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883 Main Street, Antioch, IL •

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

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WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017

Tuesday, Feb. 14,

Live Entertainmen t-

Embracing winter on the Chain Cold-weather activities abound in the area

By Sandra Landen Machaj CORRESPONDENT

Happy 125th, Antioch JUDE KAIDER Hi-Liter


Antioch Parks and Recreation Director Shawn Roby (front, left) and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Barbara Porch (right) display the first banner celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Antioch’s incorporation during a meeting of the anniversary committee at the Meeting House on Jan 10. The village, local businesses, and civic groups are planning festivities to take place during 2017 in observance of the Feb. 29, 1892, incorporation and banners similar to the one pictured will soon be hanging throughout the village. Originally known as “Gages settlement,” Antioch received its name in an 1851 vote. Villagers chose the name “Antioch” over the competing name of “Winsor” by a margin of 85-60, according to historical accounts. Antioch was originally incorporated a few years later in the late 1850s. However, by the mid-1860s residents grew tired of bureaucratic responsibilities. Another election was held to unincorporate the young town, which was its status until leap year day of 1892. A term that might be heard this year is quasquicentennial, which is an alternate way to describe the 125th observance of an event.

Winter is not a season when people usually think about going to the lake. Lake recreation is often reserved for the hot days of summer. The lake, however, can also be an exciting place to enjoy the winter days. That’s especially true on the Chain O’ Lakes. For the fisherman, winter does not mean the end of enjoying that sport. The Chain O’ Lakes has a reputation as one of the most popular ice fishing areas in the Midwest. On a cold day after the lake has frozen, ice fishing shelters will be seen dotting the frozen surface of the lakes. According to Ken Buchardt, vice president of the Fox Lake-Grant Township Area Historic Society, “The best choice of bait for ice fishing includes maggots, wax worms, and minnows.” He went on to explain that in winter the fish move more slowly so you don’t need very active and wiggly bait. A variety of fish including panfish, crappies, striped bass, walleye, muskies and even catfish can be caught on the Chain. Ice fishing requires some preparation including the usual pole, hook and bait. In addition an auger to cut a hole in the ice, warm clothing and ice fishing shelter to help keep warm are a must. A visit to one of the local bait stores for information is a great place for beginners to start.

See WINTER, Page 6

Free! Celebrate Love Wit h Us!


- 7:30 p.m. 0 - 10:00 p.m.

Second seating 8:0


CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411


5 course amazing me nu First seating 5:30

$89.00/couple exc

ludes 20% gratuit

Call today to reserv

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

883 Main Street, Antioch, IL •

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

y & libations

e your seat!



WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017

Tuesday, Feb. 14,

Live Entertainmen t-

Embracing winter on the Chain Cold-weather activities abound in the area

By Sandra Landen Machaj CORRESPONDENT

Happy 125th, Antioch JUDE KAIDER Hi-Liter


Antioch Parks and Recreation Director Shawn Roby (front, left) and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Barbara Porch (right) display the first banner celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Antioch’s incorporation during a meeting of the anniversary committee at the Meeting House on Jan 10. The village, local businesses, and civic groups are planning festivities to take place during 2017 in observance of the Feb. 29, 1892, incorporation and banners similar to the one pictured will soon be hanging throughout the village. Originally known as “Gages settlement,” Antioch received its name in an 1851 vote. Villagers chose the name “Antioch” over the competing name of “Winsor” by a margin of 85-60, according to historical accounts. Antioch was originally incorporated a few years later in the late 1850s. However, by the mid-1860s residents grew tired of bureaucratic responsibilities. Another election was held to unincorporate the young town, which was its status until leap year day of 1892. A term that might be heard this year is quasquicentennial, which is an alternate way to describe the 125th observance of an event.

Winter is not a season when people usually think about going to the lake. Lake recreation is often reserved for the hot days of summer. The lake, however, can also be an exciting place to enjoy the winter days. That’s especially true on the Chain O’ Lakes. For the fisherman, winter does not mean the end of enjoying that sport. The Chain O’ Lakes has a reputation as one of the most popular ice fishing areas in the Midwest. On a cold day after the lake has frozen, ice fishing shelters will be seen dotting the frozen surface of the lakes. According to Ken Buchardt, vice president of the Fox Lake-Grant Township Area Historic Society, “The best choice of bait for ice fishing includes maggots, wax worms, and minnows.” He went on to explain that in winter the fish move more slowly so you don’t need very active and wiggly bait. A variety of fish including panfish, crappies, striped bass, walleye, muskies and even catfish can be caught on the Chain. Ice fishing requires some preparation including the usual pole, hook and bait. In addition an auger to cut a hole in the ice, warm clothing and ice fishing shelter to help keep warm are a must. A visit to one of the local bait stores for information is a great place for beginners to start.

See WINTER, Page 6

Free! Celebrate Love Wit h Us!

~ fomerly The Report


Tuesday, Feb. 14,

Live Entertainmen t-

To subscribe call 262-728-3411

DISPLAY ADS (262) 877-2813

CLASSIFIEDS (262) 728-3411

- 7:30 p.m. 0 - 10:00 p.m.

Second seating 8:0


$89.00/couple exc

ludes 20% gratuit

Call today to reserv

DELIVERY (262) 728-3411

883 Main Street, Antioch, IL •

147 E. Main Street, Twin Lakes, WI 53185 • Published By Southern Lakes Newspapers, LLC

y & libations

e your seat!



WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017


5 course amazing me nu First seating 5:30

No charges filed against couple who left area

Taking kids out of state violated agreement By Vicky Wedig STAFF WRITER

Happy 125th, Antioch JUDE KAIDER Hi-Liter


Antioch Parks and Recreation Director Shawn Roby (front, left) and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Barbara Porch (right) display the first banner celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Antioch’s incorporation during a meeting of the anniversary committee at the Meeting House on Jan 10. The village, local businesses, and civic groups are planning festivities to take place during 2017 in observance of the Feb. 29, 1892, incorporation and banners similar to the one pictured will soon be hanging throughout the village. Originally known as “Gages settlement,” Antioch received its name in an 1851 vote. Villagers chose the name “Antioch” over the competing name of “Winsor” by a margin of 85-60, according to historical accounts. Antioch was originally incorporated a few years later in the late 1850s. However, by the mid-1860s residents grew tired of bureaucratic responsibilities. Another election was held to unincorporate the young town, which was its status until leap year day of 1892. A term that might be heard this year is quasquicentennial, which is an alternate way to describe the 125th observance of an event.

As of late last week, police had no probable cause to arrest a Genoa City, Wis., woman and her boyfriend from McHenry, who left the area with the woman’s kids. Genoa City police enlisted the public’s help in finding Katie Brick, Jenna Brick 8, and Jenna Brick, 6, on Jan. 10 after their mother, Tiffany Brick, 28, left their Sumner Court home with the girls against a civil agreement. Brick and the girls were found less than 24 hours Katie Brick later in Kansas with Brick’s boyfriend, Scott Hogel, 51, of McHenry. Genoa City Police Chief Joseph Balog said Friday the department was still investigating the matter but had Tiffany Brick no probable cause for criminal charges against Brick or Hogel.


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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 2



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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 3

Area man charged in fatal Russian roulette shooting By Tracy Ouellette and Vicky Wedig STAFF WRITERS

A McHenry man and an East Troy, Wis., man are charged with reckless homicide in a Jan. 2 shooting that left a man dead in East Troy. Robert M. Sterling, 31, of McHenry, and Tyler M. Odell, 22, of East Troy, are charged with first-degree reckless homicide in the shooting death of David A. Bauspies. Sterling also is charged with homicide by negligent handling of a dangerous weapon. If convicted of both counts, Sterling could be imprisoned for up to 70 years

and fined $25,000. He is scheduled to appear in court Monday for a preliminary hearing. Odell is Robert scheduled Sterling for a motion hearing Jan. 27. According to the criminal complaint, Village of East Troy police responded to reports of shots being fired at an Emery Court apartment around 12:30 p.m. Jan. 2. When the first officer arrived at the apartment, he

said he saw Sterling “kneeling over a deceased male victim,” who had been shot in the face, according to the complaint. The officer reported there was a “revolver laying on the floor near the victim.” Another village police officer who responded to the call found Odell, who lives in the apartment, outside of the residence, according to the complaint. In an interview with police, Odell said Bauspies and Sterling were with him in his apartment and Odell “decided to show everyone his gun,” the complaint states. Odell said Bauspies and Ster-

ling had “both been drinking a lot of beer and were ‘pretty drunk’” when Odell took out a .44 Magnum revolver that Odell owns. Odell told police, another man, Richard D. Pryor, arrived at the apartment while Odell was showing off the gun. According to the complaint, Odell told police he removed the six rounds in the gun and showed it to everyone. Then Odell told police he put one round back in the gun and spun the cylinder and that Sterling saw him do this. Odell told police he held the gun up to his own head but did not pull the trigger.

According to the compliant, Odell then handed the gun to Sterling. Sterling “spun the cylinder” and held the gun up to his own head and “pulled the trigger,” the complaint states. The gun did not go off, Odell told police. According to the complaint, Odell told police Sterling then pointed the gun at Bauspies and “pulled the trigger, causing the gun to fire.” Odell told police after Bauspies was shot, Odell and Pryor left the apartment and went to a friend’s house. According to the complaint, Odell later came back to the area of the apartment where he was arrested.

The complaint states Sterling was interviewed by police and told them he had been drinking alcohol on Jan. 1 and 2 and he was at the apartment when Odell brought out the gun to show everyone. Sterling told police Odell removed the gun from a case and the group at the apartment began playing Russian roulette. Sterling said everyone present handled the gun, according to the complaint. Sterling told police Odell had handed him the gun and that he was holding the gun by his knee when the gun went off and Bauspies was shot.

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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 4

Young Marine at 75th Pearl Harbor anniversary in Hawaii By Gail Peckler-Dziki CORRESPONDENT

Ben Randolph is a fifth-grader at Riverview School who lives in Silver Lake, Wis., with his family consisting of parents Doug and Ginger and older brother, Christian, a seventh-grader. Ben, who is also a Young Marine, had the honor of attending the 75th anniversary commemoration of Pearl Harbor Day in Hawaii last month. “I became interested in the Young Marines because a family friend’s son, Kurt Wagner, had been in it until he was 18,” Ben said. Kurt is the son of Chris and Phil Lass. Ben was among 18 Young Marines along with seven adults from his Southeastern Wisconsin who attended. Members are comprised of people coming from Milwaukee, southward to Northern Illinois. All of the students worked to raise $2,000 so they could attend. “We spent about six months raising funds,” Ben said. “We got up early on weekend mornings when it was still dark out.” “It was the first time I was excited for Monday,” he quipped. “I felt as if I were sleeping in.” Local businesses donated money to the cause, includ-

ing Buss Ford in McHenry, Ill., Lynch Chevrolet in Burlington and Merlin in Kenosha. Close to home, Harm’s at Silver Lake Auto, The Boat Doc and People’s Bank also contributed to the cause. Ben also sold sausage sticks to raise funds. Long voyage It was a long trip to Hawaii, with a four-hour flight to Los Angeles, a five-hour layover, followed by another five-hour flight to Hawaii. “I wanted to honor those who had fallen and those who survived,” Ben said. While he was there on his seven-day visit, Ben saw the Arizona Memorial, heard the oldest living survivor speak, and walked up the stairs to the top of the Punchbowl National Cemetery. “It was sad, seeing all the grave markers,” Ben said. The trip home, scheduled when there was a snowstorm in Wisconsin, sidetracked Ben and his group in Los Angeles for a 1-1/2 days. “We had a bus tour of Hollywood and saw the sidewalk with the stars on it and visited Venice Beach,” he remembered. Ben plans to head to college following high school, and then hopes to become an officer for the United States

Marine Corps. Young Marines in operation The Young Marines is a group open to boys and girls from 8 years old through high school graduation. Ben meets with his Young Marine Unit every Wednesday at the Oak Creek Community Center, and when weather permits, in the park. Weekly activities include marching drills along with physical and navigational training. Navigation training involves the use of maps and a compass. Ben has also participated in the Appleseed project and marksmanship training. Gun safety is taught at the Racine Rifle Club, where they received two days of training one weekend last summer. Community service, with an emphasis on helping veterans, is also part of the program. Last year, Ben helped retired Marine veteran James Hunter, of Bartlett, Ill. with fencing repairs at his home. Local education is included, with an opportunity for Ben to help teachers at Riverview in cleaning up classSUBMITTED PHOTO Hi-Liter rooms and store items, which Young Marine Ben Randolph hangs his Pearl Harbor Memorial Christmas tree orwas done at the end of last nament at home. Randolph visited Hawaii with his Young Marine unit to commemoyear. rate the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, and pay tribute to the fallen of that day.

Who are the Young Marines? By Gail Peckler-Dziki



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The Young Marines strengthens the lives of America’s youth by teaching the importance of self-confidence, academic achievement, honoring our veterans, good citizenship, community service, and living a healthy, drug-free lifestyle, according to the Young Marines website. The Young Marines promotes the mental, moral, and physical development of its members, focusing on character building and leadership and promoting a lifestyle conducive to being productive members of society. The organization is open to all boys and girls, ages eight through completion of high school. The only membership requirement is that the youth must be in good standing at school. The Young Marines, which began as one full unit of boys in 1959, has since grown to many units throughout the United States and outlying areas. More than 280 Young Marines members from 15 states went to Hawaii to participate in the 75th anniversary Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration, held last month. They performed a wreath laying ceremony at the National Cemetery of the Pacific in memory of all the men and women interred there. Over 30 Young Marines Units attended the Memorial. On December 7, they led the Pearl Harbor Memorial Parade in Honolulu and carried the banners of the 12 capital ships that were attacked. The parade honored the survivors of Pearl Harbor and World War II and paid tribute to veterans, active duty military members and military families and to celebrate freedom. Young Marines used their creativity and applied the program’s core values - leadership, teamwork and discipline - to implement unique and effective fundraising efforts that were done to help fund the trip. For more information, visit https://www. on the web.

To place your classified, call (262) 728-3411 We Accept Mastercard, Visa & Discover

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 5

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Southern Lakes Newspapers Hi-Liter Publishing

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 6

Commission disqualifies prospective candidate His residency was challenged

By Gail Peckler-Dziki CORRESPONDENT

Prospective Antioch Board of Trustees candidate Joseph Dorjath has been left off the ballot for the spring election after his candidacy was challenged over a question of residency. Dorjath filed a petition to run for a trustee seat last month and Mary Peterson challenged his petition. Mayor Larry Hanson, at-

torney Daniel Venturi and Clerk Lori K. Romine considered the challenge as the local election commission. The candidate did not appear at the hearing, which was held on Dec 30. According to the order of the commission, Peterson’s objection was sustained as the commission ruled that while Dorjath claimed his address to be 1260 Parkview Drive, he did not reside in the Village of

Dog shows set for fairgrounds

Two area kennel clubs will host dog shows Jan. 26 through 29, at Lake County Fair Grounds, 1060 E. Peterson Road, Grayslake. The shows will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Park Shore Kennel Club days will host on Thursday, Jan. 26, and Saturday, Jan. 28. Chain O’Lakes Kennel Club will host on Friday, Jan. 27, and Sunday, Jan. 29. These shows will be indoors and is limited to 1,500 dogs per day. There will be no obedience or rally classes offered during these events. For a complete list of rules and more information, go to Discover the

Antioch. The commission also found his petition to be defective because the certifying statement was not attached, the pages signed before a Wisconsin notary are invalid, the petition was not stapled or otherwise securely fastened, the petition was not consecutively numbered and the valid signatures, if any, were inadequate in number. SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Hi-Liter

Sheriff’s team aids man in crisis

Lake County Sheriff’s Crisis Intervention Team helped a man in a suspected mental health crisis at around 9:15 a.m. on Jan. 7, near the 36800 block of North Deerview Drive, Lake Villa, according to a Sheriff’s Office press release. According to the release, the man left his residence on foot into the cold. Members of the sheriff’s crisis intervention team arrived found the man and began a dialog. The team spent more than 45 minutes using crisis communication with the man until he was escorted to a nearby ambulance, according to the release. The man was transported to a local hospital for a mental health evaluation.

Above: Once the lake has frozen over, warming shelters such as this one begin to appear scattered over the ice. The Chain O’ Lakes area is popular with ice fisherman seeking a variety of catch, from pan fish to walleyes. Left: These young ladies take advantage of the fresh snow to attempt snowshoeing through the acres of open land found in Lake County.


Best Bargains at

Visit us at:

No Membership Fee

Mon - Fri 9-6 Sat 8-4, Sun 9-4

Visit Our Cash & Carry Outlet


Highway 50 & KD, 8 miles East of Lake Geneva

6515-352ND Ave, P.O. 873 • New Munster, WI • 262.537.4407 Sale Dates Wed January 18th-Tuesday January 24th






Deli Specials

GERMAN POTATO SALAD................................................................................................................. .$.99LB. PAULS ITALIAN BEEF .......................................................................................................................... $4.79LB. DELI HAM............................................................................................................................................. $1.29LB. OSCAR MAYER MAPLE BACON ...................................................................................................... $2.99LB. MESQUITE TURKEY ............................................................................................................................ $3.99LB. HAM SALAD ........................................................................................................................................ $3.49LB.

• Winter

Julie’s Cheese Corner

Butcher Block Specials

USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN FILETS............................................................................................... $5.99LB. BEEF EYE OF ROUND STEAKS OR ROASTS ................................................................................. $3.99LB. SELECT BONELESS RIBEYE .............................................................................................................. $8.99LB. PORK BABY BACK RIBS .................................................................................................................... $2.99LB. FAMILY PACK CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS OR THIGHS ........................................................................ 79¢LB. 90% EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF.................................................................................................. $3.49LB.

Restaurant Special

ROAST BEEF SPLIT MED (FROZEN) SPC ....................................................................................... $3.19LB. 8/32OZ SLICED HARD SALAMI.......................................................................................................... $28.95 20LB BULK BREADED CHICKEN STRIPS FULLY COOKED .............................................................. $29.80 8/3LB SLICED SPIRAL HAM SLICES .................................................................................................... $19.95 2/5LB TERIYAKI SMOKED RIB BITS ....................................................................................................... $9.50 13.5LB CHICKEN EGG ROLLS ............................................................................................................. $25.00 3/8 FRENCH FRY 6/5LB ........................................................................................................................ $13.50

Van’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Granola Bars

18oz Cans

5 ct

With coupon

Retail $6.99.

Limit 12 Valid January 18-24th


$ 09


With coupon

Retail $2.59.

Limit 6 Valid January 18-24th

Specializing in custom cuts. Contact the Meat Department at

CALL: 262-537-2993 • TEXT: 262-321-4802 • EMAIL:




$ 49

This display at the Fox Lake-Grant Township Historical Museum promotes the many outdoor activities than can be enjoyed on the Chain O’ Lakes in the winter season. SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Hi-Liter

SWISS....................................................................................................................................................$3.49LB. ASIAGO................................................................................................................................................$3.49LB. BRICK....................................................................................................................................................$3.69LB. NATURALLY SMOKED GOUDA ........................................................................................................$3.09LB. GARLIC & HERB MONTERY JACK CUBES.......................................................................................$1.99LB. WHITE SHARP CHEDDAR..................................................................................................................$1.99LB. FONTNNA SLICED .............................................................................................................................$1.99LB. GARLIC DILL FLAVORED CHEDDAR ...............................................................................................$2.99LB.

Planters Mixed Nut Blends


(Continued from front page)

Boating on ice In the 1900s, ice boating was a popular winter activity. While some ice boats are still seen on the lakes in winter, there are not nearly as many as there were decades ago. Ice boat races would be held by local clubs and the boats would fly across the ice if there was a strong wind. “The boats (are) capable of going up to five times the speed of the wind,” said Buchardt, who is an ice boat enthusiast. Ice boats come in various sizes and some required a crew of 3 to sail. What is an ice boat? The simple answer is that it is like a sailboat with skis or runners attached, much like ice skates, to sail across the ice. For many, winter brings back memories of ice skating. As children the dreams of becoming a figure skater, a speed skater, or a hockey player were often dashed by the harsh realities of ice. Although most children will skate only a few times each winter the memories will linger on. For those who really wish to pursue serious ice skating, there are indoor rinks to continue to pursue their dreams, but there is nothing more invigorating than ice skating outside. After skating with

family or friends it is time to relax and warm up in front of a fire with a mug of hot chocolate. Sledding hills Passing a children’s sledding hill, the happy sounds of children shrieking with delight as they swoosh down the hill can be heard. Sledding is a family activity that remains a childhood favorite for many. A small hill is sufficient for younger children as they enjoy sliding down on their sleds or being pulled by an adult. For the older, and more adventurous members of the family, how about a toboggan run? Steitz’s Resort on Bluff Lake boasts of the oldest registered toboggan slide in Illinois, which has been in operation since 1940. When Bluff Lake freezes, it is time to enjoy the fast and furious ride down the slide and onto the frozen lake. Most winter activities end best with some hot chocolate or, for the adults, some hot buttered rum served in the restaurant upon the completion of a day on the toboggan run. Snowshoeing can be traced back 6,000 years to central Asia. These people who were the ancestors of Native Americans migrated to North

America on foot. Using snowshoes allowed them to travel across the snow-covered terrain at a more efficient pace. Today many people enjoy snowshoeing as a recreational activity. Equipped with snowshoes and two poles to help guide them along, snowshoe users travel over the snow rather than sinking into it. In Wisconsin there are several snowshoe races offered. While it is important to dress warmly, it is recommended that one dress in layers as the high intensity of work while snowshoeing tends to generate heat. And even for those who are looking for a little less exertion, snowshoes allow access to often unnoticed winter scenery. Winter does not have to be a dreary in-the-house time of year. Taking the family outside away from the electronic gadgets that seem to be permanently attached to many and enjoying an afternoon of building a snowman or an ice house, making snow angels have the ingredients of a memorable day. The Chain O’ Lakes area offers ample opportunity for residents to embrace winter and those special activities that can only be enjoyed in a Midwest winter.

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 6

Sheriff’s team aids man in crisis Lake County Sheriff’s Crisis Intervention Team helped a man in a suspected mental health crisis at around 9:15 a.m. on Jan. 7, near the 36800 block of North Deerview Drive, Lake Villa, according to a Sher-

iff’s Office press release. According to the release, the man left his residence on foot into the cold. Members of the sheriff’s crisis intervention team arrived found the man and began a dialog. The team spent more than

45 minutes using crisis communication with the man until he was escorted to a nearby ambulance, according to the release. The man was transported to a local hospital for a mental health evaluation.

Dog shows set for fairgrounds Two area kennel clubs will host dog shows Jan. 26 through 29, at Lake County Fair Grounds, 1060 E. Peterson Road, Grayslake. The shows will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Park Shore Kennel Club days will host on Thursday, Jan. 26, and Saturday, Jan. 28. Chain O’Lakes Kennel Club will host on

Friday, Jan. 27, and Sunday, Jan. 29. These shows will be indoors and is limited to 1,500 dogs per day. There will be no obedience or rally classes offered during these events. For a complete list of rules and more information, go to www.royjonesdogshows. com.


Above: Once the lake has frozen over, warming shelters such as this one begin to appear scattered over the ice. The Chain O’ Lakes area is popular with ice fisherman seeking a variety of catch, from pan fish to walleyes. Left: These young ladies take advantage of the fresh snow to attempt snowshoeing through the acres of open land found in Lake County.

Lost Valley to host hike, chili meal Visitors are invited on a 1.5-mile hike into the wilderness and a chili dinner afterwards on Jan. 29 at Lost Valley Visitor Center in Glacial Park, Highway 31 and Harts Road, Ringwood. The hike, which runs

Discover the

from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., will include stops along the way to soak in the winter, discover how animals survive the winter and play a challenge game. Attendees must dress for the weather and register for

the event. Registration is due by Jan. 25, and is $8 for county residents and $10 for non-residents. For more information or to register, go to


Best Bargains at

Visit us at:

No Membership Fee

Mon - Fri 9-6 Sat 8-4, Sun 9-4

Visit Our Cash & Carry Outlet


Highway 50 & KD, 8 miles East of Lake Geneva

6515-352ND Ave, P.O. 873 • New Munster, WI • 262.537.4407 Sale Dates Wed January 18th-Tuesday January 24th






Deli Specials

GERMAN POTATO SALAD................................................................................................................. .$.99LB. PAULS ITALIAN BEEF .......................................................................................................................... $4.79LB. DELI HAM............................................................................................................................................. $1.29LB. OSCAR MAYER MAPLE BACON ...................................................................................................... $2.99LB. MESQUITE TURKEY ............................................................................................................................ $3.99LB. HAM SALAD ........................................................................................................................................ $3.49LB.

• Winter

Julie’s Cheese Corner

Butcher Block Specials

USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN FILETS............................................................................................... $5.99LB. BEEF EYE OF ROUND STEAKS OR ROASTS ................................................................................. $3.99LB. SELECT BONELESS RIBEYE .............................................................................................................. $8.99LB. PORK BABY BACK RIBS .................................................................................................................... $2.99LB. FAMILY PACK CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS OR THIGHS ........................................................................ 79¢LB. 90% EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF.................................................................................................. $3.49LB.

Restaurant Special

ROAST BEEF SPLIT MED (FROZEN) SPC ....................................................................................... $3.19LB. 8/32OZ SLICED HARD SALAMI.......................................................................................................... $28.95 20LB BULK BREADED CHICKEN STRIPS FULLY COOKED .............................................................. $29.80 8/3LB SLICED SPIRAL HAM SLICES .................................................................................................... $19.95 2/5LB TERIYAKI SMOKED RIB BITS ....................................................................................................... $9.50 13.5LB CHICKEN EGG ROLLS ............................................................................................................. $25.00 3/8 FRENCH FRY 6/5LB ........................................................................................................................ $13.50

Van’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Granola Bars

18oz Cans

5 ct

With coupon

Retail $6.99.

Limit 12 Valid January 18-24th


$ 09


With coupon

Retail $2.59.

Limit 6 Valid January 18-24th

Specializing in custom cuts. Contact the Meat Department at

CALL: 262-537-2993 • TEXT: 262-321-4802 • EMAIL:




$ 49

This display at the Fox Lake-Grant Township Historical Museum promotes the many outdoor activities than can be enjoyed on the Chain O’ Lakes in the winter season. SANDRA LANDEN MACHAJ Hi-Liter

SWISS....................................................................................................................................................$3.49LB. ASIAGO................................................................................................................................................$3.49LB. BRICK....................................................................................................................................................$3.69LB. NATURALLY SMOKED GOUDA ........................................................................................................$3.09LB. GARLIC & HERB MONTERY JACK CUBES.......................................................................................$1.99LB. WHITE SHARP CHEDDAR..................................................................................................................$1.99LB. FONTNNA SLICED .............................................................................................................................$1.99LB. GARLIC DILL FLAVORED CHEDDAR ...............................................................................................$2.99LB.

Planters Mixed Nut Blends


(Continued from front page)

Boating on ice In the 1900s, ice boating was a popular winter activity. While some ice boats are still seen on the lakes in winter, there are not nearly as many as there were decades ago. Ice boat races would be held by local clubs and the boats would fly across the ice if there was a strong wind. “The boats (are) capable of going up to five times the speed of the wind,” said Buchardt, who is an ice boat enthusiast. Ice boats come in various sizes and some required a crew of 3 to sail. What is an ice boat? The simple answer is that it is like a sailboat with skis or runners attached, much like ice skates, to sail across the ice. For many, winter brings back memories of ice skating. As children the dreams of becoming a figure skater, a speed skater, or a hockey player were often dashed by the harsh realities of ice. Although most children will skate only a few times each winter the memories will linger on. For those who really wish to pursue serious ice skating, there are indoor rinks to continue to pursue their dreams, but there is nothing more invigorating than ice skating outside. After skating with

family or friends it is time to relax and warm up in front of a fire with a mug of hot chocolate. Sledding hills Passing a children’s sledding hill, the happy sounds of children shrieking with delight as they swoosh down the hill can be heard. Sledding is a family activity that remains a childhood favorite for many. A small hill is sufficient for younger children as they enjoy sliding down on their sleds or being pulled by an adult. For the older, and more adventurous members of the family, how about a toboggan run? Steitz’s Resort on Bluff Lake boasts of the oldest registered toboggan slide in Illinois, which has been in operation since 1940. When Bluff Lake freezes, it is time to enjoy the fast and furious ride down the slide and onto the frozen lake. Most winter activities end best with some hot chocolate or, for the adults, some hot buttered rum served in the restaurant upon the completion of a day on the toboggan run. Snowshoeing can be traced back 6,000 years to central Asia. These people who were the ancestors of Native Americans migrated to North

America on foot. Using snowshoes allowed them to travel across the snow-covered terrain at a more efficient pace. Today many people enjoy snowshoeing as a recreational activity. Equipped with snowshoes and two poles to help guide them along, snowshoe users travel over the snow rather than sinking into it. In Wisconsin there are several snowshoe races offered. While it is important to dress warmly, it is recommended that one dress in layers as the high intensity of work while snowshoeing tends to generate heat. And even for those who are looking for a little less exertion, snowshoes allow access to often unnoticed winter scenery. Winter does not have to be a dreary in-the-house time of year. Taking the family outside away from the electronic gadgets that seem to be permanently attached to many and enjoying an afternoon of building a snowman or an ice house, making snow angels have the ingredients of a memorable day. The Chain O’ Lakes area offers ample opportunity for residents to embrace winter and those special activities that can only be enjoyed in a Midwest winter.

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 6

Embracing winter on the Chain O’ Lakes Winter activities abound in the area

By Sandra Landen Machaj CORRESPONDENT

Winter is not a season when people usually think about going to the lake. Lake recreation is often reserved for the hot days of summer. The lake, however, can also be an exciting place to enjoy the winter days. That’s especially true on the Chain O’ Lakes. For the fisherman, winter does not mean the end of enjoying that sport. The Chain O’ Lakes has a reputation as one of the most popular ice fishing areas in the Midwest. On a cold day after the lake has frozen, ice fishing shelters will be seen dotting the frozen surface of the lakes. According to Ken Buchardt, vice president of the Fox LakeGrant Township Area Historic Society, “The best choice of bait for ice fishing includes maggots, wax worms, and minnows.” He went on to explain that in winter the fish move more slowly so you don’t need very active and wiggly bait.

Discover the

A variety of fish including panfish, crappies, striped bass, walleye, muskies and even catfish can be caught on the Chain. Ice fishing requires some preparation including the usual pole, hook and bait. In addition an auger to cut a hole in the ice, warm clothing and ice fishing shelter to help keep warm are a must. A visit to one of the local bait stores for information is a great place for beginners to start. Boating on ice In the 1900s, ice boating was a popular winter activity. While some ice boats are still seen on the lakes in winter, there are not nearly as many as there were decades ago. Ice boat races would be held by local clubs and the boats would fly across the ice if there was a strong wind. “The boats (are) capable of going up to five times the speed of the wind,” said Buchardt, who is an ice boat enthusiast. Ice boats come in various sizes and some required a crew of 3 to sail. What is an ice boat? The simple answer is that it is

like a sailboat with skis or runners attached, much like ice skates, to sail across the ice. For many, winter brings back memories of ice skating. As children the dreams of becoming a figure skater, a speed skater, or a hockey player were often dashed by the harsh realities of ice. Although most children will skate only a few times each winter the memories will linger on. For those who really wish to pursue serious ice skating, there are indoor rinks to continue to pursue their dreams, but there is nothing more invigorating than ice skating outside. After skating with family or friends it is time to relax and warm up in front of a fire with a mug of hot chocolate. Sledding hills Passing a children’s sledding hill, the happy sounds of children shrieking with delight as they swoosh down the hill can be heard. Sledding is a family activity that remains a childhood favorite for many. A small hill is sufficient for younger


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GERMAN POTATO SALAD................................................................................................................. .$.99LB. PAULS ITALIAN BEEF .......................................................................................................................... $4.79LB. DELI HAM............................................................................................................................................. $1.29LB. OSCAR MAYER MAPLE BACON ...................................................................................................... $2.99LB. MESQUITE TURKEY ............................................................................................................................ $3.99LB. HAM SALAD ........................................................................................................................................ $3.49LB.

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Sledding hill open for season

The McHenry Township has opened its sledding hill for winter fun at McHenry Township Park, 3703 North Richmond Road, Johnsburg. The area includes a bunny hill for children, a path with railings for walking, fences around the sledding area and an enclosed winter shelter. The sledding hill will be opened throughout the winter season until 10 p.m. as long as weather permits. There must be at least four inches of snow and no grass visible for the hill to be open. Signs will be posted if the hill is closed. This sledding hill is for people of all ages. Children must be supervised by an adult. The area is patrolled by the Johnsburg Police. For more information and all the rules of the hill, go to

donation, people should eat well, stay hydrated and bring their identification. Appointments are recommended but walk-ins are welcome. To schedule an appointment, call LifeSource at (877) 5433768.

Indoor walking program offered

McHenry Township will offer indoor walking programs from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday at McHenry Township Hall, 3703 N. Richmond Road, Johnsburg. Guests can walk and exercise in a climate-controlled atmosphere and not have to worry about weather or traffic. Water will be available in the entry hall. No health club memberships or reservations are needed. For more information, go to

Lost Valley to host hike, chili meal

Visitors are invited on a 1.5-mile hike into the wilderness and a chili dinner afterwards on Jan. 29 at Lost Valley Visitor Center in Glacial Park, Highway 31 and Harts Road, Ringwood. The hike, which runs from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., will include

• No charges filed

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back 6,000 years to central Asia. These people who were the ancestors of Native Americans migrated to North America on foot. Using snowshoes allowed them to travel across the snow-covered terrain at a more efficient pace. Today many people enjoy snowshoeing as a recreational activity. Equipped with snowshoes and two poles to help guide them along, snowshoe users travel over the snow rather than sinking into it. In Wisconsin there are several snowshoe races offered. While it is important to dress warmly, it is recommended that one dress in layers as the high intensity of work while snow-


shoeing tends to generate heat. And even for those who are looking for a little less exertion, snowshoes allow access to often unnoticed winter scenery. Winter does not have to be a dreary in-the-house time of year. Taking the family outside away from the electronic gadgets that seem to be permanently attached to many and enjoying an afternoon of building a snowman or an ice house, making snow angels have the ingredients of a memorable day. The Chain O’ Lakes area offers ample opportunity for residents to embrace winter and those special activities that can only be enjoyed in a Midwest winter.

Community briefs

People will be able to donate blood from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 28, at McHenry Township, 3703 N. Richmond Road, Johnsburg. There will be raffle prizes that include Walmart gift cards, movie gift cards and more. In preparation for a blood

ROAST BEEF SPLIT MED (FROZEN) SPC ....................................................................................... $3.19LB. 8/32OZ SLICED HARD SALAMI.......................................................................................................... $28.95 20LB BULK BREADED CHICKEN STRIPS FULLY COOKED .............................................................. $29.80 8/3LB SLICED SPIRAL HAM SLICES .................................................................................................... $19.95 2/5LB TERIYAKI SMOKED RIB BITS ....................................................................................................... $9.50 13.5LB CHICKEN EGG ROLLS ............................................................................................................. $25.00 3/8 FRENCH FRY 6/5LB ........................................................................................................................ $13.50

18oz Cans

children as they enjoy sliding down on their sleds or being pulled by an adult. For the older, and more adventurous members of the family, how about a toboggan run? Steitz’s Resort on Bluff Lake boasts of the oldest registered toboggan slide in Illinois, which has been in operation since 1940. When Bluff Lake freezes, it is time to enjoy the fast and furious ride down the slide and onto the frozen lake. Most winter activities end best with some hot chocolate or, for the adults, some hot buttered rum served in the restaurant upon the completion of a day on the toboggan run. Snowshoeing can be traced

Blood drive planned in Johnsburg

USDA CHOICE TOP SIRLOIN FILETS............................................................................................... $5.99LB. BEEF EYE OF ROUND STEAKS OR ROASTS ................................................................................. $3.99LB. SELECT BONELESS RIBEYE .............................................................................................................. $8.99LB. PORK BABY BACK RIBS .................................................................................................................... $2.99LB. FAMILY PACK CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS OR THIGHS ........................................................................ 79¢LB. 90% EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF.................................................................................................. $3.49LB.

Planters Mixed Nut Blends


Once the lake has frozen over, warming shelters such as this one begin to appear scattered over the ice. The Chain O’ Lakes area is popular with ice fisherman seeking a variety of catch, from pan fish to walleyes.

Brick was prohibited under a civil agreement that she entered voluntarily from leaving her Genoa City residence with the girls without the supervision of another adult in the household, Balog said. The girls’ grandparents reported that Brick had left with the girls about 6:30 a.m. Jan. 10. The girls’ biological father is deceased, Balog said. He said Brick and Hogel have no apparent connection to the location where they were found in Kansas. Police received information that the couple were headed to Florida or Arizona, and Kansas was

stops along the way to soak in the winter, discover how animals survive the winter and play a challenge game. Attendees must dress for the weather and register for the event. Registration is due by Jan. 25, and is $8 for county residents and $10 for non-residents. For more information or to register, go to

Indoor winter spin classes offered

Indoor spin classes will be at 6 p.m. every Tuesday and 8 a.m. every Saturday until March 31, at The Bike Haven, 3318 Pearl St., McHenry. Prices are as followed: • Spin class is $3 per class or $20 for 8 classes and does not include a bike or a trainer. • Trainer class is $5 per class or $35 for 8 classes and includes a trainer but does not include a bike. • Spin bike class is $8 per class or $60 for 8 classes and includes a bike and a trainer. Tuesday classes are fast pace and intense. Saturday classes are “up-hill” exercises. Reservations are recommended for trainers and spin bikes. Classes will fill up. For more information or to reserve a spot, call (815) 3854642.

(Continued from front page)

just an overnight stop along the way after about 10 hours of driving, Balog said. Police in Mission, Kansas, found an incoherent man wandering around with no shoes just before 4 a.m. Jan. 11. The man was identified as Hogel, who eventually led police to a hotel in Overland Park, Kan., where Tiffany Brick and the girls were, according to police. Authorities returned the children to Walworth County, and Child Protective Services placed them in care, Balog said. Brick made it back to Walworth County for a court

appearance Jan. 12 on felony charges of uttering a forgery and five counts of misappropriation of identifying information to obtain money. Matters related to Brick and her children are being handled by the Walworth County Health and Human Services Department and Child Protective Services, Balog said. He declined to comment on whether drugs were a factor in the matter. Conditions of Brick’s bond in the identity theft case prohibit her from possessing or consuming alcohol or illegal drugs.

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 7


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The time is now to help

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 8

A mother worries about daughter’s living conditions Just as we were beginning to worry about the upcoming winter months that are so hard on the senior citizens, veterans and the handicapped turning to us for assistance, we received a heartwarming phone call from the Fox Charities matching grant donors. They were overjoyed in hearing we had successfully matched their Christmas Wish $25,000 matching grant. After the many years they have been encouraging donations with their matching grant motivation they are aware of the “seasons of giving”. They are also aware of the overwhelming need for poverty relief in the cold winter months, when utility bills skyrocket, the need for shelter can be life threatening and car repairs are essential, as even the option of walking or riding a bike to work can be too hazardous. That is why Fox Charities will be offering a new matching grant opportunity in 2017 called the Fox Charities New Year Wish $25,000 matching



grant. Now that the season of giving is over our donations usually dwindle down to a slow trickle. Unfortunately removing the pains of poverty is a year round endeavor, not just during the holidays. January, February and March are bitter cold and for senior citizens trying to cut back on expenses, the first things cut back on are usually food and lowering the thermostat. Having walked into many situations where I find senior citizens wearing coats and blankets indoors I know the need for utility assistance is real. Thanks to the Fox Charities New Year Wish $25,000 matching grant we will be able to provide a continuity of caring and sharing. The love and poverty relief we

share with our neighbors in need will be brought to many in the next few winter months. We are so very grateful for the generosity shared with The Time is Now to Help and the assistance it provides throughout our communities, removing the pains and suffering of poverty for our fellow creations.

why I am turning to you. My daughter works very hard at her full-time job and caring for her husband and family. My son-in-law is going in for another surgery soon and I know it would help for them to not have the stress of this in their lives.

said, “You really think you can help? My wife has been trying to get that landlord to fix some of these problems for the past few years. He knows I’m sick but doesn’t seem to care. We have rented this house for 10 years now and we have one more year on our five-year lease. He Dear Readers, will not let us out of our lease I work with many, many and we cannot afford anothlandlords as we provide our Dear W.C., er security deposit and first assistance. Most landlords My daughter, son-in-law month’s rent. We feel trapped and grandchildren are living I work with are caring and and this stress is not helping in a terrible rental. They have willing to help when posme with my upcoming sursible. I have had landlords been trying to get the landgery.” forgive overdue rent, provide I asked to look around lord to repair the tiny home they rent for quite some time. improvements and even help the house to see what repairs with handicap modifications. it was in need of. The wife My son-in-law is currently I do not intend to make them showed me the mold growing unable to work because of a out to be the bad guy in our heart valve problem. He rein the bathrooms and in areas weekly column as most are cently had surgery and there of the ceiling where the roof very supportive of our efforts had leaked. She opened cabwere complications. He has to improve the lives of our been too ill to deal with the inets and showed me where fellow creations. The landplumbing, mold and other there were bowls and buckets problems the landlord refuses lord in this week’s column under leaking pipes. I looked unfortunately was not supto repair. My daughter has into the refrigerator that was portive or even a very nice been trying to get the landnot even working properly lord to fix the many problems person. I had a feeling his and saw little food. The lack of compassion for his but he just ignores her. He cabinets were in the same fellow creations extended to is taking advantage of them condition. The wife showed all areas of his life, not just knowing they have too much me the clothing strung over to deal with right now. That is the landlord part. the shower rod and chairs to I visited this family to dry because the dryer did not find out more details and see work. She showed me where for myself the condition of the broken front window was the home they were renting. leaking down the wall and When I pulled up to the tiny causing more mold. I asked home it was easy to see the how long the home had been many repairs that had been in that condition and learned neglected by the landlord. it had fallen further and furThere were cracks in the ther into disrepair over the front window, the roof was past few years. She said the in terrible disrepair and the landlord had never been nice sidewalks were heaving. If it but had worked with them was this bad on the outside I in the past for repairs. She could just imagine how bad it said, “It seems as soon as he was inside. I walked carefully found out my husband was over the broken sidewalk and sick and no longer working knocked on the front door. he became harder and harder In a moment the door was to work with. I finally asked opened by who I assumed to be released from our lease was the wife, followed by but he said he would take two children that looked to legal action if we did that. be around 10 and possibly 12 We really did not know what years of age. They all listened to do. I have enough to take as I explained who I was and care of with my husband sick, why I was there. The woman working full-time and two said, “My mother told me she children. He is just taking had written to you but I did advantage of us.” not believe you would come. We went over their budPlease come inside.” After I get and I saw the hit their showed my identification I income had taken with the entered the home. husband being unable to The woman introduced work. The wife told me about me to her two daughters that her husband’s upcoming were close to the ages I had second procedure that they guessed at. They were polite hoped would fix his heart so and after greeting me they he could return to work. She went to a room adjoining said, “It’s just been a much the front hall. In that small longer recovery than either room I was introduced to the of us thought and we were husband/father. I told him not prepared financially for about why I was there and he something like this. We just

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made it paycheck to paycheck. Now with only my paycheck we have had to cut back even more by lowering our thermostat and eating less food.” I knew by looking at all of them that they had probably been doing all those things for a while. They were all thin and dressed in jackets and thick sweaters indoors. I asked the wife if she would mind if I called the landlord. She was happy I offered to try and speak to the stubborn landlord. I called the landlord on the phone number she provided. He answered in an argumentative manner and the conversation went downhill from there. When I was through talking to the rude man I felt my own heart pounding so I could see why the husband was unable to talk to him. We did resolve one thing though and that was that the family would be moving out of the disgusting rental and moving into an apartment that was not full of mold and disrepair. I informed the landlord that the family would no longer be renting the home as it was uninhabitable. I had to threaten him with sharing several code violations with the proper authorities in order to have him free the family of their lease and I informed him they better be repaired before I see anyone else living in this nearly condemned home. After the landlord shouted several profanities he hung up the phone. I turned to the husband and wife in disbelief and said, “I don’t know how you dealt with that man for so long. I usually get along with most landlords and they are most times willing to work with our charity. I am happy to tell you he will be releasing you from your lease and we can now work on finding you a hospitable rental.” I made several phone calls to landlords I have good working relationships with and found a reasonably priced, just remodeled rental that the landlord would rent to this struggling family. When I hung up the phone this time there were smiles, not stressful frowns on the faces of all of us. The wife then looked concerned as she asked, “How will we be able to pay for the first month’s rent and move all this with

See TIME IS NOW, Page 9


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HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 9

• Time is now my husband so sick and going in for surgery soon?” I realized I had not told them what we would be doing to help them. I answered, “I just happen to know several good volunteers that would be happy to help you pack and move. We also have a caring group of donors that allow The Time is Now to Help to give assistance with rent and utilities. Thanks to all of them we will be able to provide you with first month’s rent and security deposit.” I watched as the look of shock and then relief washed over the woman’s face. The husband looked down and tried to hide the fact that he was crying tears of relief. Then they hugged each other and both began to cry. Our heartfelt assistance was given just as promised. The husband was able to go through his surgery and return to their new rental that was not filled with mold and disrepair. Their working refrigerator contained good food and their rooms were warm. They all also received new beds as we discovered old worn mattresses when the volunteers helped them move. At my last visit the family greeted me at the door with a hug and was proud to show me around their clean and fresh rental. The father was making progress and hoping to return to work in six weeks. Our assistance provided the help they needed to change their lives from stressful and struggling to a good working relationship with their new landlord that left them relieved and healthy. There are many of our fellow creations turning to us for help or being referred by others. The children, the handicapped, the elderly, those that cannot fend for themselves, those living in desperate need will be crying happy tears of relief thanks to all of you, the Fox Charities New Year Wish $25,000 Matching Grant and The Time Is Now to Help working together to provide poverty relief. Together we make a difference removing the pains of poverty for our fellow creations. Thank you and God bless you.

(Continued from page 8)

Solutions, Kevin Kramer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuberth, Peter and Anna Vanderveld Foundation, Marilyn Heiden, Frank and Anna Guske, Dennis and Marcia Wisniewski, Les and Pauline Malsch, Timothy and Eleanor Walters, Emil and Cora Moldenhauer, Franklin and Joan Jones, La Moine and Karen Martinson, Carol Calkins, Robert Ribordy, Michael and Sally Anne Chier, John and Marian McClellan, Joan Marabito Rietz, Henry and Virginia Hertl, Doreen Collins, Joyce Francis, Sarah Erskine, Sunshine Gardeners, Roger Seymour, George Gey, Karin Collamore, Cheryl Davis, JT Marty, Nancy Cunniff, E. and Barbara Andres, Duane DeYoung, William Davit, Kay Barrett, Jean Ripple, Elizabeth Gasch, Thomas and Mary Weidert, George and Lauretta Clettenberg, Eye Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Mark and Cynthia Brower, Michael and Marianne Hurlburt, John and Marian McClellan, George Kass, Kathy Papenfus, Mary Dunham, Emily De Baere, Shari and James Loback, Carolyn May Essel, our anonymous donors and all of you who support The Time Is Now to Help donation boxes, and the businesses that allow our donation boxes. Anyone who would like a Time Is Now donation box in your business, please call (262) 249-7000. Honoraries: Mark and Natalie Reno in thanks for prayers answered. Diane Ripple in honor of David Ripple. Melody Fehling, Jim Gage, Sue Williams and Steve Watters in honor of Randy Thelen’s Birthday. Joe and Laura Murphy in honor of their grandchildren: Jodi, Dan, Cari, Jami, Dave and Jimmy. Memorials: Sue and Mike Borden in memory of Gayle Leep. Carl and Darcy Brewster in memory of Maureen Brewster. Paul Ziegler in memory of his dear friend Dorith Brown. Annaleisa Prohuska in memory of Tara.

Prayer chain: Please pray for healing for the following people, Mike, Caroline, Susan, Health and happiness, Jennifer, Clarence, Jayden, Love and God bless everyone, Santina, Alex, Lily, Kaitlyn, W.C./Sal Kynesha, Brandi’s Grandma, Marilyn and Sal. Please help: There are many coming to us in des Inspiration Ministries Reperation. Our good fellow sale Shop: Please donate your creations need our compassion. gently used household items Together we make a big difand furniture to the Inspiration ference. Make checks payable Ministries Resale Shop. For to: The Time Is Now to Help, local pick up of major items or P.O. Box 1, Lake Geneva, WI collection appointments please 53147. The Time Is Now to call (262) 275-2264. InspiraHelp is a federally recognized tion Ministries Resale Shop 501(c)3 charitable organization is located at N2270 State Rd. licensed in the states of Wis67, Walworth, WI 53184. New consin and Illinois. You will hours, Monday through Satreceive a tax deductible, item- urday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. closed ized thank you receipt showing Sundays. For more information how your donation provided visit www.inspirationminisassistance for the poverty stricken. Please visit: www.timeis A very special thank you: Fox Charities, Barnabas Matching Grant, Larry and Sally Rayner, Kunes Country Auto Group, Gregg Kunes, Bess Spiva Timmons Foundation, Martin Business, J. Kruzan Construction and Remodeling, Bernard Labovitch, Hufcor Foundation, Community Foundation of Southern Wisconsin, Grunow East Troy Garage Family Fund, Wayne and Beverly Hilbelink, John Goodier, Sales Ziegler Charitable Foundation, Edward Hechmann, Steven N8715 COUNTY ROAD N. Inand Deidred Trumble, Colleen door Estate/Rummage Sale. Fri. Heffernan, Gerald and Robin & Sat. Jan. 20th & 21st, 8 a.m.-4 Dempsey, Robert Waddell, p.m. Todd True on Facebook for Thomas Morrissy, John and pictures. Valerie Lincoln, Kramer FandI


22 agencies respond to area barn fire By Jason Arndt STAFF WRITER

A three-alarm barn fire Jan. 6 in the Town of Somers, Wis., required mutual aid from nearly two-dozen fire departments, including the Antioch Fire Department. There were no injuries to people or animals in the fire at 240 Highway H, according to Somers Fire Chief Carson Wilkinson. “As our staff pulled out of the station, within two minutes of dispatch, they could see flames in the air even though (it was) miles away,” Wilkinson said in press release. En route to the scene shortly before midnight, Wilkinson reports his department immediately called for mutual aid, and upgraded the blaze to a two-alarm fire. “A MABAS box alarm was called, which was upgraded to a second alarm when units arrived on scene and a third alarm shortly thereafter,” he states. As the first arriving units battled the fire on the east end of the barn, which was fully engulfed, the fire rapidly spread to two nearby buildings and a tractor.


Five firefighters are silouhetted in the flames of a barn fire in the Town of Sommers, Wis., on Jan. 6. The fire required mutual aid from 22 different agencies, two from northern Illinois.

With assistance from 22 fire agencies, the fire was contained by 2 a.m. Saturday. “(The) fire was under control at about 2 a.m., but not extinguished, so units were on scene until slightly after 6 a.m.,” Wilkinson states. Along with the five Western Kenosha County fire departments, Silver Lake Rescue was on standby, as was Winthrop Harbor. Additionally, officials from

the City of Kenosha, Scout Leaders Rescue and the Village of Pleasant Prairie assisted. Responding agencies included the Antioch and Newport fire departments. While there were reports of smoldering and embers burning throughout the weekend, Wilkinson said there was no further need for additional emergency response from other depart-

ments. “All return visits have been Somers only and not emergency responses,” states Wilkinson. “There is a small amount of hay in an area of concrete with nothing around it that is smoldering, people see it and get concerned.” The Kenosha County Fire Investigation is conducting an investigation to determine the cause and origin, Wilkinson said.

FOR SALE Adoption A CHILDLESS MARRIED COUPLE seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom & devoted dad. Financial security. Expenses PAID. Call Holly & Tiger. 1-800790-5260 (ask for Adam) (MCN)

Announcements HOTELS FOR HEROES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at

Misc. For Sale FRUIT & NUT TREES. Blueberry, Strawberry, Grape, Asparagus, Evergreen & Hardwood Plants & MORE! FREE catalog. WOODSTOCK NURSERY, N1831 Hwy 95, Neillsville, WI 54456. Toll free 888-803-8733 (MCN)

TRAILER SALE: 6’x12’ V-nose ramp Cargo $2,750.00; 7’x16’ V-nose ramp $4,199.00. Skidloader trailers SAVE $600.00 to $700.00, Fuel trailers, Scissor lift trailers, Snowmobile trailers 2-place & 4-place; Dump trailers, 100’s of Trailer PARTS! Trailer Repairs. 515-972-4554 www. For tDodgeTrailerWor (MCN)

Music/ Instrumental ROGERS KIT 1970’s black finish. Bearing edges and shells in great condition. Includes 22” bass, 13” mounted tom, 16’ & 18” floor toms. Shell pack only, bass drum has some scuffing. $900 or best offer. Lots of snares and misc hardware available for purchase also. Call anytime, 815-262-1479, Rockford.


Antiques-Collectibles-Toys Living Estate of Peggy Lawson

Date: Sunday, Jan. 22, 2017 Time: Auction 11 a.m. – Preview 10 a.m. Place: Hawk’s View Golf Club 7377 Krueger Rd. – Lake Geneva, Wis. Partial List

ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Chicken weather vane; many stoneware crocks – Red Wing, Plymouth, Budlong’s Pickles & unmarked; blue banded water cooler; Red Wing Minnesota Stoneware wide mouth brown jug & other jugs; asst. stoneware salts, butter, spongeware bowls, butter churn lid; Western water pitcher; wooden firkin/ sugar buckets; glass cigar jar; Borden’s cottage cheese? jar; Dietz lantern; splint baskets; porcelain soda set; Colonial Pottery Kelmscott pitcher; asst. milk & sour cream bottles; asst. graniteware; price guide books; cast iron muffin pan; match holders; asst. Watt pottery; chicken bottle opener; Black Americana-Aunt Jemima Ad, chalkware note pad & button, Pedro cut plug & Jell-O advertising; green depression glass; prints, paintings; rug & pillow beaters; Magazine display; bird houses; bread board; red nail keg; Lomira Oil Co. framed ad; tins; Ike, Reagan, Bush, Nixon political buttons; DePriest hand carved figurines;’53 Badgers Rose Bowl ticket; Walt Disney “Self Portrait”; vintage furniture hardware, etc; Dr. Pepper & Miller Beer tip trays; block ice tongs; primitive hog catcher, calf weaner & horse marsh/bog shoes; Wis. Farmers Union sign; Spode platter; “Forget me not” china; advertising crates; ’59-’69 Harley-Davidson service manual; Hohner HW-300 guitar; cookie cutters & kitchen items; primitive hand farm tools; Nestle baking clock; Furniture: Painted wainscot cabinet; lamp tables; wood spice cabinet; Oak drop front secretary; painted benches; wainscot shelf; picture magazine holder; twig table; tall East Lake dresser; book shelf; oak headboard/foot board; pine dresser; oak stencil top table - 2 leaves & 4 chairs; lg. pine built in cabinet; sm. Oak & walnut dressers; primitive painted farm table; walnut cupboard; 6’x12’ needle point rug; 6 early primative folk art painted/stenciled chairs; floor lamp; Hunting/Fishing: Wood/cork duck decoy; Deer & fish mounts; asst. ammo, Mathew’s & Pro-Line compound bows; tree stands; hunting accessories; Nikon, Simmons & Tasco binoculars; Bushnell range finder; UMCO tackle box; fishing lures; gun stocks – 1 Winchester. Toys: Stanley Cast Iron Surrey; Ford TW-20 pedal tractor; Buddy-L truck; marbles; Tonka farm truck & jeep; tin litho train; Ertle Ford & John Deere tractors; wood Chinese checker board; Fisher Price Snoopy & Chicken; Marx Tricky Fire Chief; repo cast iron motorcycle; Dolls & parts; K&W body; boy head; Composite farm animals; mini signed baseball; ’90 Bowman baseball cards NIP; mini toy/jewelers anvil. PLEASE READ

Terms: Cash, Personal check, Business check w/proper ID - No out of state checks unless known, MC & Visa (3% convenience fee for CC purchases). $2.00 Bid card fee. All items sold as is, where is, with no warranty. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over all printed material. Not responsible for accidents or theft. Wisconsin state/county sales tax collected. NO BUYERS PREMIUM for onsite buyers – 10% Buyers Premium for Absentee & Phone Bids only. Food & Drinks offered by Hawk’s View.

Burlington, WI 53105 (262) 539-3885 ABSENTEE & PHONE BIDS WELCOMED! KEITH FAVARO - WRA #845




CLASSIFIED IN-COLUMN ADS cannot be credited or refunded after the ad has been placed. Ads canceled before deadline will be removed from the paper as a service to our customers, but no credit or refund will be issued to your account.

MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 800-357-4970 (MCN)

Complete Business Liquidation (Shop - Paint - Drywall - Office - Wallpaper)

Sanders Painting & Decorating LLC 4800 25th Avenue, Kenosha, Wis.

Saturday, Jan. 21, 10:30 A.M. NOTE: Nice Sale. Majority is clean and well maintained. Items will be sold indoors and outdoors. Directions: I-94 north of Hwy. 50 approximately one mile to exit Hwy. 158 east to 25th Avenue north. (Watch for BSA signs) Vehicle: (Box Truck) - 2001 Ford F350 w/16 ft. box w/61,000 miles-clean. Spray Pumps: GH 200 Convertible Bulldog (gas motor never used), Airless paint sprayer Titan 840i w/hose, Airless Titan Advantage 700 sprayer w/hose & spray gun, Airless paint sprayer SW Performer 3205 and Maxum II HVLP sprayer gun & pump. Dry Wall/Wall Paper Paste Machine: 52” Paste Mate V557 HD w/all accessories in wheeled box and dry wall hoist & cart . Construction Vacuum/Grinder: Ruwac “National” 3402 Industrial w/7” Hitachi grinder/shroud/25’ hose & ind. handle (new). Pressure Washer/Generator: Subaru 3000 psi w/Honda 5.5 hp motor w/14 ft. extension wand, Titan EZ high pressure hose reel, misc. hoses, guns and Coleman Powermate 4000 w/8 hp B & S motor. Compressors: 90 gal. Sanborn 2 stage 230V, BlackCat 90 psi and DeWalt 50 gal. 200 psi/oilless. Tools/Shop Related: Qty. of cordless & cord drills, sanders, grinders, cutting tools (Dewalt-Craftsman-Mikita & more), qty. of hand tools, Gang Box on wheels, HD pallet jack, engine hoist, parts washer, push mower, 3 1/2 sections of scaffolding w/tools-planks-wheels & crossbars, misc. Baker’s Racks (10), aluminum planks, Performax shop vac, lg. qty. of extension cords & reels, water hose reel on wheels, lg. qty. of Halogen & assort. lighting, roller poles (various lengths), power roller, HD hand trucks (3), utility shelves (3), fall protection belts, hard hats, face shields, hand held masking guns, water hose, traffic cones and much more. Ladders: Lg. qty of 4 ft. thru 40 ft. aluminum & fiberglass step & extension ladders, ladder stand offs (4) and more. Paint: Over 100+ gallons/partial gallons - all colors & sheens w/majority latex and qty. of Handy ladder pails (12) and more. Office Related: Vertical blue print 3x7 motorized height table on wheels (nice), blast proof-fire proof-2 door cabinets (4), desks, office chairs, pine credenza, sofa table, filing cabinets, mini-fridge, lamps, wheeled laptop desk/cart, dry erase boards and much more. TERMS: 5% Buyer’s Fee when paying with Cash or Check. 5.5% Sales Tax. All other types of

payment will be an additional 4%. MasterCard, Visa and Discover are welcome. All sales are final and must be settled for on day of sale. Not responsible for accidents or misprints if any. Once sold, items are your responsibility. No warranties or guarantees granted unless otherwise stated on sale day. All announcements on sale day take precedence over any prior verbal or printed material.




HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 10



A Diamond sits in a ha DA40-model aircraft ,u ngar at the Sylvania A sed by Brian Onstad irport in Stu , rtevant, Wis .


Freedom Fliers



Mandy and Brian Onstad, of Wheatland, Wis., take a recent flight aboard a Diamond aircraft.

Pilot Certification expands horizons By Jason Arndt STAFF WRITER

hen parents see their child graduate high school, oftentimes the child embarks on a new journey at a college or university away from home, leaving the parents without a presence. However, when the recent graduate plans to play NCAA Division 1 collegiate softball – which requires long-distance travel to compete for their new school – it poses a challenge for parents. For parents who want to see their child play on road trips, they must be able to commit to expensive travel. But Brian and Mandy Onstad, of Wheatland, Wis., prepared after their

daughter, Chyanne, graduated from Westosha Central High School in June. Currently, Chyanne attends the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay. The Onstand’s other two children are Amanda, 27, and Britan, who is 26. “I went to get my pilot’s license, so that when my daughter went to college to play softball, we could easily fly around to watch her play,” said Brian, who received his license at Aeris Aviation at the Sylvania Airport in Sturtevant. Brian, who has held his license for 1-1/2 years, has flown to a handful of states, including Colorado, Minnesota and Indiana using a Diamond DA40 model plane stored at the Sylvania Airport. The pilot’s license and access

to a plane, he said, gives the family another benefit when their daughter wants to pay a weekend visit. “It has been great so far, because it gives plenty of freedom to go and do what you want,” Brian said. “We have flown up (to Green Bay) to pick up Chy for dinner or to bring her home for the weekend.” While Green Bay is a relatively short trip, they have taken longer flights, including to Colorado to see Chy play softball. “We have had a blast with flying ourselves where we want to go. So far our longest trip has been to Boulder for a softball tournament,” Brian said. Flying for themselves has created a new freedom – one where they don’t have to book a trip with a commercial airline. It gives the family more flexibility. “You get to set your own

schedule and not deal with flying commercial flights,” Brian said. The freedom to fly, however, takes extensive training with a certified flight instructor and a set of responsibilities. Brian, like others before and after him, needed to take written exams and log hours in the air with a certified instructor. “(It) takes 90 days to a year depending on how the person is,” said Brian, adding the course costs vary between $8,000 and $10,000 at Aeris. Greg Smith, who serves as treasurer for the nonprofit Westosha Flying Club, is one flight instructor offering the freedom to fly.

Self-discipline recommended Smith, who received a Private Pilot License in 2000, later earned accreditation as a Master Flight

Instructor through the National Association of Flight Instructors. Through his experiences, he has guided several students through the process of receiving their pilot certificate. Like Brian, Smith cited freedom as a primary motivator for people to earn a pilot certification, with ideal trips already planned. “Some have a destination already in mind – vacation home, child at school, out of town relatives. Some just find the destination after they get their certificate,” Smith said. The certification process, he said, takes months to complete. “Consider the amount of time that getting your pilot certification is going to take,” Smith said. “You should figure it’ll take nine months to a year for most people with a day job and family to get

their certificate.” For those willing to put in the time, dedication is another recommendation. “Make certain that you can spend at least twice a week taking lessons, and then figure on two to four hours a week studying,” said Smith. “The more consistent you fly and study the easier and quicker you’ll have that certificate.” According to the Westosha Flying Club website, the Federal Aviation Administration has set requirements for people to earn their certificate. Requirements consist of a minimum of 40 hours total flight time, including 20 with a certified instructor and the purchase of course materials and exam costs. “If you were able to become proficient in this minimum time, it would cost approximately $4,650,” the website states. “While this represents a minimum cost if completed in the minimum time, your actual costs will probably run higher. This is due to very few people being ready for the practical test in minimum 40 hours.” The national average is 80 hours, the website stated. While costs are high, the website notes fees could be spread out over time, making payments manageable.

Deputies save man from suspected overdose Lake County Sheriff’s Deputies saved a 31-year-old man’s life after giving him four doses of Naloxone at around 12:35 p.m. on Jan. 8, at Rollins Road and North Wilson Road, Ingleside, according to a Sheriff’s Office press release. Lake County Sheriff’s Deputies were dispatched to a property damage crash without injuries. Deputy Robert Skrypek was first on the scene and found the driver unconscious and unresponsive. Deputy Skrypek developed information the 31 year-old male driver was overdosing on opioids, according to the release. The 31-year-old male was given two doses of an opioid blocker called Naloxone but did not respond. Skrypek began performing CPR and a another deputy administered two more doses or Naloxone. The driver regained consciousness, became alert and began speaking. He was transported to a local hospital to be evaluated, according to the release.

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Smith noted several member benefits at Westosha Flying Club, including social engagement and cost savings.

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Flying clubs beneficial

HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 11 Smith, a part owner of five different aircraft, acknowledged WHAT: Westosha Flying Club • WHERE: 32520 116th St.; Twin Lakes, Wis. the amount of maintenance and WEBSITE: upkeep needed for an airplane. “The social aspect of being FOR MORE INFORMATION: area clubs, visit around people who have similar likes, buying and maintaining an aircraft is an expensive endeavor and sharing those costs among a group makes it much more affordable,” said Smith. “It is also time consuming to upkeep an aircraft so the club will take care of those things and the aircraft will be ready when you want to use it.” Westosha Flying Club, which has a membership of 85 people, has hosted social activities and flown to other clubs holding social events of their own. Most recently, the Westosha Flying Club hosted a Flying Social Hamburger event last summer. “We do some fly-in events to other airports for breakfast/lunch, and we do a club plane wash twice a year,” Smith said. Additionally, Smith said, members have paired up for expeditions. “Members often join up to split the costs of flying to a mutual destination,” said Smith. Smith, who has traveled to regional destinations, enjoys the challenges that come with his expeditions. “The thing that I enjoy the most with taking a trip somewhere is the satisfaction of planning a successful trip in spite of things that come up,” said Smith, noting unpredictable weather, airspace Mandy and Brian Onstad captured this image on a recent flight. constraints and other flight issues.

Contact Sarah at 262-694-6464


4303 75th Street, Kenosha, WI 53142


HI-LITER • WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 2017 • 12


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