The Southern Torch – Vol. 7, No. 10

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THE SOUTHERN TORCH / FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 2021 / VOL. 7, NO. 10 / $1.00






>> Fyffe and Sylvania Advance after Big Wins in the AHSAA State Semifinals

>> Rainsville to Hire Part-Time Court Magistrate >> Inside The Statehouse

>> ADPH to Receive New Johnson & Johnson Vaccine >> Our Business Spotlight

Fort Payne: In-Person Meetings Return April 6 By Marla Jones Managing Editor

FORT PAYNE, Ala. — (Full video at The Fort Payne City Council held its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, March 2 via Zoom. During the virtual session, Council President Walter Watson requested that in-person meetings of the Council return beginning in April. The Fort Payne Council has held virtual meetings since the beginning of the year. “Let’s take this month and try to get the vaccines, and resume our scheduled meetings at City Hall on April 6,”

Love That Chicken from Popeye's! (Submitted Photo)

said Watson. The Council also discussed the future use of the Coal & Iron Building and potential rates for rentals. This issue will be discussed further in an upcoming work session. In other business, the Council: • Passed Resolution 2021-06, amending Resolution 2020-40 as it relates to the FPIA Board (Councilmembers John Smith and Phillip Smith opposed the measure) • Passed Resolution 2021-07, authorizing an application for the Recreational Trails Program grant • Approved an activity permit for

>> See FP, P5

Rainsville to Hire PartTime Court Magistrate

By Marla Jones, Managing Editor • FORT PAYNE, Ala. — Citizens of Fort Payne and the surrounding areas are abuzz as a new Popeye’s location has opened in Alabama’s Mountain Town. Located on Glenn Blvd SW, the new restaurant becomes one of the first Popeye’s locations across the nation to don the new logo and branding. Popeyes was founded by Alvin C. Copeland and has been around since 1972. The Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen Chicken Sandwich became famous in 2019 and started a food war with their competition.

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By Zach Hester Reporter RAINSVILLE, Ala. — (Full video at On Monday, the Rainsville City Council voted to create a new position within the City court

system: a part-time court magistrate. The new position will solely handle court business. The hire will be on a temporary basis at $40 per night until September, just to see if the role is necessary to conduct city court business.

In other business, the Council: • Passed Resolution 03-01-2021 (A) to award the bid for a 2004 Ford bucket truck to T.J. Enterprises in the amount of $18,000 • Passed Resolution

>> See CITY, P5


Sylvania to Receive Grant with Rebuild Alabama Act

By Marla Jones Managing Editor SYLVANIA, Ala. — In a statement on Tuesday, Governor Kay Ivey and the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) announced 21 road or bridge projects would begin with funding from the Rebuild Alabama Act. Among these projects was the City of Sylvania's resurfacing of 6th Street from Burnt Church Road to Blue Pond Blvd West. The project is expected to cost $245,665. The funding is made available through the Annual Grant Program, a program created under the Rebuild Alabama Act. The Rebuild Alabama Act, overwhelmingly passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor Ivey in 2019, requires ALDOT to establish an annual program setting aside $10 million off the top of the state’s share of new gas tax revenue for local projects. “As we near the second anniversary of the passage of the Rebuild Alabama Act, we are showing the people of our state that we are true to our word, and money is being spent wisely," said Ivey. "All revenue is being used to enhance critical infrastructure to make Alabama a better place to live, work and play.”

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