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Free! ~ formerly Antioch Report


Tues.-Sun. at 11:00 am

Volume 03 • Number 43

CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

883 Main Street, Antio 847-603-1196 • ww w.david ch, IL sbistro.

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147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Theater launches expansion campaign PM&L has plans for adjacent building


If you notice a group of people scurrying around the north end of Antioch’s Main Street business district, it may very well be the PM&L Theatre Board of Directors and membership getting ready to launch perhaps the most ambitious project of the group’s 54-year history. Though the plan includes a few more improvements to the century-old facility at 877 Main Street, it also entails purchasing and remodeling the dual-entranced building immediately to the south of the theatre at 879-881 Main Street, melding it into an integral part of the current playhouse. That building was most recently occupied by Catbridge Cellars Wines and, until 2006, was the original home of the candy store, Something Sweet. “This is a rare opportunity for the theatre. We’ve been given the chance to acquire the adjoining property. The expansion we’re planning opens up many possibilities for us,” said PM&L’s Marketing Vice President Lorrie Ferguson. Though the PM&L vision for the property might be in place, the acquisition and renovation of the property will be



Wednesday, MaRCH 18, 2015


Man dies in Antioch house fire

Six others were able to escape blaze

a community effort. “We have a timetable in place and in order to meet the goals of the project, we’re asking area residents and businesses for support. We can always use volunteers but, at this point, financial support is critical, too,” Ferguson said. Founded on love Since its founding, PM&L has been a not-for-profit group and is currently a registered 501(c)(3) organization. The troupe’s origins can be traced back to 1956 when two Hope College students, Betty Dowd and Ken Smouse, met onstage during rehearsals for the school’s theatre group named “Palette and Masque.” The couple eventually married and remain happily so to this day. In 1960, they suggested to a few acquaintances that a theatre group be formed in Antioch. Ken Smouse christened it after the Holland, Mich., college theatre company at which he met his wife, with one small addition. “The palette represents the artist, the masque represents the actor. I added the lyre, representing music, to the name. Palette, Masque, and Lyre, or simply, PM&L, was born,” said Smouse.

See THEATER, Page 7


Above: Aileen Biel (from left), business manager; Deane Jones, vice president of operations; Adam Armstrong, president; and Lorrie Ferguson, vice president of marketing; take a moment to relax while planning the first phase of the PM&L Theatre expansion project in front of the planned acquisition at 879-881 Main St., Antioch. The dual-entrance building is adjacent to the PM&L Theatre. Left: PM&L Theatre Board Members Deane Jones (from left), Adam Armstrong and Lorrie Ferguson review architectural drawings for the PM&L Theatre expansion project. Plans for the acquisition, relying heavily on individual and business donations, include pass-through egress to the theatre, a wine bar, and facilities for smaller-scale theatrical events, as well as private parties.

A 76-year-old man died Sunday morning in a fire at a home in Antioch Township, according to the Lake County Sheriff’s Department. Lowell B. Simonson died in the fire that was reported at 10:19 a.m. in the 38000 block of Drexel Boulevard. He was pronounced dead en route to Centegra Northern Illinois Medical Center in McHenry. Six other occupants of the home were able to escape – five without serious injury. Simonson’s wife, Patricia, 74, was also taken to Centegra Northern where she was listed in serious condition Monday, suffering from smoke inhalation. Lowell and Patricia Simonson’s daughter and three grandchildren, as well as Patricia’s disabled sister, were treated for minor injuries at the scene and released, according to a sheriff’s press release. Preliminary investigation indicates the fire likely started in an upstairs room of the three-floor residence. The cause of the fire remains under investigation by Quad 2 area fire investigators and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division. The house was a total loss, according to officials.

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Slices of Life

The technology debate – delight or debacle

“Does technology free us or trap us?” This question came across my inbox the other day and caused me to pause. At first I thought it was a fairly straightforward and simple query – albeit one without a real answer. It’s like asking: Does clothing free us or trap us? Do seat belts free us or trap us? Bike helmets? Deadbolt locks? Dietary restrictions? Zippers? Mortgage payments? Children? Spouses? The answer has to do with perception and approach. Most things in life aren’t black and white. Shades of gray existed long before the best-selling book. And the technology debate contains layers and layers of gray. It’s like opening a can of worms – with an electric can opener or with a rock depending on which side of the technology conundrum you live. When I originally read the question in question, I envisioned smartphones and computers – newly invented modern techy gizmos. Turns out the T-word is much more all encompassing. Technology doesn’t always involve megahertz and motherboards; it is anything (anything!) created to produce useful items, to

those scrubbing boards or talking to your best friend on a phone attached to the kitchen wall via a 10 foot cord. Computer monitors. Baby monitors. Smart TVs. Smartphones. Garage door openers. Can openers. Crowbars. Barcodes. They all have been or are a part of my everyday life. The newest technology frees us from multiple cumbersome (old) technological devices like the common wristwatch, film camera, record player,

Facebook, after all. That’s at least 458 beyond isolated. On the flip side (not to be confused with flip phone, JILL which is so 2008) there is a PERTLER Columnist conflicting opinion, which causes complete technology discord. Another group in another camp views solve problems, make life technological progress as easier or – in the case of beneficial to society and Candy Crush Saga – make it believes technology has more interesting. According the potential to improve to Wiki (a technological the human condition to manifesto in and of itself) the point that eventually technology includes simple people may be able to live tools like a crowbar and indefinitely. fork as well as more That’s a long time – complex inventions such as maybe too long. I don’t a space station, satellite and think I’d want to live to be the emoji app. 200; not unless they find The convenience of a technological cure for having hundreds of icons to wrinkles. express oneself within a text Lame humor aside, both message may be handy, but camps would probably not everyone is pro-emoji. agree that technology is There are actual movements laden with complex issues – organized groups – that that have yet to be sorted. organize for the purpose Genetic engineering, of scrutinizing technology. drones and nanotechnology These opponents say big-T all create ethical and harms the environment, philosophical dialogues and causes nuclear waste, global dilemmas too big to tackle – warming, ozone depletion, or even joke about – here. extinction of species The idea of stepping and modern weapons. back from technology Furthermore, they say and living a simple, selftechnology alienates people sustaining, unplugged life and will eventually lead to has its appeal, but it would social collapse. be difficult to completely I’m not sure I could say turn one’s back on modern technology alienates me. technology. Imagine I do have 459 friends on washing clothes with one of By

flashlight, calculator, calendar, stopwatch, alarm clock and friend counter. It puts the weather forecast, ability to email, read the weekly grocery store ad and play video poker at our fingertips. And it boosts communication – at least at my house. I’m not sure how I’d ever connect with my teenagers if texting didn’t exist (*IMHO). Back to our original question: Does technology free us or trap us? Until today, I naively didn’t

realize the complexity of the issue. Now I do. And even though I’m uncertain which side of the debate I’m on, one thing’s for sure: I won’t look at my smartphone – or a crowbar – the same way ever again. *In my humble opinion Jill Pertler is an awardwinning syndicated columnist, published playwright and author. She welcomes having readers follow her column on the Slices of Life page on Facebook.


Local farmer Rob Hawkins (from left), Sharon Pomaville, executive director of Sharing Center; farmer Chris Hawkins; and Don Lininger of Agronomy and Seeds Sales Specialist gather for the donation of $2,500 to the Sharing Center. The money, provided by the Monsanto Fund, was funneled through the organization American Farmers Grow Communities.


Farmers step up for food pantry

Hours: Daily 9 to 9; Sunday 9 to 5


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Area organization donates to Sharing Center


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By Gail Peckler-Dziki CORRESPONDENT


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Kenosha County farmer Rob Hawkins and America’s Farmers Grow Communities donated $2,500 to The Sharing Center. The Monsanto Fund sponsored the donation. It will be used to maintain freezers and refrigerators and cover fuel costs associated with gathering food for the food pantry. The group uses a reclamation program that collects extra food from farmers, grocery stores, restaurants and other food production facilities. “The Sharing Center handles and repackages approximately a quarter of a million pounds of food each year for the community,” Pomaville said. “We would like to thank the people from the community who help ease the lives of the families most critically affected by the economy for their continuing support.” For five years, America’s Farmers Grow Communities has collaborated with farmers to donate more than $16.5 million

to over 7,300 community organizations across rural America. This year winning farmers will direct another $3.3 million to nonprofits to help fight rural hunger, purchase life-saving fire and EMS equipment, support agricultural youth leadership programs and buy classroom resources. America’s Farmers Grow Communities is part of the America’s Farmers initiative. Since 2010, the campaign and programs have advocated on behalf of farmers and their efforts to meet society’s needs through agriculture. The Sharing Center is at 25700 Wilmot Rd., Trevor. The telephone number is (262) 298-5535. The center is open Monday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to noon. The food pantry is open on Monday from noon to 2 p.m., Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. and Friday from 9 to 11 a.m. Visit the Center on the web at

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New Volkswagen goes upscale in market By Bill Schaffer AUTO DIGEST

More than 100 years ago Mark Twain said, “Golf is a good walk spoiled.” While he was probably talking about the game with the little dimpled ball, he could have just as easily been talking about Volkswagen’s seventh generation Golf – it’s more fun to drive the new Golf than trying to find the little dimpled ball. Europe’s top selling model, the Golf, has a remarkable history, with more than 30 million sold worldwide since it originally went on sale in Europe in 1974. It debuted in the U.S. in 1975 as the Rabbit and was even built in the U.S. for 10 years. The latest Golf rides on Volkswagen’s new MQB modular platform, which is becoming the basis for many other models in the German carmakers lineup. The new architecture allows for a more “cab-backward” design, which creates a more upscale look. However, no one is going to have trouble identifying the Golf, because the basic look hasn’t changed much, even though it’s all new. The upscale evolution also moves inside with a slightly larger and a bit more luxurious cabin. Cargo space is also a bit larger with 16.5 cubic feet of space below the cargo shelf, or 22.8 cubic

feet stacked to the roof. The Golf boasts more room than all the mid-size sedans, plus, because it’s a hatchback, the rear seat back can be folded and the capacity gets ‘wagonish’ with 52.7 cubic feet – think room for a bicycle or a really big dog. Ergonomic control placement is excellent with simple, well-marked controls conveniently located. Texters, or others who type with their thumbs, will love all 14 control buttons mounted on the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock spoke positions of the steering wheel. A larger 5.8-inch infotainment screen is mounted high on the center console, but I’d like to see it even higher and a little bigger, too, because it still requires taking your eyes off the road to see and operate. The navigation system gets its information from an SD card and includes a 3D-look display. This display also has a proximity sensor function, which senses when a hand is nearby and automatically switches its display to a more finger-friendly layout. The Media Device Interface with iPod and iPhone® connectivity is now housed in the center stack, while more traditional media such as CDs and SD cards can be inserted into slots in the large glovebox. Larger, lighter and more

efficient, the new Golf comes to America in two variations, with two engine choices, two transmissions and three trim levels – the TDI diesel engine is only available in the four-door versions, however. Arriving at Volkswagen dealerships now the new Golf TSI has dropped the 2.5-liter gasoline engine that was the base engine for many years, in favor of the company’s new 170-hp, 1.8-liter turbocharged direct-injection four-cylinder gas engine with a standard five-speed manual transmission or optional six-speed automatic. Volkswagen estimates a 0 to 60 mph time for the TSI at 8.6 seconds, but it felt a bit quicker to me. It reminded me of the larger turbocharged four-cylinder engines used in the previous generation Golf. Fuel economy is expected to be about 20 percent better than the old five-cylinder at 26 mpg city and 37 mpg highway with the manual transmission and 26/36 mpg with the automatic. Volkswagen has been a leader in diesel technology in the U.S. since 1977. The recent clean diesel models have been selling like the proverbial hotcakes. The Golf TDI® is a 150hp 2.0-liter direct-injection four-cylinder with a six-


The new upgrades to the Volkswagen Golf have added a new, more impressive feel to a car that already had a lot going into its favor.

speed manual transmission or a six-speed DSG® dual-clutch automatic. Zero to 60 mph time is estimated at 7.5 seconds and EPA fuel economy is listed at 31/42 mpg. With my wife, Barbara, driving I’ll bet we’d see 45 mpg plus. The 2014 Golf TDI tied for first in the annual Consumer Reports Compact: Hatchbacks/Wagons ratings and the TSI was ranked second with both getting a “Recommended” rating. I expect the 2015 model should do equally well.

Both of the Golf models I drove at the California introduction felt solid and very well balanced. Performance levels were very good and of course the fuel efficiency, especially the TDI, should put them at the top of the category. Volkswagen is introducing Generation 7 with a special Launch Edition of the two-door with manual transmission. Priced at $18,815 including the destination charge, it includes and extensive equipment offering. The TSI is available

in three other trim levels, S, SE and SEL with prices ranging from $19,815 from the S two-door manual (the automatic is $1,100 extra) to $27,815 for the very wellequipped SEL four-door with automatic transmission. The TDI four-door trim levels are offered at $23,915, $27,415 and $29,915 respectively. The new Volkswagen Golf is a notable upgrade for an already impressive car. It gives owners the feeling of an upscale German model, at a down to earth price.

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2005 TOYOTA SOLARA SLE loaded, very good condition $6,200 Call 262-758-1644.

er & hitch. Resealed roof seams

2006 JEEP LIBERTY 4X4, auto, 150k mi., new tires, brakes, exc. cond., $5,500 firm, 262-8183658

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Boats 24’ MAXUM. 1994, 350 Mercruiser. Kitchen, bdrms, trailer. Trade in? $9,900 847-395-2669

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Motorcycles 1999 HD FLSTC 33k, screaming eagle upgrades, lots of power, asking $8,500, 414-460-5979 2003 HONDA GOLDWING 17K, Durango Red, $13000, 262-8434015 2006 HARLEY ROAD KING Classic. LIKE NEW. Must Sell! 2200 miles. $13500 OBO 262878-4638 2006 SOFTTAIL STANDARD, 600 miles. New Bars, Bags, Pipes, Mirrors, Tank Panel. Security System. 200 rear tire. $12,500/OBO. Call after 5:30PM. 262-767-1904 2006 YAMAHA CLASSIC 1100 cc, low miles excellent condition. $4995. 815-338-1696. 2009 HARLEY DAVIDSON ULTRA CLASSIC Black, ABS, excellent condition, 61,200k, $11,900 262-945-3259. 2010 HARLEY FAT BOB 15k new tires, lots of after market parts, back seat, pipes, mirrors, air cleaner & programmer $8,500 608-751-0430

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Sports/Classic Cars

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1996 CHEV X CAB 4X4 113k. Runs nice. $1800 OBO. 773-8353800.

1959 OLDS SUPER 88 4 dr. original, rare factory stick shift, runs for restoration. $3200. 847740-8327

1996 CHEV X CAB 4X4 113k. Runs nice. $1800 OBO. 773-8353800.

1960 METROPOLITAN Convertible been in storage 35yrs. $3,500 call for details 815-5474946. 1965 T BIRD Black/red interior. New tires/exhaust/battery etc. $6,000. 262-895-3448. 1969 BUICK ELECTRA 225 CONVERTIBLE originial owner 46yrs, p/w, p/s, AC, 5 new tires, 83K, always garaged, $22,900 OBO Call 815-334-8847. 1987 OLDSMOBILE TORONADO Beautiful carshow beauty. Original new wheels, tires. $2500. 847-395-2669 1989 TRANS AM Red, new engine, less than 5000 miles, asking $3800, 414-659-0680




brakes, 23860 gvw, $7000. 262497-6176

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Easter 4 Kids at Faith Lutheran Church

Faith Lutheran Church invites all 3-year-old through fourth-grade children from Antioch and the surrounding areas to participate in Easter 4 Kids on March 28. At this annual event, children learn the meaning of Easter through a Bible study under the theme: “The News from the Angels Brings Great Joy.” There will be music, crafts, games, skits and story time. Same-day registration is 8:30 to 9 a.m. At 11:45 a.m., there will be a 15-minute

sampling of what the students learned about the first Easter as a part of the closing devotion. For more information or to register in advance for this free event, call the church office at (847) 395-1660.

Society to host celestial viewings

The Lake County Astronomical Society is offering two astronomy programs at the libraries in Waukegan and Crystal Lake later this month. The specifics for each location are:


• Waukegan Public Library, Thursday, March 26, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. There is no backup date for this event. The library is at 128 North County St., Waukegan. • Crystal Lake Public Library, Monday, March 30, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. (backup date is Tuesday, March 31, same start and stop times). The library is at 126 Paddock St., Crystal Lake. Utilizing powerful telescopes, amateur astronomers from the society will share views of the moon, planets, the Beehive Cluster and more from outside the library.

These telescopes can magnify the view of the moon and planets as much as 200 times normal size. Rugged craters, valleys and mountains, as well as dry lunar seas, oceans and bays can be seen on the surface of the moon. This event is free and suitable for all ages. There will be special surprises for the young astronomers who attend. No advance registration is required. These events are dependent on dry weather and acceptable sky conditions to allow viewing. For more information, contact the LCAS at, visit www.lcas-astronomy. org or the Society’s Facebook page at LCAS-S2013.

Historical Society to host ‘show and share’

Lakes Region Historical Society on March 26 will hold its first meeting of 2015 at The Meeting House, 977 Main St., Antioch. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with program to follow at 7 p.m. The program will be

Discover the JUDE KAIDER Hi-Liter

Antioch residents Maria and Michel Lutz peer through a porthole to get a look at the vision of the PM&L Theatre expansion at 881 Main St., Antioch, on Saturday. The porthole allows passersby to view a small architectural model of what the dual-entranced building at 879-881 Main Street will look like once the theatre’s acquisition and renovation of the building is complete.

• Theater

Dolly Spiering, a major top-tobottom renovation of the building took place. The interior was gutted and a larger main-floor lobby, a second-floor lobby, a new concession area, and larger, modern bathrooms were built. Seating capacity was reduced to 176. In 2015, if fund raising goes as anticipated, aspirations for the theatre will move laterally, rather than vertically. Currently, the vehicle for making donations for the expansion is through a Paypal link on the PM&L website, A graph showing fund-raising progress and a schedule for the project can also be found on the site.

Site has evolved The building has undergone a series of renovations over the past half century, Ken Smouse recalled. “When we first moved in, the basement area now used for selling refreshments had a dirt floor. We eventually managed to pour a concrete slab over it,” he said. Betty Smouse added, “The dressing area for performers in the original theatre was located on the stairway between the basement and the stage. It was not an ideal situation. We managed to move it to the basement where it remains today.” Having to work in its cramped, finite space has proven a serious limitation for the theatre. The need for internal renovations to accommodate changing times, as well as fundraising to pay for repairs, has been a constant battle. In 1970, hoping to increase attendance at the theatre and thereby revenues, PM&L performed at the Antioch Country Club and later returned to the high school to finish the season. In 2002, thanks to a generous bequest from benefactor

Optimism reigns In light of the success the Kickstarter website played in the Antioch Theatre’s renovation project last year, PM&L President Adam Armstrong was asked why Paypal is being used instead of Kickstarter for the PM&L project. “We took a long look at many of the fundraising options available to us. We realized that the Kickstarter model of receiving no donations if the set goal was not reached by a given date was a risky one. Also, the cost to us of using Paypal for 501(3) (c) donations is less than if we had chosen Kickstarter,” Armstrong said. Lorrie Ferguson is optimistic the residents of Antioch and communities around the village will come through so that the construction goals can be met. “We are a community theatre. In addition to performing for the community, we are made up of the community, from both Illinois and Wisconsin. We’re all dedicated to the performing arts. We’re a training ground for not only budding actors and actresses, but also those

County offers lost and found pet listing

The Animal Care and Control program of the Lake County Health Department/ Community Health Center now offers an online lost and found listing for local residents.

“Every year more than 1,000 dogs and cats get lost in Lake County,” said Robin Van Sickle, Animal Care and Control’s program coordinator. “Our staff works hard to reunite lost pets with their owners. This webpage is an easy way for residents to provide photos of lost animals as well as photos of animals that residents have found and want to return.” Residents who have lost or found pets, should send a digital photo, pet description, and indicate whether the animal is lost or found, to: cjohnson5@lakecountyil. gov. Also include the town or area where the pet was lost or found. None of the animals displayed on the Web page are housed at Animal Care and Control and no personal information will be posted on-line. To access the web page, go to and use the search box to locate “lost and found pet service.” For more information on this service or to inquire about having your pet microchipped by Animal Care and Control staff, call (847) 3774700.

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(Continued from front page)

In the 1961-62 season, the PM&L group debuted at Antioch Township High School (now Antioch Community High School) with the play “The Tender Trap.” In 1963, they had the opportunity to rent a movie house that had fallen upon hard times in which to hold their performances. It was the building at 877 Main Street, originally a 300seat vaudeville and occasional movie theater called the Crystal Theatre built in 1914. In 1946, it became a full-time movie house known as the Lakes Theatre until PM&L took it over. It has been the base of operations for the company ever since. They eventually purchased the theatre in 1983.

“Show and Share.” Attendees are asked to bring an item from home and share information about the item. It does not need to be an antique. The meeting is open to the general public. Admission and parking are free. Refreshments will be served. For additional information, call (847) 395-4912. The Lakes Region Historical Society and the Antioch Public Library District will also present a program on the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln titled, “Mourning for Lincoln.” It will be given by Elaine Masciale, civilian coordinator of the 2015 Lincoln Funeral Coalition. The program will be held at the Antioch Public Library, 757 Main St., Antioch, on March 29 at 2 p.m. Admission and parking are free. The public is welcome.

interested in behind-the-scenes theatrical work, such as stage crews, designers, and organizers,” she said. “With this expansion, we hope to provide a better theatre experience for our patrons. There will be improved accessibility with pass-throughs to the main theatre and concessions at street level instead of the basement, including a wine bar. We’ll have additional storage, more bathrooms, and larger rehearsal and event space. There will be less ‘dark’ time between productions and, therefore, the ability to have additional productions,” Ferguson continued. The current theatre is occasionally made available to other performing art groups such as children’s shows, music concerts, and old-time radio shows. As recently as this February, a memorial service for a former PM&L member and performer, Michael L. Shehorn, was held at the theatre. Ferguson is hopeful the new space will allow additional hosting opportunities, including rental to private parties. “We hope to create a modular space that breaks down and sets up quickly. This will increase versatility of the new space and also increase its usage,” she said. In one sense, the theatre was born through a young couple meeting and falling in love. The love for the performing arts fostered by PM&L’s founders is still evident through the dedication shown by its current members and many volunteers who continue the tradition of community theatre in the Antioch area, a tradition of growing the Arts on Main Street. For more information on how to help the PM&L expansion project, visit their website,, email, or call (847) 395-3055.

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Wheatland estates 32200 45th St., Burlington, WI Call Sarah at 262-537-2314 See pictures at


Dear readers, I called the friend and roommate to get an update on the woman’s condition. The roommate was very happy to hear it was The Time Is Now to Help calling to offer our caring assistance. The roommate filled me in on her friend’s continuing health crisis. She had undergone another procedure the previous day to remove more infection. She was still in the hospital and would be for quite some time yet. We spoke on the phone for


jobs. They had been friends and better. I have just been so worroommates for several years and ried and do not have anyone their arrangement had worked to share this with.” She said $ )By3 0 , ! 9 !all$this 3time until this injury. The this last sentence with # a,sob ! 3 3 ) & ) % $ 3 &! 8 SAL Vacation Rentals roommate pointed out they lived and could no longer hide the DIMICELI very frugally, eating all meals at tears now pouring down her Columnist SPRING BREAK at the Grand home and not doing any unneccheeks. Once again I noticed Twin Lakes Harbor Resort,Dubuque, IA. essary driving. I saw they did not the tremor. This time I asked the Enjoy the indoor waterpark, Rivhave cable television or Internet. roommate what was the matter. Apartments a few minutes and the roommate When I looked through the cup- She informed me, “I have MS. er Museum/Aquarium, Cherry agreed to meet me at their apart- boards and refrigerator, I noticed Thank God it is progressing 1BR, TWIN LAKES new kitchen, Lanes Bowling, Tony Roma’s, there was not much food, but slowly. My employer informed ment to discuss their financial Inc heat/water, parking, storage kids activities & more! Mention the roommate did comment me not to worry, they will alsituation. . $625/mo. 635 Lake Ave. 708- “Community 15” and get 15% off that since her friend was in the ways find something for me to I arrived at the apartment 220-6849. do.” I agreed with her she had complex and was met at the door hospital she did not need much room rate March 13-April 4. 866for just herself. We provided a compassionate employer. She by a woman who had a notice690-4006 or www.grandharborher with a gift card to purchase said, “My roommate and I were able tremor. After I showed my (MCN) Lake Villa groceries as needed. The roomdoing fine until this injury. Even identification, the roommate mate said she would save most though we were just getting by invited me inside. The apartApartments of it for when her friend finally month to month we still proudly ment looked clean and orderly Wanted to Rent returned home. I encouraged her took care of ourselves. It took a but I felt a chill in the air. The to purchase some healthy food lot for me to write a letter to The 2BR APT FOR RENT No pets. roommate showed me around $800 month includes heat. 2-3 BR HOME, in Kenosha for herself now and we would Time Is Now to Help.” At this the two-bedroom apartment help them with more food when point, we went over their budget. Please call 224-436-9601 and then we sat to talk in the County, pet friendly (dog), prefer She presented all their bills, sparsely furnished living room. I her friend returned home. The appliances, 262-620-1311 roommate was extremely grate2BR/1.5BA DUPLEX W/D, CA, 1 income and budget for me to commented on how cold it was ful for the food gift card. review. Upon conclusion I found car GA, close to train, nice neighinside and the roommate stated I noticed the roommate they lived very carefully within that when they both were not borhood. $1100 + lease/sec. dep. their budget. home they turned the thermostat quickly looked away, and I saw No pets. 847-309-9102. her wipe tears from her eyes. I We then talked about her down to 55 degrees. When they friend in the hospital. She had were home, they kept it at 67 de- could tell she was too proud to been sick for so long. The roomgrees. She said it was cheaper to ask for help for herself. I asked Round Lake mate told me about how much bundle up than pay a high utility her, “Is there anything we can Homes for Sale do for you before we go see weight she had lost, even though bill. When I had called I asked Apartments your friend?” The roommate she didn’t have much to lose in the roommate to have their bills HOME FOR SALE/RENT IN shook her head no but she could the first place, and how she was and budget ready for me to STUDIO APARTMENT brand FOX LAKE 1,352 sq. ft., 2 bath, no longer hide her tears. As losing hope of getting better. review. I noticed the roommate new, $650/mo, all utilities & wifi garage, lake view, $159,900. Call she tried to hide them with her When I asked about this the had these on the table. 224-633-0982. included Call 847-740-4399. roommate said, “She even told Going over their budget I not- hand I again asked if there was anything we could do and her me the other day that it would ed the roommates needed each reply was, “Just you being here be better if she just died from other to get by. They shared all TOMAHAWK EXECUTIVE CENTRAL WI restored this infection because she would living expenses. The friend who and caring about my friend is enough. If you can help her stop never be able to pay her bills was hospitalized did not drive, HOME with 40 acres, country homestead. 3 BR, worrying about us becoming so her roommate did all the outbuildings, custom pond 2 bath with out-buildings, See TIN, Page 9 homeless, I know she will get driving for both their part-time


Dear W.C., I am writing to see if you would be able to provide assistance for my friend who also is my roommate. She suffered a fall last month and broke her ankle. She had surgery but has since contracted an infection that has resulted in additional surgeries and a very long hospitalization. I went to visit her yesterday and she told me she would not be able to pay her portion of the rent or utilities this month. She only works part-time due to being disabled and counts on the extra income from her job to pay for her food, medications and other living expenses. If she can’t pay her portion of the rent or utilities, we will both be homeless soon. I am very worried about her as she is very sick with this infection and the constant worry over her bills is not helping her recovery. She has no family to ask for help. Please consider my friend for assistance from The Time Is Now to Help.

believe you wrote to The Time Is Now to Help to help me. I can’t believe W.C. is really here.” I smiled at her and said, “How could I not come see you? I hear you are having a tough time right now, and your roommate told me you needed some help. Can we talk about how we can help make some of this better for you?” The woman looked down at her thin clasped hands and nodded her head yes. I could see she was now trying to hide her tears as well. After we spoke for almost an hour, I had learned all about how the roommates had been just getting by for the past few years. After several health problems and the recent fall that had broken her ankle, their budget had been stretched beyond its limits. The many years of just making ends meet did not allow them to have much of a savings, and the little they had managed to put aside had been wiped out in the first month of her illness. They would not be able to pay their rent or utilities without all of us coming together to help. I told both women that we would

gARAgE SALES Estate Sales TWIN LAKES, WI 203 Evergreen Dr. March 18-21, 9-5. Beautiful home full of furniture and antiques, garden & patio. View sale at 2 French Hens Estate Sales.

INDOOR ESTATE SALE 616 Maryland Ave., Burlington. Fri, Sat, Sun, MAR 13, 14, 15, 9-5. Variety of HH, afghans, linens, vintage lines, Christmas items; Mengel mid-century blonde bedroom set; Chimney Corners Bassett dining set; Tell City tables, hutch/bookcase. Collections-WW books, DVDs/VHS, postcards, Readers Digest vintage condensed books & LP box sets, albums, tins; walker, deluxe potty chair, canes, BP monitors; misc electronics

Rummage/Garage Sales Rochester Garage Sales 400 E. JEFFERSON ST., Burlington; Fri. March 20 & Sat. March 21, 8-4, everything from A to Z - kitty corner from Boardwalk, rain or shine

Burlington Garage Sales 616 MARYLAND AVE. Thur, March 19, 9-4, Fri, March 20, 9-4, Sat, March 21, 9-12. Final Estate Sale! Mengel mid-century bedroom set, Bassett dining set. Everything must go!

ANNUAL SPRING RUMMAGE SALE First Congregational Church at 103 S. State St. in Rochester. Saturday, March 21, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Waterford Garage Sales 3720 JACOBS RD 3/20, 11-4, 3/21, 9-2. Wood stove, TV ctrs, foosball, pingpong, patio +.

Salem Garage Sales 31035 60TH STREET Sat 3/21 9am-4pm. 1 day only. Houseware & kitch. items, SW & other home decor, furn. TV’s, & more!

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go of the stress and worry. We prayed together for her to give the things she cannot control up to God. We also prayed for her to have the strength to fight this infection. I told her about our group of caring volunteers and how they could be there to help when she came home from the hospital. She confessed, “That is another thing I have been worrying about. I did not want to burden my roommate with caring for me.” The roommate said, “How can you even think of that? Of course I will be there to help you. You did the same for me when I had the flu last year.” They both were hugging then. After going over all the areas where we were going to help these two women, they were


Lawn & Garden

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FRUIT TREES LOW AS $16.00! Blueberry, Grape, Strawberry, Asparagus, Evergreen & Hardwood Plants. FREE Catalog. WOODSTOCK NURSERY N1831 Hwy 95 Neillsville, WI 54456 Toll Free 1-888-803-8733, (MCN)

Announcements GUN SHOW. March 27th, 28th, 29th. Central Iowa Fairgrounds. Marshalltown IA. Fri. 4pm-9pm, Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. 9am-3pm. Buy, Sell, Trade or Browse. For more info, visit: (MCN) HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at

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Sunday - March 29

KANE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS 525 S. Randall Rd., St. Charles IL 8 am - 3 pm Adm. $7 / Booth $50



Thank you for helping these kind, good-hearted fellow Americans. They were truly in need of all of us. Please remember every penny you donate at this time will be matched by the Barnabas $55,000 matching grant. Thank you and God bless you. Health and happiness, God bless everyone, W.C./Sal Please help: There are many coming to us in desperation. Our good fellow creations need our compassion. Together we make a big difference. Make checks payable to The Time Is Now to Help, P.O. Box 1, Lake Geneva, WI 53147.

OLD OR NEW Working or not outboard motors. Fishing items, Bicycles, chain saws, motorcycles & mopeds, all sorts of stuff?? Cash on the spot. Cell 815-322-6383

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Multi-Family Estate, Moving & Downsizing


Saturday, March 21, 2015

CLASSIFIED IN-COLUMN ADS cannot be credited or refunded after the ad has been placed. Ads canceled before deadline will be removed from the paper as a service to our customers, but no credit or refund will be issued to your account.

Personals FIND THE LOVE YOU DESERVE! Discover the path to happiness. New members receive a FREE 3-minute love reading! Entertainment purposes only. 18 and over. 800-981-0092. (MCN) MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-357-4970 (MCN)

TIME: AUCTION - 11:00 AM PREVIEW - 10:00AM WHERE: 13340 75th St. (Hwy 50), Bristol, WI (just W of Sundance Kennels) PLEASE NOTE: We will be designating sale times for certain items – Read descriptions & terms below. Please park responsibly & safe. VERY PARTIAL LIST – FOR DETAILED LIST & PHOTOS, GO TO: Antiques & Collectibles: Gorham Sterling flatware; mid-century modern furniture, old books, comics; 80’s Atari console; 4 harness table loom; Vtg purses, gloves; Welsh welding glasses; Telechtron & Jefferson Golden Clocks; Viaticum & Home Alter; hat mold; jello molds; tin child’s head chocolate mold; Blatz coasters; hand tools; Bridgeport Boy Scout hatchet; Irish linen; wooden trunk; Milwaukee Line & Minnesota Train Line note pads; Yankee Clipper #14 Sled; tackle box w/lures; Albums/LP’s. Household/Tools: Pro-Form treadmill; Oak entertainment center; Weber stainless grill; ShopVac & hand held vacuums; submersible pumps; pipe wrenches; sawzall; asst. hand tools; Raleigh Super Course & Free Spirit bikes; Automobiles – Lawn tractor – Gun: Sold at approx. 1pm – 2002 Chevy Impala w/58k; 2002 Hyundai Accent GS >100K.; McCulloch chain saw; John Deere 316 mower, dump cart; gas weed eaters/tiller; Craftsman power washer & snow blower; Ariens ST824 snow blower; Iver Johnson Cycle Works Break Top Revolver; Trains & Accessories / vintage models: Sold at approx. 2pm (To be sold last) Large collection of Marklin, some Primex, Roco Fleischmann, Rivarossi HO Trains, M-track, terminal blocks, Primex, Heljan, Marklin & Faller layout buildings & accessories, vintage models - War planes, ships, tanks & more; RC boats & kits; Marklin magazines, catalogs, parts books; model & ship builders magazines and more! PLEASE READ Terms: Cash, Personal check, Business check w/proper ID - No out of state check unless known, MC & Visa (3% convenience fee for CC purchases). Cars, Tractors - Cash, CC or Bank Check only. All items sold as is, where is, with no warranty. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over all printed material. Not responsible for accidents or theft. NO BUYERS PREMIUM for onsite buyers – 10% Buyers Premium for Absentee & Phone Bids only. Food, drinks & portalet on site. Burlington, WI 53105 (262) 539-3885

Wanted to Buy 6 VOLT GOLF CART BATTERY CORES in good condition will pay $15 each, Call 815-814-2935



Auto Parts Store Inventory, Machine Shop, & Retail Store Building & Fixtures Auction Formerly Collins Automotive Bumper To Bumper Saturday, March 21, 2015, 10:00 A.M. Location: 405 N. Lake Ave.(Cnty. EM) Twin Lakes, WI 53181 Directions: In Kenosha Cnty. just North of Downtown Twin Lakes. Watch for signs. Auctioneer’s Note: We are auctioneering all the auto parts & accessories plus the machinery used for engine, brake, & hydraulic service. In addition are display racks, shelving, counters, work benches, auto related signs & advertising items. Cross reference manuals will be available to look up your needed parts. Be sure to check the Websites: or ID #9051 for an expanded list along with many pictures and updates. Auction day phones: (262) 492-5125 or (262) 716-8421. Food service available on site. Real Estate to be Auctioned at approximately 12:00 PM. See separate listing for details & terms. New Auto Parts: Starters; Alternators; Fuel & water pumps; Brake service items inc: calipers, pads, shoes, rotors, drums, master cylinders, brake hardware; Shock absorbers & struts; Half shafts; U joints; Bearings & seals; Air, oil, & fuel filters; Ignition wires; Spark plugs; Belts & hoses; Heater parts; Complete Duracryl & Ditzler paint inventory and equipment for mixing auto colors; Auto hardware; Mufflers & pipes; Wipers; Oils & lubes; Service manuals; Lawn equipment parts & blades; Many auto accessory display SKUs. Service Shop Machinery: Van Norman equipment inc: #570 engine & block rotary broach mill, Engine boring bar, Cabinet bead blaster w/upper tumbler cabinet, 40 Ton press; Engine head pressure tester; SW engine crankshaft balancer; DCM flywheel grinder; Cam bearing tool; IDL valve guide & seat installer w/cutters & reamers; Ammco brake shoe arcing machine; Crankshaft polisher; Engine oil vac system; Clausing 12” x 48” bench lathe; Generator/starter tester; Ammco disc & drum brake lathes & access; Air compressor 3PH 208V; Coffin hoist & swing crane; MacPherson strut spring compressor; Hydraulic hose cutter, crimper, dies, & hose; Large heated washer tank for complete engines. Car: 1936 Oldsmobile 4 door sedan with a flat head 6 cylinder & 3 speed on the floor transmission. Black, fair condition. Store Fixtures: Penco pallet rack sections; Showroom display gondolas; Advertising racks; Warehouse shelving; Dexion slotted angle; Filing cabinets; Desks; Computer; Microfiche readers and cards with lots of auto part data; Workbenches; Storage cabinets; Many metal advertising signs; Vintage painted “AUTO PARTS” two section wood sign; Lighted advertising signs; Weatherhead parts bins; & MUCH MORE. TERMS: Cash, credit cards, or good check with proper I.D. 4% Buyer’s fee. 4% Discount on payments made by cash or good check. All sales are final. All purchases must be settled for on day of sale. There are no guarantees expressed or implied. Not responsible in case of accident or for items after sold. 5.5% Wisconsin Sales tax charged on all items unless exempt.

Auctioneer: Bob Hagemann. Wisconsin Registered Auctioneer No. 509 28421 Rowntree Road Burlington, WI 53105 PHONE: (262) 492-5125 FAX: (262) 534-5066 WEB: EMAIL:

Antique • Farm • Real Estate • Consignment • Household • Estates Auctions

Your so called Junk is worth money!


both relieved. I even saw a few smiles from them before I left. When I said my goodbyes I received a hug from both the women as they said, “Tell all those good people from The Time Is Now to Help thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We will be forever grateful for what you have done for us.” I promised to give all of you the message. Together we paid their overdue rent and a month into the future. We also paid their utilities and provided several gift cards for food, toiletries and medications. Volunteers helped to make the transition home a smooth one and the friend has since learned to walk on the damaged ankle again. She is even back at work once more.



Click on the Hi-Liter and see it for yourself. 262-728-3411

be helping them pay both their overdue rent and utilities. The friend lying in bed looked like she was in shock. She finally said, “Are you really here? Is this for real?” I took her hand and squeezed it saying, “I am definitely here and this is for real.” After discussing her financial problems I asked her about her health. I told her now that we were there to help them, she could use all her energy to just concentrate on getting better. She admitted she had been so worried and depressed about the overdue rent and possible eviction she had not been focusing on her own health. We talked about the importance of caring for herself and also letting


that were not covered by her insurance. She is so depressed and losing her will to live.” She asked if I would go see her friend in the hospital to cheer her up and motivate her to fight for her life. My reply was, “Can we go right now?” We rode to the hospital together to visit the friend. The roommate tried to prepare me for how her friend looked. I told her I had been doing this for many years and had helped many people going through all kinds of illnesses. When we arrived at the hospital, I followed the roommate into the friend’s room. The friend was very happy to see her roommate but looked confused when she saw me enter her room as well. The roommate introduced me to her friend lying in bed. She looked extremely tired, thin and sickly. The friend said, “I thought you were kidding. You really wrote to W.C. for me?” The roommate said, “I told you I was writing to him so he could help you.” I finally convinced the friend I was really there to help them both. The friend said again, “I can’t


(Continued from page 8)


• Time is now


SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 11:00 A.M. LOCATION: From Delavan go east on Hwy. 50 for 3 miles to South Shore Dr., then south for two miles to Bailey Rd.; or midway between Lake Geneva & Delavan on Hwy. 50 to Hwy. 67, then south 1/4 mile to Bailey Rd., then west three miles - watch for signs - this is the first of two auctions. Amish trunk w/stenciling; Uncle Sam Americana 4’ wood figurine; wardrobe w/wooden hooks; 5 shelf etagere; 1800’s corner cabinet; wood medicine cabinet; 1 dr. table; curley maple wall chest; folding sewing table; barn door w/pulleys; parlor table w/glass ball feet; 8’x1’ transit w/curved leaded glass; old primitive sled; old wood items; oak DR table w/claw feet; 4 matched pressed back chairs; wood wagon jack; captain’s chair & asst. others; cream & milk cans; corn planters w/adv.; parts to barrel butter churn; birch bark items; pine shelves; corner shelves; fern stands; pine tables; butcher block; apple baskets; wicker settee & chair; child’s desk; folding high chair; children’s chairs; many crocks; oil lamps; balance scale; numerous canes; iron & brass pots; patchwork quilt; coat/hat racks; round oak table; pictures/frames; Ironstone, tealeaf, transferware; B&W Staffordshire; pressed glass; Blue Ridge’ cookie cutters; kitchen utensils; miniatures; boot jack; linens; silhouettes; many brass candlesticks; exit light; paper items; & many smalls; boxes still being unpacked - more to come. Hay trolley; brass and irons; iron wheels; old wood bobsled; wall sconces; truck horns; iron/brass/copper items; Tonka trucks; misc. tools; wood rake; & MUCH more. Go to for photos - I.D. 10396 AUCTIONEERS: Dale Folkers, & Tom Kleist, Wisconsin Registered Auctioneers #62 & 999. TERMS: Cash or good check. No buyers fee. All items must be settled for on day of sale & prior to removal. Items sold “as-is” with no warranties or guarantees. Buyer responsible for items after they are sold. Lunch available. Sales tax applies.


Dale Folkers Auction Service Elkhorn, Wis. (262) 742-2637



Fish fry fame


Eugene “Gooch” and Karen Stevens are co-owners, along with Bruce and Lisa Francart of the Colony House in Trevor. Gooch is the chef and Karen is the manager of the business. The restaurant’s fish fry was recently featured in Midwest Living magazine.

Trevor’s Colony House is featured in Midwest Living magazine By Janet Deaver-Pack

ny House gets top billing in the story that features fish fries at a Most people don’t pay much handful or restaurants and tavattention to Trevor unless they erns in the state. live or work there – it’s a small Writer Jennifer Billock town near the state line, and opens the story by illustrating seems to run into Antioch, Ill., the scene from just inside the without interruption. There are front door at the Colony House: few signs indicating its pres“It feels like all of Trevence on Highway 83, the main or, Wisconsin, has piled north-south traffic artery used into the white-sided farmto get there. house-turned-supper club on Most of the community con- this Friday night. Diners shout sists of farms, several clusters their names to the girl at the of houses (many of which are front desk of Colony House, relatively new), and a handful signing up for an hour-long of small businesses including wait. Near the kitchen, a tana salon, an exercise facility, talizing scent hangs in the air: restaurants, a couple of taverns, onions and potatoes meeting in and two gas stations with con- a pan. venience stores a “…Of the scant block from House’s Everything Colony one another that 300 or so Frihere is home compete fiercely day-night orders, for customers. two-thirds are the made. Every One of the fish fry. Then it’s soup is made restaurants is just a matter of the about a mile west particulars: deepfrom scratch. of Highway 83 fried fillets of cod, It’s all quality on Highway JF, perch or walleye?” here, we insist also called 119th Running Street. Over its such a business on that.” long history, The means a lot of hard – Karen Stevens, work, but it’s a laColony House Colony House bor of love. And bar has become a favorite local that love shows in drinking estabthe homey atmolishment, and its supper club is sphere, the details of antique renowned for delicious “tradi- tables and place settings featurtional American” cuisine – and, ing old china, the fireplaces that of course, the traditional Wis- enhance a cozy feeling, and esconsin Friday night fish fry. pecially in the food that tempts Now, thanks to a story and customers to return time after photos appearing in the March/ time. April edition of Midwest Living magazine, the Colony A bit of history It was Lisa Francart who House is shining a regional spotlight on the tiny communi- discovered the restaurant was ty in Western Kenosha County. for sale in 1994 after one half of Owners Karen and Eugene the couple who owned it died. “Gooch” Stevens and Lisa and Francart told her brother Gooch Bruce Francart are determined and his wife Karen about it. Gooch Stevens has been a to carry on the tradition of The Colony House as a destination chef for most of his life, working at the former Playboy Club dining establishment. The Midwest Living story and the Hillmoor Golf Course should help their cause. Colo- restaurants in Lake Geneva, as CORRESPONDENT

well as Marino’s in New Munster and The Cottonpicker in Burlington. He met Karen, a Burlington native, while working as a chef at The Cottonpicker. She waited tables there, and later became assistant manager at the Red Geranium in Lake Geneva. Their mutual experience in the food industry gave them much in common, and they eventually married. Having their own place was something they always talked about, a dream they shared with friends Bruce and Lisa Francart. The Francarts and the Stevens looked at The Colony House, and loved the place. It had a good reputation, and obviously carried quite a history. The large kitchen cemented their decision to buy. “We made an offer on it, and things went very quickly after that,” Karen Stevens said. The quartet bought the restaurant and bar in 1995. Lisa Francart kept her day job, and the other three worked in their new venture. Pooling their expertise of the food industry has helped keep them in business since through both good times and rough economies. Something old, something new Karen Stevens, a down-toearth woman who believes in quality and hard work, smiles when recalling the memories they’ve already made. “It’s difficult to believe, but it’s been almost 20 years. Our two daughters were brought up here, playing in the restaurant. Now our granddaughter comes to play here.” The Stevens and the Francarts kept the antique tables in the bar and the dining room. “Some of these even have places inside to put drinks, and some shelves were used to store the guns of people who came

to eat here in the early years,” Karen Stevens said. “The dining room’s hardwood floor is the original one installed by the Hovens in the early 1940s.” All the recipes here are original to The Colony House. “Gooch cuts his own meat,” Karen said. “And we slice all our own vegetables. Everything here is home made. Every soup is made from scratch. It’s all quality here, we insist on that.” The owners also believe in buying the products they need from local sources. “Our bread comes from Heidi Brianna’s Bakery in Paddock Lake. It’s always fresh every day,” Karen added. The menu has seen very little change over the nearly 20 years the restaurant has been owned by the two couples. Favorites include the filet Oscar,

surmounted with asparagus, king crab, and béarnaise sauce, and the barbecue ribs. There are nightly specials, but none of them are quite as popular as the Friday fish fry – especially during lent. “You won’t get slaw in a paper cup here,” Karen explained. “Our cabbage is freshly sliced, and the slaw is served in glass bowls.” There are offerings of specialty steaks, as well as poultry, prime rib, and chops. marsalas, piccatas, de Jonghes, and Parmigianas give this menu a decided flourish. Fish and seafood round out the list. A children’s menu is available. Two soups are offered every night along with three salads. Bottles of wine are half price on Thursdays.

A banquet room The basement level, which Karen calls the banquet room, is set with its own bar, a fireplace, and about 10 tables that seat 50 people. “We hold wedding receptions and special gatherings here,” she said. It’s every bit as homey as the main dining room, and features softer surfaces, which minimize noise. It’s an ideal place for a retirement or holiday party. It’s also an excellent area for wedding receptions. “We’re very family oriented here,” Karen said, further explaining that some customers become like family. “I’ve made more friends here than any place I’ve ever worked.” She said she also considers Colony House employees as



The “porch” area on the south is divided from the main dining room by a glass and wood wall, giving diners a bit more privacy.



The Colony House banquet room on the lower level has its own fireplace and private bar. It handles special gatherings of up to 50 people.

• Colony House family. “We have a bartender who’s worked here almost as long as we’ve been open,” Karen continued. “And the other one has been here about 18 years.” Another bartender, Gary Naber, of Burlington, has been at The Colony House 18 years. He cites several reasons for his job longevity. “First, the quality is very high. Then, you’re like part of the family. And the customers are a lot of fun.” The Colony House offers an extensive wine list, including both imported and domestic varieties that enhance each item on the menu. “Martinis exploded in popularity over the last few years,” Karen Stevens said. “We have a list just for those,

(Continued from page 10)

including several originals made by our barmen.” So where does Karen expect The Colony House to be in another 20 years? “I want to keep working here, keep the restaurant going. Mom and pop businesses like this one fight tooth and nail for existence, but maybe we can make it to 100 years. Who knows?” Find The Colony House Restaurant and Bar online at For reservations or questions, call (262) 8622076. It is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 4 to 9:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday from 4 to 10 pm, and Sunday from 3:30 to 8:30 p.m. The bar keeps later hours than the restaurant.

Farewell to a firefighter

Photos by Earlene Frederick

The tears were real and the speeches were heartfelt March 5 when members of the area’s firefighting community gathered in Siebert Chapel at Carthage College, Kenosha, to say good-bye to Lt. Scott Schumacher, 41, a resident of Trevor, Wis. The 16-year firefighting veteran died Feb. 25 at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee after battling what has been deemed duty-related cancer for 11 of those years. Firefighters wearing black-banded badges from departments in Wisconsin and northern Illinois arrived to offer condolences to Schumacher’s widow, Kristine, and their three children, Ryan, Sean and Sara. At the conclusion of the funeral, Lt. Schumacher’s casket was loaded aboard a fire engine for a final trip to Kenosha Station No. 7 where his family and friends said their final farewells in a private ceremony.


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Tues.-Sun. at 11:00 am

Volume 04 • Number 12

CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

883 Main Street, Antio 847-603-1196 • ww w.david ch, IL sbistro.

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Theater launches expansion campaign PM&L has plans for adjacent building


If you notice a group of people scurrying around the north end of Antioch’s Main Street business district, it may very well be the PM&L Theatre Board of Directors and membership getting ready to launch perhaps the most ambitious project of the group’s 54-year history. Though the plan includes a few more improvements to the century-old facility at 877 Main Street, it also entails purchasing and remodeling the dual-entranced building immediately to the south of the theatre at 879-881 Main Street, melding it into an integral part of the current playhouse. That building was most recently occupied by Catbridge Cellars Wines and, until 2006, was the original home of the candy store, Something Sweet. “This is a rare opportunity for the theatre. We’ve been given the chance to acquire the adjoining property. The expansion we’re planning opens up many possibilities for us,” said PM&L’s Marketing Vice President Lorrie Ferguson. Though the PM&L vision for the property might be in place, the acquisition and renovation of the property will be

a community effort. “We have a timetable in place and in order to meet the goals of the project, we’re asking area residents and businesses for support. We can always use volunteers but, at this point, financial support is critical, too,” Ferguson said. Founded on love Since its founding, PM&L has been a not-for-profit group and is currently a registered 501(c)(3) organization. The troupe’s origins can be traced back to 1956 when two Hope College students, Betty Dowd and Ken Smouse, met onstage during rehearsals for the school’s theatre group named “Palette and Masque.” The couple eventually married and remain happily so to this day. In 1960, they suggested to a few acquaintances that a theatre group be formed in Antioch. Ken Smouse christened it after the Holland, Mich., college theatre company at which he met his wife, with one small addition. “The palette represents the artist, the masque represents the actor. I added the lyre, representing music, to the name. Palette, Masque, and Lyre, or simply, PM&L, was born,” said Smouse.

See THEATER, Page 7


Above: Aileen Biel (from left), business manager; Deane Jones, vice president of operations; Adam Armstrong, president; and Lorrie Ferguson, vice president of marketing; take a moment to relax while planning the first phase of the PM&L Theatre expansion project in front of the planned acquisition at 879-881 Main St., Antioch. The dual-entrance building is adjacent to the PM&L Theatre. Left: PM&L Theatre Board Members Deane Jones (from left), Adam Armstrong and Lorrie Ferguson review architectural drawings for the PM&L Theatre expansion project. Plans for the acquisition, relying heavily on individual and business donations, include pass-through egress to the theatre, a wine bar, and facilities for smaller-scale theatrical events, as well as private parties.



Wednesday, MaRCH 18, 2015

County offers lost and found pet listing The Animal Care and Control program of the Lake County Health Department/ Community Health Center now offers an online lost and found listing for local residents. “Every year more than 1,000 dogs and cats get lost in Lake County,” said Robin Van Sickle, Animal Care and Control’s program coordinator. “Our staff works hard to reunite lost pets with their owners. This webpage is an easy way for residents to provide photos of lost animals as well as photos of animals that residents have found and want to return.” Residents who have lost or found pets, should send a digital photo, pet description, and indicate whether the animal is lost or found, to: cjohnson5@ Also include the town or area where the pet was lost or found. None of the animals displayed on the Web page are housed at Animal Care and Control and no personal information will be posted on-line. To access the web page, go to and use the search box to locate “lost and found pet service.” Here are some tips from the department to prevent pets from being lost: • Whenever outside the home, keep ID tags on your pet along with a properly fitted collar or harness – personal ID

See PETS, Page 7

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(Continued from front page)

tag, rabies/license tag and microchip tag. If your pet gets lost, you want the person who finds your pet to be able to easily contact or find you. • Make sure your pet is microchipped and the chip is registered to you. A microchip is a tiny chip implanted between your pet’s shoulder blades; it can be scanned and used to identify your pet. Don’t forget to update your contact information with the microchip registry if you move or change your phone number. If you adopted your pet from an animal shelter,

it may be already microchipped. Check your adoption records or ask your veterinarian to scan your pet for a microchip. Microchips can be implanted by your veterinarian or by Lake County Animal Care and Control. • When walking your dog, use a sturdy, traditional leash. Slip the loop of the leash over your right thumb and close your fingers tightly around the loop. Use left hand to hold the leash further down. If your dog tries to bolt, you have both hands on the leash. • When children are walk-

ing the dog, they should not only be old enough to understand the safety precautions, but also physically strong enough to handle the dog if it attempts to bolt. • If you let your dog out into a fenced yard, check the fence on a routine basis to make sure it is secure. Wind and accumulated snow can damage a fence. For more information on this service or to inquire about having your pet microchipped by Animal Care and Control staff, call (847) 3774700.

Man dies in Antioch house fire A 76-year-old man died Sunday morning in a fire at a home in Antioch Township, according to the Lake County Sheriff’s Department. Lowell B. Simonson died in the fire that was reported at 10:19 a.m. in the 38000 block of Drexel Boulevard. He was pronounced dead en route to Centegra Northern Illinois Medical Center in McHenry. Six other occupants of the

to host ‘show and share’

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• Theater

Dolly Spiering, a major top-tobottom renovation of the building took place. The interior was gutted and a larger main-floor lobby, a second-floor lobby, a new concession area, and larger, modern bathrooms were built. Seating capacity was reduced to 176. In 2015, if fund raising goes as anticipated, aspirations for the theatre will move laterally, rather than vertically. Currently, the vehicle for making donations for the expansion is through a Paypal link on the PM&L website, A graph showing fund-raising progress and a schedule for the project can also be found on the site.

Site has evolved The building has undergone a series of renovations over the past half century, Ken Smouse recalled. “When we first moved in, the basement area now used for selling refreshments had a dirt floor. We eventually managed to pour a concrete slab over it,” he said. Betty Smouse added, “The dressing area for performers in the original theatre was located on the stairway between the basement and the stage. It was not an ideal situation. We managed to move it to the basement where it remains today.” Having to work in its cramped, finite space has proven a serious limitation for the theatre. The need for internal renovations to accommodate changing times, as well as fundraising to pay for repairs, has been a constant battle. In 1970, hoping to increase attendance at the theatre and thereby revenues, PM&L performed at the Antioch Country Club and later returned to the high school to finish the season. In 2002, thanks to a generous bequest from benefactor

Optimism reigns In light of the success the Kickstarter website played in the Antioch Theatre’s renovation project last year, PM&L President Adam Armstrong was asked why Paypal is being used instead of Kickstarter for the PM&L project. “We took a long look at many of the fundraising options available to us. We realized that the Kickstarter model of receiving no donations if the set goal was not reached by a given date was a risky one. Also, the cost to us of using Paypal for 501(3) (c) donations is less than if we had chosen Kickstarter,” Armstrong said. Lorrie Ferguson is optimistic the residents of Antioch and communities around the village will come through so that the construction goals can be met. “We are a community theatre. In addition to performing for the community, we are made up of the community, from both Illinois and Wisconsin. We’re all dedicated to the performing arts. We’re a training ground for not only budding actors and actresses, but also those

Library District will also present a program on the funeral of President Abraham Lincoln titled, “Mourning for Lincoln.” The program will be held at the Antioch Public Library, 757 Main St., Antioch, on March 29 at 2 p.m. Admission and parking are free. The public is welcome.

is at 128 North County St., Waukegan. • Crystal Lake Public Library, Monday, March 30, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. (backup date is Tuesday, March 31, same start and stop times). The library is at 126 Paddock St., Crystal Lake. This event is free and suitable for all ages. There will be special surprises for the young astronomers who attend. No advance registration is required. These events are dependent on dry weather and acceptable sky conditions to allow viewing. For more information, contact the LCAS at contact@, visit www. or the Society’s Facebook page at http://

Society to host celestial viewings

The Lake County Astronomical Society is offering two astronomy programs at the libraries in Waukegan and Crystal Lake later this month. The specifics for each location are: • Waukegan Public Library, Thursday, March 26, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. There is no backup date for this event. The library

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(Continued from front page)

In the 1961-62 season, the PM&L group debuted at Antioch Township High School (now Antioch Community High School) with the play “The Tender Trap.” In 1963, they had the opportunity to rent a movie house that had fallen upon hard times in which to hold their performances. It was the building at 877 Main Street, originally a 300seat vaudeville and occasional movie theater called the Crystal Theatre built in 1914. In 1946, it became a full-time movie house known as the Lakes Theatre until PM&L took it over. It has been the base of operations for the company ever since. They eventually purchased the theatre in 1983.

scene and released, according to a sheriff’s press release. Preliminary investigation indicates the fire likely started in an upstairs room of the three-floor residence. The cause of the fire remains under investigation by Quad 2 area fire investigators and the Lake County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division. The house was a total loss, according to officials.

Community briefs Historical Society Lakes Region Historical Society on March 26 will hold its first meeting of 2015 at The Meeting House, 977 Main St., Antioch. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with program to follow at 7 p.m. The program will be “Show and Share.” Attendees are asked to bring an item from home and share information about the item. It does not need to be an antique. The meeting is open to the general public. Admission and parking are free. Refreshments will be served. For additional information, call (847) 395-4912. The Lakes Region Historical Society and the Antioch Public

Antioch residents Maria and Michel Lutz peer through a porthole to get a look at the vision of the PM&L Theatre expansion at 881 Main St., Antioch, on Saturday. The porthole allows passersby to view a small architectural model of what the dual-entranced building at 879-881 Main Street will look like once the theatre’s acquisition and renovation of the building is complete.

home were able to escape – five without serious injury. Simonson’s wife, Patricia, 74, was also taken to Centegra Northern where she was listed in serious condition Monday, suffering from smoke inhalation. Lowell and Patricia Simonson’s daughter and three grandchildren, as well as Patricia’s disabled sister, were treated for minor injuries at the

interested in behind-the-scenes theatrical work, such as stage crews, designers, and organizers,” she said. “With this expansion, we hope to provide a better theatre experience for our patrons. There will be improved accessibility with pass-throughs to the main theatre and concessions at street level instead of the basement, including a wine bar. We’ll have additional storage, more bathrooms, and larger rehearsal and event space. There will be less ‘dark’ time between productions and, therefore, the ability to have additional productions,” Ferguson continued. The current theatre is occasionally made available to other performing art groups such as children’s shows, music concerts, and old-time radio shows. As recently as this February, a memorial service for a former PM&L member and performer, Michael L. Shehorn, was held at the theatre. Ferguson is hopeful the new space will allow additional hosting opportunities, including rental to private parties. “We hope to create a modular space that breaks down and sets up quickly. This will increase versatility of the new space and also increase its usage,” she said. In one sense, the theatre was born through a young couple meeting and falling in love. The love for the performing arts fostered by PM&L’s founders is still evident through the dedication shown by its current members and many volunteers who continue the tradition of community theatre in the Antioch area, a tradition of growing the Arts on Main Street. For more information on how to help the PM&L expansion project, visit their website,, email, or call (847) 395-3055.

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~ fomerly The Report

RICHMOND, SPRING GROVE, JOHNSBURG & RINGWOOD To subscribe call 262-728-3411 CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

883 Main Street, Antio 847-603-1196 • ww w.david ch, IL sbistro.

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

Theater launches expansion campaign PM&L has plans for adjacent building


If you notice a group of people scurrying around the north end of Antioch’s Main Street business district, it may very well be the PM&L Theatre Board of Directors and membership getting ready to launch perhaps the most ambitious project of the group’s 54-year history. Though the plan includes a few more improvements to the century-old facility at 877 Main Street, it also entails purchasing and remodeling the dual-entranced building immediately to the south of the theatre at 879-881 Main Street, melding it into an integral part of the current playhouse. That building was most recently occupied by Catbridge Cellars Wines and, until 2006, was the original home of the candy store, Something Sweet. “This is a rare opportunity for the theatre. We’ve been given the chance to acquire the adjoining property. The expansion we’re planning opens up many possibilities for us,” said PM&L’s Marketing Vice President Lorrie Ferguson. Though the PM&L vision for the property might be in place, the acquisition and renovation of the property will be

a community effort. “We have a timetable in place and in order to meet the goals of the project, we’re asking area residents and businesses for support. We can always use volunteers but, at this point, financial support is critical, too,” Ferguson said. Founded on love Since its founding, PM&L has been a not-for-profit group and is currently a registered 501(c)(3) organization. The troupe’s origins can be traced back to 1956 when two Hope College students, Betty Dowd and Ken Smouse, met onstage during rehearsals for the school’s theatre group named “Palette and Masque.” The couple eventually married and remain happily so to this day. In 1960, they suggested to a few acquaintances that a theatre group be formed in Antioch. Ken Smouse christened it after the Holland, Mich., college theatre company at which he met his wife, with one small addition. “The palette represents the artist, the masque represents the actor. I added the lyre, representing music, to the name. Palette, Masque, and Lyre, or simply, PM&L, was born,” said Smouse.

See THEATER, Page 7


Above: Aileen Biel (from left), business manager; Deane Jones, vice president of operations; Adam Armstrong, president; and Lorrie Ferguson, vice president of marketing; take a moment to relax while planning the first phase of the PM&L Theatre expansion project in front of the planned acquisition at 879-881 Main St., Antioch. The dual-entrance building is adjacent to the PM&L Theatre. Left: PM&L Theatre Board Members Deane Jones (from left), Adam Armstrong and Lorrie Ferguson review architectural drawings for the PM&L Theatre expansion project. Plans for the acquisition, relying heavily on individual and business donations, include pass-through egress to the theatre, a wine bar, and facilities for smaller-scale theatrical events, as well as private parties.


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Volume 10 • Number 15


Wednesday, MaRCH 18, 2015

County offers well testing through April The McHenry County Department of Health will offer reduced fee water testing for individual well water users from April 1 to 30. Residents can have their well water sampled for coliform bacteria and nitrate for $18. Testing regularly is the only way to determine whether the well water is safe to drink as many contaminants are colorless and odorless, according to public health officials. Water from a public or municipal water system is regularly tested for contaminants regulated by federal and state standards. Bacteria and chemicals can get into well water and contaminate it in different ways. Some bacteria and chemicals occur naturally. Contaminants such as nitrate can come from animal waste, wastewater, flooded sewers, polluted storm water runoff, fertilizers, agricultural runoff or decaying plants. High levels of nitrate in drinking water can cause illness in young children and pregnant women. Coliform bacteria are microbes found in the digestive systems of warm-blooded animals, in soil, on plants and in surface water. Sterile sample containers from the department are required and are available at


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(Continued from front page)

• Nunda Township Office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, (815) 459-4011 • City of Marengo, City Hall, 134 E. Prairie St., Marengo, (815) 568-7112 • Harvard Police Department, 201 W. Front St., Harvard, (815) 943-4431 • Richmond Township Office, 7812 South Route 31, Richmond, (815) 678-0077 • Grafton Township Office, 10109 Vine St., Huntley, (847) 669-3328 For more information, contact the health department’s Environmental Health Division at (815) 334-4585 or visit www.

Knights of Columbus to host fish fry

St, John’s is at 2302 W. Church Street, in Johnsburg. Call (815) 385-1477 for more The Knights of Columbus information. at St. John the Baptist Catholic will host a fish fry at the School Hall on Friday from 4:30 to St. Andrew 8:30 p.m. announces Holy St. John’s is at 2302 W. Church St., Johnsburg. For Week services St. Andrew Anglican more information, call (815) Church, Spring Grove, invites 385-1477. community members to its Holy Week services. St. John’s hosts • Palm Sunday, March 29 (regular worship times): 8 a.m. Easter Bake Sale The Ladies Auxiliary of the traditional worship; 9:30 a.m. Knights of Columbus will host Adult Bible Study; 11 a.m. conan Easter Bake sale after all temporary worship. • Maundy Thursday, April 2: masses at St. John the Baptist Catholic School Hall on March 7:30 p.m. • Good Friday, April 3: 22 and 23. noon; 7:30 p.m. - Stations of the Cross. • Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 4: 6 p.m. • Easter Sunday, April 5: 9:30 a.m. (one service) The congregation meets in a historic church building in the center of Spring Grove. Originally built in 1872 and later rebuilt after being destroyed by fire in 1939, the church has had numerous occupants. St. Andrew took possession of the building four and a half years ago. For more information visit:

Discover the JUDE KAIDER Hi-Liter

Antioch residents Maria and Michel Lutz peer through a porthole to get a look at the vision of the PM&L Theatre expansion at 881 Main St., Antioch, on Saturday. The porthole allows passersby to view a small architectural model of what the dual-entranced building at 879-881 Main Street will look like once the theatre’s acquisition and renovation of the building is complete.

• Theater

Dolly Spiering, a major top-tobottom renovation of the building took place. The interior was gutted and a larger main-floor lobby, a second-floor lobby, a new concession area, and larger, modern bathrooms were built. Seating capacity was reduced to 176. In 2015, if fund raising goes as anticipated, aspirations for the theatre will move laterally, rather than vertically. Currently, the vehicle for making donations for the expansion is through a Paypal link on the PM&L website, A graph showing fund-raising progress and a schedule for the project can also be found on the site.

Site has evolved The building has undergone a series of renovations over the past half century, Ken Smouse recalled. “When we first moved in, the basement area now used for selling refreshments had a dirt floor. We eventually managed to pour a concrete slab over it,” he said. Betty Smouse added, “The dressing area for performers in the original theatre was located on the stairway between the basement and the stage. It was not an ideal situation. We managed to move it to the basement where it remains today.” Having to work in its cramped, finite space has proven a serious limitation for the theatre. The need for internal renovations to accommodate changing times, as well as fundraising to pay for repairs, has been a constant battle. In 1970, hoping to increase attendance at the theatre and thereby revenues, PM&L performed at the Antioch Country Club and later returned to the high school to finish the season. In 2002, thanks to a generous bequest from benefactor

Optimism reigns In light of the success the Kickstarter website played in the Antioch Theatre’s renovation project last year, PM&L President Adam Armstrong was asked why Paypal is being used instead of Kickstarter for the PM&L project. “We took a long look at many of the fundraising options available to us. We realized that the Kickstarter model of receiving no donations if the set goal was not reached by a given date was a risky one. Also, the cost to us of using Paypal for 501(3) (c) donations is less than if we had chosen Kickstarter,” Armstrong said. Lorrie Ferguson is optimistic the residents of Antioch and communities around the village will come through so that the construction goals can be met. “We are a community theatre. In addition to performing for the community, we are made up of the community, from both Illinois and Wisconsin. We’re all dedicated to the performing arts. We’re a training ground for not only budding actors and actresses, but also those

McHenry County Department of Health is taking appointments for its March and April prostate cancer screenings, which are available at no cost for men age 50 and older. The 20-minute screening includes a Prostate Specific Antigen blood test, heart age analysis and health education material. This offer is limited; it is funded through a grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health. Based on guidelines from the American Urological Association and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, men 40 and older who are African American or have a higher risk due to family history can also be screened. March and April appointments are available online at or call (815) 334-4580 for the following locations: • 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, March 28, American Legion, 1101 W. Algonquin Road, Lake in the Hills • 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 2, Greenwood Township, 5211 Miller Road, Wonder Lake • 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 15, McHenry Veterans Association, 5330 W. Elm

St., McHenry • 5 to 7 p.m., Thursday, April 16, Harvard-Diggins Library, 900 E. McKinley, Harvard For more information about prostate health, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or call MCDH at (815) 334-4510.

Society to host celestial viewings

The Lake County Astronomical Society is offering two astronomy programs at the libraries in Waukegan and Crystal Lake later this month. The specifics for each location are: • Waukegan Public Library, Thursday, March 26, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The library is at 128 North County St., Waukegan. • Crystal Lake Public Library, Monday, March 30, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. (backup date is Tuesday, March 31, same start and stop times). The library is at 126 Paddock St., Crystal Lake. This event is free and suitable for all ages. No advance registration is required. For more information, contact the LCAS at contact@, visit www. or the Society’s Facebook page at http://

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(Continued from front page)

In the 1961-62 season, the PM&L group debuted at Antioch Township High School (now Antioch Community High School) with the play “The Tender Trap.” In 1963, they had the opportunity to rent a movie house that had fallen upon hard times in which to hold their performances. It was the building at 877 Main Street, originally a 300seat vaudeville and occasional movie theater called the Crystal Theatre built in 1914. In 1946, it became a full-time movie house known as the Lakes Theatre until PM&L took it over. It has been the base of operations for the company ever since. They eventually purchased the theatre in 1983.

Free prostate cancer screenings available

interested in behind-the-scenes theatrical work, such as stage crews, designers, and organizers,” she said. “With this expansion, we hope to provide a better theatre experience for our patrons. There will be improved accessibility with pass-throughs to the main theatre and concessions at street level instead of the basement, including a wine bar. We’ll have additional storage, more bathrooms, and larger rehearsal and event space. There will be less ‘dark’ time between productions and, therefore, the ability to have additional productions,” Ferguson continued. The current theatre is occasionally made available to other performing art groups such as children’s shows, music concerts, and old-time radio shows. As recently as this February, a memorial service for a former PM&L member and performer, Michael L. Shehorn, was held at the theatre. Ferguson is hopeful the new space will allow additional hosting opportunities, including rental to private parties. “We hope to create a modular space that breaks down and sets up quickly. This will increase versatility of the new space and also increase its usage,” she said. In one sense, the theatre was born through a young couple meeting and falling in love. The love for the performing arts fostered by PM&L’s founders is still evident through the dedication shown by its current members and many volunteers who continue the tradition of community theatre in the Antioch area, a tradition of growing the Arts on Main Street. For more information on how to help the PM&L expansion project, visit their website,, email, or call (847) 395-3055.

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• Well testing the locations below. Samples can be dropped off for testing on Tuesday mornings between 9 a.m. and noon. • Algonquin Township Office, 3702 Route 14, Crystal Lake, (847) 639-2329 • Dorr Township Office, 1039 Lake Street, Woodstock, (815) 338-0125 • McHenry County Department of Health, 2200 N. Seminary Ave, Woodstock, (815) 334-4585 • McHenry County Department of Health, 100 N. Virginia St., Crystal Lake, (815) 459-5151 • McHenry Township Office, 3703 Richmond Rd., McHenry, (815) 385-5605


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