23rd January 2019

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Southern Peninsula


n Penin



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ay 23 Janu

ary 2019

Superm ark ‘stalls’ tra et in

THE launch public supporof a campaign to gain t for a Rosebud got off to rail line to Saturday a shaky when guards ordere supermarketstart on d the remov security handing al out ing signatu information andof a stall res collectUndaunted, on a petition. transport ert White planne hill ers moved and other train r Robing superm to another more supportwelcom arket. Mr Hill support” said they receiv ed “stron and collect g natures ed about on 20 sigrail line the petition to extend from Franks ton to Rosebthe ud.

Ribbon cut ‘op ens’ Ro sebud st ation

On the move: train carriag Cardboard es are carriedcut-outs of Rosebu d Rosebu pedestrian crossinacross a d propon ents Robert g by train-toAlex Breskin No Mordia and Scott FothergWhitehill, lloc Freewa ill of the Aldenhoven, y Group group. Pictureof the Sustain and Chloe able Cities : Yanni

Special Promotion - 23 January 2019

Stephen Taylor steve@mpne ws.com.au far as Langw THE notion However, arrin or Baxter . al “openi ner Rober urban and region Rosebud on the Morni t White train station ng” of a new Roseb al was an ngton Penins on the weeke ud “could hill says a railwaplan- It would opening ula Freew stop y to salvo in nd spread public be a catalys for a rail ay. t for wide- ington East, at new stations a campa link along transp “Young at Mornign across the Mt Marth the Morni the wester Droma people region”. ort improvement a, ngton n side of Having s before na, Arthurs Seat, Safety Beach, disabilities and , elderly, people Past estima Peninsula. those with strand terminating and the first created a mock billion and tes have put the station on Peninsula train at a new McCrae, public ed and without without cars are made big public Boneo Rail Link station, access Rosebud transport. transport announceme will come any bid for publiccost at $5 train rolled in “The Morni Road. cardboard essential This infrastto reliable investm at the same nts in money Saturday “demoto Rosebud ent to ington time that Plaza last munity desper ngton Peninsula Peninsula ity of life.” their well-being ructure is election, but the the lead up to nstrati politic Mornately ng to comians the in public should be peninsula Shire says and qual- forgotten. Mr transport needs investm efits of a the possibilities locals and White This has has been of the line given to the electri priority railwa infrastructure ent with Whitehill said to change Residents of the penins y line for the and ben- ing hill, a memb from Franks .” he had Frankston ficatio Against west coast for the Roseb er of a group ,” Mr and Frankston spoken Freeway ula”. ton to Hastin n MP Pauk former The propos proponent the Mordialloc lobbyCounc ud line, Edbro “There gs. Nepea content said ed Russell said. is branch for the line il, meanwhile, Joseph, n Liberal candidoke “publiproposals like Scott Fothergill off the railway line would lic transp currently little is to be electri but was the rail ort throug to no pub- with new Nepea c transp yet to catch ate link were The rail fied as Baxter, and run Stony Point line hout ort projec n MP, Labor' Brayn the line plus up sula desper alongs Highway at bus netwo peninsula. valuabe, whose suppor ately needs” ts the peninand along ide Moorooduc ments could s rk improv “We . mean t would Chris le the media be in- withou can't keep buildin n strip area will no longer residents across e- through as the proposed his t trains, to work g route the feel forced freeways buses and runs not expect or play. “We want electorate. to drive PRE-ARRAN Chris Brayn more traffic light rail and proposal “The GED FUNE e jams,” he drews,” to [the Premier] to take our people more roads you Caring for said. RALS Mr White Daniel Anbuild, will drive, local hill said. create. for over 35 families the more the more Only “Labor traffic we years this cycle.” public transp Lic No: ort breaks Lawyers 22042 & Advisers

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LY* s bus program great BUFFET with a lunch all $40. over

Casino’ Only p/p

the age

of 18 permitted

Thu 31 January 2019 (numbe rs permitt ing)

DANDEN ONG AND FOUNTA MARKET IN GATE Tue 12 Februar y 2019 all $35


WEST SIDE STORY Wed 10 April 2019 (a) $140 (p/s) $130 • LIMITE D TICKET S•

BARNU - THE CIRCU M S MUSIC AL Wed 1 May 2019 (a) $150 (p/s) $140


N AIR SHOW Sun 3 Mar 2019 Adults $140 (p/s) $130 (ch) U14 $110

n Jet skis rally to

improve image

n ‘Scavengers’

report butts a blot on beaches n Dolphins

‘harassed’ by boats

THE JERSEY BOYS Wed 27 March 2019 (a) $150 (p/s) $140 AUSTRA LIAN GARDEN SHOW Friday 29 March 2019 (a) $85 (p/s) $80

Rosebud Hospital needs your help! GET INVOLVED 9788 1284


102-RHSA-WRAP FRONT-325x263mm-FINAL.indd 1

16/01/2019 15:08:05

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