Southern Peninsula News 13 September 2022

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The shire is rated the sixth worst Victorian municipality for the number of rough sleepers according to the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics census, with about 1000 people esti mated to be homeless each night.

in a residential zone other than their primary home, along with real estate agents, will be emailed to ask how they can help, particularly through re leasing properties for long-term rental.

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OWNERS of investment residential properties on the Mornington Penin sula are being urged to rent them out.

The council is grappling with a rap idly worsening homelessness problem, recently calling on the state govern ment to provide $100 million through its Big Build program, instead of the $7.5 million currently allocated.

In May, the shire launched a review into a year-long foreshore camping

It said there was no plan to have people who are homeless living per manently on the foreshore.

A flyer will also be delivered with the 2023 rates notice.

Long-term rental bid to ease housing ‘crisis’


The Queen’s death on Thursday 8 September also set in motion the time-honoured protocols for the burial of a British (and Australian) monarch and the announcement of her succes sor, her son, now King Charles III.

Ratepayers who own properties

The mayor Cr Anthony Marsh has accused the state government of “forcing” the council to resort to using camp sites for vulnerable residents by not providing crisis accommodation.

One such occasion occurred in March 1986, when the Queen and Prince Phillip sailed into Western Port aboard the Royal Yacht Britannia, passing the clifftop park at Flinders where the Australian flag now flies at half mast. queen’s day out on the peninsulaPage8

Mornington Peninsula Shire Council meeting will use social media to raise awareness of the housing “crisis”, ask for community input and publicise how people “might assist”.

The shire’s community partnerships manager Chris Munro said soaring rents and property values had led to an increase in the number of peninsula residents at serious risk of becoming homeless.

On the Mornington Peninsula the death of the Queen revived memories long cherished by those who had met her or attended events involving her or other members of the royal family.


Clifftop flag marks Queen’s death

An independent voice for the community For all advertising and editorial needs, call 03 5974 9000 or email: Your weekly community newspaper covering Safety Beach to Portsea FREE Wednesday 14 September 2022 An independent voice for the community Southern Peninsula 46 46 63 Are you looking for your next role? Maybe a career change? How about one with great job satisfaction? And stability, in an essential services field? Our team of Personal Carers have all this plus flexibility to work around their own needs.

“This includes many elderly resi dents, as well as women and children fleeing family violence. Most will end up couch surfing or sleeping in their car, but there are some who run out of options and may end up rough sleep ing,” he Munrosaid.said the foreshore camping ground was a “last resort” option for a small number of people.

The state government was contacted for comment.

Possibly the first to be lowered were those flying outside the municipal offices at Mornington which were ad justed downwards by Louise Stewart, the first to arrive at the offices in the appropriately named Queen Street. Because they are illuminated at night, the flags are permitted to fly at all times and were probably the first to be lowered on the peninsula.

Come and join the After-Care team!

trial, which saw the shire make 12 foreshore camping sites available for temporary crisis accommodation dur ing camping season.

Picture: Gary Sissons

FLAGS across the Mornington Peninsula have been flying at half mast ever since of the death of Queen Elizabeth II became known last Friday.

PAGE 2 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 Book your eye test today* OPSM ROSEBUD Shop 45 Port Philip Plaza, Rosebud Ph: 8354 6290 *Based on your eye health needs. SEE THE NEW OPSM ROSEBUD

The mayor Cr Anthony Marsh said the shire would “revisit potential pro jects in Rosebud” in the future.

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“Our ability to do these things would have been made so much more difficult If the potential develop ment of the Allambi Avenue site for affordable housing had gone ahead,” she“Thissaid.exercise has demonstrated the strength of our community and showcased the extent of the skills and knowledge we possess and our ability to work with council to achieve things that are good, not just for Capel Sound, but for the entire peninsula.”

The day after the meeting a shire news release headed Affordable hous ing victory for our community, stated that the lack of affordable housing was a critical challenge for the peninsula that the council was working to ad dress, but that it would not proceed with the Capel Sound site “for the purposes of this project”.

Since residents were notified about the affordable housing project at the

Picture: Supplied


About 130 residents filled the council chambers on Tuesday 6 September but were ushered out when the vote on the affordable housing issues came up.

But, it is still “exploring future types of housing needs” for the central Rosebud sites.

The shire would continue to fight for fair and equitable investment by gov ernment in housing on the peninsula.

CAPEL Sound residents at the Rosebud civic centre awaiting Mornington Peninsula Shire Council’s decision on housing in Allambi Avenue.

start of the year, opponents to the plan have pushed for other sites to be considered, and for the Allambi Avenue land to be left as community open space.

It is understood the council will still go ahead with lease negotiations for sites in Hastings and Mornington to support housing for women, including older women and victims of family violence.

Social housing site rejected

MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire Council has rejected a plan to allow affordable, or social, housing to be built in Allambi Avenue, Capel Sound.Bettyanne Foster of the Capel Sound Community Group said the community was feeling relief and elation about the turn-around and was grateful to the councillors who “took the time to visit the site and listen to ourTheconcerns”.2.2hectare site at 11A Allambi Avenue is used as de facto public parkland but was nominated by the council for an affordable housing development.Fostersaidthe group was working to build a community “that cares for each other and protects and enjoys the unique natural environment that exists in Capel Sound”.

The release also stated that “com pelling feedback” and extensive consultation had led to the decision.

PAGE 4 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PROTECT OUR GREEN WEDGE Demand better, act! WE NEED RECOGNITION FROM THE VICTORIAN GOVERNMENT OF OUR UNIQUE URBAN AND RURAL CHARACTERISTICS. WE WANT ACCESS TO REGIONAL $$ TO BETTER SUPPORT OUR AGRICULTURE, TOURISM AND CULTURAL SECTORS. Retains current Green Wedge Maintainsprotectioncurrent metro benefits Doesn’t require complex legislative change Precedent for change exists 70% Peninsula is rural or regional in character theof We fundingneed& The answer? PERI-REGIONAL regional metro Authorised by Mayor A. Marsh, 90 Besgrove Street, Rosebud 3939 Why Peri-Regional works

“To a certain extent it’s opportunis tic, so we want car owners to always be careful to lock vehicles, garages and house doors, and never keep the keys where thieves can’t find them,” Senior Sergeant Lagonda said.

In the latest car theft, a grey Audi A5 and a grey Audi Q5 were stolen from a house in Manatee Avenue, Mount Eliza, in the early hours of 31 August.Thethieves are believed to have entered the house by a side door and stolen a handbag left in the dining areas with car keys.

how the council advocates,” advocacy facilitator Emma Lindsay said.

POLICE will increase daily foot patrols inside Benton’s Square Shop ping Centre, Mornington following complaints from traders and shoppers.

now focussed on ob taining election promises, or “pledg es”, from candidates in the November state election (“Shire’s ‘shout out’

lobbying” The News 6/9/22).



The shire’s “range of strategies to advocate for outcomes across our community” rely on community en gagement; campaigns and “supporting collateral”; “direct advocacy” to MPs and election candidates; public media campaigns; making submission to state and federal governments; “sub mitting funding bids”; and “aligning our advocacy with peak bodies where appropriate”.“Thestrategy will be a useful source of information for the community, internal colleagues and external part ners, to help them understand why and

Lobbying effort shaped by ‘political landscape’

Similar lobbying in the lead-up to the May federal election elicited vary ing promises from candidates in the Flinders electorate, $26.735 million from the Liberal Party and $500,000 from Labor. However, although the Liberal candidate Zoe McKenzie won the seat, her party did not win govern ment.Labor’s candidate in neighbouring Dunkley, Peta Murphy, also won and her party formed government so the pressure will now be on her to provide the $15m she pledged to upgrade the Emil Madsen Reserve, Mount Eliza and $1.5m for Mount Eliza Secondary College.“Thestate government spends billions of dollars a year on capital works and infrastructure, it’s raining cash out there and the Mornington Peninsula isn’t getting wet,” Cr Steve Holland said.

“We need every single resident to get on board, to add their voice to the conversation, whatever they are passionate about in their community, and tell the candidates running in the upcoming State Election exactly which projects we want delivered on the“Thepeninsula.peninsula deserves more, we haven’t been getting our fair share from successive state governments.”

Car thefts

METHODS being used to lobby politicians and would-be politicians by Mornington Peninsula Shire are outlined in a four-year advocacy strategy.Adopted by council at its Tuesday 6 September meeting, the strategywithout mentioning the word lobbying - outlines how it “advocates” and details how this can be reinforced by “community”.“Thebestadvocates for change are people who can tell a personal story that move politicians, political candi dates and decision-makers to action,” the strategy states.

He said the thieves often belonged to online networks of people looking for high end cars to joyride and were not necessarily linked to organised crime and rebirthing operations.

A TRUCK rollover at the intersection of Moorooduc Highway and Morning ton-Tyabb Road, Moorooduc brought traffic to a standstill on Saturday morning, 10 EmergencySeptember.servicesand police were on the scene within minutes, and the truck was successfully recovered with the help of a large crane.

with its advocacy strategy council last week also adopted a policy setting protocols to guide coun cillors and staff when dealing with professionalGovernancelobbyists.manager Pam Ver coe said the policy would “ensure a reporting mechanism is developed to maintain transparency and account ability in decision making”.

The Audi Q5 was recovered later that day in Endeavour Hills, but it is believed the other vehicle is still missing.

POLICE want vehicle owners to lock cars and keep keys well-hidden following the continuing theft of high-end vehicles on the Mornington Peninsula.SeniorSergeant Eddie Lagonda said targeted car thefts were regularly occurring in wealthier suburbs around the peninsula, such as Mount Martha and Mount Eliza.

Police say public areas are being damaged and there have been reports of scooters being ridden inside the centre endangering shoppers.

Truck rolls

Lindsay said “specific community engagement” had not been made over the advocacy strategy as its list of issues and projects “were informed by feedback from community consulta tion”.Along

“It’s rare to get a car theft where thieves have had to smash their way in, they look for the easy target.”

Shopping centre patrols

Under the policy councillors and managers must make a record of all lobbying and report it to the govern ance department. The “activity” would then be added to the shire’s lobbyists register and published on the shireThewebsite.shireis

A large amount of “advocacy mate rial” - projects and issues - had been produced to “take advantage of the political landscape in 2022 and the funding opportunities aligned to the federal and state elections”.

Moorooduc Highway was closed north bound at Bentons Road and south bound at Bungower Road for several hours.

Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PAGE 5 5981 PRICES INCLUDE GST PAYMENT BY CASH OR CREDIT CARD ONLY E. & O.E. For price and availability of all your building supply needs please call 1 Dalkeith Drive, Dromana Mon-Fri 7am-4pm Sat 90x42,R2.0POLYESTERBATTS12pc$34.50perbagR3.56pc$30.50perbagSMARTFRAMELVL15H2S140x42,190x42,240x42,290x42NOWINSTOCK! 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KDHW F17 90x35 ..................................................... $9.95mt 90x45 ................................................... $12.95mt 140x45 ................................................. $18.95mt 190x45 ................................................. $26.95mt 240x45 ................................................. $38.50mt 290x45 ................................................. $48.25mt CYPRESS 125x75 ................................................ $16.95mt 100x100 .............................................. $16.95mt 125x125 .............................................. $26.00mt 150x150 .............................................. $53.95mt 70x19 Blanks.......................................... $3.95mt TREATED PINE POLES 75-100x1.8mt ....................................... $7.75ea 75-100x2.4mt ..................................... $11.25ea 75-100x3.0mt ..................................... $14.25ea 75-100x3.6mt ..................................... $18.95ea 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................................................... $8.50mt 140x35 ................................................. $9.75mt 140x45 ................................................ $12.75mt 190x45 ............................................... $16.95mt 240x45 ............................................... $23.50mt 290x45 ............................................... $33.25mt T/PINE FASCIA PRIMED 190x30 D&G... .................................... $19.25mt 230x30 D&G... .................................... $25.50mt PINE MGP10 70x35 Long .......................................... $4.40mt 70x45 Long ...........................................$5.75mt 90x35 Studs ......................................... $4.55mt 90x35 Long .......................................... $4.55mt 90x45 Studs ......................................... $6.00mt 90x45 Long ...........................................$6.00mt PINE MERCH 90x35 ................................................... $2.95mt 90x45 ................................................... $3.30mt PINE F7/MGP10 140x45 ................................................. $9.95mt 190x45 ............................................... $13.75mt 240x45 ............................................... $18.50mt MELAMINE - EDGED 16MM 2400x300 ............................................ $13.25ea 2400x450 ............................................ $20.00ea 2400x600 ............................................ $26.50ea 1800x450 ............................................ $15.00ea 1800x600 ............................................ $20.00ea 3600x450 ............................................ $30.00ea 3600x600 ............................................ $40.00ea Not 2400x1200Edged .......................................... $44.00ea 2400x1200x3mm ................................ $19.95ea PINE LINING 140x12 VJ/Regency .............................. $3.05mt 140x19 VJ/Floor..................................... $4.85mt PINE DAR STD GRADE 42x19 ................................................... $2.50mt 70x19 ................................................... $3.25mt 90x19 ................................................... $4.25mt 120x19 ................................................. $2.65mt 140x19 ................................................. $6.25mt 190x19 Premium .................................. $8.95mt 240x19 Premium .................................. $12.25mt 290x19 Premium .................................. $14.75mt 140x12 .................................................. $3.75mt TREATED PINE SLEEPERS 2.4200x50mt................................................. $20.25ea 2.4 mt (Packs 50) ................................ $18.00ea 2.7 mt .................................................. $23.00ea 2.7 mt (Packs 50) ................................ $20.25ea 3.0 mt .................................................. $25.50ea 3.0 mt (Packs 50) ................................ $22.50ea 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patrol With Liz Bell

Publisher: Cameron McCullough

Production/Graphic design: Marcus Pettifer, Dannielle Espagne

Backing Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne. Check for the latest COVIDSafe Settings. We’re backing you. If you’re looking for work, or you need staff, Jobs Victoria is ready to back you with personalised support, wage subsidies, job search and more. Learn more at or call 1300 208 575.

Picture: Yanni

PAGE 6 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 Southern Peninsula Proudly published by Mornington Peninsula News Group Pty. Ltd PHONE: 03 5974 9000 Published weekly An independent voice for the community We are the only locally owned and operated community newspaper on the Mornington Peninsula. We are dedicated to the belief that a strong community newspaper is essential to a strong community. We exist to serve residents, community groups and businesses and ask for their support in return.

Peter McCullough, Stuart McCullough, Ben Triandafillou

588 Hastings 3915 Email: Web: DEADLINE FOR NEXT ISSUE: 1PM ON THURSDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2022 NEXT ISSUE PUBLICATION DATE: WEDNESDAY 21 SEPTEMBER 2022 Circulation: 22,870 Audit period: Apr 2018 - Sept 2018 Source: AMAA; CAB Total Distribution Audit for further information

Mornington Peninsula News Group, PO

Journalists: Liz Bell, Brodie Cowburn 5974 9000

Soggy end to boat retrieval


Real Estate Account Manager: Jason Richardson 0421 190 318

Photographers: Gary Sissons, Yanni


A STATION wagon that ended up in the water after the driver acciden tally drove off the Rosebud pier last Friday morning (9 September) was lucky to escape unharmed. The driver told police he drove his car and boat trailer onto the sand bank to retrieve his boat about 6.30am but ended up in the water. The car was recovered but was extensively damaged.

Group Editor: Keith Platt 0439 394 707

REGULAR MacKenzie,

Advertising Sales: Ricky Thompson 0425 867 578 or


Growing fruit and veggies in small spaces (Seniors Festival event)

school’s kitchen and bubbles floated through the playground.Theafternoon session included Jeannette Hausley from Jimmies, speaking to the upper school students about mental health and dealing with anxiety.


“R U OK? reinforces some of the areas in the school’s program, the resilience project’, Miller said. “It also gives many strategies to students based around gratitude, empathy and mindful


“The day has been an excellent one that also provided many fun activities at recess and lunch,” wellbeing coordinator Skye Miller said.

R U OK? Day ended with students being given a show bag from the parents and friends group, a sausage sizzle by McCrae and District Lions and treats, fruit and breakfast from Anglicare.


Last Thursday (8 September) students danced in the hall to recorded music while handicraft activities took place in the library, cooking in the

450 Nepean Highway

Mental health issues go to school

Sat 1 October, 10-11am

Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PAGE 7 Eco Living Display Centre at the Briars

Wed 21 September, 1-3pm $25 per child


“Our soon to be completed wellbeing hub, will provide another aspect to dealing with issues based on ,and associated with, mental health.”

Sat 5 November, 10am – 12pm


Sat 3 December, 10am – 12pm each

Picture: Yanni

Get prepared for fire and storms

Beeswax wraps to take home (school holiday activity for 12-17 year olds)

All workshops listed are held

at the Eco Living Display Centre. Eco Living Display Centre Upcoming workshops Beeswax wraps for kids Join us at The Briars’ Eco Living Display Centre for workshops on sustainable living. Prepare for fire and storms Sustainable Xmas decorations Grow food in small spaces An voice community newspaper FREE Southern Peninsula Home Maintenance Home Packages more time with your by After-Care needs Shire calls for delay on reef An independent Southern Peninsula SupportPackages trusting After-Care Shire calls for delay on reef To advertise in the Southern Peninsula News call Ricky on 0425 867 578 or email Southern Peninsula Did you know... you can view our papers online

ness. Our students have coped really well since COVID, based on how equipped they have become due to this initiative.

EASTBOURNE Primary School students dressed in yellow on R U OK? Day and were in volved in activities that provide strategies to help students in dealing with mental health issues.

your own sustainable Christmas decorations

A queen’s day out on the peninsula

THE Queen’s 1986 visit to the Mornington Peninsula started on Friday 7 March after being ferried from the Royal Yacht Britan nia to Stony Point pier. The Britannia had arrived in Western Port from Port Phillip the previous night.


Go to or contact your school Career Guidance counsellor to find out more.

The royal visit began in Canberra on 2 March, moved to Melbourne on Thursday 6 March for a garden party held by Victorian Governor David McGaughey and his wife Jean and watching the Royal Gala River Pageant at Henley Landing on the Yarra.


Authorised by the Victorian Government, 1 Treasury Place, Melbourne.

First stop once ashore (after being wel comed ashore by local dignitaries and of ficials) was a visit to Ballam Park Technical School, Frankston.

The royal couple was then driven back to Stony Point for lunch aboard the Britannia before returning to shore and heading off to HMAS Cerberus, at Crib Point.

Flag-waving schoolchildren lined the road as the Queen and Prince Phillip head ed the naval base for the presentation of a new Queen's Colour and a garden party.

News crews, including royal watchers from the United Kingdom who follow the monarch’s every step, were bunched together to record and report the events.

PAGE 8 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022

The VCE now includes the VCE Vocational Major. It acknowledges all students equally, giving them more options which fit their strengths, interests, and aspirations. Whatever their talent, they can pursue it under the new VCE.

Queen Elizabeth II, 1926 - 2022

The royal couple boarded the Britannia that night at Station Pier to sail to Western Port.After the ceremonies ended at HMAS Cerberus the Britannia and her royal pas sengers set sail for Adelaide, from where they flew out of Australia on Sunday 9 March, ending their 1986 Australian tour.

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“This should include but not limited to, the First Nations people’s culture, connec tion to country, dreamtime, storytelling and song lines, along with the teaching of Indigenous knowledges in relation to fire management, water management and land management.“Thetruehistory of Australia, including the history of the First Nations peoples must also be added to the national cur riculum.”Woolcock also wants peninsula roads maintained and upgraded with noise levels again being checked on Peninsula Link where it runs through Safety Beach and Dromana.“Myother areas of concern are housing and homelessness on the peninsula, and domestic violence — which I am writing a policy on.”

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“The land the hospital sits on is valu able, adding to the economic value and benefits to reallocate the hospital,” Wool cockWithsaid.the peninsula’s population pre dicted to be 200,000 by 2035, she would “work towards” it being upgraded or relocated.Oneducation, Woolcock wants a “na tional ruling” on teachers’ wages, so they are “paid according to their qualifications and“Theexperience”.budgetsfor state schools are inconsistent. There needs to be a fair ratio on the size and number of students in the school, rather than considering postcodes or the status of the school,” she said. Woolcock says the teaching of Aboriginal culture should be mandatory nationally.

standingWoolcockELIZABETHisasanindependentcandidateforthestateofseatofNepean. SuppliedPicture:


FORMER Liberal Party member Eliza beth Woolcock is standing as an independ ent for the Nepean in the 26 November state election.

MPNG is looking for an advertising sales person for the popular Peninsula Essence and Peninsula Kids magazines.

AN election promise of $3.5 million to restore Flinders pier has buoyed hopes that repairs to the deteriorating structure can be Liberalcompleted.candidate for Nepean Sam Groth met with Save Our Pier representa tives in Flinders on Wednesday to commit to the “full restoration” of the historic timber pier.

A current drivers licence and reliable car are required.

Advertising or general sales is an advantage, but not a prerequisite.

Groth said that the Flinders pier was a symbol of maritime history on the Penin sula. Liz Bell

Woolcock says her main election issues are protecting the peninsula’s environ ment, its national parks and green wedge.

In its July project update, Parks Victoria announced that engineering studies of the pier were complete and further deteriora tion had been detected.

The Heritage Council of Victoria is expected to announce in November if the pier and cable station precinct will be listed for its historic significance.

‘We’ll save pier’Libs pledge

Ries said he would be “delighted” if the government matched the Liberal pledge.

In March, Woolcock was the contact for a $250 a head “single table” lunch at Pier 10 in Shoreham with then Flinders MP GregSevenHunt.months later she will be standing against sitting Nepean MP, Labor’s Chris Brayne, and the Liberal candidate, sports presenter and former professional tennis player Sam Woolcock,Groth.wholet her Liberal Party membership lapse in May, said she had planned to stand for preselection as the Liberal candidate but changed her mind as she knew “Sam had the numbers”.

“We’ve done our own assessments and we think $5 million should do it, or get pretty close,” he said.

As a former small business owner (Lily belle Shoes, Mornington) she wants to abolish payroll tax and work with Mornington Peninsula Shire Council to help small business (“the backbone of the economy”) and Acknowledgingtourism.thatthe shire had a plan to “revitalise the Dromana waterfront shopping precinct”, Woolcock said council needed to visually improve other shopping areas on the peninsula.

Groth won preselection in a contest against local party members David Bur gess and Elizabeth Miller.

The role includes managing an existing client base and sourcing new business. This is a permanent part time role based at our Mornington office, with flexible days and hours.

In 2020, the state government planned to demolish the historic timber section of the pier, but the community led a charge to save it and submitted an online petition with 40,000 signatures.


Education and health were also on her


An attractive salary package is offered to the right candidate.


PAGE 10 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022

As an independent Woolcock said she will direct preferences to Groth “but we haven’t come to an agreement yet”.

Liberal turns independent for Nepean

agenda, she said, noting that the Labor and Liberal parties had made promises to “renew” Rosebud Hospital.

The promised money adds to $1.5 mil lion committed by the state government in May to repair the first 180 metres of theSavepier.Our Pier spokesman Charles Ries said a “piecemeal approach” to managing maritime infrastructure was not efficient, and Groth’s pledge of $3.5m to restore the full pier “makes perfect sense.”


in Canberra, he wants priority given to “tackling the [peninsula’s] housing crisis”.“Across the peninsula and the state, the Greens are pushing for universal housing. We will build more afford able homes and introduce a rent freeze to relieve stress on tenants,” Sinclair said. “We also desperately need our fair share of public housing to address homelessness on the peninsula.”

They are also campaigning for “more affordable” housing and “in tegrity” from politicians.

He said the Greens policy of 100,000 new public homes across the state would “undoubtedly help us out across Mornington, Nepean and Hast ings” electorates.

He says he is passionate about

“We are all strongly opposed to attempts to change the Mornington Peninsula to regional by dollar driven developers,” Saunders said.

“The current green wedges and metropolitan status is working. We have to keep it that way, or the penin sula will never be the same again.”

Gleixner, a former Labor supporter, has lived in Flinders for 45 years and says her social work has led to “a pas sion for social justice”.

Having grown up in the Mornington electorate and studied political science at the Australian National University

The Blairgowrie appeal launch, which will feature food, music, and speakers, will be the start of a new vision for the project, which wants to raise $1million to support more disadvantaged women.

Making up the peninsula’s Greens team are Esther Gleixner, Nepean; Paul Saunders, Hastings; and, Harry Sinclair, Mornington.

They say they are committed to protect the environment and the peninsula’s green wedges and do not want the area changed from being classified metropolitan to regional.

Saunders works at Chisholm TAFE and has been lived at Balnarring with his family for 19 years.

The walk has checkpoints, is guided by experienced walk leaders and is helped by a support crew cheering walkers on the way.

Sinclair, at 21 the youngest of the three candidates, believes young peo ple are in “desperate need” of better representation in parliament.

"Our lifestyle and the beautiful environment we all love down here is at risk if we don’t step up and do something,” she said.

The Greens team is also “pushing”

He says retaining the peninsula’s metropolitan Melbourne classification and the green wedge protection that comes with it “is crucial to the three electorates, their wildlife, pristine hinterland and coastal environments”.

There will also be stories from participants who have transformed their lives by joining the project’s programs.Details:

protecting rural and coastal environ ments and has been involved in many environmental groups and causes across the peninsula.

Step by step

candidates standing for the three state seats on the Mornington Peninsula in the Saturday 26 Novem ber election say are united on issues facing the Mornington Peninsula.

“With no new coal and gas and a clear plan investing in 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030, the Greens is the only party with realistic policies to address the climate crisis now and for future generations.”

To prepare for the event, partici pants can join free training walks and briefing sessions. For those not ready to walk the distance, the women’s cir cle on Saturday 19 November can be booked separately for an evening of “inspiration, empowerment, celebra tion and Projectconnection”.spokesperson Birte Moliere said a key focus of the walk was to support vulnerable women in the peninsula and Frankston regions.

Donations go towards enabling dis advantaged local women to participate in the Women’s Spirit Project’s fit ness, health and wellbeing programs.


their party’s policy of expanding the powers of the Independent Broadbased Anti-Corruption Commission (IBAC) “to ban dodgy donations and have greater accountability and integ rity in Theygovernment”.want“people to have hope and confidence in government again, to know that their vote is powerful and, if elected, Greens MPs will represent their electorates and community with integrity.”HavingGreens MPs across the pen insula would draw attention to issues the peninsula has been struggling with for decades under Labor and Liberal governments. Keith Platt

THE Women’s Spirit Project is aiming to make a difference in women’s lives with the launch of its Help Transform Lives. One Step At A Time appeal at the Blairgowrie Yacht Club on 21 October.Women are invited to join the project for the two and three-day Frankston to Cape Schanck trek from 18-20 November.

Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PAGE 11 MORNINGTON PENINSULA OWNED AND MADE FOR YOU ENERGY EFFICIENT HIGH PERFORMANCE QUALITY GERMAN DESIGN CONTROL YOUR COMFORT Factory 1/ 7 Lyall Street, Hastings Phone: 5909 8040 or 0412 221 767 Email: YOUR PERFECT CHOICE with energy efficient uPVC windows and doors featuring aluplast-technology EVENT $140 pp 3 DINNERCOURSE Join us at Moonah Links for an evening of Whisky tasting with Brand Ambassador and expert, Tom Scott. Tom will take you through 7 Whisky tastings where Scottish made Whisky and Japanese made Whisky go head-to-head and battle it out for you to determine which is the ultimate Whisky! You will learn interesting facts, history and stories about each Whisky, all while enjoying a three course dinner curated by Head Chef, Dipen Patel. ...And just when you didn't think it could get any better, you also get to take home a complimentary bottle of Japanese Whisky! SCAN HERE TOTICKETSPURCHASE 55 Peter Thomson Drive, Fingal 3939 5988 2000 |

CANDIDATES for The Greens on the Mornington Peninsula, from left, Paul Saunders (Hastings), Esther Gleixner (Nepean) and Harry Sinclair (Mornington). Picture: Supplied

United front offer from Greens trio

Communications Minister Michelle Rowlands said $16.2 million from the federal and state gov ernments had last year been awarded to mobile net work operators and infrastructure providers across Victoria, including the Mornington Peninsula.



Shed men work around mental issues

“We don’t know what’s happening, nobody seems to want to do anything about this appalling situation.

from Black Dog volunteers and were guided through the signs and manifestations of depression.“Thetalk gave us a great introduction into what depression or mental health issues can look like and where to go for help,” he said. Prowd said the talk was so successful the organisation was looking at getting speakers from the institute out to other men’s sheds.

RESIDENTS plagued by bad telecommunica tions around Somerville have accused the federal government of ignoring the issue and say the lack of reception is affecting every aspect of their lives.

Telstra has four mobile base stations in the Somerville area.

Kent said her complaints to the former MP for Flinders Greg Hunt went nowhere after he tabled a residents’ petition in Parliament in 2019.

one at Merricks that went live in February.

McKenzie said upgrades were underway in Sorrento, Mount Martha and through small cell technology from Portsea to Safety Beach.

MEMBERS of the Black Dog Institute visited Western Port Men’s Shed last week as part of its support for men’s mental health and R U OK? Day (Thursday 8 September).

WESTERN Port Men’s Shed participants at the recent Black Dog Institute talk about mental health.

Shed president Colin Prowd said support ing men was one of the main reasons behind the establishment of men’s sheds. He said the shed members heard firsthand experiences of mental health issues

Telstra is planning to upgrade 4G ca pacity and also add 5G coverage to one of our main base stations in the area, which should help improve network performance for Telstra customers.”

In its Advocacy Strategy 2022, Mornington Pen insula Shire says it is asking for government money to improve mobile coverage at Tuerong, Dromana/ Arthurs Seat, Red Hill, Main Ridge, Balnarring Beach, Somers, Cape Schanck, Flinders, Shoreham and Point Leo. Somerville is not mentioned.

MP for Flinders Zoe McKenzie said she would continue advocating for better coverage on the peninsula.“Sincedeclaration of the polls in late June, my team and I have met with Optus, Telstra and began conversations with NBN regarding the upgrades that are scheduled for the Mornington Peninsula, particu larly around Somerville and Hastings,” she said.

“I’d like for all the people affected to simply have reception. Whether it requires another tower I don’t know, but it’s a known black spot. We are paying for a service we don’t get.”

As of 2 August 1040 base stations were complet ed under the mobile black spot program, including

Patchy coverage ‘affects lives’

“This register is made available to all bidders for their consideration when applying for funding under government programs aimed at improving mobile coverage across Australia,” she said.

PAGE 12 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 Visit our website: designtablePicnic Scan QR code to provide feedback We want to make the standard picnic table more accessible for you and your family and friends. Tell us your ideas for a better design. You can have your say until 17 October. wonderfulSaturdayMcCraeMeetForeshore17THSeptember10am-12pmComeandlearnaboutourbeachandforeshore! with support fromfor info & bookings scan EventbriteQRcodeMeetatthe Rotunda, on the foreshore opposite Coburn Ave, Point Nepean Rd, McCrae. BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTAIL NEWS DESK

Robin Kent, who lives in the Hedgeley Dean Estate, off Bungower Road, said anyone living in the area had to deal with phone calls dropping out and, sometimes, no reception.

“I have also written to the Minister for Commu nications to seek assurance that the improvements promised to the mobile base stations in Merricks North, Mount Martha, Sorrento north, St Andrews Beach and Tootgarook were still going ahead.”

“You can’t live like this, it affects every aspect of your life, work, social connections, everything. Some days we can’t make phone calls, on others it drops out four or five time in a call,” she said.

Regional general manager for Victoria Jenny Gray said mobile reception could be impacted by a range of factors such as distance from a tower, type of handset being used, types of building materials, terrain and tall trees.

The Albanese government has also announced more than $1 billion to improve the National Broad band Network and to support co-investment pro grams such as the Regional Connectivity Program.

Rowlands said Somerville had been added to “a central register of locations” that had been the subject of complaints about poor or non-existent mobile coverage.

“In general, the community of Somerville is well covered by the Telstra network with 3G, 4G and in some places, 5G. However, demand on our network continues to grow each year and we know there are some areas where coverage and network performance may not be as good as other places,” she

ARTISTS from around the Morning ton Peninsula will be exhibiting their work later this month at The Studio, inManyMornington.ofthe35 artists also partici pate in the annual Peninsula Studio Trail to be held later this year.

EXHIBITING their works: Peninsula Studio Trail artists, back row from left, Gary Goodrich, Gwen Scott (seated), Ian Fletcher, Diane Williamson, Cathie Coleman, Janice Johnston, PST president Jennifer Fletcher (seated), Liz Walker, Karen Erasmus. Front from left, John Stroomer, Rosie Barber, Jan Taber, Lisa O’Keefe, John Trebilco, Janine Sisson.

Picture: Noa Fletcher

CONTRACTORS have been hired by the Defence Department to take the former HMAS Otama submarine away from where it languishes in the shallows at Crib Point to be scrapped.

federal government despite its future depending on being hauled onto dry land.“The federal government of the time and in particular the local federal member failed to offer any assis tance during his time as a member of parliament.” Greg Hunt was MP for Flinders 2001-2022.

Western Port Oberon Association Max Bryant last Friday (9 September) made a last-minute appeal to Defence Minister Richard Marles to save the Otama.Informed sources say the 140 metre, 12,000 tonne Rolldock Sun semi-sub mersible is expected to arrive in West ern Port this week and depart with the Otama aboard on 19 September.

In July 2020 Parks Victoria had declared the Otama an environmental hazard and ordered its removal.

“Now Defence Disposal have col luded with Parks Victoria to remove our property and dispose of that prop erty as they see fit, in this case have it cut up for scrap,” Bryant said, adding that it would cost $5 million for this to be done by a vessel from Western Australia.Hesaid

Bryant said abandoning the Otama project would potentially see the loss of 200 jobs as well as “platform” to help veterans and “a lifeline to the lo cal depressed business community”.

Bryant said it was “disputable if they [ Parks] have to power to do so” and alleged “bullying tactics” had been used by a Defence Department official to make the association either sell the submarine for $1 or have it “taken” from the association.

Parks Victoria has told the associa tion that it will consider requests from the association for “sections or items” of the Otama.

John Trebilco said the number of studio trail artists had doubled “during lockdown and the subsequent year”. The types of art being produced had

Trail artists gather at The Studio

Keith Platt

“The artists will be manning the exhibition each day and look forward toThespeakingwithvisitors.”Peninsula Studio Trail Ex hibition will be held at The Studio, Wilsons Road, Mornington. Opening night is 6.30pm-8.30pm Friday 23 September followed by the exhibition opening 10am-5pm until 2 October.

In an impassioned letter to Marles, Bryant has detailed the history of the association’s acquisition of the Otama 20 years ago and plans for it to be the centrepiece of a tourism attraction.

also diversified, and now included traditional, contemporary and abstract painters, jewellery makers, potters, sculptors in wood, metal, and repur posed, recycled objects, print makers, a book illustrator, shibori dye art, ink and resin art and silk painting.

“Unfortunately, without govern ment help it became a daunting task. Eventually Parks made the decision to seize Otama …”

Trebilco said the exhibition at The Studio was an opportunity to “meet the artists and artisans and see live artist talks and videos”.

A vessel capable of carrying the Otama is expected to arrive in West ern Port this week and leave with its cargo on 19 September.


“After careful research we had discovered that throughout the world wherever museums had a submarine they were an extremely viable busi ness,” Bryant said.

He said the Otama had been moored in Western Port ever since and had not been offered any help by the

Defence could have saved money and helped the association bring the Otama ashore for $500,000.

Scrapyard may be Otama’s next stop

Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PAGE 13

“That life is not sustainable – and you are not invincible. It can catch up with you when you least expect it. Looking after your health is so important for you and your loved ones,” he said.

PAGE 14 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 NEWS DESK

“This was a lot to cope with within a brief period of time. But with the support of family, a lot of soul searching and time, I have found joy in my relaxing with meditation and a balanced lifestyle,” he said.

“Because stress is a factor in stroke risk, I take care of myself physi cally and mentally.”

Timely advice to avoid stroke

Scott says that day was the wake-up call he needed, after years of living life in the corporate fast lane, raised blood pressure and letting his fitness slide a little.

Panorama Theatre Company, which recent ly lost the use of a storage area in Hastings, has presented a 1221-signature petition to the Mornington Peninsula Shire Council calling for support to find a new storage venue.

Now living an active and healthy life in Mornington and eating a predominantly plant-based diet, Scott says his goal is to educate more people on the dangers of high stress work environments and an unbal anced work/life culture.

That was in 2014, the day the “reasonably fit” 65-year-old suffered a stroke, completely unaware that his blood pressure was “through the roof” and work-related pressures had taken their toll on his health.


Shire has no room for theatre group

PETER Scott says he was “kissed by an angel” one day eight years ago when he was in the middle of a routine work test he never got to finish.

The shire’s manager property and commer cia services Nathan Kearsley said the shire had no building available to for the theatre company.Hesaid the budget community submission process and grant application process could be a way to obtain money to help with storage needs.The company fears it won’t be able to continue providing young people with theatre experiences if a venue cannot be found to house the props, settings and costumes they use for their productions.

“Wednesday the 4th of June 2014, in the midst of a routine skills test for work, I started to show physical signs of being unwell,” Scott said.

“Thankfully, my colleague insisted I stop immediately, and we go to hospital. At this point, the idea of a stroke hadn’t even begun to cross my mind. It wasn’t until the doctors identified my hemorrhage that it all began to sink in.”

As a speaker for the Stroke Foundation, he hopes to reinforce the

A THEATRE group desperate for storage space has been advised to look at “funding options” given the shortage of suitable venues on the Mornington Peninsula.

The theatre company is a not-for-profit organisation that started around 40 years ago and offers young people an opportunity to learn theatre craft and perform in amateur theatreMemberproductions.LeaneMadren recently told The News the company had been using the storage area next to the Hastings SES building but was recently notified by the council that the arrangement could no longer continue.

Among the emotional devastation of the stroke and the long recovery, Scott knew he was lucky.

“There is such shortage of suitable places in the shire, so we so far have had no luck find


A newfound understanding of the dangers of not looking after your self helped him get through the next few years when he faced a cancer diagnosis and then the unexpected death of his wife.

Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PAGE 15 GIFTCARCARD TUITIONFEESHOLIDAYWEDDINGBOAT GOLD “YOUR CHOICE” RAFFLE $40,000 (inc. GST) WORTH OF PRIZES ONLY 800 TICKETS @ $100 EACH CONDUCTINGYEARS28OFMAJORRAFFLES For more information, contact: Mick: 0419 583 378 Scott: 0409 424 276 Or email: Purchase by mail, over the phone or BUY SUNDAYDRAWN23rdOCTOBER2022 Permit No: 10253/22

local business

Gala presentation event – 19 October 2022

and creative spaces that allow us to switch off from the ordinary and get lost in a world of art, crafts, music, design, theatre and film.

n Retail: Local retail businesses include everything from small fashion boutiques, owner operated florist, and stylish homeware shops to delicates sens, newsagents, lawnmower shops, car yards and everything in between.

to many award-winning and worldclass tourism businesses. Everything from swimming with dolphins or bike riding tours, to relaxing in hot springs or a round of golf - we are lucky to have it all in our backyard!

n Agriculture and Manufactur ing: Everything from livestock to vineyards, to orchards full of fruit and fields packed with vegetables. From breweries and distilleries to soap makers or creators of tailor made gates – and everything in between.

n Health and Community: Our health and community industries often reach the heart of our communities. These essential industries care for us and offer vital support to us in a range of health services.

n Start Up: The brave businesses that have taken the challenge of open ing during very trying times - and made it a success story.



More support for local businesses

With nominations now closed, judg

ing is about to begin and the results will be announced on Wednesday 19 October 2022 at a gala black-tie presentation night to be held at the Mornington Racecourse.


Showcasing examples of excellence with the business community can help businesses connect with new people, learn new ways of doing things and build a more resilient businesses.

Sharing the stories and knowledge of our talented local businesses through our business newsletter and dedicated business website; is one way that we Support Local and connect businesses together.Businesses can learn from local experts; local business specialists in their field who share their insider tips and knowledge, or Local Spotlight blog articles that showcase local busi nesses delivering excellence across products, experiences or innovation.

PAGE 16 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 BusinessPeninsulaMornington

The highlight of the year will be the Mornington Peninsula Business Excellence Awards where our busi ness community will come together to celebrate local businesses and industries that have demonstrated excellence, innovation and sustain ability, particularly over the past two challenging years.

With 15,800 local businesses, there are some excellent contenders for awards across the nine categories: n Creative Industries: Our creative industries showcase the talent of our arts community. The galleries, studios

MORNINGTON Peninsula Shire is proud to support local businesses in a wide range of ways - from workshops and webinars to grants and awards, plus a whole lot in between.

n Hospitality: Our local cafes and restaurants bring us together. They allow us to share meals with friends and family, celebrate milestones, and connect us to our neighbourhood.

n Trade, Building and Construc tion: Our trade, building and construc tion industries both preserve our local heritage, maintain our belongings, and create our townships for our grow ing communities. These exceptional industries help keep our vehicles on the roads, our shops and homes func tional, and our businesses operational.

n Professional Services: Providing advice through customised, knowl edge-based services offering real solutions and assistance for custom ers and businesses. Everything from legal services, real estate, accounting and financial advisory, architecture, engineering, information technology and consulting.

One deserving award winner will also be selected as Business of the Year.For more information and galas presentation event ticket sales visit


n Tourism: The Peninsula is home

Successful business networking events featuring stories and insights from successful local industries, and a business grants program that facilitates e-commerce opportunities, improvements to accessibility and sound business planning, add to the mix of support.

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Wednesday, 14th September 2022 SOUTHERN PENINSULA NEWS Page Want to know the value of your property? Scan the QR code and follow the prompts to download your property report now. Call us on (03) 5985 0000 or visit

out with a dazzling wine cellar with wet bar and to top it all off, there is a splendid open fireplace. A third living area with zoned space ideal for an office or potential fourth bedroom also comprises an ensuite and small kitchen to provide comfortable self-contained accommodation for extended family or guests. The main family kitchen has been beautifully updated and will not fail to impress with gleaming stone bench tops and a suite of appliances that include an induction cooktop, Bosch dishwasher, wall oven and steamer. Sliding glass doors off from both the

open plan family zone and formal lounge out to the vast undercover alfresco area where the relaxing jacuzzi is back dropped by tall gum trees and scenic farmland. This feature-packed home has the large master bedroom with ensuite and dressing room privately set in one wing, whilst two more spacious double bedrooms share the lovely family bathroom down a separate hallway. From the street, the property is securely set behind electric gates with a long gravel driveway looping around the front of the home and continuing on to a large garage and workshop.n


GAZING out across picturesque pastures on the edge of the green wedge and capturing all the serenity of country living, this sprawling homestead on 5012 square metres comes complete with three living areas, a wine cellar, jacuzzi and a self-contained guest wing. Pairing the timeless charm of quality double brickwork, wood heating and engineered timber floors with an array of high-end updates executed with contemporary living in mind, the family-friendly floor plan flaunts a spacious open plan living and meals area, while the formal lounge and dining zone has been fitted



ADDRESS: 61 Baldock Road, MORNINGTON FOR SALE: $2,200,000 - $2,400,000 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 4 car, 5012 square metre block Jarrod Carman 0423 144 102, Eview Mornington Peninsula, 311 Main Street, Mornington, 5971 0300

Wednesday, 14th September 2022 SOUTHERN PENINSULA NEWS Page ON THE COVER HOME ESSENTIALS///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


A MAGNIFICENT LOCATION - PRICED TO SELL! $2,250,000 - $2,350,000

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RYE 14 Waratah Street

Ideally located a leisurely, flat, 650m stroll to the crystal clear waters of the Rye Foreshore is this immaculately presented retro Rye retreat. Situated on a generous, 1011m2, North Facing allotment complete with a substantial, detached lock up garage ideal for the boat and other toys of choice it features: 3 bedrooms, full bathroom, spacious, open plan living area comprising kitchen, lounge and dining area with gas heating, aircon and O.F.P. Tiled throughout and easy to maintain this is the perfect, well positioned holiday home or future site of a substantial new permanent residence awaiting your sea-change.

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This stunning property, measuring 2179m2, comprises the spacious main residence with downstairs open plan living, dining, kitchen meals area, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and laundry. Upstairs is the large master bedroom with ensuite WIR and BIR, retreat and balcony taking in views of Arthurs Seat. The grounds consist of a resort style solar heated pool with gazebo, covered entertaining area with gas mains pizza oven and bbq, 2 car remote tandem garage plus a large lock up garage ideal for the boat or other water toys, a fernery, and separate spa room. Features include modern kitchen with stone tops, multiple storage rooms, ducted heating, 2 split systems, bore water and much more.

This impeccable home featuring soaring sandstone walls, earthy timbers and warm tones is certainly set to delight the senses. The natural light filtering throughout the home creates a relaxed and calming environment throughout the 4 spacious bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living area’s, study or 5th room. Other features include ducted heating and cooling, open fire place, plantation shutters, USB outlets to all bathrooms/bedrooms and kitchen, stone benchtops in the kitchen and bathrooms, Miele oven/cooktop and dishwasher, hardwood flooring in a satin finish, and travertine tiles in all bathrooms including the entrance foyer.


Contact: Michael Prentice 0417 369 235

RYE 68-70 Heyfield Road


LIVE THE PENINSULA LIFE Contact Agent Contact Agent

Contact: Michael Christodoulou 0419 003 685

Wednesday, 14th September 2022 SOUTHERN PENINSULA NEWS Page Since 1946 2395 Point Nepean Road, Rye. Phone 5985 2351 / 78 Ocean Beach Road, Sorrento. Phone 5984 4177 For an OBLIGATION FREE APPRAISAL contact Michael Prentice 0417 369 235 - Michael Christodoulou 0419 003 685 Mark Prentice 0408 117 772 - Tim Breadmore 0418 565 263 $980,000 - $1,070,000

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Wednesday, 14th September 2022 SOUTHERN PENINSULA NEWS Page

Barry Plant Rosebud 5986 8880

Barry Plant Rosebud are offering an exciting career opportunity for an enthusiastic real estate sales person within the award winning Barry Plant Group. Applicants should have the following AN AGENTS REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFICATE ( Compulsory) current driver’s licence & a reliable car & a great work ethic entrepreneurial spirit and a willingness to learn

Set on an elevated position behind the traditional white picket fence comes on approximately 800 m² this classic 3 bedroom + study home. The residence offers robed bedrooms, main with en-suite & walk through robe. Featuring open plan living / dining, fully equipped kitchen offering stone benches, dishwasher & breakfast bar. The property also offers a second living area and/or cinema room. The home provides fully landscape grounds, alfresco entertaining, is serviced by gas ducted heating, reverse cycle air-conditioning, gas log fire, remote double garage with internal access, ducted vacuum, bore water and pump. Perfectly presented & outstandingly maintained, this is the perfect family home.


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Wednesday, 14th September 2022 SOUTHERN PENINSULA NEWS Page S O L D 1 8 B a l c o m b e C r e e k C l o s e , M o u n t M a r t h a 4 B E D | 2 5 B A T H | 6 C A R C o n t a c t A g e n t A m a n d a H a i m o n a 0 4 1 9 3 8 7 6 8 2 2 6 G l a m o r g a n C r e s c e n t , M o u n t M a r t h a 4 B E D | 2 B A T H | 2 C A R $ 1 , 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 $ 1 , 6 5 0 , 0 0 0 T a m m i e C o a d y 0 4 0 8 5 6 2 2 8 6 o r B r e n d a n C o l l o p y 0 4 0 0 3 3 9 6 4 4 5 R a t h g a e l A v e n u e , M o u n t M a r t h a 3 B E D | 2 B A T H | S T U D Y | 2 C A R C o n t a c t A g e n t A m a n d a H a i m o n a 0 4 1 9 3 8 7 6 8 2 S A L E S + P R O P E R T Y M A N A G E M E N T 4 / 4 2 L O C H I E L A V E N U E , M T M A R T H A W W W B O N A C C O R D E C O M A U 0 3 5 9 7 4 8 9 0 0 3 P a r e r S t r e e t M O U N T M A R T H A $ 3 , 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 7 1 B a y R o a d M O U N T M A R T H A C o n t a c t A g e n t 4 5 D o m i n i o n R o a d M O U N T M A R T H A $ 3 , 9 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 O a k G r o v e M O U N T M A R T H A C o n t a c t A g e n t 1 5 H e a d l a n d W a t e r s M O U N T M A R T H A C o n t a c t A g e n t S O L SD O L D S O L D 1 6 S u n d o w n D r i v e , M o u n t M a r t h a 4 B E D | 4 B A T H | S T U D Y | 2 C A R $ 2 , 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 $ 2 , 8 6 0 , 0 0 0 T a m m i e C o a d y 0 4 0 8 5 6 2 2 8 6 o r A n d r e w G i l l e s p i e 0 4 1 4 6 8 0 5 1 2 A G E N C Y O F T H E Y E A R 2 0 2 2 S A L E S & P R O P E R T Y M A N A G E M E N T S O L D

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These intrepid teams sure are making up for lost time now the world’s borders are open, racking up plenty of fresh stamps in their passports as they race around the globe in their bid to claim $250,000. Tonight, the competitors head from the Colombian capital Bogota to Medellin, known as the City of Eternal Spring. Here, they must climb 220m up to the summit of La Piedra del Peñol, where they must choose between replicating a flower bouquet or visiting a coffee plantation to sort through a sack of beans. Host Beau Ryan (pictured) is the friendly face guiding them along the way.




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NINE, 7pm

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Despite the next US presidential election being two years away, Chas Licciardello and John Barron are never short of juicy tidbits, public missteps and news from the American political scene to discuss and dissect each week. In this series return, the wry duo will preview the run-up to November’s mid-term elections –historically, they see whatever party is in power at the time lose seats in Congress. The events and how they affect what might happen in 2024 will no doubt provoke some fascinating insights from the pair. Even if you don’t have the interestslightestinUSpolitics,thehostsmakeeventhedriestofpoliticaltopicsfunandinteresting.

The competition is heating up for the next room reveal, as the competitors (including Ankur and Sharon, both pictured) show off their all-important kitchens. Darren Palmer will no doubt be on the lookout to see if these latest offerings adhere to his “five-zone kitchen” ideals, as he and fellow judges Shaynna Blaze and Neale Whitaker cast a critical eye over them. There’s no doubt the country location of this year’s series has been a breath of fresh air.


Southern Peninsula News – TV Guide 14 September 2022 PAGE 1 Thursday, September 15 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10)NINE (9) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Australian Story. (R) 10.30 That Pacific Sports Show. (R) 11.00 Rick Stein’s Secret France. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Win The Week. (PG, R) 1.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M, R) 2.00 The Durrells. (PG, R) 3.00 Escape From The City. (R) 4.00 Think Tank. (R) 4.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Peer To Peer. (PG) 10.05 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City. 11.05 Grayson’s Art Club. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes. (PGa, R) 3.00 Going Places. (R) 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (PG, R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.10 Supervet Specials. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 Farmer Wants A Wife. (PGl, R) 1.30 Surveillance Oz. (PG, R) 2.00 Kochie’s Business Builders. 2.30 Border Patrol. (PG, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Block. (PGl, R) 1.00 After The Verdict. (Mv, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (R) 6.00 The Talk. (PGa) 7.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 7.30 Bold. (PG, R) 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Entertainment Tonight. 2.30 Food Trail: South Africa. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 3.30 Farm To Fork. (PG, R) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First. 6.00 The Drum. 6.55 Sammy J. (PG) 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Foreign Correspondent. A look at the protests in Sri Lanka. 8.30 Q+A. Public affairs program. 9.35 Kurt Fearnley’s One Plus One. (Return) Kurt Fearnley speaks with Eddie Betts. 10.05 ABC Late News. 10.20 The Business. (R) 10.35 Old People’s Home For Teenagers. (R) 11.35 Harrow. (Mav, R) 2.15 The Durrells. (PG, R) 3.00 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.25 The Drum. (R) 5.20 Sammy J. (PG, R) 5.25 7.30. (R) 6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) Presented by Jennifer Byrne. 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 World’s Most Scenic River Journeys: The Buller. (PG) Narrated by Bill Nighy. 8.30 The Handmaid’s Tale. (Return) June’s escape continues to weigh on her, even as a new confrontation between June and Serena seems inevitable. 10.30 SBS World News Late. 11.00 Gomorrah. (Return, MA15+v) The Levantes are out for revenge. 11.55 Luther. (MA15+av, R) 4.00 Food Safari. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGa) Remi gets his mojo back. 8.30 The Front Bar. (M) Hosts Mick Molloy, Sam Pang and Andy Maher take a lighter look at the world of AFL. 9.30 The Latest: Seven News. 10.00 Crime Investigation Australia: Most Infamous: The Kimberley Killer. (Mav, R) Takes a look at a serial shooter in the Top End. 11.05 Autopsy USA: Mama Cass. (MA15+ad, R) 12.05 Kiss Bang Love. (PG, R) 1.15 Travel Oz. (PG, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Seven Early News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 Rugby Union. Rugby Championship. Bledisloe Cup. Game 1. Australia v New Zealand. 10.00 Wallabies V New Zealand Post-Match. Post-match wrap-up. 10.30 Nine News Late. 11.00 The Equalizer. (Mv, R) 12.00 The Gulf. (Madls, R) 1.00 The Garden Gurus. (R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news and events. 7.30 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod. Quiz show featuring schools. 8.30 Gogglebox Australia. TV fanatics open up their living rooms to reveal their reactions to popular and topical TV shows. 9.30 To Be Advised. 10.30 Law & Order: SVU. (Mav, R) The squad deals with a child abduction. 11.30 The Project. (R) 12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. CONSUMER ADVICE (P) Pre-school (C) Children (PG) Parental Guidance Recommended (M) Mature Audiences (MA15+) Mature Audiences Only (AV15+) Extreme Adult Violence (R) Repeat (a) Adult themes (d) Drug references (h) Horror (s) Sex references (l) Language (m) Medical procedures (n) Nudity (v) Violence. 6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 Cloning The Woolly Mammoth. 11.30 The Therapist. Noon Bernie Blackout: The 2020 Campaign. 1.40 One Star Reviews. 2.05 Munchies Guide To Las Vegas. 2.55 Munchies Guide To Oaxaca. 3.45 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St. 5.45 Joy Of Painting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats. 8.30 The Curse Of Oak Island. 10.10 Late Programs. 6am Home Shopping. 6.30 Travel Oz. 8.00 Cruise Away. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Bargain Hunt. 1.00 Million Dollar Minute. 2.00 Sydney Weekender. 2.30 Sons And Daughters. 4.30 Emmerdale. 5.00 Coronation Street. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Father Brown. 8.30 Murdoch Mysteries. 12.30am The Fine Art Auction. 3.30 Late Programs. 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 Escape Fishing With ET. 9.30 Reel Action. 10.00 MacGyver. Noon Elementary. 1.00 Hawaii Five-0. 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat. 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver. 7.30 NCIS. 8.30 Bull. 10.30 Elementary. 11.30 48 Hours. 12.30am Home Shopping. 2.00 Blood And Treasure. 3.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 4.00 MacGyver. 6am TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. 7.30 TV Shop. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 As Time Goes By. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: The Bridal Path. (1959) 5.30 Murder, She Wrote. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 RBT. 8.30 Paramedics. 9.30 Customs. 10.00 Tennis. Davis Cup. Finals. Group C. France v Australia. 4am Late Programs. 10 BOLD (12) 9GEM (92)7TWO (72)SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.30 Would I Lie To You? 9.00 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. 9.30 Win The Week. 10.00 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 10.40 Mock The Week. (Final) 11.15 Doctor Who. 12.15am Ghosts. 12.45 The Queen: Mother And Monarch. 1.35 Would I Lie To You? 2.05 ABC News Update. 2.10 Close. 5.00 Clangers. 5.15 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon The Bionic Woman. 1.00 Baywatch. 2.00 Motor Racing. IndyCar Series. Grand Prix of Monterey. H’lights. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 The Nanny. 6.00 3rd Rock. 6.30 That ’70s Show. 7.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 MOVIE: Serenity. (2005, M) 9.50 MOVIE: Elektra. (2005, M) 11.45 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Surveillance Oz Dashcam. 10.15 Storage Wars. 10.45 American Pickers. 11.45 No Man’s Land. 12.45pm Inside Kings Cross: The Railway. 1.45 Hard Knocks. 3.00 Pawn Stars UK. 3.30 Pawn Stars Sth Africa. 4.00 Truck Night In America. 5.00 Desert Collectors. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 8.30 MOVIE: John Wick: Chapter 2. (2017, MA15+) 11.00 Late Programs. 9GO! (93)6am Master Cheng: A Spice For Life. Continued. (2019, PG) 7.50 Asterix At The Olympic Games. (2008, PG, French) 10.00 Entrapment. (1999) 12.10pm Made In Dagenham. (2010, M) 2.10 Esio Trot. (2015, PG) 3.50 The Red Turtle. (2016, PG, No dialogue) 5.20 Complicity. (2018, PG, Japanese) 7.30 The Sense Of An Ending. (2017, M) 9.30 The Client. (1994) 11.45 Late Programs.

June (Elisabeth Moss, pictured) and Serena (Yvonne Strahovski) are either on a path to destruction or redemption as the worlds of free Canada and totalitarian Gilead collide in this double-episode return.

Many will agree that he had it coming – Commander Fred Waterford (Joseph Fiennes) was brutally murdered in the closing scenes of season four. But that begs the question: whose time is up in the fifth season of this intensely dark and depressing dystopian drama?


10 PEACH (11)

6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Friends. 8.00 The King Of Queens. 9.00 Becker. 10.00 The Middle. 11.30 Friends. Noon The Living Room. 1.00 Frasier. 2.00 Becker. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. 9.30 Seinfeld. 11.00 Frasier. Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 James Corden. 3.30 King Of Queens. 4.30 Shopping.

TEN, 7.30pm




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ABC TV, 9.35pm







SBS, 8.30pm

(73)SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm The Last Land: Gespe’gewa’gi. 2.00 Shortland St. 2.30 Going Native. 3.00 Jarjums. 4.35 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 The 77 Percent. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Land Of Primates. 7.30 Going Places With Ernie Dingo. 8.30 The Porter. 9.25 MOVIE: Resurrecting The Champ. (2007, M) 11.25 Late Programs. N ITV (34) TOP PICKS


6.30 The Project. Special guest is Kane Brown.

10 BOLD (12)

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Peer To Peer. (PG) 10.05 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City. 11.05 Grayson’s Art Club. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes. (PGa, R) 3.00 NITV News: Nula. 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.10 Supervet Specials. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

A maverick detective quits the force. Samuel L Jackson, Vanessa Williams.


8.30 Baptiste. (Malv) In the chaotic aftermath of the shooting, Emma’s only hope is to find her other son Will.

10.30 ABC Late News. Detailed coverage of the day’s events.

6.10 Extraordinary Escapes: Sanetra Sarker. (Return, PG) Presented by Sandi Toksvig. 7.00 ABC News. Takes a look at today’s top stories. 7.30 Death In Paradise. (Mv, R) A zoo owner is poisoned by a dart. 8.30 Miniseries: Marriage. (Ml) Part 3 of 4. Emma attends a legal conference with her boss while Ian waits at home. 9.30 Summer Love. (Ml, R) When a couple care for a joey, they are forced to consider what it would mean to be actual parents. 10.00 Savage River. (Madl, R) Hugh goes missing. 10.55 Silent

7.35 Lost Treasures Of Ancient Rome: Herculaneum. (Final, PG) Takes a look at Herculaneum.



12.50 Summer Love. (PG, R)

1.20 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv)

A Monster In Paris. (2011, French) 5.45 Asterix And Obelix In Britain. (2012, PG, French) 7.50 Our Idiot Brother. (2011, M) 9.30 The Commitments. (1991, M) 11.40 Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES

6am Morning Programs. 2pm Shortland St. 2.30 Going Native. 3.00 Jarjums. 4.35 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 NITV News: Nula. 6.00 Bamay. 6.40 Land Of Primates. 7.30 MOVIE: Pound Puppies And The Legend Of Big Paw. (1988, PG) 8.55 First Nations Bedtime Stories. 9.05 Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman. 9.55 On The Road. 10.55 Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Home Shopping. 6.30 Travel Oz. 8.00 Cruise Away. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon Bargain Hunt. 1.00 Million Dollar Minute. 2.00 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.30 Sons And Daughters. 4.30 Emmerdale. 5.00 Coronation Street. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Better Homes And Gardens. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 11.30 Late

6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Friends. 7.30 Seinfeld. 9.00 Becker. 10.00 The Middle. 11.30 The King Of Queens. 12.30pm Frasier. 1.30 Seinfeld. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. 9.30 Mom. 10.30 Charmed. (Final) 11.30 Frasier. Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Late Programs.

SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)NITV (34) 10 BOLD (12)9GO! (93)7MATE (73)

10.45 Das Boot. (Mav, R)

6.00 The Talk. (PGa) 7.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 7.30 Bold. (PG, R) 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R) 1.00 Living Room. (PG, R) 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 Ultimate Classroom. (Premiere) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 3.30 Farm To Fork. (PG, R) 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First.

TEN (10)

NINE (9) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Q+A. (R) 11.00 The Best Of Back Roads. (PG, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Savage River. (Madl, R) 1.55 Australia’s Lost Impressionist. (PG, R) 3.05 Escape From The City. (R) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG, R) 5.00 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)

Friday, September 16


9.45 NRL Finals Footy Post-Match. A post-match NRL wrap up of the first semi-final between the Eels and the Raiders, with expert analysis and player interviews. 10.30 MOVIE: Shaft. (2000, MA15+lv, R)

Adventures. 11.00



6.30 SBS World News.

Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R) 6.00 Luxury Escapes. Sophie Falkiner heads to Canada’s West. 6.30 Bondi Rescue. (PGal, R) Monster waves lash Bondi. 7.00 The Dog House. (PG, R) Follows a team of devoted matchmakers as they pair homeless dogs with hopeful companions. 8.00 Ambulance. (Ml) In Lancashire, an ambulance crew is urgently dispatched to help

4.30 Authentic.

11.45 Thin Blue Line. (MA15+al, R) 4.05 Food Safari. (R) 4.35 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

PAGE 2 Southern Peninsula News – TV Guide 14 September 2022


10.00 Just For Laughs Uncut. (MA15+ls, R) Hosted by Nikki Osborne.


8.30 To Be Advised.


10.45 Doc Martin. (PG, R) Martin has his second medical council assessment.

SBS (3)

6.00 Seven News.

10.30 The Project. (R) Special guest is Kane Brown.

2.00 Home



11.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Late-night talk show. 12.30 Home Shopping. (R) ABC News Update. 1.15 Close. 5.00 Twirlywoos. 5.15 Hoot Hoot Go! 5.20 Pocoyo. 5.30 Guess How Much I Love You. 5.40 Late Programs.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Til Ex Do Us Part. (2018, Mav, R) Kelly Sullivan, Anna Van Hooft, Dan Payne. 1.45 Honey: Queen Elizabeth II. (PGa, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. (R)

Fishing With ET. 11.30 Healthy Homes Australia. Noon The Love Boat. 1.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 2.00 MacGyver. 4.00 Roads Less Travelled. 4.30 iFish. 5.00 Reel Action. 5.30 Scorpion. 7.30 NCIS. 8.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. 10.20 Blood And Treasure. 11.15 Late Programs. 6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 The King Of Queens. 8.00 Frasier. 9.00 Becker. 10.00 Friends. Noon The King Of Queens. 1.00 The Amazing Race Australia. 4.30 Friends. 6.00 The Big Bang Theory. 10.15 Friends. 12.15am Home Shopping. 1.45 The Big Bang Theory. 2.40 Nancy Drew. 3.30 Charmed. 4.30 Home Shopping. 10 PEACH (11)6am Morning Programs. 11.30 South Aussie With Cosi. Noon Weekender. 12.30 Weekender. 1.00 Australia: The Story Of Us. 2.00 Escape To The Country. 4.00 Bargain Hunt. 5.00 Horse Racing. MRC Foundation Family Day and George Main Stakes Day. 5.30 The Amazing Homemakers. 6.30 The Yorkshire Vet. 8.30 Escape To The Country. 10.30 I Escaped To The Country. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 8.30 TV Shop. 10.00 My Favorite Martian. 10.30 The Baron. 11.35 MOVIE: Derby Day. (1952) 1.20pm MOVIE: Contraband Spain. (1955, PG) 3.00 Motor Racing. TCR Australia Series, Trans Am Series and S5000 Australian Drivers Championship. 5.00 MOVIE: The War Wagon. (1967, PG) 7.00 MOVIE: True Grit. (1969, PG) 9.40 MOVIE: The Jackal. (1997, MA15+) 12.05am Late Programs. 9GEM (92)7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Everybody Loves Raymond: The First Six Years. 2.20 Motor Racing. FIA World Endurance C’ship. 6 Hours of Fuji. H’lights. 3.30 Say Yes To The Dress: Australia. 5.00 Mr Mayor. 5.30 MOVIE: Bridge To Terabithia. (2007, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: The Hobbit: The Battle Of The Five Armies. (2014, M) 10.15 MOVIE: R.I.P.D. (2013, M) 12.05am Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 11.30 Your 4x4. Noon Garage 41. 12.30 Timbersports. 1.00 Blokesworld. 1.30 Australia ReDiscovered. 2.00 Football. AFL Women’s. Round 4. Fremantle v Carlton. 4.00 Pawn Stars. 4.30 Last Stop Garage. 5.00 MOVIE: Westworld. (1973, PG) 7.00 Border Security. 7.30 To Be Advised. 8.30 MOVIE: The Rock. (1996, MA15+) 11.20 Late Programs. FloorFree+Stand! Worth $199.99 Need Heat Fast? Buy One Get One Free! Limited Time Offer! Call Now! 1.8m High • Commercial Grade • Multi-Directional • Easy Install • Portable • Indoor & Outdoor • Heats Up Instantly • Suitable for Indoors or Outdoors – In Rain, Fog, Wind or Snow • Carbon-Fibre Bulb Technology • Multi-Directional Stand • Includes Remote Control & Built-In Timer • Motion Detection Function 1800 994 004 The Fastest, Warmest Indoor/Outdoor Heater You Will Ever Own! *Call for Terms & Conditions

1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Take Two. (R) 4.30 Global Shop. (R) 5.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 5.30 Skippy The Bush Kangaroo. (R)

8.30 Hampton Court: Behind Closed Doors. (PG) Part 1 of 2.

6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Therapist. Noon How To Rob A Bank. 12.55 Hunters. 1.45 COVID-19: Italy’s Tragedy. 2.15 Secrets Of Our Cities. 3.15 Feeding The Scrum. 3.45 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St. 5.45 Joy Of Painting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats. 8.30 Hoarders. 9.20 Atlanta. (Return) 10.20 Sex: Made In Germany. 11.15 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7pm Andy And The Band. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Hard Quiz. 8.30 MOVIE: The Railway Man. (2013, M) 10.25 Doctor Who. 11.10 Ghosts. 11.40 Red Dwarf. 12.10am Ross Noble: Stand Up Series. 12.40 Motherland. 1.10

7.30 The Living Room. Miguel Maestre helps throw a surprise 60th anniversary seafood lunch.

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R)

6.00 The Drum. Analysis of the day’s news. 7.00 ABC News. Takes a look at today’s top stories.


6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Therapist. Noon Long Shot. 12.25 Stoned Moms. 12.50 Speed With Guy Martin. 1.45 Noisey. 2.35 Over The Black Dot. 3.05 Yokayi Footy. 4.00 WorldWatch. 5.30 Insight. 6.30 Domino Masters. 7.30 Impossible Engineering. 8.30 The Good Fight. 9.30 The Handmaid’s Tale. 11.30 Hoarders. 1.10am The Devil You Know. 2.50 NHK World English News. 5.00 Al Jazeera. SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7.10pm Shaun The Sheep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 QI. 8.30 Celia Pacquola: All Talk. (Premiere) 9.30 Sammy J. 9.35 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 10.00 Would I Lie To You? 10.30 Doctor Who. 11.15 Friday Night Dinner. 11.40 Brassic. 12.25am David Attenborough’s Global Adventure. 1.15 ABC News Update. 1.20 Close. 5.00 Twirlywoos. 5.15 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Morning Programs. 6.55 A Monster In Paris. (2011, French) 8.35 Sheep And Wolves. (2016, PG) 10.10 The Client. (1994) 12.25pm The Sense Of An Ending. (2017, M) 2.25 Complicity. (2018, PG, Japanese) 4.35 Manon Des Sources. (1986, PG, French) 6.35 The Forbidden Kingdom. (2008, PG) 8.30 Panic Room. (2002, MA15+) 10.35 Lovers. (2020, French) 12.30am Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 2.10pm Always Was Always Will Be. 2.45 Bamay. 2.50 Hockey. WA Men’s Field Hockey. Premier Division 1. 4.20 Hockey. WA Women’s Field Hockey. Premier Division 1. 5.50 Songs From The Inside. 6.20 Kriol Kitchen. 6.50 News. 7.00 True North Calling. 7.30 First Australians. 8.30 The Wrestlers. 9.30 MOVIE: Resurrecting The Champ. (2007, M) 11.30 Late Programs. 6am


5.00 The

10 PEACH (11) The Autistic Gardener. (PG) 10.05 Earth’s Natural Wonders. 11.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Motorcycle Racing. FIM Superbike World Championship. Round 7. Highlights. 3.05 Hunt For Shackleton’s Ice Ship. (PGal, R) 4.40 The Great Train Robbery: Hidden Tapes. (PGl, R) 5.35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum. (PG) NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) 12.00 Horse Racing. MRC Foundation Family Day and George Main Stakes Day. 3.30 AFL Pre-Game Show. Pre-game coverage of the match. 4.00 Football. AFL. Second preliminary final. Sydney v Collingwood. 6.00 Getaway. (PG, R) 6.30 A Current Affair. 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 Today Extra: Saturday. (PG) 12.00 Surfing Australia TV. 12.30 Rivals. (PGl) 1.00 Drive TV. (Return) 1.30 Endangered. (PG, R) 2.30 The Block. (PGl, R) 3.30 The Bizarre Pet Vets. (PGm) 4.30 The Garden Gurus. 5.00 News: First At Five. 5.30 Getaway. (PG) 6.00 Reel Action. (R) 6.30 Leading The Way. 7.00 Escape Fishing. (R) 7.30 4x4 Adventures. (R) 8.30 What’s Up Down Under. (R) 9.30 St10. (PG) 12.00 Luxury Escapes. (R) 12.30 Living Room. (R) 1.30 Healthy Homes Aust. 2.00 Buy To Build. 2.30 Planet Shapers. 3.00 What’s Up Down Under. (PGs) 3.30 Taste Of Aust. (R) 4.00 Ultimate Classroom. (R) 4.30 Food Trail: South Africa. 5.00 News. Witness. (Mav, R) Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) SBS World News. Greatest Train Journeys From Glacier Express. (Premiere) Secrets Of The Tower Of London. (PG, R) Takes a look at the Tower of London. Elizabeth I And II: The Golden Queens. (R) Part 1 of 2. Scotland: 1000 Years Of History. (PGal, R) MOVIE: Apocalypse Now Redux. (1979, MA15+alv, R) Martin Sheen, Marlon Brando, Robert Duvall. 3.30 Kubrick In His Own Words. (MA15+av, R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight. Seven News. 8.30 MOVIE: Jack Reacher: Never Go Back. (2016, Mv, R) Jack Reacher comes to the aid of a US Army officer he suspects is the victim of a conspiracy, only to find himself framed for murder and his estranged teenage daughter in the sights of the killers. Tom Cruise, Cobie Smulders, Danika Yarosh. 11.00 MOVIE: X-Men. (2000, Mhv, R) Mutants struggle for supremacy. Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. 1.05 To Be Advised. 2.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 It’s Academic. (R) Hosted by Simon Reeve. 5.00 House Of Wellness. (PGan, R) Nine News Saturday. 7.00 Rugby League. NRL Finals Series. Second semi-final. 9.45 NRL Finals Footy PostMatch. A post-match NRL wrap up of the second semi-final, with expert analysis and player interviews. 10.30 MOVIE: The Dead Pool. (1988, Mdlv, R) A cop investigates the game of “dead pool”. Clint Eastwood. 12.30 Endangered: South Africa. (PG, R) 1.30 Drive TV. (R) 2.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 a baby who has stopped breathing. To Be Advised. NCIS. (Mv, R) Sloane has a secret admirer. Shopping. (R) (PG) Talk. (PGa, R) Home Shopping. The Doctors. 10.00 Pat Callinan’s 4x4 Escape

ABC (2)

12.30 Tipping Point. (PG, R)



Roadshow. 7.30 Country House Hunters Australia. 8.30 MOVIE: No Reservations. (2007, PG) 10.30 MOVIE: Life As We Know It. (2010, M) 12.50am Late Programs. 9GEM (92)7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. Noon The Bionic Woman. 1.00 Baywatch. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 Children’s Programs. 5.40 MOVIE: Monsters Vs Aliens. (2009, PG) 7.30 MOVIE: Space Jam. (1996) 9.10 MOVIE: Birds Of Prey. (2020, MA15+) 11.20 Paranormal Caught On Camera. 12.20am Stunt Science. 1.15 Race Across The World. 2.30 Adv Time. 3.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. Noon Border Security. 12.15 Pawn Stars. 12.45 No Man’s Land. 1.45 Hard Knocks. 3.00 Timbersports. 3.30 Pawn Stars UK. 4.00 Pawn Stars Sth Africa. 4.30 Storage Wars: TX. 5.00 Football. AFL Women’s. Round 4. North Melbourne v Geelong. 7.00 AFL: Friday Night Countdown. 7.30 MOVIE: Hidden Figures. (2016, PG) 10.05 MOVIE: Cradle 2 The Grave. (2003, MA15+) 12.20am Late Programs. 9GO! (93) 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 Motor Racing. Formula 1. Race 16. Italian Grand Prix. Replay. 9.00 Escape Fishing With ET. 9.30 iFish. 10.00 MacGyver. Noon The Code. 1.00 Blue Bloods. 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat. 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver. 7.30 NCIS. 8.30 Blue Bloods. 10.20 Evil. 11.15 Star Trek: Discovery. 12.15am Shopping. 2.15 Late Programs.


The winning couple is decided. 2.30 Home Shopping. 4.00 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 5.00 NBC Today.

7.30 Gardening Australia. Costa Georgiadis learns about wetlands.

10.15 SBS World News Late.

9.30 Just For Laughs Australia. (Mls, R) Stand-up comedy performances from Adam Christie, Nikki Osborne and Luke Heggie.

9.25 World’s Greatest Hotels: Bellagio, Las Vegas. (R) Takes a look at The Bellagio in Las Vegas.

7.00 Better Homes And Gardens. Johanna Griggs and Pete Colquhoun go on a tour of Arc House. Adam Doville builds an elegant study nook. 7.30 Football. AFL. First Preliminary Final. Geelong v Brisbane Lions. From the MCG. 10.30 AFL Post-Game Show. Post-game discussion and interviews. 11.00 Armchair Experts. (M) A panel discusses all things AFL. 11.30 To Be Advised. 1.00 Instant Hotel. (PG, R)

6am Complicity. Continued. (2018, PG, Japanese) 8.00 Manon Des Sources. (1986, PG, French) 10.05 Odd Thomas. (2013, M) 11.55 Vita And Virginia. (2018, M) 2pm Master Cheng: A Spice For Life. (2019, PG) 4.05 (32) Programs.


6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost. (2011, Mav) 2.00 House Of Wellness. (PG) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

12.20 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (M, R)

7MATE (73) Saturday, September 17 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10)NINE (9) 6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. 9.00 Rage. (PG) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Vera. (Mv, R) 2.00 Midsomer Murders. (PG, R) 3.30 Great Southern Landscapes. (Final, PG, R) 4.00 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R) 4.50 Landline. (R) 5.15 David Attenborough’s Life That Glows. (R) 6.00 WorldWatch. 9.10

6.00 Nine News. 7.00 Rugby League. NRL Finals Series. First Semi-Final. Parramatta Eels v Canberra Raiders.

6am Morning Programs. 12.55pm The Young And The Restless. 1.50 Garden Gurus Moments. 2.00 The Great Migration. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: Manuela. (1957, PG) 5.30 Murder, She Wrote. 6.30 Antiques



6.00 Fishing Australia. (R) 6.30 A Current Affair. (R) 7.00 Weekend Today. 10.00 The AFL Sunday Footy Show. (PG) 12.00 Sports Sunday. (PG) 1.00 Bondi Lifeguard World Adventures. (PGl, R) 1.30 Country House Hunters Australia. (R) 2.30 Explore. (R) 2.40 The Block. (PGl, R) 5.00 News: First At Five. 5.30 Postcards. (PG)

9GO! (93)

2.40 The Crown Prince Of Saudi Arabia. (Mav, R) 4.40 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.15 France 24 Feature. 5.30 Al Jazeera News.

11.40 Who Gets To Stay In Australia? (PG, R)

him. 10.40 Nine News Late. 11.10 Fortunate Son. (Ma) 12.00 Emergence.

12.40 The Last Journey Of The Vikings. (PGv, R)

10.00 The First 48: Taken For A Ride. (Mav) A look at the murder of Rodney Stafford.

Southern Peninsula News – TV Guide 14 September 2022 PAGE 3 Sunday, September 18 ABC (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10)NINE (9)

11.00 The Sunday Project. (R) A look at the day’s news.

7.30 Egypt Code Breakers. (PG)

6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Therapist. Noon Front Up. 12.30 Black Lives Matter: A Global Reckoning. 1.25 Donkmaster. 1.55 Years Of Living Dangerously. 3.55 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St. 5.45 Joy Of Painting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Dark Side Of The ‘90s. 9.25 The Casketeers. 10.25 VICE. 11.25 Final Space. 11.50 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 David Attenborough’s Global Adventure. 8.25 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. (Return) 9.15 Restoration Australia. 10.15 Catalyst. 11.10 Would I Lie To You? 11.40 Penn & Teller: Fool Us. 12.20am Ghosts. 12.50 Red Dwarf. 1.20 ABC News Update. 1.25 Close. 5.00 Clangers. 5.15 Hoot Hoot Go! 5.20 Sarah & Duck. 5.30 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Morning Programs. 8.00 Without A Clue. (1988, PG) 10.00 The Four Musketeers: Revenge Of Milady. (1974, M) Noon The Enigma Of Arrival. (2018, M, Mandarin) 2.05 The Forbidden Kingdom. (2008, PG) 4.00 Hoot. (2006, PG) 5.40 Bill. (2015, PG) 7.30 The Jane Austen Book Club. (2007, M) 9.30 A Dangerous Method. (2011, MA15+) 11.20 Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Amplify. 2.00 Shortland St. 2.30 Going Native. 3.00 Jarjums. 4.35 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 APTN National News. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 Wiyi Yani U Thangani. 6.40 News. 6.50 Arctic Secrets. 7.40 Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman. 8.30 Karla Grant Presents. 9.00 Cold Justice. 10.00 Superstition. 10.50 Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 Escape Fishing With ET. 9.30 iFish. 10.00 Demolition Down Under. 11.00 MacGyver. Noon The FBI Declassified. 1.00 Diagnosis Murder. 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat. 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver. 7.30 NCIS. 10.20 Blue Bloods. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 L.A.’s Finest. 3.10 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 4.05 MacGyver. 10 BOLD (12) 6am Friends. 9.30 The Big Bang Theory. 10.00 The Middle. Noon This Is Us. 2.00 The Big Bang Theory. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. 9.30 Seinfeld. 11.00 Frasier. Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 2.30 The Late Late Show With James Corden. 3.30 The King Of Queens. 4.30 Home Shopping. 10 PEACH (11)6am Home Shopping. 6.30 Travel Oz. 8.00 Cruise Away. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. 10.30 To Be Advised. Noon The Surgery Ship. 1.00 Million Dollar Minute. 2.00 Weekender. 2.30 Sons And Daughters. 4.30 Emmerdale. 5.00 Coronation Street. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Doc Martin. 8.30 A Touch Of Frost. 10.45 Criminal Confessions. 11.45 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 7.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 Danoz. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 The Bizarre Pet Vets. 2.50 Antiques Roadshow. 3.20 MOVIE: The Story Of Gilbert And Sullivan. (1953) 5.30 Murder, She Wrote. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 Death In Paradise. 8.40 Dalgliesh. (Premiere) 10.40 Late Programs. 9GEM (92)7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. 12.10pm Inside Legoland. 1.00 Inside British Airways. 2.00 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 2.30 Full House. 3.30 Raymond. 5.30 The Nanny. 6.00 3rd Rock.

7.40 Spicks And Specks. (PG) Hosted by Adam Hills.

6.30 Compass: Raising Her Voice. (R)

7.00 ABC News Sunday.

6.00 The Living Room. (R) 7.00 Athletics. Sydney Running Festival. 10.00 Studio 10: Sunday. (PG) 12.30 To Be Advised. 1.40 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. (R) 2.00 Pooches At Play. (R) 2.30 Luxury Escapes. (R) 3.00 Ultimate Classroom. (R) 3.30 Food Trail: South Africa. (R) 4.00 Farm To Fork. (PG, R) 4.30 Taste Of Australia With Hayden Quinn. 5.00 10 News First.

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.00 Cook Up With Adam Liaw Bitesize. (R) 9.05 The Autistic Gardener. (PG) 10.00 Earth’s Natural Wonders. (PG) 11.00 Paul O’Grady: For The Love Of Dogs. (PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 1.00 Speedweek. 3.00 Countdown To Qatar 2022. 3.30 The Rising. 4.00 Cycling. Ceratizit Challenge by La Vuelta. Highlights. 5.00 Going Places. (R) 5.35 Secrets Of The Imperial War Museum. (PG)

12.20 Harrow. (Mav, R)

12.00 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. MOVIES (32) Morning Programs. Healthy Demolition Down Under. Stories Of Bikes. Happy. Roads Less Travelled. What’s Up Down Under. 5.00 I Fish. 5.30 Reel Action. 6.00 Bondi Rescue. 6.30 MacGyver. 7.30 NCIS. 10.20 48 Hours. 11.15 Late Programs.

6am Morning Programs. Noon Silicon Valley: Untold Story. 12.55 QC Bud: The Black Market’s Last Stand. 1.25 Reset. 1.55 NY Times Presents: The Weekly. 2.25 WorldWatch. 2.50 Underground Worlds. 4.45 Sidelined: Women In Basketball. (Premiere) 5.45 Life After People. 6.40 How Not To Get Cancer. 7.35 Abandoned Engineering. 8.30 UnXplained. 9.20 Cracking The Code. (Premiere) 10.15 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7.10pm Shaun The Sheep. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Australia Remastered: Nature’s Great Divide. 8.25 Louis Theroux: Extreme Love. 9.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers. 10.30 Civilisations. 11.30 MOVIE: The Railway Man. (2013, M) 1.20am George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces. (Final) 2.10 ABC News Update. 2.15 Close. 5.00 Clangers. 5.15 Hoot Hoot Go! 5.20 Sarah & Duck. 5.30 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am The Forbidden Kingdom. (2008, PG) 7.55 Asterix And Obelix In Britain. (2012, PG, French) 10.00 The Commitments. (1991, M) 12.10pm Irrational Man. (2015, M) 2.00 Jean De Florette. (1986, PG, French) 4.15 Big Fish. (2003, PG) 6.30 Without A Clue. (1988, PG) 8.30 Then Came You. (2018, M) 10.20 A Guide To Second Date Sex. (2019, MA15+) 11.50 Late Programs. SBS WORLD

7.30 Key Of David. 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 4x4 Adventures. 10.00 Reel Action. 11.00

6.00 Nine News Sunday. 7.00 The Block. (PGl) 8.30 60 Minutes. Current affairs program, investigating, analysing and uncovering the issues affecting all Australians. 9.30 Nine News Late. A look at the latest news and events.

7MATE (73)


11.00 Killer Couples: Ruby Padgett And Mitchell Sims. (MA15+av) 11.50 First Responders. (Malm) 12.40 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 Take Two. (R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today.

2.10 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.15 The Recording Studio. (R) 5.00 Insiders. (R)

10.00 FBI. (Mv, R) The team welcomes a new member.

6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm VICE Sports. 2.00 The South Sydney Story. 3.00 Football. Tiwi Islands Football League. Grand Final. Imalu Tigers v Muluwurri Magpies. Replay. 4.30 Rugby League. NRL. WA Womens First Grade Premiership League. 6.00 Amplify. 6.30 News. 6.40 Wild New Zealand. 7.40 Who Killed Malcolm X. 8.30 The Kings. 9.30 MOVIE: Bank Robber. (1993, MA15+) 11.10 Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Morning Programs. 1pm Modern Business Australia. (Premiere) 1.30 South Aussie With Cosi. 2.15 Equestrian. FEI World C’ships. Dressage Individual Freestyle. H’lights. 3.30 My Greek Odyssey. 4.30 To Be Advised. 6.00 Air Crash Investigation: Special Report. 7.00 Border Security. 8.30 Steam Train Journeys. 9.30 The Yorkshire Steam Railway: All Aboard. (Premiere) 10.30 Extreme Railways. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 1.55pm Rugby League. NRL Women’s Premiership. Round 5. Gold Coast Titans v Sydney Roosters. 3.45 Rugby League. NRL Women’s Premiership. Round 5. St George Illawarra Dragons v Newcastle Knights. 5.30 Getaway. 6.00 To Be Advised. 7.00 The Bizarre Pet Vets. 8.00 To Be Advised. 10.00 Tennis. Davis Cup. Finals. Group C. Germany v Australia. 4am Late Programs. 9GEM (92)7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. 1.30pm Rivals. 2.00 Surfing Australia TV. 2.30 Top Chef. 3.30 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 5.30 To Be Advised. 7.30 MOVIE: Bumblebee. (2018, M) 9.45 MOVIE: Hulk. (2003, M) 12.30am Stunt Science. 1.30 Watch What Happens Live: Below Deck Reunion Series 7. 2.30 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 3.00 Power Rangers Dino Super. 3.30 Beyblade Burst: Quad Drive. 4.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Big Angry Fish. 11.00 My Fishing Place. 11.30 Step Outside. Noon The Fishing Show By AFN. 1.00 Hook, Line And Sinker. 2.00 On The Fly. 2.30 Merv Hughes Fishing. 3.00 Fishing Addiction. 4.00 MOVIE: Firefox. (1982, PG) 6.30 MOVIE: Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer. (2007, PG) 8.30 MOVIE: Avengers: Infinity War. (2018, M) 11.35 Late Programs. 9GO! (93) 6am

8.30 Lost Pyramids Of The Aztecs. (PGav, R) Part 1 of 2. Follows archaeologists as they embark on an experiment to build a replica Aztec pyramid.

9.30 Homicide: With Ron Iddles: Gina Rossato. (Mav, R) Former police detective Ron Iddles takes a look at the 1982 murder of Gina Rossato. 10.35 Undercurrent: Real Murder Investigation: The Truth Is Exposed. (Mal, R) 11.45 Police: Hour Of Duty. (Malv, R) 12.45 Medical Emergency. (PGa, R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 3.30 Million Dollar Minute. (R) 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Seven Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

9.00 NCIS: Hawai’i. (Mv) Kai goes undercover as a chef to gather intel on a criminal kingpin who is connected to a local eatery.

a tough

9.25 Silent Witness. (Mav) After a surprising breakthrough in Jay’s case, Nikki struggles to accept that Scott may not be responsible.

3.30 Snap


6.00 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Australian Story. Austral ians tell personal stories. 8.30 Four Corners. Investiga tive journalism program. 9.20 Media Watch. (PG) Hosted by Paul Barry. 9.35 Planet America. (Return) A look at American politics. 10.05 ABC Late News. 10.20 The Business. (R) 10.40 Q+A. (R) 11.45 Baptiste. (Malv, R) 1.40 Harrow. (Mav, R) 3.25 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.25 The Drum. (R) 5.25 7.30. (R) 6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 Lighthouses: Building The Impossible: The Longstone. (PG) 8.30 DNA Family Secrets. (Final, PG) Presented by Stacey Dooley. 9.40 24 Hours In Emergency: With Or Without You. (Ma, R) A 70-year-old is rushed into emergency. 10.35 SBS World News Late. 11.05 Beforeigners. (MA15+av) 12.00 Outlander. (Mav, R) 1.00 Miss S. (Mav, R) 4.00 Food Safari. (R) 4.35 Bamay. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PG) 7.30 AFL Brownlow Medal: Red Carpet. Coverage of the red carpet arrivals featuring AFL players and their partners. 8.15 AFL Brownlow Medal. An awards event featuring the announcement of the winner of the league’s Brownlow Medal. 11.00 The Latest: Seven News. 11.30 Heartbreak Island Australia. (Mls) Hosted by Clinton Randell. 12.30 Cannonball. (PG, R) 1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Seven Early News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Block. (PGl) Hosted by Scott Cam. 8.40 Emergency. (Mm) Elle and Steve suspect a cyclist with a broken leg is being far too brave and could be masking other injuries. 9.40 Botched. (Malmn, R) Dr Paul Nassif

10 BOLD (12) 6am The Big Bang Theory. 7.30 Friends. 8.30 Carol’s Second Act. 10.30 Friends. 1.30pm The Middle. 3.00 Friends. 5.00 Shaun Micallef’s Brain Eisteddfod. 6.00 The Big Bang Theory. 9.00 The Neighborhood. 10.00 Ghosts. 11.00 Friends. Midnight Home Shopping. 1.30 MOVIE: The Inbetweeners. (2011, MA15+) 3.30 The Big Bang Theory. 4.30 Home Shopping.


7.30 The Amazing Race Australia. (PGl) The teams head to Bogota, where they must choose between bicycle polo or emerald identification.

11.20 The Capture. (Final, Mlv, R)

1.00 Hello SA. (PG) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today. 6.30

8.30 Savage River. (Mal) As Rachel investigates the new homicide, town secrets start to emerge and new motives become apparent.

10.25 The Newsreader. (Mal, R)

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Farmer Wants A Wife. (PGa) Hosted by Natalie Gruzlewski. 8.30 7NEWS Spotlight. Takes a look at an investigation.

7MATE (73) Monday, September 19 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10)NINE (9) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Landline. (R) 11.00 Antiques Roadshow. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Rosehaven. (PG, R) 1.25 Vera. (Mv, R) 3.00 Escape From The City. (R) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG, R) 4.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 5.25 Hard

A celebration of hieroglyphs being decoded.

10 PEACH (11) Quiz. (PG, R) WorldWatch. 9.15 Peer To Peer. (PG) 10.15 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City. (PG) 11.15 Grayson’s Art Club. (PG) 12.10 WorldWatch. 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes. (PGadn, R) 3.00 Going Places. (R) 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.10 The Supervet. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Love At First Bark. (2017, PG, R) Jana Kramer, Kevin McGarry, Anna Van Hooft. 2.00 Motorbike Cops. (PG, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Block. (PGl, R) 1.30 Getaway. (PG, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 The Talk. (PGa) 7.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 7.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG, R) 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGa, R) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.30 Entertainment Tonight. 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 3.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First. has case ahead of (Mhv, R) The Project. The Amazing Race Australia. (PGal) Hosted by Beau Ryan. Have You Been Paying Attention? (Malns) Celebrity panellists compete to see who can remember the most about events of the week. Just For Laughs Australia. (MA15+l) Hosted by Nath Valvo. The Montreal Comedy Festival. (Mals, R) Stand-up performances from comedians. The Project. (R) The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. 6.30 That ’70s Show. 7.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 RBT. 8.30 MOVIE: Sahara. (2005, M) 11.00 Young Sheldon. 11.30 Up All Night. Midnight Smash. 1.00 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 2.00 Inside British Airways. 2.50 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 1.45pm Rides Down Under: Workshop Wars. 2.45 Motor Racing. Extreme E. Island X-Prix. 4.00 Motor Racing. Motorsport Aust Rally C’ship. Gippsland Rally. 5.00 Seven’s Motorsport Classic. 5.30 Storage Wars: TX. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Full Custom Garage. 8.30 MOVIE: The Waterboy. (1998, M) 10.30 Housos: The Thong Warrior. 11.15 Late Programs.



6.00 NBC Today. 7.00 Weekend Sunrise. 10.00 The Morning Show: Weekend. (PG) Highlights from the past week. 11.00 House Of Wellness. (PG, R) A look at locations that highlight living well. 12.00 Football. AFL Women’s. Round 4. Collingwood v Adelaide. 2.00 Football. VFL. Grand final.

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6.00 Rage. (PG) 7.00 Weekend Breakfast. 9.00 Insiders. 10.00 Offsiders. 10.30 The World This Week. (R) 11.00 Compass. (PGa, R) 11.30 Songs Of Praise. 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 Landline. 1.30 Gardening Australia. (R) 2.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers. (R) 3.30 Rick Stein’s Secret France. (R) 4.30 Win The Week. (PG, R) 5.00 Art Works. (PG, R) 5.30 Antiques Roadshow. (R)

Homes Aust. 11.30 Buy To Build. Noon Scorpion. 2.00


6.30 SBS World News.

10.30 Jack The Ripper: The Case Reopened. (Mav, R)

6.30 The Sunday Project. A look at the day’s news.



10.30 The Point. (R)

8.40 The Hundred With Andy Lee. (Ms) Andy Lee is joined by a panel of comedians and 100 Aussies to explore the fun behind the facts.

10 BOLD (12)

With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 Friends. 8.00 The King Of Queens. 9.00 Becker. 10.00 The Middle. 11.00 Frasier. Noon This Is Us. 1.00 Friends. 2.00 Becker. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. 9.20 Two And A Half Men. 10.10 The Big Bang Theory. 11.00 Frasier. Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Late Programs.

6am The Late Show

10 PEACH (11)

6.00 The Talk. (PGa) 7.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 7.30 Bold. (PG, R) 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGal, R) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.10 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 My Market Kitchen. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 3.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. (PG) 5.00 10 News First.

10.40 Nine News Late.

SBS (3)

9.40 Footy Classified. (M) Footy experts tackle the AFL’s big issues.

6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Therapist. Noon Rudy! Rudy? 12.30 Hustle. 2.15 Curse Of Oak Island. 3.45 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St. 5.45 Joy Of Painting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 Alone. 9.40 Stacey Dooley Sleeps Over. 10.35 MOVIE: Inside Job. (2010, PG) 12.35am 24 Hours In Police Custody. 2.25 Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7.20pm Bluey. 7.30 Spicks And Specks. 8.00 Would I Lie To You? 8.30 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. 9.15 Friday Night Dinner. 9.35 Rosehaven. 10.05 Summer Love. 10.35 Motherland. 11.05 Ghosts. 11.35 Whose Line Is It Anyway? 11.55 Brassic. 12.40am Ross Noble: Stand Up Series. 1.10 Mock The Week. (Final) 1.45 ABC News Update. 1.50 Close. 5.00 Clangers. 5.15 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Bill. Continued. (2015, PG) 7.00 Jean De Florette. (1986, PG, French) 9.15 Big Fish. (2003, PG) 11.35 Then Came You. (2018, M) 1.25pm Without A Clue. (1988, PG) 3.25 Last Letter. (2018, PG, Mandarin) 5.30 The Mystery Of Henri Pick. (2019, PG, French) 7.30 The Invisibles. (2017, M, German) 9.35 Runner Runner. (2013, MA15+) 11.15 Superfly. (2018, MA15+) 1.25am Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Artie: Our Tribute To A Legend. 2.00 Shortland St. 2.30 Going Native. 3.00 Jarjums. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 Indian Country Today News. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Arctic Secrets. 7.30 The Point. 8.00 Karla Grant Presents Characters Of Broome. 8.30 Over The Black Dot. 9.00 Feeding The Scrum. 9.30 Letterkenny. 10.00 Man In Room 301. 10.50 Late Programs. NITV (34) Wednesday, September 21 ABC TV (2) SBS (3) SEVEN (7) TEN (10)NINE (9) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Four Corners. (R) 11.00 David Attenborough’s Life That Glows. (R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 12.30 National Press Club Address. 1.40 Media Watch. (PG, R) 2.00 The Durrells. (Ms, R) 3.05 Escape From The City. (R) 4.05 Think Tank. (PG, R) 5.00

11.55 See No Evil. (Mav)

6.00 Nine News.


6am The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. 7.00 The King Of Queens. 8.00 Seinfeld. 9.30 Becker. 10.30 The Middle. 11.00 Frasier. Noon This Is Us. 1.00 The Big Bang Theory. 1.30 Seinfeld. 3.00 The King Of Queens. 4.00 Becker. 5.00 Frasier. 6.00 Friends. 8.00 The Big Bang Theory. 9.30 Mom. 11.10 Frasier. Midnight Shopping. 1.30 Stephen Colbert. 2.30 Late Programs.

12.45 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today.


6am WorldWatch. 9.30 Shortland St. 11.00 The Therapist. Noon The Source. 12.55 Outsider: World’s Weirdest Films. 1.20 Animal Takeover. 2.15 Curse Of Oak Island. 3.45 WorldWatch. 5.15 Shortland St. 5.45 Joy Of Painting. 6.15 Forged In Fire. 7.05 Jeopardy! 7.35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown. 8.30 We’re All Gonna Die (Even Jay Baruchel) 9.40 MOVIE: Chaplin. (1992, M) 12.25am Late Programs. SBS VICELAND (31)6am Children’s Programs. 7pm Andy And The Band. 7.20 Bluey. 7.30 Anh’s Brush With Fame. 8.00 Art Works. 8.30 Civilisations. 9.30 Take 5 With Zan Rowe. 10.00 And We Danced. 11.00 Louis Theroux: Extreme Love. Midnight Ghosts. 12.30 Catalyst. 1.25 ABC News Update. 1.30 Close. 5.00 Clangers. 5.15 Hoot Hoot Go! 5.20 Sarah & Duck. 5.30 Guess How Much I Love You. 5.40 Late Programs. ABC TV PLUS (22) 6am Morning Programs. 7.15 Hoot. (2006, PG) 9.00 Little Nicolas. (2009, PG, French) 10.40 Like Crazy. (2011, M) 12.20pm The Jane Austen Book Club. (2007, M) 2.20 Bill. (2015, PG) 4.05 Unaccompanied Minors. (2006, PG) 5.45 This Beautiful Fantastic. (2016, PG) 7.30 The Best Offer. (2013, M) 9.55 The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. (2009, MA15+, Swedish) 12.40am Late Programs. SBS WORLD MOVIES (32)6am Morning Programs. 1.30pm Boy Nomad. 2.00 Shortland St. 2.30 Going Native. 3.00 Bushwhacked! 3.25 The Magic Canoe. 3.50 Wolf Joe. 4.00 Aussie Bush Tales. 4.10 Grace Beside Me. 4.35 Spartakus And The Sun Beneath The Sea. 5.00 Our Stories. 5.30 Te Ao With Moana. 6.00 Bamay. 6.30 News. 6.40 Arctic Secrets. 7.30 The Australian Wars. 8.35 MOVIE: Sweet Country. (2017, M) 10.35 The Kings. 11.35 Late Programs. NITV (34) 6am Home Shopping. 6.30 Travel Oz. 8.00 Cruise Away. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon The Surgery Ship. 1.00 Million Dollar Minute. 2.00 Creek To Coast. 2.30 Sons And Daughters. 4.30 Emmerdale. 5.00 Coronation Street. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Rosemary & Thyme. 8.30 Judge John Deed. 12.30am Escape To The Country. 1.30 Late Programs. 6am TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo. 7.30 TV Shop. 9.30 Newstyle Direct. 10.00 Danoz. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 To Be Advised. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: The Divided Heart. (1954, PG) 5.30 Murder, She Wrote. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 New Tricks. 8.40 The Closer. 9.40 Rizzoli & Isles. 10.40 Late Programs. 9GEM (92)7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. 12.10pm Race Across The World. 1.30 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 The Nanny. 6.00 3rd Rock. 6.30 That ’70s Show. 7.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 MOVIE: Knight And Day. (2010, M) 9.45 MOVIE: American Made. (2017, MA15+) Midnight Smash. 1.00 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 2.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. Noon Inside Kings Cross: The Railway. 1.00 No Man’s Land. 2.00 Full Custom Garage. 3.00 Shipping Wars. 3.30 Pawn Stars UK. 4.00 Pawn Stars Sth Africa. 4.30 Truck Night In America. 5.30 Storage Wars: TX. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Highway Patrol. 8.30 Outback Opal Hunters. 10.30 Jade Fever. 11.30 Late Programs. 9GO! (93) 6am Home Shopping. 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 Escape Fishing With ET. 9.30 iFish. 10.00 MacGyver.

PAGE 4 Southern Peninsula News – TV Guide 14 September 2022

6.00 WorldWatch. 9.05 Peer To Peer. (PG) 10.05 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City. (PG) 11.05 Grayson’s Art Club. (Final, PG) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.05 Greek Island Odyssey With Bettany Hughes. (PGav, R) 3.00 Going Places. (R) 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up. (PG, R) 4.10 The Supervet. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R)

9.30 Dateline: Football’s Racist Reputation. A look at the impact of racism on soccer.

6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news and events.


12.20 DNA. (Mal, R) 3.40 Food Safari. (R) 4.40 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (PG, R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight.

10.00 10 Years Younger In 10 Days. (PGa) Presented by Cherry Healey. 11.00 The Latest: Seven News. 11.30 Chicago Fire. (Ma)

7.30 The Amazing Race Australia. (PGl) Hosted by Beau Ryan.

11.45 Media Watch. (PG, R) 12.05 The Capture. (Final, Mlv, R) 1.05 Harrow. (Mv, R) 2.50 The Durrells. (PG, R) 3.40 Rage. (MA15+adhlnsv) 4.25 The Drum. (R) 5.25 7.30. (R)

10.30 NCIS: Los Angeles. (M, R) NCIS investigates the shooting of a dolphin.

7.00 A Current Affair.

8.00 Take 5 With Zan Rowe: Guy Pearce. Part 1 of 5. 8.30 Old People’s Home For Teenagers. (PG) Part 4 of 5.

10.45 The Business. (R)

12.30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) 1.30 Home Shopping. (R) 4.30 CBS Mornings. Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 5.30 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) WorldWatch. 9.00 Peer To Peer. (PG) 10.00 Food Markets: In The Belly Of The City. (PG) 11.00 Grayson Perry: Divided Britain. (M) 12.00 WorldWatch. 2.00 Dateline. (R) 2.30 Insight. (R) 3.30 Destination Flavour China Bitesize. (R) 3.40 The Cook Up With Adam Liaw. (PG) 4.10 The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick. (PGa, R) 5.05 Jeopardy! 5.30 Letters And Numbers. (R) 6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Stop The Wedding. (2016, PG, R) Rachel Boston, Niall Matter, Alan Thicke. 2.00 Motorbike Cops. (PGl, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 The Chase. (R) 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia. 6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Block. (PGl, R) 1.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo. (PG, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat. 6.00 The Talk. (PGa) 7.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 7.30 Bold. (PG, R) 8.00 10 News First: Breakfast. 8.30 Studio 10. (PG) 12.00 Dr Phil. (PGadl, R) 1.00 To Be Advised. 2.00 Ent. Tonight. 2.30 My Market Kitchen. (R) 3.00 Judge Judy. (PG, R) 3.30 Freshly Picked With Simon Toohey. 4.00 Everyday Gourmet With Justine Schofield. 4.30 The Bold And The Beautiful. 5.00 10 News First. and events. The Dog House Australia. (PGa, R) Narrated by Dr Chris Brown. My Life Is Murder. (Return, Mv) When a women shoots a stranger at point blank range, it looks like an open-and-shut case. Bull. (Ma, R) Bull and the TAC team worry about jury bias when Bull mounts a murder trial defence for a BLM activist. The Project. (R) The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. (PG) Shopping. (R) Mornings. Noon The Love Boat. 1.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 2.00 Diagnosis Murder. 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat. 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver. 7.30 NCIS. 8.30 Bull. 10.30 Socceroos: Road To Qatar. 11.00 48 Hours. 1am Shopping. 2.00 Late Programs.

9.30 Home: The Story Of Earth: Water. Part 2 of 4. 10.30 ABC Late News.

11.00 Four Corners. (R)

1.30 Harry’s Practice. (R) 2.00 Home Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Seven Early News. 5.30 Sunrise.

10 BOLD (12)

10 PEACH (11) 7MATE (73) 6am Home Shopping. 6.30 Travel Oz. 8.00 Cruise Away. 8.30 Million Dollar Minute. 9.30 NBC Today. Noon The Surgery Ship. 1.00 My Greek Odyssey. 2.00 Sydney Weekender. 2.30 Sons And Daughters. 4.30 Emmerdale. 5.00 Coronation Street. 5.30 Escape To The Country. 6.30 Bargain Hunt. 7.30 Heartbeat. 8.30 Lewis. 10.30 Miniseries: Hatton Garden. 11.30 Late Programs. 6am TV Shop. 7.00 Creflo Dollar Ministries. 7.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. 10.30 Pointless. 11.30 My Favorite Martian. Noon Days Of Our Lives. 12.55 The Young And The Restless. 1.50 To Be Advised. 3.00 Antiques Roadshow. 3.30 MOVIE: The Duke Wore Jeans. (1958) 5.30 Murder, She Wrote. 6.30 Antiques Roadshow. 7.30 As Time Goes By. 8.50 Midsomer Murders. 10.50 Chicago Fire. 11.50 Late Programs. 9GEM (92)7TWO (72) 6am Children’s Programs. 12.10pm Race Across The World. 1.30 Say Yes To The Dress: UK. 2.00 Full House. 3.00 The Nanny. 3.30 3rd Rock. 4.00 That ’70s Show. 4.30 Raymond. 5.30 The Nanny. 6.00 3rd Rock. 6.30 That ’70s Show. 7.00 Young Sheldon. 7.30 MOVIE: Wedding Crashers. (2005, M) 9.55 MOVIE: The House. (2017, MA15+) 11.40 Young Sheldon. 12.05am Smash. 1.00 Late Programs. 6am Morning Programs. 10.00 Pawn Stars. 10.30 Storage Wars: TX. 11.00 American Pickers. Noon Bushfire Wars. 1.00 No Man’s Land. 2.00 Jade Fever. 3.00 Shipping Wars. 3.30 Pawn Stars UK. 4.00 Pawn Stars Sth Africa. 4.30 Truck Night In America. 5.30 Storage Wars: TX. 6.00 American Pickers. 7.00 Pawn Stars. 7.30 Family Guy. 8.00 American Dad! 8.30 MOVIE: X-Men: First Class. (2011, M) 11.10 Late Programs. 9GO! (93)7MATE (73) Why WorksBowflexForYouWant To Burn Fat Fast? Burn Up To 2.5 x More Calories In Just 14 Minutes a Day! Save Time - Don’t let “lack of time” slow you down. Lose Weight - Burns Up To 2.5x More Calories. Get Motivated - Fun, low impact workouts combined with a personalised fitness program. Get Healthy with the HIIT technology Limited Time Offer! Call Now! 1800 994 004*Call for Terms & Conditions Free $950.00 Gift* Plus

Tuesday, September 20

6.00 Sunrise. 9.00 The Morning Show. (PG) 11.30 Seven Morning News. 12.00 MOVIE: Road Less Traveled. (2017, PGa, R) Charlene Tilton, Jason Burkey, Donny Boaz. 2.00 Motorbike Cops. (PG, R) 2.30 Border Security: International. (PG, R) 3.00 The Chase. 4.00 Seven News At 4. 5.00 The Chase Australia.

6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGas) 7.30 Farmer Wants A Wife. (PGal) Hosted by Natalie Gruzlewski. 9.00 Extreme Weddings: Australia. (PGl) A couple plan a wild wedding with their camels in the scorching heat of the NSW outback.


NINE (9) 6.00 News Breakfast. 9.00 ABC News Mornings. 10.00 Foreign Correspondent. (R) 10.30 Planet America. (R) 11.00 Dementia & Us. (PG, R) 12.00 ABC News At Noon. 1.00 Miniseries: Marriage. (Ml, R) 1.55 The Durrells. (PG, R) 3.00 Escape From The City. (R) 4.00 Think Tank. (PG, R) 4.55 Anh’s Brush With Fame. (PG, R) 5.25 Hard Quiz. (PG, R)


11.10 Law & Order: Organized Crime. (Mv)

11.30 The Project. (R)

4.30 CBS

ABC (2)

12.30 Australia’s Cheapest Weddings. (PG, R)

1.30 Home

7.30 The Block. (PGl) Hosted by Scott Cam.


6am Home Shopping. 8.00 The Doctors. 9.00 Reel Action. 9.30 iFish. 10.00 MacGyver. Noon The Love Boat. 1.00 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 2.00 Diagnosis Murder. 3.00 Bondi Rescue. 3.30 The Love Boat. 4.30 Star Trek: The Next Generation. 5.30 MacGyver. 7.30 NCIS. 8.30 Hawaii Five-0. 10.20 Blood And Treasure. 11.15 Evil. 12.15am Home Shopping. 2.15 Hawaii Five-O. 3.10 ST: Next Gen. 4.05 MacGyver.

TEN (10)

7.30 Great Coastal Railway Journeys: Tynemouth To Bardon Mill. (PG) 8.30 Insight. Presented by Kumi Taguchi.


6.00 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30. 8.00 Hard Quiz. (PG, R) Presented by Tom Gleeson. 8.30 Shaun Micallef’s MAD AS HELL. (Final, M) Hosted by Shaun Micallef. 9.00 Summer Love. (MA15+l) Two people share a holiday house. 9.35 Win The Week. (Final, PG) Hosted by Alex Lee. 10.05 Adam Hills: The Last Leg. (R) 10.45 ABC Late News. 11.00 The Business. (R) 11.15 Spicks And Specks. (PG, R) 12.05 Midsomer Murders. (Mv, R) 1.40 Harrow. (Mav, R) 3.25 The Durrells. (Final, Ms, R) 4.25 The Drum. (R) 5.25 7.30. (R) 6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News. 7.30 The Australian Wars. (M) Part 1 of 3. 8.35 24 Hours In Emergency: Back To Square One. (PG) A 24-year-old is rushed to St George’s after breaking his lower leg in a tackle during a soccer match. 9.30 The Stranger. (MA15+) Killane’s secret past comes into focus. 10.30 SBS World News Late. 11.00 Vienna Blood. (Ma) 12.50 World On Fire. (MA15+v, R) 4.15 Food Safari. (R) 4.45 Destination Flavour: Singapore Bitesize. (R) 4.55 Poh & Co. Bitesize. (R) 5.00 NHK World English News Morning. 5.30 ANC Philippines The World Tonight. 6.00 Seven News. 7.00 Home And Away. (PGas) 7.30 Border Australia’sSecurity:FrontLine. (PG) Narrated by Grant Bowler. 8.30 Armed And Dangerous: Breakouts. (Mav) Strike Force Northrop cracks the code involving a new method of dealing narcotics. 9.50 The Chernobyl Disaster: Fallout. (Ma) Part 3 of 3. 10.50 The Latest: Seven News. 11.20 Chicago Fire. (M) 12.20 MOVIE: Frisky. (2015, Mls, R) 2.30 Home Shopping. 4.00 NBC Today. 5.00 Seven Early News. 5.30 Sunrise. 6.00 Nine News. 7.00 A Current Affair. 7.30 The Block. (PGl) Hosted by Scott Cam. 8.30 Paramedics. (Return, Mm) Flight paramedic Steve heads to the country after a tractor topples over and crushes a farmer. 9.30 Footy Classified. (M) Footy experts tackle the AFL’s big issues. 10.30 Nine News Late. 11.00 Family Law. (Mas) 11.50 Chicago Med. (MA15+am, R) 12.40 Tipping Point. (PG, R) 1.30 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 2.30 Global Shop. (R) 3.00 TV Shop: Home Shopping. (R) 4.00 Believer’s Voice Of Victory. (PGa) 4.30 A Current Affair. (R) 5.00 News Early Edition. 5.30 Today. 6.30 The Project. A look at the day’s news

6.00 Mastermind Australia. (R) 6.30 SBS World News.

8.30 The Cheap Seats. (Mal) Presenters Melanie Bracewell and Tim McDonald take a look at the week that was. 9.30 NCIS. (M, R) Gibbs and McGee head to Alaska as the team works to uncover the conspiracy behind the serial killer.

6.00 The Drum. 7.00 ABC News. 7.30 7.30.

10.00 SBS World News Late.

6.00 Today. 9.00 Today Extra. (PG) 11.30 Morning News. 12.00 The Block. (PGl, R) 1.00 Taronga: Who’s Who In The Zoo. (PG, R) 2.00 Pointless. (PG) 3.00 Tipping Point. (PG) 4.00 Afternoon News. 5.00 Millionaire Hot Seat.

11.00 Atlanta. (MA15+ls, R)

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PAGE 30 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 REPLACE YOUR WINDOWS, SPLASHBACK OR SCREENS 6 INSTALL A LIFT 79 SOURCE FABRICATIONSSTEEL 2010STEPS TO RENOVATINGBUILDING, AND DECORATING YOUR HOME HAVE YOUR REPAIREDROOF 8 HAVE YOUR POOL OR SPA SERVICED CONTACT JASON LLEWELLYN ON 0421 436 748 • SPLASHBACKS • SHOWER SCREENS • MIRRORS • PET DOORS • WINDOW GLASS REPLACEMENT & MORE! WWW.MOUNTMARTHAGLASS.COM from $3 0 ,000 STRUGGLENEVER ON THE STAIRS AGAIN! 1300 303 522 Install Australia’s most affordable residential lift Water Testing WaterFREETesting Pumps & Filters the heart of your swimming pool system Pool Cleaners a poolyourtocleanersrangegreatofsuitsize Chlorinators & requirementssuitrangeaPurifiersgreattoyour We provide onsite servicing, regular pool and spa maintenance, pool plumbing, problem solving, equipment installation, stain treatments and much more! Swimart Mornington Peninsula D3/1128-1132HomeNepean Hwy, Mornington VIC 3931 (03) 5976 4334 ROOF/GUTTER CLEANING | ROOF RESTORATIONS EXTENSIONS | RE ROOFING | NEW ROOFS RE-BEDDING AND POINTING | LEAK DETECTIONS Ph 0411 565 188 BEFORE AFTER elementroofingvic@gmail.comSERVICINGALLAREAS Steel Doors & Windows Architectural Fabrications 0405 929 12567976-ET37-22 Made in Melbourne

Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PAGE 31 FIND AN ELECTRICIAN 11 INSTALL OR IRRIGATIONMAINTAIN 1214 HAVE WINDOWSYOURTINTED 2015STEPS TO RENOVATINGBUILDING, AND DECORATING YOUR HOME GET HELP WITH MAINTENANCEHOME 13 UPGRADE YOUR HOME SECURITY 12391459-SN27-18 Westernport Home m aintenance Inside & Outside Home Maintenance Painting, Garden Care, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning & Deck Re-staining Call Peter: 0414 528 peter.maybus@gmail.com720 Fast 24/7 365 SERVICEEMERGENCYDays YOUR LOCAL ELECTRICIAN  Any form of electrical work  Upfront Pricing Guaranteed  No Job too small or big  Same Day Service $60 OFF* If you mention this ad! 0447 989 448 REC 26391 ROSEBUDIrrigationPH:0359864294• 2 / 212 Boneo Rd Rosebud VIC 3939 Our retail store is open Monday to Friday 7.30 am to 4.00 pm and open to the public as well as trade. • Irrigation Sales • Design • Installation • Maintenance • Pond Pumps • Pumps • Water Tanks 12567530-ET37-22 HOMES CARS OFFICES Ceramic EXTREME + Computer Cut SUPER HIGH HEAT REJECTION EXCLUSIVE TOP TINTto $1495.00from - 03 5977 0878 YOUR SECURITY IS OUR BUSINESS SAFES AND PERIMETER PROTECTION LOCKS AND KEYS ELECTRONIC SECURITY Guardall Fire Rated Safes Guardall Cash Rated Safes Amplimesh Security Doors and Window Screens • Removable and fixed Bollards Heavy Duty External Access Point Locking Bars Deadlocks • Window Locks Padlocks & Anchors Restricted Master Key Systems • Automotive Locks & Keys Keys Cut • Locks Repaired or Re keyed CCTV Systems • Alarm Systems Electronic Access Control Systems Standalone Electronic Locks • Wi-Fi Integrated Security Bluetooth Integrated Security 1300 562 2/3 Elite Way, MORNINGTON MENTION THIS AD TO GET A DISCOUNT

PAGE 32 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 HAVE TREES PRUNED OR REMOVED 16 CHOOSE FITTINGS FOR YOUR BATHROOM 1719 CONTROL ENVIRONMENTYOUR 2020STEPS TO RENOVATINGBUILDING, AND DECORATING YOUR HOME INSTALL A SKYLIGHT 18 CONCRETE YOUR YARD ALL TYPES CONCRETINGOF First Class CONCRETEPAVING 0499 559 957CALL OR EMAIL MARCUS FOR A FREE QUOTE HONEST & RELIABLE LOCALLY OWNED AND firstclassconcretepaving@gmail.comOPERATEDCROSSOVERSUNITGARAGESSITES DRIVEWAYS & EXPOSEDPLAIN/COLOUREDPATHWAYSCONCRETEAGGREGATE KERB & MUCHEXCAVATIONCHANNELDRAINAGEMORE! WORKMANSHIPPROFESSIONALQUALITY 12567501-JC37-22 ABLE TREE SERVICES PTY LTD • Tree & RemovalsStump • Tree Trimming & Hedges • Excavation&Landscaping • Fully Insured • Qualified Arborist Contact us today for your FREE QUOTE & CONSULTATION 03 9772 7335 SPECIAL COUPON OFFER $50 OFF ANY JOB OVER $300 BOOKED WITH THIS COUPON Must present coupon. Valid Until 31/10/202212567556-AI37-22 Display now open at: Home Innovations Shop 10/111 Cranbourne Road, Frankston • 20 Year industry leading warranty • Seamless injection moulded flashing • NFRC energy rated & tested • Australian designed, owned & made • Choice of diffusersCall Chris for a FREE Quote on 0417 154 www.affordableskylights.melbourne490 “For Excellence in Quality and Service” The withoutskylightequal Peninsula Plumbing Clearance Centre 10/684-700 Frankston Dandenong Rd, Carrum on a budget • Showers • Baths • Vanities • Toilets • Mirrors • Shaving Cabinets • Sinks • Troughs • Tapware • Water Tanks •& more! CALL IN AND SAVE $$$$$$ 9782CALLUSTODAY1622 901 Nepean Hwy, The HomeSpecialistsEnvironment HEATING COOLING BBQS

The shire council is also running a “shout out” “advocacy” for its priorities (“Shire’s ‘shout out’ lobbying” The News 6/9/22). Is reducing home lessness one of those priorities?

voted at the 2019 federal election against limit ing negative gearing, reform of franking credits and capital gains, that the then Labor Party was campaigning to reform.

sale promises as he is constrained by govern ment budgetary decisions.

Sail the Bay and Entertain the Kids this School Holidays

I was one of several hundred concerned citizens who recently attended a forum to listen to front line workers speaking about homelessness on the Mornington Peninsula.

Withreceive.sensible reforms of these tax conces sions, a percentage of the billions saved could be directed to help alleviate homelessness and poverty.

As a wealthy first world nation, it is a sad indictment on us all that hundreds of people are sleeping rough and living in poverty, including many women and children, veterans and people with mental illness.

It has been proven that if you are unemployed and homeless your chances of securing perma nent employment are greatly diminished. Surely, secure housing is a fundamental human right.

He is, however, advocating very strongly with the government for a number of future projects in the local area. As our local member, Chris has an excellent record of things achieved in his first term. As somebody born and raised on the peninsula, he cares passionately about this area.

LETTERS Letters - 300 words maximum and including full name, address and contact number - can be sent to The News, PO Box 588, Hastings 3915 or emailed to:

Left, right out

David Gill, MorningtoncouncillorPeninsula Shire

Denise Hassett, Mount Martha

Or for a magical moment, meet Dazzling Dan the Magic Man who will mesmerise and surprise you with sleight of hand and traditional tricks and a little bit of silly humour.

As a candidate, [Liberal] Sam Groth can make any number of promises knowing that the chances of him having to follow up on them are very slim. There is also the fact that once in office many factors come into play as to whether these promises can be delivered.

shop. Learn about the unique dolphins and other amazing marine life, including seals and whales! Play games, see dolphin skulls and meet Bella Burrunan the dolphin.

Jump aboard these school holidays for FREE* onboard activities

Mornington Peninsula Shire’s pledge tracker is a farce and totally misleading (“Shire’s ‘shout out’ lobbying” The News 6/9/22).

Tracker off course

Marilyn Merrifield, Rye

Decade of inaction

Who’s the duffus? Who’s the duffus? On 5 September [federal opposition leader] Peter Dut ton calls Anthony Albanese a liar for not cutting Australian power bills by $275 in three months.

On 13 May 2019 then Energy Minister Angus Taylor promised the Coalition will deliver power bill relief for small businesses with a 25 per cent reduction in the average national electricity market (NEM) wholesale spot price by the end ofThe2021.$11 billion taxpayer handouts to corporate mafia fossil fuel industry are called “subsidies”, with minuscule handouts made to support social services for those most in need called “welfare”.

Shadow early childhood education minister, Angie Bell: Opposition (in government for 10 years) criticises government for not yet fixing childcare.

The opposition is very focused on Labor hav ing been in power “for more than 100 days”.

Joe Lenzo, Safety Beach

In my humble opinion, these are much needed reforms that need to be thoroughly discussed. We really can’t afford these indulgences, which cost billions of dollars that the privileged minor ity

In the latest issue of Peninsula Buzz from the Mornington Peninsula Shire there is a headline “homelessness on the peninsula is at tragic lev els ... We need $100 million from the Victorian Gov...”.

Rupert Steiner, Balnarring Beach

I note that the shire budget for 2022-23 contains exactly $0 for the homeless. Also, it seems that the MP for Flinders [Zoe McKenzie] has pledged exactly $0 for the problem of homelessness.

The recent suspicious preselected move to the far right church-backed Liberal candidates here has left a big gap for moderate independents to show whether they can make a difference (“Turf war splits peninsula Liberals” The News 23/8/22).

ACTIVITIESFREELEARNCREATEPLAY ON BOARD *Activities are on select sailing dates and times. Activities are included with the purchase of a ferry ticket.

The program now looks like an election gimmick, dropped once elected and the money returned to pork barrelling for must-win seats elsewhere.

HOP aboard Searoad Ferries this September school holi days for a sea faring adventure and enjoy a range of school holiday activities which are free with the purchase of any ferrySailingticket.between Queenscliff and Sorrento is a great days outing for the whole family. The 40 minute crossing has plenty of deck space, a kids play area, good coffee for mum, dad or grandparent and a selection of snacks and treats.

Cat ignores curfew

Lee Seldon, Somers

Yellow-ringed hole

There was I hoping this pernicious being would be extinct by now, not that I’m advocat ing creature extinction in our environment on the whole, but this creature we could do without.

Despite being called upon to reinstate the locally successful Pick my Project grants program, once again the Mornington Peninsula has been ignored by the state government.

Or learn about our bay dol phins at the Dolphin Discovery fun and interactive work

For ticket purchase and on board activities dates and times visit

The owner seems to be unaware or simply doesn’t care about what the cute little darling gets up to when running loose, especially at night. This clearly shows why there is a curfew. Cats are instinctive hunters and whatever they catch they certainly don’t wish it Merry Christ mas. Austin Sadler, Mornington

On the other hand, [sitting Nepean MP La bor’s] Chris Brayne is unwise to make whole

in getting anything like a fair share of funding for the peninsula.

Select a ferry time with a free activity. There’s the Krazy Koala puppet show which combines catchy tunes, slap stick comedy and a group of charismatic puppets.

Local Labor candidates have been ineffective

Homeless need help

On Tuesday I was driving on some of the Morn ington Peninsula’s roads and couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the now not-so-rare yellowringed pothole all over the roads.

Negative response

Foot passenger ferry ticket prices are great value - $94 return for 2 adults and up to 3 children.

Sadly, there was not an opportunity to speak at this forum.

Based on community support and not political interference, the peninsula was the most suc cessful Victorian municipality for these grants just before the last state election.

I would have asked those of the attendees who

Despite the 24-hour cat curfew in Mornington, there is a cat that’s allowed to roam at all hours in our area. The result is two dead possums in my backyard (pictured above) and one on the front nature strip, all within five days. Also throw in several shredded birds over a period.

The pledge tracker will make no mention of what has been achieved in the past but will only look at what empty promises are made for the future. So, for this, it is little more than a stunt.


MR. Will Allen, of Crib Point, is at present a patient in Nurse Creswick’s private hospital under the care of Dr. Maxwell.

MISS Dorathea Macmaster advises that the new term for intending pupils commences on Monday, October 16th. ***

AS a result of the vagaries of the new electric power arrangements, the staff of “The Standard” was compelled to work all night last night to ensure the production of “The Standard” today.

PAGE 34 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 100 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK...

In the hands of that capable organ iser, Mrs Geo. Shepherd, success is assured.

These two important points being fully considered, Mr. Bond is not allowing the grass to grow under his feet.Yesterday the “Standard” represen tative was afforded the opportunity of inspecting the plans of the new build ing, drawn by the city architect, Mr. J. L.OnArmstrong.Wednesday Mr. Armstrong visited Frankston with the contractor, Mr. F. Freneham, when the site was further inspected and arrangements made for commencing the work of construction forthwith.

The light on the jetty, which will be similar to the one on the Knobbies, at the extreme point of Phillip Island, will be an additional safeguard to ves sels entering the bay.***


ATTENTION is directed to the busi ness announcement of Messrs. A. & G. Henderson, Monumental Masons, of Carlton, appearing in another column. This firm is noted throughout Aus tralia for its high class work, both as designers and manufacturers, and can be thoroughly recommended.

Messrs. Henderson have been entrusted with the Carrum Soldiers’ Memorial.

THE Mayor of the Borough of Car rum, Cr. Stephens, has convened a public meeting at the Council Cham bers, Station Street, Chelsea, at 8pm on Thursday, 4th September, for the purpose of discussing ways and means of establishlng a High School in the Borough.


after stiffly propping down the incline. We feel sure that this matter has only to be mentioned and it will receive prompt attention from the authorities.

The main hall will be 78ft. 6in. deep by 50ft. across.

CAPTAIN E. M. Wells and Lieut. Dixon, of the Salvation Army, are now canvassing the Frankston district in the interests of the Self Denial Fund of the Salvation Army and will ap preciate any assistance offered.

THE Somerville Stars Football Club are holding a grand concert on Tuesday, September 23, when visit ing and local talent will supply the programme.

The new building promises to be a beautiful example of modern architecture, and on the spacious site in Playne Street, opposite the State

A similarly lengthy shift is neces sary tonight to produce the “Phillip Is land Standard” and “Carrum Borough Gazette” which are also published at this office.

An imposing entrance is provided from Playne Street with two lock up shops on either side.

Three of these shops will be 20ft. by 15ft. and one 16ft. x 15ft. The entire building is estimated to cost £8000.

A MEMORIAL fair, in aid of the Somerville Soldiers’ Memorial will be held in the Horticultural Hall, Somer ville, early next month.

When doubt was expressed by our reporter as to practicability of such an extensive building being completed in 13 weeks, Mr. Bond replied that he was relying on the judgment of the contractor in the matter.

An ample supply of bricks had been provided for, and unless unforeseen difficulties arose the new theatre would be available to the Frankston people next Christmas Eve, as already stated.

FRANKSTON parents are perhaps unaware that children, apparently school children, may any day be seen wandering across the railway line in the vicinity of the subway.

ous tragedy occurs.***


A NEW automatic flashlight beacon has replaced the old lamp on the end of the jetty at Flinders.

It is risky for the boys, but it is worse for those passengers who perhaps is just commencing to ascend

Although Mr. Bond is the “live wire” connected with the movement, the enterprise will be known as the “Frankston Cinema and Palais de Dance Co. Pty. Ltd.”

The structure is to be of brick, the front to be colored white with black facings.

The message is much appreciated by local players.

THE new subway at Frankston rail way station is probably a very excel lent sort of subway as subways go.

It is not possible for the railway au thorities to be continually on the alert to warn off trespassers, and parents would be well advised to take a hand in the matter themselves before a seri


From the pages of the Frankston and Somerville Standard, 15 September 1922


As an aid to locomotion the device will not meet with the commendation of the average traveller, but evidently this is a case where the underground method must be accepted as a neces saryWhoeverevil. is in control of the thor oughfare should pay some little atten tion to the small boys with bicycles who so thoroughly approve of the new subway that they spend hazardous moments speeding down the steep inclines with gleeful recklessness.

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It will be provided with a spacious balcony furnished with lounge chairs, a laTheContinental.seatingaccommodation in the main hall will consist of movable chairs, so that the floor may be made readily available for dancing.


A LARGE number of workmen were discharged from the Flinders Naval Base on Wednesday last.

Since the destroyer “Swordsman”, of the Australian squadron, struck a rock off West Head some months ago whilst negotiating a narrow channel, a wooden beacon has been placed on the furthermost point.

It is anticipated that the theatre will be ready for opening on Christmas Eve.

A number of Frankston residents have already taken shares in the ven ture, it having been part of Mr. Bond’s policy to give the local people first chance of subscribing the required capital.Whatever amount is necessary will be readily subscribed in Melbourne.

Only a few employees were re tained.


Building to commence on new Frankston theatre

MR. E. J. Parker, secretary of the Frankston Football Club, has received a letter from Mr. Harold Haddock, secretary of the Hastings Football Club, congratulating Frankston on winning the premiership.

Compiled by Cameron McCullough MR. Essex A. D. Bond, of the new Frankston firm of auctioneer’s, Bond & Baxter, having arrived at the con clusion that Frankston wants a new picture theatre, has also come to the further momentous decision that he is the man to supply that want.



THE Shire Secretary (Mr John E.

Jones) is inviting tenders for the lease of the Wells Street Tea House for a period of three years.***

Savings Bank, will show up to the bestTheadvantage.landonwhich it will stand has a frontage of 100 ft. and was purchased at a cost of £1500.

*** or call 03 9784 1060. PUZZLE ZONE 7.1.ACROSSPerfectImplied suggestion 8. White animal, ... bear 10. Feelings 12. Sifts through 14. Walk with heavy steps 16. Irish dances 17. Acquired 20. Lighter than air 23. Golfer’s two under par 24. Confection on a stick 25. Sedate (character) 1.DOWNUrges into motion 2. Unfortunately 3. Taverns 4. Rifle ends 5. Straightening (rope) 6. Accommodated 9. Try to vomit 11. Lethargically 13. Depressed, at a low ... 15. Stop briefly 16. Sapphires & diamonds 18. Protect 19. Belonging to them 21. Take a peek 22. Common seasoning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Puzzles supplied by Lovatts www.lovattspuzzles.comPtyPublicationsLtdSeepage39forsolutions.

Full of music, costumes, comedy and laughter that simply entertain, the audience is guaranteed to enjoy the show so much they most definitely will not be stoned and miss it!

- STONED and


tracks.Don’t miss

make it MORE LIKE THE MOVIES as the guys from Hooked take you back in time to Dr Hooks fantastic – Crazy – entertaining antics from the days of old!

NOW – pick up the phone and book yourself a seat – you’ll never know … ROLAND THE ROADIE could be there!

Hooked - a bunch of musicians that simply love Dr Hook with the madness, and they simply love to entertain and do it live – no this crazy mixed up show or you’ll be you’ll at at thefac.

MISS IT! Dr Hook and the Medicine Show Tribute will be performing at Frankston Arts Centre on Friday 14 October



Some of you could’ve been in a STONED and I MISSED IT situation?

8pm. Book

RE-LIVE the era of Dr Hook with the show band Hooked – Dr Hook and the Medicine Show Tribute as they take you back to the songs and antics that Dr Hook were well known which made them one of the greatest bands in the world.

But if you WALK RIGHT IN to the Hooked Show, with those SEXY EYES, you’ll know only GIRLS CAN GET IT and most likely will want a LITTLE BIT MORE as you’ll be UP ON THE MOUNTAIN … MAKIN IT BIG singing along having fun with the fantastic music of Dr Hook and the Medicine Show.


Remember when you were ONLY 16, Dr Hook songs were all over the radio!

Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PAGE 35 Performing at Frankston Arts Centre Friday October 14, 8PM Tickets: $69.90 Conc: $62.90 U16: $50.90 Book at or 03 9784 Hooked1060DrHookandtheMedicineShowTributeAnniversary50thofDrHook!

And when your BABY MAKES HER BLUE JEANS TALK send her out to the JUNGLE TO THE ZOO, and if YOU MAKE MY PANTS WANNA GET UP n DANCE, don’t leave it YEARS FROM

By Stuart McCullough

The difference between exercise class and personal training is that there’s nowhere to hide. It’s just you and the person whose job it is to hunt you down in the event you decide to take shelter in the air conditioning duct. Despite this, I turned up having forsaken my traditional hot pink Lycra in favour of full camouflage gear and one eye on the air conditioning duct in the event I needed to execute a swift escape.Mytrainer was an easy-going fellow who, technically speaking, may well

It was years ago. We were looking after my father’s farm in Tyabb while he went gallivanting overseas. Before departing, he provided a list of the animals he feared might ‘go to God’ during his absence. At the top of the list was his dog, Nelson. Some pets are simply that. They share space with you and eat your food, but everyone goes about living their daily lives, unaf fected. Others are so much more. Nel son was in the latter category. I’m not sure if there’s such a thing as a ‘Hound of Distinction’ but if there is, it’d de scribe Nelson. When he did, unfortu nately, pass away, it fell to my brother and I to bury him in accordance with my father’s incredibly detailed and deeply impractical instructions. Nelson was to be buried next to the

lavender bush. The problem being that it was the meeting place for a large number of bees during daylight hours. So we had to wait until the sun went down. Digging in the darkness, when struck trouble when we burrowed through a large underground apart ment complex for bullants. Still, we continued to dig. The deeper we got, the harder it became. Wielding a mat tock, I stretched out as far as I could as I swung. Then I heard an almighty rip ping sound. After a quick check, I was able to ascertain that the seat of my trousers remained in place. It was only later when getting ready for bed that I made the gruesome discovery that my boxer shorts had ripped from top to tail. I was shocked. Granted, I was at full stretch, but it’s not as though I was performing a Romanian Deadlift. As the personal trainer waited my shorts, if not large portions of my life, flashed before my eyes. I hoped that my exercise gear could withstand the additional pressure. I hoped that no one was watching as I gingerly moved into position. Most of all, I hoped there was no-one standing directly behind me in case the unthinkable happened and there was a catastrophic structural failure. Fearing that the Romanian Deadlift might trigger a Tyabb Trouser Tear, I bolted in the air conditioning duct. Someday, maybe in a month or so, I’ll leave the duct and resume my life. Until then, if someone asks where I am, just tell them I’ve duct out for a bit.

EVENTUALLY, we all succumb. Whether our surrender is a result of pride, carelessness or administrative error, we all ultimately find ourselves on some kind of quest to improve our selves. It needn’t be much. More care with your physical appearance, learn ing a language or improving your diet; it all counts towards making an even better you. And although I could have ironed a shirt, learned how to speak Klingon so I could fulfill my life’s am bition to translate ‘The Art of the Deal’ into a language more suited to its au thor or eaten some broccoli; I, instead, chose personal training.

PAGE 36 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 Advertise in the Southern Peninsula’s own newspaper Call 1300ClassiMPNGedson666808

miliar with the Romanian Deadlift. Disappointingly, the Romanian Dead lift is not a band, although it probably should be. Let me say at the outset, I’m extremely fond of any exercise that’s geographically specific. Wheth er it’s the Welsh Squat, the Hungarian Vault or the Dutch Oven, these ex ercises have a sense of tradition that makes a trip to the gym feel culturally enriching as well as exhausting. Then he explained what a ‘Romanian Dead lift’ was.

It involves keeping your back straight while bending at the hips and pushing your backside out as far as it will go. As a middle-aged man, such actions run counter to every instinct in my body. That’s like asking me to change my routine or skip the news –it’s simply not something I ever con template doing. Also, there’s a small matter of ‘the incident’.

I’ve attended the occasional exercise class before. Mostly, I like to blend in and not draw attention to myself, de spite my insistence on always wearing bright pink Lycra. While dressing like a highlighter pen might seem at odds with keeping a low profile, it’s solely for safety reasons. You can’t be too careful in exercise class. Or, as it turns out, too comfortable.

My last birthday was something of a landmark occasion; probably a small mountain or an odd-shaped building. But whatever the monument, it’s the first time news of my birthday has ever been greeted with surprise. It’s some thing of an insult. I’m not sure what it says about how I conducted myself when I was younger, but when people react to your birthday by muttering, ‘really?’ it’s time to act.

qualify as a giant. But personal train ers should really be called ‘personable trainers’ as they seem to specialize in being friendly and encouraging. Per haps it’s their way of getting the best out of you. Or, then again, maybe it’s designed to lull you into a false sense ofMysecurity.trainer asked whether I was fa

Personal Training by the Seat of my Pants


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Picture: Paul Stan Churcher


Fairytale finish for Kangaroos after undefeated season

PAGE 38 Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 SOUTHERN PENINSULA NEWS scoreboard

ley and Matthew Douglas also per formed well.

The 2022 Grand Final between Frankston YCW and Bonbeach will be held at Skybus Stadium this Sun day, 18 September. The first bounce is at Earlier2.30pm.inthe day Frankston YCW’s under-19s team will play Mt Eliza in their Grand Final, and the Stonecats’ reserves will play Red Hill.

Picture: Craig Barrett

to zero opening quarter saw them take a big early lead.

Shark attack: Despite only scoring one major in the second half, a


Mitchell Cuthbert, Billy Rolfe, and Joel Bateman were Langy’s best. Josh Dormer booted three goals.


BONBEACH will play Frankston YCW in the MPNFL Division One Grand Final this Sunday.

The result capped off a fairytale day for Langwarrin. The club’s under19s team won their Grand Final in a

Langwarrin entered the Grand Final undefeated for the season. A four goals


Karingal struggled to hit the scoreboard all day. Langwarrin were just too good for the Bulls, and went on to claim a 51 point win 10.9 (69) to 2.6 (18).

thriller over Seaford to start the day. The triumph was followed by a big win for Langwarrin’s reserves side in their Grand Final against Karingal.

Triple triumph: Langwarrin took home plenty of silverware after winning their grand finals in Under 19's, Reserves and Seniors. Picture: Paul Stan Churcher

The Sharks earned their way into the season decider by beating Frankston Bombers last weekend. After a competitive start to the

LANGWARRIN has put the finishing touches on its perfect season.

Kangas leap: Karingal were never in the match

The Kangaroos were crowned 2022 MPNFL Division Two premiers on Saturday. They defeated Karingal at Skybus Stadium.

preliminary final, Bonbeach caught the Bombers on the back foot in the second quarter. A seven goals to two second term put the game out of the Bombers’Bonbeachreach.only scored one goal in the second half, but they had enough of a lead to hold on to the win. The Sharks won their way through to the big dance with an 11.14 (80) to 8.9 (57) win.

Shane McDonald impressed for Bonbeach with four goals. Beau Bai

Symonds will be an assistant to both the seniors and reserves.

Currie will also move to Baxter Park given his close friendship with Hawk ins and Liam Baxter.

Southern Peninsula News 14 September 2022 PAGE 39 SOUTHERN PENINSULA NEWS scoreboard Did you know... you can view our papers onlineI M P E L S J E W E L S D O E I E O E L L A N G U I D L Y A L A S R S G L L R E T C H T H E I R I N H O T P I N N S E B B L O O K N A S T E P B U T T S P A U S E S E I P I S A L T U N C O I L I N G G A D N O E L I H O U S E D D E F E N D Sudoku and crossword solutions

LIAM Baxter and Tom Hawkins have left Frankston Pines and have joined Baxter.They are the first signings that new Baxter coach Stephen Fisher hopes will bring the State 4 outfit success next season.

Should Nardino join he’ll be trained by new Baxter goalkeeping coach Chris Jones who needs no introduction to followers of the local game.

But that’s what Johnston may con front.Other Pines players from the senior and reserve squads are understood to be considering joining Baxter and linking again with Hayden Taylor who coached Pines reserves this year and is now Fisher’s senior assistant.

The last thing the recently promoted club needs is for new senior coach Tre vor Johnston to be forced to replace first teamers who played an integral part in the club’s runner-up finish in State 3 this year.

It’s unclear whether or not Aaran

He switched to Langwarrin that same year and has also been on the books of Mornington, Casey Comets, Box Hill United, Doveton and Kingston City.

Registrations must be in by Wednes day 2 November and for further de tails contact Rob Giabardo at austral

And while Pines deals with this situ ation State 2 rival Peninsula Strikers have announced a major coaching restructure bringing in Scott Morri son and Jason Symonds who were in charge of Mornington’s reserves this year.Strikers have re-appointed Donn Delaney whose first year as a senior coach saw the Centenary Park outfit mount a serious promotion challenge only to falter in the last few games of theDelaneyseason. and Morrison will be joint senior coaches with Steve Sheppard remaining as a senior assistant and Jake Priest re-appointed as reserves coach.

There’s talk that Pines reserves assis tant coach Jamie O’Halloran will make the switch and could be joined by Dy lan Waugh, Jarrod Nardino, Jamie Baxter and Alastair Wallace.

“I think we needed this (restructure) to give us the best chance to take the club into State 1,” Delaney said.

Meanwhile Skye United defender Brett Heskins won the seniors Players’ Player of the Year award with Mo El Hassan runner-up.

Kosta Drakoulakos will again be in charge of strength and conditioning, a position he also holds at Baxter.

Former player Steele, the club’s technical director, took over in a care taker capacity for the last few games of the season following Lee Barber’s resignation.InotherState 4 news Chelsea will host a seven-a-side Spring Fling Cup for juniors, seniors and masters on 12, 19 and 26 November and players from other clubs are welcome to form a team.It’sa social competition and games will consist of 20-minute halves and a five-minute half-time break.

“I’ve had a good talk to ‘Fish’ and he’s switched on and has some really good ideas.

It’s also expected that there will be player announcements in coming weeks.

Baxter to Baxter, Hawkins too

Scottish striker Baxter was on the books of Inverness Caledonian This tle and a number of Highland League clubs before arriving here early in 2017 to play for Shepparton-based Goulburn Valley Suns.

“It came about because all parties were open to it and I think we are likeminded in the way we want to play football.“Iknow Scott from the short time he was here working with Paul (Wil liams).“He’s a good guy and I don’t think this would have worked with someone else.“Scott and Jason have seen that we’ve got eight to 10 boys in the senior squad who were in the reserves and I think they are both impressed with that and excited to be involved with a club where young guys are getting onto the pitch (in the seniors).”

Baxter boys: Tom Hawkins (left) and Liam Baxter have chosen Baxter Park ahead of Monterey Reserve for the 2023 season. Pictures: Supplied

Twenty-year-old Nick Wright won the reserves Players’ Player of the Year award with Michael Putson runner-up. And State 4 outfit Somerville con firmed late last week that Adam Steele is its senior coach for 2023.


If Currie and Waugh join Liam Bax ter that leaves Pines forced to find a new strike force as they were the club’s top three scorers this year.

Strikers held their presentation night last weekend and Riley Anderton won the seniors best and fairest and Golden Boot awards, Ben Caballero was sen iors Players’ Player of the Year, re serves best and fairest was Josh Botha, reserves Players’ Player of the Year was Cody Storton-French and Raholah Yousefi was reserves Golden Boot winner.InState 1 news Mornington is con sidering a coaching restructure with additional assistants working with head coach Adam Jamieson and assis tant coach Gerry McDonagh. These assistants would focus on spe cific aspects of the game such as de fending, attacking etc.

Hawkins has previously played with Mornington and Peninsula Strikers.

He’s a right-sided full-back or wingback and with young players from NPL junior programs expected to come into the side his experience will be invalu able.“It’s a new challenge for me and it fits in with my work and family com mitments as I don’t think I could com mit at Pines probably as much as I’d want to in State 2,” Hawkins said.

“I guess helping out with younger players is part of my role and if the side builds the way ‘Fish’ wants it to then I fancy our chances of doing something nextForyear.”Pines a repeat of the exodus that ensued after Danny Verdun stepped down as head coach in 2015 would be a nightmare scenario.

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