30 October 2018

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Southern Peninsula




rn Peni

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30 Octo

ber 2018

Record attemp t: Players Sam Noona n, Rob Liste Simon Coles, Brenda Lisa Johnso n Croft on stage. and Sarah Jeffs with directon, Picture: Yanni r

Time tria Bald Sop l for The rano

Call for n ew

Special Promotion - 30 October 2018

ROSE BUD will be presenAstral and the month that ting a joint Rosebud Theatr theatrical e event nextGroup The mergethe cast says is “not to be d theatre Soprano missed group – there’s a a play with only is presenting ”. The Bald kicker. It one perfor is an officia goes lly recogn for 30 hours mance … but attempt straigh ised Guinn for ess World t and Pre-sale being the world’ record tickets are s longes for the finale, t play. available and walk-i for the launch times. The n the entire show is directe tickets are $5 at and all other ticket salesevent is run by d by Brendan Croft go to SalvoC volunteers. and support Profits from are local The Bald homelessnes Eastern, Roseb ud, to the Absur Soprano is a s. classic from d genre talking does of plays. the Theatr It Audiences not always equalexplores the idea e of that are not expect communicat whole 30 ion. 75-minute hours. The play ed to sit throug h the has a built-i stay for iterations. Patron them s can comen loop with The play all. for one or November, launches at 11.30a ing, then with cast introdu m, Saturday 3 ctions Sunday the show starts at midda and media greet4 Novem y. final iteratio ber, the countdownThen, at 4pm, n and players take some world-record glory begins to the well-earned During – before the for a $5 the 30 hours patron sleep. donation. countdown Tickets s can come and standard will be availab for the launch and go seating le for presale final and Details: Jasper Hill cabaret style table with both 0427 144 seating. 300.

direction at Seawin ds

Stephen steve@ Taylor mpnews.co m.au The petitio ners said FOUR cerned they were of with the “conthe Seawi the five board the percei current members Issues resigned nds Community of what the ved discrepanciesboard and refuse came to a head board when d to betwee as a “turbuin what is being Hub have volunt eers, emplowants and what n after his extend Mr Cowli the board comm lent” period described which opened three-m nity the yees unity service for the onth contra ng’s term “Things centre nity groups of the Seawi and commuchild s This follow in 2012. ct Hub want the board were not workin expired. pre-sc health advice as maternal and nds Comm s the lodgin tion with for the operat did g out and hub”. uhool, comm , early learnin “working g of a Morni ions of the him on many not see eye to ngton Penins to provid petiCouncil g, a turbule eye with ties, occasional unity house In the signed by issues,” Andrew activint period e some stability childc and memb said chairm nity 78 volunt ula Shire parture lead up to Mr Bayliss, in ” and recruit the sole ber remain Cowling’s an beingmeeting spaces are and commu- members to the they asked happy withers of community eers, staff, on board . A men’s ing. debuilt. the the The counci Seawinds board. new shed is parture of events leading groups un- ternal board to resign council to “call early 2015 and He joined the memSeaview l has offered board the centre up to the former CEO has been and appoin administrato 12 month Ward to by sendin chairman in council officer Martin Cowlinde- can be s. t councillors special board g out noticesupport for Wedne appointed rs until a new exThe hub, s g. ers board s of a by the at Allam sday 10 met at Seawinds and edging that meeting, while and memb October petition acknow ers of Seawiparents, lead- Sound, is a not-fo bi Avenue, to discus on ent compa the board was with Capel ing with r-profi nds”. an indepe lny over often disadv t centre work- that Mr Cowli the board. They s the risdict ndwhich it employed ion. learne ng antage had no had four board d d people juShire manag members. resigned – as had and provid and unCr Anton er family ing such community service im manag ella Celi said planni new inter- has been asked ng Louise s and er Karen Lawyers Wilkin Vanderkaay to report counci & Advisers PRE-ARRAN back to s was new l on the progre GED FUNE the ss of Seawinds Caring for Conveyancin RALS PIB No: board memb appointing local famili 22042 ers. Wills & Power g & PEXA for over 35 years es 461 Dunda s of Attorn s St, ey Deceased Rye, 3941. Estates

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EVITA THE MUSICA with Tina L Arena Wed 13 Februar y 2019 (a) $140 (p/s) $130 Wed 12 also Decem ber 2018 • LIMITED TICKETS • SCHOO L OF Her Majesty ROCK ’s Theatre from Wed 21 Novem (a) $140 ber (p/s) $130

INSIDE: n ‘Progress’ leave

victims homeless

n Tender rules tighten

to ban gifts to staff n Call to make

supermarket giant ‘compete fairly’


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