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Senior citizens' chef hangs up apron

Chef hangs up the apron

Shirley Petrillo retires from her cooking duties with the South Fayette senior citizens group

By Andrea Iglar

For about a decade, Shirley Petrillo was the chef behind the stuffed shells, Italian salad, chili and other dishes served at the monthly luncheons of the South Fayette Area Senior Citizens Association.

Petrillo retired this summer from her volunteer position as cook for the nonprofit group.

During the July 17 meeting, association officers surprised her with a bouquet of flowers and thanked Petrillo for her service.

Betty Buzzato and Janet Florio, who are sisters, took over cooking duties.

“I have a hard time believing they’ll keep Shirley out of the kitchen,” group president Margie Smith said to a roomful of laughter.

Shirley Petrillo, center, receives flowers and congratulations in July upon her retirement from the volunteer chef position with the South Fayette Area Senior Citizens Association.
Photo by Andrea Iglar

Each month, Petrillo spent several days planning her menu, shopping for groceries and preparing food. Often, she fed more than 100 people.

Petrillo grew up learning how to cook; her parents owned Mariani’s Club 28 at the corner of Millers Run Road and Battle Ridge Road (not to be confused with Mariani’s Italian Restaurant, which was on the sharp bend in Cuddy where McClelland’s Public House now operates).

“All my family cooked,” Petrillo said. “It’s in the genes.”

The senior citizens association provides social and recreational opportunities for members age 55 and over and their spouses. The group meets at 515 Millers Run Road in the Morgan neighborhood of South Fayette.

Weekly activities include bingo, card games and Mah Jongg. A luncheon meeting is held on the third Monday of each month at 12:30 p.m.

Eligible adults who live in or around South Fayette are welcome to attend the luncheon for information about becoming a member.

Details: southfayettepa.com/seniors
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