ST Vol 8 No 20

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DISTRICT ATTORNEY Paid political ad by Nick Jones, P.O. Box 5, Rainsville, AL 35986

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, May 20, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 20 / $1.00

Graduation Edition

Write your Own Story

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

DEKALB COUNTY, Ala.-Graduation…. There is no script, you have to write your own story. The graduates of 2022 have had quite a story. The COVID-19 scare shut down schools right when these students were getting into the hang of high school life. This 2022 graduates were forced to adapt to a new normal in virtual learning. These students are not afraid to face the unknown, they have already been victorious. Graduation ceremonies are a

Page 2 - Jackson Blaze

day devoted to celebrating a milestone in students’ lives. The final exams are over and are replaced with fancy clothes to celebrate the graduate’s huge accomplishments. In the coming days, we will honor these students at Graduation Services across DeKalb County. Ider High School was the first to honor the Class of 2022 with ceremonies taking place on Wednesday, May 18, at the DeKalb County Schools Colesium (DCSC). The following DeKalb County Graduations are scheduled as follows:

>See Grads, P9

Inside This Week’s Edition: Page 3 -

• Letter to the Editer • Local Events

• Robyn Johnson Steps Down •Playhouse Show Auditions

Page 7 - Crime Page 8 - Sports • State Bound

Chavies Project FP Discusses “Boots” on Vehicles Nears Completion

cleanup. City Engineer, Sam Phillips, sent the letter of acceptance to the Council for their approval. Wiregrass will be Rainsville, Ala.--(FULL VIDEO onsite for paving beginning next Monday. ON SOUTHERN TORCH The Council empowered FACEBOOK) The Rainsville City Mayor Lingerfelt to obtain Council held its regularly finiacnicing for the 2006 Pierce scheduled meeting on May 16. Enforcer Fire Truck for the Mayor Rodger Lingerfelt Rainsville Fire Department. A advised the Council that the Chavies project pertaining to the 25% deposit was previously culvert side was near completion, with the exception of some By Marla Jones Managing Editor


end of town. The property owners have contracted with Buckhead Parking Enforcement of Union City, Georgia to apply FORT PAYNE, Ala.-- (Full video and remove the booting device. Mayor Brain Baine advised on Southern Torch Facebook) that the company is legal in what The Fort Payne City Council held they are doing. In the past, the its regularly scheduled meeting trucks have been allowed to park on Tuesday, May 17. there but now the property Mayor Baine discussed the owners have posted that trucks ongoing issue of “Boots” being placed on trucks when they park can no longer park on the on private property, near the Mapco Gas Station at the South By Marla Jones Managing Editor

>See BOOTS, P3

PHARMACY Your Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... SYLVANIA Rodney Williams RPH FRI. MAY 20

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