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• CONTINUED: Commission Strives to Open Roads • See Who's Featured in our Business Spotlight!
Who's Ready for Some Football?
By Marla Jones Managing Editor marla@southerntorch.com
ALABAMA-- On Thursday, the Alabama High School Athletic Association announced that football will be played this fall. According to the press conference and the AHSAA Best Practices Return to Play for 2020 guidelines, the purpose is to have complete athletic seasons through championship plays. School systems may choose to begin fall practice on or after July 27. Two-a-day practices are prohibited during the week of July 27 but may begin on August 3. A few of the highlights of the press conference were that football season will start as originally scheduled. Athletes can attend school either in person or through virtual means. School districts will decide whether they will play or opt-out of competition without penalty. Districts can also decide if fans will be allowed to attend the games. “As long as the AHSAA does not change course, we will be playing ball and at this time we do not anticipate limiting
>> READY, P5
• Inside The Statehouse with Steve Flowers • Local Candidates Announce Campaigns
THIS WEEK IN COMMUNITY • NACC Names Scholarship for Peggy Turner • CONTINUED: No Tech Fees for Students
• DeKalb HOF Postpones Banquet • CONTINUED: Who's Ready for Some Football?
Ivey Extends Health Order, Mask Mandate By Zach Hester Reporter zach@southerntorch.com MONTGOMERY, Ala. — At a press conference on Wednesday, Governor Kay Ivey (R-Ala.) extended the State of Alabama’s “Safer-at-Home� order, which includes a statewide mask mandate, until the end of August. The order was previously set to expire at 5 p.m. on Friday, July 31. The updated order now includes a mask requirement for students and faculty participating in in-person instruction at schools this fall for
students from 2nd grade through college. Ivey encouraged schools to “get kids back in classrooms as quickly as possible.� Two weeks ago, Ivey announced the statewide mandate requiring masks for Alabamians when you are within six feet of another person outside your household, a vehicle operated by a transportation service, or an outdoor public space where 10 or more people are gathered. The order defines "mask" as any covering that covers both the nose and mouth. Exceptions for the order include practical
Commission Strives to Open County Roads
necessities defined by the Alabama Department of Public Health, some exercise, and voting or religious worship, though masks are encouraged in all of these scenarios as well. “I believe we are making progress in this arena,� said Ivey. “Wearing a mask can’t hurt, but it sure can help.� At the time of press, the State of Alabama had 81,687 cases with almost 1,500 deaths. 32,510 Alabamians are labeled as “presumed recoveries.� To read the full order, please visit alabamapublichealth.gov.
On Wednesday, Governor Kay Ivey opted to extend the state's mask mandate and "safer-at-home" order. (Alabama Governor's Office)
No Technology Fees for DeKalb Students
By Marla Jones Managing Editor marla@southerntorch.com
DeKalb Co. Road Superintendent Tom Broyles addressed the Commission regarding efforts to reopen all county roads. (Marla Jones | Southern Torch)
By Marla Jones Managing Editor marla@southerntorch.com DEKALB COUNTY, Ala. — (Full video on southerntorch.com) The DeKalb County Commission held their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, July 28. Road Superintendent, Tom Broyles gave the Commission updates on the recent Easter Flood Damage and the road department attempts to get all roads ready for traffic. The Easter Event was one of the largest flooding events in the area. Broyles also brought forth the purchase of new trucks. The amount for the trucks will be $20,000 less
than previously spent on vehicle purchases. The Commission approved the purchase. County Engineer, Ben Luther requested a Vacation Public Hearing for an abandoned section of CR 628. With no one in the audience commenting, the Commission voted to vacate the abandoned section of the road. With the recent grant that was received by the DeKalb County Sheriffs Office, the office will be able to hire more employees. Sheriff Nick Welden stated to the Commission that he would like to fill those positions from within. Seth Butler, Logan Smith along with
>> ROADS, P4
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RAINSVILLE, Ala. — (Full video on southerntorch.com) On Thursday, the DeKalb County Board of Education (BOE) held their regularly scheduled meeting. Superintendent Dr. Jason Barnett gave the Board a COVID-19 update and it was agreed to enter into a contract with Cintas to sanitize all schools weekly. The Board also agreed that In light of COVID-19, to waive the 2020-21 technology fee for all students.Dr. Barnett advised the board that after speaking with Ridgeway family members, that it was their desire to rename the LongRidgeway Stadium to Paul Benefield Stadium at Long-Ridgeway Field, which was approved by the Board. Paul Benefield is a legend in the coaching world. He is 9th on the all-time wins list for the State of Alabama. Benefield's overall record is 297-53 with a winning percentage of 84.9
percent. He has won four state championships and has never coached a losing record over his 28-year long career. In other business, the Board approved the following: On the Job Injury: Adam Haynes Maintenance Worker Facilities - 16 days Retirements/ Resignations • Terry McNew - Bus Driver - Ruhama Jr. High School - Retirement • Connie McFall Elementary Teacher Plainview High School - Retirement • Tracy Gilliland English Language Arts Teacher - Crossville High School - Retirement • Clifford Millican Bus Driver - Ider Special Services Center - Resignation • Tiffany Jenkins Itinerant Special
Education Teacher Crossville Middle School (Resignation) • Leah Smallwood Itinerant Elementary Special Education Teacher - Geraldine High School - Resignation • Brandon Renfroe - General Science Teacher - Plainview High School - Resignation Leave of Absence • Misty Brooks Itinerant Special Education Teacher Geraldine High School - 8/3/20-8/31/20 • Ashlea Veal Elementary Teacher CollinsvilleHigh School - 8/3/20-5/31/21 Transfers • Justin Croley Middle School Math Teacher at Crossville Middle School to 1⠄2 Assistant Principal / 1⠄2 Instructional Coach at Crossville Middle School • Riley Edwards Elementary Teacher at Crossville Middle School to Secondary P.E. Teacher and Assistant Football Coaching Duties at
>> BOE, P3
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