The Southern Torch — Vol. 6, No. 43

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2020 / VOL. 6, NO. 43 / $1.00




Spills, Fines, and Speed Tables Fighters Come in All Sizes

By Marla Jones Managing Editor RAINSVILLE, Ala. — The Rainsville City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday. James Payton with Ladd Environmental addressed the Council on the recent violations and


fines issued by the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM). The City received a $4,400 fine for a wastewater overflow and spill, due to pump problems at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. “This is something that we have to work through,� stated Mayor Rodger Lingerfelt. “We

self-reported as soon as the incident happened.� According to Lingerfelt, the problems that involved two pumps that have since been repaired and fixed. There was also a tank, where some bolts were loose, while someone was working on them. The infiltration into the system could be something as simple as animals digging

into the lines. Repairs were made to the problematic areas and will be reported back to ADEM. Despite not being on the agenda, Councilmember Ricky Bryum brought forward a plan to remove the three-way stop signs at the

teamed up with Micah Swift, to bring “Shop with a Cop� to Rainsville. Countless numbers of children were able to receive Christmas presents and had the opportunity to shop with the patrolmen of Rainsville. Smith, also realized the need for warm coats for the local residents. He organized a coat closet in the basement of the police station, where anyone in need, could pick

out a coat, no questions asked. He also taught a Self Defense Class to women, to name a few of the many things implemented during his time as Police Chief. Chief Smith was an asset to the City of Rainsville and will be missed. Southern Torch wishes Chief Kevin Smith the best in all his future endeavors.


Rainsville Police Chief Resigns

By Marla Jones Managing Editor • Too Much Blue • Fyffe Volleyball Advances to Regionals • The Gentle Giant

POLITICS • LETTER TO THE EDITOR: The Death of Leadership

COMMUNITY • Northeast Ala. Upcoming Events • Alabama Reports Final Census Results


• CONTINUED: Fighters Come in All Sizes • Who's In Our Business Spotlight? RAINSVILLE, Ala. — On Monday, the Rainsville City Council accepted the resignation of Rainsville Police Chief, Kevin Smith. Chief Smith has over twenty-six years of experience in law enforcement. Smith began his work at the Rainsville Police Department in May of 2016, serving as a patrolman. He served in Investigations before being appointed as Rainsville Police Chief in January 2017. In his short term as Police Chief, Smith was actively involved in the Rainsville community. Smith started the “Coffee With a Cop� program, where Rainsville citizens could get to know the police force better. He




At this week's meeting of the Rainsville City Council, the Council signed a proclamation designating October as Dwarfism Awareness and Acceptance Month. (Submitted Photo)

By Marla Jones Managing Editor RAINSVILLE, Ala. — On Monday, the Rainsville City Council signed a Proclamation that designated October as Dwarfism Awareness and Acceptance Month. Dwarfism is short stature that results from a genetic or medical condition. Dwarfism is generally defined as an adult height of 4 feet 10 inches (147 centimeters) or less. The average adult height among people with dwarfism is 4 feet (122 cm). Dwarfism most often happens in families where both parents are of average height. Patti Gilbert Carson was at the meeting to celebrate the signing of the proclamation Monday on behalf of her daughter, Tinsley Andrews. Tinsley was diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism called Kniest Displaysia that occurs in one in a million births. Gilbert stated that her daughter is exactly “one in a million.� “As a Mom, I feel that this is a wonderful gesture from our hometown. For the City of Rainsville to make October Dwarfism Awareness Month, means so much to me and Tinsley because people need to

educate on what dwarfism is and how it affects the person,� stated Gilbert. “No, Tinsley is not DIFFERENT than any other teenager, she is just a LITTLE shorter! Thank you to our Mayor and City Council for going above and beyond for our children and our great city." From day one, Tinsley Andrews has been a fighter. She was born a full month before her due date on December 8, 2004. Tinsley was born with a genetic condition known as kniest dysplasia. Among the symptoms were a cleft palate and weakened windpipe. The cleft palate caused serious problems, making it almost impossible for her to swallow. Due to this, she was sent to Children’s Hospital at just two weeks old. At less than one month old, she underwent fundoplication surgery, a procedure in which the upper curve of the stomach is wrapped around the esophagus and sewn into place in order to prevent food and stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus. Feeding tubes were inserted to ensure that Tinsley could begin to grow.


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