ST Vol 8 No 13

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DISTRICT ATTORNEY Paid political ad by Nick Jones, P.O. Box 5, Rainsville, AL 35986

THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, April 1, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 13 / $1.00

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Rezoning Denied For Rainsville Development

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

Property developer, Dr. Chad Williamson, addressed the board regarding his plans and tried to clear up some misinformation that had been circulating since he made a request for rezoning. Williamson spoke of his recent purchase of Wood Castle Apartments, consisting of 13 units, and the $200,000 renovation recently completed to fix the eyesore in the City of Rainsville. According to Williamson, the plan for the Chavies property was to start with four quadplex apartment buildings consisting of sixteen units. He said he based that number on the population of the area. His plans were as Rainsville’s population increased, to build units as needed, but

RAINSVILLE, Ala.--(FULL VIDEO ON SOUTHERN TORCH FACEBOOK) The Rainsville Zoning Board held a public hearing on Monday, March 28 to consider the rezoning of a 13.75 acre parcel of property, located on the corner of Chavies Road and Garrett Street, from agriculture to R-3 multiple family zoning. Skeeter Logan, President of the City of Rainsville Zoning Board, informed those in attendance that the Board did not have the authority to change property zoning. The Board only listens to the requests for rezoning and makes their recommendation to the Rainsville City Council.

>See Rezoning, P3

Justice for Amberly

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

DEKALB COUNTY, Ala.-- March 24, 2022, Christopher Wayne Madison appeared in DeKalb County Circuit Court and accepted a plea agreement of life without the possibility of parole for the Class A Felony Captial Murder of Amberly Barnett. Ninth Judicial Circuit Judge, Jeremy S. Taylor released the following statement regarding the plea agreement: “Today the State of Alabama, in consultation with the family of the victim and in consultation with the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department, reached an agreement with Christopher Madison and his attorneys. Madison pled guilty to the charge of Capital Murder. By agreement with the State, Madison will serve

the rest of his life in the State Penitentiary, without the possibility of being paroled. The family of the victim and the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office were present in the courtroom for the guilty plea and acknowledged the plea agreement.” On March 1, 2019, Amberly Barnett, age 11, was reported missing after staying home alone in her Mount Vernon home, while her aunt and aunt’s boyfriend went to Walmart in Centre. The couple was back within an hour and a half, but when they returned, Amberly was missing from home. DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office responded and began a search and investigation. Police dogs were used and picked up the scent at the back door of Madison’s home. Christopher Madison, who lived on the adjoining

>See Amberly, P4

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