Key Stage 4 Celebration Evening

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Key Stage 4 Celebration Evening Tuesday 11 December 2012

Order of Proceedings Welcome

Mrs P Thompson Head of Year 11 (2011/12)

Introduction Miss Chris Abbott Executive Principal

Keynote Speech Mr Richard McCann

Presentation of Awards Mrs M Trainor Assistant Headteacher Mr Richard McCann Guest Speaker

Closing Speech Miss Chris Abbott

Richard McCann Richard is an inspirational speaker who has overcome adversity and personal tragedy to achieve great success in life. He has been invited to this awards evening to talk to our students about positive thinking, looking at their own potential, developing the determination to succeed and to also provide guidance on the steps to success.

Welcome to our Key Stage 4 Celebration Evening We host this ceremony to formally recognise and celebrate the achievements of our students and present them with school certificates and awards as well as their official GCSE certificates. The students receiving awards tonight have been nominated by their teachers, form tutor or Head of Year and have been selected in recognition of their hard work, positive attitude and good behaviour during their GCSE years. Our students, once again, performed exceptionally well in their GCSEs this Summer 2012 and achieved a really pleasing set of results for the school. Many of our students are being awarded tonight for exceptional subject performances and staff have nominated students for both dedication to their studies resulting in outstanding attainment as well as for hard work and effort during their studies to ensure they performed to their full potential. Many students have also been selected for their awards as they have demonstrated a real love for learning and during their subject work have shown passion, commitment and motivation to their own personal development and have stretched and pushed themselves to achieve the best they possibly can and supported their peers along the way. The aspirations and ambition of these students have inspired others in their classes and this hasn’t gone unnoticed by our teachers who have duly nominated these students for awards. Of course, there are also awards from form tutors to acknowledge those students who went the extra mile and made a positive contribution during form time. In addition, you can read more information on our special awards including the student who has been specially selected by their Head of Year in recognition of their general approach to whole school life and the students who have been specially selected to receive the Keith Chisholm Award and The Marie-France PayrÊ Award. We are proud of all our students and we look forward to rewarding all their achievements at this celebration evening.

Outstanding Achievement Awards Keith Chisholm Award

for outstanding contribution to the life of the school

Abigail Hornsby

Abigail was a very conscientious student and always worked hard to achieve the best possible grades. Her high levels of motivation, determined approach and commitment to learn independently resulted in a fantastic set of results across all subjects. She always helped others when they needed it and was never afraid to ask questions herself – a real pleasure to teach.

The Marie-France Payré Award for outstanding effort and commitment

Courtney Marshall

Courtney has shown exceptional effort, exemplary attitude to learning grades and has exceeded her predicted grades across the board.

Head of Year Award

for demonstrating exceptional levels of maturity and diligence

Connor Middleton

Connor was a quiet, conscientious and dignified student throughout all of his time in Key Stage 4. He consistently put all of his effort in to his subjects and his hard worked paid off as he achieved exceptional grades in his GCSEs. Connor was respectful to all members of staff and was a sociable student who had a loyal group of friends. He was a very supportive student in lessons and often helped his peers. Connor’s attendance and punctuality was impeccable, as was his behaviour and attitude to learning. It has been my absolute pleasure to have been Connor’s Head of Year for three years and I know he will achieve great things at A Level and in the future.

Subject and Tutor Awards Shannon Appleyard Maths

Shannon’s award is for her extreme hard work and for being a conscientious student who never gave up. She never found Maths particularly easy but continued to push herself to her full potential and was rewarded for this effort when collecting her GCSEs in Summer 2012.

Alistair Armstrong Business Studies

Alistair’s award is for outstanding levels of effort throughout the Business Studies course. His attitude and determination to succeed were exemplary throughout the two years, and he was a fantastic example of a student who consistently tried his best in the subject. Alistair’s final grade in Business Studies was testament to the hard work that this polite and conscientious student put into Business Studies.

Community Service

Alistair has helped in the Eric Fell Learning Resource Centre since Year 7. He has always turned up to do his Library Duty showing an admirable appreciation of the importance of his job and the effort that is needed to do it properly. He has always worked hard, listened well and followed instructions. He has interacted professionally with the borrowers and worked extremely well within our Student Library Assistant Team. His team work and outstanding effort deserve recognition, praise and reward. The work ethic he demonstrates is a good example to all.

Jonathan Armstrong Food Technology

Jonathan worked extremely hard throughout the Food Technology course during Years 10 and 11. Jonathan’s award is for the dedication and commitment he demonstrated towards his work and the approach he took in completing both practical and theory based tasks. Jonathan’s efforts were rewarded with a well deserved B grade.

Lauren Ashurst Textiles

Lauren’s award in Textiles is a reflection of the hard work and effort she put into the course. Through listening to and acting upon feedback given by teachers, Lauren was able to constantly improve and develop her skills. This saw her make vast improvements which resulted in her success.

Connor Bark Sports Studies

Connor’s award is for outstanding achievement in Basketball. Unfortunately due to the collapse of our local basketball club, East Riding Harriers, Connor’s progress has been hindered but his sporting success has continued through football. Connor was the captain of the Senior Basketball team who were crowned both East Riding and Humberside champions in 2011/12.

Zak Bigley BTEC Media

Zak’s award is for the hard work and dedication that he put into all elements of his BTEC Media course. His maturity, attention to detail and high aspirations attributed to his outstanding progress and overall result of a Distinction*. Zak was and still is a selfreflective, enthusiastic and highly motivated learner and continues to be a credit to the department as he embarks upon his first year of AS Media.


Zak’s award is for the hard work and effort that he put into all lessons in Year 11 that translated into an excellent grade overall. He was not always confident in his own abilities at the beginning but Zak put in the hours, attended revision sessions and always met deadlines which resulted in his success in English.

Katherine Bradley History

Katherine’s History award is for her hard work, enthusiasm and outstanding achievement in all units. She always took a supportive and leadership role within group work, often helping her fellow students when necessary. Katherine was a pleasure to teach and we have no doubt that her success in this subject will continue in her A Level studies.

Sport Studies

Katherine’s award is for high achievement within Sports Studies achieving an A* grade at GCSE level. This fantastic grade is a reflection of her outstanding academic ability and commitment to lessons both theoretically and practically.

India Brattan Physics

India achieved an A* in Physics, achieving 290/300 UMS marks overall. She is to be congratulated on her coursework, in which she obtained full marks and on her last exam in which she achieved 94/100 UMS marks. India was determined and worked hard to be successful in Physics.

Amy Brown English

Amy’s award is for her continuous hard work throughout the course, resulting in outstanding results. Her attitude to learning was exemplary and she attended lessons with enthusiasm. Amy is an approachable, friendly student who participated well in all activities throughout her two years studying English.


Amy was chosen to receive this award because of her hard work and independent learning during the coursework aspect of this course. She is a conscientious student and her efforts were rewarded with a great GCSE grade. She was a pleasure to teach and we are thrilled that she has continued with the subject into the Sixth Form.

Sadie Bryant Art

Sadie was a thoroughly dedicated and enthusiastic artist during Years 10 and 11. She combined her talent with intelligent thinking, and the hard work she put into the course saw her achieve the highest mark of the year which was thoroughly deserved.

Ellie Bush Drama

Ellie showed extreme resilience, determination and high levels of application in her Drama course; working with her peers in a way that was consistently creative and collaborative. She was perpetually generous in giving her ideas and always ready to consider the responses of others. Ellie gave generously of her time and always sought to achieve higher; and produced wonderful work both independently and as a part of a team. She should be very proud of her achievement and we are sure she will go onto fully realise her future aspirations.


Ellie’s award is for outstanding attitude to learning and achievement. Despite some challenges faced in using some of the software required for the qualification, Ellie was always a conscientious and hardworking student who achieved a Distinction grade in ICT through hard work, determination and concentration.

Grace Chapman History

Grace’s award is for her ability to work hard and independently throughout the History course. Through working extremely hard, Grace was able to improve her grades over the two years, resulting in an overall A grade. We look forward to seeing Grace achieve a similar success in the A Level History course.

Laura Clarke Food Technology

Laura worked consistently hard throughout the Food Technology course during Years 10 and 11; she developed high standards in practical skills and worked well on her controlled assessment. Her efforts were rewarded with an outstanding overall grade.

Annabel Cleminshaw Sports Studies

Annabel’s award is for commitment and effort demonstrated in all lessons through Key Stage 4. Annabel was a previous Year Sports Captain, and a member of several sports teams including the National Winning Girls Football team in 2010/11.

Hannah Cole Biology

Hannah’s award is for the hard work and effort that she put into coursework and lessons in Year 11 leading to an A grade overall. Hannah stood out in set 2 for her hard work and effort. This was recognised and she was moved into set 1 where again she set an example in how she applied herself to her studies in Biology. Work was always completed to a high standard and extension work regularly undertaken.


Throughout the two years Hannah’s effort has been fantastic and she would always help others around her achieve more, which is why she has been selected for this award. Hannah’s hard work led to her excellent achievement in Geography and her attitude to learning was exemplary.

Chris Curtis Tutor Award

Throughout the year Chris was always a valued and respected member of his form. He was always willing to take part in form activities and made his best effort during form time. He always showed members of the form the upmost respect and was supportive to his fellow form members. He showed his true commitment and strength through his work experience and has had glowing reports from them.

Josh Daley Product Design

Josh was an absolute pleasure to teach throughout his Product Design course. This award is for his hard work and determination to succeed. Josh’s overall A grade was a reflection of his efforts and was thoroughly deserved.

Georgina Davies COPE

Georgina’s award is for her excellent attendance and her conscientious and diligent approach. This, along with her enthusiasm for the course, meant that she produced exemplar folders for her Certificate of Personal Effectiveness qualification. It should also be noted that Georgina made such speedy progress in Year 11 and as a result was particularly supportive to other students and happy to provide them with help and guidance.

Matthew Dean History

Matthew’s History award is for his hard work, enthusiasm and outstanding achievement in all units throughout the two years. He was a pleasure to teach and took responsibility for his own learning - always working hard and determined to improve his work.


Throughout Year 10 and 11 Matthew has always worked hard to be successful in Biology. He always went above and beyond when completing homework tasks and was always willing to help others. Matthew’s effort and determination to do well when he was completing his coursework ensured that he achieved a good GCSE grade in Biology.

Naomi Dobson Business Studies

Naomi’s award is for the full effort she gave to the Business course over the two years. All independent work was submitted, and feedback was acted upon. She prepared herself well for both exams and was excellent in class at working with others. She was also very capable at offering valuable feedback as part of peer assessment to her classmates.

Modern Foreign Languages

Naomi’s award is given for her outstanding achievement in German. During the course Naomi worked very hard and was determined to achieve her potential in German. During her assessment tasks she also gave her all and demonstrated an excellent attitude towards her studies.

Sarana Drewery Maths

Sarana’s award is for working extremely hard over the two years of her GCSE course. Her work was always of the highest standard and she was always willing to go the extra mile for her studies, for example attending booster sessions in the holidays or on Saturdays and revision sessions during lunch or before school. Her grade C was very well deserved.

James Ell

Religious Studies

James’ award is for his consistently high standard in Years 10 and 11 throughout the Religious Studies course. He worked hard to meet all deadlines, participating well in lessons and was rewarded for this effort with an overall A grade.

Chris Elliott Maths

Chris’ award is for his extreme hard work throughout the two years, despite not finding maths particularly easy. He came to every lesson with the attitude that he would get the work done and he would always keep going until it was completed. This level of determination was rewarded with a well deserved grade on results day.

Reagan Empson English

Reagan’s award is for the hard work and effort that she put into her coursework and exam preparation. Reagan could always be relied on to work to the very best of her ability and was rewarded with good grades as a result. She wasn’t content with just doing the actual work set, but looked for extra revision exercises and was ready to ask for and accept advice.


Reagan’s award is for outstanding achievement and a fantastic attitude to learning in ICT. Reagan could always be relied upon to excel and put in high levels of effort into her work, meeting all deadlines and producing fantastic finished products. She also was able to pass on this detailed understanding, showing other students the skills that she had learnt.

Elizabeth Finlay Dance

Elizabeth’s Dance award is due to her constant levels of enthusiasm, participation and dedication to the subject. She always completed work to an excellent standard, on time and to a level of detail required of that of an A Level student.

BTEC Media

Elizabeth made outstanding progress throughout her BTEC Media course resulting in an overall grade of Distinction*. Elizabeth was a pleasure to teach; she modelled a high level of adaptability, maturity and a real desire to learn and act upon feedback in order to improve. Elizabeth’s attitude to learning was outstanding and she presented herself and all her assignments with a degree of excellence and finesse.

Jack Franklin Business Studies

Jack’s award is for the determination and effort he made to make sure he would succeed at his Business Studies course. He couldn’t attend 100% of lessons but he caught up on every piece of work that he missed and always ensured homework was handed in. Controlled assessment was a big hurdle for Jack, but after many weeks of research and planning, he overcame the problems faced by this and achieved his target grade.

Colin Gardiner ICT

Colin’s award is for outstanding achievement and a fantastic attitude to learning in ICT. Colin could always be relied upon to excel and put in high levels of effort into his work, meeting all deadlines and producing fantastic finished products.


Colin’s award is for the hard work and effort that he put into coursework and lessons in Years 10 and 11 that translated into an excellent grade overall and very high exam scores. He was not confident in his own abilities at the beginning but he put in the hours, came and asked for help and always met deadlines which resulted in his success.

Shaun Gledhill Product Design

Shaun’s award is for the substantial improvements he made from Year 10 and the determination he showed to turn his grades around during Year 11. He was hard working and dedicated to the course, achieving a well deserved B grade at the end of the two years.

Laura Grundy Music

Laura’s award is for her hard work during Years 10 and 11, and for always displaying a strong commitment to her learning. Laura’s professionalism, diligence and attitude to learning inspired others to work equally as hard and meant that she achieved highly at GCSE level.

Alice Haddlesey English

Alice’s award is for her determination to succeed. She has shown herself to be an intelligent girl with a love for English and, in particular, poetry. She constantly strives to improve and is able to ask challenging questions of those in authority in order to do so, which will be an invaluable quality in the future. In addition to this, Alice is a powerful and persuasive speaker - the speech she prepared on her childhood in China, which demonstrated her eloquence and was genuinely touching, used presentational tools very effectively.

Chris Harris

Religious Studies

Chris’ award is for his fantastic work throughout the year. He supported others throughout Years 10 and 11 and regularly helped others with work and revision. Chris’ efforts paid off and he achieved excellent GCSE results.

Tutor Award

Chris’ Tutor award is in recognition of his hard work, positive attitude and team work skills. He was always a positive member of the form group and a great leader in all inter form competitions.

Callam Hartley Food Technology

Callam’s award is for his constant positive attitude to learning throughout the two years. He would always come to lessons well equipped and with all the necessary ingredients, developing good practical skills. He met all deadlines and worked conscientiously throughout the Food Technology course.

Amy Hewitt Tutor Award

Amy is a truly community spirited, positive thinking form member, who always has a smile on her face and a friendly word. Helpful, cheerful, patient and kind; Amy consistently tries hard, seeks to help people, and offer solutions to what others perceive as problems. In 11.10, whether it was fetching the notices in the rain, helping to organise inter form or handing out letters, Amy is a young lady who is always eager to assist and instinctively does so without even being asked. When her subjects threw challenges her way, she took a deep breath, kept her head high and found her path forward with the right balance of courage, determination, resilience and self-belief. A popular member of the form, an inspiring role model to other students and a young lady who is sure to achieve her aspirations and beyond.

Alex Hodges Sports Studies

Alex’s award is for community and endeavour; he has helped coach, organise and officiate during lower school rugby sessions. He was also a driving force behind the Ben Madden Memorial game; organising the match, teams and collecting a huge amount of fund raising through a fantastic raffle. All proceeds went to the Daisy Appeal and last year raised a fantastic £5330.

Tutor Award

Alex was an outstanding form rep for 11.08. He was dedicated, reliable and a true ambassador for our form. Following the sad loss of Ben, our form remained brave and very strong and Alex was very much part of that fabric of strength. Not only did he bring a smile to form each day but he extended his care as form rep above and beyond what was expected.

Adam Holmes English

Adam’s award is for the excellent progress he made in English over the two year course. His attitude to learning was very positive and he attended all extra curricular revision classes, resulting in him achieving a grade above his target for English Literature.

Laura Holness Art

Laura’s award is for working hard right from the beginning of this course and throughout the two years, consistently meeting all the deadlines. Laura was a quiet worker and steadily produced excellent work to achieve a well deserved Distinction grade.

BTEC Applied Science

Laura worked hard all the time throughout Year 10 and 11. Her attitude was fantastic and she asked for advice when she needed it and acted upon the advice. She was keen to make sure that she achieved the highest possible grade for all her work and was a pleasure to teach.

Sophie Hopper

Modern Foreign Languages

Sophie’s award is for the hard work and effort she put into both the course and the revision lessons. Her excellent attitude to learning and her enthusiasm for French was rewarded with a well deserved grade and she worked hard to reach her target.

Additional Science

Sophie’s award is for her determination to succeed and she is to be congratulated on achieving a grade B in Additional Science. Sophie worked hard every lesson and listened to all advice given to her, which led to her achieving an A* on her coursework. She always had a smile on her face and strived to achieve the highest that she could.

Abigail Hornsby

Modern Foreign Languages

Abigail’s award is for the hard work and effort that she put into coursework and lessons in Year 10 and 11 that translated into an excellent grade overall. Abigail’s attitude to learning was faultless throughout the two years and she has gone on to study French at A Level, further deepening her knowledge of the subject.


Abigail consistently made excellent contributions to both the Senior Choir and the Orchestra. Her award is for showing high levels of dedication, commitment, and teamwork throughout the two years.

Louise Hudson BTEC Media

Louise’s award is for her outstanding progress and achievement within BTEC Media. Louise was a credit to herself, the course and the school. Her attention to detail and attitude to learning shone through all of her assignment work as did her aspiration and commitment to her studies. Louise was a pleasure to teach and truly deserved her outstanding grade of Distinction*.

Eleanor Hutchinson Dance

Eleanor has been nominated for this award due to her constant levels of enthusiasm, engagement and participation. She was dedicated and hard working towards every aspect of the course throughout Years 10 and 11.

Core Science

Eleanor is to be congratulated on achieving an A* in this subject, achieving 281/300 UMS marks. Her coursework that she produced was exemplary as was her attitude to the subject throughout Key Stage 4. Eleanor worked hard and was a pleasure to teach.

Samih Inceer Tutor Award

Samih is being awarded for his self motivation and hard work. He set himself some very stretching targets which he made sure he achieved. Looking at his exam results over the last two years he managed to get 25 A*’s which is down to his persistence and dedication.

Courtney Inch Geography

Courtney is awarded for her fantastic progress in Geography during the two year GCSE course. This resulted in Courtney gaining an improved confidence and ability in the subject, and her efforts were rewarded with a fantastic A* grade.

Religious Studies

Courtney has worked to a consistently high standard in Years 10 and 11. She has met all deadlines and participated well in lessons making excellent progress.

Amber-Jade Inman Business Studies

Amber’s award is for her positive work ethic and the consistent level of effort that she put into both coursework and classwork tasks throughout the course. Despite having a sound understanding of the subject material, she would always ask for help or suggestions that would enable her to improve her work further. As a result of her effort and enthusiasm, Amber attained one of the highest grades in the class of which she should be very proud.

Mary Jackson Geography

Mary’s award is for her team work. She is a fantastic team player who helps others to understand the subject matter better. Mary is always enthusiastic and cheerful; a real joy to have in a lesson.

Matthew James Engineering

Matthew was hard working during Years 10 and 11. He was a keen student who was always dedicated to the subject, working really well to achieve the A grade that he did.

Matthew Johnson Business Studies

Matthew’s award is for outstanding levels of effort throughout the course. His attitude towards the subject was excellent and he always put in 100% effort into the subject, bringing in his understanding of current issues into the classroom on a regular basis. His achievement in Business Studies was fantastic with him achieving an A* grade in the course. His ability to work independently or as part of a group, as well as his ability to impart his knowledge and understanding on others, makes him an excellent candidate and thoroughly deserving of a Key Stage 4 award.

Bryony Johnston Textiles

Bryony’s award is for her perseverance on an independent level with both practical and written work to result in a product which reflected her own ideas and design. She was a very independent student and made an original, good quality end product.

Alexander Kaniewski Drama

A highly creative, talented and motivated student with a huge respect for Drama and Theatre, Alex consistently impressed his teachers and the Creative Arts staff and students. His award is for his exemplary commitment, dedication and enthusiasm. A very talented director, playwright and actor, Alex always gave up his time, ideas and evaluations to take his own learning forward and that of others, too. He is a student who truly believes in community and the importance of aspiration, and is always ready with a reassuring or encouraging word for his peers. Alex brought originality to the group and inspired others with his individuality and unique and perceptive approaches, earning true respect from his peers and teachers. A young man with the determination and talent to succeed.


Alex’s award is for the extreme hard work and extra effort that he put into all lessons in Year 11 that translated into an excellent grade overall. Alex has always found English difficult and was not always confident in his own abilities but he put in many hours, always came and asked for help and always met deadlines which resulted in his fantastic success in his English exam in the summer.

Sandie Lai ICT

Sandie’s award is for consistently high standards of work and achievement. Her work was always completed to the highest standard allowing her to achieve a Distinction grade in ICT. In addition to this her work is often used as an exemplar to demonstrate the high standards to other students.


Sandie was dedicated to her Maths studies, working very hard in and out of class, putting in extra independent work in order to gain an A* grade from set 2. Sandie is now continuing her studies in Maths at A Level in the Sixth Form.

Ben Leach Drama

Ben’s award is for true commitment and high levels of creativity throughout the Drama course - he always gave of his best and was entirely generous with his ideas, time and feedback for others. Ben always acted on direction given, and approached his Drama workshops with professionalism and an exemplary attitude to learning. Ben showed an active interest in extra curricular Drama and fully immersed himself in both the school and the wider Creative Arts community.

Elle Limbert English

Elle’s award is for the hard work and effort that she put into all lessons in Year 11 that translated into an excellent grade overall. She was not always confident in her own abilities at the beginning but she put in the hours, came and asked for help and always met deadlines which resulted in her success.


Elle has a fantastic attitude to learning and helped inspire other students in the class to complete work. Elle always questions herself and others around her to ensure her subject knowledge is secure.

Sarwat Malik English

Sarwat’s award is for outstanding achievement in English over the two year GCSE course. Sarwat put in 110% effort in each and every lesson and as a result gained two A* grades in the summer. She was a pleasure to teach and it has been fantastic to see her confidence grow and for her academic writing to mature. Sarwat has continued to study Literature at A Level and we wish her every success in the future.

Religious Studies

Sarwat’s award in Religious Studies is for being consistently outstanding in all aspects; achievement, attitude and behaviour. She has been an excellent student and a pleasure to teach.

Amy Marin Maths

Amy has consistently worked hard in every lesson and all homework was completed to an excellent standard. She was very conscientious to those around here and often helped other students.

Lewis Marsden Maths

Lewis’s award is for all the help and support he gave others. He has the ability to be told a mathematical idea once and then connect it to many other mathematical ideas and his results were outstanding.


Lewis was a pleasure to teach as he was extremely gifted, particularly in the Mathematical aspects of the subject. Overall he achieved a total of 289/300 UMS marks which was easily an A* in the subject. In his written papers, Lewis achieved 198/200 UMS marks which is a fantastic achievement. He has a passion for Chemistry and is now doing this at A level.

Courtney Marshall BTEC Media

Courtney’s award is for the outstanding contribution that she made to her BTEC Media course. Over the two years, Courtney’s progress was exceptional; her work went from strength to strength, producing exemplary work of a very high standard. Such hard work and commitment transpired into an outstanding grade of Distinction*. It is an honour to have Courtney continuing to harness her skills within AS Media this year. Courtney was, and still is, a credit to the Creative Arts Department.

Abbie Maunder

Modern Foreign Languages

Abbie’s award is given for the enthusiasm and hard work she has shown for the subject over the last two years. She worked extremely hard, both in lessons and at home, and was always keen to act upon advice on how to improve. Her attitude to her studies was outstanding.


Abbie produced an outstanding effort throughout the two years and was rewarded with an A* grade in Chemistry. She was an excellent teamworker and was always willing to help both the teacher and her fellow students. Her attitude to learning was first class and her enthusiasm for Chemistry was infectious and an inspiration to the rest of the class.

Cameron McCann Business Studies

Cameron’s award is for the hard work, effort and determination that he put into coursework and lessons throughout the course which resulted in him attaining the second highest grade in the class and an excellent and well deserved grade overall. He was often not confident in his own abilities but he put in the hours, came and asked for help and always met deadlines which resulted in his overall success.

Tutor Award

Cameron was always on time and always came into form smiling. He would always offer to help and was a great character to have in the group.

Angus McMillan Tutor Award

Angus is a pleasant and thoughtful young man who worked hard and always knew what he had to do, as his results showed. He was effective as form rep and always willing to be involved in and help to organise form activities. His personality often lightened the mood in times of stress for other students. He is a student who has shown maturity and will always acknowledge you outside of school with a great big grin across his face.

Connor Middleton English

Connor’s English award is because, although he was not initially predicted an A* grade, he worked diligently throughout the two year course – achieving the highest grades throughout and full marks in narrative writing. Despite the national issues with English Language, Connor was one of the few students to achieve an A* in both Language and Literature. His behaviour, attitude and motivation were exemplary – it was a pleasure to teach him.

Modern Foreign Languages

Connor’s award is for the hard work and effort that he put into coursework and lessons in Years 10 and 11 that translated into an excellent grade overall. Connor’s attitude to learning was faultless throughout the two years and he has gone on to study French at A Level, further deepening his knowledge of the subject.

Lorna Minter Tutor Award

Lorna achieved an excellent set of GCSE results and worked really hard in what was a really difficult year for her. A real character of the group who always had a smile on her face.

Stella Nelson Maths

Stella is awarded for being a good role model student who over achieved through hard work and was consistently top of the class throughout the two years. She ended up getting an A grade on the Linear in March but was one of the few who got an A originally on the unit 2 exam taken in the November, which from set 3 was a great achievement.

Religious Studies

Stella’s award is for outstanding effort in Religious Studies. She regularly sought advice and help about how to improve her work which resulted in a well-deserved A*. Stella put a consistent amount of effort in throughout Years 10 and 11 which really paid off.

Amy Norton

BTEC Applied Science

Amy worked hard all the time throughout Years 10 and 11. Her attitude was fantastic and she asked for advice when she needed it and acted upon the advice. She was keen to make sure that she achieved the highest possible grade for all her work. Amy was a pleasure to have in the classroom.

Daniel Oakley BTEC Art

Daniel is always a polite, cheerful and friendly young man; a real pleasure to teach. The award is for his increasingly hard work as the BTEC Art course progressed and he achieved a well deserved Distinction grade overall.


Daniel has made outstanding progress through sheer hard work and determination. He discovered a more positive point of view about English during this process and was a pleasure to teach.

Bryony Owen

Modern Foreign Languages

Bryony’s award is given for her perseverance in German. Bryony showed great improvement over the two years in Years 10 and 11 and she worked really well with other students.


Bryony consistently produced work of an outstanding quality at GCSE level, and in doing so inspired her peers. Bryony’s contribution to extra curricular Music was excellent; and testament to her commitment to and passion for Music.

Laura Pandolfi Tutor Award

Laura’s award is for being consistently reliable and helpful. She was a form runner for the full year and never failed to fulfil her role. She remained pleasant and hard working and was willing to help others. She sustained a positive work ethic over the five years and spent many additional hours during lunchtime and after school on her studies. Laura had an excellent rate of attendance and punctuality also.

Rachel Parker Tutor Award

Rachel was always willing to help and was a form runner for the form. She was always supportive and friendly, represented the form and took part in form activities readily, effectively and efficiently.

Zach Patrick-Troy Art

Zach’s award is for always being polite and friendly in his Art lessons. Zach worked increasingly hard as the GCSE course progressed. He put in lots of extra time and he developed a highly motivated and very independent approach to the course.

Amy Pearson Maths

Amy’s award is for always being totally professional in her studies and working extremely hard and independently throughout the course. She put in many extra hours and was a pleasure to teach.

Bethany Precious Textiles

Bethany’s award is for the hard work and individual research she put into the course. She used her own style to produce an original and well presented project and really got into the idea of designing for the 1960’s. Her hard work paid off resulting in an overall A grade.

Hannah Pullen History

Hannah’s award is for her outstanding achievement in all units which were consistently at A* grade. She was hard working throughout Years 10 and 11, had an excellent attitude and was a pleasure to teach. Hannah was helpful in supporting other students in her group to achieve a role model.

Daniel Purkins Engineering

Daniel’s award is for his hard work throughout Years 10 and 11. He was keen and dedicated to the subject and worked really well to achieve his A grade.

Megan Revell Maths

Megan struggled with her confidence in this subject and often doubted her ability. This award is in recognition of Megan’s determination and the fact that she kept going, even when she didn’t feel well. Her efforts were rewarded with a well deserved A grade.

Ellie Roe ICT

Ellie’s award is for exceptional levels of determination and hard work throughout her ICT course. She made fantastic progress, and could be relied upon to put in 100% effort into any task given. Her eye for design and fastidious attention to detail, allowed her to excel in ICT and to make a fantastic contribution to the course.

Liam Rose

Sports Studies

Liam’s award is for outstanding achievement in football. Liam was part of the school team for five years, an East Riding School footballer at both Under 14 and Under 15 and he now plays for the Humberside Under 18 squad and is currently our Male Sixth Form Sports Captain.

James Rounding Sports Studies

James has been crowned our Male Champion for his all round commitment to school sport participating in athletics and football. He was also the school cricket captain and for four consecutive years the school cricket team were crowned East Riding champions.

Daniel Sanderson History

Daniel’s award in History is for being a hard working, self-disciplined and independent student. Daniel achieved a good grade overall which he should be really proud of.

Product Design

Daniel was an extremely hard worker throughout Years 10 and 11. He always did as asked, completed all required tasks and was a pleasure to teach.

Bijan Shamsaee Religious Studies

Bijan made huge improvement and progress from his mock grade to his actual GCSE result, he worked hard and made the necessary improvements to his work, resulting in an A* GCSE grade.

Sam Shepherd Food Technology

Sam worked extremely hard throughout the Food Technology course. He was an extremely dedicated and conscientious student who approached the course with effort and determination. Sam’s hard work was rewarded with an outstanding A* grade.

Ellie Shreeves Business Studies

Ellie’s award is for her determination and hard work. She was disappointed with her Year 10 exam result which was well below her target grade so decided to resit the exam. She attended all revision sessions and increased her grade from the bottom of a B grade to an A*. Her controlled assessment was very well prepared and written and Ellie scored 92/100 in her final exam meaning she finished with an A* grade overall.

Nathan Sivarajan Religious Studies

Nathan’s award is for the outstanding effort he always showed throughout the course. He was always willing to do that little bit more and also showed his outstanding abilities in group debates.

Bethany Skinner Maths

Bethany joined us at South Hunsley half way through Year 10 and this is award is in recognition of her determination to succeed in all her subjects. The hard work she put in to the GCSE Maths course saw her leave with very pleasing results. Bethany was a very pleasant girl and a pleasure to teach.

Hollie Smith

BTEC Hospitality and Catering

Hollie worked consistently hard throughout the course; she always approached the course with enthusiasm and showed a positive attitude to the others in the group, encouraging effective team work. Hollie also managed to achieve the highest possible grade of Distinction*.


Hollie’s award is for excellent effort at independent learning. Despite having already achieved a Distinction grade on the main unit (meaning she only needed a Pass on the secondary unit to achieve a Distinction overall) she still worked exceptionally hard to achieve higher than this, purely for personal satisfaction.

Adam Storey Geography

Adam was a great team player throughout the two years of his GCSE course, always helping his fellow students to become more involved with the work. His award is for the great attitude to learning he showed in all his Geography lessons and we are sure this will continue into his A Level studies of the subject.

Faye Suddart History

Faye’s work was outstanding across all units and she was always enthusiastic and very hard working. She was supportive in collaborative tasks with her peers and approached the course with enthusiasm and determination which was reflected in her overall A grade.

Sophia Taylor Art

Sophia’s award is for working quietly and consistently throughout the two year GCSE course. She always met deadlines and put in a lot of time and effort to achieve one of the highest marks of the year.

Zara Taylor

Child Development

Zara’s award is for her dedication and efforts with producing coursework. She worked extremely hard throughout the two year course and produced a fantastic range of booklets, health record diaries, story books for four year olds to use and baby food products as well as a very detailed individual child study.

Jethro Teal Sports Studies

Jethro’s award is for outstanding commitment to sport and his positive attitude. Formerly ranked in Martial Arts, Jethro continued his sporting success through both football and athletics, competing at school level for many years.

Tutor Award

Jethro could always be relied upon to take part in all tutor activities and was very active in organising and taking part in interform events. He was very saddened by the death of Ben Madden and he put a lot of time into organising and taking part in events to raise money for the Ben Madden Memorial.

Jessica Thompson Geography

Jessica worked fantastically as a team member over the two year course which helped secure her own understanding of the subject. She also helped to inspire other students and showed an enthusiastic approach to group work.

Sports Studies

Jessica has been crowned our Female Champion – an all round sports superstar, a former lower school Sports Captain and now the new Sixth Form Sports Captain. Jessica has shown exemplary behaviour and attitude towards all sports and PE lessons, fixtures and events. She is a former East Riding champion at both cross country and athletics and a national winner at girls football in the 2010/11 season.

Gemma Varley Child Development

Gemma developed her confidence, particularly in Year 11, and this award is for her hard work, dedication and enthusiasm to achieve excellent results. She worked extremely hard throughout the two year course and produced a fantastic range of booklets, health record diaries, story books for four year olds to use and baby food products as well as a very detailed individual child study.

Bethany Walker English

Bethany was an extremely conscientious and determined student. This award is for her positive commitment to her work which resulted in her being rewarded with an excellent GCSE grade.

Richard Watson COPE

Richard’s attendance was excellent and his conscientious and diligent approach together with his enthusiasm meant that he produced exemplar folders for his Certificate of Personal Effectiveness qualification and successfully completed the course.

Samuel Watts Additional Science

Samuel demonstrated significant progress throughout Key Stage 4 Science culminating in A grades in both Core and Additional Science. These results exceeded Samuel’s target and were a direct result of his hard work and quiet determination to do well. His attitude to learning was first class and he was an excellent role model within a mixed ability class.

Llucia Wood Art

Llucia’s award is for the hard work she put into the exam unit, achieving a mark of 79 out of 80. She produced some highly original work that reflects her determination, effort and independence.

Karl Zand

Business Studies

Karl’s award is in recognition of working steadily and consistently throughout Years 10 and 11. His mock exam suggested he was preparing well for the final exam and in the event he scored 93/100 UMS – the second highest mark in the year meaning he finished with an A grade.

East Dale Road, Melton, North Ferriby, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU14 3HS 01482 631208

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