THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, August 13, 2021 / VOL. 7, NO. 33 / $1.00
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Cardwell CHarGed witH Murder By Marla Jones Managing Editor
RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- The Rainsville Police Department reported that a homicide occurred on Friday night. The Rainsville Police Department received information that a body was left near a business in Rainsville. Officers responded and located the body of Ricky Don Wilks. Wilk's body was sent to the Alabama Department of Forensic Science for an autopsy. On August 9, 2021, Jason Cardwell, 43 of Rainsville was booked into the DeKalb County Detention Center. He was charged with Murder. Cardwell’s bond is set for $1,000,000.
Agents with Rainsville, Fyffe, Fort Payne, and Boaz Police Departments along with DeKalb and Marshall County Sheriff 's Office, investigators from Center for Applied Forensics, and 9th Circuit District Attorney’s Office all assisted with the case. Chief Michael Edmondson states, “ I am extremely proud of the tireless work that the officers of the Rainsville Police Department and Major Crimes Unit have put into working this case. It has taken many hours and the work is being continued in a great effort to bring this case to a close.” This is a developing story and Southern Torch will update as more information becomes available.
RoadworK Needed For Buses
By Marla Jones Managing Editor
RAINSVILLE, Ala.-(Video on Southern Torch Facebook) The DeKalb County Board of Education held their regularly scheduled meeting on August 5, 2021. In the work session of the meeting, DeKalb County Transportation Supervisor, Dr. Keith Atchely updated the Board on roads in the Crossville/Kilpatrick area that did not pass guidelines for buses to travel on. The Board granted a 60-day Extension for Private Road Compliance Policy. The Board plans to meet with the DeKalb County Commission and Legislators to resolve the problem. “DeKalb County Schools began with nineteen privately owned roads in the Crossville community that were questionable for school bus travel and we
now have only four that are deemed unsuitable according to our inspection policy” stated DeKalb County Superintendent of Education, Wayne Lyles. “The school board has granted a sixty-day extension so that we may try to work with the residents and local agencies to try to assist or arrange for improvements, which will allow us to continue bus
service to these areas” continued Lyles. “We feel this is the safest option at this time for our students that live on the roads in question. We are hopeful improvements can be made on these final four roads that will allow us to continue bus service to these residents.” The following Retirements/Resignations were approved:
Dr. Richard Rutledge Principal (12 months) Plainview High School Retirement - 9/1/21 Wendy Haynes Itinerant Indian Education Teacher - District Retirement - 11/1/21 Stacey Bruce - Social Sciences Teacher Crossville Middle School - Resignation - 7/23/21 Beverly Rusk - Secretary / Bookkeeper - Crossville
Middle School - Resignation - 8/31/21 Chris Boggs - Social Sciences Teacher - Ider High School - Resignation - 7/22/21 Tia Thompson - CNP Worker - Crossville Elementary School Resignation - 7/30/21 James Washington Itinerant EL Teacher Crossville High School - Resignation - 6/16/21 Tera Tatum - CNP Worker - Collinsville High School - Resignation - 7/29/21 Tamara Rowell - EL Teacher - Geraldine High School - Resignation - 8/4/21 April Fowler - School Nurse - Geraldine High School - Resignation - 8/4/21 Melissa Gilbert Elementary Teacher Geraldine High School - Resignation - 8/4/21
>See Buses, P7
87 • 70
88 • 68
86 • 68
Rodney Williams RPH
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