ST Vol 8 No 8

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, February 25, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 8 / $1.00

BOE Honors Henagar Future Engineers

The Board welcomed special guest Brett Smith from Henagar Junior High School whose team won the NASA Future Engineers Challenge Photo by Marla Jones | Southern Torch

By Marla Jones Managing Editor

RAINSVILLE, Ala.-- (Full video on Southern Torch Facebook) The DeKalb County Board of Education held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, February 22.

The Board welcomed special guest Brett Smith from Henagar Junior High School whose team won the NASA Future Engineers Challenge. Out of 600 entries across the county, the students from Henagar Junior High School were one of 57 winning teams and one of only 20 teams to win the High-Altitude

Balloon Challenge. Henagar was the only team to win from the State of Alabama. This win will give them an assigned spot for their experiment on a NASAsponsored flight and a $1500 award to develop their experiment. In the regular session, the Board approved the

following bids: • District Offices Cleaning Services - JaniKing of Huntsville • The low bid from Covington Floors for Fyffe Gym Floor Renovation • Plasma Cutter - Atlas Swift-Cut - $36,500 The following resignations were approved: • Cory Dobbins -

Elementary Teacher Henagar Jr. High School Resignation - 1/28/22 • Jeremy Moses - Bus Driver - Crossville Middle School - Resignation - 2/5/22 • Makayla Lacy Elementary Teacher

would ever call someone demanding money. In the past, similar callers have instructed the person that they can bring cash to the Sheriff’s Office to pay a fine for failing to appear or they can purchase a pre-paid credit card, such as a Green-Dot Card, and provide the card number to the caller. “It does not work this way. If a person owes fines to the court system, those fines are paid at the Circuit Clerk’s Office. This just goes to show that, again, the process simply does not work the way the caller says.” The caller may seem to be well informed. “I have been told that callers have used the names of employees of my office and the names of investigators. These people are public employees and it would not be hard to find out their names, but it would appear to lend credibility to the caller. Sometimes

the phone number they call from looks like it is coming from a law enforcement related number. But this is a scam.”

If anyone receives a call like this, they should report it to law enforcement. Judge Taylor says “Anyone with a question about this type

of phone call can call my office. If you receive this call, you can hang up and call my office and we will confirm that we did not direct anyone to call you

>See BOE, P4

Be Aware of Phone Scams

Submitted by Judge Jeremy Taylor

Recently it was reported to the DeKalb County Circuit Court that an individual received a phone call from someone claiming to be Michael Edmondson from the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department calling on behalf of Judge Jeremy Taylor. The caller claimed that someone had failed to appear either as a witness or as a party in a court case. The conversation was not allowed to continue far enough to reach attempted extortion, but that assuredly was the purpose of the call. Judge Taylor responded: “This would never happen. If someone fails to appear for court, there is a procedure to handle that, but that procedure does not include calling a person on the phone and requesting money. Neither my office nor a law enforcement officer

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