The Southern Torch — Vol. 6, No. 46

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2020 / VOL. 6, NO. 46 / $1.00




Commission Welcomes New Member By Marla Jones Managing Editor

Newly-elected District 2 Commissioner Terry Harris, pictured with his wife Teresa, is sworn into his new position by District Judge Steve Whitmire. (Amy Thrash | Southern Torch)

Rainsville Approves First Alcohol Sales

DeKALB COUNTY, Ala. — The DeKalb County Commission held an organizational meeting to swear-in new commissioners and a regular session to discuss normal county business. District 1 Commissioner Shane Wootten was sworn-in for another term by DeKalb County Commission President Ricky Harcrow. Newly-elected District 2 Commissioner Terry Harris was sworn-in by District Judge Steve Whitmire. DeKalb County Road Superintendent Tom

BOE Honors Richards

Broyles delivered an update on progress on County Road 835, also known as Old Highway 35. He reported that the job “gets bigger every day� with no date set but it’s “not looking good� for the project to be completed by the end of the year, due to issues that have arisen because of constant rainfall. Broyles stated that excavating will likely occur in sections to accommodate weather conditions. DeKalb County Engineer Ben Luther asked the Commission to enter a funding agreement with the Alabama Department

> NEW, P6


• Bears Cage the Eagles • Tiger Fight • Geraldine Falls to J.B. Pennington


Rainsville Revenue Officer Kennedi Traylor discusses the process of obtaining an alcohol license. (Marla Jones | Southern Torch) By Marla Jones, Managing Editor RAINSVILLE, Ala. — The Rainsville City Council held a Special Session on Monday, November 9, at 4:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber. Items up for discussion were three (3) Alcohol Application Packets presented by the Alcohol License Review Committee to the Council. There are several other applications being processed to be presented at a future meeting. Kennedi Traylor, Revenue Officer for the City of Rainsville, explained the process of obtaining the alcohol license to the councilmembers. The application must be approved by the Alabama Beverage Control (ABC) before the Council votes. The Council approved the following businesses to sell alcohol: Bruce's Foodland, Topher's Wings, and the Northeast Alabama Agri-Business Center. The Rainsville City Council will hold a regular council meeting on Monday, November 16 at 4:30 p.m. with a work session beginning at 4 p.m.

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Mark Richards (center) was honored for his 18 years of service with the DeKalb County Board of Education at a meeting last week. Richards is pictured with fellow Board members Robert Elliott, Carol Hiett, and Monty Darwin, and DeKalb County Superintendent Dr. Jason Barnett. (Marla Jones | Southern Torch) By Marla Jones their appreciation for his The board went into hard work for the Executive Session to have a Managing Editor Student Discipline administration and students of the DeKalb Hearing. The Board County School System. approved expulsion for the RAINSVILLE, Ala. After a time of gathering student. — The DeKalb County and refreshments, the The Board approved Board of Education held Board went into the the following On the Job their regularly scheduled regular session of the Injury: meeting on November 5. meeting. • Lindsey Wade, During the work session In the regular session Secondary Social Sciences part of the meeting, the of the meeting, the Board Teacher at Geraldine High board honored outgoing recognized the School (0 days) Board Member Mark accomplishments of early The following Richards, for his eighteen Retirements/Resignations graduate Kirstin Slaton of years of service with the DeKalb Board of Education. Ider High School. They also were approved: • Angie Duncan, Several guests came to recognized Tony Callaham who obtained his School tell funny antics about Mr. Bus Mechanic Certification. > BOE, P6 Richards. All expressed




• Ivey Extends Mask Order Through December 11 • The Father of Alabama's GOP

COMMUNITY • NACC Announces New Scholarship Program • Upcoming Events in DeKalb Co.

BUSINESS • ADPH Announces Vaccine Distribution Plan • Who's In Our Business Spotlight?

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