ST Vol 8 No 16

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DISTRICT ATTORNEY Paid political ad by Nick Jones, P.O. Box 5, Rainsville, AL 35986

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, April 22, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 16 / $1.00

At Last: new Collinsville Gym

Inside This

Week’s Edition: Page 2 Jackson Blaze

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

• Attempted Murder • Probation Violation Leads to Jail Time

COLLINSVILLE, ALA.-- (Full Video on Southern Torch Facebook) The DeKalb County Board of Education met on Monday, April 18, at Collinsville High School. After the meeting, groundbreaking for the new gymnasium and dedication for the new Collinsville Agriscience Building was held. “We are very excited about what we have been able to accomplish here at Collinsville High School.

Page 4 Crime • FP Man Charged with Sex Abuse Page 6 Sports • DeKalb County Golf and Baseball Champions

The DeKalb County Board of Education broke ground for the new Collinsville gym at Monday’s meeting. Crystal Webb | DeKalb County Board of Education

Rainsville to Buy Fire Truck

>See GYM, P3

Fort Payne Talks Paving

The Rainsville City Council approved the purchase of a fire truck.

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- (Full Video on Southern Torch Facebook) The Rainsville City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 18. The Council approved the purchase of a fire truck. Bid specifications are for a 2006 model truck with low mileage, 40 series engine, the capability of 1250-1500 GPM, 7 ½ kilowatt generator, and a 1000 gallon poly tank. Bids will be accepted for seven days and will be opened on April 21 at 12 p.m. at the Rainsville City Hall. “The Rainsville Fire/Rescue will be replacing our current 2001 Engine. Purchasing a newer engine will be the first step in updating an aging fleet. This will also help with space as requirements for equipment and

manpower arise.” Mayor Rodger Lingerfelt announced that a City Audit had been completed and could be found at for anyone who would to view the City information. Mayor Lingerfelt gave an update regarding the Chavies Culvert project. The crews are finishing up forming and are scheduled to pour on Wednesday. The concrete will have to sit for 28 days before construction can begin. Rainsville Police Chief Michael Edmondson reported that a grant for new tablets for the police department and fire department in the amount of $50,000 per department had been approved. The tablets are to be purchased and then the city would receive reimbursement.

>See TRUCK, P4

Fort Payne adds money to their paving budget

Tim Williams, Director of Public Works. A list was made of some roads that needed the most work. “Pick a street, they all are terrible” stated Councilmember FORT PAYNE, Ala.-- (Full Video John Smith. on Southern Torch Facebook) The Smith made a motion to Fort Payne City Council held its increase the paving budget. A regularly scheduled meeting on motion was made to increase the April 19. present budget to $400,000 by The main topic for discussion John Smith, which was approved at the meeting was paving projects within the city. Mayor Brian Baine stated that he had driven around Fort Payne with By Marla Jones Managing Editor


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