ST Vol 8 No 2

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, January 14, 2021 / VOL. 8, NO. 2 / $1.00

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Emergency Declaration for County Road 835

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

DEKALB COUNTY, Ala.-- (Full video on Southern Torch Facebook) The DeKalb County Commission approved an emergency declaration for CR 835 (Old Highway 35), on Tuesday. Road Superintendent, Tom Broyles, updated the Commission on the difficulties that crews were experiencing while trying to get the road re-opened. According to Broyles, over 12,000 tons of material had been placed on the site but heavy rain has made the site unsafe for workers. DeKalb County Engineer, Ben Luther spoke on the work on CR 835 thus far. While Luther spoke of some progress, he stated that the upper slopes of the mountain were breaking loose, threatening the stability of

the site and making unsafe conditions for workers. Luther asked the Commission to issue an Emergency Declaration that would bypass advertising bids and expedite a Soil Nail Wall to stabilize the site. The Commission approved the Emergency Declaration which will allow a federal contract that will pay 80% of the estimated cost of $400,000. The estimated time to complete stabilization would be approximately three weeks. Luther also presented the 2021 Rebuild Alabama Annual Report to the Commission. DeKalb County received $979,742.10 in rebuild gas tax funds. The amount was $61,770.10 more than originally estimated at the beginning of the program. Amounts were based on

>See CR 835, P3

Culvert Bid approved Andrews Resigns for Chavies Bridge from BOE

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- (Full video on Southern Torch Facebook) The Rainsville City Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on January 6. Bids were opened for the Chavies Bridge Culvert. Five bids ranging from $119,000 to $290,000 were submitted. A bid was accepted in the amount of $119,691 to Gillisipe Construction for the culvert work at Chavies Bridge. The Council

passed Resolution 1-6-2022 C which approved Mayor Rodger Lingerfelt to sign all necessary paperwork to begin the project. This will begin the necessary steps in getting the road opened back up. A Public Hearing was conducted to hear input regarding rezoning three (3) parcels of land on Industrial Drive. The rezoning was approved by the Planning Commission. With no objections, the land was


By Marla Jones Managing Editor

RAINSVILLE, Ala.—The DeKalb County Board of Education held a Special Called Meeting on Friday, January 7. The meeting was held to accept the resignation of DeKalb County Board of Education President Chris Andrews. Andrews, a former teacher, coach, and administrator at Geraldine and Collinsville, recently was named as the new principal at Guntersville High

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School. Andrews is coming out of retirement to take the job. He gave up his full-time pastorate at Liberty Church in the Painter community last fall, feeling then that God had a new challenge in store for him. “I am thankful for the opportunity to serve on the DeKalb County Board of Education “ stated Andrews. While Andrews could continue serving on the DeKalb County Board of Education, he felt that

>See BOE, P3


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