Southern Soil Issue #5 2020

Page 21

a growing food movement

Lammergeier Glass Recycling: turning trash to treasure

by LeeAnna Tatum

“Glass, an inorganic solid material that is usually

Chances are quite high that glass is not allowed

transparent or translucent as well as hard, brittle,

in your recycling centers and even if it’s ok to put

and impervious to the natural elements. Glass has

it in your bin, it could still end up in a landfill. This,

been made into practical and decorative objects

despite the fact that glass is literally the most

since ancient times, and it is still very important in

recyclable material out there.

applications as disparate as building construction, housewares, and telecommunications. It is made

This is a problem that entrepreneur and glass-

by cooling molten ingredients such as silica sand

enthusiast Malena Gauss is working to address in

with sufficient rapidity to prevent the formation of

Savannah and surrounding areas.

visible crystals.” As defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica

Gauss came face to face with this problem

Glass is everywhere in our homes: we drink from

disrupted by the COVID-19 shutdowns in March of

it, watch birds and sunsets through it, eat salsa

2020. Left with mountains of bottles that she had

from it, preserve garden harvests in it and protect

collected for upcycling projects and no access to

precious photos behind it. In the food industry, it is

the public through her showroom, Gauss turned to

used extensively for packaging, storing and serving

the internet to find a solution for disposing of the

foods, beverages and condiments.

accumulated glass.

But what happens to glass when it is no longer of

“I started making calls and no one in a 300 mile

use to us? Wine bottles, beer bottles, soda bottles,

radius would take the glass,” Gauss explained. “And

baby food jars, pickle jars, perfume bottles, skin

I thought, ok well there’s a problem - I can’t find

cream jars … the list is almost endless.

anywhere to take the glass. And I did research and

when her glass upcycling business was abruptly

more research. The deeper I dug, the more garbage As a society, we’ve come to view plastic as the

I found - literally.”

number one enemy of the environment and we might be convinced that by purchasing items

Gauss also knew from experience that she was

packaged in glass, we’re doing the environment a

not alone in seeking direction for recycling glass.

favor. And in many ways that’s true … with a caveat.

During the few months that her glass upcycling and lighting business had been going, she was

When was the last time you tried to recycle all that glass?

contacted with some frequency by businesses and (con tinued on page 2 2)

ISSUE ~ 5 ~ 2020


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