ST Vol 8 No 40

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FP to increase Boom Days Budget

Cancer Awareness Month

For nearly four decades, October has been recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It is a time devoted to educating everyone about breast cancer and the importance of early detection.

Ala.-(Full Video on Southern Torch Facebook) The Fort Payne City Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on October 4.

Mayor Brian Baine spoke of the success of Boom Days, which was held in downtown Fort

Payne. He asked Judge Andrew Hairston, who has served on the Boom Days Committee since 2006, to address the Council, regarding the needs of the Boom Days Committee.

Hairston asked the Council to make a one-time pay adjustment to the current $100,000 budget to help with costs to provide quality

entertainment for the event, making Boom Days even more successful.

Hairston also asked that the Council consider relocating power lines at the Boom Day stage to provide more room for the audience.

The Council voted to appropriate $30,000 for

Monday, October 3.

After the recent chemical spill that occurred on August 18, at the intersection of Alabama Highway 75 and Alabama Highway 35, the council voted to purchase a Hazmat Trailer in the amount of $7825.00 and Hazmat equipment in the amount of $10,000.00 for the Rainsville Fire Department. This equipment will help in the cleanup and containment efforts for first responders.

The Council voted to amend the payscale to give two employees a $1 per hour pay raise. One of the employees works in the City Hall and one works for the street department.

No matter who you are or where you live, breast cancer may touch your life. It’s necessary to understand the warning signs of breast cancer, your risk of breast cancer, and what’s normal for you so you can take action if there are any changes in your breasts or underarm areas.

Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer in women. In 2022, an estimated 290,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women

Wilkerson and Mary Barrontine.

Road patching in the amount of $16,460.00 was awarded to TNT Paving. Price breakdown is as follows: Oak $2800.00, Kilgore $1560.00, Meadows $4000.00, Williams $1200.00, Third Ave $900.00, Plainview $6000.00.

in the U.S. About one in eight women in the U.S. will get breast cancer at some point.

Although it is rare, men get breast cancer too. In 2022, an estimated 2,720 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S. and approximately 530 men will die from breast cancer.

On October 21, Southern Torch will go pink for breast cancer awareness. This issue will be dedicated to survivors and their stories. Ten percent of all proceeds from sales for this special edition will go to a local charity. If you would like to tell your story or advertise in this edition, please contact marla@southerntorch. com.

The best protection is early detection, get checked and schedule your annual mammogram today.

contract with Pyrotecnico for the Rainsville Freedom Fest Pre-Show Advance Agreement and Deposit of $7800.00 (The City has a co-sponsor for the event that will pay half of the cost of fireworks)

• Floor Repair at the Annex— the contract was awarded to Jimmy Traylor Construction in the amount of $3500.00

• Purchase (4) Roll-Offs from Wastequip in the amount of $22,857.00

• Empowered Mayor Lingerfelt to sign a lease agreement with Pitney Bowes for a stamp meter for City Hall



The Rainsville City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on

Ron King was hired for the WasteWater Treatment Plant as a Grade III Operator, at a rate of $25.25, effective October 3, 2022.

The Council accepted resignations from Tara

The Council voted to accept Dogwood Lane as a City Street. Council member Bejan Taheri abstained from voting, since he has property on that street. Mayor Roger Lingerfelt voted no on the acceptance. When contacted for comment, Mayor Lingerfelt stated that there were many checks and balances to accept a City Street and in his opinion those requirements had not been met.

In other business, the Council:

• Empowered Mayor Lingerfelt to sign a

• Amended the minutes from Special Called Meeting on September 28, to correct year model of Chevrolet Tahoe that was recently

Visit our website at for daily news updates and pick up your weekly print edition at news stands every Friday. (256)845-6101 (256)638-2200 (256)657-2200 (256)728-8000 SYLVANIA PHARMACY YOUR FRIEND, YOUR DRUGSTORE! (256)638-6070 Rodney Williams RPH Your Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... FRI. OCTOBER 7 SAT. OCTOBER 8 SUN. OCTOBER 9 80 / 45 70 / 41 72 / 44
Rainsville Purchases Hazmat Equipment
>See Hazmat, P3 >See Boom, P3
Ala.-- (Full Video on Southern Torch Facebook)
Judge Andrew Hairston, who has served on the Boom Days Committee since 2006, addressed the Fort Payne Council on the needs of the Committee to make Booms Days more successful. Marla Jones| Southern Torch

Scottsboro’s First Female City Judge

High School, Dunsmore received a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Montevallo in 1994. In 2001, she received a second degree in Human Resources Management from UAH.

The Scottsboro City Council has named Deborah Dunsmore the city’s new judge, making her the first female city judge in Scottsboro history.

Dunsmore has served as a city prosecutor for the past five years. When speaking about her new position, Dunsmore stated, “I’m excited about this new role. I just want to help the city any way I can.”

After graduating from Paint Rock Valley

Shop Downtown Historic Scottsboro

While working in human resources, Dunsmore attended night classes, earning a Juris Doctorate from the Birmingham School of Law in 2006.

Dunsmore hopes her appointment to her new position shows young girls what they can accomplish.

3 Arrested After Burglary

Scottsboro police officers arrested and charged three individuals connected to an alleged burglary that took place at a home on October 2.

According to the Scottsboro Police

Department, the victim’s camera system alerted him that people were in their home on McFoilton Lane. The victim went to confront the suspects at the residence, but the suspects fled before the police arrived at the scene.

Jane Bernal of Corona, New York,

Orlando Rodriguez Alvarez of Queens, New York, and Omar Steve Acuna Benavides of College Point, New York were all arrested following an investigation. The three individuals were charged with third-degree burglary and first-degree theft of property.

SCOTTSBORO, ALA. – There are many reasons to visit the historic Jackson County, courthouse square in Scottsboro. The commercial development dates back to 1881, however, the area didn’t “boom” until the 1930s when the Tennessee Valley Authority brought prosperity to the region. The district was listed on the Alabama Register Landmarks and Heritage in 1981 and the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. Another reason to visit the area is to support local businesses. One of the businesses on “The Square” is Bell’s Beautiful Boutique.

Owner, Darlene Bell started her business atop Sand Mountain in 2010 and moved her store to downtown Scottsboro in 2019. The store offers a large variety of infant and children’s clothing and accessories, a Tween line, a limited selection of ladies’ apparel and accessories, gift ideas, and farmhouse décor.

Bell fills her Facebook page (Bell’s Beautiful Boutique) with video tutorials about her shop and keeps customers apprised of the most recent merchandise, sales, and contests. Currently, she has a huge clearance sale going on to moveout

her summer line to make room for the fall line. “I have already purchased a large supply of seasonal and holiday apparel, so I have a great sale on my summer apparel,” said Bell. “My sales racks are packed.”

Families who like to match outfits between siblings can find adorable clothing which includes items such as a girl’s dress with the same holiday or seasonal theme as the shirt her brother would wear. “A lot of families like to dress their children up for holiday photos in clothing that represents the holiday or season the photo was taken in,” said Bell. “We have a nice selection to help families make wonderful family photos.”

Some of the brands the boutique store carries includes; Magnolia Baby, Little Me, Magnetic Me, Silkberry Baby, 3 Sisters, Trotter Street Kids, McCoy Boys, L’Amour, Jefferies, Little Stocking Company, and Willbeth.

Some of the

accessories offered are; hair bows, footwear, socks, infant swaddling blankets, silver forks/spoons for infants, Itzy Ritzy diaper bags, jewelry for infants and adults, ladies’ purses and totes, and leggings.

Clothing choices include; dresses, jackets, bell bottom jeans, embroidered clothing, pajamas, and much more. She also offers customers the opportunity to pre-order shoes. The Farmhouse décor selection showcases window panes in varying sizes, windmills, window louvers, signage, candle sticks and candles, and more. Bell likes feedback from her customers. “I like hearing what is they think is the most popular before I go to the Atlanta Market to buy for my store,” said Bell. Bell’s Beautiful Boutique is located at 103 S. Broad St. Scottsboro. Phone: 256-605-1324. Hours; Tuesday – Friday 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. –4:00 p.m.

Inside The Statehouse

For over 100 years, political history has revealed without deviation that when a Democrat wins the presidency in a presidential year, that in the following midterm congressional elections two years later that Republicans make gains in the U.S. House of Representatives. That truism has become more pronounced in the last few decades.

This history will be repeated in the upcoming November 8 General Election.

Every indication and polling suggest that the GOP gains in this year’s General Election will be significant.

In talking with people in the know in Washington, it appears to be a foregone conclusion that there will be major Republican gains in Congress. This prognosis is not only anticipated by Republican strategists

but is even being acknowledged by Democrats on the Hill and throughout the nation. Moreover, even the liberal mainstream media is cognizant of this GOP sweep on the horizon.

Currently, the Democrats have a very slim 221 to 214 majority in the U.S. House. For some reason, probably because the tea leaves indicate a GOP takeover of the House, there is an inordinate number of Democratic congressmen retiring this year. This makes the pick-ups for the GOP more sustainable. Incumbency and seniority are omnipotent in Congress. Therefore, the likelihood of the GOP taking over the majority is enhanced by these retiring Democrats.

The conservative estimate by most experts is that there will be a 30 to 36 seat swing to the Republicans in November. If that

estimate is accurate that would change the House from a 221 to 214 current Democratic majority to a Republican majority of 250 to 185.

This solid Republican majority would change the philosophical tilt in the national arena. In today’s polarized, toxic, partisan environment both parties’ members of Congress vote lockstep along party lines. You may as well have a robot voting their congressional voting machines. It would be more efficient and economical.

You would not have to have millions for congressional staffs or offices, which costs millions per congressman and their only duties anyway were to work to insure the congressman’s reelection every two years. The early prognostication of a 30 to 36 seat pickup in Congress

by Republicans has been tempered somewhat with the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This issue is not a winner for the GOP. Most Independent, a good many Republican, and almost all Democratic female voters are prochoice. The striking illustration of this prochoice leaning was revealed earlier this year when voters in ruby red Republican Kansas voted 60-40 against outlawing abortion in their state. This issue along with the Democratic socialist bailout money may have tempered the anticipated GOP congressional landslide.

However, Democratic President Joe Biden’s approval ratings are abysmal. He is at historical low polling approvals, especially among all important Independent voters. The primary reason for Biden’s demise and the

obvious elephant in the room is the out of control economic inflation rate on consumer spending in the country. It is approaching a 10% level. This is devastating politically for Biden and the Democrats. Americans vote their pocketbook, especially in congressional elections.

Another detriment to Democrats is Biden’s first year decision to completely disregard immigration laws and create carte blanche open southern borders for every undocumented immigrant to invade the country and offer them all of the welfare and government privileges and services of state tax dollars. This open door infringement does not sit well with Republicans or Independents and probably not with some minority Democrats.

The liberal social agenda of House Democrats regarding

LGBTQ issues appear over the top to most mainstream Christian Americans. If truth were known, even Eastern religions are not comfortable with these overt favorable treatment towards social mores. My observations of Southern African American people are that they are very Christian oriented and are Bible reading and do not adhere to this agenda either.

This congruence of economic, social and deficit spending is dovetailing into a devastating mid-term congressional wipeout for Democrats. This tsunami will probably spill over into the U.S. Senate, also.

The Senate is 50 Democrats and 50 Republicans, dead even. Republicans could win a majority in the upper chamber. It will be close. The key senate battles will be in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and our neighboring state of Georgia. We will see in less than five weeks.





The next regular Rainsville Council meeting will be held on October 17, with a worksession beginning at 4 p.m and the Regular Session at 4:30 p.m.



the power line relocation for the Boom Days stage and gave a one-time adjustment of $50,000 for next year’s budget to the Boom Days Committee.

John Dersham, Director of the DeKalb County Tourist Association, addressed the Council on growth in Fort Payne, with two new hotels locating in the area.

Tourism has doubled in the last eight years in DeKalb

County. In 2021, over $149 M was spent in DeKalb County, which was a 54% increase from 2020. The return visitor rate to DeKalb County is second in the state, following the Gulf Coast.

In other business, The Fort Payne Council approved the annual one-time pay adjustment for employees. Last year the Council granted a $1000, after tax, adjustment to full-time employees and $500 to full-time probationary employees.

The Council tabled Resolution 2022-32, which would increase the business license issue fee from $12 to $14, as approved by the Alabama Department of Revenue.

Council member

John Smith stated that he did not want to increase fees during such bad economic times

Happy 100th Birthday!

when businesses are struggling to keep their doors open.

The Council took the following actions:

• Set November 1st as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed right-of-way vacation for Vicky Kirby on Grand Avenue and 7th Street North

• Passed Resolution 2022-31, which authorized the application for an Airport Improvement Project grant

Approved the following Activity Permits:

• First Baptist Church, Halloween Party, Church property located at 2nd Street and Grand Avenue South, Sunday, October 30th beginning at 4:00 p.m. During the event, they are requesting the closure of 2nd Street South between Grand Avenue and Alabama Avenue.

• Family Services of North Alabama, Sherrie Hiett, 5K run/ walk, Rotary Pavilion Route, Saturday, November 19th beginning at 9:00 a.m. Approved the following Streetlight request:

• Pat Tcherneshoff, 1402 Rice Blvd N.W. at the intersection of Airport Road and Rice Blvd.

A work session was scheduled for October 12th to meet with Shannon Campagna and Nicole Gray concerning the availability of grants. Time to be announced at a later date.

The Council went into Executive Session, with no action taken.

Ca g a Sp ky y F s!

Birthday at Fyffe Park surrounded by friends and family. She has two children alive, out of three. She has 7 grandchildren, 14 great grandchildren, and 21 great great grandchildren. Happy Birthday Mrs. Elva Blackwell!

Every Friday and Saturday in October, Trail of Horror - Hollywood Fire Department hosts the Trail of Terror. Every Friday and Saturday in October. Begins at sundown. Located at Hollywood Park, 6759 Co Rd 33, Hollywood AL. Admission $10.

October 8, Canyon Half Marathon - Fort Payne, ALJacksonville State University and the Little River Canyon Center is pleased to announce the 9th annual half marathon set to be held on Saturday, October 8th, 2022.

Possibly one of the most scenic half marathons in the

course loops 13.1 miles on paved roads, starting and ending at the Little River Canyon Center.

Starting at 8:00 am, the first 5 miles of the run will follow the Little River Canyon National Preserve’s scenic and sometimes challenging rim of the canyon, as the remainder winds through gently rolling farm country including Randy Owen Drive and his famous Tennessee River Music Hereford and Angus cattle ranch. Randy and Kelly Owen are often on hand at the 6 and 8 mile water station pitching Fig Newtons, energy GU and drinks.

The next meeting of the Fort Payne Council will be held on October 18, beginning at 12:30 p.m.

October 27,

Domestic Violence

Crisis Services

Annual Candlelight Vigils - Albertville

DVCS will hold their annual Candlelight Vigil startig at 5:00PM at the DeKalb County Courthouse. Carla Wood will give a brief introduction of who we are and what services we offer and honor those who aren’t with us today. There will be a reading of a poem and realeasing of balloons.

November 5,

Hustle for Heroes

5K - Join the VFW & Auxiliary in our 5th Hustle for Heroes

5K. All proceeds benefit The Patriots Memorial Park in Fort Payne. The race


begins and ends at the VFW Fairgrounds in Fort Payne. Registration fee is $25 and day of is $30. There will be a Fun Run for children under 12. Fun Run fee is $5 and $10 with t-shirt. Register by October 21 to guarentee a t-shirt. There will be medals awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each division. Online registration is available.

November 5, Canyon FestCanyon Fest is an annual celebration of art and nature featuring local art, crafts, live animal shows, music, food and fun for the entire family. Free and open to everyone. Pets welcome on leashes.

Friday - October 7, 2022 - 3 Southern Torch
Staff: Eloise
Marla Jones
Editor/Sports Brian Anderson - Radio Operations Manager Nick Vizzinia - Graphic Design Amy West - Account Executive Reace Osborn - Account Executive Jenna Sue Payne - Account Executive Patti Browder - Radio Traffic Katie Browder - Radio Traffic Lindsey Jones - Accounting Jenny Wootten Mann - Radio Personality Tommy Daniels - Program Director Steve Malcom - Radio Personality Southern Torch (USPS Periodicals #19790) is published each Friday by Southern Torch, Inc. 225 Gault Ave. N. Fort Payne AL.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Southern Torch, P.O. Box
Rainsville, AL. 35986. Submit your upcoming events to for a chance to be featured in next week's print edition of The Southern Torch! country, the certified
Smith - General Manager
- Managing
YOUR FRIEND, YOUR DRUGSTORE! (256)638-6070 Rodney Williams RPH SYLVANIA PHARMACY Call or Stop By Anytime Give Us Your RX Numbers We Do The Rest! DeKalb Animal Hospital Joseph K McNew D V.M Linda Galbraith, D V.M. Jessica Jones, D V.M Office: (256)845-0046 Emergency: (256)845-3031 125 22nd Street NW Fort Payne, AL 35967 HIRING
Elva Blackwell celebrated her 100th
P.O. Box 218 • Geraldine, AL 35974 (256)659-2138
One to two paragraphs. Send your submissions to or Subject titled: SPOOKY STORY by Monday, October 24th - y u g
We are taking submissions for our Halloween Edition of the Southern Torch paper! Brush up on your writing skills and come up with your very best scary story. We want YOU to be a “ghost writer” for this special edition. Your story can be true or fictional!



CASE NO.: CV-22900112








Lookout Mountain Ranch – CCC, LLC and Tina McDonald, the registered agent for service of process for Lookout Mountain Ranch – CCC, LLC, take notice that on June 23, 2022 a Complaint was filed in the above-styled case concerning past due HOA dues, late fees, reasonable attorney’s fee and Court costs. The Complaint alleges claims against Lookout Mountain Ranch – CCC, LLC including but not limited to: breach of the terms and conditions of the Declaration of Protective and Restrictive Covenants and Bylaws of the Hidden Lake at Lookout Mountain Subdivision, failure to pay HOA dues, late fees, and attorney fees, and demands monetary judgment upon the same. You are hereby notified to file a responsive pleading within thirty (30) days after the last publication of the Notice or on or about November 11, 2022. Said Notice being published on September 16, 2022; September 23, 2022; September 30, 2022 and October 7, 2022 in the Southern Torch, and on September 21, 2022; September 28, 2022; October 5, 2022 and October 12, 2022 in the Cherokee County Herald.


Said notice to be published September 16, 23, 30, & October 7


CASE NO. 2022-346


RE: Petition for Name Change Order for Camila Gonzalez

Please take notice that a Petition for minor child name change has been filed in said Court by Edith Margarita Coronel. Please be advised that if you intend to contest said Petition for Name Change you must file a written response with the attorney named below and with the Clerk of the Probate Court, 300 Grand Avenue SW, Suite 100, Fort Payne, AL 35967 as soon as possible but no later than 30 days from the last date of this publication.

Said notice to be published

September 23, 30, & October 7


CASE NO. 2022-345



RE: Petition for Name Change Order for Marlon lan Gonzalez

Please take notice that a Petition for minor child name change has been filed in said Court by Edith Margarita Coronel. Please be advised that if you intend to contest said Petition for Name Change you must file a written response with the attomey named below and with the Clerk of the Probate Court, 300 Grand Avenue SW, Suite 100, Fort Payne, AL 35967 as soon as possible but no later than 30 days from the last date of this publication.

Said notice to be published September 23, 30, & October 7


CASE NO. 2022-342

Letters of Testamentary on the Estate of JAMES RONALD JONES, Deceased, having been granted to the undersigned on the 19 day of Sept, 2022, by the Judge of Probate of said county, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.

Said notice to be published September 23, 30, & October 7

Deceased, having been granted to the undersigned on the 21 day of September, 2022, by the Judge of Probate of said county, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate, are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law, or the same will be



* 2022-356 * ADMINISTRATOR’S


In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Nelson Blalock, Jr., Deceased. Letters of Administration of the estate of Joseph Nelson Blalock, Jr., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned on the 28 day of Sept. 2022 by the Honorable Ronnie Osborn, Judge of Probate of said County, notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the same within the time allowed by law, or the same will be barred.

Said notice to be published October 7, 14, & 21

have it published in Southern Torch, a newspaper of general circulation in DeKalb County, Alabama, once a week for the next four (4) weeks.

Said notice to be published September 30, October 7, 14, & 21





Under and by virtue of a judgment in the above styled cause rendered by Circuit Judge Shaunathan C. Bell on November 6, 2020, the following real property sh auction on Saturday, October 29 at 11:00

a.m. to the best, highest and last bidder:

Begin at the SW corner of the NW Quarter of the SW Quarter of Section 28, Township 6 South, Range 8 East, Huntsville, Meridian, DeKalb County, Alabama; thence S 89 deg. 21’08” W 7.70’ to the East right of way of Lingerfelt Road; thence N 01 deg. 40’ 18” E 276.52’; thence N 01 deg. 35’ 44” E 57.35’; thence leaving said right of way N 89 deg. 25’ 57” E 1332.37’; thence S 00 deg. 07’ 09” W 331.76’; thence S 89 deg. 21’08” W 1333.66’ to the point of beginning, having an area of 10.2 acres.

Commence at the SW corner of the NW Quarter of the SW

Quarter of Section 28, Township 6 South, Range 8 East, Huntsville Meridian, DeKalb County,

Alabama; thence S 89 deg. 21’08” W 7.70’ to the East right of way Lingerfelt Road;

thence N 01 deg. 40’

18” E 276.52’; thence

N 01 deg. 35’ 44” E

57.35’; to the point of

beginning; thence N 01 deg. 35’ 44” E 95.24’;

thence N 01 deg. 33’

56” E 238.60’; thence

N 89 deg. 30’48” E 1323.87’; thence S 00 deg. 07’ 09” W 331.76’; thence S 89 deg. 25’

57” W 1332.37’ to the point of beginning, having an area of 10.1 acres. Subject to and in favor of a 30’ wide non-exclusive

easement for ingress, egress, and utilities along an existing drive DB 753, P 238. The auction will take place on the property at 128 Lingerfelt Road, Rainsville, AL 35986. For more information, you may contact: Jim Givens, AL Auctioneer’s License #1218, Auctions United, Inc. 1-800-222-5003; Randy Wilson, Wilson Realty, 256-997-6972; or Beau Wilson, Wilson Realty, 256-844-7298, or visit the website: www.auctionsunited. com. Done this 5th day of October, 2022.

Said notice to be published, October 7, 14, & 21

Fun at DeKalb Fair

Galvan-Mendoza Celeste, Plantiff v.


Roberto, Defendant Order

Upon Varified motion of the petitioner in the above style cause, the court agrees that service by publication of the Petition for custody upon the Respondent, Roberto Rodriguez-Mendiola, whose whereabouts are unknown, is proper in this case and directs the Court Clerk to prepare a Notice and

4 - Friday - October 7, 2022 Southern Torch Space for Rent Located at 103B Greenhill Blvd NW Fort Payne, Al 35967. It is roughly 1200 square feet. Perfect for a clinic or offices! call (256)845-6640 for details rent rate will be $1200 per month that includes utilities LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS IN THE PROBATE COURT OF DEKALB COUNTY, ALABAMA EXECUTOR’S NOTICE TO FILE CLAIMS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MILES L. BEATY, DECEASED CASE NO.:
Said notice to be published September 30, October 7, & 14 NOTICE OF ELECTRONIC FILING IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DeKALB COUNTY, ALABAMA CELESTE GALVANMENDOZA V. ROBERTO RODRIGUEZMENDIOLA 28-CS-2022900051.00 The following matter was FILED on 5/31/2022 11:24:28 AM In the Juvenile Court of DeKalb County, Alabama
2022-347 Letters of
on the Estate of MILES L.
Tinley Parker, age 3 of Rainsville had a great time winning fish at the DeKalb County VFW fair. Marla Jones| Southern Torch


Wilson Cornerstone

Dale Randolph Sharp - 63 of Fort Payne, passed away on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. Services will be held at 4 p.m., Thursday, September 29.

Louise Henderson - 91, of Fort Payne, passed away Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Funeral services will be 11 a.m.

Teresa Ann Cooper - 65 of Fort Payne, formerly of Rome, GA, passed away on Thursday, September 29, 2022. The family will have a private memorial service at a later date.

Deborah Ann Henderson - 62, of Fort Payne, passed away Monday, October 3, 2022. The family plans to have a memorial service at a later time.


2022 . Funeral Burt ChapelFort


Evelyn Darlene Ewing - 81 of Trenton, GA passed away peacefully in her home on September 28, 2022. Services will be Saturday, October 1 at 1 PM CT at Corner Stone Funeral Chapel. Burial will follow.

Don Stanley Lowrance - 83, of Bryant, Alabama passed away peacefully with family by his side on October 3rd, 2022. Funeral services are Thursday, October 6 at 1 PM ET.

Patsy Ann Willoughby - 74, of Crossville Alabama passed away on October 2, 2022 at Shepherd’s Cove. A Memorial Service will be held on October 9, at Victory Baptist Church in Kilpatrick at 4:00 P.M. Geraldine Funeral Home announcing.

Patsy Hicks - 68 of Pisgah passed away on Sunday, October 02, 2022 at St. Vincent’s in Birmingham. Funeral service is Thursday, October 06, 2022, at 2pm.


Jimmy “Jim” Lynn Bolton - 84, of Ooltewah, passed away on Monday, September 26, 2022. The family will receive friends from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM on Thursday, September 29, Funeral Services will follow at 1:30 PM.

Lawrence Quinton Paschal - 75 of Rainsville, AL passed away on Wednesday, September 28, 2022.

Charles (Chuck) J. Stanton - 66, of Skyline, passed away on Tuesday, September 27, 2022. A graveside service will be held on Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 2:00 pm.

Joyce Marie Sanders - 89 of Scottsboro, Alabama passed away Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Friday, September 30.

11am on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel with burial to follow.

James Eric Sparks - 68 of Rainsville, passed away Sunday, September 25, 2022.

Funeral Services will be held at 3pm on Thursday, September 29, 2022. The family will receive friends from 1pm-2:30pm on Thursday, the 29th.

service at a later date.

Allen Mitchell Smith - 57 of Southside, passed away Thursday, September 29, 2022. “Celebration Of Life” services will be held at 4pm on Thursday, October 6, 2022.

Geraldine Kerby Scottsboro

Mildred Hicks - 97

Funeral services will be held on Saturday, October 1, at 2PM.

Nancy Dawson Wilson - 87 of Rainsville passed away on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at her residence.

Funeral service is Monday, October 3 , 2022 at 11AM.

Mary Linda Cole69 of Sylvania, passed away on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at Huntsville Hospital.

Funeral service is Tuesday, October 4, 2022 at 3:00PM. Burial will follow.

Ronald Reed Massey - 63, of Fort Payne, Alabama, passed away on Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at DeKalb Regional Medical Center. Date of Funeral: Saturday, October BUSINESS Serving Northeast Alabama for more than 50 years! Anderson Windows & Doors

Bettye S. Elmore70, of Scottsboro, passed away on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 at Huntsville Hospital, after a lengthy battle with cancer. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, October 1, 2022 at 3:00 pm.

Barbara LaRue Lands - 79, of Scottsboro, passed away peacefully, on Thursday, September 29, 2022. Funeral services will be held on Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 2:00 pm.

Donald Kenneth “Don” Hall - 83, of Geraldine passed away on Saturday, September 24, 2022. A graveside service will be held at 2pm Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at Whiton Cemetery with Bro. Bobby Austin officiating.

David Patrick Belveal - 71, of Dawson passed away on Saturday, September 24, 2022. Funeral services are set for 2pm on Monday, September 26, 2022. The family will receive friends from 1:00pm until the hour of service.

Fannie Belle

Ives Vernon Patterson - 80 of Rainsville, passed away Monday, September 26, 2022.

Funeral Services will be held at 4pm on Wednesday, September 28.

Gillis Ray Williamson - 82 of Crossville, passed away Tuesday, September 27, 2022.

Funeral Services will be held at 2pm on Wednesday, October 5, 2022.

Alfred Delano Mitchell - 54 of Rainsville, passed away Tuesday, September 27, 2022.

Funeral Services will be held at 1pm on Thursday, September 29.

Colton Mack Storm Goble - Infant passed away Wednesday, September 28, 2022.

The family will be having a memorial

Marvin Paul Gilbert II - 75 of Collinsville, passed away Thursday, September 29, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 2pm on Saturday, October 1, with cremation to follow.

Richard Glen Pridmore - 88, of Rainsville, AL and Foley, Al passed away on Saturday, October 1, 2022. Graveside services will be held at 11am Tuesday, October 4, 2022.

Larry Smith - 70, of Boaz passed away on Sunday, October 2, 2022. Arrangements by. W.T. Wilson Funeral Chapel.

Tina Sue Robinson - 59, of Fyffe passed away on Monday, October 3, 2022. Funeral services are set for 1pm Thursday, October 6, 2022 from the W. T. Wilson Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Pine Grove Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 5 until 8pm Wednesday at the funeral home.

Friday - October 7, 2022 - 5 Southern Torch
W.T. Wilson
Thurman - 83 of Cedar Bluff, passed away Sunday, September 25, 2022. Funeral Services will be held at 2:00 PM
Consignment (256)845-5680 (256)845-5680 Hometown banking, wherever you are! W.T. Wilson PHONE: (256)638-2700 FAX: (256)638-3488 Simple, Convenient & Less Expensive QUALITY JEWELRY 1706 Glenn Blvd., Suite 4 James Allensworth • Rainsville Church Pew Quality Church Furnishings created by American Craftsmen Since 1958 Shari Jones - Agent Kim Horton Reality P.O. Box 2315 Rainsville, AL 35986 256-638-5281 Jamey Jones 1281 Main St. PO Drawer 1099 Rainsville, AL 35986 (256)638-2467 FurnitureRefinishing&Restoration 24/ 7 EMERGENCY SERVICE DO YOU HAVE A MOLD PROBLEM? ( 256 ) 273-4900 Robert Johnson Roofing and Construction LLC AL License #25356 PO Box 426 Valley Head, AL 35989 Amanda McDonald - Office Manager AMY THRASH ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE O ce: (256)638-4040 Cell: (256)996-0460 DAY CARE CENTER 333 DILBECK RD IN RAINSVILLE • (256)638-4848 KANDIELAND Advertise here for $12.50 (256)605-4427 Burt Funeral Homes (256)845-9150 3801 Gault Avenue, North, Fort Payne, AL
of Henagar passed away on Tuesday, October 04, 2022 at Crown Health Care. Funeral service is Thursday, October 06, 2022, at 2pm.


smothered Glencoe

42-7 Friday night as the Rams bank another region win behind an attacking defense and a balanced offense.

The Rams racked up 470 yards of offense for its homecoming game and limited the Yellow Jackets to one touchdown in a dominating performance.

Sylvania (5-1 overall, 3-1 in 3A, Region 6) received the kick and moved the ball 60-yards before missing a field goal on its opening drive. After the kickoff, the Rams held Glencoe to a three-and-out.

After the punt, sophomore back Aiden Parham picked up 16 yards on a run off right tackle, and Josh Scott hauled in a 55-yard pass from Jaxon Smith to the Glencoe 3-yard-line.

Braiden Thomas finished the drive with a touchdown at 2:42.

Conner Andrade’s kick made the score 7-0 with 2:42 in the first quarter.

On its next drive, the Yellow Jackets didn’t find much running room.

Sylvania’s defensive line stuffed the run, and Ashdon Cooley blocked a punt that Thomas recovered and returned to the 25-yard line. Thomas then finished the drive with a run for the score. Sylvania led 14-0 after the PAT with :44 left in the first quarter.

Football Finals for September 30, 2022

Homecoming Win for Sylvania Bulldogs Bite the Indians

To open the second quarter, Sylvania forced a short Glencoe punt. Parham then took a short pass from Smith and found a seam for the 62-yard touchdown. Andrade was good again to bump Sylvania’s lead to 21-0.

In the second quarter, Glencoe’s Garret Gaskin caught a first-down pass from quarterback Nolan Fairley, and Austin Mann ran for another first down. The Rams defensive clamped down along the line and stuffed two runs, and Scott broke up a fourth-down conversion attempt to force the change of possession at the Rams 31-yard line.

A catch by Scott, a Thomas run, and a scramble by Smith marched the Rams down the field.

Thomas capped the drive untouched on a 4-yard run for the 28-0 lead.

On its next drive, Fairley picked up a first down, but on the next play faced pressure from Cooley and was intercepted by John Robert Dixon. With Griffin Turner in at quarterback, Scott picked up 12-yard and 21-yard gains through the air. The Rams couldn’t finish the drive, however, and turned the ball over on downs at the 39-yard line.

Glencoe received the second-half kickoff and had its best drive of the night. After picking up two first downs, Fairley ran the ball around right end for the 52-yard score. The PAT was good for the 28-7 score with

7:12 in the third quarter.

After the kickoff, Sylvania moved the ball quickly downfield behind a Thomas run and a 25-yard completion from Turner to Watkins. Parham punched it in from two-yards-out and Andrade’s PAT increased the lead to 35-7.

On Glencoe’s next possession, Connor Montgomery picked up 30 yards around left end to the Sylvania 30-yard line. Ky Shankles recovered a bad snap on the next play, but the Rams were forced to punt just before the end of the third quarter.

Glencoe was again forced into a short punt on its next possession. Sylvania began its drive on the Glencoe 28-yard line. Shawn Gimm gained six yards on a carry before Turner completed a short pass to Watkins, who scampered into the end zone for the score and 42-7 final score.

The Rams finished with 270 yards through the air and 200 on the ground. Thomas finished with 91 yards on the ground and three touchdowns, Parham and Watkins each had a touchdown, and Scott led the Rams with 95 yards receiving.

Quarterbacks Smith and Turner combined to complete 12 of 24 passes.

Sylvania travels to Plainview on Thursday, while Glencoe (2-4 overall, 0-4 in region play) hosts Piedmont on Friday.


The Geraldine Bulldogs celebrated their Homecoming with a 28-0 victory over the Ohatchee Indians on Friday night.

The Geraldine Bulldogs rambled down the field for 82-yards before scoring on a 25-yard run by Caleb Hall, with 5:29 remaining in the first. The extra point was good, giving the Bulldogs the 7-0 lead over Cedar Bluff. Jaxon Colvin made the 48-yard pass connection with Cody Satterfield , for another Bulldog touchdown with 2:06 remaining in the first. The PAT was good to give the Geraldine Bulldogs the 14-0 advantage at the end of the first quarter.

After a turnover on downs at midfield by Ohatchee, Geraldine took over. The Bulldogs capitalized on the turnover, with a touchdown by Carlos Mann. The PAT was good, padding the Geraldine lead to 21-0, with 8:25 remaining in the first half. After a short punt, the Ohatchee Indians took over at the 34-yard line. Kobe Hill intercepted the Indian pass in the end zone, stopping the Ohatchee


The Fort Payne Wildcats defeated the Lee Generals 56-12, on Friday night.

Kaden Dubose scored on a 54-yard run to give the Wildcats the 7-0 lead with 7:23 remaining in the first quarter.The Wildcat defense forced a 3 and out on the Generals. With 1:31 left in the first, Bennett Blanks scored from 3-yards out, making the score 14-0. In the second quarter Fort Payne scored again with a reverse pass from Dax Varnadore to Jake Barnes to make the score 21-0 with 11:22 left in the half. The Wildcat defense held Lee short of the endzone on 4th down. Barnes connected with Marcus Ledford for a 18-yard touchdown pass giving the Wildcats the 28-0 lead at halftime.

drive. Geraldine carried the 21-0 lead into the half.

Caleb Hall led the Geraldine Bulldogs with 112 yards on sixteen carries and two touchdowns. Carlos Mann had 64 yards on 8 carries and one touchdown.

SCOREBOARD Wildcats Defeat the Generals

Geraldine scored on their second possession in the third quarter with another Caleb Hall touchdown. Ohatchee blocked the field goal, making the final score of the night, 28-0. 42-12 with 6:33 remaining in the third quarter. Alex Akins scored from 3 - yards out to stretch the lead to 49-12 with 1:07 left in the third.

With 10:42 remaining in the third quarter, Dubose ran it in for a 3-yard touchdown, to make the score 35-0. Lee scored with an 80-yard pass to make the score 35-6 with 9:49 remaining in the third. Dubose scored his third touchdown of the night from 12-yards out making the score 42-6 with 6:59 left in the third quarter. Lee answered back with a 88-yard touchdown run making the score

The Geraldine Bulldogs will host Westbrook Christian on Friday.

With a pick 6 by Levi Crow, the Fort Wildcats scored again, making the final 56-12 over the Lee Generals.

The Fort Payne Wildcats will host

20 22
Geraldine sails past the competition for a Homecoming victory. Sylvania’s offensive line sets for a play against Glencoe
Fyffe 61, Collinsville 0 Fort Paynr 56, Lee 12 Section 28, Ider 19 Geraldine 28, Ohatchee 0 New Hope 14, North Jackson 0 North Sand Mountain 49, Sand Rock 13 Pisgah 41, Whitesburg Christian 7 Hokes Bluff 28, Plainview 0 Sylvania 42, Glencoe 7 Valley Head 34, Cedar Bluff 6 Gaylesville 54, Woodville 6 Arab 48, Crossville 7 Scottsboro 17, Guntersville 14
Friday night in a 3A, Region 6 matchup. | Photo courtesy of Mandy Helton
Collinsville Drugs “Caring for you like family” 588 South Valley Ave P.O. Box 498 Collinsville, AL 35961 (256) 524-2981 Brandon Boswell, PharmD Pharmacist/Owner

Team of the Week Scottsboro Wildcats


The Scottsboro Wildcats (3-3, 2-1) defeated the Guntersville Wildcats, 17-14 on Thursday night. This was

Scottsboro’s (3-3, 2-1) first win against a ranked opponent in six years. This win put the Wildcats back into the region championship play and home playoff-game contention.

The Guntersville Wildcats (6-1, 3-1) came into the 87th meeting

of the two teams, as Class 5A’s secondhighest scoring of an average of 49 points per game. The Scottsboro defense made several key plays in the first half. Landon Wright made a fumble recovery. An interception by Andrew Smith set up

the 19-yard touchdown by Jake Jones. The point after attempt by Cole Raeuchie gave the Scottsboro Wildcats the 7-0 lead in the second quarter. A 20-yard field goal gave the Scottsboro Wildcats the 10-0 advantage going into the half.

A 61-yard touchdown by Guntersville narrowed the Scottsboro lead to 10-6 with 4:24 remaining in the third quarter. With 8:38 remaining in the game, Keelan Alvarez stampeded in from 12-yards out to score for Scottsboro. The

PAT by Raeuchie, made the score 17-6. With 4:20 remaining in the game, Street Smith brought one in from 2-yards out, for the Guntersville score. The two-point conversion was good, making the final score of the night, 17-14 The Scottsboro Wildcats will host Sardis on Friday.

Devils Cage the Panthers Homecoming Victory for the Tigers

Fyffe, Ala.-- The Fyffe Red Devils shutout the Collinsville Panthers, 61-0 on Friday night.

On a night when Collinsville needed to avoid mistakes to stay with Fyffe in the game, they did the opposite. The Panthers fumbled the opening kickoff and Evan Chandler recovered it for the Red Devils. Two plays later Brodie Hicks brought it in from seven yards out, with only :45 ticked off the time clock. The kick by Yahir Balcazar was good, to give the Red Devils the early 7-0 lead. On 3rd and 16 for Collinsville, Simon Hicks intercepted the Panthers. Next play Anderson walked it in from 21 yard out. The kick by Balcazar gives the Red Devils the 14-0

advantage. After a Collinsville fumble, Chandler scored on a 12-yard reception. The kick by Balcazar gave the Red Devils the 21-0 lead over the Panthers. With 5:15 remaining in the first, Anderson ran 58-yards up the middle for the score. The point after attempt failed, making the score 27-0. The Red Devils scored four touchdowns on only nine total plays, with less than six minutes into the game.

Brodie Hicks padded the Red Devil lead, to 34-0, with a 3-yard shuffle into the endzone with 3:50 remaining in the first.

The kick by Jessie Martin was good.

Anderson bulldozed his way down the field for 60-yards for the score. The kick by Martin gave the Fyffe Red Devils the impressive 41-0 lead at the end of the first quarter.

Ryder Gipson ran one in from 23-yards, with 9:00 remaining in the first half. The kick by Martin, gave the Red Devils the 48-0 lead going into intermission.

The Red Devils scored two touchdowns in the third quarter. Once on a 51-yard touchdown by Hunter Machen. The Red Devils went for two but were unsuccessful. With :23 remaining in the third, Bryce Totherow ran one in from 72-yards out. The PAT by Martin, made the final score 61-0.

Logan Anderson led the Red Devils with 173 yards and three touchdowns. Bryce Totherow had 99 yards and one touchdown.

Keaton Deboard had 30 yards rushing, 58 yards on kick returns and punted six times for Collinsville.

Fyffe will travel to take on Sand Rock on Friday. Collinsville will host Ider for their Homecoming game.

VALLEY HEAD, ALA.-- The Valley Head Tigers celebrated Homecoming with a 34-6 win over the Cedar Bluff Tigers, on Friday night.

The No. 3 ranked Valley Head Tigers remain perfect in play with a 6-0 record. They are 3-0 in region play.

Eian Bain scored the only touchdown in the first quarter with a 13-yard run. The PAT failed but gave the Valley Head Tigers the 6-0 advantage with 6:31 remaining in the first.

Bain scored again in the second quarter with a 34-yard stampede into the endzone, with 9:29 remaining in the first half. The two-point conversion by Henan Moreno was good, giving the Valley Head Tigers the 14-0 advantage going into intermission.

Bain ran one in from 63-yards out for the touchdown. The two-point conversion failed but gave the Tigers the 20-0 lead.

Bain struck again on a 5-yard run with :06 remaining in the third quarter. The two-point conversion run by Nate Bain was good, to give the Tigers the 28-0


Cedar Bluff put their only points on the board with a 39- yard pass connection from Kaden Pack to Kade Browning. The kick was blocked by Valley Head. With 5:45 remaining in the game, Bain scored his 5th touchdown of the night on a 14-yard run. The PAT failed, making the final score of the night 34-6.

Eian Bain had 252 yards on 22 attempts, averaging 11.5 yards per carry. He scored all five touchdowns for the night.

The Valley Head Tigers will travel to take on Appalachian on Friday.

Friday - October 7, 2022 - 7 Southern Torch
The Fyffe Red Devils caged the Panthers 61-0, on Friday night. Cheryl Boydston | Southern Torch The Valley Head Tigers celebrated an Homecoming victory with a 34-6 victory over Cedar Bluff. Photo courtesy of : Valerie Chappell
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