ST Vol 7 No 43 Pink Breast Cancer Edition

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, October 22, 2021 / VOL. 7, NO. 43 / $1.00


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Now... I am Strong

By Regina Randolph

All I wanted was for it to be over so I could feel normal again and go on with my life.

A very aggressive, fast-growing, with a tendency to recur, cancer. Triple-Negative. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The name of the chemo cocktail of Adriamycin is called the Red Devil”. And it was the devil… I told myself it was only hair and not to be upset when it fell out. It would grow back. Not to be vain. Well, I completely fell apart watching all that hair hit the floor.

I hated seeing the worry on my kid’s faces. I missed playing with my grandchildren and that wig itched like crazy! Every day at work was a surprise. People were very good to me. So many prayers, cards, gifts, food. Survivors, people I didn’t know, came by to tell me their stories and encourage me. It was amazing, the love I felt. Friends from work, mowing my grass, washing my dog, bringing me food. Driving me home when I got sick at work. I will never forget all they did. The nurses and technicians at the Cancer Center were all so gentle and kind. I don’t know how they manage to work around all the

I was not brave. I did not fight like a girl. I was mad! I was weak... I stayed rolled up in a fetal position most of the time, begging God to make it stop.

>See Strong, P6

We are Survivors

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

DeKALB COUNTY, Ala. — Two local women have fought and conquered the same type of breast cancer diagnosis within one year of each other. Misty Bruce and Jenni Bobo were both diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma on February 20, 2014, and July 13,

2015, respectively. According to the Mayo Clinic, invasive lobular carcinoma is a type of breast cancer that starts in the milk-producing glands of the breast. Early symptoms include an area of thickening in the part of the breast, a new area of fullness or swelling, or a change in the texture or appearance of the skin over the breast. Bruce received eight chemotherapy treatments and

36 radiation treatments during her fight, while Bobo had four chemotherapy treatments and 20 radiation treatments. Misty Bruce has now been cancer-free for seven years as of February 2021. “The biggest fear I faced was if I was going to be alive to watch my children grow up,” said Bruce. “I remember saying ‘please take care of my kids’ to my husband and family.” “I would not have made it

through my journey without my faith in God,” she continued. “I committed to giving it to God and that every step of my journey would glorify Him. God gave me a peace that no one else could.” Jenni Bobo has been cancerfree for six years as of July 2021. “My first thought was: how will this affect my family? And how hard is it going to be to get through this?” said Bobo. “I was never sick, never tired, and never missed a ball game. You have to

>See Survivors, P6


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