ST Vol 7 No 37

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, September 17, 2021 / VOL. 7, NO. 38 / $1.00



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Dekalb BOE Approves $125 M Budget By Marla Jones Sports Editor

RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- (Full video on Southern Torch Facebook) The DeKalb County School Board approved a $125 million budget for the 2021-2022 fiscal year, at Thursday’s meeting. During the work session of the DeKalb County Board of Education , the final public budget hearing was presented by Anthony Cooper, Chief School Financial Officer. Cooper advised the board that this was the largest budget that the system has ever had. He attributed that to the ESSER funds which were related to COVID-19 funding, that had been allocated to the system. “Our total federal budget this year is $41 million and ESSER funds make up $21 million of that” stated Cooper. In other business, the Board approved the transfer of Chris Clark from Assistant Principal to

Plainview High School Principal. The position had been vacant since the start of the new school year. Clark will be on a two-year probationary contract beginning September 9, 2021 to August 21, 2023. The Board welcomed Jon Bales who spoke on Childhood Cancer Awareness. The Board recognized students who had battled the disease and had overcome victorious. The Board also recognized September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. The DeKalb County School Board approved the following items at their regularly scheduled meeting: On the Job Injury • Robert Ferguson - Custodian - Ider High School - 90 days Retirements/Resignations • Jenifer Willoughby Assistant Custodian (9-hour/7month) - Geraldine High School - Resignation (Effective 10/1/21)

Rainsville Approves New Alcohol License

By Marla Jones Sports Editor

RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- (FULL VIDEO ON SOUTHERN TORCH FACEBOOK)The Rainsville City held their regular meeting on Thursday, September 9 due to Labor Day Holiday. The Council held a public hearing regarding a alcohol license for Mayo’s Hilltop Inc. located at 1916 McCurdy Avenue N in Rainsville. With no objections, the license was approved pending a background check.

India Steele Penrod and Jennifer Lugo of Family Services of North Alabama addressed the Council, regarding their efforts to provide advocacy for victims of sexual abuse. Family services also conducts internet safety classes throughout the school system and has a new program “ Coaching Boys to Men” this year. This program educates local coaches how to mentor and coach young men. For more information regarding

>See License, P6

>See BOE, P6

DeKalb Passes 24M Budget

By Marla Jones Sports Editor

DEKALB COUNTY, Ala.-- (FULL VIDEO ON SOUTHERN TORCH FACEBOOK) At the regular monthly meeting of the DeKalb County Commission, the 2021-2022 FY Budget, in the amount of $24.6 million was passed. DeKalb County Administrator Matt Sharp presented the budget with all Commissioners being in agreement. Sharp informed that this year’s budget was a slight

increase from last year and credited sales tax for the increase. “The 2021-22FY Budget is $24.6 million. This is up about 4% from the current year’s budget. The increases in the budget include the State Gas Tax that will go up by 2cents/ gallon. This will be about a $200,000 increase to the paving/resurfacing budget. Other increases are the SSUT tax (the County’s portion of tax on online purchases) and the federal inmate revenues. Most other revenues have stayed flat or will have modest increases” stated Sharp.

“The budget will fund a modest 2% cost-of-living adjustment for all employees, as well as step increases for most employees. The largest expense budget is for the Sheriff’s Office and Jail. That budget is $8.8 million. Next is the Road Department at $7.6 million. The Revenue Commissioner & Reappraisal Program has a budget of $2.2 million. The General Fund, not including the Revenue Commissioner (which includes most other

>See Budget, P6



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