Check out our special graduation insert in this week's issue!
f T Timmons named Interim
THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, MAY 21, 2021 / VOL. 7, NO. 21 / $1.00
Fort Payne Discusses Bonus for First Responders
Superintendent for DeKalb
Marla Jones, Managing Editor
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Council Refinances AG Center Debt
Marla Jones, Managing Editor
FORT PAYNE, Al. - (Full video on Southern Torch) The Fort Payne Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday. The Council was advised that Fort Payne had received their first payment of over one million dollars from the Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security or CARES Act. The City should receive nearly 2.7 million dollars total, this year.
RAINSVILLE, Al. - (Full video on Southern Torch) The Rainsville City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on May 17. The Council passed Resolution 05-17-2021 which pertains to the Issuance of Series 2021 Warrants (long term bond debt) that deal with the refinancing of the Agribusiness Center. The new bond debt will require a new lease agreement with the Public Building Authority (PBA) and the City of Rainsville.
The CARES Act will give state and local governments direct aid in response to the economic fallout due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Councilmember John Smith requested that the First Responders of the fire department, police department and dispatch receive a bonus of $1250 for full time and $625 for part time employees, through the CARES Act Funding. Smith stated that these employees put their personal safety and health at risk while responding to calls during the pandemic. After discussion, the request
>See FPC, P7
Marla Jones, Managing Editor
RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- At a special called meeting on May 17, Scott Timmons was appointed as Interim Superintendent for the DeKalb County Board of Education. Timmons will begin his position as Interim
Superintendent on June 9, 2021. Timmons, will receive his regular monthly pay as Instructional Supervisor at the Central Office with a supplement being provided for serving as Interim Superintendent.
Scott TImmons is a native of Rainsville. He graduated from Plainview and continued his education at Jacksonville State University. He previously served as the Principal of Henagar before being
This debt is secured by the full faith and credit of the local government. Generally, a municipality pledges its tax revenues unconditionally to pay the interest and the principal on the debt as it matures. If the debt is in the form of a bond, the bond owners have legal claim on all the general income of the city if a default occurs. According to PBA President, Eric Samples there will be no changes to the lease of the
>See AG, P6
Get all that Schoolhouse You Can Get Marla Jones, Managing Editor
SYLVANIA, Ala,-- Growing up, my father E.C. Samples had many sayings. The one he liked to use the most was “Get all that schoolhouse you can get.” That was normally said when me or my siblings wanted to stay out of school. My Dad stressed the importance of education from an early age and worked hard to send his children to college. His main goal in life was to be sure that myself, my brother Daryl and my sister, Alethea excelled in school. I can not tell you the hours spent on multiplication tables and writing. I always thought that my Dad was a math genius because you could not stomp him in multiplication. Countless times, i would say what is 6x9 then turn around and say what is 9x6. He would instantly answer and never get the answer wrong. In my eyes, he was the smartest man in the world.
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