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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, June 10, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 23 / $1.00
Henagar Citizens Discuss Cannabis
By Marla Jones Managing Editor
Second Tier Managers would have a salary of $50 to $60K per year, Director Level Salary would range from $85- to $120K per year. The company would provide a full benefits package and advancement opportunities. The economic impact of the creation of 200 jobs would directly affect Henagar with $8,079,972 in compensation to workers, according to Jobs EQ. King along with his team welcomed comments and concerns from residents. Most of the concerns would be the potential smell from the facility and safety. Residents were assured that this facility would all be under roof with a circulated air system. There would also be full-time security onsite. Another concern of the possible location near the Henagar Industrial Park would be the road conditions due to heavy traffic and large trucks. Mayor Lee Davis stated that the Alabama
HENAGAR, Ala.-- (Full Video on Southern Torch Facebook) A crowd of
approximately 150 Henagar citizens gathered at a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday. The topic of discussion was the possible location of a medical cannabis processing plant coming to Henagar. The potential development comes after Governor Kay Ivey signed a bill in 2021 to establish the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission. The Commission will consider applications beginning on September 1. Only five licenses to grow in the state of Alabama will be accepted. RX Connections President Troy King stated that they will be applying for an integrated license. King, a former Alabama Attorney General, said that along with having many dear friends in the area, he
picked Henagar as a potential site for a reason. “When we began looking for the perfect site, we gravitated towards North Alabama” steed King. “We gravitated toward an area that was hit hard by NAFTA (North Alabama Free Trade Agreement) and saw a lot of
jobs leave and we came to explore the possibility, and I’ll be honest, we were greeted so warmly up here by everyone.” The operation if located in Henagar, will be a seed-to-sale location. They would grow, process, distribute and operate dispensaries. Workers
Rainsville Prepares for Freedom Run
Rainsville Freedom Run and according to Clifton, this is the biggest year yet. The number of registrations is up for the race RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- (Full Video when most races across the on Southern Torch Facebook) The country are seeing a decrease. The Rainsville Freedom Run is Rainsville City Council held its one of only two races in the regular meeting on June 6. country that is seeing an increase Jerry Clifton, Rainsville in participants. Freedom Run Organizer, The prestigious Peachtree 10K addressed the Council regarding in Atlanta, Georgia normally holds the run that will be held on June 18. This race will mark the 14th By Marla Jones Managing Editor
>See Run, P4
would go through background checks and receive all necessary training to be successful. The goal of RX Connections is to hire employees from the area. King stated that up to 200 jobs would be created with pay that would be starting at $15 per hour.
>See Plant, P4
FP Talks Trash
Payne know that crews are working hard to keep Fort Payne clean and to please bear with them. Due to retirements and FORT PAYNE, Ala.-- (Full video sickness, the Sanitation on Southern Torch Facebook) The Department is short-handed. Patrick Dunn of the Fort Payne Fort Payne City Council held its Sanaitiation Department said regularly scheduled meeting on another reason for the delay, was Tuesday, June 7. Mayor Brian Bain addressed the large amount of trash that is the Council regarding issues that being picked up. The department runs two full-time brush trucks the City is experiencing with sanitation and brush pickup. He wanted to let the citizens of Fort
By Marla Jones Managing Editor
>See Trash, P3
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