ST Vol 7 No 42

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, October 15, 2021 / VOL. 7, NO. 42 / $1.00



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Sign Permits Approved

The Rainsville Board of Adjustments approved the request of Dennis Hicks for two digital signs. Marla Jones | Southern Torch

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

Adjustments regarding sign permit applications.

After the installation of a digital sign on City property RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- On by New South, many Thursday evening, Citizens requested the October 7, Rainsville same opportunity. Citizens had the In October 2020, opportunity to meet and Rainsville City Attorney Nicki appeal decisions made by Scott stated that the the Rainsville City Board of Rainsville City Council voted

in Executive Session to hire a Constitutional Lawyer to help advise on the proper procedure in handling the request for a billboard by New South. According to the Council, they had been playing “defense” since last October trying to prevent the billboard. The company found a “loophole” in the previous Sign Ordinance

that allowed the placements of the digital signs. They requested a total of five billboards to be placed within the City of Rainsville. The City of Rainsville decided to settle out of court with New South and permit the out-of-state company two signs. The City then adopted Ordinance 03-15-2021 that

went into effect on April 19, 2021. The decision to allow New South the opportunity to install two digital signs struck a chord with many citizens who were denied.

>See Signs, P6

RTI Moves to Clean Renewable Energy By Marla Jones Managing Editor

RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- Rainsville Technology Inc announced that they would move to 100% Clean Renewable Energy starting January of 2021. Sand Mountain Electric Cooperative and RTI signed a Green Flex agreement to help meet their sustainability energy goals. Green Flex is a partnership program with the Tennessee Valley Authority that allows businesses to buy renewable energy certificates from wind power to offset their carbon output. “Our Corporate 2030 Vision is to have all North American Moriroku Technology Manufacturing Plants operating with 100%

clean renewable energy” stated Yoshi Sato, President of Rainsville Technology. “ RTI has partnered with TVA and SMEC to be the first Moriroku Technology Plant in NA to achieve this goal.” “We will continue to look for opportunities to invest in Renewable Energy Technology in the future so that our impact to the environment is reduced, along with reducing our overall energy consumption” stated Sato. “We are very proud of RTI and our Team, we feel we have some of the best and most dedicated associates in our area. We look forward to making our Community & Company a better place to live and work, reducing our overall carbon footprint, and making our future very bright for our current and future associates.” “SMEC & TVA has been Front- (left to right)Tyler Cooper SMEC / Darren Young SMEC / Yoshi Sato President Shane Gilliland Vice President / Robby Jones TVA Back- (left to right) / Andrea Gregory Manager / Danny Oliver Senior Manager / Mark Malone SMEC

>See RTI, P4



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