ST Vol 8 No 15

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DISTRICT ATTORNEY Paid political ad by Nick Jones, P.O. Box 5, Rainsville, AL 35986

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, April 15, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 15 / $1.00

Staring Down Homegrown Henagar the Dragon By Marla Jones Managing Editor

RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- In 2017, the Rainsville Fire Department in collaboration with DeKalb County Schools, Alabama Fire College, Northeast Alabama Community College, and the Rainsville City Council, began offering career tech classes for students that were interested in the field of emergency response, and fire services. To instruct the class, Rainsville Fire Chief Willimac Wright and Asst. Fire Chief Jason Brannan were required to obtain the equivalent of a Bachelor’s degree. In order to be considered as an instructor you must have a teaching certificate, be a firefighter

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

>See Dragon, P3

HENAGAR, Ala.-- The City of Henagar hosted a community-wide event to allow citizens to share their vision for the city on Monday night. With over 100 citizens in attendance, the firm GMC presented a comprehensive plan for the city’s growth. The plan was unveiled as a strategic guide for the

Scout Masters that can say that” stated Commissioner Terry Harris. Those who were recognized with a plaque by the Commission were: Brice Mays, Cameron Haney, Hunter Sisk, Levi Doty, Parker Higgins, not present was Cole Garrett. Commission President Ricky Harcrow also took the time to express appreciation

to Don Brown. “I doubt there is a Scout Master in the State of Alabama, or anywhere else for that matter, that has been as successful in these kinds of programs, as Don Brown has. Mr. Brown, we want to thank you for being such a contribution to our County and to the lives, as Mr. Harris has said, of so many” stated Harcrow.

City of Henagar that expressed the values and aspirations of the community. The plan takes stock of existing trends and conditions, engages the community to develop a common vision for the future of Henagar, and creates a comprehensive action plan to implement the community’s vision and future development goals. Despite its location in

>See Henagar, P3

Commission Honors Eagle Scouts

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

FORT PAYNE, Ala.-- (Full video on Southern Torch Facebook) The DeKalb County Commission held its regularly scheduled meeting on April 12. District II Commissioner, Terry Harris along with Commission President,

Ricky Harcrow presented plaques to members of Mr. Don Brown’s Boy Scout Troop, in recognition of those who obtained the rank of Eagle Scott. “Don has changed a lot of young men’s lives over the years. I didn’t know he had that many Eagle Scouts. He has had over one hundred Eagle Scouts. I’m not sure how many other

Your Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... FRI. APRIL 15

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“Whoever comes along to take your place will never fill your shoes. They may be in the same position but they can never fill your shoes.” DeKalb County Road Superintendent Tom Broyles gave the commission an update on County Road 835 (Old Highway 35).

>See Eagle, P4


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