Programme Managers.
Auckland Campus International students will collect their books from the Librarian on Level 3.
SIT Bookshop
2019 International Student Handbook
Student ID:
I____________________________________________(print name) ,
have read and have understood the information provided, including my rights and responsibilities, that are described within this student handbook.
Signed: _______________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________
Please note this declaration needs to be presented to the International Department before getting your ID card.
Should you not understand any of the information in this Handbook, please contact the International Pastoral Care Team.
2019 International Student Handbook
Aurora Service
SIT Facebook
SIT Website
SIT Student Employment Support
Venture Southland Events
What’s on Invers
What’s on
Citizens Advice Bureau
What’s on Invers Facebook
Dr Welness
Health Point
2019 International Student Handbook
International Community/Student Groups New Zealand Chinese Association
Indonesian Society
admin@ southlandmulticultural.co.nz
Sri Lankan Student Association
SIT Malaysian Association
Vietnamese in Invercargill
filipino_centre.sfsi@ yahoo.co.nz alvijoynanat@gmail. com 03 214 3454
Pacific Island Advisory & Cultural Trust
Pacifica Women pacificawomen.inv@ hotmail.co.nz 027 511 0330
Icsinvercargill2018@ gmail.com 021 201 9169
Southland Filipino Society
Southland Muslim Association http://www.sma.org.nz 027 240 4382
slsa.sitnz@gamil.com 027 339 3406
Indian Community Southland
Southland Multicultural Association
Brasileiros Em Invercargill
Indonesian Student Association ppi.invercargill@gmail.com
Invercargill Irish Association inversirishsoc@gmail. com 027 339 3406
Korean Student Association korea.student.invercargill@gmail.com 021 088 61511
piact@xtra.co.nz 03 214 6089 47
2019 International Student Handbook
CONTACT Building G2, 133 Tay Street, Invercargill Phone: +64 3 211 2699 extension 8826 Freephone: 0800 40 3337 extension 8826 (within NZ) Office hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, except public holidays After hours urgent contact: 0800 SIT 111 For accommodation issues: 0800 SIT APT Email: international@sit.ac.nz
V2 48