DISTRICT ATTORNEY Paid political ad by Nick Jones, P.O. Box 5, Rainsville, AL 35986
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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, May 13, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 19 / $1.00
Road Expansion for Highway 75
Inside This
Week’s Edition: Page 2 Jackson Blaze • Stamp out Hunger Page 3 • Dare Graduation • Memorial • World’s Longest Yardsale Page 6 • Political Announcements • Inside the Statehouse Page 8 • Sports
By Marla Jones Managing Editor marla@southerntorch.com
RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- A groundbreaking was held on Tuesday, May 10, for an expansion on Highway 75 in Rainsville.
Teacher Saves a Childs Life
According to the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) a turn-line will be added for the safety of Cornerstone
Christian Academy School and the Northeast Alabama Agribusiness Center.
>See Road, P7
Martin Named Chairman
of Communications
Committee. This committee will bring all the communications, including police, fire, and rescue marla@southerntorch.com squad together. Education members recognized County Adminstrator Matt DEKALB COUNTY, Tammy Weaver, a teacher at Sharp presented the commission Henagar Jr. High School. On April ALABAMA-- (FULL VIDEO ON the resurfacing bid for CR 127. SOUTHERN TORCH FACEBOOK) 25th, Tammy Weaver saved a The DeKalb County Commission Wiregrass was awarded the child from choking in the project in the amount of $140,959. held its regularly scheduled lunchroom. She performed the In the absence of County meeting on Tuesday, May 10. Heimlich maneuver to dislodge Engineer Ben Luther, who was at Anthony Clifton, Director of the student’s airway. a work conference, Sharp the DeKalb County Emergency “I am proud to have teachers presented two Speed Limit like Mrs. Weaver, who goes above Management Agency (EMA), Resolutions. The first one being a introduced Matt Martin as the new Chairman of the DeKalb County Communications By Marla Jones Managing Editor
By Marla Jones Managing Editor marla@southerntorch.com
Rainsville, Ala.-- (FULL VIDEO ON SOUTHERN TORCH FACEBOOK) The DeKalb County Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on May 5. DeKalb County Superintendent Wayne Lyles and the DeKalb County Board of
Your Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... FRI. MAY 13
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