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147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Hours: Open Tues

.-Sun. at 11:00 am

www.davidsbistro.com 883 Main Street, Antioch • 847-603-




Antioch set to celebrate 125 years ‘Supersized’ events to mark anniversary

By Sandra Landen Machaj CORRESPONDENT

Pedestrian struck, killed by train A Canadian National Railroad freight train is stopped at the North Avenue tracks east of Main Street in Antioch after being involved in a fatal accident with a pedestrian on Saturday. The accident took place on the tracks near Joanna Court shortly before 4 p.m., according to a statement issued by the Antioch Police Department. Police


reported that the pedestrian was walking on the tracks at the time of the accident. Police did not release the name of the deceased as of Monday morning as the investigation was still in its early stages. Police closed North Avenue to traffic from Main Street to Anita Avenue while the accident was being investigated.


In the year 1892, the Village of Antioch was incorporated and today – 125 years later – the spirit and growth of the community is being celebrated throughout 2017. While the village has long been known for its many activities, this year will be extra special. Working together, the Department of Parks and Recreation, the Antioch Chamber of Commerce, Lakes Region Historical Society, and the clubs, schools and churches of the community have arranged for a year of celebration. This year’s 125th celebration will include new activities and, according to Barbara Porch, executive director of the Chamber of Commerce, some of the traditional activities will be “supersized.” Banners commemorating Antioch’s past and present and acknowledging the 125th celebration will soon be seen hanging from the light poles in downtown Antioch. A land-





CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411


DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Hours: Open Tues

.-Sun. at 11:00 am

www.davidsbistro.com 883 Main Street, Antioch • 847-603-




Deputies save man from overdose It’s the fifth life saved in 2017

Pedestrian struck, killed by train A Canadian National Railroad freight train is stopped at the North Avenue tracks east of Main Street in Antioch after being involved in a fatal accident with a pedestrian on Saturday. The accident took place on the tracks near Joanna Court shortly before 4 p.m., according to a statement issued by the Antioch Police Department. Police


reported that the pedestrian was walking on the tracks at the time of the accident. Police did not release the name of the deceased as of Monday morning as the investigation was still in its early stages. Police closed North Avenue to traffic from Main Street to Anita Avenue while the accident was being investigated.


A 23-year-old man was revived by sheriff’s deputies with the use of Naloxone and CPR at approximately 6:20 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18, in the 33600 block of N. Evergreen Drive, Grayslake, according to a Lake County Sheriff’s Office press release. According to the release, deputies found the 23-yearold man unconscious and not breathing. “Deputies determined the man was likely suffering an opioid overdose and Deputy Ashley Pomazal administered two doses of Naloxone,” the press release states. Deputy Michael Bassi performed CPR, before a third dose of Naloxone was administered, according to the release. The man then started breathing on his own and regained consciousness. The man was transported to a local hospital, where he’s expected to recover. This is the fifth life saved from opioid overdose by Lake County Sheriff’s Deputies in this year, according to the release.

Free! ~ fomerly The Report



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CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411


DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Hours: Open Tues

.-Sun. at 11:00 am

www.davidsbistro.com 883 Main Street, Antioch • 847-603-




Deputies save man from overdose It’s the fifth life saved in 2017

Pedestrian struck, killed by train A Canadian National Railroad freight train is stopped at the North Avenue tracks east of Main Street in Antioch after being involved in a fatal accident with a pedestrian on Saturday. The accident took place on the tracks near Joanna Court shortly before 4 p.m., according to a statement issued by the Antioch Police Department. Police


reported that the pedestrian was walking on the tracks at the time of the accident. Police did not release the name of the deceased as of Monday morning as the investigation was still in its early stages. Police closed North Avenue to traffic from Main Street to Anita Avenue while the accident was being investigated.


A 23-year-old man was revived by sheriff’s deputies with the use of Naloxone and CPR at approximately 6:20 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18, in the 33600 block of N. Evergreen Drive, Grayslake, according to a Lake County Sheriff’s Office press release. According to the release, deputies found the 23-yearold man unconscious and not breathing. “Deputies determined the man was likely suffering an opioid overdose and Deputy Ashley Pomazal administered two doses of Naloxone,” the press release states. Deputy Michael Bassi performed CPR, before a third dose of Naloxone was administered, according to the release. The man then started breathing on his own and regained consciousness. The man was transported to a local hospital, where he’s expected to recover. This is the fifth life saved from opioid overdose by Lake County Sheriff’s Deputies in this year, according to the release.


Fees, taxes discussed at transition meeting

Upcoming Pringle Nature Center events The following events are scheduled at Pringle Nature Center, 9800 160th Ave., Bristol, Wis.

Storytime with a hike

Children can hear “All the World” by Liz Garton Scanlon from 10 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, March 4. After reading the story, attendees will do activities themed for the story. This event is free.


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Guests can go on one of three hikes throughout Petrifying Springs County Park at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 11, at Petrifying Springs County Park, 4909 7th St., Kenosha. Guests are asked to meet at Pavilion 6. This event is free but donations are accepted. For more information on these and other events, call (262) 857-8008.





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By Gail Peckler-Dziki CORRESPONDENT

Village of Salem Lakes, Wis., Transition Committee discussed on Feb. 20 merging storm water, sewer fees and property taxes, on suggestion from Interim Village Administrator Pat Casey. Along with Transition Committee Chairwoman Diann Tesar, members Ted Kmiec, Mike Culat and Dan Campion were in attendance. Village President Bruce Nopenz was absent while Dennis Faber was excused. In an explanation to the committee, Casey said the Town of Salem and Village of Silver Lake had used different funding formulas and collected fees differently. While the Town of Salem billed residents quarterly, the Village of Silver Lake assessed the fee on the tax bill. Fees for Salem were $60 annually and the Village of Silver Lake was nearly double. “We need to talk to the engineer about which formula for assessing the fee is the one that should be used, and then we need to decide if all will be billed quarterly, or if it will be put on the tax bill,” Casey said.

“So there might be no utility bill in March for the storm water.” Tesar asked whether the next bill would get doubled for Salem area residents and told Casey that was not a good idea. “You should just go ahead with the March billing,” she said. Tesar also questioned why fees for Silver Lake area residents were not just reduced, but Casey said a discussion with engineers is needed. Casey, noting the merger of a state identification number, said the levy and tax bill would not occur until 2018. “During the first call with the Department of Revenue it seemed as though we would get one ID number and have one levy and one tax bill,” he said. “By the time we got to the second phone call,” Casey said, “That had changed.” For 2017, there will be a tax bill for the Village of Silver Lake and another for the Town of Salem, accounting for two levies, but one budget.

who works for the Village of Pleasant Prairie. Last year, Silver Lake area residents had a reassessment, which leaves the Salem area for a reassessment next year. “By 2019, we will all be on the same schedule,” Casey said. Additionally, the Transition Committee unanimously approved a recommendation to the Salem Lakes village to authorize Salem area invoices. The committee also approved minutes from the last transition committee meeting. Casey asked the committee, which they agreed to, if he could have an architect review possible remodeling plans at the Salem Town Hall to prepare for the change to have day-today operations conducted there.

PM&L Theatre to present ‘Man of La Mancha’

“Man of La Mancha,” opens at PM&L Theatre in Antioch on Friday, March 24, and will run for three weekends. “Man of La Mancha” is Appraiser adjustment The Village of Salem Lakes directed by Lorrie Ferguson also plans to bring in Town of whose recent PM&L directing Salem appraiser, Rocco Vita, credits include “The Mousetrap” and “A Flea in Her Ear. “Man of La Mancha,” written by Dale Wasserman, with CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAYS SALE! music by Mitch Leigh, and MARCH 16-17• 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. / MARCH 18 • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. lyrics by Joe Darian, is adapted from Miguel de Cervantes’s Best est Prices of the Season! Don Quixote. It tells the story Refreshments STOP IN of the “mad knight” and every! VE SA & Served ! man, Don Quixote (played by Ken Scheske, Salem, Wis.), as Contact us or stop in for a FREE consultation. he goes forth on his quest with his loyal squire, Pancho (Gary Lake Geneva, WI 2478 Crest Drive (Hwy 120 North) Luz, Round Lake), to dream 262-248-0600 273021


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Children in the first grade and older can participate in the “Leave No Child Inside: Owl Prowl” program from 7 to 8 p.m. on Friday, March 10. Attendees will learn about different owls then head out to the trails and try to call them. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Space is limited and the cost is $4.50 for Friends of Pringle Nature Center and $6 for the public.


Junior Girl Scouts can earn their “Geocacher” badge from 1 to 2:45 p.m. on Saturday, March 4. Attendees will search for “caches” using a GPS receiver. Pre-registration is required and is $4 per scout. Payment is required by March 2.

Maple syrup hike at Petrifying Springs

Leave no child behind program

Salem Lakes must figure out how to merge different formats

Junior Girl Scout badge earning event



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Salem Lakes fills trustee vacancy Village appoints Bill Hopkins after interviewing three

By Gail Peckler-Dziki


With three candidates considered to fill the trustee seat left vacant when Dan Withers resigned from the Silver Lake, Wis., Village Board, the now-Salem Lakes Village Board appointed Bill Hopkins. Along with Hopkins, the other two candidates, Cindy Thommes and Alexandra Robinson, were all residents of Silver Lake. Robinson, who was not able to attend the recent appointment meeting, had her husband, Jake, sit in for her. Village President Bruce Nopenz asked each candidate to tell a little about him or herself. Then, he asked each why they were interested in sitting on the Village Board, what they thought the responsibility of a trustee was and vision for the village. When the three were done, Nopenz instructed his board to write the name of their choice on a ballot, which was then passed to him. At that point, he asked for a motion to appoint Hopkins, when five voted for Hopkins and one went to another applicant. The motion was made and the vote to appoint Hopkins was unanimous. Hopkins, a 28-year resident of the village, was a member of the Silver Lake Fire Department from 1990

to 2002 and attained the rank of captain. He was also a member of the Silver Lake dive team from 1994 to 2002. Hopkins was president of the Riverview School board in the mid-1990s and volunteered for Lakeland Little League, Lakes Area Soccer, Lakeland Youth Softball and Western Kenosha County Youth Football. Hopkins, a former Master Chief Petty Officer, retired from the United States Navy in 1993 after 20 years. He then retired from Abbott Laboratories/Hospira as a senior manager, global compliance training. In his letter of interest, Hopkins explained that the community and schools swayed his decision to move to Silver Lake. “During the past 28 years, we have seen board members come and go, good and not so good. Village boards create environments by which families pick their home,” he wrote. “Providing a safe, secure, friendly and financially affordable community,” Hopkins’ letter continued, “are core values which help bring prosperity and happiness that families strive for today.” Hopkins, in the interview with the Village Board, said he believes in fiscal responsibility of governmental bodies.

Push-ups honor vets

Antioch Community High School Principal Bradford Hubbard (from bottom of photo), Trustee Ted Poulos, Trustee Jerry Johnson, Mayor Larry Hanson, an unidentified ACHS student, and Antioch Police Chief Steve Huffman hit the deck for the 22 Push-Up Challenge during the Village Board Meeting at the Antioch Village Hall on Feb 20. The challenge was started by an organization named 22Kill, which has asked individuals and groups to upload videos of themselves doing push-ups. The group hopes to collect videos of 22 million pushups being done. The number 22 was cited from a report by the Department of Veterans Affairs, which determined that, on average, 22 veterans commit suicide each day in the United States. The Challenge is meant to both honor the men and women who have served the country and to raise awareness for the prevention of veteran suicides through empowerment and education. The Wauconda Police Department challenged Chief Huffman and the Antioch Police Department to complete the 22 push-up quest, which they successfully did. In turn, Chief Huffman challenged a number of other local police departments including Lake Villa, Lindenhurst, and Schaumburg, ACHS, and a surprised Village Board to do the same. The high school and the board successfully completed the task.

• PM&L Theatre


(Continued from page 2)

“The Impossible Dream” and honor his lady love, Dulcinea (Christen M. Dominguez, McHenry). The “play within a play” is performed by Cervantes and his fellow prisoners as he awaits a hearing with the Spanish Inquisition and remains one of the world’s most popular musicals. “Man of La Mancha” will run Fridays and Saturdays, March 2, 25, 31, April 1, 7, and 8 at 8 p.m.; and Sundays, March 26, April 2, and 9 at 2:30 p.m.

Tickets are available online at www.pmltheatre.com and are $18 for adults and $15 for seniors and students. To reserve tickets directly through the box office, which opens March 6, call (847) 3953055. The box office is open Monday through Thursday, from 6 to 8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m. to noon; and one and a half hours before curtain on show dates. PM&L Theatre is a non-profit, community-based volunteer organization at 877 Main Street in Antioch.

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Slices of life

You should never…

There are certain things in life that prudent, forwardthinking people avoid. Like putting their tongue on a frozen metal fence, or being outnumbered by their kids. Certain actions just aren’t wise and some can even get you into trouble. These are things, that if you are thinking logically, you will never do. For instance, you should never… Litter. Eat crackers in bed. Smoke in bed – or anywhere for that matter. Overflow the bathtub. Overflow the toilet (even worse). Show up late to work. Show up late to a movie. Show up late. It’s rude. You should never be rude. At least not on purpose. Text while driving.



Gossip. (Hard, I know.) Fall asleep at work. (Dumb.) Fall asleep on a railroad track. (Dumb and dangerous.) Spend more than you earn. (Squander money.) Squander time. Squander opportunity. Squander relationships. Squander. Make vague and ambiguous posts on social media, which prompt people to ask, “What’s wrong?” Follow the crowd, unless it’s going in the direction you want to go.

Bring a cat to a dog park. Forget to buy the cat treats. Brag. Even about your kids – or your cat. Forget your anniversary. Wear a royal blue shirt when shopping at Walmart. Wear a red shirt when shopping at Target. Run a red light. Argue with a police officer. Disagree with your cat. Jump to conclusions. Jump out of an airplane (unless you have a parachute). Tag someone in an unflattering photo. Send an angry email at 10 p.m. Whatever it is can wait until the morning. Think that it’s all about you. Get all political on social media.

Fry bacon in your birthday suit. Hug a cactus. Hug a cactus while frying bacon in your birthday suit. Click on an unknown link in an email. Ignore your mom. Ignore your dad. Ignore the check engine light. Run out of gas. Take a family member for granted. This goes double for your spouse. Wear white to a wedding (unless you are the bride). Store tomatoes in the refrigerator. Use a password called “password.” Turn your back on a crocodile. Try to beat a train. Store onions with potatoes. Say “congratulations”

to a woman who appears pregnant, unless you are 100 percent sure. Say, “I can’t.” Hate. Assume. Break a promise. Make a promise you know you can’t keep. Miss out on the chance to learn something new. Give up on others. Give up on yourself. Be purposely hurtful. Ignore an opportunity to be kind. Wear a tutu to a job interview (unless you are a ballerina). Think life is fair. Eat sand. Leave the ice cream out on the counter. Drink milk from the carton (unless you have no friends and live alone). Prioritize things over

people. Elevate yourself above others. Play poker with a guy (or gal) who is wearing mirrored sunglasses. Underestimate the power, stamina and energy of a parent. Underestimate the love of a parent. Underestimate yourself. There are more. Dozens even. But I’ll stop here. (You always want to quit leaving them wanting more.) Never forget that. Jill Pertler is an awardwinning syndicated columnist, published playwright, author and member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. She invites readers to follow the Slices of Life page on Facebook.

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Southern Lakes Newspapers Hi-Liter Publishing


Trustee questions St. Patrick’s Day events mayor’s insurance He’s the only elected official who receives village benefits By Gail Peckler-Dziki CORRESPONDENT

An Antioch village trustee questioned why the village is paying for Mayor Larry Hanson’s life, medical and dental insurance at the Feb 20 Village Board meeting. Ed Macek asked if the village paying for Hanson’s insurance is in compliance with the Affordable Care Act. “Is it OK that the village pays for insurance for the mayor but no other elected officials? And does the mayor actually work the 30 required hours a week,” asked Macek. Macek also said it could be discrimination that none of the other elected officials receive that benefit. And it was never voted on in any Village Board meeting, he contends. He also questioned why no wage policy review was done. Village attorney Bob Long said it had to be done 180 days prior to Election Day. Long is also attorney for Winthrop Harbor and presented that village with a wage policy review and ratified an ordinance about it in September 2016. Trustee Scott Pierce said there is no resolution regarding insurance for elected officials and research needs to be done, “to get our ducks in a row.”

Discover the

Currently, Hanson receives $12,000 in stipend and an additional $16,100 in other benefits. The dental insurance benefit costs $360, medical is $10,000, life insurance is $300 and IMRF (Illinois retirement fund) is $1,300, according to officials. A sign of confusion Economic Development Director Michael Garrigan sent a letter to the owner of the BP gas station at highways 173 and 59 regarding a non-conforming sign. However, the village noticed the sign placed at the corner of North Ave and Route 83 did not conform to the current village ordinance. Macek questioned Garrigan about the mix-up. Village Administrator Jim Keim asked why the matter wasn’t handled with a phone call rather than in a public forum. Macek said that he wanted things cleared up and this seemed the best way to handle the issue, given the problems with the Culver’s sign and the permit that was issued without board approval. Garrigan said the matter would be cleared up.

Lake Villa parade and luncheon The Village of Lake Villa will have a St. Patrick’s Day parade and luncheon at noon on Saturday, March 11, in downtown Lake Villa, The parade will start at Palombi School, 133 McKinley Ave., Lake Villa, and will end at the Lake Villa Train Station, 129 Railroad Ave., Lake Villa. After the parade, there will be a corned beef and cabbage luncheon at the Lake Villa Veterans of Foreign Wars, 130 Grand Ave., Lake Villa. Food donations will be accepted along the parade route and at the VFW. For more information, go to www.lake-villa.org.

McHenry parade McHenry Downtown Business Association will sponsor a St. Patrick’s Day parade at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 12, at McHenry High School – East Campus, 1012 N. Green St., McHenry. The parade’s purpose is to bring awareness to local service organizations. The parade will start at the high school and end at Veterans Park, 3400 Pearl St., McHenry. Donations of non-perishable food items for McHenry High School’s Food For Thought program will be accepted. For more information, go to www.visitmchenrycounty. com.

Lindenhurst Parks breakfast There will be a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, March 17, at Lindenhurst Parks, 2200 E. Grass Lake Road, Lindenhurst. Guests are asked to dress in green and bring their favorite breakfast item. There will be games, prizes and cards. The event is for people ages 50 and older. The event is free but requires registration. The registration code is 141301C. For more information or to register, go to www.lindenhurstparks.org.

Mother Road Productions and PM&L Theatre will present two nights of improvisation performances at 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4, at PM&L Theatre,

877 Main St., Antioch. Both performances will star the “Are We There Yet” players. The 7:30 p.m. showings on both days will be rated PG-13 and the 9 p.m. showings will be geared to-

ward adults. Tickets are $10 per person and there are limited seats for each performance. For more information, call (847) 395-3055.

Improvisation night set at local theatre


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SLICED BEEF PASTRAMI ................................................................................................................... $2.29 LB SLICED PIT HAM ................................................................................................................................ $2.29 LB HAWAIIAN HAM ................................................................................................................................ $1.69 LB SLICED OVEN ROASTED TURKEY................................................................................................... $1.29 LB CHIPOTLE CHICKEN BREAST .......................................................................................................... $1.29 LB REG BOLOGNA ................................................................................................................................. $1.19 LB SMOKED HAM ................................................................................................................................... $1.00 LB PLEASE CALL AHEAD FOR SLICING ORDERS OVER 2 LBS

• Celebrate

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Butcher Block Specials

USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS ............................................................................................ $4.99 LB EYE OF ROUND STEAKS OR ROASTS ............................................................................................ $3.49 LB PORK BABY BACK RIBS .................................................................................................................... $2.99 LB 85% LEAN GROUND BEEF ............................................................................................................... $2.89 LB FAMILY PACK BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS ............................................................................... $1.99 LB BONE IN PORK COUNTRY STYLE RIBS .......................................................................................... $1.69 LB

Restaurant Special

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$ 49

Ex-wide Egg Noodles

(Continued from front page) scaping project will be joint- events. It will be out soon and ly undertaken by the Antioch will be sent not only to the Garden Club and the Parks families in Antioch but to an and Recreation Department additional 5,500 in the areas at the corner of Orchard and adjacent to Antioch, accordMain. ing to Roby. The official start of the Coming in the months of 125th birthday celebration be- May and June are two of the gan on Feb. 20, when Mayor supersized events. The AnLarry Hansen will issue an of- tioch Junior Woman’s Club ficial proclamation. will be hosting a fashion Among this years “super- show, “Dresses through the sized” events will be the tra- Decades,” and luncheon at ditional Independence Day Dockers North on May 18. parade and fireworks. Tickets and information will Shawn Roby, director of be available at antiochchamparks and recreation, shared ber.org. Moving into June, his vision of the parade at a Cruisin’ Antioch will bring a recent committee meeting. display of classic and exotic “It will be divided into de- cars to the downtown streets cades with a banner in front of on June 28. each decade and an automo- The major activities to bile from that decade,” he said commemorate the 125th He added that he hopes to birthday of Antioch will peak have music from the decades in a very busy July. Starting in the parade, perhaps by live on the morning of July 4 with bands, a D.J. or other record- the Antioch Run for Freedom ed music. 5K run and fun walk. After Porch introduced the new the run, the Independence Antioch Community Guide, Day parade and the Children’s which was produced by the Fun Fair at Williams Park will Antioch Chamber of Com- be held. The day will end with merce. This keepsake edi- a fireworks display. tion contains photographs of The Lakes Region Historthe past and some historical ical Society will also be preinformation about the com- senting a display of historimunity along with ads from cal fashions at the Meeting local businesses. A guide to House during July. Dates and the many 125th celebration times are still being planned, activities is listed, but new ac- according to Ainsley Wontivities may be added. derling, Director of the Lakes The Parks and Recreation Region Museum. Department is producing the Since they are a volunteer new edition of Connections organization, organizers are magazine, which will also still working out a schedule of contain the Antioch 2017 monitors for the display.



Above: Representatives from many of the village’s organizations participate in a planning meeting for Antioch’s 125th anniversary celebration this year. Shawn Roby, from the village Parks and Recreation Department conducts the meeting. Right: The logo for Antioch’s 125th Anniversary depicts both the Antioch of the past and Antioch of today. These banners will soon be seen on the light posts in downtown Antioch.

Wonderling also announced that a historical book is being compiled that will include photographs from the early part of the 20th century and will feature looks at the Antioch of the late 1800s and the early 1900s. Date for publication has not been announced. From the July 20 through 23, the Chamber will host its annual Taste of Summer on a larger scale. These four days will include a variety of activities including carnival rides and games. Families with special needs children can enjoy free carnival rides on July 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. Visitors to the event will be able to eat lunch or dinner selections prepared by Antioch’s top restaurants in the sunshine or under the big top while enjoying the musical entertainment in the Brook Bandshell. A variety of entertainment includes American English, Modern Day Romeos, Suburban Cowboys, Hi Infidelity and the Neverly Brothers. A 125th birthday balloon drop will add to the festivities. Sidewalk sales and a craft fair will add to the activity. July will end with another special event, the Lion’s Chicken Barbecue and Auction. The charcoal-grilled chicken, roasted corn, and trimmings are all prepared by the Antioch Lions Club. Enjoy the meal and bid on some of the great bargains up for sale.


Polar Plunge warms coffers


Above: Members of the “Crew 185” team complete their frigid Polar Plunge goal in Fox Lake on the shores of Lakefront Park on Sunday. The team members were amongst the 300-plus participants in the 2017 edition of the Plunge presented by the Law Enforcement Torch Run and GEICO and a number of local sponsors. At right: The ubiquitous Blues Brothers cooly and calmly emerge from the depths of Fox Lake during the Polar Plunge. The event is a statewide initiative in support of Special Olympics athletes. Participants must raise $100 in donations and, in turn, are given the distinction of jumping into a frigid body of water. Participants in Fox Lake endured strong winds and temperatures hovering at 40 degrees making for a chilly experience. The water temperature was in the mid-30s. This year, thousands of plungers will participate at 22 locations across the state. All proceeds collected by plungers benefit the 22,000 traditional athletes and 20,000 Young Athletes of Special Olympics Illinois. The Fox Lake drive raised over $67,000 as of Sunday. Donations will still be accepted through April 28 for the Special Olympians.

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St. Patrick’s Day events


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FONTINA ............................................................................................................................................. $1.99 LB WHITE SHARP CHEDDAR.................................................................................................................. $1.99 LB GARLIC & HERB MONTEREY JACK CUBES .................................................................................... $1.99 LB GARLIC & DILL CHEDDAR................................................................................................................. $2.99 LB SWISS.................................................................................................................................................... $3.49 LB MUNSTER ............................................................................................................................................ $3.49 LB HOT PEPPER........................................................................................................................................ $3.49 LB SWISS & AMERICAN .......................................................................................................................... $1.99 LB

Butcher Block Specials Restaurant Special

4LB BAG OF TYSON BREADED UNCOOKED CHIC CHUNKS #67102 ........................................$2.95 2/5LB (FZ BEEF HOT DOGS 7”) ......................................................................................................... $12.95 (FROZEN) CHIPOTLE SEASONED CHICKEN BREAST...................................................................... .75¢ LB 5LB BREADED WING ZING JUMBOS ................................................................................................$13.95 10LB BEER BATTERED CHIC TENDERS ...........................................................................................$13.95 6/3LB BREADED MUSHROOMS ....................................................................................................... $17.00 9/2.5LB BATTERED ONION PETALS ...................................................................................................$14.95 6/4.5LB PLAIN WAFFLE FRIES ............................................................................................................$11.95 10LB BREADED PANKO COD ..............................................................................................................$8.00

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Local college to continue international film series

Admission is free but registration is required. For more information, call (847) 201-9032.

ings on both days will be rated PG-13 and the 9 p.m. showings will be geared toward adults. Tickets are $10 per person and there are limited seats for each performance. For more information, call (847) 395-3055.

Performance of ‘Hansel and Gretel’ set

Ex-wide Egg Noodles



$ 49

With coupon

Lindenhurst Parks breakfast There will be a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, March 17, at Lindenhurst Parks, 2200 E. Grass Lake Road, Lindenhurst. Guests are asked to dress in green and bring their favorite breakfast item. There will be games, prizes and cards. The event is for people ages 50 and older. The event is free but requires registration. The registration code is 141301C. For more information or to register, go to www.lindenhurstparks.org.

The College of Lake County will present the film “The Lobster” for free at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 3, at the College of Lake County A Wing Auditorium, Room A011, 19531 W. Washington St., Grayslake. The film is about newly single middle-aged man who checks himself into a hotel where he must find a new mate within 45 days or be turned into the animal of his choice. For more information, call (847) 543-2623.

USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS ............................................................................................ $4.99 LB EYE OF ROUND STEAKS OR ROASTS ............................................................................................ $3.49 LB PORK BABY BACK RIBS .................................................................................................................... $2.99 LB 85% LEAN GROUND BEEF ............................................................................................................... $2.89 LB FAMILY PACK BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS ............................................................................... $1.99 LB BONE IN PORK COUNTRY STYLE RIBS .......................................................................................... $1.69 LB

2/20 oz bottles

McHenry parade McHenry Downtown Business Association will sponsor a St. Patrick’s Day parade at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 12, at McHenry High School – East Campus, 1012 N. Green St., McHenry. The parade’s purpose is to bring awareness to local service organizations. The parade will start at the high school and end at Veterans Park, 3400 Pearl St., McHenry. Donations of non-perishable food items for McHenry High School’s Food For Thought program will be accepted. For more information, go to www.visitmchenrycounty. com.

Upcoming happenings

Julie’s Cheese Corner

Dawn Twin Pack

Lake Villa parade and luncheon The Village of Lake Villa will have a St. Patrick’s Day parade and luncheon at noon on Saturday, March 11, in downtown Lake Villa, The parade will start at Palombi School, 133 McKinley Ave., Lake Villa, and will end at the Lake Villa Train Station, 129 Railroad Ave., Lake Villa. After the parade, there will be a corned beef and cabbage luncheon at the Lake Villa Veterans of Foreign Wars, 130 Grand Ave., Lake Villa. Food donations will be accepted along the parade route and at the VFW. For more information, go to www.lake-villa.org.

Smilin’ Saturday Stories will perform the classic “Hansel and Gretel” from 11 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 4, at the Cultural and Civic Center of Round Lake Beach, 2007 Civic Center Way, Round Lake Beach. Actors from Improv Playhouse Theater will bring the classic folk tale to life with songs, a touch of improv, important life lessons and antics that will entertain children and adults alike.

Lehmann Mansion to host princess luncheon

Princesses of all ages can enjoy a luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, March 11, at Lehmann Mansion, 485 N. Milwaukee Ave., Lake Villa. Activities include lunch, tiara, storytelling, surprises and more. All princesses must be accompanied by an adult. Tickets are $25 per person. All proceeds will benefit the Lake Villa and Lake County Fair Queen Scholarship programs. For more information and to register, call (847) 356-9911.

Improvisation night set at local theatre

Mother Road Productions and PM&L Theatre will present two nights of improvisation performances at 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4, at PM&L Theatre, 877 Main St., Antioch. Both performances will star the “Are We There Yet” players. The 7:30 p.m. show-

‘The Cherry Orchard’ set at performing arts center

“The Cherry Orchard” will be performed each weekend from Friday, March 3, through Saturday, March 11, at James Lumber Center for the Performing Arts, 19351 Washington St., Grayslake. Dates and times of the performances are as followed: • 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4. • 2 p.m. on Sunday, March 5. • 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 9. • 10 a.m. on Friday, March 10. • 7:30 p.m. on Friday, March 10, and Saturday, March 11. Tickets are $10 for regular and $8 for CLC, senior, teen and JLC subscribers. Other fees may apply. For more information, call (847) 543-2300.


Former school group treasurer sentenced Mener, of Twin Lakes, pleaded guilty to theft


A 45-year-old former treasurer of Randall, Wis., Consolidated School Parent-Teacher Club will spend 18 months behind bars following a Feb. 15 sentencing hearing in Kenosha County Circuit Court. Terra Mener, of Twin Lakes, Wis., pleaded guilty to felony charges of theft in a business setting over $10,000 at a Dec. 12 hearing in Circuit Court Judge David Bastianelli’s courtroom, according to online court records. The former club treasurer, who initially faced maximum imprisonment of 10 years, also received 42 months of extended supervision as part of plea agreement, which included restitution, court records state. Mener, the Randall PTC treasurer for 3-1/2 years, was confronted two years ago by another member of the student group about the availability of bank statements, a

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criminal complaint reports. However, after several excuses, the member of the student group went to BMO Harris Bank in Twin Lakes, where she discovered money missing from their accounts. “It had been reported by the defendant to her that there should be approximately $39,000 in the checking account,” the complaint states. “When she went in on January 15, 2015, she discovered there was only $16,167.43 in the account.” Additionally, Mener claimed about $10,000 in the savings account for the Randall PTC, but upon investigation, the account had only $60. Five days later, the club member confronted Mener at her Twin Lakes home, where Mener reportedly admitted taking $25,000 for personal use. The complaint reported Mener ceased embezzling funds from the account two years ago, and the money

she took went to support her drug habit, for which Mener entered a drug treatment program. According to the criminal complaint, investigators uncovered 68 total unauthorized cash withdrawals scattered among BMO Harris Bank branches in Paddock Lake, Burlington, Twin Lakes and McHenry, Ill. In the ensuing investigation, authorities reviewed Mener’s personal bank accounts at Guaranty Bank, which indicated deposits had been made on the same day she was accused of withdrawing funds from the PTC account. The complaint contends that, according to the Randall PTC bylaws, a single person cannot make a withdrawal from the group’s account. Mener, who was bound over for trial in October, initially pleaded not guilty a month later, court records state.


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McHenry parade McHenry Downtown Business Association will sponsor a St. Patrick’s Day parade at 1 p.m. on Sunday, March 12, at McHenry High School – East Campus, 1012 N. Green St., McHenry. The parade’s purpose is to bring awareness to local service organizations. The parade will start at the high school and end at Veterans Park, 3400 Pearl St., McHenry. Donations of non-perishable food items for McHenry High School’s Food For Thought program will be accepted. For more information, go to www.visitmchenrycounty. com.

sandwich, chips and a beverage, along with a goodie bag and raffle ticket. There will be placement awards for overall top three males, overall top three females, top three males in age groups and top three females in age groups. Age groups include 10-years-old and younger, ages 11 through 18, 19 through 29, 30 through 39, 40 through 49, 50 through 59, 60 through 69 and 70 and older.

Improvisation night set at local theatre

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St. Patrick’s Day events

Randall Consolidated School’s Parent-Teacher Club will hold the annual Shamrock n’ Run on March 18. The run begins and ends at the Twin Lakes Country Club, 1230 Legion Dr., Twin Lakes, Wis. The event starts at 10 a.m. Following the run, slated is a two-hour after party featuring live music with children’s activities. Food choices include a brat, hot dog, corned beef

4LB BAG OF TYSON BREADED UNCOOKED CHIC CHUNKS #67102 ........................................$2.95 2/5LB (FZ BEEF HOT DOGS 7”) ......................................................................................................... $12.95 (FROZEN) CHIPOTLE SEASONED CHICKEN BREAST...................................................................... .75¢ LB 5LB BREADED WING ZING JUMBOS ................................................................................................$13.95 10LB BEER BATTERED CHIC TENDERS ...........................................................................................$13.95 6/3LB BREADED MUSHROOMS ....................................................................................................... $17.00 9/2.5LB BATTERED ONION PETALS ...................................................................................................$14.95 6/4.5LB PLAIN WAFFLE FRIES ............................................................................................................$11.95 10LB BREADED PANKO COD ..............................................................................................................$8.00

2/20 oz bottles

Above: Members of the “Crew 185” team complete their frigid Polar Plunge goal in Fox Lake on the shores of Lakefront Park on Sunday. The team members were amongst the 300-plus participants in the 2017 edition of the Plunge presented by the Law Enforcement Torch Run and GEICO and a number of local sponsors. At right: The ubiquitous Blues Brothers cooly and calmly emerge from the depths of Fox Lake during the Polar Plunge. The event is a statewide initiative in support of Special Olympics athletes. Participants must raise $100 in donations and, in turn, are given the distinction of jumping into a frigid body of water. Participants in Fox Lake endured strong winds and temperatures hovering at 40 degrees making for a chilly experience. The water temperature was in the mid-30s. This year, thousands of plungers will participate at 22 locations across the state. All proceeds collected by plungers benefit the 22,000 traditional athletes and 20,000 Young Athletes of Special Olympics Illinois. The Fox Lake drive raised over $67,000 as of Sunday. Donations will still be accepted through April 28 for the Special Olympians.

Lindenhurst Parks breakfast There will be a St. Patrick’s Day breakfast at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, March 17, at Lindenhurst Parks, 2200 E. Grass Lake Road, Lindenhurst. Guests are asked to dress in green and bring their favorite breakfast item. There will be games, prizes and cards. The event is for people ages 50 and older. The event is free but requires registration. The registration code is 141301C. For more information or to register, go to www.lindenhurstparks.org.

Shamrock n’ Run set for March 18

Restaurant Special

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Polar Plunge warms coffers

Lake Villa parade and luncheon The Village of Lake Villa will have a St. Patrick’s Day parade and luncheon at noon on Saturday, March 11, in downtown Lake Villa, The parade will start at Palombi School, 133 McKinley Ave., Lake Villa, and will end at the Lake Villa Train Station, 129 Railroad Ave., Lake Villa. After the parade, there will be a corned beef and cabbage luncheon at the Lake Villa Veterans of Foreign Wars, 130 Grand Ave., Lake Villa. Food donations will be accepted along the parade route and at the VFW. For more information, go to www.lake-villa.org.

SLICED BEEF PASTRAMI ................................................................................................................... $2.29 LB SLICED PIT HAM ................................................................................................................................ $2.29 LB HAWAIIAN HAM ................................................................................................................................ $1.69 LB SLICED OVEN ROASTED TURKEY................................................................................................... $1.29 LB CHIPOTLE CHICKEN BREAST .......................................................................................................... $1.29 LB REG BOLOGNA ................................................................................................................................. $1.19 LB SMOKED HAM ................................................................................................................................... $1.00 LB PLEASE CALL AHEAD FOR SLICING ORDERS OVER 2 LBS


Mother Road Productions and PM&L Theatre will present two nights of improvisation performances at 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. on Friday, March 3, and Saturday, March 4, at PM&L Theatre, 877 Main St., Antioch. Both performances will star the “Are We There Yet” players. The 7:30 p.m. showings on both days will be rated PG-13 and the 9 p.m. showings will be geared toward adults. Tickets are $10 per person and there are limited seats for each performance. For more information, call (847) 395-3055.

There will also be “Spirit” awards for best individual and family for St. Patrick’s Day themed attire. Early packet pick-up will be from 2:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, March 17, at the Jr. High Lobby in Randall Consolidated School, 37101 87th St., Burlington. Additional raffle tickets will be available at event for $1 for one ticket. Registration is $20 for people ages 18 and younger, $35 for people older than 18 and free for children ages three and younger. Children ages three and younger will not receive any amenities. The profits made from the event will be used by the Randall PTC towards school programming and teacher wish lists. For more information and to register, go to www.shamrocknrunrandall.com.



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Senior Sara Hebior makes a quilt with a sewing machine during a Family and Consumer Science Class at Westosha Central High School in Paddock Lake, Wis.


of love

Quilts serve multiple purposes By

Jason Arndt


hen a quilt is made and given to someone as a gift, the blanket is often used for warmth in the cold winter months. But the quilts serve several purposes. According to Heather Deegan, who owns Buttons and Bolts Quilt Shop in Salem, Wis., gifted quilts are symbolic at special engagements. Special engagements include, but are not limited to, baby showers, wedding anniversaries and holidays. “It is something that is very heartfelt,” said Deegan. “It can be used as an heirloom to be passed on to other generations.” Westosha Central High School teacher Denise Laabs, who instructs students on quilt making through a Fashion and Design course, agreed. “It’s giving love to someone who maybe doesn’t always have a chance to experience love on a regular basis,” said Laabs, who picked up the hobby about 10 years ago. Laabs has applied a personal touch to her hobby, making quilts

from old clothing for her six grandchildren. The endeavor takes several months, Deegan said, starting with someone cutting up fabric to sew together, known as piecing. Following piecing, quilting begins, with quilters adding layers of matting, backing fabric and stitching more layers of fabric. While most quilters assemble the blanket by machine, Deegan said some still sew the quilt by hand. Assembling a full-size quilt takes about 40 hours along with costs associated with supplies, she said. Once completed, in time alone, the value is about $400, but does not include fabric expenses, which is approximately another $150. Although the process is labor intensive, quilt makers find the activity an artful expression, Deegan states. “It is definitely a hobby now. Before it used to be utilitarian,” she said. The hobby is extensive, according to QuiltGuilds.com, which shows nearly 100 quilting guilds or clubs in Wisconsin alone. QuiltGuilds.com lists guilds

in all 50 states, in addition to Canadian provinces. Of the guilds listed, there are more than six in the Southern Lakes Newspapers coverage area, which also includes one guild in Northern Illinois. “It’s a very large community, there are a lot of people that do it,” said Deegan. “That I am aware of, there are probably a few clubs in this area that meet one or two times a month to discuss quilting.” In addition to discussion, club members invite experts into their groups to give pointers, she said. “Sometimes they have a lecturer come in and speak, they do some show and tell, where they like to show off what they have been doing,” Deegan said. Meanwhile, the hobby also serves a teaching lesson in Laabs’ class at Westosha Central.

education. Laabs points to the application of math, which focuses on geometry and fractions, including instructions on reading a ruler and precise measurement. For engineering and technology, her students use computer software to design patterns, which are applied throughout the process, and use multiple sewing platforms. “It allows students to lose themselves in creativity,” she said. After months of manufacturing the quilt, students learn another lesson, giving back to the community.

Community contributions

The quilts are donated to local nonprofit organizations, including The Sharing Center, Horizon’s Shelter for Battered Women and Future quilters Children, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin in Wauwatosa and area Laabs instructs about 35 to 40 students annually on the craft and cancer benefits. Laabs said local nursing homes said there are some elements of also receive quilts. STEM involved. STEM, or Science, Technology, “Students sometimes have an elderly relative or friend they’d Engineering and Mathematics, like to share one with,” she said. involves critical thinking skills, Along with local organizations, and is a mainstay in modern

the students contribute quilts to their annual spring charity Fashion and Art Show, which selects a specific charity every year. “This year the girls are making a patriotic quilt and a Green Bay Packer quilt, and the charity will be for ‘All the Right Reasons Foundation…helping our homeless, unemployed vets and active troops,” she said. The student benefits, she said, are two-fold, including teaching the value of serving the community. “What an amazing opportunity for students to learn and experience the concept of giving back to the community, just because it’s the right thing to do,” said Laabs, who also reports students carry the hobby with them following graduation. “At least half of my students continue to quilt after they graduate. I have former students come back to use the Gammill long-arm quilting machine and share with me how much they still enjoy the art.” A Gammill long-arm quilting machine, according to its website, uses specialized software and a computer controlled machine to make precise stitches.


Area quilt guilds Left: Westosha Central High School senior Claudia Fox constructs a quilt using a long-arm quilting machine in the school’s Family and Consumer Science Department. Below: Buttons and Bolts store manager Sue Heinlein finishes a project at the store in Salem, Wis.

Quilt-making is a hobby which extends globally, according to Quilt Guilds Worldwide, a website containing information on local clubs. According to the website, there are five guilds within the Southern Lakes Newspapers region, in Burlington, Mukwonago, Whitewater, Williams Bay and Antioch.

BURLINGTON, WIS. – Chocolate City Quilters

The Scrappers Quilt Guild consists of more than 40 members who pay annual dues of $25. They meet the third Tuesday every month at 6 p.m. at the Lions Club Fieldhouse.

ANTIOCH – The Northern Lake County Quilters Guild

The Chocolate City Quilters meet the second Monday of every month, with exception to the months of June through August, at the Burlington High School library. For more information, contact pcteddycollector@yahoo.com.

The Northern Lake County Quilters Guild brings in quilters from northern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin for its 7 p.m. monthly meeting, held the first Wednesday every month, at the Antioch Township Center, 1625 Deep Lake Rd. For more information, visit their website at http://www.nlcqg.org/

MUKWONAGO, WIS. – Crazy Quilters Guild

Quilt Guilds Worldwide: http://www.quiltguilds.com/

Crazy Quilters Guild, an membership of about 80 people, meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. at the First Congregational Church in Mukwonago. For more information, contact mukwonagocrazyquilters@gmail.com.


WILLIAMS BAY, WIS. – Scrappers Quilt Guild

WHITEWATER, WIS. – Stone Mill Quilters

Stone Mill Quilters has about 20 members who pay annual dues of $12 meets the third Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. at the Congregational Church. For more information, contact oliveandmeretreat@gmail.com.

Central a pathway to fashion

Westosha Central High School’s Family and Consumer Science department consists of several Fashion courses, including Introduction to Fashion and Design. As part of the curriculum, students are involved in a student-run business, Touch of Class featuring long-arm quilting and commercial embroidery. According to the school’s Course Guide, students gain an understanding of fashion promotion through planning, coordinating and presenting a student run fashion show in the spring.

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Antiques – Collectibles – Guns - Coins Consignment Auction Sunday, March 5, 2017

TIME: AUCTION - 11:00 A.M. • PREVIEW - 10:00 A.M. WHERE: Hawk’s View Golf Club - 7377 Krueger Rd. Lake Geneva, Wis. PARTIAL LIST GUNS & COINS (to be sold at approx. 1pm): Weatherby Orion Grade 3 12ga. O/U 28”- 3” mag w/ chokes & box; Belgian ELG screw barrel pocket pistol; Belgium octagon .22; German sporter Mauser; Rare WW1 Mauser Trainer BB Gun; Sears semi-auto .22; Pellet guns-Crossman .22 rifle, American Classic pistol w/rifle stock, Gamo Varmint Hunter rifle, Umarex Legends Luger P.08 Air Pistol & Gamo Whisper Fusion Elite rifle; Shotgun shell boxes; Coins – Ike silver dollars, Peace nickels; British coins; Repo Morgan Silver dollar; ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Wooden lobster trap; Navy presentation box; unique foreign hats; asst. stoneware jugs-1 WM Steinmeyer wine - Milwaukee; stoneware beer dispenser; Shadow Lawn pottery pitcher; repo-cast iron boxer door stop; 2 gal. Red Wing crock; Dome steamer trunk; glass phone sign; Griswold #7 & 10 skillets; WM Rogers silver plate & Int. Sterling – Silver Melody flatware; 2-childs sewing machine; Canada Dry toy semi; asst. vintage dolls – Madame Alexander, Vogue boy; boudoir & others, doll parts & clothes; doll trunk; Steiff ? Tiger; asst. marbles; 70’s Hot wheels including Captain American RV; Star Trek sealed VHS - all episodes; Brass Cloisonné Chandelier; Lg. Falstaff Beer Tray; Schlitz tapper handle; new beer tapper; asst. Pyrex refrigerator dishes; Marble Top Table; Ornate Marble Top, Lg. Brass & Porcelain lamps, Antique Chairs, Brass Fireman’s nozzle; lighting rod & insulators; Hanging Lantern Light, Belleek Vase; 2-Pachinko Arcade games; 2 lg. Stained Glass Windows; decorative columns; Lake Geneva milk bottle; Car banks-Lake Geneva; Honey Bear Farm canister set; Kodak folding camera; Kamplite lantern; Store scale; D.M Ferry seed box & other asst. boxes; 2-1899 HC Christy Teddy Roosevelts prints; wooden duck decoys; Thor outboard motor; Asst. hanging, floor & table lamps- Ruby red quilted, Tiffany style stained glass; prism; leaded slag; Coca-Cola lead glass & more; Stained glass fireplace screen; Corona typewriter; wood block planes; asst. machinist tools – Starrett & others; copper boiler; seed planters; gas pump handles; folding canoe/ship deck chair; single trees; EN Welch parlor clock; asst. art glass; Hummel #147; golf clubs; Winemaker – nutcracker; Dryden Arkansas candleholder; asst. advertising tins; wooden puzzle; marionette; Ey-Noree pottery bowl; asst. soda bottles; red glass prisms; African wood carved scoops; Local street signs-Geneva St., Richmond Rd., Walworth Ave. Sugar Creek St; Asst. 1940-60’s 45 & 33 1/’3 records – Jazz, Rock; and more! PLEASE READ

Terms: Cash, Personal check, Business check w/proper ID - No out of state checks unless known, MC & Visa (3% convenience fee for CC purchases). $2.00 Bid card fee. Guns & Ammo can only be sold to Wisconsin Residents 21 & older (excluding bb/pellet guns). All items sold as is, where is, with no warranty. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over all printed material. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Wisconsin state/county sales tax collected. NO BUYERS PREMIUM for onsite buyers – 10% Buyers Premium for Absentee & Phone Bids only. Food & Drinks offered by Hawk’s View.

Burlington, WI 53105

(262) 539-3885 www.auctionzip.com - Auctioneer ID#11467 ABSENTEE & PHONE BIDS WELCOMED! KEITH FAVARO - WRA #845 favaroauctions@gmail.com 273695

The time is now to help


Grant doubles to help poverty stricken For many years now Richard Driehaus and the Richard H. Driehaus charitable lead trust have been an inspiration to give generously to provide poverty relief throughout our communities. Richard Driehaus and all of you have been instrumental in removing the pains of poverty for thousands of our fellow creations over the past 12 years. Our gratitude to Richard for providing the Richard H. Driehaus $30,000 matching grant is overwhelming and heartfelt. The hunger, fear, stresses and pains we removed because of your donations, matched by the Richard H. Driehaus charitable lead trust, cannot be over emphasized. The pains of poverty were real and the poverty relief is a godsend. While you only see the total spent in each category, along with a short synopsis of several people helped, there is much more work that goes into this assistance. We wish we could also share with you the tears, smiles and life-changing poverty relief each category of your donation provided. We are thoroughly invested in each person we help. We do not want to see these families, children, senior citizens, the handicapped and veterans living a life filled with hunger and fear. We want to see all our fellow creations prosper in the gift of life God has given all of us. Your donations, matched by the Richard H. Driehaus $30,000 matching grant, has provided the funds necessary to change lives from struggle and strife to ones that truly are gifts. As always, every penny of the $60,000 in funds was used to provide desperately needed poverty relief. All of you, along with the Richard H. Driehaus $30,000 matching grant, made it possible for us to provide the following life giving assistance. This is how all of us helped:



Thanks to all of you, we have removed the fear of homelessness and replaced it with the gratitude felt from sleeping in a warm, safe environment called home. Thank you and God bless you. Utilities – $5,195 Electricity, $4,300; gas, $895 Thanks to the Richard H. Driehaus $30,000 matching grant and your generosity, we were able to ease the pains of high utility bills. High winter utility bills were paid to prevent disconnections in the spring that result from unpaid high utility balances. A senior citizen caring for her husband with severe dementia and many health problems was relieved to not worry about her high electric utility bill any longer. Several single mothers and senior citizens were given that same relief. Thanks to all of us and Richard H. Driehaus, our fellow Americans will not be living without lights, appliances and heat. Thank you and God bless you.

medical appointments and treatments for lifethreatening illnesses. Repairs were done on four cars to provide safe and reliable transportation for a struggling disabled veteran, a senior citizen and two working poor families. All of these recipients of transportation assistance also received gas gift cards or a filled gas tank. God bless all of you and Richard Driehaus for removing the stress and worry over safe, reliable transportation. Beds – $1,826 Mattresses, box springs and frames were provided for a handicapped gentleman and his two children. They also were provided for a senior woman and children’s beds were given to children who had been sleeping on old cots. All the recipients of new beds are extremely grateful to all of you and Richard Driehaus for providing healthy renewing sleep.

Appliances – $1,173.94 A young woman struggling with her own serious health concerns and caring for her handicapped incontinent grandmother, has been provided with a washing machine and dryer. Now she can do the many loads of laundry she must do in a day from the comfort of their home without having to bring her Food – $2,998.71 Your donations, matched grandmother out in the cold by the Richard H. Driehaus or worrying about having to leave her unattended $30,000 matching grant, provided much-appreciated when she has to go to the Laundromat almost daily. food assistance and She also does not have to emergency food deliveries worry about the expense by volunteers. Children, of the Laundromat any single mothers, the handicapped, working poor longer either. Sometimes families and senior citizens the simple gift of a washer were provided the food they and dryer can make all the difference in the life needed to eat healthy and remove the pains of hunger. of our struggling poverty stricken. Thank you and We also provided 5,263 the Richard H. Driehaus pounds of food to the W.C. Food Pantry to help its great $30,000 matching grant for effort to remove the pains of this small comfort we can hunger in our communities. offer our poverty stricken handicapped. All of us together, along with the Richard H. Household necessities Driehaus charitable lead Rent and shelter – $1,200 trust, were there to remove –$22,661.46 We provided towels, the very real pains of All of you and Richard H. hunger for many. Thank you blankets, sheets, dishes, Driehaus working together pots and pans, vacuums and God bless you. prevented more than 50 and cleaning supplies. For people including working women who left abusive Transportation – poor families, single relationships with only what $18,378.09 mothers, the handicapped, they can carry, people with One of the biggest senior citizens and veterans, predictors of job security new beds that we provided from becoming homeless. who need sheets, pillows and success in the fight We still do not have enough against poverty is reliable and blankets and senior emergency shelters in citizens who are using transportation. We live in our area to prevent these an area that has few options old, torn or broken items, fellow creations from living for public transportation. household necessities are in cars or other unsafe extremely appreciated. If you are in need of environments. We prevented transportation for your job, Families who are living in three families with children doctors appointments or motels often need several from spending another night other daily necessities, you household necessities when sleeping in cold cars. Motel need a reliable car. Part of we move them into their rooms were provided until these funds went toward the rentals. We were able to more secure housing could purchase and registration of provide this assistance be managed. The reasons thanks to all of you and four used cars for working for eviction and foreclosure single mothers who were Richard H. Driehaus. are many including illness, desperate to keep their jobs. surgery, expensive car Home repairs – Several also had the added repairs and the many other $4,085.17 stress of needing to get emergencies that life brings. sick children to necessary Several of our fellow

creations were provided with life-changing home repairs. A handicapped man who recently became wheelchair bound was provided with home modifications to allow access into his bathroom and kitchen. A single mother living without heat because she could not afford to repair her old furnace was provided a new furnace to replace her expensive and dangerous portable electric heaters. A senior woman was provided some additional insulation to help keep her older home heated. Furniture – $1,445 Two families were provided furniture from Inspiration Ministries to help them in their journey to making an apartment a home. The granddaughter caring for her handicapped grandmother was provided a couch, chairs, table, dresser and other items. A single mother was able to pick out many pieces of furniture after being homeless with her two children. These pieces of furniture were provided at a great discount to our clients as a result of your many generous furniture donations to Inspiration Ministries. We, our clients and Inspiration Ministries are all so grateful to you for your support in this area of our mission. Thank you to Richard H. Driehaus for his matching grant motivation, matched by your donations that allowed us to purchase this furniture for our clients in desperate need.

this grant and making our mission of relieving the pains of poverty even possible. Thank you and God bless you. We have nearly matched the Fox Charities New Year Wish $25,000 matching grant. Fox Charities and The Time Is Now to Help, along with all of you, continue to work together to provide poverty relief to so many in our communities. Please donate now knowing every dollar will be matched, doubling your donation. Together we make a difference removing the pains of poverty for our fellow creations. Thank you and God bless you.

Jensen, Rita’s Wells Street Salon, Harry and Patricia Buchert, Jr., Robert and Patricia Davis, Donald and Cheryl Olson, Nancy Yaeger, Delavan Lioness Club, William Antti, James and Betty Kroupa, Russo Drywall, Carolyn May Essel, Shari and James Loback, our anonymous donors and ALL of you who support The Time Is Now to Help donation boxes, and the businesses that allow our donation boxes. Anyone who would like a Time Is Now donation box in your business, please call (262) 249-7000.

Honoraries: Katherine Ritter in honor of Brian Health and happiness, Phillips. John and Marlys Love and God bless Scherman in honor of Becky everyone, Monahan’s birthday. W.C./Sal Memorials: Sue and Mike Borden in memory of Please help: There Gayle Leep. Diane Preston are many coming to us in memory of her father in desperation. Our good Donald Wunderlin. The fellow creations need our following family members compassion. Together we of Brynn Rae Thornburg make a big difference. in honor of her memory Make checks payable to on her birthday: Bill and The Time Is Now to Help, Patsy Thornburg, Eric, P.O. Box 1, Lake Geneva, Casey Isabella and Alex WI 53147. The Time Is Thornburg, Erin Thornburg Now to Help is a federally and Adam Gibbs, Britt, recognized 501(c)3 Matt, Kaliam and Brayden charitable organization Brill. licensed in Wisconsin and Illinois. You will receive Prayer chain: A big a tax deductible, itemized thank you for all of your thank you receipt showing how your donation provided prayers and good thoughts. We have received phone assistance for the poverty calls and letters from those stricken. that have gotten well. Some of our loved ones have A very special thank had their cancer go into you: Richard H. Driehaus remission and some have charitable lead trust, had their enormous anguish Family Foundation, Fox of pain physically healed. Toiletries –$1,036.63 Charities, Marilyn G. The power of prayer and Soap, shampoo, diapers, Schawk, Martin Business, positive thoughts comes feminine hygiene, tooth J. Kruzan Construction from the true healer, our paste, tooth brushes, combs, and Remodeling, Hufcor Lord answering our prayers. toilet paper and many Foundation, Mary Kay Please pray for healing other items were provided Ring, Bonnie Glennon, for the following people: for the poverty stricken. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mike, Caroline, Susan, Richard H. Driehaus and Hagenah, Benne-Fit Valley Jennifer, Clarence, Jayden, all of you have made sure Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Santina, Alex, Lily, Kaitlyn, babies have diapers and Robert Schuberth, Peter Kynesha, Brandi’s grandma, children, families and senior and Anna Vanderveld Marilyn and Lois. citizens have toothpaste, Foundation, Debra toothbrushes, shampoo and Guzman, Thomas and Inspiration Ministries soap. Employment, school Mary Johnson, St. Nick resale shop: Please donate and personal wellbeing Fund, Kenneth and Gwen your gently used household all benefit from having Swanson, Budget Blinds, items and furniture to the toiletries. Together we have Corcoran Landscaping and Inspiration Ministries resale provided the necessities to Construction, Thomas and shop. For local pick-up of maintain pride and physical Cynthia Schuetz, Philip major items or collection wellbeing. and Mary Lou Edmond, appointments please call Philip and Helen Joyce, (262) 275-2264. Inspiration Grand total – $60,000 Mary Ann Smith, Dianne Ministries resale shop is Every penny you Olson, Edward and Katie at N2270 Highway 67, donated, matched by Misik, Duane and Evelyn Walworth. Hours are 8 a.m. the Richard H. Driehaus Duesterbeck, John and to 4 p.m. Monday through $30,000 matching grant, Kathryn Swanson, Michael Saturday. Please visit often was used to assist the and Barbara Lakin, Walter knowing your support poverty stricken. More and Florence Strumpf, will provide life-changing than 500 people are helped Delores Olson, Patricia assistance for the fellow every year thanks to your Jankowski, David and creations in their care. generosity. God bless all of Shirley Heigl, Michael and Inspiration Ministries is you for your compassion Kathe Beach, Harvey and home for up to 80 residents and your caring and Nancy Beaster, John and who live with multiple sharing. We are so grateful Marian McClellan, Abbvie physical and mental to Richard H. Driehaus Employee Engagement challenges. I thank all of for providing The Time Fund, Church of Jesus you for helping. For more Is Now to Help with our Christ LDS, Leo and information visit www. 12th $30,000 matching Karen Hurtgen, Violet De inspirationministries.org. grant, allowing us to give Wind, John Race, Anna desperately needed help Kiel, James and Marilyn Please visit: www. to those turning to us for Dyer, Donald and Marilyn timeisnowtohelp.org. assistance. A big thank-you Ketchpaw, Albert and to all of you for matching Ellen Burnell, Judith


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