Call Bill……262-903 -4 Someone who knows th
e community and you
WEDNESDAY, FEB. 22, 2017 DISPLAY ADS (262) 723-2250
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Because you give to us, we in turn give to the community.
Main Store: (262) 723-8177 Furniture Store: (262) 723-8007 circleoffriendselkhornwi.org
Shop Both of Our Locations: Furniture Store at 32 S. Wisconsin St. Drop Off Furniture: 262-723-8007 Main Store at 23 E. Walworth St. Drop Off Clothing, Household, Books, Jewelry, Shoes, Etc.: 262-723-8177 272565
• Rent starting at $850 - $1300 per month • Luxurious, large 2/3 bedroom (den/loft) • 2 bath apartments • Upper apartments with cathedral ceilings • Attached garage • Separate entry • All appliances including washer and dryer • Gas heat • Central air • Some with fireplaces.
Elkhorn Area Churches Baptist
Emmanuel Baptist Church Corner of Hwy. H and MacLean Road, Elkhorn; 723-4387. Sunday Worship 10:40 a.m. East Delavan Baptist Church - 3205 Theatre Road, Delavan: 728-2522. Sunday Worship (Spanish) 9 a.m., (English) 10:45 a.m.; Spanish Sunday School 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening, Interpretation 6:30; Wed. Spanish Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.
Calvary Community Church – (Evangelical Free Church of America) Corner of Hwy. 50 and Harris Road, Williams Bay; 262-245-6294 www.CalvaryCommunity.net
Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses - Corner of Hwy. H and Schmidt Rd., Elkhorn; 723-3265. Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
Latter Day Saints
United Church of Christ
• Year-round classes every 8 weeks
First Congregational UCC-76 S. Wisconsin St., Elkhorn; 723-3246. Sunday School and Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m., childcare provided
• Classes at Gateway Technical College (GTC) in Elkhorn, Racine and Kenosha • Transfer up to 78 technical college credits from GTC • Classes also available in Milwaukee
LEARN MORE Register soon! Classes start March 6 and May 8. Elkhorn: 262-741-8454 | Racine: 262-619-7042
UIU.EDU/MKE-LOCATIONS Elkhorn & Racine BW ad - Spring 2017 --- #10059.indd 1
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Join us for some fun in the sun!
BARTZ CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Dr. Timothy Bartz 203 W. Walworth St., Elkhorn • 723-6203
107 S. Getzen St., Elkhorn
1/24/2017 8:17:49 AM
Summer Day Camp
812 N. Wisconsin St.
• Evening, online, campus-based and self-paced classes
Worship at the Church of Your Choice ELLSWORTH ELECTRIC INC.
Unitarian Universalist Church of the Lakes - 319 N. Broad St., Elkhorn, WI 53121; 723-7440. uulakes@elknet.net; www. uulakes.org; Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m.; Serving all of Walworth County
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints - Corner of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church Cobb & Potter roads; 723-2777 -107 W. Walworth St., Elkhorn; or 723-2899. Sacrament meeting United Methodist 723-5565. Saturday Mass, 5:15 9 a.m.; Sunday School 10:20 Bethel United Methodist Church p.m.; Sunday Mass, 8 a.m. and a.m.; auxiliary meetings - Corner of Hwys. 12/67 and 10:30 a.m.; 1:30 p.m. Mass in Cty. Road A, Elkhorn; 742-3507. 11:10 a.m. Spanish Worship 10:00 a.m. Lutheran Church of Christ First United Methodist Church First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Christ - 100 W. 111 N. Broad St., Elkhorn; Church (WELS) Court St., Elkhorn; 723-5079. 723-2629. Sunday School 415 Devendorf St., Elkhorn; Sunday Worship 9:00 a.m.; 8:30 a.m.; fellowship 9:30 a.m.; 723-4191. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Bible classes 10:15 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School, Sunday, 7 p.m. Wednesday. LaGrange United MethodYouth Group & Adult Bible ist Church N8548 Hwy. H, Community Class 9:15 a.m.; Thursday night Elkhorn; 495-8692. Millard Community Covenant services, 7 p.m. Sunday Worship 9 a.m.; Church - Corner of Hwys. A St. John’s Lutheran Church Sunday School 9:20 a.m. & O, Elkhorn; 742-3457. (LCMC) 104 S. Broad St., Spring Prairie United Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Elkhorn; 723-2901. Services at Methodist Church - Hwy. 11, Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. & 9:15 a.m., & 10:45 Spring Prairie; 723-3181. a.m. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. Sunday Worship 8:30 a.m. Congregational Sugar Creek Lutheran Covenant Congregational Church (ELCA) Sugar Creek United Pentecostal Church (NCC Affiliate) Rock of Jesus Church (UPC)- Meets at St. John in the Rd., Elkhorn; 728-2222 101 W. Walworth St., Elkhorn. Wilderness Church, 13 S. Sunday Worship 8 a.m. & 10:30 Sunday 10 a.m. Power Hour Church St., Elkhorn: 723-3872. a.m.; fellowship 9 a.m. for Kids, Teen & Adult Sunday Sunday School 10:15 a.m.; Non-Denominational School; 11 a.m. Worship, Sunday Worship 11:15 a.m.. Wednesday 7 p.m. Bible Study; Como Community Church DivorceCare meets midweek, Episcopal Palmer Road, Lake Geneva; call (728-1614). Small Groups St. John in the Wilderness 248-3124. Sunday School, meet week nights. For more Church 9:15 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.; information call (262) 724-5434 13 S. Church St., Elkhorn; Wednesday Service 7 p.m. or www.rockofjesus.org. 723-4229. Harvestpoint Church- 209 S. Mass 9:30 a.m. Word of Faith Fourth St., Delavan; 740-0920. Christian Life Church Faith & Healing Class, Sunday Evangelical Free 9 a.m.; Worship 10 a.m. Sundays, 4521 County Rd. F North, Community Church of Elkhorn (Corner of Hwys. 11 and 7 p.m. Wednesdays. Elkhorn - 4654 Briggs Road, County F), Pastor David Hawley; Elkhorn; 728-8925; Sunday Lighthouse Bible Church (262) 728-1463. Sunday Service Worship - 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; Lake Geneva, WI; 10 a.m. (Nursery, Preschool, Sunday School - 9 a.m. 262-949-1007 meets in Badger Superkids Academy & Youth Southern Lakes Evangelical High School’s Recital Hall at 9 classes); Wednesday Service a.m. on Sunday mornings. Free Church - N6686 Hwy. 7 p.m. (Nursery, Preschool, 12, Elkhorn; 742-2366. Sunday A nursery is provided. Superkids Academy); www.lighthouselakegeneva.com clcdelavan.org Worship 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.
Call for an appointment
Walworth County Fairground’s Activity Center Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Meadow Blossom Apartments
Indoor Flea Market
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Bill Andres
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3I live in Elkhorn and am interested in delivering the Elkhorn Hi-Liter! PLEASE PRINT: NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________ PO BOX ___________
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National Convention
In October, eight students had the chance to experience a week long conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. Traveling by coach bus, they met new people during the ride with five other schools joining them. The students had the opportunity to enjoy a huge expo including careers, products, and colleges. National FFA convention incorporates more than 60,000 attendees as they celebrate student success and the agriculture industry. L:R Elizabeth Wills, Taylor Windler, Isaac Myers, Brevin Kruse, Emily Kruse, David Eucker, Alliah North, Nathan Welsh. Blessings in a Backpack is a program to help elementary students who struggle with food insecurity at home, get food for the weekend. At Jackson Elementary, members pack food items in bags and place them in certain students backpacks. FFA partners with other community groups to support the program. In the picture L:R Alliah North, Justin Zoellner.
Blessings in a Backpack
In late January, members traveled to Madison Kohl Center for the college badger hockey game. Before the game, they had the opportunity to learn the Badger cheers and songs, participate in games and eat with the Badger band and other UW-Madison students.
Elkhorn High School Agricultural Education Program Selected for National Award The Elkhorn agriculture department is a comprehensive career pathway program for students in middle and high school. Fourteen different courses are offered, including plant science, food science, and animal science, biotechnology, leadership, and natural resources. While Elkhorn is located in a traditional dairy, livestock and grain production area, many of the students are not from agriculture backgrounds. Lead by agriculture teacher David Kruse, the department works to help students and community members develop an understanding of and appreciation for the opportunities in and impact of the agriculture industry. Elkhorn agriculture students are in a program that focuses on student individuality and talents, instead of just the grade earned in the classroom. A poster with the quote: “at graduation, your diploma will look like everyone else’s… your resume will not,” reminds students that learning is a life-long journey and to take advantage of opportunities that are available to them through agricultural education. Every student in the Elkhorn agriculture program has a Supervised Agricultural Experience — an independent project related to agriculture. Students explore personal interests, such as venison processing, aquaculture, greenhouse production, tissue culture, and engineering applications. Every student is also an FFA member and is encouraged to participate in professional development events, workshops, and contests. Elkhorn FFA members are active in the community, including hosting the city’s Easter egg hunt for more than 300 children, a Food for America program that serves more than 230 third grade students, three blood drives each year, and has a school overnight “shantytown” experience to raise awareness of hunger and homelessness. The chapter also partners with other community groups for community service projects. Each of the six regional Outstanding Middle/Secondary Program Award winners was recognized at the NAAE convention in Las Vegas. The Outstanding Middle/ Secondary Agricultural Education Program Award is partially sponsored by Monsanto as a special project of the National FFA Foundation. NAAE is the professional association for agricultural educators. Its mission is “professionals providing agricultural education for the global community through visionary leadership, advocacy and service.” The NAAE office is located in Lexington, Ky.
Alliah North
David Eucker
Emily Kruse
On January 7, three members went to Whitewater High School to compete in FFA Leadership Development Events (LDE’s) and all three advanced in their contest areas. Alliah North placed 2nd in FFA Creed Speaking, Emily Kruse placed 1st in both Extemporaneous Speaking and Employability Skills contests, David Eucker placed 2nd in FFA Discussion Meet. All three will advance to sectional competition. Jessica Nehs (center Parents: Tim and Debbie Nehs) earned the American FFA Degreethe highest degree of FFA membership. Less than 1% of the national FFA membership earns the award based on leadership, work experience in agriculture, and community service.
Younger FFA members have the opportunity to learn about the opportunities in FFA by attending the F.I.R.E (Foundations in Reaching Excellence) conference held at UW-Madison. L:R Raven Musgrove, Mackenzie Constable, Kaylee Dodge
Wilson Farm Meats 406 South Wisconsin St. Elkhorn, WI 53121 • (262) 723-2919 www.wilsonfarmmeats.com
Please Patronize These Businesses That Support FFA
Elkhorn FFA Alumni
(262) 723-2906 1520 N. Fairway Ln. Elkhorn, WI
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Triebold Implement W8619 Willis Ray Rd., Whitewater, WI 53190 473-2090 • www.triebold.com 151487