DISTRICT ATTORNEY Paid political ad by Nick Jones, P.O. Box 5, Rainsville, AL 35986
THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, March 4, 2022 / VOL. 8, NO. 9 / $1.00
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Fort Payne Honors Saferite address the Mayor and Council on the current state of the City’s bond debt. The Council approved the following Ordinances and Resolutions: Ordinances: • 2022-01, reducing the speed limit on DeSoto Parkway inside the Park to 25 mph. • 2022-02, closing Jaycee Avenue, located on the west side of the Williams Avenue School building, from 15th Street North to 18th Street North for the duration of the Police Department occupation of the premises. Resolutions: • 2022-07, accepting the low bid for CRS-2 Asphalt • 2022-08, accepting the low bid for drainpipe • 2022-09, accepting
By Marla Jones Managing Editor marla@southerntorch.com
FORT PAYNE, ALA. -(Full video on Southern Torch Facebook) The Fort Payne City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 1. Mayor Baine presented a retirement plaque to Ron Saferite, who recently retired as Fort Payne Fire Chief. Saferite, served as a firefighter for 31 years for the City of Fort Payne. “I just want to thank the Mayor and Council for everything that you have done for the department over the years which help the citizens of Fort Payne” stated Saferite. Brad Green, representing Raymond James Financial, and Kane Burnett, representing the Bradly Arant law firm, to
>See Saferite, P4
Board Approves 2022Stout Announces 2023 Academic Calendar House District 24 Run By Marla Jones Managing Editor marla@southerntorch.com
By Marla Jones Managing Editor marla@southerntorch.com
The Fort Payne Board of Education held its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, February 24. The Board approved the following resignations: Tashala Hill, Part-time, System-wide Special Education Aide, effective February 18.
The following transfer was approved by the Board: Cassandra Hester, from a full-time Bus Driver to a half-time bus driver, effective February 22. The following placements were approved: • Jacob Brown, as Fort Payne High School Girls Soccer Faculty Representative, effective January 28.
>See BOE, P3
DEKALB COUNTY, Ala.-- Don Stout recently announced he will seek election for House District 24, which is currently being held by Nathaniel Ledbetter. Stout, a native of DeKalb County, is a graduate of Auburn University with degrees in Math and Physics. He also is a graduate of Athens College with a degree in American History. Don Stout is married to Martha Harris Stout. Their children are Suzanne Parcelewicz and Richard (deceased). The Stouts have five grandchildren. After college, Stout was employed in the Aerospace Industry for thirteen years before returning to Fort Payne as co-owner of The Gas House. When Stout retired, The Gas House, now known as GH Metal Solutions, had grown from nine employees to 282 employees. Stout proudly participated in the Boy Scouts, earning his Eagle Badge in 1956. In 2017, he
Your Weekend Torchcast Brought to you by... FRI. MARCH 4
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received the Heart of an Eagle Award, from the Greater Alabama Council BDA for exhibiting “compassion for community through leadership, character, and integrity.” As a member of the Lions
>See Stout, P3
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