March 2015 - Southern Soul Magazine

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SouthernSoul March 2015 | Volume 2, No. 3

The Bluff City Cluster Three Powerful Chapters of The Links, Incorporated

School Board

Our Community Is Making History

Joyce McAnulty Blackmon


Taste Life With Kat

A Tantalizing Tea In A Hurry!



Southern Soul l March 2015


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Southern Soul l March 2015

SouthernSoul PUBLISHER/CEO Chris Boyd

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Toni Blount Harvey


ART DIRECTOR Detric Stanciel

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Terri Smith Anderson



Darla Mayse

Kim Cox, Attorney at Law

Alexandra Matlock

Douglass High Young Soul

Lora McGill, M.D.

John Doyle


Amanda Morris Henneghan

Theresa Patterson, Attorney at Law

Erica Horton

Pamela D. Pitts, CFP®

Janas L. Jackson

LaTina Epps Thomas

Kathy Kirk-Johnson

Rev. Dorothy Sanders Wells

Myron Mays

Ethelyn Williams-Neal, M.D., F.A.A.P.

Southern Soul Magazine™ is a monthly publication of MAAC Media Group, LLC and is distributed in locations throughout the Memphis/Mid-South area. Annual subscriptions are available for $40.00 (twelve issues). Readership: 70,000 ©2015 by MAAC Media Group, LLC. All rights reserved. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited materials and does not return unsolicited materials to sender. Photography and images obtained for editorial usage is owned by Southern Soul Magazine and may not be released for commercial use such as in advertisements. Reproduction in whole or in part without the publisher’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor or publisher. The publication of any advertisement in this issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by this publication. Southern Soul Magazine™ is a trademark belonging to MAAC Media Group, LLC

MAAC Media Group, LLC | PO Box 18100 | Memphis, TN 38181 Phone 901.366.SOUL (7685)

Contributors John Doyle

John Doyle, a native Memphian, is the Executive Director of both the Memphis Rock 'n' Soul Museum at FedEx Forum ( and the Memphis Music Hall of Fame ( A graduate of Rhodes College, he worked in radio promotions and marketing prior to opening his own advertising agency and, then, working as Vice President of Programming for Memphis in May. He and his wife, Lynn, have one son, Bennett, who now also works in Memphis radio.

Kim Cox

Kim Cox, CEO of The Law Office of Kim Cox located in Memphis, TN is a graduate of Xavier University of Louisiana and Notre Dame Law School. She is admitted to the bar in California, Maryland and Tennessee. Attorney Cox maintains a limited practice and is currently working on several books, soon to be published. She and husband Robert are the proud parents of two daughters, Kennedy and Blair.

Alexandra Matlock

Alexandra Matlock, native of MedellĂ­n, Colombia, is President/Founder of ContigoCreative, a public relations and marketing agency, based in Memphis, specializing in Latino and larger Multicultural markets in Memphis, Nashville, Little Rock and Atlanta.

Kathy Kirk-Johnson

Kathy Kirk Johnson is an Attorney and Lifestyle Expert with an innate affinity for good food and stylish entertaining. She lives in in Cordova, Tennessee with her husband and two sons. Get more lifestyle tips from her website tastelifewithkat. com.

LaTina Epps Thomas

LaTina Epps Thomas is a Certified Yoga Instructor and Lifevantage Independent Distributor and currently pursuing the profession Naturopathic Doctor.


Tasha Anders is a professional makeup artist and licensed Cosmetologist. A graduate of Empire Beauty School in Memphis, TN, Tasha is founder of A’Nuance, a full-service customized beauty service company, including makeup and hair designs. Industry professionals and celebrities alike, including countless sessions with TV/Film actors, models, and national recording artists, recognize her divine talent. Follow her at www. 4|

Southern Soul l March 2015




LEADERS Passion and Purpose



98 THE BLUFF CITY CLUSTER Three Powerful Chapters of The Links, Incorporated

91 SCHOOL BOARD Making History in The Community

L to R: Carla Stotts-Hills, Cheryl Patterson, Ruby Bright

photography by JAY ADKINS

98 Southern Soul l March 2015




MARCH 2015




EDITOR’S LETTER p.11 • FOOD p.55 • uMATTER p.103

Department 8


Soul Seeds Young Soul

Douglass High Unsung Hero 19


Hey Myron!

Why Things Fall Apart 25



Memphis Business Academy

Legal View Finance

Put Your Financial House In Order






Latin Soul




Just Saying...

Parents’ Guide to Child’s Good HealthCare!

Women’s Rights 29


Detoxing Your Body, Mind and Soul

Planning a Spring Showstopper 21


When you look better, you feel better!

Ultimate Authority 12


Southern Soul l March 2015

On Cover: Joyce McAnulty Blackmon, photography by Jay Adkins

Multiculturalism and Diversity

Isaac Hayes & Three 6 MAFIA

Don’t Get Caught Up Over a Bad Break-Up

Hunger Has Many Faces

Food bank

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Soul Seeds

Ultimate Authority


Know your position by REV. DOROTHY SANDERS WELLS

Mark 1:21-28: Jesus and his disciples went to Capernaum; and when the sabbath came, he entered the synagogue and taught. They were astounded at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Just then there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit, and he cried out, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are, the Holy One of God." But Jesus rebuked him, saying, "Be silent, and come out of him!" And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying with a loud voice, came out of him. They were all amazed, and they kept on asking one another, "What is this? A new teaching-- with authority! He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him." At once his fame began to spread throughout the surrounding region of Galilee. I’ve been the mom of competitive soccer players for, oh, about a dozen years now. During the course of that time, I can honestly say that I’ve seen pretty much everything on the field, but the


Southern Soul l March 2015

one thing which always seems to be present is the well-meaning parent who coaches along from the sidelines, and, to no one’s surprise, shouting at his child to do exactly the opposite of what the coach is asking the child to do, leaving the child trying to sort out in the cacophony of noises -- the voice of the coach – the voice of authority she most needs to hear. Occasionally, parents will try to take over the referee’s job, too…and that never leads to a good outcome. Only once have I seen a parent – whose vociferous disagreement with a ref led to his ouster from the field – defiantly refuse to leave. The ref asked a second time, and again, the father refused to leave, still yelling disrespectfully at the ref. The ref asked a third time, and meeting the same result, blew the whistle and called the game. It just so happened that our team was ahead by one goal, and we won the game. Had the game run the entire 90 minutes, we might well have lost, because the other team was, quite frankly, quicker and more skilled. But the father’s refusal to accept the authority of the ref led to our team winning the tournament. If we were to sum up this passage from Mark’s Gospel (Mark 1:21-28) into just a few words, we might describe it as a question of authority – assumed authority, versus actual authority. In Jesus’ first public act of ministry in Mark’s Gospel, he has journeyed to Capernaum and, on the Sabbath, has gone to the synagogue. He has assumed the role of a rabbi – and has begun teaching. The scribes – who were understood to be knowledgeable about the law of Moses which had been handed down to them – were the authority figures in the synagogue, until this new authority figure steps in. And Jesus’ teaching is done with such authority as to displace the scribes. Jesus hasn’t made his way to Jerusalem yet, but Mark seems to already be pitting Jesus against the known authority figures in the first century Jewish world. A man who is described as having an unclean spirit appears in the synagogue. The ensuing dialogue

Soul Seeds shows that the unclean spirit recognizes Jesus and almost seems to challenge him when the spirit asks if Jesus has come to destroy it. Whether anyone else initially recognizes Jesus as the Holy One of God, the unclean spirit does, and Jesus commands the spirit to come out of the man. And those who are watching this exorcism unfold realize that this Rabbi Jesus has some powerful authority – when even demonic spirits obey him. Many begin coming to Jesus to be healed and rid of their demons. It wasn’t through political or economic power – or even the power of the religious authorities – that Jesus drew others to him. But rather he drew others to him because of his divine power to heal – to give life, where others merely consumed.

power and authority to destroy the creatures of God. And in displacing the assumed authority of the unclean spirit, Jesus takes away the stigma, which threatens the man’s life and restores him to community with others – a second, and equally important theme from Mark’s Gospel. Once Jesus takes away the unclean spirit’s opportunity to win over the man’s body and mind, it loses the authority it has tried to wield. Many powerful forces may try to exercise their authority over our lives – and ultimately destroy us. Unclean spirits may seek to possess our lives, in simmering anger that we harbor against others, in hurt that we carry from old wounds, in long-held resentments and estrangements from loved ones, in misplaced priorities, in addictions. But those unclean spirits need not hold us captive. Just as a dad learned on a soccer field on a warm afternoon that his own perception of authority held no sway over the one who had ultimate authority, so the unclean spirits in our lives have no true power over God. The One who loves us calls to us over the competing voices of the world. In Him, the unclean spirits that seek to possess us are displaced, and we may know the freedom of being made whole and living without bondage to those things that seek to destroy us. §

his own perception of authority held no sway over the one who had ultimate authority

What lessons do we take from this passage? First, we note that a recurring theme in Mark’s Gospel is the presence of Jesus among the marginalized and disenfranchised who have been pushed aside by those in the existing roles of authority. The man with the unclean spirit may have made his way into the synagogue, but we imagine that he would have been quickly cast away had Jesus not been present when he disrupted the Sabbath teaching and worship. Rather than casting the man away, Jesus casts away only the unclean spirit – establishing his power and authority over those things which would attempt to wield their

Reverend Dorothy Sanders Wells is Priest-in-Charge at St. George’s Episcopal Church, Germantown, TN. A native of Mobile, Alabama, Rev. Wells holds degrees from Rhodes College (B.A.), University of Memphis (J.D.), and Memphis Theological Seminary (M.Div.). She is a member of the Boards of Directors of MIFA and Church Health Center. She is married to Herbert Wells, Jr., and they are the proud parents of two daughters, Catherine Alexis and Meredith Nicole. St. George’s Episcopal Church - "Gather, Discover, Serve" 2425 S. Germantown Road Germantown, TN 38138 Services: 8:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Tel: 901-754-7282

Southern Soul l March 2015


Southern Soul O November



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uMATTER: Ridgeway High

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2014 | Vo lume 1, No .4

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Soul Pics

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Hey Myron! Januar y 2015 /Volume 2, No. 1


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Editor’s Letter

March is Women’s History Month – I love history, I enjoy celebrations, and this is our Women’s issue . . . such a perfect combination and opportunity to honor women of our community. Our community has women, in all walks of life, making contributions to shape and improve our lives and better our community. There are so many women making significant contributions, selection was difficult. So, we decided to share a few women who are changing our community one day at a time. Blazing a trail is never easy. Effecting change is just as challenging. It takes an exceptional person with an expansive vision to tackle tough problems, and leave a legacy of reform. We selected Joyce McAnulty Blackmon to share her story of staying the course and being a catalyst of change in our community. History evolving before our eyes is the first official Shelby County Unified School Board. Four women are members of the Board. Each brings a special dynamic and a unique strength to the Board. The one common thread each woman brings is their dedication to achieve a state-of-art school system that educates our children effectively, efficiently, and economically. We asked them to share their plans to shape our future. Women shape the world. Be it through the families they bring in the world or their natural instinct to nurture; Women are the caretakers of the world. The Bluff City Cluster of The Links Incorporated is a group of women transforming lives within our community; inspiring and enriching our community; and giving back through philanthropy, time and talent.

Toni Blount Harvey Editor-In-Chief

This month, we introduce Latin SOUL and Alexandra Matlock. She will share each month, our multicultural community, its news, accomplishment, contributions, and beauty. Of course, our issue wouldn’t be complete without planting a Soul Seed, sharing a legal tip or two, offering financial insight, and informative medical news. Next month, look for exciting Life Styles. ps: Don’t forget to send your subscription card! §

Southern Soul l March 2015

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Young Soul

Introducing Young SOUL by DOUGLASS HIGH YOUNG SOUL photography by HERMAN WILLIAMS Southern Soul is proud to introduce YOUNG SOUL. YOUNG SOUL stems from the creative passion of Derry Phillips, EdS., an English teacher at Douglass High School. Catching Mr. Phillips’ enthusiasm and innovation, Southern Soul will feature a monthly column written by Southern Soul’s YOUNG SOUL authors showcasing their artistic talents and passions while sharing their voice.

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Southern Soul l March 2015

Rightfully, Douglass High School was selected as our Inaugural Young Soul Authors. Southern Soul’s next three issues will feature articles from Douglass High School’s budding Young Soul Authors - seniors Derrick Chalmers, Jamie Culpepper and Brittany Sermons.

Young Soul


rittany is a member of the National Honor Society; the Globetrotter travel club; and ranks in the top ten percent of her class. An artist and poet, Brittany has aspirations to become a notable writer. She plans to attend the University of Mississippi.


irecting the students is Derry Phillips, EdS., a native Memphian, began his career in 2009 at the “New Frederick Douglass High School.” Seeking to inspire and elevate his students, Mr. Phillips developed and founded the Globetrotters travel club - a program offering students opportunities to gain cultural and educational exposure through traveling. To date, the Globetrotters have visited several HBCU’s and other national post-secondary institutions; historical landmarks; and tour sites across the nation. His desire to partner with Southern Soul is yet another innovative creation to provide new horizons for his students.

amie is a member of the National Honor Society; holds the title Miss Cheerleader 2015; is a member of the Red Devil’s cheerleading squad, and was elected Senior Superlative, Most Likely to be Remembered and Most Popular. She enjoys planning social gatherings and reading. Jamie plans to attend The University of Memphis to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.


errick, elected Senior Superlative Most Charming and Most Sophisticated, is a member of the Sons of Douglass and of the Globetrotters travel club. Writing of his Globetrotter travels this past fall, Derrick authored Douglass High’s website’s recognition page. With career aspirations to become a journalist and a magazine editor, he plans to attend The University of Memphis. § Southern Soul l March 2015

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Tiger Lane

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Southern Soul l March 2015

Young Soul

Douglass High Unsung Hero


Janet Ware Thompson


Affectionately known as “Douglass, Tennessee” where people take pride in their community, you will find Douglass High School. Step through the school doors and you are met with a buzz of excitement, education and pride -- a school which took a Phoenix-flight and rose to one of Shelby County Schools’ jewels. The buzz exists, in large part, because of the efforts of its Principal, Janet Ware Thompson. Douglass High School has a rich history which was almost lost in 1981. During desegregation in the 80’s, students from Douglass were bussed to other schools, resulting in the school’s closure in 1981. During its closure, alumni association chapters in cities throughout the country – Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Dallas, Detroit, Los Angeles and the flagship chapter of hometown, Memphis – continued to organize committees to reopen their beloved school. Relentless and unwavering, the community and alumni continued the fight to reopen Douglass High for twenty-seven years.

photography by HERMAN WILLIAMS

phrase, “Thompson knows how to run a school,” echoes throughout the school and community. As a mentor to teachers entering the profession, aspiring leaders, current and former students, she models what effective leadership is through initiatives benefitting the whole child. One mission of Douglass High is Public Service and Communication Arts where students are engaged in Lead-In/Lead Out speaker series, coupled with experiential learning opportunities in cooperation with Memphis City Council; The University of Memphis; Shelby County Commission; MIFA; The Food Bank; and, St. Jude

Who better to lead and serve the community and Douglass High than a former student, proud graduate, and product of Douglass, Tennessee? Continuing the Douglass High mission to serve the community, Principal Thompson guides with innate leadership, patience, and success. Thompson has led Douglass to receive various awards and recognitions, building a culture of school pride and academic achievement. Under her leadership, Douglass High was recognized as an EPIC (Effective Practice Incentive Community) Award winner in 2010 and received the highest achievement of level 5 (performing significantly above expectations) for the 2014 school year. At Douglass High School, Thompson implements traditional practices that build a positive school culture. Students begin their day by singing their beloved Alma Mater and listening to words of wisdom, followed by “Welcome Home, Let’s Keep Five Alive!” Students, parents and teachers believe Thompson an expert in urban education. The Southern Soul l March 2015

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Young Soul Children’s Hospital. Under Thompson’s leadership, since its inception, the AJROTC program has consistently ranked in the top 5 percent, finishing as 2015 Knowledge Bowl champs. The DHS Chess Team consist of nationally ranked members who have competed in Illinois, Florida and Tennessee. Starting from scratch in 2008, Thompson oversaw the restoration of a competitive athletic program where the volleyball and basketball programs are top contenders for city championships. Embracing the value of arts in a complete educational experience with Band, Vocal Music, Orchestra and Visual Arts, Douglass High School students have received recognitions and awards in the Memphis International Airport competition; “Beale Street to Wall Street;" and, All City/All West Orchestras. Thompson emphasizes professional growth and leadership opportunities for staff and varied cultural experiences for students. Douglass students realize their full potential through character building, leadership and service, honors recognitions and exposure through travel in organizations such as the “Douglass Globetrotters” who have travelled to numerous locations including California, Florida, Texas, New York and Washington, D.C. While in the nation’s capital, students visited The White House; Capitol Hill; Georgetown; Howard University; Smithsonian Institute; USA Today; and National Mall landmarks. From a strong lineage, Mrs. Thompson credits her passion to her family role models. From Thompson’s grandmother, Emma D. Ware, who served as Douglass High cafeteria manager in the early 50’s, Thompson received strong religious faith and discipline. Thompson’s father, John H. Ware, star athlete and graduate of class of 1954, influenced her with his strong work ethic and devotion to his family. Thompson’s passion for education mirrors her mother’s, the late Charlie M. Ware; honors student and graduate class of 1957, who instilled in Thompson the importance of education and service to the community. Mrs. Ware retired from Douglass Elementary after 37 years as librarian and early childhood specialist. Thompson’s daily mantra was defined by her loving and supportive husband 16 |

Southern Soul l March 2015

of 32 years, Anthony M. Thompson, -- “You will be remembered more for the value of your contributions than for the price of your possessions.” Thompson understands firsthand the heights a Memphis Public Education can take you as evidenced by her daughters, whose foundation was established in Legacy Memphis City Schools. Both daughters are cum laude graduates of The University of Notre Dame and serve on the National Black Alumni Board and The Senate Board of Norte Dame. Eldest daughter, Arienne, is currently entertainment and celebrity editor/reporter for USA Today and appears weekly on WUSA/ ABC Affiliate in Washington, D. C. and monthly on NBC’s Today Show, Ticket to Hollywood Segment. Amelia, the youngest daughter, has carved her own niche with a resume that includes Program Director and Development Coordinator for the prestigious St. Albans School of Public Service at Washington National Cathedral and is currently National Buyer for Macy’s Corporation in Manhattan, New York. Thompson is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority and active member of St. Augustine Catholic Church where she serves on the Women’s Committee. She is a graduate of The University of Tennessee at Martin, and University of Memphis, graduate school. She is also the First Vice President for the Shelby County Schools Superintendent’s Principal’s Advisory Council, Athletic Policy Determining Committee, and Shelby County Schools Performance Evaluation Committee. Thompson began her career as an educator over thirty years ago. During her tenure in Memphis and Shelby County Schools, she has served as Classroom Teacher, Guidance Counselor, and Assistant Principal before attaining her current position. At the end of the day, students will hear Thompson on the intercom saying, “Stay the course, Young Red Devils. Our future is as bright as our past. We will continue the legacy of greatness.” Principal Janet Ware Thompson is truly a Douglass High legacy of greatness. §

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Southern Soul l March 2015


Planning a Spring Showstopper The Growth of the Memphis Black Expo by ERICA HORTON


Planning a large-scale event is accomplished with small victories each day leading up to and after the big show. Viara Boyd, director of the Memphis Black Expo, and her team of 25 have transformed small victories into a successful extravaganza. Now in its sixth year, Boyd has watched the event grow. “The first Memphis Black Expo was in March 2008 and lasted two days,” Boyd said. “There were 700 guests and 45 vendors.” Produced by V-Rock Productions, the 2015 Memphis Black Expo’s main event is expected to draw more than 15,000 with approximately 200 entrepreneurs exhibiting their unique products and talents alongside local and national sponsors. As the expo grew, Boyd said planning became a struggle. Boyd planned the first expo alone, spending plenty of late nights on her computer. Then, with the help of family, friends and professional contacts, she assembled a powerhouse team who work tirelessly to produce the event. “With their help, I remained empowered and true to the vision,” Boyd explained. This year, the expo is a five day event featuring a film night and panel discussion at the Malco Paradiso; “Welcome to Memphis” opening night reception and red carpet event at STAX Museum of American Soul Music; “Black Empowerment Conference” and much more at the expo main event in the Agricenter; “Art of Fashion 6” fashion show in Minglewood Hall; and a closing brunch open to sponsors and vendors at the National Civil Rights Museum.

Celebrity guests include actress Elise Neal of Hollywood Divas; actor Hosea Chanchez from BETs The Game; reality star and radio personality Traci Braxton; rapper and activist David Banner; and, Grammy nominated singer and songwriter Kenny Lattimore. Not only is the expo a cultural celebration event, a community event and a networking event, it is an opportunity to experience the impact of the black consumer. “Memphis Black Expo is perfect for small businesses, large corporations, agencies and nonprofits to reach African American consumers. It is also full of great networking opportunities,” Neely, director of communication for MBX, said. This year’s Title Sponsor (for the third consecutive year) is Selma Brinson, owner/CEO of Brinson Tax Service. “Brinson Tax Service is thrilled to be the title sponsor for another year. My business has experienced a tremendous amount of success since partnering with the Memphis Black Expo,” said Brinson. “I know the trials that come with being an entrepreneur and the importance of events like MBX to small, minority and women owned businesses. This event has already changed people’s lives,” Boyd said. For more information: visit blackexpomemphis. com, Black Expo, Twitter @901BlackExpo or call 901-605-1552. §

Southern Soul l March 2015

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Southern Soul l March 2015

Hey Myron!

Why Things Fall Apart by MYRON MAYS photography by JAY ADKINS


Ever bought a new car? Remember the feeling you had when you first drove off the lot? Remember the smooth ride, the new car smell or even the crisp sound that came through your speakers when you turned the radio on? You had a brand new car! That car even affected your personality didn’t it? It was a good feeling. It affected your entire mood. You wouldn’t allow the slightest amount of dirt to come anywhere near your new car. You wouldn’t even dare eat fast food in your new car. It wasn’t just a new car…it was an experience.

may not have given that cheeseburger wrapper on the passenger floor a second thought. And all of the tender loving care you had given it in the past went away with the new car smell. You still love your car. But now it’s no longer an experience. It’s just transportation.

The new car smell was no longer there. Trips through the automatic car wash became fewer and far between. You

However, as time passed, so did the experience. You may not have noticed you were even progressing to

Now, let’s make this less about cars and more about relationships... Remember how it felt at the beginning of your relationship? Remember the way they made you feel just by looking into their eyes? Remember wanting to be around them every waking moment? You were However, as time passed, so did the experience. You may in a brand new relationship! You were in LOVE! That not have noticed you were even progressing to this point. relationship even affected your personality didn’t it? It was a good feeling. It affected your entire mood. It wasn’t You just looked up one day and discovered things had just love…it was an experience. changed.

Southern Soul l March 2015

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when they get home, their spouse is there again. After so many days, weeks, months and even years of coming home every day with our spouses being there, that’s what we come to expect. Which means when something comes up, our attention is easily diverted from our spouses because we take for granted they will be there. Kinda like we do when we put off oil changes. We know it’s needed, but we always find something more important to focus on. But the longer we wait, the more long term damage were causing.

this point. You just looked up one day and discovered things had changed. The magic was no longer there. That smile you fell in love with, you hardly even notice it anymore. Those little things you used to do just because doesn’t seem to be a priority anymore. Those little things that you once required stopped happening on a regular basis, so you just stopped requiring them. You still love your mate. But now it’s no longer an experience. It’s just a relationship. Let’s go back to the car for just a second. When the new car smell goes away, quite often our mind signals us that the car isn’t new anymore. At that point, without realizing it, our new car experience becomes what is known as “routine.” At that point, we get in the car, we go where we need to go, get back in the car and go back home. We always assume our cars will be there when we need them. But you know, just like our cars, we can sometimes unknowingly take for granted that our significant others will always be there as well. The mistake a lot of long term couples make is that they take many things for granted. We assume that our mates will always be there when we need them. This happens when our routine gets the best of us. It’s easy for couples to fall into routine, especially if you’re married and there are children involved. They get up every day, go through their normal routine and come home. Then when they get home, their spouse is there. They get up the next day, do the same thing and 22 |

Southern Soul l March 2015

So it’s easy to focus on things other than the two of you because, you just always assume they will always be there when you get done. But in the meantime, days, weeks, months and even years have gone by before you realize you have been so caught up in your daily routine that you have literally forgotten about each other. Get back on track and in the groove before this long-term damage becomes irreparable.

THINGS FALL APART WHEN YOU DON’T TAKE CARE OF IT. Your car can’t stay new forever, but with a new set of tires, a good tune up and maybe an occasional trip through the automatic wash; you might at least be reminded why you first fell in love with it. In relationships, life happens, but if you take the time to focus on each other and occasionally get out of your regular routine, you might at least be reminded why you first fell in love with each other. §

Hey Myron!



Hey Myron, I recently broke up with my boyfriend for cheating. I later discovered there were a few people close to me who knew all about it and no one said anything. This really hurt. I’m having a hard time trusting some of my closest friends now. Why is it that when you are being cheated on, you’re always the last somebody to know? That’s not right. - Feeling Betrayed

Hey Myron, why does it seem like no matter what you do, you can never live down your past? It seems like every time you try to move ahead, someone always tries to throw things back at you, especially family members. -Tired

Hey, Feeling Betrayed. Before you start deleting friends in real life, consider something. What’s a good way to tell someone their mate is cheating? Well, there isn’t one. No one is gonna feel good after a conversation like that, the messenger nor the recipient. So with that being said, no one wants to receive bad news or even give it. You must also understand no one likes to get involved in anyone else’s business. They are more apt to talk about your situation amongst themselves before they are likely to tell you. That’s why everybody knows your business but you. That doesn’t mean they agree with what’s happening to you. Chances are -- they are totally against you being mistreated. And often times, they don’t want to tell you because they don’t want to be the one to hurt you or break up your relationship or marriage. And when it all boils down, it’s simply not any of their business. Once they tell you, you want to know how they know and how long they have known which could only intensify the situation. And when it’s time for you to confront your mate, they’ll want to know where you got your information from. And that only gets them deeper in “your “situation. So you have to understand what position that puts them in…a very uncomfortable one.

Hey Tired. First of all, some people are still stuck in “their” past and can’t get out of it. Ever heard the saying that “Misery loves Company”? It’s true. Some people don’t believe they’re able to rise past their own personal issues. And since they don’t believe they can, they don’t believe anyone else can either. Nor do they want them to. When they see you putting forth the effort, this makes them uncomfortable because they still haven’t taken the steps needed to overcome their circumstances. And no one wants to be the only person in an unfavorable situation. Trust me. When things start to change for the better, they really get uncomfortable. This is because your effort is only proving to them it can be done. And as a result, they no longer have an excuse for not trying themselves. Then people will start to have expectations of them…and they might not be ready to put in the work like you. Sometimes, they might not even realize that they are not ready to come out of their issue because it might not be their season yet. But here is what I need you to do. Always strive to be better. Don’t let your past dictate your future. Ever notice when seasons change, so does a lot of things around you? Well as you grow, the more people you will leave behind…even some related to you. When it’s your season, it’s “your” season…and no one can take that away from you. §

So ask yourself, what would you do in this situation? Would you really want to be the bearer of that kind of news? Southern Soul l March 2015

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Friday, May 1, 2015 Annual Tribute Luncheon and Symposium

LEGENDS AWARD RECEPTION Thursday, April 23, 2015 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE | Facebook: Women’s Foundation | Twitter: WFGM_ORG Instagram: WFGM_ORG office: 901.578.9346 | fax: 901.578.9446 24 |

Southern Soul l March 2015

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Legal View

Women’s Rights

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One Commerce Square 40 S. Main Street, Suite 2380 Knowing Your Memphis, Tennessee 38103

Power In The Law


A woman can do (almost) anything a man can do - not only can we do it, often we do it better! The gritty reality, however is that it is harder for women to find success than their male counterparts due to societal limitations, legal barriers and gender assumptions. Unlike men, women face particular challenges specific only to them. That's where the law comes in - to level the playing field so women have the same or similar advantages as men.

REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS Since the historic Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, a woman's right to decide whether to bear a child has been legally protected. This protection, however, is not absolute – many states have passed laws that encumber, and in some cases, make it virtually impossible for women to exercise the right to choose. Tennessee recently passed Proposition 1, which erodes the protections of Roe v. Wade and opens the door to restrictive legislation in Tennessee. As of the time of this writing, no legislation has been passed, but it is likely there will be attempts in the future.

DISCRIMINATION IN THE WORKPLACE An increasing number of women work outside the home and are either the sole breadwinner, or co-breadwinner for their families. As you can imagine, women face discrimination throughout the Federal Laws that Provide Protections for Women workplace, beginning with the interview. Equal Pay Act of 1963 - requires employers to Family Medical Leave Act - prohibits discrimi-

pay men and women equally for doing the same work. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964- bars discrimination in all aspects of employment, based on race, color, sex or national origin. Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 -prohibits sex discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth and related conditions.

nation against pregnant women and parents who take leave from their jobs to care for a newborn, child, or aging parents. Americans With Disabilities Act - prohibits discrimination in the workplace based on a person's physical disabilities. Roe v. Wade - protects the right of a women to abortion in the first trimester, and with broad health reasons in the second and third.

Hiring Employment discrimination against women often begins in the interview. It is important to know what is prohibited so you can know if your rights have been violated. While it is illegal to ask any applicant about their age, race, gender and sexual orientation, (with few exceptions) there are certain types of questions

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Legal View that are sometimes asked of women that are particularly troublesome. For example, the following questions are prohibited: Do you have children? Are you married, single or divorced? What are your childcare arrangements? What are your plans if you get pregnant? Does your spouse work? Based on an applicant's answers, an employer may make assumptions about the applicant, for example, an applicant with young children may need time off to care for her child or that a single woman may be more committed than a married one, etc. The employer, however, does have a right to obtain information that will help him/her operate his/her business. The law allows employers to ask questions that have a legitimate relationship to employment, such as: Do you have any restrictions or commitments that would prevent you from traveling? Do you anticipate any absences from work on a regular basis? These questions are permissible, while those listed above are not. Equal Pay Most modern families depend on women's wages, but most women don't earn a fair wage. On average, women earn about 78 cents for every dollar men earn. There is no reason a woman doing the same job does not get the same pay. If you are (1) working in the same place, (2) doing equal work and (3) receiving unequal pay, you may be subject to discrimination and may make a claim for money damages. If, however, your employer can show a legitimate reason for the pay disparity, such as more seniority or more experience, you may not be successful. Pregnancy Given more women are gainfully employed during their childbearing years; more women are experiencing pregnancy while employed. The Pregnancy Discrimination


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Act (PDA) protects the rights of pregnant women in the workplace. It is almost shocking to believe some women are fired, denied promotions, forced to take time off, etc. simply because they are pregnant - but it happens. As long as a pregnant woman is still able to do her job, she is entitled to do it and an employer cannot restrict her ability to work based on assumptions about her limitations. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits employment discrimination based on a person’s physical disabilities. While a normal pregnancy is not considered a disability under the law, if you have pregnancy related medical conditions you must be treated the same as any other employee with a temporary disability under the ADA. In most cases, such temporary disability would entitle you to light duty, or some other appropriate accommodation. BREASTFEEDING Tennessee is one of many states that protect a woman’s right to breastfeed in public or private. In Tennessee, a woman may breastfeed in any location, public or private, that the woman is authorized to be. This right is extended to the workplace. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Obamacare) and Tennessee law requires employers to provide daily break time and a private place other than the bathroom to express milk. Knowing your rights is a powerful tool. This summary is provided to assist you in understanding those rights. If you are unsure, consult an attorney to determine if your rights have been infringed upon. In the words of Alice Walker, “the most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” Now that you know your rights, use your power and insist your rights be respected! §

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Put Your Financial House In Order

Steps to Nurture Financial Growth



Spring is right around the corner and trees are starting to bloom. We’re feeling more energized and optimistic as we leave long, cold winter evenings behind us. This is usually the time of year when we’re ready to de-clutter and put extra effort into sprucing up our homes inside and out, as well as refreshing our wardrobe. Why not also set aside some time to spring into action and put your financial house in order? The benefits of such action could last a lifetime rather than just a season. Interested? Here are a few seeds of thought.

Just as plants must deal with challenges of unpredictable spring weather, women also have a few challenges. Women endure an uphill climb when it comes to accumulating retirement assets. Why? First, we tend to earn less than our male counterparts1. While this is not true for all women, this disparity does affect many women. Let’s face it, a reduced income impacts our ability to save and invest to meet our long term financial goals. Women tend to work fewer years which presents another potential obstacle2. While this may not be your reality, there are women who have stayed home for several years to raise their children or those who have taken a leave from work to care for an elderly parent. Time spent with loved ones is important but it comes with consequences, such as fewer years to participate in an employer’s 401(k) plan and receive the employer’s matching contribution if one is offered, as well as fewer pay increases and opportunities for promotion.

Another major challenge can be our reluctance to take on financial risk. For instance, compared to men, we are less inclined to have investments such as stocks and mutual funds, opting instead for safety of CDs3. Safer investments, which typically provide a lower return, have their place. However, it is the relatively riskier investments which may have the potential for higher return. While it may be okay for the Easter bunny to put all its eggs in one

basket, perhaps you may want to consider an investment portfolio containing assets with varying levels of risk. No matter what level of risk is involved, remember there is no guarantee of profits or protection against loss. What can we do to position ourselves for long term financial stability? Just as we organize our closets and get rid of unwanted items to make room for the latest fashions, we need to take an inventory of our financial assets. Do it now. Take out a pen and paper or use your laptop to list your sources of future retirement income. One of these sources will likely be Social Security income. Determine the amount of the benefit you’re eligible for at age 62 and at your full retirement age, which varies depending on your birth year. (If you don’t know where to begin, www. is a helpful resource.) Have you actually sat down and determined at what age it would be most beneficial for you to start your benefits? Although it’s tempting to begin benefits at age 62, this may not be the optimum plan for you in the long term. Remember, what’s best for your friends or relatives may not be best for you. Also, determine whether you will be entitled to any spousal Social Security benefits from a current or former spouse. It’s possible that these spousal benefits may exceed the benefits to which you’re entitled, based on your own earnings history. If necessary, seek assistance in evaluating your Social Security options. Another source of retirement income may be the money accumulated in your 401(k), 403(b), or other workplace retirement plans. During our working years, we may participate in a various workplace retirement plans and may have 401(k) balances left behind as we moved from job to job. Set aside time to locate all documents related to your workplace retirement assets (from present and past employers). Next, review these assets to make sure they are invested and aligned with your tolerance for risk as well as your retirement goals. Unless there is no other option, resist the temptation to cash in these 401(k)

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Finance assets before retirement. Doing so will result in taxes, and potential penalties depending on your age, not to mention a reduction in the size of your retirement nest egg. A third source of retirement income is any savings and investments you’ve accumulated outside the workplace, such as IRAs, Roth IRAs, and non-retirement investment accounts. I’ve come across several situations where clients established several different IRAs, Roth IRAs, and investment accounts over the years with different financial services companies. Consolidating these retirement assets can be beneficial. At a minimum, you may discover you’re actually better off financially than you realized. A bouquet of roses is better than a single rose here and there, right? The final source of retirement income we will look at is pension income. I saved this category to discuss last because, just as snowfall is rare in spring, I’m seeing fewer and fewer clients with pensions. A pension is a monthly retirement paycheck which your past employer pays you for life. Generally, the amount of your monthly pension check is based on a formula using your earnings and years of service. Also, you have different distribution options available depending on whether you would like your spouse or some other individual to continue to receive pension payments in the event of your death. While you’re organizing your financial documents, make it a priority to locate a summary of your pension benefits as well as distribution options. This information will be invaluable in creating your long term financial plan. We have now taken a full inventory of potential sources of retirement income and we’re ready to wrap up this financial exercise and enjoy a walk in the park or a long bike ride. Not so fast. Are you content with what you saw as

you reviewed your sources of retirement income? Or, did you discover opportunities for improvement? If you would like your financial garden to grow, I recommend using some fertilizer, meaning increasing your 401(k) and IRA or Roth IRA contributions. Perhaps you haven’t started these investments, consider doing so. And by the way, you don’t have to go down the financial road alone. Just as you may hire someone to cut your grass and handle your landscaping needs, there are those who can guide you on your financial path. Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know. At a minimum, a financial advisor can listen to your questions and provide you with answers empowering you to make informed financial decisions. This time of year our neighborhoods are alive with the vibrant color of green. Here’s a final thought: ladies, financial security is not pink or blue, it’s green as well. I encourage you to take personal responsibility for your own financial security. Spring has sprung, go have some fun! Footnotes 1 and 2: Institute for Women’s Policy Research: Still a Man’s Labor Market: The Long-Term Earnings Gap, February 2008. Footnote 3: BlackRock: Men vs. Women: Risk Aversion, November 6, 2013. This article is meant to be general in nature and should not be construed as investment or financial advice related to your personal situation. Please consult your financial advisor prior to making financial decisions. Pamela D. Pitts, CFP®, is a Financial Advisor with Waddell & Reed and can be reached at 901-685-2700 ext.: 146. Waddell & Reed, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC §

Pamela D. Pitts, CFP® Pam served as an officer in the United States Navy and worked as an attorney in Nashville, Tennessee. She began her legal career with FedEx Corporation as a Labor and Employment lawyer. Subsequently she was promoted to the positions of Senior Employment Litigation Attorney, Managing Director of Labor and Employment Law, and Vice President Human Resources Services and Diversity. After 15 years, Pam left her successful career with FedEx Corporation to pursue her passion -personal finance. Pamela is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional committed to the personal finance profession by obtaining the CFP® certification. Pam uses this knowledge to make 30 |

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a difference in her clients’ lives and is an impassioned advocate of financial planning for all. Pam graduated from Vanderbilt University with an engineering degree and received her law degree from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. She is a member of the Tennessee Bar, Toastmasters International, Tennessee Chapter of the National Speakers Association, as well as the National Financial Planning Association. Pam has presented personal finance workshops to both adults and teens. She has obtained both the Series 7 and 66 securities licenses and currently works as a financial advisor for the national financial services firm of Waddell & Reed.

Tax article

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NFL Wife to Speak at YWCA Benefit Luncheon

Former NFL wife Dewan Smith Williams will speak about her personal experience with domestic violence at the 18th Annual YWCA Benefit Luncheon. 18th Annual YWCA Benefit Luncheon Thursday, March 12, 2015 11:30 a.m. Hilton Memphis 939 Ridge Lake Blvd. Memphis, TN 38120

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When you look better, you feel better! 10 Simple Makeup Tips by TASHA ANDERS Is it vanity or self-confidence? The beauty industry has exploded with makeup during the last decade. This billion-dollar industry has provided consumers with the beauty they so desire. Whether it’s make-up, hair, or plastic surgery, it’s readily available to all. In recent years, more and more self-proclaimed make-up artists are popping up everywhere, fulfilling the needs of women across the globe. Women have become more empowered just by enhancing their look. They realize looks are important and the first impression is usually a lasting impression.

So, what is your definition of beauty? This is something only you can answer. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Outside beauty or inside beauty, you choose. Yes, beauty begins from the inside out, but also from the outside in. It’s proven -- when you look better -you feel better. So where do we begin? Well, look in the mirror. Let’s take a step by step journey to a better you.

STEP 1: CLEAN FACE Start with a clean, healthy palette. YES, your face. This is where the true physical beauty of makeup begins. Clean, vibrant, glowing skin is what you should strive for. Choose a skincare regimen that works best for your skin type. Typically the daily steps to healthy skin are: cleanse, tone, exfoliate (usually 1-2 times weekly) & moisturize. A clean face has always been the best form of natural beauty.

Fresh Face

Tasha Anders/Owner of A’Nuance Tasha Anders-Makeup

STEP 2: BROWS Start with a nice clean brow. Whether waxed, arched, tweezed or threaded; the brow always frames the face and gives your face a fresh clean look. Your facial shape determines your brow shape. The right shaped eyebrow can make or break the whole look. Choose carefully when deciding this shape. You don’t want to go around looking surprised. Fill in brows with an eyebrow pencil (Tip: Not black ….it’s too harsh) or brow shadow. This will create a more defined brown and is a filler in areas of the brow that may be scarce. After the brows are done, next is the eye shadow.

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Beauty STEP 3: EYESHADOW Eye shadow is a personal preference. Eye shadow is used to emphasize the eye area and provide drama. Always prep the eye with a primer. This helps the eye shadow to not only stay on for a longer period of time but also helps prevent it creasing. Primer is also great for making eye shadow color pop! You should select two colors that complement each other, one darker and one lighter tone. Usually, lighter colors & shimmers are applied on the lid brow bone for a highlighted effect. Always start applying from the inner corner of your eyelid and work your way outwards and upward. Apply the darker color first -- slowly along the eyelash line and stop when you reach the crease of your eye socket. Now apply your second color, the lighter shade and place it above your darker shade. This color should extend to your eyebrow line. This is where Ashley Dean-Parson/Owner of “Dean of Fashion” many get stumped. The key is blend, blend, and blend! Once you’ve mastered blending with the right techniques (brush, hand stroke, etc.), go to the next step -- eyeliner.

STEP 4: EYELINER Whether on your top eyelid or bottom, eyeliner is freedom of choice. However, make sure it is done tastefully. Too much liner can give you an older or gaudy look. Over-using it can also cause a “raccoon eye” look, if it “bleeds” under the eyes. Remember, if you haven’t mastered this technique, less is more! STEP 5: FOUNDATION Build the foundation, but notice I started with the eyes first. Any eye shadow residue can always be wiped away before foundation is applied. Choose the correct color and type of foundation for your complexion. To find the correct color, test the foundation on your jawline to see if it matches your neck. If it matches, ding, ding, ding…you’ve got a Winner! STEP 6: HIGHLIGHT/CONTOUR Why stop at applying foundation when you could do a little highlighting for a younger fresher look? Place concealer that’s 1-2 shades lighter in three places: under the eye area, in the center of the forehead, and the bridge of the nose. Blend thoroughly! Using a brush or sponge will help your technique.

Terran Noir Gary/Entertainment Team Coordinator at Memphis Grizzlies

But wait, there’s more! If you want to go for the gusto, the next step is contouring. This helps diminish areas you want to appear less noticeable. Start by applying a concealer or foundation 2 shades darker at the hairline of the forehead, under the cheekbones, and down the sides of the nose. This will make your face appear slimmer, and might I add, take a little weight off of your face. The foundation and the highlighting with the concealer should be set with a translucent powder.

STEP 7: POWDER Whether it’s a loose powder or pressed powder, the next step is to follow up with a powder to set the foundation. This helps foundation stay for a longer lasting effect. Powder can have color or be translucent. Just make sure it matches the skin as well. Use either a brush or powder puff to apply. Southern Soul l March 2015

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Beauty STEP 8: BLUSH When applying blush, start the application in the apples of the cheeks. Make sure you choose a color complimentary to your complexion. If you’ve applied too much, using your powder brush, go over the cheek area to tone down the color.

STEP 9: MASCARA OR LASHES Choose the type of mascara you desire from lengthening or thickening. But never leave home without it! If you are concerned about the consistency of mascara, I suggest lashes. They make the eyes pop and are so much fun! Lashes come in a variety of styles and lengths, so choose the style for the occasion. Yes, there a lot of steps, but I guarantee you’ll get great results. Pick and choose the steps you want. But to create a total look, these steps will take you there! So invest in you by being the best you!

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Taylor Thomas/Professional Model

STEP 10: LIPS A lipstick/lip-gloss is your personal preference. There are so many colors to choose from. Just make it fun!

Is it vanity? Nah… just call it confidence, self-respect, self-love! And remember, beauty not only begins from the inside out, but also from the outside in.……”When you look better, you feel better”. §


Detoxing Your Body, Mind and Soul Rejuvenate, Renew & Shine by LATINA EPPS THOMAS Exfoliating with a sugar scrub doesn't relax the muscles, the way salt does, but it relaxes the mind with its yummy smell. And unlike salt scrubs which can irritate your skin, sugar scrubs don't burn. Sugar is also full of glycolic acid, an alphahydroxy acid that is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and is usually a key ingredient in a lot of expensive products. The natural glycolic acid in sugar not only helps condition and moisturize skin, but protects it from toxins.


I just love Spring. I love feeling the warm sun on my face while digging in the rich dark soil of my organic garden. There is something so profoundly fulfilling and worthwhile about getting my hands dirty while planting little bundles of seeds -- genetically containing everything they need to eventually grow into incredibly delicious and healthy vegetables for my family.

I love seeing flowers wake up from their deep slumber, rejuvenated and renewed, ready to burst forth and shine in all their glory. As spring approaches I think of how I too need an awaking and rejuvenation. I need to detox not only my body but my mind and soul as well. So I thought I would share a few of my secrets to becoming a new person. Or at the very least, some ways to slough off the old skin and release the toxins of life from your body, mind and soul.

START WITH DETOXING THE BODY! Winter months have a tendency to wreak havoc on our skin, leaving it scaly, dry or just plain rough! One of the best ways to slough off that dry flaky skin is by nourishing it with a delicious sugar scrub. Regularly exfoliated skin is healthier, both in appearance and function. Cleansed of dead skin, the largest organ of your body circulates more efficiently, breathing in good nourishment and expelling out toxins. It starts to glow and becomes more uniform in appearance with tighter pores, and is soft to the touch. Who doesn't want that?

Fortunately, I found it's not necessary to go out and buy an expensive sugar scrub. You can easily make one at home with ingredients most of us have in the pantry or that can be easily purchased. Making it at home also ensures there are no preservatives in the scrub as those found in commercial scrubs. Adding preservatives defeats the purpose -- why add toxins when trying to get rid of them? Here is one of my favorite (super easy and quick) recipes for a fabulous sugar scrub. By the way, it makes a great gift too!

Sugar Scrub

Prep time 10 minutes Ingredients 1 cup coconut oil 2 cups sugar 10-15 drops essential oil (Lavender for calming and/or Eucalyptus for detoxing) Instructions Combine coconut oil and one cup of sugar in bowl and mix until creamy. Add essential oil while continuing to stir. Add remaining sugar until it reaches the desired consistency. If you want even more nourishment for your skin; add one tablespoon of Vitamin E oil to mixture. Voila! Scrub away and love your new super soft skin! To get the most from a sugar scrub, make sure you massage the scrub into your skin in small, circular motions. Don’t over-exfoliate. Depending on your skin type, you should use a sugar scrub a few times a week. If you have dry skin, once a week is probably enough.

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Fitness Store remaining scrub in a tightly sealed container for later use. This recipe can be used with any essential oil. So change the scent with the seasons or the holidays! DETOXING THE INSIDE AS WELL! You may have heard about the phenomenal benefits of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar or Raw Organic ACV for short. Until last year, this little wonder juice (as I like to call it) was not anywhere near my radar! I have since jumped on the Raw Organic ACV bandwagon. If you have been totally oblivious to the wonders of Raw Organic ACV, here is a little info about why you too should become a fan! Made from crushed fermented apples, natural Raw Organic ACV is an unfiltered and unpasteurized murky brown color, often sold with a dark, cloudy sediment that contains enzymes and minerals often destroyed in the processing of other types of vinegar. This sediment is called the "Mother." With a high level of potassium and a host of other nutrients, Raw Organic ACV truly is a nutritional powerhouse known for its amazing natural cleansing, healing and energizing health benefits. For detoxing inside your body, Raw Organic ACV breaks down fat, mucous and phlegm deposits, thereby improving the health of your body’s vital organs. Just think of it as the original “cleanse.” The unique acids in Raw Organic ACV, not only bind to toxins to eliminate them from your body, but also (because of its high levels of natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes), simultaneously replace the nutrients in your body as you purge toxins. And for all of you looking to jump on an alkaline diet, as an added bonus, Raw Organic ACV can also maintain your pH balance. One of the best ways to consume Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is by making a delicious Detox Tea. Here is an incredibly easy recipe with common ingredients found in most markets.

Detox Tea

Ingredients 1-2 tsp. of Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with the "Mother" 1-2 tsp. of Raw, Unheated and Unprocessed Honey (add according to taste) 8 oz. of hot water Instructions Combine all ingredients together. Drink 1-2 times a day; preferably first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then at lunch time before your meal. It really is incredibly delicious and tastes like hot apple cider. Get creative with it -add cinnamon or lemon juice or anything else that would help release toxins. I sometimes add Bragg's Raw Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar to my smoothies!

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DETOXING THE MIND We are constantly bombarded with noise, lights, and emotions, which can eventually lead to sensory overload! So while detoxing your body, it’s good to also clear clutter from your mind, permitting your mind to simply rest. Turn the TV off, turn the devices off. Turn everything off. Set aside a specific period of time every day for quiet meditation. Aim for 10-15 minutes per day. If you don't know how to meditate, try belly breathing. Start by placing your right hand palm down on the space between your belly button and your pubic bone; and placing your left hand palm down on the space between your lower ribcage and your upper belly button. While breathing in through your nose, count slowly to 5 or 6 counts, feel your tummy rise with each breath. Breathe out just as slowly, allowing the belly to drop. Perhaps, start with 5 minutes trying to work up to 10-15 minutes a day. It helps to set an alarm to notify when allotted time is up so you're not constantly looking at the clock and can totally focus on your breathing. DETOXING YOUR SOUL The very definition of detox is "a process or period of time which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances.” This goes for our souls as well. There are times we may need to detox our souls of past mistakes, the pain or hurts we have experienced, or perhaps find forgiveness towards others or ourselves. Here are just a few ideas to get started with your soul detox. Begin by giving thanks and writing down what you are grateful for and make a gratitude jar. Abstain from alcohol, frivolous conversations with friends, and from social media, so you can hear from God. Take a time out, and get still, by disconnecting from distractions. Forcing a radical change in your environment will help you live better in your environment. Make a list of things that bother you and what you need to do about those things in order to get them off your heart. Write them down, place in a trashcan, and burn it. Letting them go once and for all. Remember when the soul is healthy, "we can love better, engage better, give more, receive more, share more, and be more with the world around us and everyone we meet along the way." So as Spring approaches, take a lesson from the flowers. . . It's time to rejuvenate, renew and shine in all your glory! § We would love to hear from you. Log on to SouthernSoulMagazine and tell us about your favorite detox.


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Africa In April



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Focus on You!

Understanding Psychological Health



As women, we are pulled in so many directions and we have so many things vying for our attention during the course of the week. We find ourselves managing multiple roles in our homes, careers, communities, religious organizations and more. We are masters of multi-tasking which we often boldly proclaim. But don’t be fooled…it’s not as productive as we think. We have to move faster and faster to keep up, rushing through the important, meaningful moments with friends and family or skipping them altogether. Before long, we are screaming at the top of our lungs, “stop this merry-goround, I want to get off ”! Ok, many of us are not that far gone, but some of us have stopped that merry-go-round more than once before or jumped off while it was still spinning. My point is -- it is very easy for all these things to distract us from taking care of ourselves. For many of us, we are the last ‘task’ on our own To Do List. Our bodies are miraculous and there are new and exciting things to discover about it at every age. We should make it a priority to take care of our body, we only get one. Even if you already have a medical condition, try to learn enough about it to live as well as you can. Become a partner in your healthcare, your doctor could use the help. This article is meant to empower you to take charge of your own health and to focus on Psychological Health in particular. This is an area many of us know little about. As a society, we are often reluctant to discuss mental illness openly -- even in our doctor's office. Too many people with these conditions feel stigmatized or embarrassed, are hesitant to seek help and opt to suffer in silence. We often think of these conditions as a character flaw, a weakness of the will or a lack of faith in God. It is none of these and those affected do not make the choice to have it.

Psychiatric disorders in this country are more prevalent where we live, the southeastern United States. And, of the 3 most common conditions; Depression, Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder, all are more common in women than in men. Therefore, having a better understanding of our emotional health is important for each of us and also for the women around us; our mothers, daughters and best friends. First, it’s important to know that psychological disorders are considered medical conditions that involve the mind, thoughts and emotions. Psychiatrists (the physicians that often treat psychiatric disorders) complete medical school just like Cardiologists and Surgeons. They have knowledge of medical diseases because these can sometimes cause emotional problems. Thyroid dysfunction, brain disorders or medications can cause psychiatric symptoms. Next, we should understand how our emotional health is connected to our overall health. Think of it this way, our bodies are made up of three (3) components; Physical Health, Psychological Health and Spiritual Health. They are all connected, overlap each other and work together to keep us going. For example, it has been proven that stress can contribute to developing gastric ulcers, some chronic pain conditions can lead to depression, and prayer and meditation can speed recovery after surgery meaning it can promote healing. Keeping these three (3) components in balance help us maintain optimal health and wellness. Let’s briefly talk about Depression, Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder which is also known as Manic Depressive Illness. We know there is a chemical imbalance in the brain with these disorders similar to the imbalance of insulin and blood sugar that is associated with diabetes. This imbalance causes the abnormal feelings and Southern Soul l March 2015

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Health emotions we will discuss below. But let’s keep it simple and say when we experience stress, depression or problems with our emotions that negatively affect our home and family relationships or our work and social activities, we should not ignore it. Depression may be present if you experience several of the following feelings; frequently feeling sad, down or loss of interest in your usual activities and hobbies. You may feel a lack of enjoyment or less interest in friends. Low energy or tiredness are a common complaint and sleep patterns change where you can’t sleep well. Appetite, concentration and decision-making can change from the usual. Negative thoughts about yourself and the future occur more often. Life begins to feel like a burden. Thoughts of suicide don’t have to be present to make the diagnosis of depression, but if they do occur, you should seek medical attention right away or at least confide in someone. These thoughts tend to increase over time and should not be allowed to go on without medical attention. Bipolar disorder or Manic Depressive Illness is associated with periods of depression lasting weeks or months followed by periods of worsened irritability or anger towards almost everyone; increased energy; and, restlessness so you find it hard to slow down. Sleep decreases and you don’t need as much sleep to keep you going. There may be faster speech and faster thoughts with quick decisions and poorly thought out plans leading to problems or destructive behavior. Sometimes the mood becomes elevated or unusually happy and outgoing. Spending money excessively and increased sex drive can occur (but do not have to be present). This period of increased behaviors may last for days or weeks and is known as mania. This means that Bipolar disorder is associated with both down periods (depression) and up periods (mania). Different people experience different degrees of these symptoms. Anxiety disorder is associated with strong feelings of stress, nervousness and lots of worries about lots of different things. These feelings are present almost all the time and it is hard to keep them under control. People with anxiety are irritable with a short temper and easily rubbed the wrong way. Tightness of the muscles, feeling on edge or tense and an inability to relax are commonly present. You might have trouble focusing your mind on things and easily get tired and worn out making it difficult to get through each day. Nights are full of thoughts and worries that make it hard to sleep. These anxiety feelings are not due to temporary circumstances but last for 6 months or more -- usually without a cause. Finally, it is important to know these psychiatric conditions and others can be managed and symptoms can become well controlled with appropriate treatment. Treatment may include talk therapy, behavior or environment changes, medications or a combination of these. Some medications are affordable even if you don't have insurance that pays for your medicines, as low as $4 per month. I encourage you to seek a trained healthcare provider who can help you find a healthy balance again by finding the treatment that fits best for you. Don’t isolate yourself from others, find someone to confide in. And a final precaution, don’t use drugs or alcohol to change your mood or treat any of these symptoms, it can worsen psychiatric conditions and sometimes lead to them as well. § 42 |

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Dr. Lora McGill is a board certified Neurologist living and working in the Memphis community for 22 years. She is currently Lead Principal Investigator at CNS Healthcare and has conducted over 300 clinical trials. She and her research team have helped bring over 40 medications to market over the past 13 years. Prior to CNS Healthcare, Dr. McGill worked in private practice at Semmes Murphey Clinic and solo practice in Southaven, MS. She serves as Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center as a volunteer faculty member and mentor. Her current practice is limited to clinical research and she has been actively involved in community service through St. Andrew AME Church, Memphis (TN) Chapter of the Links, Inc. and Beta Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She is happily married and has 2 children.

Currently Enrolling Studies: -Depression -Anxiety -Fibromyalgia -Migraines -Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (Low Sex Drive) If you or someone you know is suffering from any of the conditions listed above, call the trained healthcare providers at CNS Healthcare to see if there is a clinical research study that may be right for you. Pediatric, Adult & Geriatric Studies Available Lora McGill, MD ‐ Valerie Arnold, MD ‐ Dolores DiGaetano, MD Shaina Shepherd, Psy.D. ‐ Kaki Scatamacchia, MSN, NP‐C

Insurance is never needed and qualified participants receive confidential study related care and medication at no cost. Compensation may also be offered for your time and travel.

Call today for a free appointment!


INTRODUCING COMPREHENSIVE PEDIATRICS Contemporary Pediatrics, previously owned/ operated by the late Dr. Grover Barnes - under new leadership of Dr. Ethelyn Williams-Neal and Dr. Rhonda Johnson. Comprehensive Pediatrics will continue providing quality services for children from birth through young adulthood.

Dr. Grover Barnes (d)

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Parents’ Guide to Child’s Good HealthCare!

Pediatrician’s Recommendations



Pediatrics is the practice of medicine for children from birth to early adulthood, approximately 18 to 25 years of age. Unlike most medical specialties, pediatrics is focused on prevention of medical illnesses rather than treatment. With some exceptions, most American women are the decision makers when it comes to child healthcare. This is another example how women shape, empower, and support the community- by making such vital decisions concerning child healthcare -- decisions such as where care will be given, who will be the provider, and which type of insurance coverage for the child. Below are some tools you may find helpful to secure good medical care for your child. Establish a Medical Home. 1. Establishing a medical home means identifying a location where your child receives primary medical care. This could be a clinic, a doctor’s office or a physicians group. But most importantly is establishing a relationship with a physician you and your child will get to know and with whom you’ll develop a level of trust and comfort. 2. While it’s best to choose a primary care provider before your child is born, a medical home can be established at any time, and changed at any time. For example, at the time of your child’s birth you’re asked to name a pediatrician before you and your child are discharged from the hospital. If you are new in the community, you will need to select a

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new medical home and still have the option to change at any time. 3. Other benefits include having a place to go, other than the emergency room, when your child is ill. Remember, the emergency room is not your primary care provider and should only be utilized for true emergencies. Some examples of emergencies are trouble breathing, bleeding, extreme pain, injuries and accidents, seizures, and other such circumstances. 4. Well-child care (also known as check-ups, physicals, shots, school physicals, etc.) can be performed at your medical home where your child’s records are kept. These records detail your child’s full medical history and shot records. 5. Referrals can be given (as deemed necessary by your primary care provider) for specialty opinions, specialty procedures, x-rays, lab and blood work, hearing screens, mental health conditions, behavior/learning disorders, etc. Your primary care physician can also make arrangements for hospital admissions when needed. Finally, provided you’ve followed the guidelines they’ve put in place, your medical home can additionally be a place you call for medical advice and - provided you’ve followed the guidelines set in place- your physician can provide forms needed for your child’s daycare, school, camp, and extracurricular activities. Things you can do to insure your medical office visit is more effective, thorough and complete: 1. Be sure to take all insurance information and be sure it is up-to-date. In this country, most children are able to receive adequate medical care due in part to the Medicaid

Health program. The program in Tennessee (known as TennCare) is for either uninsured or under-insured individuals. The program does provide good basic care for any child in the community regardless of their socioeconomic status. 2. Make a list of your concerns before you visit the office. 3. Be sure to have names of any medications the child is taking and the dosage. 4. Be sure to have names of other physicians your child has seen and what type of medicine they practice. In addition please list dates of visits to medical facilities other than your primary care office, and if possible; list diagnoses and treatments provided. You don’t have to use medical terminology but it is helpful if you have the list prepared and also take documents you may have with you. 5. Finally, all referrals follow-up appointments should be kept. If you’re unable to make them, it is your responsibility to cancel and/or reschedule, preferably 48 hours prior to the time of the visit. Take Advantage of additional services that may be provided in your community. Your church, your child’s school, and other community centers may provide additional services, which are useful and beneficial to your child’s healthcare. Well-child exams and dental and vision exams are given at schools to children who might not have been able to see a primary care provider. Health fairs provide screenings for diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure and more. These are good examples of resources in the community. The above recommendations are not all-inclusive, but hopefully offer some points to think about and can be useful in securing good healthcare for your child. This in turn helps to insure our children grow up to be healthy, happy and productive adults. §

Ethelyn Williams-Neal, a noted Pediatrician, has, over forty years, provided outstanding pediatric healthcare to children from birth through college age in Memphis and the Mid-South area. Dr. Williams-Neal uses a preventive approach, centered on educating parents how to best take care of their children. She is a Fellow, American Academy of Pediatrics; member of National Medical Association and Tennessee Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics, and Past President, Bluff City Medical Society. Dr. Williams-Neal is an ardent supporter of our community having served on the Memphis Symphony Board of Directors; Methodist Outreach Board of Directors; Memphis and Shelby County Hospital Authority Board; and, Girls, Inc. Board. She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority; Memphis (TN) Chapter of Links, Incorporated; The Society Inc.,-Memphis Chapter; and, Friendship Baptist Church.

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Latin Soul

Multiculturalism and Diversity



When you think about Multicultural cities, automatically you think of Miami, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, or Atlanta. However, the reality is that Memphis has truly become a melting pot city, just like those other cities. Over the last ten years, Memphis has substantially increased its Multicultural presence. Latinos, Asians, Africans, Europeans and Middle Easterners tend to make the core components of this group, bringing to the city a special touch with their own customs, people, languages and food. I would like to share my favorite definition of this concept. Multiculturalism has been defined as the doctrine that allows several different cultures (rather than one national culture) to coexist peacefully and equitably in a single country. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding each individual is unique, while also recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the lines of gender, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, age, socio-economic status, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. It is the exploration of these differences in a safe, positive, and nurturing environment. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to embracing and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity within each individual. I am part of that Multicultural group‌ I am an immigrant. In 2005, when I arrived to Memphis I didn't realize how diverse Memphis was, especially when I was coming from New York City. But through the years, I have come to realize Memphis indeed, is a richly diversified city of people from all over the world. I started with remarks about our vibrant Multicultural community, because it has become my driving force and I am inspired to help our community acknowledge and celebrate the vast individual talents which make up this segment of the population? How can Memphis be made more aware of and more inclusive of some of our newest residents?

SOUTHERN SOUL introduces its monthly column Latin SOUL authored by Alexandra Matlock. Each month, Ms. Matlock will share our community’s Latin and multicultural rich culture and experiences. A couple of years ago, I had the idea to create an event that would provide a comprehensive platform for all cultures, minorities, people from diverse backgrounds of religions and ethnicities to achieve their career goals and to find a reason to stay in Memphis and contribute to the growth of our city. Southern Soul l March 2015

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Latin Soul

That's how the 1st Annual Multicultural Career Expo was born in 2014. I feel so excited to say that it was a great event. Nearly 1,000 attendees from various backgrounds and walks of life attended the event, 52% Female, 48% Male, 59% College Degree. We received overwhelming support from major companies within the city that understood and trusted our vision. Just to name a few of the corporations that contributed to the 2014 event were Independent Bank, Workforce Investment Network, Regional One Health, Methodist Health System, MLGW, Regions Bank, State Farm, IT HAS BECOME MY DRIVING Memphis Shelby FORCE AND I AM INSPIRED TO County Airport HELP OUR COMMUNITY Authority, FedEx, Service Master, UPS, and Kroger, among others. Hilton Memphis played an important role for the event. We wanted to have a centrally located venue that also had the professional atmosphere that we needed. I was very pleased when the Hilton Memphis recognized the need for an event such as this and accepted to be our Presenting Sponsor in 2014. Our event had a total of 48 exhibitors, who had the opportunity to acquire diverse talent on the spot. This year, we are privileged to have as our Presenting Sponsors FedEx, First Tennessee Bank 48 |

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and Hilton Memphis. These corporations recognize the importance of talent acquisition and talent retention of Multicultural candidates. In addition, we are partnering with four major colleges in the city, Christian Brothers University, Rhodes College, LeMoyne-Owen College and Southwest Tennessee Community College in order to engage with the multicultural student bodies and encourage participation in the event. In addition, students will have the opportunity to seek internships and career possibilities with participating companies. Also this year, as part of the Multicultural Career Expo, we are offering a series of free professional workshops leading up to our event on April 12th, 2015 from 12pm – 5pm at Hilton Memphis. My contribution to Memphis…. The Multicultural Career Expo. With so much community support, hopefully we will see this event growing more and more each year, and with this growth, new opportunities for so many of the talented multicultural professionals that help to make our city so unique. See you all on April the 12th. Please visit our website for more information Hasta pronto mis queridos lectores! §

Saturday, March 14, 2015 | 10AM—2PM The Salvation Army KROC Center 800 East Parkway South Memphis, TN 38104

Free and open to the public! In partnership with the

Shelby County Health Department

Free Screenings & Family Fun Join the fight to prevent kidney disease and pair up with the American Kidney Fund at Kidney Action Day. Bring your friends and family to this fun-filled, family-friendly event.

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National Sponsor

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For more information, contact: Omatola Gordon-Rose 404.658.1421 | Southern Soul l March 2015 | 49



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Discover the arts, restaurants and culture of Memphis at your own pace – hop on and off to see the sites that appeal to you! Explore great family entertainment, authentic history, and celebrate the unique flavors and sounds of Memphis.




Isaac Hayes & Three 6 MAFIA Making Academy Awards History


America loves entertainment! While much of the world is mulled in tragedy and distress, we annually spend months anticipating the Academy Awards, chatting about nominations once they are announced, throwing parties to watch the big Oscar distribution (arrive early to slam certain attire arriving on the red carpet), then several more days discussing and tweeting about who won, who lost, and who made the biggest spectacle of themselves.


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retroSOUL By now, the 2015 post-Oscar chatter is about to die down, following last month’s marathon distribution of those 8.5 pound statuettes (actually, to be accurate, that’s 2014 post-Oscar chatter because, although it airs live in 2015, it’s referred to as the 2014 Academy Awards, designated by the year the films are released). So, on February 22, the little gold guys were presented, adding to the 2,947 statues that have found their way to celebrity mantels since the gaudy spectacle began in 1929. I say “gold,” the Academy Awards Oscars are actually gold-plated britannium, and they stand 13.5” tall. Originally they were gold-plated bronze. For three years during World War II, statues were made of plaster and painted gold due to metal shortage. And I could ramble as long as a 4-hour telecast with additional trivia about the longest speech, the most nominations, and the youngest winner… but more important is the story of how Memphis made Academy Award history… not just once, but twice! In 1972 (at the 1971 Academy Awards), Memphian Isaac Hayes performed the “Theme from Shaft,” which had hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart the previous November. You wouldn’t expect the televised performance to be anything less than an almost miraculous spectacle by “Black Moses,” would you? Shut yo’ mouth! Following an intro featuring plenty of smoke and dancers rising from under the stage, Hayes, seated at his organ, was pushed onto the stage, wearing his trademark chainmail vest. Many considered the song to be inappropriate. In fact, as late as 1990, censors for Fox television considered the song too risqué to even air on The Simpsons (which is no Sesame Street, itself!). It aired after someone pointed out that the song had already been featured on TV eighteen years earlier. Now back to that performance in 1972. Immediately following the performance, cameras cut to Sammy Davis, Jr., one of the evening’s presenters, 52 |

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literally jumping up and down before responding, “Talk about heavy!” If you’re old enough to remember this Rat Pack alum, you can imagine him saying that (if you’re too young, just YouTube “Candy Man”). Moments later presenter Joel Grey (if you’re too young, imagine an older, slightly goofier Ryan Seacrest, or simply YouTube “Cabaret”) read the nominees for “Best Original Song.” They included such cinematic hits as “Bless the Beasts and the Children” (really, YouTube it) and such iconic composers and lyricists as Marvin Hamlisch, Henry Mancini… and, the last nominee read, “’Theme from Shaft,’ music and lyrics by Isaac Hayes.” The winner was Isaac Hayes, announced to thunderous applause – not quite loud enough to drown out Sammy Davis, Jr. shouting, “I told you so” off camera. In doing so, Hayes made global and Memphis music history. He not only became the first AfricanAmerican to win “Best Original Song” (for any Academy Award in a non-acting category), but he also became the first recipient of the award to both write and perform the winning song. And thirdly, I suppose, the first to perform in a chainmail vest! Amidst applause, Hayes crossed the stage to the podium, wearing a white-fur-lined blue tuxedo (after all, how do you top a chainmail vest?). What followed was a brief, yet poignant speech, thanking his grandmother (who had accompanied him to the awards show) and telling how “her prayers kept my feet on the path of righteousness” before raising the statuette and promising to present it to his grandmother for her upcoming 80th birthday. He was all class, and he made Memphis music history. Then the Academy Awards stage was struck by Memphis music lightning for a second time… three decades later. Let’s jump forward to 2006 (fewer of you will need to YouTube). During another long telecast, Brokeback Mountain lost for “Best Picture” and Reese Witherspoon won as June Carter Cash in the Johnny Cash biopic, Walk the Line. This time, for a “Best Original

retroSOUL Hall of Fame. Not that it was needed, but these previous 1,000 words clearly explain just a few of the reasons why. A little later this spring, both will be featured in the new Memphis Music Hall of Fame museum that will open soon on Second at Beale Street. Both artists were inducted the same year, in 2012… forty years after Isaac Hayes helped Memphis, Tennessee make Academy Award history… for the first time.

Song” performance after first, ironically, referencing “Theme from Shaft,” Ludacris introduced Memphis rap pioneers Three 6 Mafia and their hit from the film Hustle & Flow, “It’s Hard Out Here For a Pimp.” For television, “witches” replaced another word in the chorus. In many ways, the theatrics of the stage performance echoed elements of Isaac Hayes’ historymaking performance 34 years earlier… including dancers and elaborate set. Just as with Hayes, the ceremonial reading of the nominees and the opening of the envelope was held immediately following their set, only this time it was Queen Latifah doing the honors, and this year, there were only two other nominees, including recording and songwriting powerhouse Dolly Parton.

If you’ve now become a regular reader / subscriber of retroSOUL and Southern Soul Magazine, you know that this is where I regularly pen your monthly assignment (if you’re not still learning, you’re losing). I usually send you to iTunes to fill your ears with the sounds of Ann Peebles or The Bar-Kays. This month, let’s make it a video mission. Go to YouTube and check out both great Academy Award performances – both “Theme from Shaft” performed by Isaac Hayes, and “It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp,” by Three 6 Mafia. You should be proud and impressed that such great talent from Memphis, Tennessee made Academy Award history… but don’t be surprised when this ol’ city makes lightning strike a third time. §

After opening the envelope, Latifah laughed to herself before singing the song’s title, and Memphis was back in the Academy Award history book. In their acceptance speech, aside from mentioning many friends, family and industry execs, Jordan “Juicy J” Houston and Paul “DJ Paul” Beauregard thanked independent Memphis label distributor Select-o-Hits and Memphis, Tennessee. Many times… “Memphis, Tennessee.” Three 6 Mafia became the first hip hop group to win an Academy Award for “Best Original Song,” and they became the first hip hop artists to perform at the ceremony. Backstage with his 13.5” golden man in tow, Juicy J remarked, “I just couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t stand still. I just had to run somewhere. People thought the police was chasing me somewhere.” Back on stage, host Jon Stewart of The Daily Show addressed the audience, “You know what? I think it just got a little easier out here for a pimp,” before adding, “That’s how you accept an Oscar.” Appropriately enough, both Isaac Hayes and Three 6 Mafia have been inducted into the Memphis Music Southern Soul l March 2015

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Famous Healthy Homecooking Where you can get a meal just like Grandma use to make.

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The April 4th Foundation, Inc. 15th Annual Commemorative April 4, 2015 6:30 pm

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call to become a part – (901) 276-6761 Reverend Johnson E. Saulsberry, Jr. Founder

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Taste Life With Kat by KATHY KIRK JOHNSON


Tea is modern day vernacular for gossip, situation, story or news. You can give Tea, get Tea or spill Tea. According to several online sources, this term comes from “the custom in the South of women who gather in the afternoon to drink tea and gossip.” This word is used primarily to describe gossip or refers to some juicy information. Instead of saying, “What is the new drama today?”… You can simply say, “Girlfriend, what’s the tea?”

Photograph by: April Tolbert Photography

I love entertaining my girlfriends. Nothing is tastier than traditional tea favorites, and nothing is juicier than the latest “tea” while having tea. I created the perfect menu of assorted miniature tea sandwiches, sweet and savory scones, pound cake and tea biscuits. Then, reality stepped in, time got the best of my superwoman schedule, and it was the day before my event. What was I to do? Faux it…and not blow it! A traditional tea menu consists of pastries, cakes and cookies, scones and tea sandwiches (hence, the three layers of a tea cart or tiered tea platter). Of course it is possible to create the impossible at the last-minute, without spending all day in the kitchen making REAL pound cake and chicken salad from scratch. Head to your favorite store and pick up delectable cakes, cookies, scones, cold salads, crackers, croissants and lots of tea. After whipping up an impeccable tea party, pour some wine and savor the company of your friends. §

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A Tantalizing Tea In A Hurry! By: Kathy Kirk Johnson Photography by: Jay Adkins

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Get Curried Away

Want to “wow” your girlfriends? Add Curry powder, dried sweetened cranberries, and a pinch of kosher salt to your favorite deli’s chicken salad. I recommend purchasing plain chicken salad instead of really fancy chicken salad to enhance the curry flavor.

Pimento Cheese Please

Everyone knows pimento cheese is a southern original. To modernize this classic spread, add a generous amount of smoked paprika and a pinch of smoked salt, or fresh crumbled, peppered bacon. You will become an instant rock star of entertaining.

Smart Cookie

Comb specialty stores for cookies that are tasty and visually appealing. My favorites are Thin and Crispy Almond Cookies and Traditional Butter Cookies. Be a smart cookie and purchase them!

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Keeping it REAL

You can make a REAL pound cake and freeze it ahead of time. It will still taste as fresh as it did when you pulled it out of the oven. Here is my mother in-law’s infamous pound cake recipe that I have now perfected!

Eva’s REAL pound Cake 3 cups of “*good” Sugar 1 small can or 2/3 cup of evaporated milk 6 large eggs (room temperature) 4 sticks of “good” salted butter room temperature 4 cups of sifted cake flour Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Using a “good” mixer, beat butter on a low speed setting until it has a whipped consistency. Add sugar and beat on a medium low speed setting. Add eggs one at a time. Beat until a really fluffy

consistency. Change mixer speed to stir (the lowest setting) and alternate adding flour and milk. After all the flour and milk has been added, change mixer speed to medium low speed and beat for 4 minutes and 30 seconds. Change mixer speed to highest setting and beat 30 seconds. Using a rubber spatula, pour batter into a Bundt pan and leftover batter into a loaf pan (that’s the pan you will eat right away). Bake 90 minutes * “good” in the cooking world refers to a quality brand.

A Modern and Fresh Take on Tea For an updated look, layer teacups, saucers and teapots with different designs, utilizing similar color palates. I focused on designs with yellow and green, and designs with blue and white. Then, I added accent plates and Indian inspired pillows, containing all four colors. For a modern and elegant look, a global textile layered beneath a plate emancipates the napkin from being stuck underneath the fork. Finish it off by adding a touch of bling with the napkin ring. Now sit back and assume your crown as the Tea Queen. §

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Just Saying . . .

Don’t Get Caught Up Over a Bad Break-Up Ladies, I Think You Should Know . . .



In my twenty plus years of practicing law, I have represented an increasing number of women facing criminal charges as a result of conduct related to relationship issues. In many instances, they didn’t even realize what they did was a crime. Here are a few scenarios to consider: SCENARIO 1: You think your live-in boyfriend is seeing someone else. You wait until he leaves for work, and you search for incriminating emails on his laptop (yes, the laptop you bought him for his birthday). You know his password. You learn from the emails he is dating a co-worker. You print out the emails for evidence. Is this a crime? ANSWER: Yes. Tennessee law prohibits a person from accessing computer information without the owner’s consent. A person accessing any computer without authorization commits a Class C misdemeanor, punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $50 fine for each occurrence. SCENARIO 2: You call the co-worker at 2 a.m. to question whether she is having an affair

with your man. She denies it, tells you not to call her again and hangs up in your face. You call her back and demand she talks to you. Is this a crime? ANSWER: Yes. Under Tennessee law, you are guilty of harassment, defined as placing one or more telephone calls at an hour known to be inconvenient to the victim, without a legitimate purpose, knowing the call will annoy the recipient. Harassment is a Class A misdemeanor punishable by up to 11 months and 29 days in jail and a $2,500 fine. SCENARIO 3: Since she won’t talk to you, you decide to confront her at the workplace, (along with your boyfriend). You wait for her in the parking lot, but she looks out the window and sees you. You drive off, but decide to go back the next day. She calls the police. Is this a crime? ANSWER: Yes. You are guilty of stalking, defined as two (2) or more separate non-continuous acts of “unconsented contact,” in disregard to an expressed desire of the victim for the contact to be avoided. “Unconsented contact” also includes telephone calls; mail and electronic communications, such as text messages and emails. Stalking is a Class A misdemeanor, again punishable by up to 11 months and 29 days in jail and a $2,500 fine.

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Just Saying . . .

SCENARIO 4: Now you’re really mad. You go home and inspired by the lyrics of a popular song, you bust the windows out of your boyfriend’s 2014 Lexus. Replacing the windows will cost over $1,000. You probably know that’s a crime, but how serious? ANSWER: Vandalism of property valued at $500 to $1000 is a Class E felony. You could be facing one (1) to six (6) years in prison, and a fine up to $3000. Ladies, if don’t already know, getting caught up in the criminal process is a real hassle too. If a warrant is issued for your arrest, the fugitive squad may show up at your home, usually in the middle of the night, handcuff you and transport you to jail. You are then “booked and processed” which includes being fingerprinted and photographed. Your mug shot is a part of the public record, which may land you on the cover of the infamous “Just Busted” magazine.

Getting arrested is also expensive. You may need to post bond. You will appear in court to be arraigned (advised of the charges against you), and you are required to be represented by an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you, which usually results in several subsequent court dates. Failure to show up for court will result in another warrant issued for your arrest. You will likely miss time from work, pay attorney fees, court costs, fines and probation fees. A criminal record, especially a felony conviction, creates all kind of additional problems. You risk losing your job, or not being able to find a job. If convicted, you risk losing professional licensure, such as a nursing, teaching or medical license. Convicted felons lose the right to vote or to possess a firearm. The lesson is this: Think twice before you react. Seek counseling such as anger management or a women’s support group. No man is worth going to jail for. §

THERESA H. PATTERSON Theresa H. Patterson is a solo practitioner in Memphis, with a major focus in family law, including divorce, custody and child support. She is a graduate of the University of Florida, and an honors graduate of the Cecil C. Humphreys School of Law. She has been licensed to practice law for 24 years, and has represented mothers, fathers, children and grandparents. Her office is located at 44 N. Second Street, Suite 604, Memphis, TN 38103. Ph. 901-523-0177 email:

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The Woman’s Creation by MsNee Women are the reason for continued humanity, so Hold your head up high and embrace Your God given divinity. You are serene alone! You are the explanation for the “Love Jones,” In just your tone you can persuade a nation. You are the birth of different races, So why is it hard to give us our praises? We live in a man driven society where egos fight for the liberty to lift every voice and sing, Ritualistic things that breed the instinct to rebel. And well… We did have to battle for equality to the creation that we created. And I’m not taking anything away from the maker but, In our womb we do carry the population. so it’s no need to be patient Because we are all racing to identical destinations and I think we are finally creating pavement. Solidifying statements, Ensuring we didn’t march in that “Women’s Suffrage” for nothing. See the light at the end of a dark tunnel and have the courage to keep on truckin’ We have to be true to what we know is right. So Ladies! Hold your head up high and embrace your God given divinity, strength, power and resilience Because believe me we are Serene alone!


sNee, a native of Michigan, moved to Memphis in 2010 after Graduating from Grambling State University. Recognizing her gift of poetry in the ninth grade, MsNee started sharing her poetry with the world. Her goal is to give back through her poetry; be a voice of people who are voiceless and paint pictures of lives and actions forgotten. She is the author of Granted facts &Unknown Thoughts poetry book and is looking forward to her debut album later this year entitled NeoCentric. Southern Soul l March 2015

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A Woman Of Courage And Commitment Joyce McAnulty Blackmon


photography by JAY ADKINS

ften, change is abrupt. Right before your eyes. Other times, change is subtle and quiet. Behind the scenes. Whether bold or understated, no change exists without a process, a catalyst, or an essential need. But, more often than not, change also does not exist without someone taking the mantle and leading the way. We mostly refer to those persons as pioneers or leaders –those who go where no one has gone before.

Here, in our community, we have our own trailblazer and revolutionary. A woman that dared to lead the way where none had traveled before. . . . Joyce McAnulty Blackmon - always perfectly coifed, impeccably dressed, and armed with a genuine “true grit” ready at her demand. She is small in stature, yet, huge in courage. It was Joyce Blackmon who, almost single-handedly, blazed the trail, which desegregated the ranks of Southern Soul l March 2015

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Memphis Light Gas & Water (MLGW). Today, MLGW has African Americans throughout its enterprise. It has had an African American in its highest office, President and currently sitting in Board of Directors Chair’s seat. This is the direct result of Mrs. Blackmon’s tenacity, fortitude, and insight. The Civil Rights movement compelled companies to hire and promote African Americans and improve race relations within. Although inroads had been made in some companies, MLGW was not among those. In 1973, a class action suit was filed against MLGW alleging discrimination. Correcting the situation, MLGW hired a new President. Arriving at MLGW, newly appointed President David Hansen noticed one thing; there were no African Americans in the administrative offices. He immediately searched for a qualified person to remedy the problem. In January, 1979, Hansen hired the first black (and first woman) as Vice President of Human Resources – Joyce McAnaulty Blackmon. When Blackmon assumed her new position, she was not only a woman entering a Featured in Ebony Magazine, May-June, 1981 ‘man’s world’ but she was crashing the race barrier too. When describing this feat, Blackmon said, “On my first day, every person I met would say “oh, you’re the one!” I entered a world which had been insulated and deeply rooted in a different tradition. I had to ‘prove myself.’ Since I was the ‘one,’ I vowed to be the ‘one’ to be taken seriously. I realized for me to be taken seriously, I had to produce.” And produce she did! She developed and implemented new policies; took an aggressive approach to employee 66 |

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selection, recruitment and placement procedures. It was Blackmon that opened the employment doors to African Americans in executive positions. When she arrived at MLGW, job opportunities for African Americans were synonymous with the ‘carrot-on-the-stick.’ Blackmon explained, “When I arrived, the system was structured such that it was virtually impossible for Blacks to advance. Blacks were hired for their brawn and not their brain. It was a customary practice that if Blacks had a certain amount of education, experience, or ability to apply, the job description would suddenly change to rule the Blacks out. It was a good-ole-boy system. Back then, Blacks were doing the work in the field because they had the hands-on knowledge to perform. But, they didn’t understand the jargon; or didn’t know how to read; or couldn’t read maps; and, couldn’t pass the job test because of one or the other. So my team set up a mobile unit to go into the fields to assess everyone and offer training sessions. The mobile unit was called the ‘Know Mobile.’ We added a different twist to the assessment . . . we added reading specialists to teach the men who couldn’t read. So, the Know Mobile became a “quasi” reading lab too. This is how we changed the complexion of the work force; one person at a time. I will never forget, many years later, one of the most rewarding experiences I have had – was a gentleman who came up to me and said, ‘Mrs. Blackmon, the thing I love most about being retired is that I can now sit down and read the paper because you helped me learn to read.’

Another rewarding experience – I set up internships for students. One of those interns chose engineering as his college major; applied at MLGW after graduation; I hired him and he is now a Vice President at MLGW.” Under Blackmon’s leadership, work-force development systems were standardized and centralized under one roof. Training programs; supplemental education classes; and an on-site hands-on training center were integrated in daily operations. She oversaw the development and construction of MLGW’s Training Center at 4949 Raleigh LaGrange. Mrs. Blackmon retired in 1996 leaving in her wake a legacy that have benefited thousands in our community. Since she broke the glass ceiling at MLGW, many have learned to read; hundreds have been hired and/or advanced in their jobs or received higher salaries; and, hundreds of families have been impacted. Today, MLGW enjoys the title of a ‘great place to work.’ It also, in large measure, owes that reputation to the vision, drive, and courage of “the one,” Joyce McAnulty Blackmon. On a hot day, July 25, 2002, MLGW honored Mrs. Blackmon’s accomplishments and legacy, naming the Training Center the Joyce McAnulty Blackmon Training Center. When asked, whether she knew she was a trailblazer, Mrs. Blackmon replied “I didn’t know I would accomplish all I did, but I knew I would make a change. I had always been an advocate of those less fortunate. I had always been a ‘do it the right way’ person. I knew the job was a tall order. I had the support of my boss, my husband, and my family. I knew I could meet the demands of the job.” Mrs. Blackmon’s family has been a large part of her journey. Born to Samuel G. and Evelyn McAnulty, Joyce and her sister Simone grew up in an impoverished section of Memphis known as Smoky Town. Joyce graduated from St. Anthony High school. In 1955, Joyce entered Tennessee State University (TSU) in Nashville, TN where she was elected Miss Freshman and Miss Sophomore; selected as one of the College

President’s student representatives; selected as a Harry Belafonte’s Beauty; and, selected as Jet Magazine’s Beauty of the week, Nov 29, 1956 issue. In 1957, Joyce left TSU to marry her high-school sweetheart, Lawrence B. Blackmon who was attending LeMoyne College. She enrolled in Memphis State. Here, Joyce’s courage peeped out. At Memphis State, she was one of a hand-full of African Americans enrolled. Sharing her experience, Joyce explained “It was very hostile there. For example, there was an instructor in my anatomy class who never would address any of the Blacks in the class. When asking questions, he would look away from us. The three of us [Blacks] got together and studied to master his class. We did. On one exam, we aced it and the next day, he announced he was throwing that exam out; it would not count. No rhyme or reason as to why. There were cases where my instructors didn’t believe I could make the grades I made and questioned me. I answered correctly, leaving no reason to deny my grade. There were times we would enter a classroom, sit down and people would clear the entire row and everybody behind us would spread out.” While attending Memphis State, Joyce began her career with Memphis City Schools teaching physical education at Florida Elementary and later teaching at Carnes Jr. High. The following year, MCS opened Lincoln Jr. High School and Joyce joined the staff. When bussing started, Joyce was transferred to South Side High School with a few other African American teachers. Here, Joyce’s courage and mettle appeared. While at South Side, the Civil Rights Movement was in full swing. Boycotts and marches were occurring across the nation. In Memphis, ‘Black Mondays’ were work stoppages where employees did not appear for work. When Black Monday for teachers arrived, Joyce stayed home. “When I came back to school,” Joyce recounted, “my principal met with me and congratulated me for standing up for something I believed in. He said it singled me out as a leader. He asked me if I would be interested in Southern Soul l March 2015

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the guidance counselor job at the school. So, I went back to school that summer for master’s degree and became the guidance counselor at South Side.”

Joyce's Parents

Featured - Jet Magazine, Nov 29 1956

Joyce & Husband Lawrence

It was her role as guidance counselor that altered Joyce’s journey. She became a path setter for others. She started career fairs, sent numerous students to colleges around the nation charting life paths for many. After years at South Side, Joyce took the Director position of Memphis Volunteer Placement Program, which helped students obtain financial aid for college and jobs after graduation. Here, Joyce prepared students for college; prepared students gain skills for job placement; and without knowing, prepared herself for MLGW. Today, Joyce is retired and still an advocate for others. You can find her chairing a planning committee at her church, Mississippi Blvd. or planning a gala for a fundraising event. Often she can be found with her sons, Lawrence Blackmon, Jr., D.D.S., of Riverside, California or David Blackmon of Ashburn, Virginia, a manager with FedEx.

Joyce & Son - Larry

Last month was Black History Month – and you probably heard a hundred times . . . Here’s a little known Black History Fact . . . Joyce McAnulty Blackmon is an amazing woman that tackled tough problems; accelerated change; was an influential voice for the voiceless; has a tremendous legacy which is still unfolding … and she’s a GREAT cook! §

Belafonte's Beauty

Joyce & Son - David

Retired, Relaxed, & Fun!

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Women Shaping & Powering Our Community With Passion, Presence & Purpose photography by JAY ADKINS


Top Row; L to R: Tonja Sesley-Baymon, Sally Heinz, Estella Mayhue-Greer, Virginia Stallworth, Florence Hervery, Linda Williams Lower Row; L to R: Terri Freeman, Ephie Ballard Johnson, Markova Reed Anderson, Adrienne Bailey

What I left the Roundtable with is that we have exSouthern Soul had the delightful pleasure to invite Women Community Leaders of Organizations shapemplary women at the helm of organizations vital to ing and powering our community to a Roundtable sustaining and moving our community forward. Each, Discussion. Several invitations were extended, but, on a daily basis, confronts society’s most pressing issues, tackles some of our community’s toughest probbecause of scheduling, some organizations could not lems and brings creative attend. We missed having LEADERSHIP SHOULD BE BORN OUT OF THE those women at the table new solutions to build a and regret not sharing better community. Each UNDERSTANDING OF THE NEEDS OF THOSE WHO their remarkable organiza- WOULD BE AFFECTED BY IT. MARIAN ANDERSON is extremely passionate tions with you. about their organization and those they serve. With Markova Reed Anderson accepted our invitation hearts of gold, they champion causes for the disenfranchised, voiceless and those with little hope. to moderate the Roundtable. She led the discussion asking each person to share their organization. From there, Markova guided the conversation to where to This group does not, by far, encompass all who step up find a synergy amongst the group to move forward each day and lead the organizations helping to secure with, perhaps, a collaborative project. a better future for our community; but this group embodies proof our community’s greatness! § Southern Soul l March 2015

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Adrienne Leslie Bailey President, Big Brothers Big Sisters Big Brothers Big Sisters provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.

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Somewhere a mentor is making a positive impact in the life of a child

SS: When you took the helm of Big Brothers Big Sisters, what was your initial challenge? When I took the helm of Big Brothers Big Sisters I am so very happy that I was twenty years younger, with bright-eyed optimism and a feeling that all things are possible. The agency was on life support. My feeling was there was nowhere to go but up. I faced short and long-term challenges. I prioritized them and some of those challenges were overcome within months. SS: What was your first goal? To position the agency to be viable and poised to provide services to the community which involved numerous efforts from improvement of the physical plant to new office equipment and staffing. Within six months of my Presidency, we moved into new office space, acquired new furniture and office equipment and hired additional staff.

SOULful statement: Do not limit yourself. The only one that can marginalize you, is you.

SS: What is the “wow factor” of your organization? The power of connecting people by matching them one-to-one to build a relationship where positive growth, goals, exposure and knowledge are developed resulting in measurable outcomes. SS: What is the most meaningful part of your day? The most meaningful part of my day is the knowledge

that somewhere a mentor is making a positive impact in the life of a child.

SS: What are the greatest challenges to your organization? There is always a never-ending waiting list of children seeking mentors. This ties back to having substantial funding that enables aggressive recruiting efforts and also assists in building the proper infrastructure to support a growing mentoring program. SS: What is the relevancy of your organization to upcoming generations? I feel that mentoring is more and more relevant as we move further and further away from personal communications. The one specific element differentiating us from other species is how we communicate and relate to one another. With today’s emailing, texting, Instagram, tweeting…when do we sit down and really talk to each other one-to-one and share our experiences and life’s lessons? Mentoring is a powerful gift that should be treasured and utilized for generations. SS: I am especially proud of: . . . my husband and children. I could never have even dreamed of a life mate as wonderful as D’Army. He is a fearless crusader and activist. He can do anything he wills to do…write, act, paint, take on herculean tasks. He does it all, and very well. My two sons, Justin and Merritt are so very, very dear and special. They are smart, caring and creative and have become exceptional men. I can always count on them. SS: From my parents, I got the trait: From my dear parents, Marion and Ophelia Leslie, I learned to work hard and live an honest, decent, respectful life always giving back and thinking of others. I have always tried to do that and that has indeed helped me throughout my life. SS: Most people would be surprised to learn that I: . . . am an avid Scrabble player. §

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Tonja Sesley Baymon President and CEO, Memphis Urban League Memphis Urban League’s purpose is to assist AfricanAmericans, the underserved and economically disadvantaged in closing equality gaps at all economic levels and stages of life by expanding economic opportunities and securing parity, power and civil rights.

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I was told that life as I knew it would never be the same ... BUT GOD!!!

When you took the helm of the Memphis Urban League, what was your initial challenge? To first pray for guidance and direction for MUL and secondly, to strive to be the best person and CEO I can be. I am a work in progress! What is the “wow factor” of your organization? Empowerment! MUL works to provide economic empowerment, educational opportunities and the guarantee of civil rights for the underserved. When the light bulbs goes off and change happens; or when people realize their circumstances don’t define who they are; or when the realization of ‘Empowerment’ becomes real! What is the most meaningful part of your day? When people feel they are at the End of Hope …and by entering through our doors … they find HOPE!

What are the greatest challenges to your organization? Having the resources to serve the masses. Oftentimes I feel like our impact is a drop in the ocean. We’re making a difference one drop at a time.

What is the relevancy of your organization to upcoming generations? MUL has been relevant in this community since 1932. For 83 years, MUL has consistently assisted the underserved and economically disadvantage to SOULful statement: expand economic “As long as you’re groovin’, there’s always opportunities. a chance.” Marvin Gaye, and “as long MUL provides as there is breath in your body, you can resources to enhance academic make it!!!...” Tonja Sesley Baymon achievement and prepare youth for college, career and life. For generations to come, MUL will continue to Empower Communities and Change Lives.

was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women together ought to be able to turn it back, and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men better let them. …And Ain’t I a Woman?” I would ask her…In spite of your every impediment, where did you find the fortitude…the strength to keep on… keepin’ on to turn this world right side up again? What three words describe your leadership style? Empowering, Democratic, and Transformational. The biggest or hardest lesson I have learned is Though I see myself as a Super-Woman… I can’t do it all! From my parents, I got the trait ___________________ that has helped me throughout my life. Confidence and Conviction. ___________________ is the one person that has contributed (influenced) most to my life. My Father and Mother. I often say I have the ‘best part’ of them. Because of them, I consider myself to be well-rounded. Also my husband, who when I didn't believe in myself, was there to say... "there's nothing you can't do! There is greatness on the inside of you!" Favorite music? Favorite book? Old School… MAZE! Book - When Life Is a Barbed Wire Fence by Greg Winston. When I hang up my non-profit hat, … I will continue to serve. A ‘Servants’ work is everlasting. I feel fortunate that: When I was young, in my quest for employment, I journeyed to the Memphis Urban League for assistance. Five positions later, I’m fortunate and honored to be President and CEO. The Memphis Urban League makes things happen!!! Most people would be surprised to learn that: I was afflicted with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and after two diagnosis of Lupus, I was told that life as I knew it would never be the same -- to file for disability because I would never work again. BUT GOD!!!

What (or who) inspires you? Individuals who defy the odds. Those who were triumphant and share their stories to empower others.

My favorite quote is: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Romans 8:28

What advice would you give your “younger” self? Tonja… It’s really not that serious! Chill!!! LOL

My most embarrassing “laugh at myself” or “laugh out loud” moment was: While in my Mom’s kitchen, working on floral arrangements and decor, I heard what I thought was a stun gun. I jumped and got in position to run (which was nowhere); however it was just the sound of masking tape when you pull it! It was too funny! You would have had to be there to witness the ordeal! A for real – Laugh Out Loud Moment! §

What does the word “power” mean to you? Power is the ability to make a positive difference in the lives of people to the point of CHANGE! If you could seek advice from any woman in history, who would she be and what would you ask? Sojourner Truth … said, “If the first woman God ever made

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Terri Lee Freeman President, The National Civil Rights Museum The National Civil Rights Museum located at the Lorraine Motel, in the historic arts district of downtown Memphis, Tennessee, is the assassination site of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and chronicles key episodes of the American Civil Rights Movement and the legacy of this movement to inspire participation in civil and human rights efforts globally, through its collections, exhibitions and educational programs.

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putting your best foot forward should NEVER be an afterthought.

When you took the helm of the National Civil Rights Museum, what was your initial challenge? Learning a new industry, a new organization, a new city and developing a local support system. Having served only four months in my role, I am learning the organization. Developing a support system is, by far, the most difficult challenge. I lived in the metropolitan Washington DC region since 1981 where I started my family, raised my children, and honed my career in that community. My challenge, particularly as a bit of an introvert, will be to develop those types of warm, genuine relationships in my new community.

What is the “wow factor” of your organization? The wealth, breadth and depth of information held within the Museum’s walls and also the emotion of the “place.” Just being at the historic Lorraine Motel is a “WOW” in and of itself. It is a very special place and every person should visit the museum in their lifetime.

What are the greatest challenges to your organization? Its ability to stay relevant and connect history to current day issues and package the message not just around history but around actions – what needs to be done - and we have to be sure to involve younger generations.

What (or who) inspires you? Outside the strong women in my family, in the past, my “s” hero was Barbara Jordan. I had the pleasure of her serving on my Freddie Mac Foundation Board. I was always awestruck by this woman who had such a command of the language, who was so sure of who she was and SOULful statement: “Always hope for the best, but prepare who spoke her mind for the worst!” thoughtfully but with no apologies. However, over the past four months as I’ve served in the Museum, I’ve been totally inspired by the ordinary people who did extraordinary things to ensure our legal rights as citizens of this country.

What advice would you give your “younger” self? To give myself time and live a little more in the moment and break a few rules! I would encourage myself to travel more and stress less about my career. I would pat myself on the back for doing a pretty good job of balancing career and home, but stress the importance of time with family and friends and focusing on things and people that really matter. I think I’d encourage me to smile and laugh more. The biggest or hardest lesson I have learned is: That life really isn’t fair and that bias is real. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how well prepared you are, or what your credentials say. Sometimes, it’s just not for you. But, being prepared and always putting your best foot forward should NEVER be an afterthought. Favorite music? Book? I really like all music but I probably listen to smooth jazz and R & B most frequently. But when working out, I listen to a lot of alternative, pop and rap music to help me go the distance. My favorite reads over the years have been Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa; Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford; and, Fifth Born by Zelda Lockhart. When I hang up my non-profit hat, I would like to: When I’m finished with this gig, I think I’m done with structured positions. I’d love to continue working with nonprofit organizations with a focus on board development because I think that is a critical link to a successful organization. But, I hope to find myself on an ocean-facing property somewhere most of the year, entertaining grandchildren (in the future), enjoying my husband and soaking up sunshine. When I was young, I dreamed of: . . . being Mary Tyler Moore. The idea of working in a newsroom, behind the scenes writing news copy was my dream job! I am especially proud of: My three incredible daughters! I’m a very proud mama. Two have completed college and are working toward their career ambitions and my youngest is a scholar athlete who will enter 11th grade next year. They are the wind beneath my wings! §

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Estella Mayhue-Greer President and CEO, The Food Bank Mid-South Food Bank works to bring the foodinsecure population from hunger to health through collaborative partnerships and the effective distribution of nutritious food in our Mid-South communities. Mid-South Food Bank's feeding initiatives address the demand for food assistance with three target populations: Feeding Families, Feeding Children and Feeding Seniors.

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G E Feature

Just be patient, God is developing you for something greater. What is the “wow factor” of your organization? Mid-South Food Bank serves 31 counties—12 in Tennessee, 18 in North Mississippi and Crittenden County in Arkansas.

What are the greatest challenges to your organization? Ensuring we have food to meet the needs of the children, families and seniors facing food insecurity throughout the Mid-South. What (or who) inspires you? My son, R. Lemoyne Robinson, inspires me daily. His commitment to improving the lives of children through education and community engagement is astounding. What advice would you give your “younger” self? Just be patient, God is developing you for something greater.

SOULful statement: Passion is our driver. You should not invest your time and energy in someone or something for which you do not feel true passion.

From my parents, I got the trait of: . . . hard work and determination that has helped me throughout my life.

___________________ is the one person that has contributed (influenced) most to my life: My husband, Dr. Joe Greer, through his encouragement and support . . . Favorite Book? Any book by John Grisham

When I was young, I dreamed of: Being a teacher.

I feel fortunate that: . . . this community is so giving and supportive of our efforts to address hunger.

Most people would be surprised to learn that I: . . . love to ski.

My favorite quote is: "Real joy comes not from ease or riches or from the praise of men, but from doing something worthwhile." --Wilfred T. Grenfell

My most embarrassing “laugh at myself” or “laugh out loud” moment occurred: . . . when I was a novice skier. I ran into the side of the mountain. Buried upright and face first in the snow, I looked like Wiley Coyote. §

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Sally Jones Heinz Executive Director, Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) MIFA (Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association) has a vision of uniting the community through service by supporting the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through high-impact programs.

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despite our differences of race, religion or gender we can come together to serve.

When you took the helm of MIFA, what was your initial challenge? Developing a plan addressing MIFA’s longterm financial sustainability. MIFA was facing decreasing government support, rising costs and increased needs and needed to establish strategies to attain sustainability, as well as focus programs on core competencies and improve organizational infrastructure.

What is the wow factor of your organization? Supporting independence – which, in many ways, means making it possible for seniors and families to remain in their homes or simply delivering a hot meal to a senior; or paying a utility bill so a family has light and heat. Or it can be as large as finding a new, permanent home for a homeless family. Another wow factor is treating each and every person – whether client, colleague, volunteer, or donor – with dignity and respect. What is the most meaningful part of your day? Arriving at MIFA each morning. When I arrive, I see many families seeking utility or rent assistance. Most of them would rather not be here, but most will leave feeling better. When I walk to the other side of the building, I see our meals on wheels volunteers, about 80 each day, beginning to arrive to pick up meals for delivery to our senior clients. Many are volunteers who have delivered meals for over 20 years wouldn’t give up their meals routes for anything!

SOULful statement: My wish is really MIFA’s vision – to unite our community in service. There are so many ways to BE INVOLVED and contribute whether it is on the creative side or helping meet our neighbor’s basic needs. For Memphis to reach its full potential, we must address poverty and meet basic needs of food and shelter – it is hard for our community to shine with so many in need.

What is the relevancy of your organization to upcoming generations? With our growing senior population and the large percentage of our residents facing poverty, MIFA’s programs will be needed for many years. But just as important is MIFA’s role to unite our community in service. Volunteers founded MIFA and we still depend on volunteers to deliver many of our services. MIFA is a place where despite our differences of race, religion or gender we can come together to serve. What or who inspires you? The MIFA staff.

What three words describe your leadership style? Team, team, team! From my parents, I got the following traits that have helped me throughout my life: Smile at everybody – treat everyone with respect.

Favorite music? Book? Music: Lyle Lovett Book: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee I am especially proud of: . . . . completing a full marathon.

When I hang up my non profit hat, I would like to: … sit on a beach for a little while and then find someplace to volunteer! When I was young I dreamed of: … being a professional tennis player!

I feel fortunate that I: … work with talented and caring colleagues, have a supportive circle of friends, and have a patient and sweet husband. Most people would be surprised to learn that I: … have two standard poodles – one white and one black – and two cats. §

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E. Florence Hervery CEO, Case Management, Inc. The mission of Case Management, Inc is to respond to and empower those in our community with mental illness and cooccurring disorders by developing, coordinating and providing diversified quality services to meet their needs and exceed customer expectations.

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Be true to who you are and the things that are important to you

What is the “wow factor” of your organization? That we are a large corporation and still have the Mom and Pop feel. We try to have a lot of staff and client engagement activities.

What is the most meaningful part of your day? Seeing how proud clients are when they obtain successes and stability, and when I have a good conversation with a client or family member and they communicate how pleased they are with our service; that makes it all worthwhile. What are the greatest challenges to your organization? Funding. The constant threat of reducing services, eliminating programs and funding cuts is very challenging. Often those decisions are made purely from a financial perspective with no regard to clients’ needs.

What is the relevancy of your organization to upcoming generations? The assurance there is help for family members who have loved ones suffering with mental illness and there is a place they can go for assistance and not be judged regardless of their socioeconomic status.

SOULful statement: Do not lose yourself in the position. Be true to who you are and the things that are important to you. Make sure to surround yourself with and spend time with those people that love you unconditionally.

What (or who) inspires you? My father had a tremendous impact on me professionally. I was always so impressed with his work ethics and how much he was able to accomplish without very much education.

What advice would you give your “younger” self? To pace myself and be more understanding and empathetic. Although business decisions are made that impact you personally, everything that happens to you is not about you and is certainly not always personal.

What does the word “power” mean to you? It has many layers of meaning for me, but perhaps what I am most intrigued about power is that sometimes it is just a perception. Of course, as CEO I have power to make decisions and take action, but power can be most effective when you don’t have to use it. The biggest or hardest lesson I have learned is: . . . that it really is OK if everybody doesn’t like you. As little girls, we are taught girls are sugar and spice and everything nice and we want to please everybody and want everyone to like us. But, I’ve learned that it’s OK not to like me, cause most of the time it’s really not even about me but about the decisions I’ve made. So if I can earn your respect; that will be good enough and I can live with that. Most people would be surprised to learn that I: . . . am really somewhat of an introvert. I actually enjoy quiet time alone. Although, I have a large extended family and lots of friends, I don’t really need to be in a large crowd all the time. §

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Ephie Johnson President, Neighborhood Christian Centers, Inc.


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Neighborhood Christian Centers, Inc.’s primary mission is to build stronger families and neighborhoods by providing compassionate, Christcentered ministries to those in need.

J E To meet people at their point of need and go the extra mile for them.

When you took the helm of Neighborhood Christian Centers, what was your initial challenge? To create an elevator speech adequately describing Neighborhood Christian Centers and maintaining NCC’s culture in the midst of an infrastructural growth spurt. What is the “wow factor” of your organization? That NCC can accomplish so much with a small staff.

What is the most meaningful part of your day? Knowing that people leave our offices receiving more than what they came for, because that's why we are here to meet people at their point of need and go the extra mile for them.

What are the greatest challenges to your organization? Turning away people who really need help because our resources are depleted. Many times, we don't have enough of the "needs based" items readily on hand or capacity is at its limit for every legitimate need; and finding staff that has NCC 's Compassionate, Empowerment and Relationship driven culture. What is the relevancy of your organization to upcoming generations? We provide and develop services that are always conscious of current needs of our neighbors, in hopes that future generations will improve/strengthen, as past generations need us.

What (or who) inspires you? My parents and the legacy they left for my siblings, NCC and me to build upon. SOULful statement:

The gifts and opportunity you have been given are not for your self-absorption. Use every ounce of your energy to bring honor to God and to help a brother or sister in need. “For when I’m resting in my grave, there’s nothing more to be said; may the works I’ve done speak for me.”

What advice would you give your “younger” self? Always stay focused, stop apologizing and wanting to please everybody, and make prayer your Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The wise and seasoned advisers are great, but start


now turning to God and trust Him for yourself and above all others. If you could seek advice from any woman in history, who would she be and what would you ask? Esther, who I would ask “How did you push past the unknown to accomplish a mammoth task, ultimately effecting generations.” What three words do you use to describe your leadership style? Visionary, Passionate, and Purposeful. The biggest or hardest lesson I have learned is: . . . to be Still From my parents, I got the trait of: “Resiliency" that has helped me throughout my life. ___________________ is the one person that has contributed (influenced) most to my life. Jesus Christ . . . Favorite music? Book? Music – Gospel. Book – Lately, I have been reading Becoming a successful CEO articles and watching TED Talks. I am especially proud of: . . . my children Andre and Jonathan. When I hang up my non-profit hat, I would like to: . . . pour my experience and knowledge into a young CEO in the same manner others are doing for me. When I was young, I dreamed of: . . . never having to wash dishes or clean my room ever again! I feel fortunate that: . . . I have experienced unconditional love. Most people would be surprised to learn that I: . . . enjoy indoor skydiving. My favorite quote is: Lord, I seek your revelation, not self-elevation. Beth Moore My most embarrassing “laugh at myself” or “laugh out loud” moment was: Will Ferrell on the Tonight Show; lip syncing to Beyonce’s Drunk In Love . . . Hilarious! §

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Virginia Stallworth Executive Director, Memphis Child Advocacy Center Memphis Child Advocacy Center serves children who are victims of sexual and severe physical abuse through prevention, education and intervention.

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Leaders have a responsibility to use their power for positive change.

When you took the helm at the Memphis Child Advocacy Center, what was your initial challenge? As the new executive director, I focused on clear, frequent communication with staff, board, and agency partners with a clear vision on our mission, maintaining financial sustainability, and supporting best practice in all programs. What is the “wow factor” of your organization? When appropriate support is provided, kids really can heal from incredible trauma. The resiliency of the children we serve sustains and inspires me, as well as our staff.

What are the greatest challenges to your organization? Each day, we confront attitudes and misconceptions about child sexual abuse. Many people are unaware that most child sexual abuse perpetrators are known to the child. Many parents are unaware that 40% of perpetrators are older, more powerful youth. Parents and professionals who work with children are very alert to "stranger danger," yet can be much less prepared to deal with the vulnerabilities many kids face with people they know and SOULful statement: trust. Some The secret to success is to find organizations something you are passionate about where kids and build your life around it. One spend time don’t of the most important qualities of a have adequate leader is the ability, and sometimes the child protection courage, to question the status quo. policy and Social change depends on it. training in place for adults caring for kids. What is the relevancy of your organization to upcoming generations? Child sexual abuse ripples out into our community in insidious ways. Without early intervention, children who are abused face lifetime long term effects, many of them debilitating. The work we do helps prevent a host of long-term issues many child victims experience far into adulthood such as higher rates of teenage pregnancy,

addiction, eating disorders, increased vulnerability to interpersonal violence and criminal behavior, physical illness, depression and suicide. Who inspires you? People who have overcome great adversity and have been the catalyst for social change. One of my heroes is Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Her commitment, passion, and perseverance inspire me. She was very strategic, and didn’t back down in the face of opposition. What does the word “power” mean to you? To me, power without social responsibility is not power. That is something else: bullying, perhaps. Leaders have a responsibility to use their power for positive change. Real power comes from relationships, building communities, and leveraging relationships toward social change. The biggest or hardest lesson I have learned is: Learning to be patient, and to be comfortable with uncertainty. Sometimes the changes I want to happen, or the actions I want people to take, don’t happen on my timetable. Favorite music? Book? I like all types of music, but I love blues. I’m looking forward to the opening of the Blues Hall of Fame in Memphis this May. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, along with all Maya Angelo’s autobiographical work, has been a big influence on me. I am especially proud of: When I was Associate Director, I initiated a big shift in our child sexual abuse prevention program kicking off our Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Initiative. Since that time we’ve trained nearly 13,000 adults in Shelby County. We expect to reach a tipping point in the next few years in terms of child sexual abuse and child safety. I am especially proud of our outcomes, which show our therapy and preventive programs are effective—we are helping kids heal and find safety. I feel fortunate: … to have had parents who kept me safe, gave me an education, and let me know I could accomplish anything I put my mind to. My favorite quote is: “You must do the thing you think you cannot do.” --Eleanor Roosevelt §

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Linda L. Williams President, RISE Foundation


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The RISE seeks to improve the community by providing financial literacy tools and incentives to help families build assets and make better financial choices.

W L Feature

As long as what you did was right, and for the right reason.

When you took the helm of RISE, what was your initial challenge? Creating a Development (Fundraising) Plan that would support the ongoing work of the organization. There had been an extremely successful Capital Campaign but no fiscal year specific plan. I overcame this issue by meeting with the Development/Communications Director and together constructing a Development Plan. It was definitely “On the Job Training.”

What was your first goal? Get to know the staff – their strengths/weakness and longterm career goals. This was important because I wanted to determine what would best create a cohesive TEAM (Together Each of us can Achieve More). Becoming acquainted with each Board member was also important. What is the “wow factor” of your organization? It’s awesome to see how much more a family can financially achieve, when they have the tools and techniques to make improved financial choices for their families. The “wow factor” is that it still works and if RISE fulfills its mission, financial stability will be possible for more lowincome families in our community.

What is the more meaningful part of your day? When I get home. I usually sit down and recap the day in terms of what was accomplished and what was not. I also review what I could have done differently in order to be more productive. This SOULFUL statement: helps me plan We must all be willing to share what for the following day. we have with others, or continue to fear that others will take what we have What are from us. This is but a vicious cycle that the greatest we have the ability/resources to stop. challenges This is something I truly believe can to your happen in my life time. organization? Continuously evaluating effectiveness of the organization and keeping engaged staff to look for ways to improve what we do. What (or who) inspires you? The families I have served and continue to serve continue to inspire me. They don’t have to remember me but I remember them and know that my work is not in vain. As a matter of fact, it makes me want to do more. Ms. Loretta Kato, the first African American social worker at Family

Services here in Memphis, has always inspired me. She came to a career day at my Junior High School and told of her work with homeowners who lived in an area in Memphis known as Boxtown. They paid taxes but didn’t have city services. She helped organize them to stand up for themselves. That was my first knowledge of what “empowerment” was all about. Not doing for others but helping them to do for themselves. Ms. Kato continues to be an inspiration to me. What advice would you give your younger self? To continue my academic studies and obtain a Ph.D.

What does the word “Power” mean to you? Using your position, knowledge or influence to benefit/help others. The biggest or hardest lesson I have learned is: . . . the very person you have helped the most may not want to admit to others they even know you. If they remember you or not, it really shouldn’t matter, as long as what you did was right, and for the right reason. ___________________ is the one person that has contributed (influenced) most to my life. My Dad because he worked hard and read every book, magazine or paper he could put his hands on. When I saw him reading, my goal was to be a reader just like him.

My favorite book is: Business Behaving Well: Social Responsibility, from Learning to Doing, edited by Ron Elsdon. I wrote a chapter in it about my work with Welfare Reform in Tennessee and how we collaborated with FedEx, here in Memphis, to hire TANF program participants. I am especially proud of: . . . my daughter who has blessed me with two grandsons ages 6 and 11. When I hang up my non-profit hat, I would like to: … continue to volunteer or work in some capacity with low-income families. When I was young, I dreamed of: … being the US Secretary of Health and Human Services. I feel fortunate that: I have been able to work with and for some incredible people in my lifetime. I wouldn’t change a thing. My favorite Quote is: “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe § Southern Soul l March 2015

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Kathy’s life sucks and a fight with her mom confirms that nothing will ever change that. Teased at school and feeling like an indentured servant at home, Kathy leaves vowing never to return. Surviving that night on her own means facing the demons of her mom’s past and the uncertainty of her own future. Can she come to terms with her questionable ethnicity? With being fatherless and different from everyone else? Will Kathy continue her spiral toward the destructiveness of poverty, abuse, and low self-esteem? Or will she find a way out? And if so, what will it cost her? “THERE’S A LITTLE BIT OF KATHY IN EVERY WOMAN…” TO PURCHASE YOUR COPY VISIT: WWW.URBANEDGEPUBLISHING.COM CLICK ON THE “BOOK STORE” TAB SELECT THE COVER OF NO LESS WORTHY OR


Southern Soul l March 2015

Readings Motivational Speaking Signings Special Appearances Church Groups Youth Groups School Groups Women’s Groups Book Clubs FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: MYPPK.COM/GET/DORCHELLESPENCE

Our Board is charged with uniting the deeply rooted racial divide in our community; bridging various community cultures and classes; developing a system that educates a diverse student population; responds to needs of an entire community rather than those blessed with socio-economic advantage; and, lastly, preventing a repeat of the 1973 white flight school system abandonment -- all while extracting the best of both systems and maintaining the integrity of the overall school system. Whew!

Making History in The Community


photography by JAY ADKINS

Our community is making history. We have experienced the largest school district consolidation in American history . . . consolidating two school systems; two conflicting entities; and, two sets of administrators, teacher organizations, operating staffs. After all the dust settled, we now have the first Unified Shelby County School Board in history!

As formidable as this undertaking is, the members of the board are stepping up to the task. The board carries on its shoulders the weight of our community’s future, our children. The board carries the burden of making decisions with long-term impacts on our community. The board holds the power to shape our future and push our community forward.

Southern Soul was fortunate to meet the historic Fabulous Four Our historic Board consists of nine individuals -- the First Women dedicated to meet these mammoth logistical Members of the Unified challenges -- Chris Caldwell, Teresa Jones, Shelby County School Stephanie Love, Kevin Woods, Scott McCormick, Board and learned what Shante Avant, Miska Clay Bibbs, William “Billy” each thinks of such an Orgel, and Mike Kernell. Continuing to make awesome responsibility history, this Board also has the first female Chair, and power. § Teresa Jones. Southern Soul l March 2015

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SS: If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say? The world is open to all possibilities. I grew up on a farm in Mississippi. As a child, I always felt out of place, I knew there was something else for me. There was a bigger world than Chulahoma, MS and I would get there. SS: What does the word power mean to you? Less. Less use of it and more respect for the power you have. I always say ‘power is a dangerous thing in the hands of a person who doesn’t use it or understand how to use it and who allows that power to take control.’ So when I say less is more, I think when you have power, you don’t use it at will. You should reflect and use it as least as possible. It’s easy to say, I’m in charge, you do this, you do that, I make the decisions, I’m important. I think it’s much more effective to step back and it’s not about who I am and the power I have but how I can use my good fortune for the better good of all and not for my own personal satisfaction or advantage.


SS: When becoming a member of the board, what did you find was the initial challenge or goal? Our financial struggles. We are faced with reduced funding on all levels – federal, state and local. Our greatest challenge is making sure those with the least, but needing the most, get funds directed to them in a meaningful way. SS: What is your future goal or initiative for the board? I want to arrive at a time when people refer to Shelby County School System, the reference is with pride, with respect and terms of coming into fruition, I want us to be the school system that parents seek to enroll their kids - to be the school system of choice.

TeresaJONES SS: You wear major hats around the city, how do you juggle them? I ask myself that daily. By nature, I am an organized, regimented person -- so I always plan my day, which takes a considerable amount of planning and commitment. I take it all in prospective and understand my limitations because, although I plan, if something doesn’t get done, I move to plan B on how I will address it and make sure it happens. 92 |

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SS: From my parents I got the trait ___________ that has helped me throughout life. Fortitude. My parents always taught me to learn how to survive and to think for myself. They would say ‘Because me and your daddy won’t always be here for you.’ SS: What one person has contributed or influenced most in your life? As a child, my mother, father and grandfather influenced me. But as a professional, the one person who set me on the course I’m on now is the Honorable Judge H.T. Lockard. He saw something in me as a second year law student and took me under his wing. Under his tutelage, I learned about the civil rights movement and other causes he was involved in. He would always say, “I just want to make things a little bit better for people in the community. Just do something to make things a little bit better. You’re a lawyer, and that’s good, but you need to give back, be involved with something other than just being a lawyer and making money.” He was my mentor, my hero! SS: Favorite music and book? Not a music or book person. I read but I’m into sports. I’m a tennis player. Live and breathe it! SS: I am especially proud of: This school board. The work and the commitment I see from each member to do what is right for every child in Shelby County. SS: What do you want your legacy or mark as the first Board Chair of the new Unified Shelby County School Board to be? To reflect that the decisions we made have made a difference for children in terms of the education provided. To reflect this new board made decisions and got it right in educating our children. SS: My Soulful Message is: I’m committed to doing what’s best for the children of Shelby County. I move forward with that one drive and image in mind. We have to get it right. Right because of the history of what’s happening in this city and public education and segregation and re-segregation. Right because the masses of children, urban youth have great needs we must right. I want your readers to know the reason I get up daily is the hope and belief we can get it right, we can educate children that will be able to compete and be productive members of society – we can do so in masses and not just an isolated success story here and there. §

SS: From my parents I got the trait ___________ that has helped me throughout life. Perseverance. They taught me that no matter what’s going on in your life, you must continue to go on. You know, I guess, regardless of the challenges, there can’t be an excuse. You have to get to where you are destined to be. If you don’t push yourself to get there, you won’t make it. SS: If you could give advice to your younger self advice, what would you say? Don’t grow up too fast. Wait. I should have waited, waited for everything that looked good when I was younger. I should have waited and finished high school, and gone to college after high school. I should have waited and done it the right way.


SS: What’s the most meaningful part of your serving on the Board? The best part is when a connection is made with parents. When there is doubt about the system, after I spend time with them; they understand that education is very important and then understand the direction the board is going. SS: What is your future goal or initiative for the Board? To have every parent, teacher and administrator on the same page and to operate with the same goal in mind and attitude of moving our children forward. SS: Favorite Music? Gospel and Blues

SS: I am especially proud of: The makeup of this board. I have a bird’s eye view of different ways of life. On this board, we have people who come from different walks of life and yet we still work together and are able to understand each other. Like Caldwell and me – when we talk - he gets it! SS: Most people would be surprised to learn that I: . . . consider myself shy. I’ve been through everything in life and never allowed it to hinder me or from me making sure my children know that despite any obstacle, they can still be what they want to be. SS: My Soulful Message is: Many people are insecure. Many times we pass it along to our children. You are important. I would put it in a way so you believe it every single day. §


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SS: When becoming a board member, what was your initial challenge or goal? Navigating the political and bureaucratic systems that encumbers decisions and impacts so many people. Our decisions as a board, not only impacts the students we serve, but impacts employees, communities at-large because our responsibility is to govern and be fiscal managers of the budget. Also the implications of the decisions made are far-reaching and complex in nature. It’s imperative for each of us as board members to do our due diligence and understand what are oftentimes-complex issues.


SS: What’s the wow factor of being on the board? The opportunity to create real change that you are a part of rather than a bystander. It becomes pretty overwhelming at times to think about the implications of your decisions but also I’m inspired by the magnitude of the work and the people who give their time, their talent, their intellectual capital to really moving our city forward. Because education is really a huge foundation of all things to grow and blossom and if nurtured, can make our city a viable city. How we educate our children is hugely important to the success and viability of our community. SS: What is your future goal or initiative for the Board? I want to champion moving our system, through policy, to be a world-class educational system. Through our fiscal policymaking, we will make that happen; but more importantly that we create a system that nurtures and supports effective teachers and leaders to carry the system. SS: Could you comment on being a woman board member? My role as a parent gives me a unique perspective, my role as Deputy Director of the Women’s Foundation gives me a unique prospective and all those experiences and knowledge have only enhanced my ability to make decisions that are complex at times but impactful.

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SS: Who inspires you? My mother and aunts have always been extremely strong women who led by example and instilled morals and values. I would also say Ruby Bright and Patricia Thompson are two women who have been instrumental mentors to me in my journey. I greatly appreciate the value they brought my life. SS: From my parents I got the trait ___________ that has helped me throughout my life. My mother instilled in me the value of prayer. Prayer has sustained me through each obstacle or barrier I’ve ever faced in my life and it gives me strength and endurance to always come out on top. SS: Favorite music or book? Book – “I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou SS: If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say? To take more time to think through the consequences of each and every decision. But be brave enough to weather the storm. SS: People would be surprised to know that: I am a true outdoorswoman. I enjoy running, biking and hiking. It is a way for me to completely clear my head and my mind.


SS: What does the word power mean to you? Responsibility. SS: My Soulful Message is: Quote – “To be the change that you want to see in the world;” Mahatma Gandhi. This is how I have patterned my life and choices I’ve made professionally and personally. It was the reason why I chose to run for school board. Because I didn’t want to be someone who is complaining about the problem and not part of the solution. Thought: I really feel challenged and inspired each day to be a member of this board. It is a tremendous amount of time away from family. I am a single-parent of 9 year old daughter. I hope readers understand when people commit themselves to doing something -- that most of us do it because we feel a real sense of commitment to our mission and purpose in supporting and educating children. And personally I don’t take it lightly. §

SS: When becoming a board member, what was your initial challenge or goal? I think my first hurdle was that there’s so much I want to do and understanding to pace myself because it all can’t be changed overnight. So initially, I had to put goals and priorities in my head and on paper as to what to tackle first. Now I use that list as my guiding principle and the task doesn’t seem as overwhelming.


SS: What’s the wow factor of being on the board? Being around students and recognizing that they are actually watching, listening and involved with what we are doing. When I meet students and have conversations with them, they comment on what we are doing. They pay attention to what we are talking about. They pay attention to votes that are made. That has been the biggest WOW factor. When I go into a school and a student tells me, “Hey you talked about such and such last night” or “Hey you guys voted to do this and that” I understand and realize they are really paying attention. They are more in tune now because it touches them. Their conversations are around what they want academics to look like; what schools will be iZone, what schools will become achievement schools, or what AP options at our high schools. So they are paying attention because they’re at home listening to mama, daddy, granddaddy, grandmamma, aunt, uncle discuss school choices. So they know and have a real idea of what it is they want and what their school should look like. That’s how I know they are paying attention and that is a WOW. SS: What is your future goal or initiative for the board? Equal access to the best schools: Whether it’s making sure the optional school enrollment process is the best it can be, whether making sure all neighborhood school academics have the rigor they should have. So no matter what neighborhood you live, your neighborhood school is competing with the next. Equal access to information and that the community can place trust again in Shelby County School System. Ultimately, when people walk into a school building they readily know they have equal access to the best. SS: If you could give advice to your younger self, what would you say? I was the student that was involved in the SGA, student council officer, president, vice-president, I did all of those things but not necessarily understanding the power it had at that point. I would tell myself to step out and take greater risk because I probably played it safe because of unchartered territories. But had I taken more risk back then, where would I be today.

SS: From my parents I got the trait ___________ that has helped me throughout life. I got resiliency. I saw my parents work really hard to make sure I had what I needed even when they didn’t have things themselves. I saw my parents - when things didn’t go their way - get right back up and that showed me -- this is how you come back -- even greater. SS: I’m especially proud of? My son Langston. He demonstrates to me each day that his mind is constantly moving; how to take risk and what it turns into; and his access to and knowledge of technology is just phenomenal to me. I don’t think I had his spirit in school; I was just excited to do well in school, read books, do what the teacher says and get great grades. SS: Favorite music and book? Music - Eclectic, I’m one who grew up on gospel, rap and pop. My playlist ranges from Dave Matthews to Kirk Franklin to Jay-Z. Book - Dr. Seuss “Oh, The Places You’ll Go” So simple; yet so deep. SS: What does the word power mean to you? Opportunity, having the opportunity and the ability to make lasting change. It means being able to change a policy that will improve students’ and families; lives. Power from the female prospective is showing women we can be and do whatever it is we set our minds to. Power isn’t necessarily dictated by the amount of money you have, power is more about having or creating opportunities to chart your own path, create your own territory. Whatever that looks like to you, from the female standpoint. From a black woman's standpoint, power means having the ability to access things we never thought we would ever have access to. The power as a female school board member is making decisions that change an entire county, making sure our future looks a particular way. Probably until you asked me I didn’t realize how much power I had because I’ve never viewed it as power. But it’s quite daunting -- when I think about it from the standpoint of having power. There is power in knowing you can use your power to make decisions in the best way and for the right reasons.


SS: When you leave, what would you want to say was your legacy? My first and foremost goal is making sure parents and communities are brought into the process. I think often we forget we [the Board] are here to serve. So it’s very important for me to make sure whatever decision is made that we make sure parents, students, and communities have been a part of the process. I want my legacy to definitely make sure we have that involvement. SS: My Soulful Message is: We have the ability to be whatever it is we want to be; we can create the path. Part of being able to that; you must take risk. You can’t care about what others say about you because as you move through making change, you quickly find out how strong you are and you can’t be afraid to take those risks. I believe if God brings you to it, He will definitely bring you through it. So stand on that! § Southern Soul l March 2015

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The Bluff City Cluster

Three Powerful Chapters of The Links, Incorporated



Power is in numbers; philanthropy; and the ability to give back; strengthen our society and shape our communities. Power is several minds united as one linked to accomplish a call of action. Answering this call is The Links, Incorporated, one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of extraordinary women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry. From a modest first meeting of nine women in 1946 in Philadelphia, The Links, Incorporated was founded. Now, more than sixty-five years later, the organization is a premier international service organization with nearly 12,000 members in 276 chapters across the United States, Bahamas, Germany and South Africa.

Members are influential decision makers, opinion leaders, and distinguished women who are individual achievers and have made a difference in their communities around the world. They are business and civic leaders, role models, mentors, activists and volunteers who work towards a common vision by engaging like-minded organizations and individuals for partnership. With more than 2 million service hours recorded in the past three years, members regularly contribute more than 500,000 documented service hours in their respective communities annually. The Links Foundation, Incorporated, the philanthropic arm of The Links, Incorporated, has made more than $25 million in charitable contributions since its founding in 1979. Working Southern Soul l March 2015

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closely with its sponsors and supporters, The Links, Incorporated is focused on creating transformational programming and impacting lives in communities of color through Services to Youth, The Arts, National Trends and Services, International Trends and Services, and Health and Human Services, to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities. In our local community, three chapters of The Links, Incorporated serve our community through their philanthropic efforts; community empowerment and education projects; cultural enhancement and economic development endeavors; and public policy campaigns. The three chapters - Memphis (TN) Chapter; Shelby County (TN) Chapter; and River City (TN) Chapter collectively form the Bluff City Cluster of The Links, Incorporated.

The Memphis (TN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. The Memphis (TN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, chartered in 1952 and celebrating sixty-two years of service is the oldest chapter in the Shelby County area. During the last half century, it has sponsored numerous community service projects and special events contributing to various service agencies and educational institutions. At the heart of these initiatives are the annual Holiday Cheryl Patterson Cotillion and the Chapter’s signature program, “It’s a Girls Life” mentoring program in partnership with Girls, Incorporated of Memphis. The Holiday Cotillion has empowered hundreds of girls with a six month program offering financial literacy workshops; volunteer and civic participation; etiquette lessons; and an exciting debutante experience. As the Chapter’s largest fundraiser, the annual event has sustained the Chapter’s philanthropy. The Chapter developed the program, “It’s a Girl’s Life,” offer educational enhancement and mentoring to over 200 high school girls; including college and career 98 |

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2014 Holiday Cotillion preparation, community service and creating excitement about math, science and technology. Since 2012, the Chapter awarded more than $25,000 in scholarships and computer equipment to 13 of its IAGL graduates. “We recognize the strengths and weaknesses of our own community, but we also know if just one person can make a difference then a whole chapter can spur significant change,” said Cheryl Patterson, Chapter President. “That was motivation enough for us to step up and address the socioeconomic needs of our community and utilize our resources to make a difference for our youth.” Community contributions have been made to: Memphis City Schools, Lewis Senior Citizens, Girls, Inc., Africa Care, NAACP, Southwest Mental Health Center, Africa in April, Memphis in May, MIFA and Dress for Success. Through its various programs, the Chapter has donated $50,000 to the Memphis & Shelby County Public Library; a $100,000 endowment to LeMoyne Owen College Scholarship Fund; and via the Cotillion a 25-year legacy of training and presenting young women to Memphis Society.

The Shelby County (TN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated Proudly celebrating their 30th anniversary, the Chapter, led by President Ruby Bright, serves the community with humility. In 2014, both the Chapter’s Service to Youth and National Trends and Services programs were recognized at the Regional level receiving First Place Awards; and, in the same year, both were also recognized at the National level receiving Third Place Awards. A mother’s simple words were a cry for help. “I want to save my son’s life,” she said choking back tears. “I must do

something.” Hearing that plea, the Chapter answered and has successfully navigated hundreds of young Black males through their challenging teen years through the chapter’s “Leadership Academy.” Opening the young men’s eyes to a safer, more purposeful life, the program addresses issues facing Black males by focusing on lifeskills; community service projects; mentoring; health and fitness; work habits; and, cultural activities. At the end of an in-depth eightmonth preparatory program, an Orita Rites of Passage ceremony is held where the Chapter, parents, and members of the Ruby Bright community come together to celebrate this milestone event. Over the years, the Chapter’s legacy has been defined by the more than 500 young males who were nurtured through the Chapter’s Leadership Academy and its Beautillion Militaire programs. Understanding empowered women are a phenomenal resource and crucial to building strong families and communities, the Chapter’s intensive Institute of Women’s Empowerment (IWE) was launched in 2007 to assist single female-headed households in moving from poverty to economic stability. The IWE experience includes the mother and her children as well as their case managers. Weekly three-hour sessions are held for eight consecutive months with five curriculum modules: Self-Concept/Self Image; Career Assessment; Health Awareness; Financial Literacy, and Personal/ Professional Educational Activities. Participants must complete a five-year Individual Business Plan or Family Business Plan to successfully complete the program. The plans are then integrated into the participant’s existing case management plan.

Double Tree Elementary School has been the Chapter’s “adopted school” for more than 20 years. During this time, the Chapter has donated time, talents and resources exposing young people to life-enriching programs. The Chapter’s outreach focuses on leveraging the arts and health via creative projects (e.g., career day events, Ballet Memphis and Opera Memphis performances, and other programs).

The River City (TN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated

The River City (TN) Chapter of The Links Incorporated was chartered in May 1993. Today, led by President Carla Stotts-Hills, its membership has given a combined effort of more than thirty-thousand volunteer service hours and includes more than $500,000 in philanthropic efforts. These funds have supported various transformational programs through the Chapter’s national facets. The Chapter’s programs articulate a vision to deliver and provide outstanding service through a circle of friendship; through community partnerships; and, the five national facets with the goal to empower African American youth and their families. The Chapter’s service program, Pipeline to Acceptance, promotes college readiness. In 2013, the Chapter formally adopted Hollis F. Price Middle College High School sponsored Project Achieve providing individualized ACT preparation. Furthering college

Orita Rites of Passage Ceremony

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readiness, the chapter sponsored a Historical Black Colleges and Universities/ Community College Fair offering invaluable college entrance information, financial aid, voter registration, civics issues, healthy living and international career panels. Recognizing our Carla Stotts-Hills community’s needs for competent leaders, the Chapter created the “I am a Voter” to offer informative legislative information and register students throughout Memphis and Shelby County schools. Nearly 6,000 new voters registered over the last four years with 3,800 last year alone. Links Day at the State Capitol, an initiative created and coordinated by the River City (TN) Chapter allows all ten chapters in Tennessee to meet with lawmakers and discuss legislation issues.

And Cultural Center At The National Civil Rights Museum. The Center is an important resource to educators that affords young people a hands-on and experiential approach to learning and understanding the American Civil Rights Movement.

The Bluff City Cluster of The Links, Incorporated

The Bluff City Cluster is a collective voice of talented and professional women committed to improving the quality of life in the community. Today, its membership consists of over two hundred professional women who, over the past fifteen years, have a combined effort of more than one hundred thousand documented volunteer service hours and includes more than $1,000,000 in philanthropic efforts. Over the years, the Bluff City Cluster has lived out its implemented programs with purpose and fostered cultural appreciation , developed richer inter-group relations and helped women understand and accept their social and civic responsibilities enhancing the quality of life in the Memphis community. §

Spotlighting the need for African American transplant donations, the Chapter developed the project “Be The Match Bone Marrow Drive conducting donor testing and Sickle Cell screenings and distribution of American Red Cross blood drive information. Reaching across the world, the chapter adopted the Mt. Carey Basic Preschool in Jamaica and, on over the years, donated personal items, renovated and repaired the school and forwarded thematic books created by students at Hollis F. Price.

The Links Foundation, Incorporated Impacting Memphis In 2014, The Links Foundation, Incorporated, directly touched our community fulfilling its $1 Million Pledge to the National Civil Rights Museum and unveiling The Links Education

Bluff City Cluster of The Links, Incorporated "Day on the Hill" 100 |

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Southern Soul Magazine believes in supporting our youth and giving them a voice. We visited Memphis Business Academy and asked:

What concerns you about your world? What do you hope to do to make it better? What do you believe is a woman’s greatest strength? You are in a different country engaging with local population. Your backpack has 3 items that will help them learn about your family and culture. What are the 3 items and how do they represent your background? Thank goodness, I have a mother who . . .

Memphis Business Academy

The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within – strength, courage, dignity. …… Ruby Dee Lexus Garmon

12th | Career Choice: Nurse Practitioner My concern is making sure students graduate from high school and attend college. If forums and educational sessions were provided where students can gather information to make an informed decision, it would increase college enrollment. The things she is most afraid to accomplish without the extra force behind her. Granny’s homemade cornbread, my favorite Bible scripture and my work shirt. Cornbread represents food we eat. My favorite Bible scripture represents what I believe and my work shirt represents where I work and what I do after school studies. . . . has taught me not to depend upon others to do what I can do. My mother is the most important person in my life today. Without her, I wouldn’t have the knowledge I have today. My mother is the strongest person I know; she has done the most for my brother and me. Even with our bad days, my mother manages to pull through and take care of business. I love her with all my heart, without her I would have never become the young lady I am today.

Amairani Marquez

11th Grade | Career Choice: Attorney Increase in crime. I would like to help people fight for adequate justice while encouraging people to maintain tranquility. Her mind and thoughts. A woman is a powerful being. She’s able to change the world and people of it if she so chooses. My flag, history book and a small towel. My flag represents our colors, life and history. The history book describes with whom we have fought and why. The towel signifies the sweat we wipe after our work. These three things help describe my background because they all make up my country: the flag, history and hardworking symbol. . . . is wise, intelligent, able to clear any doubt about me and my future. A mother who loves and cares about me, who has done more than enough to give my siblings and me a life full of happiness and love.

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We asked: What concerns you about your world? What do you hope to do to make it better? What do you believe is a woman’s greatest strength? You are in a different country engaging with local population. Your backpack has 3 items that will help them learn about your family and culture. What are the 3 items and how do they represent your background? Thank goodness, I have a mother who . . .

Hasaan Mayes

12th Grade | Career Choice: Chemist Wars. I hope to create a treaty giving the world a clean slate and a new beginning. What she thinks and how she feels and reacts to those thoughts. The three items I would take are clothes, food and a small biography about my life events. . . . is not selfish and always puts her wants behind her family’s needs.

Willie McClenton

12th Grade | Career Choice: CEO Record Label The rise of black on black crime. I hope to make this better by changing minds of people through music. I think it’s more negative than positive with what we listen to and youth are impacted more than anyone else because they are at a stage of identity search. Her beauty on the inside. Many women are automatically gifted with strong minds, personality which I love about women. Every man needs that push; that special person not afraid to praise when right but also criticizes when wrong. A map of Memphis to tell where I am from and how it was growing up in the area, a piece of my hair to represent my wildness and my character and a four leaf clover to represent how lucky I am. . . . cares about me, loves me and sticks by my side and I will do the same for her. We struggle; but we always strive and persevere through everything. We are more like friends than anything.

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Shakayla Brown

12th Grade | Career Choice: Financial Analyst The power of law enforcement. I hope I can reach out to those who do not realize, although you aren’t directly affected by others’ actions, it could still be you. A woman’s demeanor, the way we carry ourselves determines whether or not we will be respected. Confidence and knowledge means everything. My mother’s obituary because it includes multiple photos that display strength and happiness amongst my family. My high school diploma because it represents success and completion. My family’s comments dry erase board because it’s where we write small messages that express how we feel at the time. . . . watches over me from heaven and created a family who can still function amazingly without her. Although she isn’t physically in my presence, she will forever be with me, spiritually. Her strength, power and wisdom inspire me to do better and become better than the best.

Branson Littles

12th Grade | Career Choice: USMC/Criminal Justice Children growing up without a mother to show them love and kindness and a father to teach them right and wrong. Their ability to endure through obstacles in their life. By obstacles, I mean by the manipulation of men who try to get what they want from them and the headache that follows. Football, pictures of my family and a flag. The football is used to tell my story of playing football. Family photos to show how families strive in America. The flag represents my love for my country and the respect I have for it. . . . cared for me and taught me the best she could before she passed away when I was fourteen.

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We asked: What concerns you about your world? What do you hope to do to make it better? What do you believe is a woman’s greatest strength? You are in a different country engaging with local population. Your backpack has 3 items that will help them learn about your family and culture. What are the 3 items and how do they represent your background? Thank goodness, I have a mother who . . .

Alexus Fuller

12th Grade | Career Choice: Criminal Attorney Poverty. A way to make it better by decreasing spending rate on unnecessary multi-million dollar stadiums, such as newly built Levi’s Stadium in San Francisco. More money should go towards donating resources to those less fortunate. Giving life and having a knowledgeable mind and keen wisdom. Photo album, a music player and the Bible. The photo album represents characteristics and journeys of my family. The music represents my mind set as well as my fundamental liking of diversity. The Bible represents my beliefs and practices as well as shaping of my life structure. . . . is caring and hard on me at times. I’m thankful she’s hard on me because I see myself becoming a well respected young lady.

Joshua Conway

12th Grade | Career Choice: Entrepreneur We lack support of one another, as a people. Although racism and segregation has decreased, I feel we don’t stand together fighting for a better country. We are still separate; it is now 2015, I would expect more progress achieved. I hope I can set the example for others and show the world everyone is the same and its okay to help others regardless of race or gender. Power of a woman’s voice stands out to me. Women are very persuasive and without a voice I feel as if their job could not be done. Their voice backs them up with everything they want to do. Speak ladies speak! My family photo album, Michael Jackson “Thriller” album and a Bible. . My family photos represent everything I am -- giving insight on who my family is and about. Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” album represents my strong love for music and how music impacts our lives. My Bible to show I am a Christian and God is the head of our family. . . . cares for me and provides for me daily. A mother who would defend me in my time of need and who would do anything for me when I’m in need or want. Thank God for my mother.

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We asked: What concerns you about your world? What do you hope to do to make it better? What do you believe is a woman’s greatest strength? You are in a different country engaging with local population. Your backpack has 3 items that will help them learn about your family and culture. What are the 3 items and how do they represent your background? Thank goodness, I have a mother who . . .

Sheavon Green

12th Grade | Career Choice: Graphic Designer, Culinary Arts & Film Making Our generation is not interested in attending college or trying to get an education. I hope when we are able to get new technology in schools and colleges -- they will start to desire an education. Her determination and soul. I think as long as a woman has these two things, she can do anything she puts her mind to. My cell phone, to show how far my country has come with developing technology and also to show pictures of my family. The flag of my country so I could tell them what it represents and chains to show how far my people have come up in society. . . . cares for me so much to buy me clothes, takes care of me when I’m sick, makes me a home cooked meal every day and believes in me when I decide to do something. She does all these things and more, even though she’s ill. I’m really thankful for my mother.

Jakaysha Bobo

12th Grade | Career Choice: Fashion Assistant How teenagers of my race insist on committing crimes. I hope when I am older, I will get married and have children and raise my kids the proper way, the way my mother raised me. A woman’s greatest strength is childbearing and the joy of raising her children. A photo album, a Christ symbol and a separate photo of my mother. The photo album will represent my love for my family, my past and where I am today. The Christ symbol will represent my religion. My mother’s photo represents my strength and weakness; and who my heart truly belongs to. . . . gives me advice about different aspects of life she did not receive as a child. A mother who holds an important part of my heart. My mother has inspired me to accomplish my goals in life and to accomplish them the correct way.

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Lametria Collins

12th Grade | Career Choice: Special Effects Artist/3D Animator Animal cruelty, homelessness and the large number of deaths from cancer. I hope to solve those problems by raising money to build new homes, find a cure for cancer and funding my own animal shelter for abused animals. Her endurance. A woman can manage an out of control child, a back-breaking job and a house filled with so much pain and lies that could break anyone’s soul and yet, still keep going. A woman that can take hit after hit and still give love. A tape recorder with my family’s recordings, a photo of my grandparents and my favorite meal. The tape recorder represents a reminder of my family. The photo represents the history of my family. The meal represents the type of food my family eats. . . . understands and pushes me as it relates to my education and sense of being. She is always there for me when I need her. My mother is like a lion protecting her cubs.

Marcus Buchanon

12th Grade | Career Choice: Entrepreneur/Music Producer Education. Education is important to my generation because we are next to explore the world as the next doctor, businessman or President. I would do my best to encourage others to pursue their education and goals. Perseverance. They have persevered through discrimination. I would pack a chain, representing our struggle, but we stayed together; a picture showing that we are outside and inside based on our colors and background; and music which tells our story as people, from R&B, rap, blues to gospel, it tells our story as a whole family. . . . loves, cares, supports and shows a lot of compassion in my life. Through thick and thin, she was there for me. So I appreciate her for all she has done for me.

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We asked: What concerns you about your world? What do you hope to do to make it better? What do you believe is a woman’s greatest strength? You are in a different country engaging with local population. Your backpack has 3 items that will help them learn about your family and culture. What are the 3 items and how do they represent your background? Thank goodness, I have a mother who . . .

School Stats Larry Briggett

Xavier Chambers

12th Grade | Career Choice: Pediatric Dentist

12th Grade | Career Choice: Undecided

Racism and the way people treat other people. I would write a devotion book for children and teens and translate it in different languages. I would teach people about the Bible and God. . I want to let everybody know words you speak are important. So, please watch your words because they have power to encourage or discourage others. . God teaches us to respect all persons.

Technology. Our society seems to gradually advance toward new technology, I would love to partake and hope one day I can fully contribute my skills.

How she stands on her faith in God. The Bible so I could teach people about the word of God. People shouldn’t go to other people for help; they should go to God and pray. The Bible represents me, because it can keep me wise about life. A camera, to represent my background, peace and our beautiful environment. I would bring medicine. . . . is a strong Christian. She has impacted my life tremendously. I thank God I have a Christian mother who ministers the word of God. She has a caring heart and does daily devotions with me. I love her so much. She is a 110 | Southern Soul l March 2015 blessing toward other people.

Her endurance, considering they have the most hardships in life. Particularly, they bring a precious life into this world and teach the newborn everything in life. Publications of my belief, a collection of my memoirs and a photo of my dog. These items are key elements of my background I cherish dearly and give me purpose in life. . . . truly provides for her children and family despite having a mediocre career and facing poverty. She is a prime example of perseverance through hardships when compensation is not guaranteed for her actions. Although she cannot provide for me completely, she still gives her earnest effort daily. §

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